#Always up for bitching about Campbell. Interesting writing or not.
whiskeyswifty · 5 months
Hello, we're not mutuals, but I've been a long-time follower of yours, and I've always associated you with New York. So today, when my job told me they're sending me on a mission there next month, I immediately thought of you haha. This is my very first time visiting. I am staying over a week, but I'll be working weekdays up until like 5 PM. If you have time, could you please recommend me some must do/see things in your opinion? Thank you 💕
this is so incredibly sweet and lovely!! taylor swift move over I'M NEW YORK CITY NOW BITCH!! kiddingggggg but i'm still so warmed by you saying that. I'd be happy to be your unofficial tour guide of sorts, and i'll give you a mix of places that you should definitely see since you haven't been before and some fun offbeat places that might not be first on tourism lists but i particularly love. You can peruse the list and pick and choose as you wish! No pressure to do anything of course and i won't be offended if things don't seem interesting to you. Also this is in no particular order, just how they popped into my brain haha.
Grand Central Station - one of my absolute favorite places in the city. It's a architectural marvel from a bygone era (literally we don't build them like this anymore) and is actually as stunning as in pictures! The teal vaulted ceiling painted and lit up with constellations from the night sky, the original chandeliers, the Tennessee marble floors. It's also a fully working transit hub so you'll get to feel the hustle and bustle of the city. Lots to eat here too if you want a bite, like the famed Oyster bar or something quick from the food hall in the basement, which isn't much to write home about but convenient and hardly ever crowded. There's also a bar off the side of the station that used to be the office of a very wealthy financier, called The Campbell. One of the most stunning bars and lounges in the city and if you time it right, you can enjoy a drink or a bite to eat without a huge crowd!
2. The Met (aka The Metropolitan Museum of Art) - my personal favorite museum in the entire world, although i am biased and used to live a few blocks from the steps so it might just be the museum i've been to the most lol. However, it's phenomenal in it's range of pieces and in how immersive the curators try to make each exhibit. Instead of putting objects in cases, they try to display them in the context with which they were used! The Arms and Armor hall is my FAVORITE with several suits of armor on horseback parading down the middle of the whole exhibit, and flags hanging from the balconies that each represent one of the knights of the round table!! i mean how COOL is that!! Also, a must see is the temple of dendur, obviously. moved so Egypt could build a dam in the area it resided, they gave it as a gift to Kennedy for the millions he allocated to help Egypt preserve their monuments. it was accepted on behalf of his wife Jackie, who then was instrumental in *ahem* suggesting quite forcefully to the presidential successor LBJ that it be put indoors and not outdoors (obviously). go to the Met who agreed to pay for an entire addition just for it. It just so happens that the addition they built to house the temple has floor to ceiling windows that look up into the very apartment on 5th Ave that Jackie was living in at the time. Whether you find that a burst of sentimentality for her late husband or hubristic, that's up to you, it's probably a bit of both, but i love that story as it gives the temple a fun bit of context. Another highlight is the furniture collection, which sounds boring but to display them the met recreated entire ROOMS from the eras the furniture is from, including a full transplant of the living room of one of Frank Llyod Wright's most famous homes!! and you can walk IN IT. (i could go on for days, as could you wandering this museum and all of it's fantastic collections)
3. Time's Square - which is loud and dirty and crowded and horrendous BUT is still pretty magical, especially if you've never been. My advice, go late at night if you can for smaller crowds and it just looks so damn cool all lit up, even I can't deny.
4. The West Village - broad i know, but i'm a huge advocate for walking around residential areas when you visit a city. something my mom taught us as kids and it's a great way to get a feel for how people actually live and not just the Disneyland areas. also it provides a bit of a sensory and energy break on your trip as most residential areas are mellow. This is one of the more lively areas, but you'll find yourself wandering around stunning colonial town homes and adorable shops. It's a bit grimy and crowded with NYU kids in some parts, even on weeknights, but i think it adds to the charm of it. It's a lived in neighborhood! Washington Square park is a fun little central area to people watch, but honestly sitting at a cafe table anywhere is really fun just to see people walk by, ranging from 80 year old hippies who have lived there for their entire lives to 18 year old kids who look like the coolest people i've ever seen in my life. Also, you'll always find a swiftie taking a photo under the cornelia st. sign, so if you want a little piece of swiftie new york, that's an easy one to get. (there's a section that is particularly grubby and awful that is a series of blocks below west 4th under Washington square park and above Houston st, bordered on the east and west by Broadway and 6th ave respectively. It's not horrible, but it's super crowded and the less charming chunk of the area for sure. however feel free to venture down there for some trendy food and interesting shops if you're feeling up for it! a fun little store that's cool to peruse is called Chess Forum where they host chess tournaments but also sell incredibly intricate themed chess sets! don't go out of your way, but if you're around, pop in and check it out for five or so minutes)
5. Statue of Liberty (including the ferry itself) - something that should be overrated but really isn't! It's genuinely cool, even to me who's lived here for so long and to my friends who are lifelong new yorkers. It's such a monument in the truest sense of the word and honestly, bigger than you expect. It's not that you think it's going to be small, just the mere fact of seeing something you've only seen in photos, your brain will just be shocked at how big it is. No need to go up in it, imo, but do what you want! I think the last ferries leave around 5 each day so if you can make it out of work a biiiiiit early one day, and you're nearby, you can catch it! Not a must do of course, but if you find the time, it's one of those few things in life i have found that is worth it. Also, the ferry to and from there is a bonus sightseeing element as you get GREAT views of the tip of manhattan! makes for some gorgeous photos and one of the lesser known tips is manhattan as seen by a boat is one of the best views you'll get. If you can't make it to the official ferry tour, here is a pro tip: take the Staten Island Ferry. i KNOW that sounds weird, but the route to Staten Island is pretty much the same as the Statue of Liberty tour route. You won't stop at the island to get off and see the statue, BUT you'll get very close to it! Why the Staten Island Ferry? Well it runs all hours of the day and night and it's FREEEEEE. You can just hop back on the returning ferry and get double the views! You can board the ferry in Manhattan at the tippy tip on the bottom right at Whitehall terminal. The second best view of Manhattan is......
6. Brooklyn Bridge - another great monument that is open to you 24 hours a day if you cannot get out of work early enough. Another architectural marvel (which i'm super into so apologies if you don't care about buildings lol) but also a true monument! You can walk across it at any time of day and be sure to turn around half way for a spectacular view of manhattan. my advice to you, as corny as it is, do NOT turn around until you get halfway at least. the contrast of walking away from the city and turning around and seeing it up close like that is really a delight. I always make people i go with do that and they hate me until they turn around and then they're begrudgingly happy they listened. Also, truly any time of day is great, but if you happen to do it at dusk on a lovely spring day, oooooo boy it's glorious. I have dozens of stories about the bridge, as it's one of my favorite stories in the entire history of the world (again biased sorry but it's SUCH A GOOD STORY) but two anecdotes i'll tell you. 1. the man who was supposed to build the bridge was the son of the man who designed it, and he had everything ready to go but got sick and bedridden shortly after starting. So, his wife, who had been studying engineering alongside him this entire time, was taught by her husband specifically about bridge engineering as he was bedridden for ten years. Over the course of that time, she eventually took over as Chief Engineer on site and technically is the person who oversaw and instructed the construction of the bridge, her husband never really setting foot on the project site. Her name is Emily Roebling and for her work, they awarded her the privilege of being the first person to cross the bridge on opening day, leading the parade. Also, there is a street named after her on the Brooklyn side near the bridge. 2. It was the largest suspension bridge ever built at that time and people were freaked out by it, thinking it would fall. To prove to the public how sturdy it was, Emily enlisted the help of the circus star P.T. Barnum (yes that Barnum) who brought 21 elephants, including his star Jumbo, to cross the bridge!
7. Broadway rush tickets - since you sound like you're traveling alone, or at least with a small group, broadway rush tickets will be very easy for you to get! You can look up the process online, there are lots of resources. It's the only way to see something cheap these days, and even then it might not be so cheap. I'm not a huge broadway person so I can't say what is particularly good or bad, but currently Stereophonic is a hot new show that seems really interesting! It's more dramatic and play-esque than your typical dazzling brassy musical, so if you're into that, check it out!
8. Top of the Rock - most people will send you to the empire state building to see skyscraper level views. and that's good too, but here's the thing, you're IN the empire state building.... so you can't SEE it. people don't think of this and walk away from their new york visit with no photos of the damn thing because they stood on it instead. Also, it's a fenced in balcony for.... obvious reasons and much more limited in scope. Top of the Rock is not only in the very cool rockafeller center, which is fun to walk around and admire, but you can see the empire state building while up there! Also, it has northern AND southern views, all at the same time on the roof deck, with glass walls. So you get no obstructions! It's also situated a bit further north so you get a fantastic view of central park sprawling north. It's open until midnight, so after work you can get some dazzling sunset views or glittering cityscape night views.
Some food recs:
Pizza: the most controversial of all, and sooooooo particular to each person's taste. Most pizza places on Best Of lists are great, you can't go wrong. Word of advice to you though: L'Industrie is great, but the lines are insane and it's not THAT worth it. However, if you want a typical "slice" then look no further than these two:
Joe's - the most accessible since it's all over the city, but is honestly the perfect slice imo. Which means there's not much to it in terms of frills, but that's what tourists seem to not understand. it's just a damn good slice. Crust perfect, crispy and not droopy, sauce to cheese ratio is perfect, sauce has a bit of flavor but not too much. I go for the cheese cuz i'm basic but the pep is great too! Don't get anything else. Carmine's is the original shop but any of the locations are great.
Scarrs - this is my ACTUAL favorite slice, however there's only one location and it's pretty out of the way. It's on the LES, which is a fun place to wander if you don't mind a bit of grit and grime. Again, super simple, but my man mills his OWN FLOUR so he can get the right ratio. as far as i know, nobody else in new york is doing that. Dough is also fermented, so it has the perfect amount of crisp, tang, and saltiness. Also, Scarr is afro-latino which is rare in the pizza world, but a welcome wakeup call to all the italian goombahs slinging mediocre pies. As always, get the plain cheese, but the hotboi is so fucking good, don't miss it. and get the honey on top!!
Bagels: Honestly, anywhere you go will have great bagels. I've gone into the shittiest looking dump and gotten a bagel better than outside the tristate area. (Yes the water is what makes it great, it's been proven and it makes the pizza great too).
Personally, my favorite is Tompkins Square Bagels as i lived next to it for many many years. Bagel purists shut upppppp i don't wanna hear it!! They churn out bagels pretty frequently so you're likely to get a hot one! DONT get it toasted, especially if its a fresh bagel. It'll be perfect on it's own, but do what you must to enjoy it. You MUST however get an everything bagel, scallion cream cheese is optional but it's highly recommended. If they have it, the french toast bagel is wild and kind of sacrilegious, but soooooo fucking good if it's warm. get plain or if you wanna develop diabetes, birthday cream cheese if they got it.
Russ & Daughters - an absolute knockout place, both the storefront/bagel shop and the restaurant. It's incredibly stylized to evoke old school LES bagel counters of yore, but the quality is unmatched. There is usually a line, so i don't really emphasize this as a MUST GO place, as new yorkers don't wait in lines lol. But weekdays you might fare better! If you're a lox person, this is the place to get your bagel and lox. (i'm not, which is blasphemous to my jewish family, but i won't turn down one from Russ and Daughters).
Gonna list my other favs here just so you have some in other neighborhood: Baz Bagels (LES), Murray's Bagels (WV), Apollo Bagels (EV), H&H (UES), Orwashers (UES & UWS), Tal Bagels (various locations).
Other Food spots that i like that are pretty classic new york food!
Daily Provisions - get the BEC (bacon, egg, & cheese) to feel like a real new yorker. it's one of the more gourmet versions, but my god it's a good one. also, go early as you can to snag a cruller. one of the BEST doughnuts in the city.
Magnolia Bakery - GO ONLY FOR THE PUDDING. the cupcakes are mid as hell, you can feel the sugar granules in the frosting, not great. Their signature banana pudding is fantastic though, and if the seasonal one sounds good to you, grab that too! they offer very small sizes so you can try both, or a big tub if you want.
Veselka - another spot i kind of am biased about because i lived near it, but it's a CLASSIC new york haunt that doesn't exist anymore for the most part elsewhere. It's a Ukrainian diner from 50s, and has typical diner food and service, but the pierogis are the star here. Any kind, go nuts. Open 24/7 and always filled with NYU kids, but still retains that city-that-never-sleeps charm somehow.
Pastrami Queen - for.... a pastrami on rye sandwich lol if that wasn't clear. Most people will send you to Katz, which is fine! It's not what it used to be, but it is a very cool experience. The pastrami is still good, and the matzoball soup is good. Knish's are a little greasy for my taste though. Best pastrami though imo is at Pastrami Queen. one on UES and one on UWS (plus a location in the new moynihan train hall) so it's not super easy to get to, but i highly rec it.
Parm - now this is my biggest cheat rec. new yorkers will read this and go, pfffft who cares about Parm? Well, i'll tell you why. You might have heard of the famed rigatoni alla vodka from carbone, which is good! but not worth the hassle of going to carbone. You CAN get it at Parm though, which is much easier to get into, cheaper, and more relaxed. They have several locations and the rest of the menu is really solid! Meatballs are great, garlic bread is fantastic, and the italian sandwich is wonderful. They've always had the rigatoni on the menu for those that knew, but only recently has the secret got out and so they changed the name to say "carbone rigatoni alla vodka." Don't go out of your way, but for a trendy new york dish you can brag about, that's a little tip from me to you.
Peter Pan Donuts and Pastry shop - LITERALLY MY FAVORITE PLACE EVER ok it is just a 50's style donut counter, and yes it is in greenpoint which makes it almost impossible to get to. HOWEVER if you manage to make it out there, you're in for a treat. Any doughnut you get is fantastic, and the pretty green interior and counters are so delightful to sit and enjoy as you get frosting/powdered sugar all over yourself. i try not to hype this place up cuz i don't want it to be even more popular than it is with locals, but for you anon i'll let you have it.
Xi'an Famous Food - a great hand-pulled and hand ripped noodle chain that is somehow still pretty authentic despite it's many locations. Great lunch spot for while you work, which most of these recs aren't lol. If the menu is overwhelming, i rec N1 and N2, or N9 if you don't love spice.
Morgansterns Ice Cream - also something you can't really go wrong with all of the Best Of lists. but this one is my absolute fav. Their traditional flavors are all exceptionally creamy and delicious, but they always have wild flavors on deck! You can't sample them, so getting a scoop is a commitment, but for fun, pick a wild one that you think you'd like and dive in. They're great at balancing flavors and making it actually delicious, not just shocking instagram fodder, so you might surprise yourself!
Los Tacos No. 1 - another trendy place that is actually worth the hype. There might be lines here as well but they move quickly, and there are many locations! A great lunch spot to grab some quick tacos, and one of the first in the city to bring al pastor to the masses. If you're mexican or come from the southwest, you might be underwhelmed or skip it altogether. but for new york, this is a shockingly fantastic mainstream taco place, and more authentic than you'd get most places.
Other than those big things, my recommendation to anyone visiting is to wander! Everything below the 80s is pretty safe, despite what you hear. The financial district shuts down daily after about 6/7 pm so avoid that for evenings mainly because it's boring. If you see something in a store, pop in! Also this list is particularly New York Staples, but it's one of the most racially and ethnically diverse places in the world. Seriously. any kind of food you want, it's here, and it's made by someone from that exact country/community. A quick google and you'll probably find whatever you're looking for.
I hope you have an amazing trip and no pressure to do anything you don't want to, honestly! Pick the things that interest you and go with your gut. It's a bottomless city and there's no definitive list of things that make it a New York Trip. Locals will tell you one thing and ex-pats will tell you another and transplants will tell you something completely different. It has something for everyone, but not everything is for everyone, is what I like to tell people. The city is YOUR playground, so do whatever you want! Just make sure to tip your drivers and servers generously and ALWAYS walk at a steady pace and on the right side of the sidewalk. ❤️
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jinjuomo · 1 year
Okay okay this is hopefully gonna be the last time I get annoying about the performance trio, but I offer you my hcs of the trio as highschoolers (long post ahead!)
