#Also the Wilderness is fully a Hunt domain within the Fearpocalypse right
motherofmabari · 1 year
I'm having TMA and Yellowjackets brainrot rn so I'm thinking about which Entity each Yellowjacket is most aligned with, like individually. The show as a whole has big Hunt and Slaughter vibes, also Flesh, but I wanna break it down further so here goes -
First up, Tai's gotta be Stranger right? We've got other Tai going on, plus the Man with No Eyes feels Stranger aligned, and even specifically Eye opposed considering the lack of them imo.
I'm gonna say Laura Lee is the Vast, what with the little plane and her death in the sky and then her final resting place underwater.
Lottie is Spiral, no questions. What is reality, what isn't, that's her whole schtick.
Misty is the Web, she manipulates and collects information and positions herself to get what she wants, though I don't think she'd get along with Annabelle.
Shauna is ofc the Flesh, girl is their butcher and the first cannibal among them, this one's a no brainer. I mean, she gave birth! Tell me growing a other human inside your own body isn't the most Flesh aligned thing ever
Van is pure Hunt, she's been both prey and predator and is the most bloodthirsty among them imo.
Natalie took me awhile, I initially leaned towards Hunt for her too but I actually think I'm gonna go with the Buried for her, and here's my reasoning - Natalie is buried in guilt from episode one, over her father's death. The guilt continues to pile on through her entire life, and she even attempts to bury her trauma with drugs. Idk, I think it fits.
For Jackie I lean towards The End. She's the definition of Doomed by the Narrative, and her death signals the end of the Yellowjackets retaining any real normalcy.
Getting into the girls we don't know as well - with Mari I'm thinking maybe Slaughter? She keeps hearing the dripping which we can now assume is blood dripping, what with her bleeding wall hallucination, and she's a strong contender for Pit Girl.
For Akilah I'm gonna go with the Lonely, I mean she hallucinated a whole little mouse friend for herself, seems pretty Lonely.
As for Crystal/Kristen, Gen, and Melissa, I honestly know so little about them that I just don't know.
Bonus Boys -
Coach Ben is officially Desolation aligned after the season 2 finale if you ask me, the Spiral might've been playing with him earlier but the Lightless Flame has him now
Javi feels like a mix of Lonely and Buried for me - he spent so much time presumably alone and underground, so in a literal sense it works, and he's also the outsider in this group, the baby brother who's in the way. The ring Travis dug up for him also feels Buried aligned tbh.
And last we have Travis - I'm thinking Flesh. This works both with his latest act of eating his brother's heart, and with the earlier obsession with his body as both a sexual object and literal meat, when the girls hunt him as the 'stag'. Even his cruel nickname, Flex, comes from a scar on his body and the lie about why he got surgery (removing ribs is very Jared Hopworth too).
Is this anything? Idk but it's fun to play with
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