#Also this isn’t for the kingfield anniversary. That one is still in progress even though I’m so hella late with it
velshie · 5 years
Kingfield angst drabble
David never thought that sitting on the bed of a dead man would ever be something he would deal with but here he was. He swallowed a lump in his throat as he went through pictures that this fucking geek took of them together and actually got them developed. Who does that nowadays anyway?
“It’s something physical to hold on to. It’s like holding an actual memory at your fingertips instead of a phone! Besides, I’ve always been better with cameras than phones anyway.” He could still freshly remember that memory of when Dwight gave David pictures of them for their one year anniversary. They were laughing, eyes bright with happiness and joy, cuddling in a blanket together during a particularly cold night during their groups annual June camping trip.
David felt his eyes water, he jammed his eyes closed. He refused to cry, it was a happy memory and he will not let his grief tarnish it. He packed up some of Dwight clothes away, trying his best not to let himself keep things that will make it harder for him to accept that he’s gone and move on. He wasn’t proud to admit that this wasn’t the first time he had tried to do this. He had tried for months, but he just...Couldn’t do it. It was easier now that his clothes no longer held his smell, but putting away his favorite shirt into the box made him want to give up then and there but he toughed it out as heart-shattering as it was. David had to remind himself that this was for him. To move on and this wasn’t a betrayal and that Dwight would have wanted this. He would want him to move on and smile again. There were a couple of things that were harder, that held some of the best memories before they were married. Like the stuffed bear that he won for him during their third date to the carnival, his husbands' camera that Dwight had saved up for months while working in that god awful pizza place and treated it like his baby. And also his photos with that camera….They were right he supposed. A picture is worth a thousand words.
And his wedding ring from when they got married two years ago.
His therapist said it would be best to keep it hidden but David loved Dwight with his heart and soul and keeping it locked in a drawer or tossed away felt like he was tossing Dwight away and he just...Couldn’t do it. So he kept it on a necklace close to his heart where his husband will always be.
He felt a tear run down his face as he aggressively wiped it away, but soon another tear, and another, then suddenly the whole flood gates were open and he couldn’t keep tears at bay and he sat on their shared bed and bawled like a two-year-old who lost his mum.
Except he lost his soulmate and he was never coming back.
And God did he miss him more than anything.
It was his fault. He lost his husband because he asked him to detour from work to get him some beer from the shop and his husband being the sweet soul that he was had gone ahead and went out of his way to grab some. He didn’t calculate that he would walk in during a robbery and startle the thief with the gun. Now he’s a widower after finally marrying the love of life two years ago.
Fuck. Dwight of all people?
His mum had told him that ‘God always took the good ones.’ As she grieved with him, holding him in her arms like she did when he was only a child. It didn’t make him feel better, in fact, it made him feel worse. Bitter if anything because what kind of god would take such a loving man when David needed him most?
David was knocked out of his thoughts when he heard a knock on the door. David had to debate for a minute, not ready yet to talk to anyone at the moment. Not ready to hear any more fucking condolences or to see their pity which they could shove up their-
He shook his head of the nasty, angry thoughts. He was able to control his anger with Dwight anchoring him down and a therapist. He would not disappoint his memory by ruining all that progress because he’s not there. He got up and gave himself a second to prepare before he walked downstairs and answered the door. He was expecting a lot of things, but he was not expecting Frank and his band of misfits to be there and looking almost as broken as he did.
“Can...Can we come in?” Susie’s voice cracked, looking like she was ready to burst into tears any second and David couldn’t help but usher them in. When they first met “The Legion.” As they called themselves, it was a bit of a rocky start as they tried to intimidate the couple as they moved in wanting them to know they were on their territory. Didn’t go so well when David backhanded Frank so hard he swore the kid saw stars when he made a derogatory remark towards Dwight. Instead of telling them to fuck right off like David wanted too, he swore that Dwight had lost his goddamn mind when he invited them in for food and to keep warm.
