#The current Milo could eat the old one for breakfast-
glitch-pep · 4 months
Milo Intro
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[Character info is under the cut.]
Milo is a character that would've been in Making Fiends ever since the web series. He'd also be present from Season 1 of the Nickelodeon show and onwards.
Milo is one of Clamburgs unfortunate residents, and also Maggie's brother.
Maggie and Milo have the same, depressing world view, but they choose to cope with it differently. While Maggie does it through writing poetry, Milo does it with a different form of writing.
Jokes! Writing jokes, to be specific.
Before Vendetta took over Clamburg, he had the dream to become a comedian. But due to the strict rules that Vendetta implemented, he's unable to make jokes.
Why? Because they make people laugh.
And Vendetta hates any form of happiness that isn't her own.
So, now he only makes jokes that are more depressing/concerning than funny, so that they make no one laugh.
That would also be his main role in the show:
Saying dark humor one liners that flew over the heads of the little kids that were watching.
He's making the most out of what he can have.
...even if it has 20 layers of sarcasm coated around it.
He's pretty much just in a bad/tired mood in general, and always pessimistic, ready to point out the downside of any situation whether it's necessary or not. His comments tend to drain people, and they make them question things too much for their own good. Even when he may not mean any harm, he's always got this intimidating and strict aura around him that causes most people to dislike him, but they still take him seriously.
One gag regarding his character is that he's surprisingly lucky. Vendetta's attacks usually miss him, no matter how precise she may have initiated them. Thing is, at this point he doesn't care anymore. He'd usually just sit completely still as something flies by him at max speed, his only reaction being to take another sip of his coffee.
On the subject of coffee, he's a coffee addict. Most of his scenes include him with a cup of it, sometimes he pulls it out of thin air, which is another gag.
While his role in Season 1 and in a hypothetical Season 2 isn't very prominent, that'll change in hypothetical Seasons 3 and 4, since his role would change from background character to antagonist.
Here's the transparent versions of the drawings:
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veryrealimagination · 10 months
Comfortember Day 13 - Baking
William barely side-eyed the door when he saw Llewellyn walk in. A tote hanging from his arm and the apron that he kept after his stay with the Mennonites, he strode across the room and set the tote down. “Is anyone currently using the kitchen?” he inquired, bouncing a little bit.
He raised an eyebrow. “No, but Julia nor Susannah have woken up yet and I only made breakfast for myself,” he said.
Tilting his head, he nodded, “I will make something for her if she inquires.”
William didn’t want to know what the young man was planning. “You will also clean up?” he questioned, and reminded. He nodded quickly. “Go ahead and bake.” Excited, he took off his jacket and hung it below Julia’s before putting on the apron and heading with his tote.
The sounds coming from the corner were louder than any of his work on inventions, and he wondered if he ever sounded like that while he had been tinkering in the old room. At least he was happy with this. Everything concerning Jack, Milo, his departure from ~safety~ Station House Four, and stories about his ‘adventures’ going between Canada and the United States, it made William check his hairline every day for white hairs.
The idea of gray hair went out the door after James Gillies almost stole him a second time.
After a half-hour, his tea was gone and he thought about getting another cup when a steaming pot appeared by his hand. Looking up, Llewellyn had brought out two more cups. And gotten something white in his hair. Perhaps flour, baking powder, or powdered sugar. He was quite fond of throwing the last one on cakes with much zealous motions. “I have to let the dough sit for ten minutes,” he informed, “And I could hear her moving about.”
Oh? He wasn’t that caught up in the science journals that he didn’t hear his wife getting up and moving about. Pouring the tea, he saw him disappear for the cream and sugar. Julia emerged just after that. “Good morning, William,” she said, sitting down at the table and accepting hers. It took a second to realize the third cup. “We have company?”
“An interloper, actually,” Llewellyn self mocked, setting down the last two things. He took the third cup and added his usual mix in. “I wanted to bake something.”
“I see,” she smiled, poking at the white in his hair. He moved out of the way, but she still batted some of it out. “Bread or pastry?”
He brightened. “Both, but the pastry is what I really came over to bake. One of the chefs I’ve met at the poetry readings found a very old recipe for something called honey cakes. I traded one of the bread recipes I picked up from an old man that needed help weeding his yard.” A large chunk of his tea was downed when his body craved liquid. “There is also one of those quick breads with rosemary and garlic. I mixed that quick and have it baking already.”
“Excellent,” Julia said, “I can poach some eggs to go with it. Have you had anything to eat?” Llewellyn looked back down at his cup, now already empty, then back up and shook his head. “Good. We can talk about the recent readings while William watches in amusement.”
“We’re also going to need another pot of tea if you’re talking,” he noticed, before turning to the young man, “Double brew the first leaves. I believe there’s a second round in them.”
“Yes, William,” he mumbled, taking the pot with him after emptying the last of the current liquid.
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sweetsbfreex · 3 years
a styles snow day
Summary: In Boston, with your family. You and H have a snow day with your daughter. After a hectic morning that is
Warnings: none!
Pairing: Dad, Husband!Harry x reader
The shuffling of soft feet against the sheets had shaken you awake, causing you to open your eyes. You ignore it, but before sleep could take you away again. A sharp strike, from a very soft foot, landed between your shoulders
You open your eyes wide, emitting a raspy whine into the morning air. Reaching your hand back to stop the tiny foot from landing another strike. In result you hear cute giggles causing you to turn, her foot still in your clutch, to see your eighteen month old.
You closed eyes for a second, letting out a low sigh before you scooped her up. Both of you laying on your sides, facing each other, one of her legs laid against your hip. 
You reached your hand out to fix the catastrophe that was her hair. 
“Not nice Ava...Why is it always me hm...Why don’t you ever wake dad like this?” you ask. 
She stared at you, smiling. Only elevator music playing in her morning mind right now. Her small body encased with one of Harry’s very old shirts at her knees. One that his mother had saved for when he had his first child.
“Go wake up dad” you whispered in her ear, your hand cupping the back of her tiny ear.
She looked up at you, her face now amused at your special request. Without any questions, she shuffled her bum to her dad. Who was on his side, his back away from the two of you. Draping her upper body over his torso, her teeny legs pointed out to stabilize herself. Taking an arn that wasn't holding herself up. She reached her chubby fingers to her father’s eye, pulling his eye lid up. 
Giggling to herself when Harry’s eye began to move around, then upward at her face which was upside down to him. Then she laughed a bit more when both his eyes startled open in shock.
“Daddy!” she squealed.
Harry groaned, a light pout on his face before he pulled Ava’s finger from his eye. “Hi baby” he smiled, pulling his girl over so she became cocooned in his arms against his chest.
“Mum set you up to this right?” he asked, turning his head around to see a “sleeping” y/n. 
