#Also new oc drops next week on Friday byeeeeee
glitch-pep · 4 months
Milo Intro
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[Character info is under the cut.]
Milo is a character that would've been in Making Fiends ever since the web series. He'd also be present from Season 1 of the Nickelodeon show and onwards.
Milo is one of Clamburgs unfortunate residents, and also Maggie's brother.
Maggie and Milo have the same, depressing world view, but they choose to cope with it differently. While Maggie does it through writing poetry, Milo does it with a different form of writing.
Jokes! Writing jokes, to be specific.
Before Vendetta took over Clamburg, he had the dream to become a comedian. But due to the strict rules that Vendetta implemented, he's unable to make jokes.
Why? Because they make people laugh.
And Vendetta hates any form of happiness that isn't her own.
So, now he only makes jokes that are more depressing/concerning than funny, so that they make no one laugh.
That would also be his main role in the show:
Saying dark humor one liners that flew over the heads of the little kids that were watching.
He's making the most out of what he can have.
...even if it has 20 layers of sarcasm coated around it.
He's pretty much just in a bad/tired mood in general, and always pessimistic, ready to point out the downside of any situation whether it's necessary or not. His comments tend to drain people, and they make them question things too much for their own good. Even when he may not mean any harm, he's always got this intimidating and strict aura around him that causes most people to dislike him, but they still take him seriously.
One gag regarding his character is that he's surprisingly lucky. Vendetta's attacks usually miss him, no matter how precise she may have initiated them. Thing is, at this point he doesn't care anymore. He'd usually just sit completely still as something flies by him at max speed, his only reaction being to take another sip of his coffee.
On the subject of coffee, he's a coffee addict. Most of his scenes include him with a cup of it, sometimes he pulls it out of thin air, which is another gag.
While his role in Season 1 and in a hypothetical Season 2 isn't very prominent, that'll change in hypothetical Seasons 3 and 4, since his role would change from background character to antagonist.
Here's the transparent versions of the drawings:
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