#Rude ass game
heartwayfinder · 9 months
New worlds, New friends || @stardustaces
Roxas was taking a stroll through town, it felt good. It felt right. After what felt like too long he could live his life with his friends and do homework like any normal kid his age. No organization to work for, no end of the world, just a quiet life for him and his friends. Roxas felt like he deserved it for all he went through, well, being brought into existence as a nobody all of a sudden and then losing all the few memories you had wasn’t exactly his idea of a pleasant time. However, it did make school amusing as if anyone tried to do anything to him or his friends they’d soon learn very quickly to leave them all alone. The advantage when most people you’re close with can fight and are extremely agile and have quick reflexes. 
The boy took a breath as he paused his walk, there were so many people in town. What was once a world that was closed off to people, was now thriving with visitors from other worlds and everyone who would live here normally. It was a huge contrast from the empty town he knew about, it would be interesting to see what the next struggle tournament would be like with all these people. Scrooge would likely want to get involved too seeing how much money he could make from it. As Roxas was thinking of that, and the fact he might consider getting a Sea Salt Ice cream while here, he spotted a man also standing idly. Not one he’d seen before, a visitor from another world perhaps? When there was a town this size, you tended to know all the residents. 
Approaching the still figure he waved as a friendly gesture, “hello. Are you lost? Twilight Town can be a bit confusing at first.” With all the back alleys and roads interconnecting with each other, any new visitor could be lost. He was just thankful he found the man in town and not say by the old mansion.
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n0ahsferatu · 4 months
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pov you are a locked chest or perhaps someone bleeding to death
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florwal · 9 months
sorry i use a lot of packs in my builds and save files but getting mad at me over it cuz i don’t create shit specifically accommodated to u is pointless… either pirate all the packs or don’t download my shit, nobody’s forcing u to play with them.
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jrueships · 5 days
yall thought yall were safe from my 1998 temptations movie posting, but, rest unassured, you are not . melvin is old man running toward you with his chronic rheumatoid arthritis at excruciatingly slow speeds as we speak .
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he's so :3
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HLVRAI fandom try not to kill an already small/dying fanbase challenge failed.
I've never written a fanfic in my life and here I am working on two (2)!!!!! frenrey ones. Trying to do my absolute best with writing all characters involved and I keep seeing posts just absolutely shitting on people who "mischaracterize" the characters in fanfics/fanart by doing "x, y, z, etc." with a lot of people agreeing and complaining about it and like...I don't even want to write anymore bc y'all just suck the fun and joy out of it.
Not to mention the amount of toxic posts about how if you "do/don't draw a HLVRAI character x, y, z way then it's wrong and blah blah blah". Got me fucked up and making me confirm that the decision to never post any of my art (bc I know it's not great but I'm trying my best just like everyone else here is!!!!), is the right way to go.
This fandom is barely alive as it is and y'all have the gall to go and shit on content creators for not doing it "correctly" or 100% accurate to the source videos??? Take a minute to think about how maybe the creator is new to writing/drawing for the fandom or that the way they do something is to make THEMSELVES happy and they want to share it with the rest of the fandom in hopes that someone else will like it too?
The bad lot of you never fucking learned the basic rule of "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" or to idk...have some common decency?
Maybe just ignore or block something you don't like and go about your day like a normal adult?? Crazy concept I know but it works and you guys should try it sometime instead of hating on people who are literally providing free content and taking time out of their life to produce it bc its fun and makes them happy.
I'd say I'm sorry for the rant but I'm not. Some of you need a reality check about learning how to treat others even if you don't agree with the way they do something, or just need to learn to grow up and ignore shit you don't like. It's not hard at all and it'll make your life so much better I promise.
As for the good part of the HLVRAI fandom, I give you all a little smooch on ur forehead and tell u I'm proud of you all for doing what u guys do 💙
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clericofshadows · 6 months
getting a comment notification on AO3: ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪
getting a comment notification on nexus mods: ┬┴┬┴┤(・_├┬┴┬┴
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jaegerbroshoe · 1 year
Gale refusing the gloves when he thinks they’re Peeta’s but then taking them back when Katniss says they were Cinna’s… ABSOLUTE TRASH.