“For someone who’s supposed to love me...you are such a menace”. He told his other girl. Watching as she laughed, blowing the cover she thought she had. “Caught ya’” he mumbled, turning back to his baby’s giggles. 
You got up, reaching your body over your end of the bed to place a kiss on his shoulder. Making your way over to the three window walls beside your bed. When you rolled up the first blind. A small comical gasp got your attention, looking behind you to see her shocked gaze on the snow.
“Snow!” She gleamed, removing herself from Harry and sprinting to the window. Her nose and palms all up in the glass. Watching the thick layer of snow that buried your spacious backyard. 
All three of you had landed in your home in Boston, coming back from visiting your parents, late last night. And with the moving around she had to do a long with the flight. she didn’t get a chance to see the snowfall in the middle of the night. 
“I know” you told her, matching her energy. “You wanna play in it later?” You asked, bringing your hand down to pull her away from the glass.
She jumped up and down nodding her head in reply. 
“Let’s eat first then we can later”
Now you were all in the kitchen/dining (since they shared the same space). After Harry took out Milo, the family’s Australian shepherd, from his cage to the front yard. Now he was chasing? Or Ava was chasing him?. The loud dog pants, the sound of feet/paws against the wood, Ava’s giggles, the music Harry decided to play, and your whines, were all mixed.  Because Harry would. not. Let you go.  
“Do you want to starve? I need to make breakfast” you lean your head back on his shoulder. Being currently enveloped by both his arms, closing you between his chest and the counter. 
“You’re popping a couple of eggos in the toaster, chill out” he snickered.
You smiled at his teasing, kissing his cheek before turning your way back to the eggs you were mixing first. He stayed behind you placing kiss after kiss to your shoulder, then your neck, then to the cut of your jaw. 
You giggled, reeling him in a bit as you brandished your butt against him. Eyes averting to Harry's fingers which were clenching the counter a bit.
And ever so quickly you tilted your head, so your mouth was to his ear whispering...
“Go fill Milo’s bowl” you tell him, turning your head to kiss one of his shoulders. Before they deflated and Harry sported a dejected look on his face. 
“I’ll remember this the next time the roles reverse hm?” he tells you, pinching your butt and then strolling away to the pantry. 
And it was peaceful for a little until frill cries interrupted it; and Harry’s voice cooing Ava was what you heard. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask him, leaving the eggs and turning off the warming pan. 
“Sad because Milo’s not playing anymore” he chuckles, rubbing his hand.
“You ready for your pancakes?” You ask her. 
At that the instant crocodile tears ended, as expected, while she nodded her head yes. You and Harry shared a laugh before he brought to the table, sitting in her booster seat. While you popped some eggos in the toaster. 
“Har! Are you eating pancakes too?” You yell out to him. 
“No thank you, ‘m gonna eat the eggs” he replied to you, leaving Ava with her coloring sheet.  
You were all roughly done. Milo finished his breakfast a while ago, now he laid next to Ava’s chair looking with hope at everyone eating.
And when her parents were no longer paying attention to her, instead to each other. Ava used her nimble fingers to break a piece of her bacon. Bringing it to her mouth before “accidentally” dropping it on the floor. Smiling down at her best friend who ate it with pleasure. 
‘Poor mimi’ she thought
Taking a bit of her pancakes between her fingers, she tried it one more time. Instead a different method; as she hid the piece of her syrup-less pancake in her closed fist. Yawning slyly, bringing her arms above her hands after she looked down at the puppy eyes Milo gave her. And bringing them to lay against her side; dropping the pancake onto the mixed fur beneath her.
“Ey!” Harry voiced, catching her in the act. 
You turned around confused, watching as she jumped in her seat, looking up at her father in a stunned manner. 
“What were you doing Ava?” You asked. 
She looked at both her parents, pushing her bottom lip out. 
“Milo is hungry!” She defended 
“Are we supposed to be feeding Milo anything that isn’t dog food?” He tests her. 
“No” she murmurs. Eyebrows wrinkled together and lips pouted causing her cheeks to fill out more than usual. Her small face was in perfect view to get a glance of her expression. Then in a haste she tucked her chin into her body, so all you both saw was the top of her bed head.  
The couple wasn’t against giving Milo “human food”, he’d get some from time to time, not too much. But with a child it was a bit different. Ava didn’t know what a dog could and couldn’t eat, so the two of them had to be stricter when it came to her giving Milo food. They’d also been training Milo to not accept food Ava get him, but the two of them were like peas in a pod. 
You and Harry looked at each other. You raised your eyebrows to him, wondering how the pair of you should go about this. He shrugs backs at you, a smile etched on his face as he eyes his child again. 
She sat still in her chair, keeping the heartbroken visage on her face. Ava decided to add a dash of spice into her act by crossing her arms over her chest . Without context you would think you told her she would never be able to watch Disney movies ever again! 
You decided to take the reigns.
“Babe do you want Milo to have to go to the doctor?” You asked her. 
“No.” She responded short.
“Talk appropriately, Ava” Harry told her. 
“No, mommy” she repeated herself, looking up this time, her arms uncrossed and instead sat in her lap. 
“If you keep giving her human food he’ll get sick, then he’ll have to go to the doctor...then you could be arrested” you pout at her pinching her cheeks.
“Y/N!” Harry hissed, his foot breezing past your shin.
“What? It worked on me”
“Okay Okay, you won’t go to jail, mommy’s fibbing. I’m
“You’re fibbing?” She murmurs, using her palm to clear her bangs from her forehead. Looking at Harry for confirmation as you both nod.
“But you can’t feed Milo human food, it’s not good for him” you remind her. 
“Okay. I won’t feed Milo anymore. Promise!” she answers in a hushed tone, reaching her hands up so you could pull her into your lap.
You did so kissing the top of her head
“Mumma?” Tilting her head back. 
“You eat the pancakes, I don’t want them,” she remarked, tossing her head side-to-side and patting her plump stomach. Sticking her tongue out in an icky manner, meaning she was full. 
You and Harry shared a quick laugh at her chaotic antics.
“Ready to go out and play?” Which resulted in a large hoot led by Harry.
Everyone showered by two, the sun brighter than when you woke up, and the snow falling down softer, in a flurry. 
Before you all left the London home, you had ordered the three of you matching garments and gloves for the pictures you knew you and Harry would take.
Currently,  you and Harry were clad in thick turquoise jackets. Only struggling with the task of getting Ava dressed up. 
She was like a wiggling worm, wouldn’t stay still, even when you and Harry offered her some candy. Her infectious belly laughs only grew as she thought this was some kind of funny game. But it wasn't and you made that clear when you told her she wouldn't be playing in the snow until she dressed up. Did she sit down like a good girl. 