- Sophomore
- Oldest out of the trio but oh god, he’s such a fucking shortie 💔
- Harrison’s growth spurt kinda slowed down as soon as he got into highschool , so he gets teased by his friends for it (they do it lovingly)
- Ends up getting braces and Nerris makes fun of him for it since they don’t have to wear them anymore 😭
- He does grow into his looks though!! He just doesn’t have any game
- Joins the drama club along with Preston and Nerris since it was one of the few electives that actually interested him. He mostly helps with setting up props and helps work the lighting
- Has a thing for Nerris and Preston but he’s fighting the bisexuality demon 😭😭
- Still is in contact with Quartermaster. Harrison still finds him.. odd, but he talks to him from time to time. They’re kind of besties.
- Harrison likes to take pictures of his friends for memory sake — he even has an album filled with pictures of them.
- He’s.. not really into magic as much as he was before since he has other things to worry about (and definitely not because his relationship with his parents is in turmoil!!)
- Is very attached to Nerris and Preston. They actually mean so much to him since they’re one of the few people that actually care about him, but he doesn’t know how to express it well 🙁
- I imagine he probably would gain a good amount of weight after attending Camp Campbell, so he’s not built like a stick anymore (and probably works out a lil’)
- Actually knows how to cook!! He doesn’t like the cafeteria food (who doesn’t?) at all, so he makes his own meals whenever he can
- He verbally stims whenever he’s walking home and he sees a random cat on the street, often saying ‘meow meow’
- Has a resting bitch face, but he’s actually a sweetheart 😭 he just doesn’t know how to express himself in general
- Sometimes crashes at Nerris’s place since his home life in general is emotionally exhausting to the point where he runs away from home 🙁 Harrison feels guilty about it, but Nerris always reassured him it’s not his fault
- Freshman
- No but seriously, he’s pretty fucking tall even though he’s like.. the youngest of the the three LOL
- Has a pretty high metabolism so she can eat a lot and still stay skinny
- Since he’s taking drama, he often likes to be casted as the protagonist of whatever play the club decides to perform. He’s also hella bossy and will get on your ass if you’re slacking
- Takes the most ugly ass photos of Harrison whenever she takes pictures of him and will slap his wrist away if he even bothers trying to delete it 😭😭
- Runs an account on InstaGram where people can send in submissions through Google Forms and talk shit about each other. It usually gets taken down, but he always makes backup accounts
- Proudly wears pansexual pride pins on his bag (also has a he/any pronouns pin). He dgaf if you find it obnoxious or not 🫶
- Always gets into online arguments on Twitter and has to make alt accounts since his ass always gets suspended 💀
- Annoys Nerris a lot whenever they see a fine ass woman or man on their TikTok fyp 😭😭 his taste is TERRIBLE and Nerris bullies him for it
- Uses so many emojis and italicizes his texts a lot when he chats with people online like this✨✨
- Actively writes fanfiction on ao3 😭
- Also a freshman
- Also pretty tall, but not as tall as Preston. But still taller than Harrison.
- Nerris isn’t really interested in drama (she just chose it as an elective to hang out with friends), but does enjoy acting as one of the characters whenever they do rehearsals.
- Wears converses and NOTHING ELSE 😭
- Loves talking shit about people with Preston A LOT 😭😭 they both have so much beef with people..
- Uses she/they/elf pronouns
- Gets along with Harrison way better compared to when they were campers. Elf likes to tease Harrison from time to time, but elf knows to not go too far
- Nerris is that one person on discord to send in something so out of pocket and automatically delete it afterwards 😭😭 Preston always takes screenshots and everyone goes wild
- Likes to use emoticons, especially these (*^_^*), ٩( ᐛ )و, (^ ^)
- Even though they have other interests, they still like to host DND sessions!! They usually like to invite Nikki, Neil and Harrison over to their house to play!
- She likes to collect dolls and figures as a hobby! She even has a little ‘shrine’ for them
- Owns a blog on tumblr where elf info dumps about elf interests and does write fanfic from time to time on it!
- Sometimes likes to mess and play around with Harrison’s hair, it’s just therapeutic for her
- Borrows their dad’s clothes a lot and wears it to school.. they’re just so comfy
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magiefish · 4 years
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hhhhhhhhhh guess who drew all the batim characters in prep for the comic they’re making!
yeah so it took like 4 days to draw all these guys, and it was actually pretty fun figuring out colours and designs and stuff!
(also, update on the Reveries Twisted comic, I have a plan for the first chapter but i have like, 7 tests next week and I haven’t started drawing it yet so it’s definitely not going to be coming out anytime soon sdfgsdfsj but i am still working on it!)
anyway, i felt like writing little descriptions for every character, so feel free to read these below the ‘keep reading’ line if you feel like it! My ask box is also always open, so if u have any questions feel free to ask
Bertrum Piedmont-he/him, gay/ace
-Started working as a mechanic at about 15 and worked his way up from there -Everyone in the studio @ him: why are u british -His big ego often gets in the way of things, but at his core he's a good person (doing bad shit but ultimately having good intentions is common among these guys shdgfs) -Wlw & mlm solidarity w/ Lacie, who is his most trusted confidant and friend -Actually treats his employees well, even when they do basically nothing all day, so he does a lot of work himself most of the time Linda Stein-she/her, straight as a ruler -Parents immigrated from Spain -She's very catholic and very into 'traditional family values' and that sort of stuff -She is sweet, but her strict morals and black and white ethics often make her do unintentional harm -She is also pretty oblivious to most things Jack Fain-he/him & they/them, pan/ace, OCD -Mother immigrated from China to France, and then he moved to America, it's confusing -Can play the violin really well, but is terrible at composing his own pieces -Peak friend material -Short and round and soft with a love of a good espresso -Kind and quiet but ultimately ineffective and happy to watch from the sidelines Daniel 'Buddy' Lewek-he/him, aro/ace, autistic, jewish -He is curious and observant, but very very naive -He finds it hard to pick up on social cues, and tends to daydream a lot -Never really had a father figure, and unfortunately kind of half sees Joey as one (baaaad choice), but his mother is great -Loves drawing and tends to chew on pens (and most objects really) -Too young Susie Campbell-she/her, demi -Her parents were Russian and she picked up their accent, but taught herself how to cover it up. She is now excellent at voice acting. -Has a birthmark most theatres turned her away for. But luckily voice acting gave her another chance at performance, and the music department really does not care about it. -Her dad was a butcher, so she now knows a concerning amount about how to cut up and dissect meat. -She gets easily attached to things emotionally, and has a whole pile of random bits and bops she keeps on her person because she can't throw them away. -Naive, but smart enough to know how to read and deceive people if needed. Ms Abigail Lambert-she/her, lesbian -A very gifted artist, who is quite frustrated with the business aspect of animation. -Picked up quite a few things about engineering from Lacie. -Stern, but kind. Motherly, if she likes you and you squint hard enough. -Used to fighting for things. -Giving her food is a pretty good way to get her to like you. Being an artist, she forgets to eat at the correct times a lot, so a meals always appreciated. Norman Polk-he/him, gay, albino -Knows how to fix things, knows how to fight, knows how to hide -General cool uncle vibes -He watches people a lot, and gives off some creepy vibes, but he does genuinely care about people -Knows something is up and is determined to find out what (even if he dies trying) -Fought in WW1, then worked at a cinema for a bit. Emma Lamont-she/her, heteroflexible -Keep dancing even when everything goes wrong -Bit of a 'i'm better than these fools' mentality going on -But she's pretty chill, and willing to act when needed -Basically every woman in the studio knows her on the basis that she chills in the girls bathroom. -Hates Joey, but knows those who stir up a bit too much trouble usually 'resign' Sammy Lawrence-he/him, (vocal-romantic) bi/ace, ADD -His dad sucked, so he ran away. He's also the reason he's largely abandoned his faith, but he still holds hope that there is some kind of god out there. -He and Jack are basically brothers, they've known each other for a long time. -He can compose music in his head, but can play basically every instrument. -Tall and thin and sharp with a love of black coffee. -He's actually pretty chill and nice, but the conditions of the studio (workload, noises, dreams) have left him quick to snap and a stressed out mess. -He's pretty oblivious to his own feelings and spends basically all his time thinking about music, so he usually only realises that he has a crush on someone if he hears them singing (hence the vocal-romantic joke) Johnny Hart-he/him (she/her), gay (trans), heart condition -A nervous wreck who avoids everything and everyone -Trans but doesn't realise it, he thinks this level of discomfort has something to do with his heart condition or something like that. -Speaking of which, if he gets genuinely terrified or panicked he could have a heart attack. -Hence why he's a recluse who remains in the organ room and interacts w/ literally no one. -Except Dot and Buddy (who forgets he exists and who he also has a crush on). Wally Franks-he/him, pan -Friends with literally everyone who isn't one of the older folks (and thomas) -Honorary member of the music department because he can play a harmonica and vibes with everyone there. -Tries to put a positive spin on everything, often beyond the point of reason -A mischevous, mildly selfish prankster with a heart of gold -Gossip pals with Susie and Norman The Violinist-she/her, nobody knows -Has literally never expressed an emotion ever -Seems to know things are going to happen before they happen -Just generally pretty weird -She isn't friends with Dot, they're both just vaguely interested in what the others doing -She looks a lot like Allison, but the two have never spoken and nobody knows if they're sisters Thomas Connor-they/them, gynephilia -He is just. So tired. -An actual mechanical genius who gets his work used for the wrong purposes. -Is very of the 'when you're on a path stick to it' mentality -Cold and hard exterior that vertually no one except Allison has ever managed to get through. -He can and will beat you up. Henry Stein-he/him, gay, vitiligo -Nice and hardworking. -Doesn't have many emotions other than to draw. -He's in fucking narnia he's so deep in the closest. -Feels emotions, but buries them deep down and doesn't express them too clearly. -Has difficulty setting healthy boundaries with people and represses himself far too much. Joey Drew-he/him, homoromantic/pansexual, bipolar disorder, alcohol and cigarette addictions -Chaotic, feral, short little man who lies to everyone -Charismatic as hell, but also a terrible friend and person in general -He doesn't blink enough, does not know the meaning of personal space, and hasn't aged for about 4 years, which are all very bad signs. -Doesn't understand how to run a business but does so anyway. Doesn't understand how to interact with people but does so anyway. Doesn't understand how to create life but does so anyway- -He isn't pure evil, he just gets into very bad mindsets and makes poor decisions that lead him down the wrongest way to go. -Does some self evaluation and goes 'maybe this wasn't the right way chief :/' just a bit too late Audrey Dempsey-she/her, lesbian, Borderline Personality Disorder -Feral conspiracy theorist -May or may not be related to multiple studio members -Everyone's called her crazy for years and made her feel like a burden, and she is hellbent on proving everyone wrong -Quite socially awkward, and rather sarcastic with a dark sense of humour -Works for Archgate Allison Pendle-she/her & they/them, androphilic/ace -Is forever lost in a vintage clothing store -Most people say she seems nice, but everyone just kind of subconciously registers that there is something up with her -Knows a lot about the supernatural -The person closest to Joey, which doesn't necessarily mean they're friends -Nobody has ever seen the right side of her face Dot Acciaci-she/her, pan -Her parents are Italian, and she speaks a little herself, usually using it to encrypt her private notes -Mischevious & curious, but ultimately kind -She will find out your secrets, and is very good at reading people -Great storyteller -Struggles with loneliness a lot Dr Eleanor Hackenbush-she/her, aro/ace -Science knows no bounds -Doesn't care what your motivation is, as long as you give her some cash and some experiments -Filled with nothing but utter spite Ms Reina Rodriguez-they/them, demi -Tired of everything -Although she puts up a calm exterior, Rodriguez is very attached to the studio and views it as her 'new family', having a terrible relationship with her old one -Her family drama connects to the fact they're very catholic, but she nobody knows what this drama is other than Joey Tessa Arch-she/her, straight -An absolute bitch -Trusts her husband far too much -Not very smart, but compensates for this for being good looking and rich Shawn Flynn-he/him (intersex), pan -Jovial, but gets angry quickly -Willing to do 'wrong' things if it helps someone else out, kind of like Robin Hood or something -His mother taught him how to sew and he helped her make clothes when he was younger -Found it hard to get a job because he's Irish, so despite being tired of all the bullshit of JDS, he is reluctant to look elsewhere -Friends with Lacie and Grant because they appreciate his humour Lacie Benton-She/her, lesbian, trans -Tougher than the toughies -wlw & mlm solidarity w/ Bertrum, who she views as one of the only genuinely smart people in JDS and who she has worked for for basically all of her life -Feels like something is up, but doesn't notice much if it doesn't connect to her work -Has automatophobia -Friend with Shawn and Grant because she respects their dedication to their work Grant Cohen-He/him, bi, depression, jewish -Absolute madlad at maths -Acts like he doesn't care what you think, cares far too much about what you think -Everyone wants him to just get therapy already -Doesn't have many friends, but has a weird 'we're both horribly overworked' kinship with Sammy, so they usually just chill and smoke together -Friends with Shawn and Lacie because they're actually mentally stable and he needs some rocks Nathan Arch-He/him, straight -You should hate him -You should hate him a lot -Super rich and doesn't pay his workers enough -Silver tongued -Basically a spider. Creates webs of manipulation and lies, sees a lot, and knows plenty about waiting for his prey to come to him.
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
Only Destiny Can Judge Us
Supreme! Michael Langdon+Alpha! (Female) Reader.
(A/N): Hello there lovelies!
This is kind of a take onto my Supreme! AU (it is completely different from the original one, since it is a different origins story, but it keeps up that plot).
Also it is based onto two asks that I received on the witches resurrecting Michael:
The witches resurrecting Michael to fight the antichrist 2.0. And he be like “you can eat my shit, you can defeat a bad bitch” attitude. Of course, they bring him back in their outpost form because he was more powerful in that form. Can u do that promp please??
outpost!Michael back from the dead helping the witches to defeat the new antichrist
As always, any kind of feedback, especially comments are welcomed, in order for my writing to get better and understand what you might truly be interested with!
Have a nice day and reading!
SUMMARY: The cycle that the prophecy spoke about is going to start again, and your nightmares are only the proof of how horrid it will all be again.
WORDS: 5,2 K
WARNINGS: Resurrection Talk, Violence, Non-Sexual Choking, Prophecy, AU; Unprotected (DO IT WITH PROTECTION, BABES!) Sex, Oral (Female Receiving) Sex, Fingering, Hate-To-Love.
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You ran, holding your bleeding wound.
You knew that your efforts were useless: everything would be reset that night, but you knew it meant much more than Cordelia had planned.
You had discussed and fought with her about that.
‘‘Delia your plan won’t solve anything! We’ll have to fight another antichrist as soon as this one is buried! It is no use to run from destiny! We are just bringing this one further along the way, in a path of pain and loss’.
‘What do you know of pain and loss, little (Y/N)?’ had shot back arrogantly Cordelia, looking at you with desperation and pain ‘Have you lost your coven? Is the world in crumble underneath you?’.
‘I understand your grievances, ‘Delia, I do more than you think, and I tell you that this circle of pain and loss will just repeat itself if we don’t cut it with the proph…’.
‘You know exactly like me that those prophecies are nothing more than lies that get to those who have an open mind towards black magic. And let me tell you, little (Y/N), I didn’t think that you would be one of those’.
‘It’s to extreme remedies that this disgrace has brought us, ‘Delia’ you had mumbled, before you had dared more ‘… and at least my mind is open…”.
Cordelia had petrified you on the spot and her mind had become even more closed to your idea than it was before, hence you were running trying to suffocate the bleeding wound on your lower stomach, but you could already feel dizzy.
And you could already feel him coming onto you, and then a force smashed you against the closed wall, effectively bruising your back, meanwhile your nails tried to sink in the stone walls to calm the pain going through your wounded body.
But it wasn’t enough.
The healing enchantment died on your lips as Michael Langdon was onto you, his body slamming into yours, and kept you attached to the walls behind you, bruising further your back.
You let out a moan of pain and he smirked, pleased of how he was torturing you.
“You can’t outrun the destiny, little rabbit” he smirked with an evil glint in his eyes, as he brought your head up to meet his and you gritted your teeth together, both for the pain and the humiliation.