#oh and let’s not get into how he gets mad that katniss wants to bring peeta along when she suggests running away#I cannot stand this dude#he is literally so self-centred and arrogant#peeta never did anything bad to him in fact he’s a big reason katniss even made it through the hunger games#and the reason she survived starvation and actually began hunting#but instead of being grateful he’s just pissy and rude to him#even when peeta goes and takes care of his ugly ass after he gets whipped#he couldn’t even fathom the decency to be kind to him after he was tortured and hijacked#in fact he is literally jealous of him because he’s like ‘oh this makes katniss like you more than me’#like imagine that’s your takeaway regarding literal torture#he always makes everything about himself without regard to those who actually suffered more than a hurt ego#he was such a trash friend to katniss honestly#he acted like he owned her and no one else could be close to her#it’d be one thing if they had established a relationship before she left but they didn’t; he never confessed#so katniss owed him nothing but she literally spends all of catching fire trying to appease him#and being worried about how he will react to things she needs to do out of survival#instead of him comforting her after all the trauma she went through he just acted as one more thing for her to worry about#and he never apologizes for his behaviour while peeta acknowledges it’s not fair to hold it against katniss#but gale just has this mindset that he is the one who is owed an apology 🙄#all of this when he’s two years older than katniss and peeta too#talk about being immature and petty#the hunger games#misc#rant#my opinion
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One of my friends got a warning from EA for their name being "Shit Grass, Eat Ass". (I had the duo name "Skate Fast, Smoke Grass" which was apparently fine.)
Either they managed to kill a developer or someone reported them specifically, because I have seen astronomically worse names in the kill feed on a regular basis, and personally I love the things people come up with.
Legitimately I don't even know why they care when the ESRB reliquinshes the company of all liability the moment the player goes online. It's not like there's a slur in there or anything. Why can't people be silly?
All this to say,
God forbid Apex Legends players do anything and have fun with it.
Anyways don't think to hard about this post, I just found humor in it.
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midnightwind · 2 months
shout out to a guy I was friends with in high school who invited me to hang out at his place to play Halo who proceeded to do 0 things to help me, a person who openly stated they never played the game let alone shooters, find enjoyment or weapon spawns or Anything and spent like 4 hours sniping me from across the map then wondered why I never came back unless the other token girl was coming along
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tcustodis · 5 months
My biggest problem with bg3 (act 3 especially) is how the game forces sex on you. I don't recall being this uncomfortable while playing a game. You can be mean to a character or be neutral towards them and then you get an encounter where they're like "want to bang, I know you want it 😏😏😏😏😏" or "I can make you feel things you've never experienced 😏😏😏😏😏". If I wanted to play a dating sim simulator I'd play one. Call me prude, whatever, I know it's just a game, but I had enough of creeps in real life.
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atarishock · 1 month
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saturnsfather · 2 years
something something clara states multiple times that she does not lie and although you have multiple options of dialogue with people ultimately you never truly know whether shes lying because you just dont know enough about her. artemy is incredibly straightforward in both games and very rarely ever lies, he doesnt see the point in it, and even when he doesnt tell the flat truth he doesnt lie he lies by omission. daniil is stated by saburov as being ‘impeccably honest[…]’ and that being what got him in trouble in the capitol, and while daniil definitely (at least has the option to) openly lie(s) to people more than artemy does, he doesnt shy away from being Blunt and open with his thoughts of people most of the time, and when youre not playing as him, he almost Never lies, and tells you when hes not going to reveal something to you.
they are all honest, blunt, and open people who are exceedingly clear about what they want and who they are. there is almost no obfuscation of the truth and yet. clara sees the other two as liars and demons intent on destroying everything, daniil sees the other two as fools who wont tell him what he needs to do his job, and artemy sees the other two as poisonous outsiders saying whatever they need to to get their own outcome.
theyre all portrayed by others, both the other healers and the people of the town, as deceivers and charlatans. and yet all three of them are some of the most honest people in the whole game.
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haarute · 1 month
big family dinner gathering today pray for me to make it through
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landgraabbed · 1 year
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first days in vvardenfell
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kingflups · 2 months
PLEASSSSSEEE RE0 is so funny. Fucking. "Did you kill 23 people?" REBECCA COME ON
And fucking Enrico calling over the radio after Rebecca disappears on a runaway zombie train not with "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU" but to be pissy about whether or not the 18 year old first mission rookie found the extremely dangerous escaped felon. No fuck checking in on Edward who is fully dead and on the exploded train fuck that guy what's Rebecca doing??? fucking hell literally no notes I love this game
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