“Oh! Look at my baby!” you thrilled, holding her cheeks between your palms. Pulling her in for an eskimo kiss. Those have been her favorite for the longest. Ever since she got herself hooked on Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood. “You look so cute, beautiful” you tell her.  
She smiles at the compliments, such a narcissist she was. Always asking you if she looked pretty in this or that at least once a day. Along with checking herself out in the mirror for an extended amount of time. Such a narcissist. Yet, you also loved the way she tilted her chin down, head lolled to the side bashfully. 
Harry, like lightning,  put her beanie over her braided pigtails while you put on her black snow boots. He picked her up once she finished dressing up,setting her on his  blowing a raspberry on her chubby cheeks.
“Aren’t you guys the cutest” you hummed, pulling your phone out to take a picture. You chuckled when you watched the way her giggles disappeared at the sight of your phone. Instead a beaming smile, pressing her cheek to her father’s scruffy one. Snapping a few live photos of the two. 
“I wanna see” her palm out towards you for the phone. 
You shuffled yourself beside her, tilting the phone so they both could see the photos. 
“Look so beautiful. Hm?” Harry marveled, placing a gentle kiss to her cheek.
She grinned at his acclaim, “Yes” she dragged out the s. Nodding her head in a gentle manner before placing a kiss on his cheek.
“You look so good too, H” you tell him. Your hand rubbing the cheek that wasn’t occupied by Ava.
He, without a doubt, did. He decided to stop shaving the last two weeks and gosh did he look good. The turquoise color brought out the green of his eyes. Instead of letting his hair down, he decided he’d clip it back with one of your clips.
He kissed you on the lips then on your cheek in result, Also exchanging a string of compliments your way, by whispering some not safe for kid ears into yours.. Your stomach did a bit of a flip at his husky voice, before you slapped his chest in a truce like manner.
“Milo! Let’s go outside!” Harry shouted out, clutching your hand as he led the three of you downstairs. 
The four of you were outside in the white blanket. Milo was doing his zoomies, astounded with this new found discovery. Before his non-stop running. The first thing Milo did, when he came in contact with the snow, was freeze (ears up in curiosity), then he stuck his nose into the snow, ate some snow. Now he was running in circles. 
Ava loved this, perched up on Harry’s shoulder as she giggled, her nimble finger following Milo’s body.
You had Harry’s phone pointed at the two of them, videoing the whole family. 
And Harry was feeling gratified. His baby was on his shoulder happy as a lark. His other baby had a radiating smile on her beautiful face while recording these moments. as always. And his pup was having the time of his life
“Baby!” you lose it when Harry also looks away from Milo to face you in no time. “Ava...Can you catch a snowflake like this?”
Harry blows a huff. He hates when you do that (half the time on purpose). Watching you tilt your head back, eyes closed, and your tongue out as you catch snow in your mouth. 
Ava catches on, her eyes go a bit crossed when she tries to see the snow landing on her tongue. 
“Here, baby, hold her for a bit” he tells you, bringing her down into your open arms (so she’s now on your hip). He leans down a bit to gather a bit of snow in his hands to make a snowball. Then once he’s done, he has a mischievous smile when he targets it to your chest. 
It startles you, “Harry!” 
And you halt, again, when the kid on your hip starts to wail. Her head thrown back and her eyes closed, sealed tight.
"Aww. Don't cry baby. Look at what you did Harry" you reprimand him in a jest. His eyebrows raise in surprise, not expecting for this to end in her tears. "Daddy's mean right? Watch this" you shush her, watching her until she opens her eyes, only in small hiccups. 
You crouch down carefully pulling some snow into your fist.
“Watch baby, gotta get revenge” you tell her smiling. Raising yourself up to then fling the snow into Harry’s chest. Ever the dramatic man. He clutched his heart over his jacket before falling back into the sea of snow groaning out. Opening one eye, when he hears the laugh of his precious girl. 
“Here” you tell Ava, giving her own ball of snow. She eyes it for a little before she tries to shove the snow into her mouth like crazy. Very likely you shouldn’t have shown her how to catch the snowflakes beforehand. You roll your eyes at Harry when you hear his chuckles at the exchange. 
When you tell her no and to throw it you watch her laugh as she flings it on top of her father. Who then groans again and lays with his tongue out and body spread out like the chalk outlines. You set her down to the ground and she zips to the “dead” body. She pokes his eye like earlier today because it always works, but when it doesn’t she relents to other forces.  
“Mimi!” she calls the shepheard over, pointing down at Harry. Who is slowly breaking his facade (but she doesn’t notice). Milo bounded forward to his owner with zeal. Sniffing around Harry for a bit before licking his face, inducing Harry to shout. Jump scaring the three of you, especially poor Milo who dashed away and Ava who fell on her butt. 
Ava didn’t appreciate it. Taking snow between her mittens and crushing it into H’s chest causing a laugh out of all you. 
The sun was about to set and Harry and Ava were rolling up the last ball for the snowman’s head. You were smoothing the parts that were a bit rough. Milo was back in the house. Too tired from all the running he was doing, but you were able to get some family shots with him too. 
“Be careful, babe” Ava tells Harry (unnecessarily loud), when his foot gets caught in an icy patch.
“Thank you babe” he tells her, leaning down to kiss her chin. “Wonder where she gets that from. Hm?” he teases you, winking at you and puckering his lips to blow you a kiss. As you smile shyly looking away from him. 
They were on either side of you.  Ava nestled into your side, her arms around one of yours. All while Harry begins to lift the final snowball onto the other two. 
“There you go baby. Olaf!” he tells her one she’s finished. 
She isn’t excited and looks at the figure confused for a minute. You look up at Harry, eye brows pinched, he looks at you the same way, his hands on his hip when he shrugs at you. 
A little gasp makes you both turn your head to see her eyes light up and finger pointed upward, like in the movies.
“Forget his buttons, eyes, and nose” she tells you, trying to point at where each thing went. 
“You’re so right, smart girl, let me go get them, find some sticks too.”
You shuffle through the backdoor. Gaining ompant when Milo decides to come out of the living room. Rubbing his head on the way there. Going into the fridge you get the shortest carrot in the bag before moving into the fireplace for some coal.
When you walk back out, Ava is sitting on Harry's shoulders again. Her arms wrapped around his forehead with an iron grip. You hand her the carrot.
“Thank you mommy” she cheered, the tip of her cheeks getting firmer with her grin. 
You pinch her cheeks a little bit, in response. Turning around to place the coals in a shape of a smile, using the last five as his buttons and eyes. While doing this you notice the skinny branches as his arms.  
“Okay Miss Styles time for you to do the honor. Go ahead and give him his nose”
Harry squats down until Ava's leveled with the snowman's head. She decides, among herself, to twirl the carrot around so the pointed part of the carrot gets buried in the snow. You truly don't have the heart to correct her when you see how proud of herself she is. 