“I know that for sure” you knew better than anybody what would be happening that night “… in a few minutes I’ll be laying breathless and without a soul onto the floor”.
“I like girls who know what will happen to them and don’t run from it” he pushed an hand around your neck and you were unable to hide the goosebumps the cold touch created as he pushed it to tighten around your frail structure “… you aren’t like the others for sure”.
You knew it: you had always stuck out among the others as a sore thumb, but it had never mattered, because you hadn’t known what you knew now.
The antichrist would make the world crumble to pieces and the witches would fight it, they would destroy him, but they wouldn’t destroy the curse around it, creating and being stuck in a circle of rebirth and time-travelling, which was quite not useful for both the parties.
The grip onto your neck tightened.
“For this… knowledge of yours, little rabbit, I’ll allow you a bloodless death, you’ll die as pure as not many have, your body keeping the resemblance of the youth which has been stolen by those witches” he smirked, and suddenly your breath was stolen from your lungs.
You didn’t fight it, knowing all too well that to be truly reborn you would have to die, but still you couldn’t deny the scariness of the act, which brought your soul to lose his resoluteness.
Dying wasn’t a pretty look on you, although your death was the cleanest you had seen, amongst all your sisters.
And in Michael’s eyes, at the moment of weakness you had been having, tears shone.
You could feel and see a small boy, being scared of what he was doing, wanting desperately to stop what he was doing, but it was all his destiny had made him useful for.
The prophecy had done all of you dirty.
You woke up suddenly, the scream stuck in your throat and your hands went around it to search for the hands which had been choking you a few minutes before anything stopped and your eyes opened, revealing that you weren’t in an ancient manor anymore, but in your own dormitory at Hawthorne.
And you hadn’t been the only one awake at that cursed hour.
John Henry stood in the doorway of your room, probably having been left open, because you had fallen asleep onto your books (and you had quite the mark of it on your face) and hadn’t even been able to close it and reach the bed.
“How many times have I told you that reading those books before sleeping will give you nightmares?” he asked, although his tone held no bite to it, a slight worry being shown in the way he pawed around, wondering whether he should enter in your room or not.
And you simplified his choice offering him the chair next to you.
“And how many times have I told you that they are my nightmares to deal with?” you retorted, but quickly closed the elegant volumes you had been studying onto.
Since you had come to Hawthorne, in some kind of exchange study visit, you had been attracted by the darkest part of the library, where prophecies about the end of the world were written and held.
The nightmares hadn’t come with the prophetic books, they had actually started before.
For as long as you could remember what you dreamt and had a nightmares about, you had this horrifying thought about a man holding your throat, choking you till you lost your life to it, and you hadn’t been able to think about anything else.
You had tried any way to shoo them away, but they were more resilient than you might have thought and slowly your mind had taken them as a premonition of what was to come and your search through any prophetic book had pushed you to research a way out of them.
Which you still hadn’t found.
“They are not yours to deal with, when you scream loud enough to wake up any warlock in this wing of the palace” spoke back John, although again worry showed up in his eyes.
He had been the only teacher who had been willing to work with you, since you had arrived at Hawthorne: warlocks didn’t have a particular pendant for witches, even more when they knew all too well that you were there to keep an eye on them and their newest student, Devan Campbell.
You avoided Devan, like the plague, when you could, still: something about that boy wasn’t quite right.
“Are you enough pretentious to call all this shit a ‘palace’” you replied sarcastically, meanwhile you got up from your chair and moved your legs, which had grown rather sleepy and threatened your ability to actually walk to the bathroom to change.
“Was it the same dream again?” John Henry’s voice didn’t have any kind of amicable tone to it, and you couldn’t deny its seriousness with some sarcasm of your own, this time.
“What else would it be about?” you replied, lowering your eyes onto your hand, ink staining them and your ring catching the low light of the only candle surviving in the room, and you also made a mental point to light up another one, since you wouldn’t be able to sleep in the total darkness “… a game of cat and mouse, my knowledge that nothing will ever change and then… a beautiful man comes and chokes me to death… and the worst part is that… I feel pity for my murderer”.
“And you are sure that this is your future…?” you nodded slowly, and although John Henry hid it better than others, you saw that he was skeptic about the entire thing: who wouldn’t?
You didn’t have any ability in clairvoyance, hence you shouldn’t have been able to predict such a thing, even more when it hunted you without your control “… have you ever thought it might have been your past?”.
You now looked at him shocked.
“What do you mean?”.
John Henry shrugged off his jacket, to be more comfortable, since he knew this would take much more time than he had thought.
“Past lives are a bit more than people simply think them these days”.
“You are suggesting that what I am dreaming about… is my… past lives”
“No need to be so skeptic, sweetheart” he mumbled, reaching out in his pocket for his cigarettes, just to reminded by your harsh look that you didn’t like that gesture, mostly when he smoked in your clean room, smelling like lilies and oranges “… what I am saying is that you are looking too much through this: past lives sometimes come back to us in dreams, details that hunt you through the last shred of sanity”.
“Somebody choked me to death in my past life?” you tried to mumbled, thinking whether it made sense or not, and strangely it did, although you didn’t understand the way the dream kept on appearing almost each night you would dream.
“There are worst ways to die than this one” John Henry mumbled, sadly caressing your face “… just get some rest, I can put a spell onto you if you need it…”.
“You know how they don’t work…” you replied softly but thanked him with a quite caress to his shoulder, as he got up and you tried to do the same on shaky legs.
The only thing that would work on you was the truth.
Slowly the dream had become more detailed and you had been able to rebuild a story around them, and you were sure it was all due to Devan Campbell’s awakening powers, building up the prophecies you had been studying.
You had told John Henry that it was all linked.
And when the Campbell House trip had brought new knowledge, you hadn’t been able to handle the situation much longer, even more when it all spoke about things you had read in the prophetic books.
You had gone back to Cordelia and explained the entire situation, revealing much more than she had expected…
… than her and Mallory had expected.
“This is not the first time we are in this situation” you spoke, surprising anybody “… isn’t it, Mallory?”.
She seemed surprised, almost caught red-handed, but then spoke.
“It isn’t, but I had no idea that you had kept your memories” now all the witches in the Council were looking at you confused.
“They came back to me in my dreams, but I can’t quite piece everything together, but I know it’ll happen again, the books said that it will till the circle isn’t broke”.
Mallory smiled sadly, before moving to Cordelia sending her a smile who asked forgiveness for her omissions.
“We have already fought an antichrist: his name was Michael Langdon, and exactly as Devan he showed extraordinary magical abilities, but he was something more, something much darker… we managed to defeat, but… it is happening again”.
“I warned you it would happen” you mumbled, meanwhile Cordelia simply stared shocked at Mallory.
“You… came from the future…?” she said, evidently shocked.
“… and I had visions about it! And if you hadn’t noticed… we are all witches… this is fucking normal!” you shot back: now that you were sure you weren’t going crazy and something was happening, you didn’t understand the witches’ uneasiness.
Maybe it was because you had already gone through meanwhile for them it was simply fresh news.
“… (Y/N)…this isn’t… oh Gosh… this all seems crazier than it is”.
“We have defeated one antichrist already, we can do it again” replied encouragingly Mallory.
“We almost died in the last fight… shouldn’t we try to focus on avoiding what almost killed us…?” you didn’t want to again ‘I told you so’, but you had to use what you had found in your researches.
“… we know better and we are stronger than him, we know what mistakes not to commit” commented Mallory, taking the danger lightly and you couldn’t help but harshly send her a scared look, remembering all too well the way your neck had sounded as Michael had twisted it.
The way Madison’s head had exploded and the sick way he had bitten into Coco’s.
You couldn’t survive this again.
“… we won’t be defeated, this time”.
You had.
You still remembered the day when Mallory had left you and Cordelia had fallen to the ground, you and your fellow sister had been barely able to push her away from the horrible scenery and only Misty had been allowed to comfort her.
The following day she had come to your room and had asked to know what ‘your researches had taught you’.
Although she seemed skeptic, she had lost any hope the same second Mallory’s corpse had touched the ground.
And you had explained.
“It’s a prophecy: the antichrist is the contrary of Jesus Christ, hence we need a Christ, since this is not anymore an affair of witches and… that’s what the prophecy talk about: a new reborn human which will defeat the cursed son”.
“We should resurrect somebody and make him fight with the antichrist… that prophecy is bullshit!” commented Madison, meanwhile Cordelia seemed shocked.
“Not… anybody… there is the circle and who we should resurrect is…” you didn’t know how to give this news lightly, mostly when it was so heavy on everyone.
“… the previous antichrist, right?” Myrtle completed and you just nodded your head, meanwhile Cordelia gently fell on top of your bed, looking at her hands.
“… this is fucking fucked up” mumbled Madison, meanwhile you joined Cordelia on the bed
It had been a struggle to convince all the witches to join you in the possibility to resurrect Michael Langdon, not only because nobody thought it would work, but also because they couldn’t help but distrust him.
He would probably just join with his ‘brother’ had he been awakened, and you would have to deal with two powerful beings at the same time.
To prevent this, you had suggested to link up Cordelia and Michael and you knew all too well that he wouldn’t be resurrected as an antichrist but as a simply powerful warlock, maybe just as strong as you and Cordelia.
But definitely not an antichrist.
You had also tried to reassure the witches on the ‘betrayal’ part reassuring them that he would have had much more reasons to join you than his brother, one being the treatment that he had been reserved after his death: if an antichrist didn’t complete his mission, he would burn in the worst living nightmare Hell could conjure up.
Michael wouldn’t certainly help his ‘good ol’ daddy’, who had punished him for his failure and had quickly disposed of him, replacing him with a new and more efficient brother.
You also had to understand why he would ally with any of you, the people who had destroyed him, but that…
… could wait…
Once you had descended in Hell, you had found him in horrible conditions, burning fire consuming him and eternal damnation making him atone for every little failure that had happened in his plan.
“What are you doing here, witches?” he asked, a smirk working up to his scrunched and burned face “… did you come here to gloat for your success?”.
“We came here to make a deal with you” you spoke, since Cordelia was too shocked by the sight, the proof that the prophecy had been true and there had been a past to this horrifying present.
“… a deal?” he asked, and then, with a great pushing onto his leg, he pushed himself up, walking closer to you, the fire following him “… you aren’t the witches I used to know, but you… remember, don’t you, little rabbit? I sure remember the way your little neck sound as I broke it…”.
He expected fear to shine in your eyes, but only resolution was to be found there.
“You are not afraid of me”.
“Should I be afraid of the latest rendition of the ‘Human Torch’? Because the Hulk is honestly scarier”.
“We need help” spoke Cordelia, getting to the point “… we have been having trouble with another antichrist and this time… we couldn’t turn back time…”.
“Oh, I am sad to hear that, but how can I help you here? I am stuck in this literal hellhole… unable to do anything but suffer… and you know what it is the most interesting part… you fucking put me here” his voice had gone quickly from sarcastic to rageful and Cordelia seemed to almost fidget about what to do next.
“We are more than aware that you hold… a grudge… against us…” you mumbled, not leaning back from his touch “… but we might offer you something better than this ‘literal hellhole’, we might offer you freedom” you explained, trying to appear convincingly.
Your plan hadn’t admit Michael not accepting your deal, so you had to ensure he would accept, even if it came to bowing due to ‘his royal firey shit’.
“You are not going to give me such thing” his voice was spoken between gritted teeth, pushing his tongue against them in a cruel combo that resonated in his words “… if I have learned one things from you, witches, it is to never trust one of you, you are heartless, although you pretend to care about all those… ‘girl power’ shit”.
“I don’t allow you to offend my coven” tried to retort Cordelia and you had to hold an hand to her to shush her protest: you needed Michael much more than her proudness, right now.
“… you can trust me: what would we gain from making you walk the Earth again? Nothing but destruction” and you took a quite look around the place, making sure that disgust was evident in your gaze “… but if you prefer to stick around here… I underst…”.
“If I agree with your fucking treaty, what will be the hoax? Do I have to go around wearing Patagonia? Or will it be something like getting run over by a land rover again? Because in that case… I prefer something more elegant… don’t you have a Porche or a Lamborghini?”.
Well… the most difficult part was done.
You looked at the little fireplace you had set in the safehouse the witches had chosen as their bases in the operation against the Campbell antichrist (Madison had wanted to call him ‘The Omen 2’ but… you weren’t sure that somebody would have gotten that reference).
You would have to attack him before Apocalypse came around, since this time the option to go back in time wouldn’t be easy.
You would meet him the following day and put your best to fight him and defeat him, destroying the circle, since you had one of the past antichrists on your side (now nothing more than a warlock and half of the witches population had quite the fun remembering him about it… groaning dramatically ‘aaaaalphaaaa’ as he walked in, everywhere) and you would defeat the actual antichrist.
In the prophetic books, this was all it would take to destroy the mechanism and finally bring a bit of peace to the universe, which you hoped was what would happen, after you defeated the Campbell Antichrist.
… which was something everybody seemed to think was painfully obvious, and you should have: you had passed your entire life studying books for this moment, but you still couldn’t help but feel still… at unease about the entire subject.
But you hadn’t wanted to destroy the beautiful atmosphere going on in between your fellow witches and warlocks, knowing that half the success of this mission was set onto your own belief that you could defeat him.
Hence you had exiled yourself to the fireplace in the sitting room, meanwhile everyone was either getting drunk in their rooms, getting high or getting some action, which you just felt too much uncomfortable doing, your body shaky and tense and the warmth wasn’t able to soothe it in the slightest.
Still you tried to deal with all alone, as you had always done.
You had always had some kind of distance from the witches.
You felt fine talking with them, but magically talking… you were different, and had always felt that way.
That was why you had felt immediately more comfortable at Hawthorne.
“… so, this is how great nights are spent” Michael’s voice, surprised you and you almost turned around, chanting a soft enchantment under your breath, still unease around the warlock.
He, instead, seemed drawn to you, as if he was linked to you and not Cordelia.
You couldn’t help but be remembered of the past whenever his face saw yours, although the nightmares had stopped.
But it was difficult for you to simply forget.
The image in his eyes of a little boy being forced into this, was enough to make you understand that for Michael this wasn’t as easy as it might have seemed.
“Didn’t you take on Madison’s offer?” you asked, referring to when, over dinner, Madison had asked him if he needed some ‘job’ to relax himself before the great battle.
“I wouldn’t want Zoe to kill me, she is quite the strong witch” he mumbled, as he set onto the back of an armchair, meanwhile you turned to control the fire, lightly warming up more the room, since you were in two.
“… but you are stronger” you reminded him.
“Not as strong as I was before…” he mumbled, and what he said further, surprised you, extremely “… I don’t miss it honestly”.
“Hey!” you turned around, catching Michael’s azure eyes as you did so “…who are you? And what did you do to the power asshole that Michael Langdon is?”.
“I just… it isn’t… it wasn’t my power to start with” he replied, shaking his hand and looking at his eyes, a little light appearing in them “… and it felt always so out of control, like… it was what owned me, instead of me being the owner of it”.
“Can’t believe that also the antichrist could be sad…” you replied, moving closer to him, not knowing what eased your discomfort towards him.
Probably his pretty blue eyes.
“… it is a lonely world, the post-apocalyptic one” he stated, looking at the consuming fire, probably nightmares going through his mind of what had been going on in Hell “… and shouldn’t you be partying with Myrtle and Cordelia, I know that those two bitches have gotten the best liquor”.
“Ahhh… I think that I am missing a party: getting drunk and passing out, my ideal Saturday night”.
He laughed and you couldn’t help but be delighted to be there to witness it: it made him look younger much younger than he truly was, almost innocent.
“… I am glad to know that you won’t take advantage of me, because you are not in altered state” he joked, and you just retorted with a raise eyebrow giggling softly.
“You never know, you look pretty cute, without the burning marks…”.
“Only pretty cute?” he faked being disappointed, turning away from you, meanwhile you giggled, truly “… you need glasses”.
“If I survive this, I’ll get new ones”.
“If we survive? We are surviving” his words weren’t lighthearted ,and his eyes met yours “… I am making sure of it, I don’t want to go in that hellhole again!”.
You breathed deeply, the uncertainty of tomorrow heavying onto your head as a sword meant to cut your head off, had your prophecies worked out to be uncertain.