Since then, Susie absolutely adored Dwight and those two got on like a house on fire. She even started to call him dad after 6 months of knowing them and David would even catch her in the house with Dwight as she showed him her own photos that she had taken. Julie and Frank seemed to get along better with David, in awe of his strength and strange similarity to them personality wise but still loved Dwight for his advice and soothing personality. They all took it hard but David was confident to say that Frank was probably the one who took it the hardest even though he had never admitted it, but he never had too, you could see it in his posture, usually Frank stood so tall but now he was slouched. Mischievous, sparkling brown eyes were almost as dull as David's own green ones. David couldn’t but think that Frank deserved to be here, they all did, but Frank most of all. Dwight and David hadn’t adopted Frank. Frank had come to adopt them as his unofficial parents and had only asked days before Dwight's death to ask to officially adopt him. David gave a small but sad smile when he saw Frank looking at a picture of Dwight. David wasn’t sure when Dwight was happier. During the wedding day or when Frank asked to be their son.
It was silent but David felt better now that the teens were here. Someone else felt his pain and wanted to be close and David couldn’t deny that. He took a breath, He knows they wouldn’t take this well but he thinks they had the right as well.
“I’m going through his things right now. I wanted you guys to go through it before I threw some of them away.” All eyes were on him but surprisingly, Julie was the one who was the most vocal.
“Are...You fucking kidding? You’re throwing his things out!?” She got up and squared up to him, her body language aggressive and her eyes held so much anger, sadness, and betrayal. “This was your husband and you're going to throw away his things like they’re nothing? What you think he was trash too!?”
That hurt. That hurt really deep but David just let her pour out her feelings. Pour out all the anger and grief and whatever is plaguing her that came from the death of his husband.
“He wouldn’t have….He...He wouldn’t do that to you.” Her breath hitches turned to sobs and then just stood there and cried. Tough, nail hard Julie was crying. She just walked into his arms and cried on his chest. He felt his heart clench and his mouth wobble as he himself tried to hold it in. He placed his hand on the back of her head for comfort only making her cry harder and louder. Susie was covering her face with her hands as she sat on the couch and the two boys put their hood up to hide their faces.
They were all broken and Dwight left a hole in everyone’s heart that wasn’t ever going to go.
It took a while for everyone to calm down but everyone felt that drain. The bone-deep tiredness that came from a good cry. They stayed and planned to stay the night as they ordered pizza. David looked like he was going to cry when he saw the logo of ‘PizzaWhat’ in big, bold, red letters.
“Not sure if ya guys knew…” He started, feeling everyone’s eyes on him but his eyes were still settled on the pizza box. “Dwight used ta manage the PizzaWhat up until ‘e met me. Said it was the worst job ‘e ever worked but I always said the one ‘e was currently workin’ it was probably ‘is worst.” They all just looked at the box. Not very hungry already but knowing that it was connected to Dwight in some way made everything worse.
“Damnit David, don’t ruin my favorite pizza place.” Joey joked, but it was as weak as they all felt but they still were able to crack a smile. As small as it was, it was definitely still a victory.
David just snorted before he replied. “Yeah, this place treated ‘im like gold compared to this place that ‘e works-Worked. He worked at.” They all winced as David corrected himself. He heard a sniffle coming from the couch but he couldn’t tell if it was Susie or Julie. He couldn’t really care though, he’ll let them cry for as long as they need.
“You should ‘ave heard the voicemail ‘his piece o’ shit boss left. ‘M still debating on whether or no’ I should punch ‘is fuckin’ lights out.” They all looked at him intensely, intrigued about what he was talking about but didn’t say anything. “Dwight never complained about ‘is work, but I knew they were workin’ ‘im like a dog. I didn’ know the extent of ‘ow much they abused ‘im though.” He shouldn’t be telling them this. They were already very protective of their little cut and paste misfit family that they made and they were petty when you messed with any of them. But now with one gone and all of them grieving, David knew this could send them in a direction he doesn’t want them to go down. So why was he running his mouth?