Once she finishes, Harry picks her up and off his shoulder so she's settled on his hip instead. He jostles her around, shouting an array of  "Yay! Ava!" The three of you clapping your hands together to celebrate. All while Ava revels in the abundance of praise, yet she huddles her into the comforts of her dad's shoulder. 
Her first snow day had gone way better than either of you would have imagined. You personally assumed that she would have hated it. Especially since it was a very cold substance. Or she would have cried the whole time, wanting to go back in instantly.
If anything, it was more perfect than anything. You loved your little family and there was quite possibly nothing that could replace the rush of emotions you felt when you were with them. Making these treasured moments. You think this all while Harry pulls you in for a kiss.
read a little continuation of this family here!
if you enjoyed pls don’t forget to reblog or give feedback if ur up to it <3
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chrysaliseuro2019 · 5 years
May the Gods be With You
Thursday 27/6 and we are off to Gatwick to fly to Athens. Despite a bit of a rush getting to Victoria we managed to leave Pimlico at just after 11.00, catch the express train to Gatwick at 11.30 with about 90 seconds to spare (as Liz says, similar to my daily work habit whereby if I'm not running for the tram I consider myself early) and be at Gatwick at 12.00pm. Not bad going. An uneventful, though very crowded and over 1 hour late EzyJet flight to Athens followed, and given a 9.15pm arrival, we had arranged to be picked up from the airport. This was the best value thing as our driver had perfect English and was a font of knowledge on both Athens and the Peloppenese. He also discussed islands though thoroughly approved of the two we have booked to visit - Folegandros and Milos which was reassuring. He mentioned that he tries to encourage people to go to some of the lesser known ones. He actually suggested we pulled our phones out and took notes of his suggestions which we duly did. Great to have a welcoming and friendly intro to a country as opposed to some of the surly or disinterested and monosyllabic cabbies you can get. We always muse after the occasional bad experience (like the guy who terrified us with his driving and then short changed us in Istanbul or the guy in Valletta who spent the journey screaming down the phone at someone) as to why there is not some better intro to many countries. Still, luckily these are generally exceptions though the good guys like this one and a chap in Kraków stick out. Most fall into the disinterested segment. Guess country publicist and tour guide is not what they are paid to do. Anyway I digress. We reached our quite central hotel the Evripides in about an hour, checked in and headed out for something to eat. It was now 10.30pm and we weren't sure what would be open. The hotel receptionist and driver had made a couple of recommendations and we headed for one. Within a 6/7 minute walk we were in a busy square with cafes, bars and general hubbub. We found a restaurant complete with bouzouki player and ordered drinks and dinner. Liz the chicken Gyros and me calamari. Liz's was the winner with copious quantities and quite tasty we could have just shared that. Lesson learned immediately on quantities. It was very pleasant sitting there and we had a little wander round post dinner, spotted a possible candidate for dinner the next night and headed home. Tomorrow an early start to beat the crowds and heat to the Acropolis and Parthenon. We were up at 6.40 am after about 6 hours sleep, had breakfast at the hotel and headed off on foot for what was supposedly a 15-20 minute walk mostly uphill. It's not hard to see the Acropolis/Parthenon as it overlooks the city and we had a clear view of it from our hotel dining room and our balcony. However, though given directions we soon got a bit lost and the view of our objective was obscured by the buildings once in the backstreets. Also google maps seemed to be sending us in circles. 45 minutes later we arrived a bit flustered. We had a little bit of luck with the queue as I happened to be in what I thought was a short enquiry queue but turned out you could buy tickets there so we probably made up our lost time. It was certainly warm, around the 30 mark, and it was still only 9.00 am. We made our way up the hill towards the Parthenon which is really the centrepiece of the Acropolis which is the name for the whole area on which the Parthenon and other related ancient buildings are situated. The entry gates are magnificent and the Parthenon is vast and grand and quite moving to look at. Completed in 438 BC and dedicated to the Goddess Athena as is most of the Acropolis site it is the largest Doric temple ever completed in Greece. We wandered around taking it all in. Of course now we could visualise what the building might have looked like with the frieze, which is now partly in the British Museum, in place. Not that the originals, even if back in Greece, will ever go back up there. You would have to go the Acropolis Museum to see them, together with the ones that the Greeks retained. It's interesting though that the Greeks seem prepared to augment a little to replicate how things might have looked (see next para) so you wonder if they might contemplate sticking replicas up. Another large and well restored building on the site is the Erechtheion temple. At one end is an olive tree said to have been created by Athena. The Greeks took a cutting during WW11 to protect it from the Germans and the current tree was planted from that cutting in 1952. Also part of the temple includes 6 larger than life columns of maidens known as the Caryatids. The ones on site are plaster cast replicas with the originals in the Acropolis museum which we were heading to next. That is they are all in that museum apart from 1 column which our old mate Lord Elgin carted off to the British Museum. They'd like that back too. Visiting this site is another of those quite spiritual things. The history, the magnificence of the architecture, the significance to the Greek people and the ancient world, it's positioning - with a 360 degree view of the city, also visible from all corners of the city including at night when it is lit up. It gives you the sense that it is one of those reassuring icons - as long as it's there everything will be alright. A lot of tourists but not too bad and by the time we left the site perhaps just over an hour and a half after entry the numbers entering were noticeably increasing so we felt pretty good about our decision to make the effort get up and arrive early. It was now sweltering, around mid thirties and not too much shade. We made our way down towards the Acropolis Museum. This was going to be interesting as we would see those parts of the frieze which remained in Greece as well as a myriad of other artefacts. The museum is very modern and again we were pleased that arriving there around 11.00 meant that we zoomed in with no queuing. As we saw later as people finish their tour of the Acropolis they headed for the museum and there was a lengthy queue when we left around 2.00ish. The frieze is well set out on the top floor and you can walk around it gazing at the tablets at eye level. There are gaps of course including for the tablets in London. Also on view are the 5 columns of the maidens from the Erechtheion. Just too many things to mention throughout the museum - statues of animals mythical and real, Gods, Goddesses, men, women, gold coins, pots, jugs etc. Many, very exquisite. We broke for a pleasant lunch sitting outside under shade in the restaurant with a view up to the Parthenon towering above us. Pretty good. Post lunch one final look through for things we missed and then we started to head back to the hotel. The route back was much easier as we followed the throng and it was through the centre of town with shops, cafes, flea market all in full swing. It was lively. Arriving back around 3.00pm we settled back for some down time and some blog writing. Later, after drinks at a very pleasant cafe restaurant with a bit of people watching thrown in we headed back to our busy square of the previous night to have dinner. The place that we had identified the night before whilst quite characterful in terms of being in a small cut de sac off the main drag had a pretty basic menu of the pizza and chips variety with a few Greek dishes thrown in. So we went to the place recommended by the hotel clerk the previous night. This night it had a few more people in, the bouzouki and guitar were being played and singing was good. Liz had the stuffed peppers and me lamb and both were excellent as was the ambience. A good choice we had a very laid back and pleasant evening. The next day it was time to leave and we needed to pick up our car from Piraeus. We liked the Evripides Hotel, nothing flash but did the job, reasonably priced, staff friendly and breakfast quite adequate. Also very close to the action it's about a 300/400 metre walk down some quite run down streets to get to it. To be honest the run down streets seemed like classic Athens with a lot of cracked paving, some derelict buildings and closed shops amid active ones. That might not appeal to everyone especially at night but as we left, a tour group of 20 sooomethings had checked in so it was seeing a fair bit of business and the slightly run down location (though the hotel itself was classic 3 star and fine) didn't bother us. We'd happily stay there again.