And Michael felt your insecurity.
“You are worried for tomorrow” you gritted your teeth and had no choice but to nod your head “… even if there are proph…”.
“Prophecies could be bullshit, and this time the Apocalypse will be permanent…” you finished, watching your hand, which Michael gently collected in his, the gentleness being a strange contrast with the idea you had of Michael… the one who snapped your neck…
“… I have seen many people… fighting destiny… I was one of them, trying desperately to be good, even thought, it wasn’t what Fate had for me… and what I am saying is that… it isn’t your fault if anything goes wrong, you fight, you give your best, the rest is in the Destiny’s hand, and I think that this is off-limits also to God and my father”.
“That’s very reassuring” although your tone was sarcastic, his words reassured you a bit, making you grip his hands back a bit tighter.
“I am more good at destroying the world than at comforting, sorry” he joked and you didn’t know what brought you to act that way (probably the cute way he smirked, all so proud of himself for what he had said), but you got onto your knees so that you were eye-to-eye with Michael and kissed him on the lips.
They were incredibly soft and plush, and Michael gently circled your back with his hand, to bring you closer, not squeezing to making you feel trapped but gently reassuring you were safe.
Which was a strange thing for the man who in a previous life had killed you.
A little cough brought you apart and Myrtle was staring at you, with a little eyebrow crook of disappointment and a knowing smirk that made you blush slightly, as a teenager being caught making out.
Michael also coughed of his embarrassment and you thought that a red-cheeked Michael was a miraculous sight.
“… please don’t desecrate the couch, your room have rather comfortable beds” she mumbled, before sprinting off away, probably to avoid seeing whether you were desecrating or not the sofa.
Michael got up, probably taking this as a cue to move away, to retire to his room, but you stopped him, gripping his hand.
“My bed is quite comfortable won’t you like to try it out?”.
You let Michael undress you, and he looked at you almost surprised that you were letting this happen.
You also were quite surprised.
But you just felt like it was right, and it was what you wanted to do.
You gently let him touch you, get acquainted with your body, from your soft lips, his fingers gently tracing the outline of them tentatively before they slipped inside and your tongue enveloped them, as you looked languidly at him.
Then his fingers moved down your neck, followed by your collarbones, tasting also the sweetest spots onto it, following your pretty collarbone, which he took his time bruising with his lips, till a little field of violets grew onto it.
And he then pushed away as you undid your bra, throwing it into a dark corner of your room, allowing Michael to take in your topless body, as he whistled lowly, making you blush softly and smack him on his arms, this time, definitely much stronger.
“… oh c’mon! Don’t hurt me, I need to save my energy for tomorrow” he muttered as you sent him an unbelieving look, and you guided one of his hands onto your hardening nipples, letting his fingers brush lightly against it, a tremble going through your body.
“Oh, you think you won’t spend any energy for this?” you asked, meanwhile his fingers started to have a mind of them own and caressed your nipple softly, before he lowered himself onto it, taking it in his mouth, gently, as you took his hair in your hands, pushing and pulling.
“… from what I can see you are the one doing anything, leading me through it…” he shot back, smirking before he sunk lightly his teeth into your skin, lightly reddening the areola.
“Just because I can’t trust you, around me, the last time … you choked me to death” something dark and sad appeared in his eyes and suddenly all the joking atmosphere had disappeared, for a single minute but you had felt the change.
“I promise it won’t happen this time” his voice was steady, truthful, as he gently kneaded your breasts, moving his lips onto the valley of them in a rather tender gesture, before he dipped between them, reaching slowly your stomach, the promise being repeated over there and then again onto your soft Venus peak, pushing itself past it “… the only thing that you are supposed to die from, right now, is… pleasure”.
And his tongue slithered dangerously close to your most secret parts, before he discarded your panties for more and more, till it broke you completely apart, as he, with much more expertise than you had given him the thought for, moved between your thighs.
He knew exactly what to do to make your thighs clench, to make you ask for more friction as you rubbed your folds together, bringing your legs closer around Michael’s head, as you pushed onto his rich curls, making him moan right onto your pearl, as he pushed himself further in you.
His fingers coming to join the party, as he pushed them to keep your eyes open, as he devilishly devoured you in a show of desperation that got you right over the edge.
And as you reached further, you pushed Michael with you to tumble onto the bed, in an ungraceful movement that gifted you both a huge smirk and a simple laugh, as Michael moved onto you, but you quickly changed the position, looking at him in the eyes, as your hands came to find their rightful place onto his chest.
“… didn’t you say I was the one doing the leading?”.
He couldn’t do much more but surrender to you, even more when you let him enter your warm heat, pushing him into tight walls and a lustful mix of juices that would create a mess onto your prettiest sheets.
But you didn’t care.
As you got past the initial shock of pain you finally came quite in control of your pleasure and rode Michael through it, your hands diving with more force onto his chest, leaving light red marks as he  gripped the sheet till they broke it off from your bed, making you again laugh, almost dizzily, as your hips followed the orgasm in a desperate search.
Every muscle in your body ached, but the reward for that wild ride was quite rightful for its pain.
Breath was stolen from your laughs, but the thrill of pure utter pleasure that went through your body was enough to make you forget that tomorrow you might die, that tomorrow the world might end and just let you remind that that night you had been given the last gift of your life.
Michael met you halfway through your own peak, holding you down onto his chest, probably needing to ground himself in some way, and the feeling of human warmth literally shook you, calming you and lulling you in a dreamless sleep.
Tomorrow was just in the Destiny’s hands.
As always: any feedback is more than welcomed and here’s to the people on my tag-list!
@blakewaterxx @emmyrosee @lovelylangdonx @lathraios @rosegoldrichie @1-800-bitchcraft @so-langdon @rocketgirl2410 @kaetastic @blackredrose27 @melodylangdon @ gothgirl13  @dyns33 @langdonswhoreprobably @idespac @ladyrindt @its-mikha @ molly-kinnard @lsutgurxb @elena-75s-blog @ cantxkillxthexboogeyman @langdon-is-my-drug-of-choice @xialewis666 @mixedbutdivine @ glitterypatrolranchpanda @im-the-music-whore @antichristsxbox @morganelizabeth-99 @sogayforcaroldanvers @w0nder-marie​ @softyash @amanda-james @weehawkendawngunsdrawnyouron​ @queenfeatherwings @uinen-ulmiel @ahsteriawrites @ chrystalchristine @lesonicaro @ace-fiction @almostcrystalized101    @jokergrrrl @ itsafallingstar  @nighto-spheres  @kristenk24 @micheallangdons @thatemophoenixgirl @lonely-cloud @jj-lynn21  @naughtygranger   @sexyskywalker @imflevrett @wayhaughtsearp @ darklazar @sarahmelanie05  @nightsblackroses @craig-mywifeisdead-boone @woolfyz @arxbellaturner @ fuzzyjeno @sammythankyou​
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becksfm · 4 years
hey CASEY “BECK” BECKHAM , welcome to dillon university . has anyone ever told you you’re GAVIN LEATHERWOOD’s twin ? no ? well okay , i heard you are TWENTY - TWO & a JUNIOR at the university . we hope BIOCHEMISTRY isn’t kicking your ass too much , especially since you’re a STUDENT PHYSICAL TRAINER . see you at the next game, BECK & character’s cismale + he/him . 
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it’s me & i’m here for round fuckin’ two , friends . this time i bring you resident GOLDEN BOY . . . a whole 6′1 of soft boy energy . . . floppy overgrown curls . . . king of talking - your - way - out - of - everything . . . retired hockey player . . . a man of Many Talents , of which the most astounding is his ability to look like he’s got it all together when , in fact , he does not ! under the cut , you’ll find a lil more about him . . . & if you wanna plot hmu @ 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙠𝙚𝙨 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙣#9956 on discord or pop into my ims here !! 
𝑩 𝑨 𝑪 𝑲 𝑮 𝑹 𝑶 𝑼 𝑵 𝑫 .
dillon , texas born & raised . on the outskirts of town is a ranch that is enough to house the beckham family: mom, dad, and all eight beckham children . beck is the second oldest , with one older sister , four younger sisters , and two younger brothers . . . not necessarily in that order . 
mother , sophia mattheson - beckham is a lawyer based in austin working with the ACLU , and father , michael beckham has a small private practice in dillon working as a pediatrician . they weren’t home often , but when they were , they spent as much time with the kiddos as possible . it’s just . . . they were so rarely home that it really didn’t matter. 
with the beckham name, though, comes the pressure to be SOMETHING GREAT , and that’s something that’s been a part of beck’s life since . . . he can remember . little league & kindergarten grades were always taken a little too seriously , and it didn’t help that his older sister was a shining example of perfection . 
growing up it was hard not to like him. he was quiet for the most part , but goofy when he wasn’t . there was a little extra charm about him that just gave him an all around magnetic pull . kids wanted to be his friend and he wanted to be theirs . he fit in , but around home , he was the odd man out . beck was always a little more interested in sports rather than math or music rather than reading . it wasn’t to say he wasn’t smart , it just kind of –– bored him?? where his family was v
there was give and take with beck–– the golden boy of dillon but the black sheep of the family . he could play hockey if he kept his grades up. he could take guitar if he was also on student government and model u.n.. his parents would applaud him on his grades but never cared to hear him play; they’d show up for debates but rarely ever saw a hockey game. it was touch and go, his relationship with them, and it still is.
DESPITE IT ALL though, you wouldn’t catch him complaining. he bore the crown of homecoming king his senior year and never went to a dance without a date. teachers loved him, so did his coaches. he found a best friend in one cameron sloane –– ( because of course he did ) –– when the sloanes moved to dillon , and they were an unstoppable kind’a duo on and off the ice.
when it came time to pick a college, he really . . . had his pick of the lot. coulda gone anywhere, but there were roughly six reasons , all with the same last name , that kept him close to home. his parents even agreed that if he went in as pre-med, they would pay for the whole thing . . . and even make time to watch him play hockey. 
things were good for a long while, until they weren’t. you can usually see the stars on the outskirts of dillon, but one night, his sophomore year, you couldn’t. storm clouds covered ‘em up, and he tried his damndest to get cameron to stick around a celebratory party until it passed, but sloanes are stubborn and there was no changing his mind. 
cam passing away was like losing a brother, and he spent countless hours pacing in a hospital waiting room . . . hoping for good news and never getting it. beck had never known loss like that, and it knocked him into a bit of a tailspin . he quit hockey and didn’t register for school the next year . he spent a lot of time at a family residence in austin and even more time drinking . for the most part . . . he kind of DISAPPEARED , losing himself in the process for a good nine months.
they say it takes a village to raise a kid, and it took a village to drag this one out of a spiral. his parents. his siblings. his friends. and eventually . . .  dillon’s football coaching staff. a loud knock on the door from coach buchanan and a swift kick in the ass from coach sloane, a man who knew the kid almost as well as he’d known his own son. come work for us, they told him . . . and it was a way to get him back on track under a watchful eye that. wasn’t quite as critical as his parents
so that’s where we are now . . . back at dillon, a year behind, and working with both the football and cheerleading team as a physical trainer, playing a heavy hand in making sure both teams are the best conditioned in the state of texas. his grades are looking up, and he’s still on the fast track for med school, much to his –– and his parents’s –– surprise. 
the beckhams don’t talk about his little stint of a spiral. no one in dillon does . . . unless in tones of hushed whispers alongside judgmental looks. beck doesn’t mind it too much ,though . . . even takes it as a challenge 
𝑷 𝑬 𝑹 𝑺 𝑶 𝑵 𝑨 𝑳 𝑰 𝑻 𝒀 . ( i’m getting tired so this gon be ugly )
you want inspo?? i’ll give ya inspo!! richard campbell gansey the third ( dick 3 babiiiie ) is my main inspo for beck. you’ll also find a lil bit of jim halpert, a lil bit of rob maclanahan from miracle ( even tho he w as a real person too shhh ), and *insert big eyed emoji here* grizz from the society 
ever since he can remember, there’s been pressure on this kid to be something great . . . so he feels like if he has the capability to do something, he has to do it. . . there’s no choice in the matter. a lot of this stems. from his parents, but he’s also really just . . . overly critical of himself sometimes
boy is a fucking PARADOX okay bc sometimes . . . . with the way he talks. . . . he accidentally puts his damn foot in his mouth . he’s smart so occasionally comes off as condescending , but he’s . . . incredible in conversation with people he needs to impress because he’s hella charming
that said... this quote is REALLY important and REALLY summative of beck: “Gansey had always felt as if there were two of him: the Gansey who was in control, able to handle any situation, able to talk to anyone, and then, the other, more fragile Gansey, strung out and unsure, embarrassingly earnest, driven by naive longing.” –– let’s dive into that!! when he feels like he’s got a sense of control of the things around him, when he’s in his element or in his comfort zone, when he’s feeling confident , the boy is a force. he can talk you and anyone else out of any situation, and he has. he can make friends with anyone put in front of him, and he has. when beck is ON . . . he is on . . . but it’s a bit surface level because when he’s not wearing the crown of GOLDEN BOY and he’s . . . vulnerable . . . or unsure . . . or stressed . . . he tends to put that foot of his in his mouth and spit. out whatever it is he’s thinking. he’s honest to a fault in this sense, and he’s hopeful beyond compare. 
an introvert. . . . can CHARM u but doesn’t want to because honestly that is so draining and he’d much rather be at home. the popular type but only has a few friends that are really really close to him
loyal to a fault . . . will give you 392847 chances that you don’t deserve .. fool me once shame on you ! fool me twice shame on me! fool me three time what the fuck bro now ur just taking advantage of me 
very . .. calm and even tempered.  he’s a mediating type and like . . would rather find a conflict resolution than sWING u feel me
he’s cute.  .. . and. people love him but .  . . despite it all, he really doesn’t let that go to his head?? the boy was raised to believe you had to earn things and he’s just. idk . . .. humble king
eloquent as fuck ( lol good luck @ me writing that shit )
quick witted and very sharp
probably a lawful good type ngl :\
Does Not Do Well.With Change. when his older sister left dillon to go to notre dame??? boy damn near blew a gasket how dARE SHE go that far away!!! 
v close with his sibs . .. . activate Dad Mode. he loves all of them equally and definitely does not at all favor the 10 y/o baby brother of the family or his sister closest in age, who is also a student at dillon. doesn’t favor them ONE BIT 
u want a vibe for the beckhams??? “ the beckhams were courtiers and kings . when there was no castle to invite them, they built one” ( we stan ONE weird author lady named maggie)
insomnia!! the boy nEVER SLEEPS1! always thinking. always planning what’s next. gotta go gotta go gotta go.
kind of .. . a hopeless romantic :\ dated the same girl for most of high school but when she fucked off to ole miss she broke up with him in a text. so that .. . . . .. went well for him ..... still a dumb bitch tho and would love to hold ur hand
wire rimmed glasses, wool sweaters, light colored hoodies, distressed denim, cuffed pants, :\ chelsea boots :\
phobia of bees. there’s literally no reason for this other than my own, personal, geeked out pleasure
prank king
Smart Jock Type
plays guitar to relieve stress and you bet baby’s got some pipes here u go 
literally nothing like nicholas scratch DO NOT call him daddy
tall and doesn’t know what to do with all the extra limb like .  . . . . the fuck
will push you to your personal best in any conditioning circumstance
okay I THINK THAT’S ALL . . .. i’m a big fan of basic plots that kinda ebb and flow with chemistry BUT!! gimme the basics man . . . a roommate . . . a past hookup or two . . . some spicy friendships or . . . fRENEMIES even u know the drill
ok that’s all i hope u love him bc i am v nervous about playing A Man buT IT IS WHAT IT IS U KNOW
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dressed-to-keehl · 4 years
10 favorite characters tag
@stvlti​ tagged me, and i definitely haven’t done this for like 4 or 5 years, so there are definitely some changes!!! Except one thing hasn’t changed -- I almost exclusively love antiheroes, and if they’re absolute shithead nightmare disasters, all the better. Fiction (reading & writing) is how I process literally all of my emotions, so I always gravitate towards characters who deal with things that I don’t love talking about. While there are shitloads of characters that I enjoy, I’m out here exclusively stanning the ones that give me painful emotional catharsis. (I am actually a soft vulnerable SAP, but THAT’S not what I need to process.)