“Do you still have the voicemail?” Joey asked, which made David look up. His voice was calming and pleasant but the look in his eye promised something much more sinister. David nodded, he was angry at the way Dwight was treated and he knew these kids would burn the whole fucking world down if they messed with the family. David knew Dwight would be so angry and mortified that he was going to show them but he wanted to share his anger.
“You gotta promise me though,” They wouldn’t keep it. He knows he wouldn’t if he heard this but at least he could say he tried. Makes him feel a bit better, even though he knew it’s selfish and such a bad idea. “You gotta promise me ya ain’ gonna get in trouble. Ya ain’t gonna do anythin’.” They all promised but it was half-hearted. Susie did a poor job of hiding her crossed fingers behind her back but in all honesty, David kinda hoped they would do something. Maybe take that fat cat piece of shit and-
He let out a breath as he cut those thoughts off. He didn’t want anything happening to these kids. He didn’t want them to have blood on their hands.
God Dwight, we all need you now more than ever.
He got up and went to the answering machine. Dwight was a little old fashioned and always believed they should have a house phone for work and a cell phone for friends and family. David hesitates over the replay button, getting second thoughts about doing it.
“Let us hear the messages David,” Frank started, his voice holding no emotion. “Please.” Ah, his voice cracked there. How could he say no to a rare please from Frank?
So he played it.
“Dwight, you’re late! It better be because you’re grabbing my coffee because I swear to god if it isn’t I’ll fire you on the spot. Get here and make it fast.” It ended and a fresh wave of uncontrollable anger coursed through him. He hadn’t felt this way in a long time and he was itching for a brawl.
When he looked up, the cold rage that settled on all their faces made him feel better. He gave a feral, bitter smile.
“You think that was bad? Just ya wait.” He said as he played the second message.
“It’s been a whole day, where the fuck were you? With some extra time in the office, I would have forgiven you for being late but this is unacceptable! I knew you were always useless but I thought at least you're on time. What a fucking joke you are. Don’t bother coming in tomorrow, I’ll make sure you're blacklisted from any firm that you want to assist in. Good luck with getting a job in the future, especially with no reference. Happy job hunting.” It was almost worse hearing it a second time. He was surprised when Frank was next to him, looking him dead in the eye as his anger festered. Was this what he looked when he was angry? When he wanted a fight?
“I think we might have to break that promise,” Frank looked at the voicemail machine and David was sure that poor piece of tech was going to explode. “Because this doesn’t go unpunished.”
David knew he should feel some kind of chill but he didn’t. He felt nothing but a small bloom of satisfaction that he knew he would come to regret later. David connected their foreheads together and looked Frank in the eye.
“Do what you need to do and don’t get caught.” There was a twisted smile that made a home on Frank's face.
“Don’t worry. We won’t.” He moved and they all moved towards the door like we’re one entity. Susie grabbed their masks from her bag and handed it to all of them.
“Will get revenge for him, dad. To all those that wronged him, we’ll get him.” They all put their masks on moved through the door before Frank stopped and turned, the mask sending a chill down David’s spine.
“And the man who murdered him. Will give you that privilege to reap what he sowed.” David knew he should be afraid. This wasn’t what Dwight would want, this was exactly what he was trying to get the group away from and David was here encouraging them. God, Dwight would be so disappointed.
“You leave that one to me. We’ll find ‘im and make ‘im suffer.” Frank nodded, before walking up and giving him a quick but strong hug.
“He messed with the wrong family.” David nodded and smirked. He was angry and no fucking therapist was going to help him this time.
“We’ll track ‘im down and make sure ‘e wishes that ‘e was never born. I promise you’ll ‘ear ‘im scream.” Frank laughed and it was the most emotion he has heard from him since the news. David could help but feel a rush as they shared the same thoughts.
“Of course dad, welcome to the Legion.”
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