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Survey Says
Taking a break from recapping GoT 8.3 and I see this floating around so what the hell.
1. Full name: Bonnie Rachael Greenberg. But call me Bee. I hate my name. So very much. 
2. Where are you from? New Joisey. I kid, we don’t talk like that. I am from central New Jersey, and yes it does exist. In fact, that should be our welcoming sign: “Welcome to Central New Jersey: We Exist!” 
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Trufax: I went to SWMHS, the same high school Bon Jovi and Dule Hill graduated from. My old math teacher is friends with Bon Jovi’s mama, who still lives in town. And my old soccer coach is featured in one of his songs. As for Dule Hill, I once saw him chillin’ in the cafeteria in an old 1993 video yearbook. He was wearing a bright green jacket and had a square hair cut.
3. How old are you? I will be 32 in June, ye gods. The internetz was just becoming a thing when I was growing up. Dial-up, the horror! #Millennial
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4. Do you have any siblings or pets? I have one younger brother, Jason, who is also a Milennial, and two dogs, Joey and Lola. Joey is a mixed-breed hound and Lola is a bichon frise. Le Marseillaise plays wherever she goes. 
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5. What’s your favorite song? Well, I be deaf, so...
6. What about your favorite movie? Ah, this I can answer. It’s Titanic, which has been in my number one spot since I first saw it when I was ten, sitting squelched in the theatre between my mom and my grandma. Watching the car scene was awkward, let me assure you. 
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Also up there are Heathers, The Breakfast Club, Scream, I Know What You Did Last Summer, It, Gone With the Wind, The Great Dictator, A Walk to Remember, Sixteen Candles, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Saving Private Ryan, Schindler’s List, and Band of Brothers. Those are the movies I can watch over and over and not get tired of. 
I’ve seen Band of Brothers so many times, I can practically quote it by heart at this point.
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7. And TV show? Are we talking past or present? I love The 100, currently. The usual zeitgeits, Stranger Things and Game of Thrones. I’m also really digging Good Girls. 
My all-time favorites will always be Beverly Hills 90210 and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, though <3 
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Buffy kicked ass before studio producers set out to make shows with Strong Female Leads in order to appease a shifting demographic. She was my idol growing up, and how I often got through high school. “A few more hours of this bullshit and I can go home and watch Buffy”. 
As for 90210, well, it really was the first of its kind, and teen soaps have been trying to emulate Darren Star and Aaron Spelling’s example ever since. I cried like a baby when Luke Perry passed. As I’m sure many of his fans around the globe did.
8. Who do you ship? Buffy/Angel, Willow/Tara, Xander/Cordelia, Brandon/Kelly, Brenda/Dylan, Caroline/Klaus, Clarke/Bellamy, Beth/Rio, Veronica/Archie
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9. What are you reading now? I just read Good Riddance by Elinor Lippman, which was ok but...kinda disjointed and weird. Now I’m about to start The Nix by Nathan Hill.
10. If you had a baby right now, what would you name it? Err. Depends. If it was a boy, I like Christian (it’s funny because I be a Jewess! Furthermore, that pick has nothing whatsoever to do with 50 Shades of WTF Did I Just Read), Anton, Malcolm, Lukas, Milo, Oliver, Isaiah, Nicholas, and James. For girls--Blair, Sarah, Dylan, Natalia, Jordan, Taylor, Liesel, Irina, Katherine, Leila
11. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be? Jelly rings! 
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I would get zero protein, but man, are they delicious. 
12. You get stranded on a desert island; what three things would you take with you? Does this desert island have an outlet in a palm tree somewhere? I doubt it but if so I would like to take my laptop, whom I have christened Bob IV (Bob I-III have gone onto greener pastures). If not, I would take some bait and a rod to catch fish, I guess. And books. Maybe sunscreen? Can I take sunscreen
13. Pineapple on pizza, yay or nay? Yay! I enjoy tropical flavors.
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andykoons · 6 years
I didn’t know if you could call the thing at the end of the deer’s neck a head. It was just a mass of blood, brains, and tattered muscle.
“The hell did you shoot it with, a grenade launcher?” I asked.
“I don’t know exactly what it’s called, but I got it from the military base in Battle Creek.” He said.
“How did you do that? Were you serving before?” I asked.
“No I never served.”
I was confused.
“Then how did you—“ He interrupted me.
“It’s a long story.” He said, putting up the same brick wall as Addy did with that mysterious SUV before we got into Athens. I left it well enough alone.
“Let’s gut it and you can drag it back to the house.” He said with a shit eating grin.
He dragged the lifeless corpse to a small tree close by and used his knife to cut a branch down to about twelve inches. He sharpened the end of the branch to a point.
“Whats that for?” I asked.
“Watch.” He said. He grabbed the deer by the hind legs and lifted it to the tree and shoved the legs onto the branch. The pointed branch stabbed through the space between the leg bone and tendon where there isn’t any muscle, just a thin veneer of flesh. It made sense now. You had to hoist the deer upside down so the blood could drain as you gutted the thing.
“First you need to cut it’s head off. Here.” He said as he handed me the knife and pointed to the deer’s neck, drawing an imaginary line with his finger. “You gotta cut between the base of the skull and the first vertebrae.”
A twig snapped. The first zombie of the day appeared, slowly ambling toward us. When it realized we were there, it screamed.
“I’ll take care of him.” He said walking away. “You get to workin’ on that deer.”
I dug the knife in it’s neck and drug the edge along the invisible line he showed me. After a bit of sawing, blood flowed from the major arteries in it’s neck. I continued working the knife between the two bones. Adam quickly brained the zombie with  the butt of his gun and it collapsed to the ground.
With an audible crack, the knife finished the job and the head separated from the body. I smiled and lifted the mangled half head in the air in victory. Showing Adam.
“Got it!” I said.