In no particular order:
KLAUS HARGREEVES (The Umbrella Academy)
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Klaus breaks my fucking heart and puts it back together again. He’s so chaotic and yet so vulnerable at the same time; seeing him overcome his demons adds years to my fucking life.
ELIOT WAUGH (The Magicians)
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Eliot’s character arc is so beautiful, and he honestly just fills my heart with joy. I love how far he comes over the course of the series and how he’s able to become absolutely himself, live up to his fullest potential. His past DOES NOT MATTER. He is a KING. 
MELLO (Death Note)
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I first encountered Mello at age 12, and he’ll always represent the kind of intense, destructive hunger I recognised in myself from a really young age but wasn’t able to put words to. He’s always been a symbol for me to project myself onto, but no matter how his story ends, his need to be the best regardless of the odds is always a motivator. His existence has always been a big FUCK YOU to the idea of futility to me, a reminder that you will always know whether or not you gave something your all even if nobody else does.
RONAN LYNCH (The Raven Boys - Maggie Stiefvater)
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Ronan Lynch is 100% one of the reasons why I was able to continue writing after an especially dark period, which is 100% the reason I am currently alive.
JOSEPH KAVINSKY (The Dream Thieves - Maggie Stiefvater)
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There are so few naked depictions of certain types of issues in YA. I honestly prefer YA because it’s so emotionally visceral, dramatic, and intense when it’s at its best. I love gorgeous prose, but so often in works that people deem more intellectual, the prose makes the emotions harder to access. It’s genuinely rare I find a combo of sharp literary insight and also raw emotions, and TDT is that exactly. Not surprising: many characters on this list are Disasters, and Kavinsky is the Disasteriest of them all. A close friend once told me, “you’re not a Kavinsky; you’re a Ronan” and it made me want to not die.
RICHARD CAMPBELL GANSEY III (The Raven Boys - Maggie Stiefvater)
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Was struggling with CRIPPLING panic disorder and substance abuse relapse when I first started reading TRC, so Gansey’s struggle with mortality and ultimate heroic triumph over his fears was extremely necessary for me. I literally could not be sober for more than a few hours the summer leading up to when i read TRC because the second I became aware of my own body I knew with absolute certainty I was going to die. While reading, I genuinely felt that this series was holding my life in its hands. I read every single word of Gansey’s like it contained some answer about my future.
COLE ST. CLAIR (The Wolves of Mercy Falls - Maggie Stiefvater)
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Cole St. Clair is literally the most relatable character I have ever read in my life and he is a heroin-addicted LA werewolf rockstar so what does that say about me??? Probably that I Too fear I will never escape my past self. SO many thoughts in this book are a word choice away from things that I myself have tried to articulate in therapy and have written down in countless diaries.
ZUKO (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
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Zuko has the best character arc of all time, and A:TLA taught me more about storytelling than my entire undergraduate degree. He’s SO nuanced, raw, and vulnerable. What could I ever say about Zuko that hasn’t been already said?
RUBY (Supernatural)
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Ah, another bad bitch who’s willing to do whatever it takes to be the best. She genuinely doesn’t care if those around her thinks she’s a traitor; she adheres to her goals despite any internal or external cost.
SIMON SNOW (Carry On - Rainbow Rowell)
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How unlike me, to gravitate towards a hero TWICE on this list. (Just kidding, All these characters are heroes. Except probably Kavinsky.) Simon is like, an INSANELY good depiction of depression in Book II and his character arc really explores the idea of living up to yourself and holding onto yourself even if it feels like there’s not very much of you left.
(Who are everything I ever needed.)
I’m tagging @oceanofstarfish​, @flowerofthebarricade​, @puddingjeoddi​, @juuzouthough​, @thosekindofpeople​, @sowhatsurfavouritecolourpunk​, @spin-not-twirl​, @thewittywriter​ and anyone else who’s interested in participating!!! i wanna see all ur faves so go ahead n say i tagged you
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My thoughts on Peaky Blinders...
Now I’ve finished Season Five, I wanted to get out my thoughts/ideas/opinions regarding the show. So strap in! - So first of all, the fucking cinematopgraphy in this series is gorgeous. You could take almost any scene and it looks like a painting. The lighting, the way it’s staged, it’s all just so visually pleasing to look at. My inner film student was just sighing dreamily at the shot composition. There’s a shot of John, Arthur and Tommy walking somewhere and you could fucking frame it and put it in your wall. - CILLIAN MURPHY, CILLIAN MURPHY, CILLIAN MURPHY. I mean, I always knew he was a good actor and also a pretty one, I think the role I remember him best in is Batman Begins, but holy shit, I never realised how hot he is until like two months ago. I know he apparently hates his Tommy haircut, but good lord, he can pull it off. The cheekbones! The eyes! The eyelashes! The sexy voice! Needless to say I saw him and immediately developed the biggest fucking crush. Apparently when I talk about Tommy to people my face goes pink. Thank you so much, show, for enlightening me to this human. Tommy is such a fantastic character, and I do wonder if another actor could pull him off quite as well. So much debate over his actions, motives, mindset, etc. I could probably write essays about the complexities of Tommy, but I won’t because this is a long-ass post anyway. He’s such a boss and I would die for him. - I actually really like Arthur??? So the very first clip of PB I ever saw was accidental, when I happened to turn the TV on and the Blinders were taking over the Eden Club and Arthur was glassing a guy in the face. I thought, “Oh, he’s probably like the dangerous thug character everyone is scared of.” (I didn’t know he’s Tommy’s brother at the time.) But actually he’s kind of endearing despite being the Shelby’s pitbull? Idk, the concept of the “failure” elder brother, how Arthur is the character the verbalises PTSD the most out of everyone, how one minute he can be lashing out like a rabid bear and then sobbing like a kid the next... I’m always like, “Oh, Arthur,” because you can see he wants to be a better person, but he just...doesn’t know how. - JOOOHN. I miss him! And it’s weird because in the early parts of the Season John doesn’t DO much but tag around after Tommy and Arthur, but his marriage to Esme is actually So Good and again, he’s actually kind of a softboi under the hard gangster act. (Also his “Do THIS, John, Do THAT, John, KILL YOUR FOOKIN’ TEACHER, JOHN!” is so fucking good.) He kind of provides a lightness when contrasted to Tommy and Arthur that I really do miss, because the last two Seasons have been very grim and I think John’s absence has something to do with it. I liked Esme too, even if she’s a stroppy bitch, her love for John but resentment of her role in the family and also she’s HELLA PRETTY. I’m sad her character has gone for now, but at least she wasn’t killed off. - I also love Ada a lot - I was really shocked when I read that Sophie Rundle hasn’t been acting all that long before she got the part in PB, because honestly she’s very good! And her concept again is a fun one - the only girl in a family of violent gangster boys. (Or as Freddy puts it, “The only princess”, which she is.) Having said that, I’m not sure how I feel about Ada’s character arc over the course of the season. In One she came off as kind of childish and still sort of stuck in her Rebellious Teen phase, then she became a mother and Freddie died, then in Season Two she’s trying to distance herself from the family and go legit, then in Season Four and Five she’s helping run the business and taking money from Tommy. Idk, I wish she’d play a more major role like her brothers because her motivations seem to change based on what the screenwriter wants, not what feels natural for her. Plus it annoys me that Ada blamed Ben Younger’s death on Tommy, but Tommy gets a lot of blame for things that aren’t his fault so I guess he’s used to it. Still, Ada is still a lot of fun when she does get to play a big role and gets some great lines later on. “Tommy Shelby is going to stop a revolution with his cock.” - POLLY, MY QUEEN! Easily the best woman on the show (sorry, Ada) and such a fucking badass. She’s definitely the voice of reason within the family and conflicting loyalty is a really interesting theme that gets explored with her, between her arguing nephews and niece, between her family or whether she wants to marry again and leave, her relationship with Michael, it’s all so great. Helen McRory is such a brilliant addition to the show. Also I love that Polly kinda represents women taking over after all the men went away to war and now they’re back, but the women aren’t just going to creep back into the house - World War One changed the workplace forever for women and I think Polly being the second in command after Tommy reflects that really well. - I think overall my favourite seasons have been Seasons One, Two and Four, I tend to find I get a bit bored in Peaky Blinders whenever it gets especially heavy on politics like in Season Three and Five and I admittedly kind of miss the simplicity of the early days of the show when it was about horse-racing, but the Changretta vs Shelby feud was genuinely really gripping and Adrien Brody was also Very Good. (I mean, I couldn’t take him seriously because of Brodyquest, but I like him a lot.) - I HATE GRACE. There, I said it. And honestly I have SO MUCH to say on why I hate her and also why I think she is the epitome of bad writing that has happened on this show that I might as well save it for a whole nother post, but Tommy and Grace’s relationship always felt so unnatural and forced to me, like they are in love because the screenwriter said so - Grace is the only woman Tommy knows who isn’t related to him and also because it pisses off Campbell. Like, she was tolerable if highly irritating in Season One, but then Two came along and she just got worse and worse. She’s annoyingly convinced she’s better than everyone else, pulls off a LOT of questionable shit that NO-ONE except Polly ever pulls her up on and Tommy repeatedly pining over a woman who lied to him and betrayed him makes no goddamn sense. I wish Stephen Knight would just let him get over her, because her showing up over and over again in the show after the bitch died two Seasons ago is so infuriating I want to throw my remote at the TV. The best bit of Season Three was someone finally putting a bullet in her, honestly. /rant - On that note, I really wish that they’d use May properly. She was introduced in Season Two and honestly her chemistry with Tommy is about a thousand times more believable than anything he had with Guuuhrayce and also May doesn’t consistently talk in that annoying, breathy voice and also she doesn’t shamelessly manipulate Tommy constantly. It’s too bad Stephen Knight couldn’t get Charlotte Riley back for Season Three owing to her pregnancy, because I think the trajectory of the show would have been very different. But her scene where she spoke about her husband and tried to hide that she was crying? So good. The fucking Face Tommy gives her when she asks for a mixer in her gin? Priceless. Agh - May’s been chronically underused in the show but she keeps getting mentioned every now and then, so I’m hoping there are plans for her to come back in Season Six. I really like her and I honestly think Tommy/May has been the best relationship he’s had, because it’s the only one that’s felt A) Natural and B) Equal. - Lizzie Stark. Okay, so I have mixed feelings about Lizzie. I liked her in Seasons One and Two, because she was this down-on-her-luck woman who was treated like crap by everyone, but she wasn’t wholly without her own flaws or personality - she did lie to John and Tommy did act in his brother’s best interests to tell him the truth. The scenes she had with Tommy in Season Two when he promotes her to his secretary were honestly very cute and my heart broke for her when that solider nearly (?) raped her in Season Two and she cried in John’s arms. But over time she’s started to irritate me. I know that people feel bad for her because Tommy honestly does treat her badly at times, though other times she’s also one of the few people he’s nice to, their relationship is complicated. But truthfully I don’t see Tommy/Lizzie every working out properly because Lizzie was a whore. She’s always been Tommy’s inferior and while I do think he cares for her, she never seems to think it’s enough. He doesn’t love her enough and she’s never satisfied with it and she’s always resentful of him. But you can’t FORCE someone to love you and it’s interesting that the minute she learned she was pregnant, you could see her thinking of how to make this work. She pulled the Baby Trap on him just like Grace did and got married like she wanted, but Tommy still doesn’t truly see her as his equal. And honestly, I don’t think she’s smart enough for him. Add that to Lizzie being EXTREMELY petty to other women (including her being really rude to May and slut-shaming her - bit rich from you, isn’t it, Lizzie?), and I don’t think they have a healthy relationship. I do like little Ruby a lot (way more than Charles, who is a spoiled brat because he’s Grace’s son and has a martyred dead mummy), but honestly I don’t see Tommy/Lizzie working out. I just hope that she doesn’t leave and take Ruby, I think it’d break Tommy to have his daughter taken away from him. - Alfie Solomons. So...I have to confess I have mixed feelings about Alfie. I liked him in Season Two because he’s batshit crazy, Tom Hardy is clearly having the time of his life and it’s refreshing to have a rival to Tommy who isn’t cartoonishly evil like Billy Kimber or Sabini. He ties into Season Two very well and yeah, I can see why he’s so popular. Also he’s pretty attractive, so that always helps. But. Alfie is starting to come across a bit like a creator’s pet to me. He consistently betrays Tommy every goddamn Season and while I know the fandom love to joke about this, it’s pretty inexplicable that Tommy would bother to continue to do business with him after being burned so many times and now it turns out he’s alive. Why? Why bring Alfie back? I feel like he was brought back because he’s a fan favourite and to add another suspect to who betrayed Tommy. I don’t hate Alfie at all, but I am starting to wish he’d face actual consequences for his actions, considering every Peaky Blinders character who fucks with the Peaky Blinders tend to suffer horribly for it, but not Alfie...for some reason. - Michael. Okay so Michael’s actor is pretty damn good and I thought it was cute that he and John’s actors are actually brother irl - you can see the resemblance. And honestly bringing back Polly’s missing kids was a really clever idea because there’s a family tie, but one that isn’t so strong you can always be sure of where his loyalties lie. His subplot with Father Hughes in Season Three was both very sad and very well done - I was cheering him on the whole way. But Season Five has made my opinion of Michael take a dramatic nosedive. He’s gone from sorta-sympathetic to an entitled brat almost overnight. I get he’s probably salty about being banished to America by Tommy in Season Four, but where has this sudden desire to rule the company come from? How did he meet Gina? Is he lying about Gina being pregnant because he figured it’d win him sympathy? I don’t know. He’s changed so drastically, and when Polly gave him that slap, I think she was doing what everyone wanted to. It’s too bad they just wrote Anna off as being dead, though, Michael having a sister and Polly a daughter would have been interesting. - The music?? Is so good?? I love it! Especially the themesong, obviously, but so much of it is always ON POINT. It makes me wanna buy the entire soundtrack. - Unpopular opinion, but I think Campbell was the best antagonist of the show, mainly because he was a vile person but still believable and had the best dynamic with Tommy.  - Season Five was honestly kind of hit-and-miss for me, it seemed like a lot of people are pissed at Tommy for fairly silly reasons in the beginning and I just didn’t find the political subplot all that interesting...but I still will definitely tune into Season Six. (Also these are all just opinions, so please don’t send me hate if you don’t like something I’ve said. Ain’t nobody got time for that.)
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sashasgargoyles · 5 years
The London and Other London Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
“Sorry I’m late. They were out of our usual at the closest liquor store so I had to get Cel to drive me to the other one,” Azu said, not even giving Zolf a chance to speak as he opened the door. She was holding up two sparkling pink bottles of Bitch Bubbly, and there was an almost frantic look on her face.
“Thank God you did. I couldn’t do this without a whole bottle to myself.” Zolf grabbed one of the bubbles and turned on his heels to walk back to the couch.
“I know, right?” Azu closed the door behind her before collapsing on the other side of the couch. “Can you believe William?”
“No, I can’t!” Zolf huffed. “Choosing Elizabeth over Christine? What was he thinking?” Zolf reached forward as he was talking to grab the bottle opener from the coffee table. He opened a bottle and poured two generous glasses, handing one to Azu.
“Personally, I still think Elizabeth and Christine are way too good for him.” Azu took a big sip of her wine before continuing. “They should have-“
“Run off together, you’re absolutely right,” Zolf pointed at her emphatically. “But noooo, Elizabeth had to go and write that letter to Christine’s parents.”
“It’s ridiculous!” Azu agreed. “I threw my book when I read that scene.” She grinned, almost sheepishly. “It hit Cel.”
Zolf laughed, a wide, open laugh, that caused his whole body to shake.
Book club with Azu was one of Zolf’s favorite things in the world. They met every week, and they had rules in place.
Number One: They only read romance books. In part because they both loved them, and in part because it was the genre least likely to add extra stress to their lives.
Number Two: They never met without some kind of alcohol, usually their favorite, cheap bubbly.
Number Three: No significant others or even dear friends allowed. They’d tried to include other people, but Sasha, Grizzop, and Cel didn’t like to read much, and Hamid and Wilde always turned their noses up at the quality of the writing.