“You take too long to do things.” He said.
I don’t know what else I could have expected.
“We need to gut it now.” He said. “First, you need to cut around it’s asshole.”
My head dropped. I looked up at Adam and smiled, handing him the knife.
“What?” He asked.
“I’m not doing that.” I said.
“Why not?” He asked. “You wanna eat, right?”
“Yes but this is out of my wheelhouse. It’s asshole? That’s disgusting.”
He glared in disbelief.
“You the kinda guy that sits down to piss?” He asked.
I totally am, and you will NEVER find that out.
“You do it.” I said defiantly. “I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing with this. I don’t know anything about hunting or butchering a deer or any of this stuff. I just want you to do this so we can leave and get to Alamo. My wife and kids are probably freaking the fuck out about Addy and me. So can you please just do this so we can leave?”
We stared at each other for what felt like hours.
“Nope.” He said. “You married Heather. I’m kind of, in a way, sort of like her step-dad. And you two had kids. Three boys! That means that I have, in a way, sort of three grandsons. And my three grandsons have a daddy that don’t know a thing about hunting?”
He shook his head.
“Ain’t no way in hell are my grandsons gonna grow up not knowing a goddamn thing about field dressin’ a deer!”
He poked me in the chest, hard.
“Now you keep the knife, grab that deer by the tail, and cut around it’s asshole!” He was nearly yelling in my face at that point, and as much as I hated him then, he made a point. We don’t live in a world where that knowledge is useless, and it’s knowledge I sorely lacked. So silently, and with a healthy dose of passive aggression, I grabbed the tail of the deer and examined it’s anus, a sentence I thought I’d never have to say.
Adam drew an imaginary circle around the anus, showing me where to cut, and guided me through the rest of the process.
Two years ago it was a flat tire, now it’s gathering food in the wild. Slowly, but surely, I’m learning how to exist in this world.
The pile of organs sat before us, steaming and stinking in the soft breeze. The sun still hid behind the horizon but it’s golden orange aura crept upwards from around the curve of the planet.
I was covered in blood, which, I’m led to believe, isn’t supposed to happen. According to Adam, I’m the worst field dresser he’s ever witnessed. I don’t understand his mind, how he expects someone to just automatically figure out how to professionally butcher a fucking deer on the spot is beyond me. At least then I had the beginnings of an important skill. But still, fuck that guy.
He had me drag the carcass back to the house and by that time, the sun had come up, Lion King style. I was humming Elton John songs and Adam didn’t appreciate it, which made my heart flutter a little. It’s the little things, folks.
Back at the house, he taught me how to skin the carcass and how to cut the meat. We started a fire and cooked some of the meat for us to eat for breakfast. Addy and Sammy woke up to hot venison.
Adam led us behind his house, where a tripod structure made of branches stood above a fire pit. The structure stood about six feet tall and had a rack in the center.
“What’s this?” Sammy asked.
“It’s a redneck smoker.” Adam answered, smiling. “When you guys head out, yer meat will spoil after a few days. So we need to preserve it. You’ll still have to cook it, but it will last longer out there if we smoke and cure it.”
“It won’t take us more than a day to get to Alamo. We can cook a couple pounds and be on our way.” I said.
“Y’never know. Shit might go down. Never hurts to be prepared.” He said.
“How long does it take?” Addy asked.
“‘Bout thirty-six hours total.” He said.
“Thirty-six?” I barked. “This is pointless. We could be in Alamo in less than that.”
“All I’m sayin’ is you never know if the good lord is gonna fuck your shit up or not, and actin’ like he is ain’t a bad thing.” He said.
“Yeah well the good lord isn’t real.” I said. “Or even good. Seriously, read the old testament.”
“Fine, Milo.” Adam fired back. “There’s the fuckin’ road. Go.” He pointed. “You want to think yer gonna get all the way to Alamo without nothin’ bad happenin’?”
We stared each other down.
“How long did it take you to walk here from Leonidas? An hour? Two hours?” He asked. “It’s only eight miles, man, and it sounds like it took you all goddamn day. You can’t just walk somewheres anymore. There’s death all around the place. For fuck’s sake just wait another day and get there alive!”
His words rang in my ears, Sammy had said something similar back in then LSZ when Addy first brought up going to Adam’s for guns.
“Let’s get there alive, Miles.” Addy said. They were the rational ones making the most sense at the moment, and I’ve always alluded to myself as being a data driven guy, and the current data was telling me that I wasn’t thinking clearly.
“I’m sorry.” I said. “But I’m going to Alamo.”
The data could go fuck itself.
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pampamtiger · 4 years
A (Not So) Spooky Experience
I am a person who overshares random things and today's Halloween so... perfect. xD
A spooky experience that I will share happened when I was in fourth grade. My classes started at 6am that time so I always woke up at 4-4:30 in the morning. Back then, I did not like asking for my mother's help to prepare my breakfast or my stuff for school and my sister's class was in the afternoon. I liked it when I was the one preparing what I needed so I never bothered to wake my mother up unless it was really necessary (an independent child lels xD).
One time, in our old house (before it was burned down), I was eating bread while watching tv, already wearing my uniform and just waiting for my hair to air dry. Since our house was not that big, the table where I was eating was a bit near the stairs. The steps of the stairs were seen even in my peripheral vision. As I was busy munching on my food, I could not help glancing at the stairs. Then after some time, when I was drinking Milo (advertisement haahahahaha), my peripheral vision saw a leg that was trying to go down. When I focused my attention to it, it vanished, so I thought I was just imagining things. But when I turned my eyes back on the tv, my peripheral saw the leg again. That time, I was getting scared. I tried to ignore it but it came back again for the third time. I started singing loudly, not caring if my parents would wake up then checked the stairs myself. After reassuring that there was no one upstairs who was up, I immediately brushed my teeth, packed my things, and ran toward my school since it was just streets away. Because of that, I reached my homeroom before 5:30am, still a bit early and only my adviser was currently there.
The end. 😆
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mondaygrapez · 5 years
My Experiences Within the Prison Complex that is the Mental Institution; A Novel
Abstract: Northwell May-June 2019
“Quality time to find out about each other,” the tv chimed in.
It’s day 3 and I broke my forearm on my right side on Day 1 by trying to break in to the corvette headquarters. Rather, trying to break into the head nurse headquarters. There’s a pungentte smell to the air; it’s one of feces marinating in piss, the smell if grand. 
Missed my best friend foreverest’s graduation party to be here. I was the chicken and I crossed the road the day before *the night before DAy 0. “ are you feeliing suicidal?”, I answer “no.” A light goes on in a room not mine. We’ve been here before.
Sitting precariously atop the heater’s case, I am hollered at, “Miss, be careful.” The corvettes aren’t red with flame designs tonight. Tonight I simply remember, I was the chick, I crossed the road, I lucked out at the busy 6 lane. The pomeranian that is god dog hands me a lollipop they’ve unwrapped for me. My flavor is yellow and it’s not bigger than a dime size.
Dragging one bended knee after the other, I let the knotted talisman hit one side of my back then the other. I owe the Big Guy for this one. “1 o’clock, 2 o’clock, 3 o’clock. Rock” How could I repay the favor. How not what I’m getting at, she’s only the sweetest like like like most of the time. “It’s a pregnancy test.” I declined the third blood test for the first time after two days of blood testing.
It’s day 3 and I miss the ant I found on my hand four days ago. I ruined my sisters night by staying out to party, again. The air stinks. Someone, who resembles the Lynch killer in T Peaks, laughed but I didn’t. My boo doesn’t pick up 8/10 of my calls. I’m starting to feel it strongly indicative of how things are going with them; I should never call again; I may never call again.
It’s all boring but something’s got to do when the t.v. won’t. It’s Day 4 now. I’m a shower. And eat vegan breakfast and lunch on a tray plus call bae. I put on a big orange wig and plastered a smile on me face; therapist say we all have problems. Nutritionist on tv says eraserheads are good for you. I eat one an hour. 
I used to hijack For V8s at the Shanghai headquarters; I tooke a shower. BLew dry my hair and my childs hair. Went grocery shopping bought the three types of wine my wife likes. Opened the tissue box. We all have problems she said. It’s true I know. I tried to relax but my eye just twitched and the inside of my ear tickled. But it was a weird ear there an earring which read “ dc, nvr cared.” From the key chain rack I pick up the keys to corvette I’m going to hijack.
“Hi, I’d like to order,” I begin, “yes, one cheeseburger with bacon, Large order of fries and a Largge fountain soda.” It’s the end of Day 4 and I drank the whole soda after scarfing the fasty foody. It’s the Dawn of Day 5 and my pencil’s not more sharpened. It doesn’t write anymore. From the led container bleeds soggy confetti; a poor excuse for what once was a fine working pencil (Dixon Ticonderoga).
I didn’t eat vegan breakfast: I indulged in the pleasures of a scrambled eggs, sausage (2). It went well with the vegan staples of potatoes with french toast buttered of syrupped or pancaked. The orange juice wash did fine fine too. I wasn’t alone for it, roomate Onfire was in company. So was another but regrettably I no longer remember exactly whom.
Day 5 goes and it’s infinite as this bell toll; just a small town gyal living with a tummy ache. Day 5 goes. I ate half. Wrote a nurse a poem: 
“carribean baby blue” 
you check for us 
we botff here an we tell each other
we are
I didn’t used to understand what was going on here. And I don’t care.
Music Note: it be hard for me to pick a thot: Music Note. Halioperdd. Ativan. Beny. 300 a week divided by 7. Approximateley 10 a day is 70 which is one fourth about what is really needed. 35 a day times 7 is 
35 x 7 = 245. 
Forty a day times 7: 40 x 7=280. 
5ifty a day is 50 x7= 350. Circle that.
Fifty a day. And all the small things; you can be leather or cashmere but not linen. You’re a cooler or a Fridge. A trunk organizer a milk crate.
Sex doesn’t make you more someones.
Day 6 began. “that’s the worst part” I canceled. I’ve been here for days; was transfered out of the Lo unit to here. It’s Day 6 and my menstrual is days in. I took a nap and the day was.
It’s Day 7 and I only been listening to the redio. The same 3 songs played. Deelite plays. Many sleep. i’m sleepy. i’m okay. i’m softly incarcerated. bulrgh. took adderax for the first time. Working on a bag of chips and mixed fruit cup. i took the adderax and he said i’d be sleepy now. i em sleepy. i slept. i rose. i go watch movie and be angel. i slept more. i listen to tunes overhead.
Day 8 grabbed Mackned’s butt in my dream.woke up to a back turned. Noticed Patient Bill of Rights #3 was violated by the Unit I was transferred from; The old unit smelled of filth. Bryson on redio. New room-mate she is nice. I had desert. I see clearly. It is bright. the colors. the words. “I get goosebumps when I look at it.” It’s never ok to just do w/o thinking.. He looked &. He said goosebumps. I said you wanna fanta?
Day 9 is about now. I’d like to   say that Rest in Peace to all the souls and bodies harmed. Especially by those harmed by T.B.. I find the acts atrocious despite my having made light of them. It’s Day 9 and I’m still awake from Day 8 of hitting a nerve. Day 9 is bad but not the worst. no sleep; red some of All I want is Everything by Cecily von Ziegesar. I’ma have  some lunch. I had a donut. I’m going to sleep.
Day 10. “ sorry I ain’t got no money I’m not trying to be funny  I left it at home today.” Today is desperate; someone wants to be transferred to a rehab facility because they don’t have the strings for their Judaism. It’s Day 10 and I’m reading books I started reading days ago. It’s remarkable how in 10 days you get along and do’t get along with people. Decided on making a phone call next week.
Day 11: it’s almost over. I’m on my 5th room-mate. Lunch was a burger I forgot about my special order vegan burger. “i’m loosing my mind just a little, why don’t you just meet me in the middle.”
Day 12: “ everywhere you go: i’ll follow you down. I’ll follow you down but not that far” the music got old and so did my problems. My so minute problems. “oh baby, you’re driving me crazy, ertime I look around” Some one said I’m quiet the other day.
Day 13: “girl i be shaking  i love it when you go crazy.” The playlist here is wild. Got implied at that I ought be more social. I D K. 
i tried and socialize. so it went. All in all  I’ve been in this unit 10 days or so. Remembering currently how at one point in 2002 I hadn’t an idea what the anarchy symbol meant. My leg shakes sometimes, my left leg. I’m in the present. I feel my inches of hair. I have my book open. M, L, C, M. a white thread knotted falls on my left leg.
Day 14. never was the type to something. i used to always watch a movie through. I may be leaving tomorrow. At most, the day after. I’m throwing a birthday party for myself. I’m inviting everyone I wanna invite. Which is a handful. I’m leaving tomorrow or Wednesday. My party will be a picnic. God let me see them; girls girls girls. What does sheepishly mean. It’s minutes before Day 15 and the eight dots above the water fountain tap are. They vary in shades from blue to red. At either end they’re large buttons. One for more cold one for more heat. A center button for water.
Day 15. what does harried mean. It’s early today but no one but the new guy is up. . what does augur mean. Found out in Sherry Teurkle’s Alone Together that Milo is a robot. What is the Rip Van Winkle it’s mentioned in Caitling Macy’s novel. Put Babe the movie on. Walked on the beach away from it. I’m filling out what must be my 8th “Inpatient Behavioral Health Satisfaction Survey.” I’m excited to leave. I plan on foreal never coming back: it’s mot enough fun. Had a memory of getting in here. I arrived, at first, on a stretcher. I;m leaving with my mom picking me up. I passed gas in front of a MHW who is fond of me. Woops.