Number Four: It’s a book club, but gossip is encouraged.
So, every Thursday night, they took over a full apartment to themselves, stretched out over a couch, opened a bottle or two (or three, for the really dramatic weeks), and talked about the book and what was going on in their lives.
It was freeing, to have this outlet. Zolf hadn’t really had this kind of friend before Azu, and he enjoyed her company more than he thought he ever could.
“I bet they loved that,” Zolf said through a grin.
“They didn’t even notice! They were busy tinkering with their newest invention, and you know how they get,” Azu said fondly.
“I bet you could chuck that ring at them when they’re working on a new invention and they wouldn’t notice,” Zolf teased. “Assuming you haven’t already proposed.”
Azu groaned. “I haven’t figured out how to yet! It needs to be perfect, and you know-“
“Yes, I know, there are specific traditions for proposals you want to follow. But you’re not waiting for that, you’re waiting because you’re nervous.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” Azu nodded, paused, then downed the rest of her glass. “I have a right to be. Besides, it’s not like you’ve proposed to anyone, so don’t even start.”
“That’s just- that’s not fair, I’ve been married!” Zolf protested.
Azu looked him straight on. “Platonically. To a pirate. To get out of legal trouble. And they proposed to you,” she glared, pointedly. “Besides, that marriage literally only lasted a year so you wouldn’t end up in jail. It’s not the same as being in love with someone and proposing to them.”
“Well, you could always do what Henry did in Midnight Affair.”
Azu snorted. “You mean just wait for them to find the ring? No, that won’t work, I’ve hidden it too well. No one could find it.”
“You mean the gold one with the rose on it?” a voice came from behind them. Zolf and Azu turned quickly, splashing their drinks on the couch.
“Sasha!” Zolf chastised.
“We thought you were gone,” Azu said. “And when did you see the ring?
“Last week when I was over at your place,” Sasha replied nonchalantly. “The top of the cupboard isn’t a bad hiding place, admittedly, since you’re so tall, but not impossible to find.”
“W- last week?” Azu asked, incredulously. “You weren’t at my place last week.”
Sasha blinked at her. “Yeah, I was. You were… I dunno, out somewhere?”
“Sasha, what are you even doing here?” Zolf asked through his laughter.
“I just came to pick up my whiskey.” She brandished a dark bottle.
Zolf squinted at the label. “Sasha that’s my whiskey.”
“No, yours is still in your cabinet. I hid mine here when Brock visited last week. He’s gotten really good at finding things,” she smiled proudly. “He’s also started drinking, so I figured I should hide all my whiskey before he gets into it.”
“He’s underage,” Azu said. “He wouldn’t drink your good whiskey.”
Sasha looked at her. “Yeah, he’s a teenager. Anyways, I hid it under your bed, Zolf.”
Zolf stared. “When?”
“Two weeks ago.”
“Sasha, how do you keep getting into our apartments?”
“You guys have really bad locks,” she shrugged. “What are you two talking about, anyway?’
Zolf and Azu shared a look. Their book club meetings were strictly Azu-and-Zolf-only days, but maybe if they told Sasha she’d be less interested and they could get back to gossiping.
“The new Harrison Campbell novel,” Zolf told her.
“Oh, yeah, I know him, good guy,” she said casually. “See ya.”
“Wait!” Azu yelled. “What do you mean you know him?”
“Yeah, I met him the other night in an alleyway outside a pub,” she said casually. “Nice guy, a bit timid. I think he was hiding from someone, actually.”
Azu gasped. “Who?”
Sasha shrugged. “I dunno, some big, loud man in the pub was yelling, maybe from him? I didn’t ask, really.” She turned towards the door again. “You should get better locks, by the way, maybe make it more of a challenge to break in. I think I might be getting out of practice.” She left before they could protest and demand more information about Campbell.
Zolf and Azu looked at each other, shrugged, then opened the second bottle of wine.
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emisonme · 6 years
Lauren's coming out...(long)
I started writing this, before Expectations was released. I thought it was better, to post the Consequences and Expectations post first. And, since I put some of this post, in that one, I had to do some rewriting.
I was first going to go into more detail, about how management, through Astroturfers, manipulated, what is in my opinion, the Camren truth, to fit the Laucy narrative. But, I decided, since I posted the other one first, I could skip all that, or the majority of it, and just get to the heart of the matter.
It is important, to always remember, THEY love to take a truth, and manipulate it, to fit a narrative. With that said, we now need to remember what Lauren said about her coming out process.
In her beautycon chit chat, she said that she had a hard time accepting her sexuality. That she had her "fuck it" moment, and knew who she loved and who she didn't. That she had a girlfriend at the time, she came out to her parents, and then she wrote her Op-ed about Trump supporters, and came out publicly...Then in the video, with Troye, she said that she didn't acknowledge she liked girls, until she was older, and "in this phase of my life". That she understood why people fear coming out, because where she grew up, people would have, "torn me apart".
She said, more, but I addressed some of it, in my last post. These are the things I'll be focusing on, for this post. I gave you, what I can see as the Camren time line, through 2012/April 2014. I believe Lauren's "fuck it" moment, came around the 1975 concert.
Her "fuck it" moment was important, because it's when she actually decided, for herself, that she didn't want to be, 'just friends', or even friends with secret benefits. She realized, and understood, her internal struggle, accepting herself, was causing her to push away, and lose someone very important to her.
So, once Lauren accepted herself, and the fact she likes girls, (one girl in particular) it was time to come out, to her parents and family. The big question is: When did she do this?
It is, in my opinion, Lauren came out as Bisexual, to her parents, around January of 2015. In March, of 2015, she didn't give a shit, who knew. She no longer tried to hide, nor deny, her sexuality, after that.
What does this tell us? Well, if she had a girlfriend, when she came out, to her family, and if she came out in January of 2015, then that girlfriend COULD NOT have been Lucy.
Lauren and Lucy, didn't "rekindle" their friendship, until sometime after Lucy's car accident, back in May of 2015. Lauren was already in the process, of tip-toeing out of the glass closet, through her Tumblr, BEFORE Lucy came back into the picture.
Lauren also said, she refused to acknowledge she liked girls, until she was older, and in this phase of her life. What does this mean? It means she denied her sexuality, until sometime AFTER X-Factor. We know this, already. We witnessed it.
Let's clarify something here. Lauren KNEW she was Bisexual, before X-Factor. She probably ALWAYS knew she liked girls, she just didn't want to acknowledge, admit, or act on that fact. She denied her truth, until after she got away from home, and Catholic School, and found herself in a friendlier, more accepting environment. There's also the fact, she finally met a girl, she couldn't hide, or deny her feelings for.
Though she tried. She continued to deny her truth, through mid 2013. She had a harder time, denying it, in late 2013 and early 2014. In the Spring of 2014, she accepted her truth, and could no longer deny or hide her true feelings. In 2014, she was older, and in this phase of her life. Camila was her inspiration, for admitting and accepting her sexuality.
The next thing we need to figure out, is when did Lauren and management, make the decision to bring her out of the glass closet. I mean, they had been monitoring her Tumblr, so they knew, she wasn't exactly hiding her sexuality, any more.
We also have to remember, there was no way in hell, THEY were going to let Camila, come out of the closet, or be considered anything but straight, when it comes to the general public. THEY chose her, as their next big Pop Star, and she needed a "straight" image, for that to happen.
So, they had to figure out a way, to get Lauren out of the glass closet, without bringing Camila out with her. March, 2015, seems to be the month, a lot of decisions were made. It was a very interesting month.
If you believe in the Camren ring, Lauren gave that ring, to Camila, in February. Lauren had her public "fuck it" moment, via Tumblr, in March. Camila turned 18 years old, in March, and that's also when THEY made the final decision, to start pushing Camila as a solo artist, and out of Fifth Harmony.
THEY ramped up the Taymila friendship, and was distancing Camila from the girls. In April, Candece Campbell was taking Camila to "private" dinner meetings, with Charlie Walk, and preparing for her first solo venture. April, 2015, is also when they started putting the rumors out there, about Camila and Michael.
Yes, I say rumor, because there were no pics, only a rag sheet article, saying a "source" saw them secretly meeting at a damn restaurant. They needed Camila, publicly "linked" to a man, to dispel the Camren rumors, and the Camren ring. They only wanted it to be "rumored", because they really wanted Camila to appear "available", as the possible "love interest" for her upcoming duet partner. Camichael came in right handy, for the subject of the eventual duet, as well.
Shawn, was the chosen duet partner, and they really wanted, and needed, people to ship them together. Hello Shawmila! Hello IKWYDLS! Goodbye Michael.
Yeah, I know. When Camila described her best date, she described her "secret dinner" with Michael, perfectly. Almost like it was ripped right out of the headlines. Unless Camila and or Michael, were the "inside source" that described that "Secret dinner date" to the media outlet, and described it as them "giggling like school kids", then it was all bullshit. A prepared answer from a prepared headline.
They now have Camila's "straight" image intact, with the rumored date with Michael. Then, they had her start hanging out with Shawn, all the time. That made the Shawmila shippers, flip their shit. Now, all they needed, was to find a female, to connect with Lauren, that wasn't Camila, but that could fit into Lauren's, (and Camren's) story.
What to do? What to do? It has to be someone, who could fit the narrative, and who also wouldn't mind the spotlight being placed on them, when it was time for Lauren to come out.
Hello Lucy, an aspiring model, wanna be artist, her father is famous, and she is already known to the fandom, as her and Lauren had been BFF's since middle school. For Lauren, Lucy is the perfect choice.
Management wise, she is also the perfect choice. Lucy was a College student, and had summers and long holidays, off. She went to school in NOLA, which was an easy stop for Lauren, while traveling to and from L.A. and Miami. It helped, that her father is a Sony Artist, so people will just assume Lucy is paying her own way, while following Lauren around. Hell, all Lauren has to do, is hang out with her best friend, and vise versa. It's a win win.
Now, that all the players are in place, it's time to start implementing the plan. Camila finds herself, smack dab in the middle of a hetero ship war, with Camichael, and Shawmila. Lauren takes some dude named Noah, to her birthday dinner. (this is important for later)
Camila and Shawn record IKWYDLS. While they are busy separating Camila from the girls, and the fandom, with Shawmila, a duet, and that stupid bullshit about Camila going behind the girls backs, Lauren is busy "rekindling" her friendship with Lucy.
Then, late July/early August, Camila done something she wasn't supposed to. They did an interview, the one where they all admitted to lying, and really got the rumors flying. The interviewer asked, "Who's the guy, that makes you go crazy?" Of course, Camila responded with "Why do you assume it's a boy?" You can tell, that was an unplanned, off the cuff, statement by Camila, because she didn't have a planned response, for the follow up. "Who's the girl that makes you go crazy?"...*crickets* Camila thought and thought, and the only girl, (that wasn't Lauren) she could come up with, was ED SHEERAN. Hey girl, hey!!!
THEY wanted Camila to stay far away from Lauren's coming out, but Camila wasn't having it. That pissed them off, so they decided to show her who was boss. THEY faked and "leaked" some very discriminating messages, that made Camila look like a racist bitch. This happened in early September. The sad part is, apparently, it's OK to have people think she is racist, but God forbid, people think she is gay. Sick and twisted logic, for a sick and twisted Industry!!!
Anyway, I digress. Towards the end of September, they had Lauren start putting the idea out publicly, that she might not be as straight as she lead folks to believe. During a press junket, for IILWAM, In one of the first interviews, Lauren answered a question about lessons learned from being in love with a monster. Lauren's response was, "...or whoever they are, because it might not be a boyfriend." (Keep in mind, this is after her trip with Lucy and Keena, to Hawaii)
The same day, different interview, they were asked almost the same question, and Camila answered with the, "a bad boy, or a bad whatever." That same interview, Camila inadvertently, all but confirmed Camren, when asked about OTP's in the group, and she said, "OTP's in the group haven't quite worked out." Meaning, there had to be one to begin with, for it not to have, worked out.
You could tell, Camila had pretty much had enough, at that point. She was pissing Management off, left and right, and who could blame her. Lauren may have had her "fuck it" moment, but Camila had her "fuck you" moment, when it came to management.
Let's skip ahead to November. It brought us, the official release of IKWYDLS, and the narrative that put an official end to the Camichael bullshit. It also brought us another song, people seem to forget about.
One week after the release of IKWYDLS, The Vamps released "I Found A Girl". People immediately connected the song, to Lauren Jauregui. The Vamps manager, even made it a point, to like a tweet, saying the song was about Lauren.
The timing, of the release of the song, wasn't an accident, either. Lucy was everywhere Lauren was. The summer tour, Hawaii, Bahamas. We got a heavy dose of Laucy, before that song was released. Lauren had been in a PR stunt, with Brad, from the Vamps. This song, was used as part of Lauren's coming out process. They wanted us to believe the song was about Lauren, and with the timing of the release, they wanted us to think it was about Lauren and Lucy.
We know, it was part of the plan, because no one, not even Lauren, made a big fuss, over the speculation, of it being about Lauren. We weren't told we were delusional, or disrespectful. We didn't get a long ass rant, about assigning a sexuality to her. Lauren was fine, with the all-assuming speculation, as long as it was speculated about Lucy, and not Camila.
Of course, people seem to forget, if there was any truth to that damn song, what so ever, it couldn't have been about Lucy. Lauren and Brad, "dated" in the later months of 2014, again, when Lucy wasn't in the picture...But, they had no problem getting folks to believe in the Laucy narrative, because the Astroturfers were out in force, pushing the Laucy narrative, from that moment on.
December was a fucking mess, so let's just skip it. The only thing we really need to remember, is this is the month Maverick took the reigns.
January 2016, was a fun month. This is when, they began to destroy Camren, and put Laucy on the radar, as more than just friends. This is also when Jillian Gutowitz became involved in the narrative.
2016 started, with Lauren going with Lucy, to Columbia. Then, Lauren's Birthday gift to Lucy, was a good old fashion, road trip. It was the end of January, that brought us, two significant parts, to all this bullshit.
Jillian wrote an article for After Ellen. In that article, she spun a web to follow, disguised as "Jordan". Some don't think Jillian's "Jordan" story, was about Lauren. I'm positive, it was just part of the plan.
The reason for this story, was to make a romantic connection, between "Jordan" and a "childhood" BFF. The timing of "Jordan" and everything we had been getting from Laucy, was meant for us to make the connection, of "Jordan" being Lauren, and to propagate a past, romantic link, between Lauren and Lucy.
Coincidentally enough, or not, it is around this same time, "fans" decided to "hack" the girls. THEY FAKED, then "leaked" messages, trying to convince us, Camila is guzzling cum shots, on the rocks, on every damn Continent. The purpose of that bullshit, was to make Camila look straight as fuck. I'll say this, if my foot, ever crosses paths, with a couple of Managers nuts, they will be properly introduced!!!
Those of you, still not sure about the "Jordan" story, I had no problem tracing it back, to Lauren and Jillian. Remember, they like to take a truth, and twist and manipulate it, to fit their false narrative.
Jillian wrote, "...upon their second meeting...", and "...the second day, "Jordan" told me, she had been making out with her childhood BFF, for years...".
The first meeting, wasn't important, because Jillian focused on the second meeting. That second meeting happened at a two day event, for them. That two day event, would have been, the World Wide Radio Summit, that took place, April 22-23, 2015. Zack Sang, Jillian, and Fifth Harmony were there, both days.
The term "childhood" was likely chosen by Management, to mislead the fans. It connotates, "Jordan" had been friends with this girl, since they were young children/kids. In actuality, "childhood" spans 0-18 years of age. So, technically, 15 and 16 years old, fits into that "childhood" time frame. Plus, this better fits, Lauren's own story, of NOT ACKNOWLEDGING she liked girls, until she was "older and in this phase " of her life.
But, again, with all the Laucy being SHOWN to us, from July 2015, the intention and plan, was for everyone to equate "childhood" with Lucy. Mission accomplished! (for most)
On March 9, 2016, Lauren and some of the other girls, went to get their ears pierced. There, we got a shot of Lauren's lock screen. We could tell it was a girl, but it was so damn blurry, we couldn't tell who it was. No problem! One month later, on April 10, Lucy posted the same photo to her Instagram. Basically, THEY sent the photo to Lucy, to post on her account, so we would know exactly who it was. Her!