Day 16. today the hospital cord is cut. :hiccup: IDEA: make diptych toys. Watch Toy Story this morning. Stealing a book & admitting it. Book: How 2 hold a Garagge Sale not How to Hold A Grudge Forever. 
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Sitting at a café overheard a meeting where someone said “I feel like all current art is fake”
Received text message from my ex boyfriend today of a photo of a bunch of flowers he had arranged himself in a vase
Last time we spoke was him sending me a message that said “I guess I lost everything in the divorce huh”, with no reply back from me
What is this trend I have set where my ex-lovers send me photos of self-arranged bouquets?
I received another one about two weeks ago of some very tall kangaroo paws in a glass
I guess I taught them about formal flower arrangements without realising
I’ve always thought I’d make a wonderful florist anyway so that makes sense I guess
Uh oh. My cappuccino just hit me and now I feel insane
Eating a chermoula chicken salad with hummus AND feta the only thing that could take this to the next level for me is a lil bit of pesto, right
I want to go to the beach! I want to go to the beach! I want to go to the beach!
My favourite story about my friend Jemma is that once she was so hungover and playing Mario Kart and she started crying when they were in the water world because she wanted to go to the beach that badly
I feel like some people believe that hummus and feta can’t be friends and this salad proves all those people wrong
Just like people that think you can’t wear orange and pink together
You can
Level of cool I want to reach today: Rose McGowan
Text message I just received from my grandma: “Mum sent me your writings. It is brilliant and shocking didn’t know you had to put up with such things. It is beyond words. Love you see you soon Grandma”
Definitely the coolest/best/most inspiring message I’ve received yet in response to writing about Harvey Weinstein saga/bullshit
My grandma is the last person I would think to be addicted to the Bachelorette but I talked to her on the phone last night and she is 100% addicted to the Bachelorette but she knows its fucked up so that’s okay
Feel like I won’t know the true meaning of home until I go to Scotland with my grandma
Trying to think of interesting things to write about and thought “what are some fucked up things that happened in my childhood?”
Don’t know if am stable enough to unlock that vault today
Kinda scared of being stoned again after last night
Things I ate last night:
Two-three bowls of green chicken curry, delicious, cooked by me
~half an icecream cake from coles with marshmellows and freddos on top
~half a block of smartie chocolate
two (big) pieces of Turkish delight chocolate
A guy I had sex with when I was ~15 at a Halloween party in freo just walked past me, didn’t recognise me, probably because I wasn’t dressed as a zombie bride
Remember waking up after having sex with him at my dads house in my step sisters bed, don’t know how we got home or how he got there or why he wanted to be there, woke up with zombie makeup still on, still drunk, put on my step mums black maxi dress and walked him outside and watched him walk down the street, that would be the last time I would ever see him until right now, 7 years later, sitting at a weird café with my dog and my laptop
Would he have recognised me if I was dressed like a zombie bride?
Am going out to dinner tonight with a guy I used to sleep with that may or may not have undiagnosed schizophrenia
He has told me a lot of crazy things but maybe the craziest thing he’s ever told me if that once he felt like painting his whole bedroom (granny flat out the back of his parent’s house) red so he just did it he went and bought red paint and a paintbrush and he did it he didn’t buy a roller and do it properly he just had a big paintbrush so now his whole room is bright red and splotchy and there are large and random brushstrokes it looks like a 5-8 year old painted it, it’s not a very condusive environment to have sex in
The best thing about having sex with him was that we’re on the same anti-anxiety medication so when I would sleep over and forget my medication (I was usually/always drunk when I went there) I could just take his
One of my following boyfriends was also on the same medication but used to get narky when I asked to borrow (take) it
Its actually the same guy that sent me a photo of his sad bunch of flowers today
He used to take 10mg and I take 20mg so if I had to borrow his medication I had to take 2 tablets, which I think used to make him feel anxious
More anxious
But whatever I made him dinner every night for a year and a half and the only thing he (ever) cooked me was an okay lentil soup when I was sick once
It was actually pretty good lentil soup which just angered me more because he proved he obviously could cook he just chooses not to
Because he knows I will just do it
Even though he is unemployed and sits at home wanking or on instagram or wanking while on instagram (or whatever, I literally don’t know what he did during the day) while I worked ~13 hours at a very stressful job and then came home and then walked the dog and then went to the shops and bought ingredients for dinner then cooked dinner while he sat there, still on Instagram, still wanking
I won’t do that again
He also threw my entire CD collection away one day when I was at work because “I never listen to them anyway”
Food related tattoos I could get:
Spaghetti Bolognese
The boy I had sex with dressed as a zombie just walked into an op shop across the road, day dreaming about what would happen if I walked in and followed him around, not overtly but subtly
Pretending I was looking for a zombie costume
I should definitely get a tattoo of spaghetti Bolognese
Hate it when I think I’ve written a hilarious text message so I copy and paste it and send it to like 4 people and no one replies
Just ordered a second cappuccino so shit is about to get real
My phone is on 4% battery and I feel free
Feel so lucky I have so many cool girl friends all over the world in all different places all doing different dope stuff
When me and my sisters were little and we had to stay at my grandparent’s house (on my dad’s side) they would make us eat like 5 slices of butter on toast and drink milo in bed before we even got up and then for breakfast we would have to eat like a million hashbrowns and bacon and sausages and more butter on toast, what the fuck, who feeds children that
I guess they were brought up post-war when no one had anything, my grandpa (who wouldn’t let us call him grandpa, first names only) still ate lard on toast for a really long time
I wonder if he still does
He also didn’t let my grandma drive, ever, he told her she was too stupid to drive, he said it so many times that she convinced herself she was stupid, too stupid to do anything except cook and clean and definitely too stupid to stand up to him ever
He also screamed at me any time I shut a car door that I was slamming it
My mum told me the other day that he had a serious problem with noise
That any type of noise really irritated him
And she always found that odd Also, whenever he would see an Asian person driving, he would get really aggressive and call them a “monkey”
He hated anyone that wasn’t white
He hated women
He hated gay people
No wonder my dad is so fucked up
Once when I was a kid I dreamt there was a terrorist attack at their house and there were bombs going off everywhere
I used to be terrified of natural disasters and would have recurring dreams about tsunamis and bushfires
The worst dream I ever had though was when I died from eating a poisonous ham sandwich from a man selling them out of a trolley in IGA
He wasn’t a part of IGA
He was his own separate business entirely
I don’t know if you would call it a business
It was pretty low key
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