April and May, we had more Laucy thrown at us. Then June rolled around, and Lauren's Birthday. Lucy was Lauren's shadow, yet again. We got some pics and video of them spending time together on her Birthday. More importantly, we got a photo from Jillian, that day, as well.
Jillian's picture, took us right back to her "Jordan" story. In the story, "Jordan" invited Jillian to her Birthday celebration. She mentioned "Jordan" making out with some guy, at this B-day celebration...Low and behold, the picture Jillian posted, was of herself and Lauren, at Lauren's Birthday dinner, 2015, for which Lauren showed up, with that walking dick, Noah. (That fucker had to be useful for something.)
So, on Lauren's 2016 Birthday, we got reminded of an article, about a "gay" girl named "Jordan" who had made out with her "childhood" BFF, for years, but couldn't understand why people thought she was gay. Then we get Lauren and Lucy, together, celebrating her birthday, one year later, in Brazil....Can you see the planned progression, yet?
Let's skip ahead, to September 2016, because it was another pivotal moment, in the planned narrative. That month, had Camila and Lauren all up in their feels. I'm sure, for multiple reasons, but one being, they were fixing to kick their plan into overdrive. They were fixing to start visibly pushing Laucy, as more than just friends.
The first sign, of playful "flirting", from the stage, during BBW, was actually on August 14, in Indiana. A few weeks later, they would replay the same scene, but with HD video, for the same reason.
Is it a coincidence, the day after the Indiana exhibition, After Ellen opened up nominations, for their Hot 100? No! Jillian wrote for AE. She is the one, who brought AE into the fandom, places-to-watch, list. They put all five of the girls, from 5H, on the Hot 100 nominee list. They then let it be know, the girls were nominated, and put the voting machine to work.
Yes, I'm saying that AE poll, was all part of Lauren's coming out process. Lauren was announced the winner, of the Lesbian Blog poll, on September 2, 2016. Yep, that's the very same night, Camila missed part of the show, due to anxiety. Coincidence?
September 4, is the other show, they had Lucy front row, so Lauren could "flirt" with her, again, during BBW. Like I said, this time, they had someone there, with a HD camera, ready to catch the whole thing, and show Lucy "flirting" back.
September 6, Jillian's AE Interview, with Lauren, is published. Lauren isn't offended by being the object of Lesbians desires. She is appreciative people think she's hot. Funny, how we Camren shippers, are only delusional, disrespectful, sick fucks, when it fit's their narrative... We also find out, Jillian conducted that interview, the same day Camila missed half the show. Again, coincidence?
On September 8, Lauren has her breakdown on a Phoenix stage. That whole seven day period, was very hard on Lauren and Camila. Management was in full swing, in their plan to "kill" Camren, by pushing Lucy as more than just Lauren's friend. I think, that week, a few final decisions were made.
Later that month, on a Mexico stage, Lauren took it upon herself, in front of everyone and their cameras, to let Camila know, that she is pretty fucking dope.
Then 5H went to Europe. The Barcelona show was special. That BHB moment, was the last OT5 moment, we would get. THEY separated Camila from the girls, after that, and prepared the 4X1 narrative, for Camila's departure.
They also had to make it seem like Lauren and Camila, were no longer close, in any way, shape, or form. They were preparing to put the death nail in Camren, and bring Lauren out of the closet, with her BFF Lucy.
In November, they did just that. With a staged picture, and a Trump supporter rant, they effectively destroyed Camren, in most shippers eyes, and Laucy was "born".
That's pretty much, step by step, how management was able to "kill" camren, get Lauren out of the closet, maintain Camila's "straight" image, get her out of the group, and start the 4X1 narrative, to help push Camila's solo career.
It's pretty sad, that with a staged picture, Lucy became Lauren's  unconfirmed "girlfriend", the "childhood" friend, Lauren had always had feelings for, and the only girl, Lauren had ever liked. That's all it took, to successfully erase Camren's past, to all but the hardcore shippers, and those of us, who could see what they were doing.
That is how they took the Camren truth, and manipulated it, to sell the Laucy lie. In my opinion, the only truth, in all that bullshit, was Camren. Everything else, was false narratives, for image and promotional purposes.
As always, I could be wrong...But, that's how all the dots connected for me...Sorry this is so long. I tried to shorten it, but it’s still a damn book...my bad!
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chaserainbows · 2 years
Dark core personality test
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This makes you 7.11% Darker than the average person.
(Analysis under the cut because a bitch likes to write)
Egoism: “Excessive concern with one’s own pleasure or advantage at the expense of community well-being.” (Weigel et al. 1999)
Egoism ranks low on the simple basis that, while Calem wants great things for himself, he wants to earn them on his own merit rather than just being given everything he wants on a silver platter. The virtue he values the most is fairness, so it can’t be said that he considers his needs more valuable than other people’s.
Machiavellianism: “Manipulativeness, callous affect, and a strategic, calculating orientation.” (Jones & Paulhus 2014)
Calem’s manipulative in the same way that the popular guy at school that gets people to do things for him because he’s generally well-liked is manipulative. It’s not that he isn’t, but the scale is so minor that it barely counts.
Moral Disengagement: “A generalized cognitive orientation that differentiates one’s thinking towards unethical behavior.” (Moore et al. 2012)
Again, his most treasured virtue is fairness. He’s very insistent about doing things the right way not just because he’s in general a decent person, but also because if he takes morally questionable actions to get what he wants then he risks losing his merit. This is actually the biggest hurdle for a potential villain AU for Calem, since it’s very hard to send him down a path of well-intentioned extremism.
Narcissism: “An all-consuming drive towards ego-reinforcement and an egotistical interest in, or admiration of, one’s self.” (Jones & Paulhus 2014; Smith 2017)
This one’s pretty high by virtue of the fact that Calem’s always looking for external validation. Deep down he’s actually a rather insecure guy, believing that people will overlook him if he doesn’t make himself stand out, so he projects an image of confidence and effortless competence so that people will look at him with admiration and, therefore, pay attention to him.
Entitlement: “A stable and pervasive sense that one deserves and is entitled to more than others.” (Campbell et al. 2004)
Again, Calem’s all about fairness and thinks that people who work hard should be rewarded for their efforts. While he doesn’t think that his needs are innately more important than other people’s, he does think that he can make himself more deserving than others by working harder than them, so that positive trait can also lead to him being selfish since if other people didn’t want him to step over them then they should’ve just worked harder.
Psychopathy: “Deficits in affect and self-control (i.e. callousness and impulsivity), as well as a lack of remorse, antisocial behavior, and volatility.” (Jones & Paulhus 2014; Smith 2017)
Calem has an extremely volatile temper which causes impulsive behavior when he’s feeling particularly emotional, often feeling everything at maximum intensity and jumping between extremes in seconds. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing- he can do things most people would hesitate at out of fear of failure, specifically because of that lack of inhibition when he’s excited- but when it’s caused by negative emotions he can end up engaging in harmful actions, both to others and to himself, before even stopping to think if it’s a good idea or not. Likewise, his relationships are highly volatile as well and it’s very easy for him to start hating someone if they upset him enough even if he previously liked them before.
Sadism: “A tendency to humiliate others via cruel or demeaning behavior, or the propensity to intentionally inflict physical or psychological pain on others in order to assert power or for pleasure and enjoyment.” (O’Meara et al. 2011)
He’s petty, likes having control over any situation and has unresolved anger issues so when someone he doesn’t like gets hurt (as long as it’s not particularly serious) or when someone doesn’t do as he says and ends up making things worse for themselves he thinks it’s hilarious, that’s basically it
Self-Interest: “The unprincipled pursuit of gains in socially valued domains, such as material goods, social status, recognition, achievement, and success.” (Gerbasi & Prentice 2013)
His most valued virtue is fairness, not altruism. He believes that people should be given a chance to accomplish their goals and that rules should be followed in the interest of good sportsmanship so that personal merit is more important than any external factor, but from there it’s every person for themselves with only the best being able to stand at the top. He looks out for his own interest most of all and makes no effort to pretend otherwise, believing that everyone does the same at the end of the day and that every relationship in the world can be summed up as people wanting something from each other. While this doesn’t mean he won’t help others (he’s still a pretty nice guy, after all) what it does mean is that if he has to choose between someone else’s dream and his own he’ll always put himself first.
Spitefulness: “A tendency to engage in behavior that would harm others but would also entail harm to oneself.” (Marcus et al. 2014)
More than self-improvement, Calem is motivated by anger. To him, it’s not enough to be right, he must prove people wrong if they’re not already standing with him, and it’s not enough to become greater, he needs to silence everyone who ever doubted him. In the end, his need to always have the last word keeps pushing him to lengths he doesn’t actually need to go to, and it makes him spend time and effort on things that aren’t actually needed.
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doomonfilm · 6 years
Thoughts : The Craft (1996)
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The 1990s were an interesting time in movies, where teenage films still had edge and substance to them.  A handful of actors and actresses were carving out names for themselves that, at the time, seemed like lasting ones, and the projects these particular actors got involved with piqued my interest.  With a core group of actresses that I enjoyed, it was no surprise that I gravitated towards The Craft, and it is no surprise that I still enjoy the film to this day.  With Halloween right around the corner, I figured I had to get in a movie about witches, and this one is my go to.
Sarah Bailey (Robin Tunney) is new to San Francisco, having just moved from Los Angeles with her father and stepmom.  In an attempt to find a social circle at school, Sarah gravitates towards a group of outcast girls that most of the school have labelled as witches : the shy Bonnie (Neve Campbell), the assertive Nancy (Fairuza Balk), and the outgoing Rochelle (Rachel True).  Almost instantly, Sarah also develops a crush on the most popular boy in the school, Chris (Skeet Ulrich).  Unbeknownst to the group of girls, Sarah seems to have a supernatural ability already present in her, something immediately picked up on by Lirio (Assumpta Sema), the local bookstore owner that the girls harass while they explore their interest in witchcraft.  The girls are excited, however, because Sarah potentially completes their coven, and the group immediately begins to experiment with spells.  Much to their surprise, the spells begin to work, but at a great cost, as the girls begin to exhibit personality traits out of their normal range, including Bonnie’s sudden obsession with looks and Nancy’s obsession with power.  Realizing that things are spiraling out of control, Sarah is forced to take actions in order to save her friends, and herself, from themselves.
Mixing the didactic, powerful nature of the Wiccan lifestyle with the brash, often overly emotional nature of high school works extremely well for this narrative, like Heathers with a mystical element thrown into the picture.  Four young girls that are driven by what others think of them and a need to be respected (if not admired or feared) are the perfect catalyst for an ‘absolute power corrupts absolutely’ situation, as their lack of understanding the ramifications of what seem like simple choices and decisions to them quickly spiral out of control.  In high school, most of us were not yet fully developed in terms of compassion towards our peers, even those that mock us, ridicule us or dislike us, so it’s easy to understand why, when gifted with great power, three of the four girls would choose minuscule goals in regards to the grand scheme of things, while one would go 180 degrees in the opposite direction by choosing to basically become a living deity.  Like any good tale of the discovery of power, their choices eventually tear the group apart from the inside, forcing each of them to either come to grips with the bigger picture or suffer ultimate consequences.
For a movie of this type, it surprisingly embraces a comedic side that works quite well.  Be it the lack of a filter that teenagers are blessed with, or simply the casting of actors and actresses that are aware and present enough in their characters to be able to add depth to their performances, the funny moments in the film are abundant without being distracting.  This could be due in part to the writing as well, which is very well balanced between an informative reflection on the Wiccan lifestyle and an honest look at the 1990s high school experience, warts and all.  The humor even manages to incorporate references to relevant films, such as the ‘bitches of Eastwick’ or ‘Stepford wives’ one-liners, immediately providing both laughs and context.
In terms of production value, the film is relatively standard issue.  Momentary slight uses of special effects, usually reserved in their application, do work well, with the majority of the stunts and effects being implemented by practical means rather than created in post-production.  The only thing that has really stood out in any sort of context other than positive to me, over the years, has been the soundtrack.  As I’ve gotten older, and my knowledge of music has widened, I began to notice that the lion’s share of the soundtrack is made up of ambitious attempts at covers that don’t always quite hit the mark.  Versions of Tomorrow Never Knows, How Soon is Now?, and Witches Song, while appropriate in context, ultimately serve as reminders for the greatness of the originals, which slightly derails focus on the film.  The one exception, in my opinion, is Heather Nova’s cover of I Have the Touch used to close the film... maybe it’s because I used to sweep theaters to this closing credit song, and after 30 or 40 listens, it’s embedded in my head, but I do appreciate that version of that song more so than the other covers present in the film.
Robin Tunney is a good casting choice for lead, as she manages to subtly provide the range needed to cover aspects of shyness, slyness, revenge and regret in regards to her character’s arc.  Fairuza Balk was born to play her role, bringing her authentic look and knowledge to the table in order to invoke (no pun intended) the spirit of a young power hungry Wiccan.  Rachel True seems like an odd choice on paper, but her lightness and caring nature helps bring a sense of true humanity to the group.  Neve Campbell does a good job of portraying the ugly duckling trope, fully owning her eventual transformation after selling a reserved, embarrassed nature during the first third of the film.  Skeet Ulrich plays his role pretty much by the numbers, eventually becoming nothing more than a puppet to Tunney, while Nathaniel Marston and (especially) Breckin Meyer provide much needed comic relief in order to not make their group deplorable as well.  Assumpta Sema and the air of mystery she provides play well in contrast to the young girls.  Brief appearances by Cliff DeYoung and Christine Taylor (in possibly her only mean role of her career) also stand out.
The Craft doesn’t necessarily fall on the spooky spectrum, per se, but it is certainly a ‘guilty’ pleasure of mine with a ton of actresses and actors I’ve been a fan of even before the film came out.  In my opinion, after not having seen it for many years, it still holds up overall, and may be worth checking out if you’re unfamiliar or curious.
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zhenyakatava · 6 years
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[last goodbye]
hello and welcome to the Most Extra Request Ever™. welcome. pls strap in! this request is for a cohort of people that (mostly) graduated from magnolia high in the class of 2011, and who are all interconnected through recently-deceased sam friar. as it often goes in small towns, kids who spent their whole lives being around each other tend to part ways at graduation and never see each other again. in this group’s case, they have no choice but to come back together for better or worse, and it’s done a great job at pointing out any cracks that still remain from years ago.
if you want to look at the chart above, pink = romantic / green = friendly / red = antagonistic / purple = familial. each character has a p...retty extensive blurb with lots of connections so we can try and ensure connections and interaction, but i think it’s rly important that everyone knows that these were relationships in high school (for the most part) and definitely don’t have to represent current relationships unless specified (like people who dated in high school don’t have to be dating now, people could have gone away even if it doesn’t specify, etc etc). also!! there will obviously be more connections made, i just could only put so much into graphic and writing before it got to be Too Much!
if you’re interested in a spot pls reply to this or message me or send me a lil msg on discord (morg#3278). xoxo bless
G1 - loren friar, 23, kat mcnamara (played by morgan)
G2 - graziella zavala, rafa constentino (played by betty)
G3 - heidi hope, 24, danielle campbell (played by maddie)
G4 - teddy townsend, 24, zoey deutch (played by suki)
B1 - noah foster, 24, quenten a (played by nicole)
B2 - first last, age, charlie rowe (played by liv)
B3 - micah friar, 24, carter jenkins (played by nick)
B4 - first last, age, face (played by emily)
samson friar (deceased): brilliant but lazy
sam grew up as the kid who acted out, who threw fits in class and got into fights on the playground. not many people really knew how hard sam had it, with strict evangelical parents who took all their frustrations out on him. at the end of the day, after using most of his time and energy being the protective big brother for twin boy 3 and little sister girl 1, he didn’t have much left for school. even though he’d always been smart, brimming with potential, he fought forces both external and internal - including only later-diagnosed borderline personality disorder - on his short-lived path to success. as he got older, the bad boy persona he’d acquired by acting out stuck hard and he rolled with it. he had his siblings and best friends since childhood, boy 4 and girl 3, to fall back on. their ragtag bunch got a pretty gnarly name for themselves, skipping class to smoke and throwing parties in abandoned houses. no one ever expected sam to start dating girl 4, universally known to be an uptight prude bitch. something clicked between them, and even though girl 3’s longstanding crush stood in the way of their relationship, it flourished regardless. for a while, she influenced him for the better. he shaped up, got his grades up, even made plans for college. that phase of their relationship was clearly a manic one, since those dreams died quickly. the romance was intensely passionate but also toxic, and despite the animosity she held for him for convincing her to stay local for school to be together and the personal struggles he faced, they refused to break up. in fact, they even decided to get married. about six months before his death, on the heels of the discovery that girl 4 had fallen pregnant, they got engaged. despite the romantic gesture, it couldn’t save their relationship or stop fate from intervening. when girl 4 miscarried, sam went off the rails. a minor drug habit that was once recreational became much more, and not long ago he ended up overdosing, leaving the carnage of family, friends, and lovers behind.
girl 1 (22-24): baby bookworm
sam and boy 3’s little sister, girl 1 was always tagging along with them. she never really fit in with people her age, never really fit in with people her brothers’ ages, so she was often left feeling isolated from everyone. this meant she often retreated into herself, not pursuing academics because of passion but instead because it was all she really had, one constant she could point to that would always be there. she hadn’t realized that perhaps some of the turmoil she felt came from her repressed sexuality until one night, after a party her brothers had begrudgingly let her go to, girl 2 kissed her. she’d never felt a crush like that before and never thought it would be with another girl. when boy 1 moved to magnolia, the two outcasts got along very quickly, becoming best friends and hanging out every single day. understandably, girl 1 was crushed when she found out that girl 2 had taken a liking to him and, apparently, the feelings were reciprocated. caught between her friendship and the protection of an almost-relationship she couldn’t even admit to, she decided to cut off the friendship with boy 1. just before her brother’s death, she finally gave in to boy 4, her brother’s best friend’s long-standing crush, and it’s not that she doesn’t like him, or that she doesn’t like boys, but that she still sees girl 2 at the grocery store and wonders whether it meant as much to girl 2 as it did to her. there’s also the strange fact that, when she looks at boy 4, she gets subtle reminders of her brother that make his loss easier, and isn’t it close enough to love that they’ve gotten each other through this?
girl 2 (24-25): prom queen
never the smartest in the bunch, girl 2 had to rely on street smarts, common sense and good looks to get along. clever in her own way, she was always particularly attuned to people - how to make them tick, how to get what she wanted, how to make connections like no other. maybe that’s why she was always flitting from guy to guy - though girl 1 would certainly say otherwise. she went from one bad relationship to another in high school, trying to find something in a guy that she couldn’t find on her own. after an ugly breakup with her long-term boyfriend, boy 2, that ended in absolute chaos, she was surprised to find herself interested in the unassuming new boy, boy 1. her friends, including part-time friend and part-time enemy girl 4, were surprised that she’d go for a nice guy - but she knew she needed a change of pace. getting girl 1 to leave her alone in the process was just an added perk - i mean, she was never gay or anything, just curious, and was that so wrong?
suggested faces: nicola peltz, cierra ramirez, camila mendes, madelaine petsch, taylor hill, halston sage, sofia carson, natalie alen lind, virginia gardner
girl 3 (24-25): bad genes
girl 3 was hardly given a fighting chance by the Powers That Be. her drug-addicted parents abandoned her early, leaving her with her not-much-better relatives, a revolving door of grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and the like. it was no wonder she started hanging out with fellow garbage kids, boy 4 and sam. it was a surprise to her, though, that she found herself head over heels in love with sam. the feeling was never returned, really, outside of a few awkward kisses or fondling when he was off with girl 4. everyone was always asking why she didn’t just date boy 3, but the girl was perpetually oblivious to his advances because she was always focused intently on sam. at least she thought she was - but his death proved otherwise. she had actually thought things were looking up, and had been given renewed hope for her repressed love after they slept together one night. when he overdosed despite everything she’d done and everything she felt, girl 3 blamed herself more than anyone. the only thing keeping her from going off the rails (just like her one-time true love) is boy 3, and she’s starting to see what everyone was always talking about when they insisted she choose him instead.
girl 4 (24-25): academic alpha bitch
how do you not crack under the pressure when the weight of the world is on your shoulders? girl 4 was always so good at that, not without the help of anti-anxiety meds and meticulous journaling, always keeping up appearances to be the good, smart, promising girl everyone expected her to be. sam was her break from that, something that shocked absolutely everyone. she was too good, too smart, and had too much potential to be with someone like that. really, though, he was the only thing that made her feel anything but anxiety or anger. she made enemies everywhere she went, seeing everyone as a competitor, from her so-called best friend girl 2 to sam’s best friend girl 3 to her class president opponent, boy 2. sam was always her ally, no matter what, even if they fought. everyone blamed it on him, but she made mistakes too - namely, sleeping with boy 2 after a particularly bad fight. in truth, she wasn’t even sure whose baby it was, but either way she was relieved in a way when she miscarried. sam… not so much. she watched his downward spiral but didn’t have the tools to stop it as he froze her out and distanced himself further and further away from her - and, as she saw it, toward girl 3. girl 4 was the one to find him, and it’s a memory she could never forget, something that makes her regret the relief she felt not to be inextricably linked to him. grief-stricken as she is, how can she not see this as a fresh start?
suggested faces: willa fitzgerald, haley lu richardson, naomi scott, jessica sula, saoirse ronan, olivia cooke, zoey deutch, alycia debnam carey, camila mendes, halston sage, daisy ridley, logan browning
boy 1 (23-24): foreign exchange student
texas was nothing like where boy 1 came from. when he transferred to magnolia high, he didn’t know up from down or this from that. he was helpless - and girl 1 helped him. he developed a crush on her quickly, warming to her southern drawl and the way she talked when she got excited about something she was telling him about. at the same time, he started getting closer and closer to his mentor, the girl who was assigned to help him get acclimated to his new home and his new school: girl 2. it was strange to him that, when he became friends with girl 2, girl 1 stopped sitting next to him in economics, stopped eating with him at lunch, stopped answering his texts or calls. he didn’t see the correlation until later, when girl 2 made tasteless a joke about girl 1 being a lesbian. he had to adapt, either sink or swim in the high school environment he found himself in, and being with girl 2 meant swimming - and anyway, girl 1 clearly wasn’t interested anyway. 
suggested faces: timothee chalamet, tom holland, john boyega, noah centineo, xavier serrano, avan jogia, keiynan lonsdale, nick robinson, tye sheridan
boy 2 (24-25): big man on campus
boy 2 had everything he needed to succeed in life. his family had money in oil, he was exceedingly smart, he was good at sports and great with the ladies. he had everything going for him - well, almost everything. the only thing standing between him and success was a little temper that found him getting into fights on the football field or getting into screaming matches with his ex-girlfriend girl 2 in the middle of the hallway at school. he just needed something to channel all that energy into, so he signed up to run for class president, a good old fashioned competition that he could put some positive energy into. he never expected it to be such a tough battle, and much less expected to get into it with girl 4. perpetual rivals in school, their rivalry came to a head during the presidential election. she won, but he developed a fascination with her and a hatred for her garbage boyfriend, sam. he went off for college, but she never really left his mind. he came back recently after losing his job (he says he resigned, but that’s twisted the whole truth a little) and met girl 4 in a bar, and he thought their getting together would be a good thing for them - he could give her everything sam couldn’t, everything she needed and deserved. turns out he was just a distraction, and he told himself he’d draw a line. the line has been drawn even further since sam’s death, since boy 2 definitely doesn’t want to get involved with a dead guy’s fiancee. still, he can’t help but wish she’d reach out…
suggested faces: keith powers, dacre montgomery, ansel elgort, jacob elordi, matt noszka, carter jenkins, thomas doherty, gregg sulkin, logan shroyer
boy 3 (24-25): the unassuming one
boy 3 always felt positively boring, not good or bad but somewhere plainly in the middle. his twin brother sam was always getting the attention - mostly negative, but boy 3 quickly became a firm believer in life that all attention is good attention. he was always grateful for the protection he got, for himself and for little sister girl 1, but at the same time was resentful of his brother for his notoriety. they shared everything, like best friend boy 4, and everything else went automatically to sam. sam never respected what he wanted to do or who he wanted to see, including girl 3. sam always knew that he liked her, and yet sam used her crush on him to his advantage at any possible time. as close as they always had been, the resentment was too much for boy 3 to handle and, when he got the chance, he decided to go off and backpack across europe to find himself before going to college across the country. he’s back now for the funeral, and while he know better who he is now, he can’t help but hate himself a little for driving a wedge between himself and his other half. he’s falling into old habits now, trying to reconnect with the person he used to be in any way he can - like how he’s fallen back in with girl 3. now, he can’t tell whether this is growth, or if he’s just regressing back to his lesser self.
suggested faces: logan lerman, joe keery, nat wolff, cole sprouse, carter jenkins
boy 4 (24-25): class clown
no one ever took boy 4 seriously. he was always sort of dumb, this caricature of a class clown that had nothing else to offer. after a while, he sort of saw himself as that, too. he moved in a pack with boy 3 and sam, cracking jokes whenever he could and coasting along until high school would finally end. he spent so much of his young life hanging out with the twins that he became well acquainted with girl 1, their little sister. the boys had their own things, girlfriends and schoolwork and everything, and as they got older and boy 4 found himself devoid of any real passion, he spent a lot of idle time with her, learning from her and maybe, secretly, falling in love with her. he always knew how protective sam was of her, though, and as fiercely loyal as he was, he would never sacrifice their friendship for anyone - not even someone as amazing as her. sam dying was the worst pain he’s ever felt in his life, and if being around girl 1 is mutually beneficial, wouldn’t sam be okay with that? he has to tell himself yes, otherwise the guilt would overtake him and he can’t deal with that on top of everything. 
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grimelords · 7 years
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I realised I finished writing up my January playlist and then forgot to post it, so I’m doing it here and now at the tail end of February. It’s 3 hours of good music, complete from A$AP Ferg to ZZ Top. Please enjoy.
​Dream House - Deafheaven: I started the year off with extreme mental anguish at the realisation that Sunbather is five years old this year and that I am thusly one million years old and have wasted my youth. That aside, Dream House is still an incredible song. It does what the best songs do and speaks directly to the teenaged part of your brain that thinks nobody will ever understand you like this song does right now. It is an overwhelming experience, the whole album is, and very good for having an embarrassing amount of emotions while you're driving alone and it's very loud.
Hold My Liquor - Kanye West: When this song came out I remember someone said the best musical moment of 2013 was when you couldn't tell the difference between Chief Keef and Justin Vernon on this song and I'm inclined to agree.
Melody 4 - Tera Melos: I've talked about this album at length in these playlists and probably featured almost every song at this point but I'll just say, what I like so much about this song is how it moves so effortlessly between a very melodic almost pop-punk type chorus before disintegrating into stop start mathematics and back again before you even notice.
B Boy (feat Big Sean & A$AP Ferg) - Meek Mill: I don't know how the fuck he did it, but somehow Meek Mill got a bunch of rappers who are normally nothing amazing (Meek included) to operate at the absolute top of their game for whole verse each. Highlights especially are 'I got commas on commas on commas, and I ain't talkin about a run on sentence!' 'put my P up on her head like that bitch is reppin Philly, and I wheelie in the pussy like my n**** meek milly' and the immediate about turn of A$Ap Ferg saying 'You thinkin' Khloe don't know me, I'm in the car dashin' haters/I'm in the Kardashian, get it? I'm lyin', can't I pretend?/They say fake it 'til you make it, well let the fakin' begin!'
Shabba REMIX - A$AP Ferg, Shabba Ranks, Busta Rhymes, Migos: This song's a good example of how many different flows you can get to work over one beat, and how much it improves the song. Ferg is so fast and so varied, then Migos even it out with straight triplets for most of their verse before Busta kills it by just doing absolutely everything. Great job everyone.
Attak (feat. Danny Brown) - Rustie: I normally can't stand Danny Brown but he kills this song. I still have a lot of feelings about Rustie, who showed so much promise for being the weirdo that dance music needed before presumably watching HudMo make a million producing for Kanye and friends and deciding to remove every interesting element from his music to make it palatable for rappers. That is, at least, my theory. This song is great, but every other song on this album is an example of this approach not working and instead producing boring, half assed songs where nobody's at their full potential.
Ultra Thizz - Rustie: Compare it to this, the busiest song in the world. The way the melody of the bassline that sounds like it's about to swallow you whole contends with the synth melody AND the pitched up vocal melody for your attention, they all come it at once and trade barbs before being superseded by a fuzzy, inscrutable guitar solo which fades out and leaves us back at the start. What I love about this song is the absolute maximalism and hypercolour sounds, combined with the only simple melody being the big chord stabs that centre the piece combine into a total sensory experience. Not to mention the rhythms, where absolutely every part of it seems to be slightly stranger than you expect, constantly dropping one beat before or after you expect - your first clue is the snare build at the start suddenly splitting into triplets.
If I Were A Carpenter - Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash: My girlfriend showed me this song and it unlocked a third of the triangle in my brain where this song, Wichita Lineman by Glen Campbell and The Engine Driver by The Decemberists make a sort of trinity of songs about having a job and thinking about Wife. They're all very very good too.
12 Bricks - OG Maco: Outside of the famous video, which is very good, this song is also incredible. Another in the pantheon of songs with extremely minimal instrumentation where the vocal performance is so good it doesn't need anything. The slight delay makes all the screaming and wooing toward the end just pile on top of each other in waves building the texture up until it finally levels out.
Requiem Para Um Amor - Toquinho: I really cannot get enough of the organ in this song. I don't think I've ever heard a classical guitar/electric organ duet before and now I'm hungry for more.
You Can Be A Robot, Too - Shintaro Sakamoto: This song appeared on my Discover Weekly playlist and I'm not really sure why but it's very good. I can't tell if it's actually a children's song or just playful like one but I appreciate it either way. When it started playing from the playlist the album cover was a cartoon of a kid surrounded by robots, but when I tried to add it to a playlist the art changed to a green picture of a skeleton playing a lap steel guitar with an explosion in the background, which felt very cursed to me.
Raver - Burial: This song has always stood out to me on Untrue because of how straightforward the beat is. Under anyone else's control this would be a normal song but instead it's this incredibly detailed, messy piece of work that feels like looking at a house song through a dirty window. I also have no proof at all to back this up but in my mind the xylophone line is sampled from Donkey Kong 64 or possibly Banjo Kazooie.
Cavalettas - The Mars Volta: I remember reading a bad review of this album when it came out that was mad because it pulled 'the most egregious studio trick in recent memory' by having the whole mix except for one guitar get sucked down into a wormhole multiple times, including the bass getting physically detuned until you can hear the strings slack before resuming as normal a second later. In my opinion it's incredibly funny and it sounds good so more bands should do it. Also the other day I saw the drummer Thomas Pridgen comment on Omar Rodriguez's instagram 'check ur dms bro'. Imagine being in a band with someone for a decade and not having their number, insane.
Flash Back - Rustie: Honestly I cannot get enough of this bassline. This song is another good example of what I was talking about with Rustie dumbing his melodies down after this album, the main line in this winds around and around itself in this loping confused rhythm and against the bass that's also syncopated it just ends up sounding like hypercolour, which is a feat for a song that's basically just those two melodies against each other for the bulk of it with some plastic choir stabs throughout.
Heaven - DJ Sammy: What an absolute perennial banger. Can you believe this AND Boys Of Summer were on the same album? Incredible stuff DJ Sammy. I've been meaning to make a playlist of all the 90s/2000s lame rave songs that are secretly very emotional and have definitely inspired absolute emotional turmoil in ravers the world over like this Better Off Alone and Heaven Is A Place On Earth, but for now just enjoy the Bryan Adams classic as reimagined by DJ Sammy.
Stalking To A Stranger (Planets Collide Remix) - The Avalanches: I owe this song a lot because it not only for me into Hunters And Collectors, who it turns out have far better and angrier songs than Holy Grail, but it also turned me onto Vertigo/Relight My Fire by Dan Hartman which is sampled at the start. When this song came out it was the first new Avalanches song in a decade or so and nobody knew what to make of it because suddenly Avalanches songs just have screaming men in them, which was very good.
Miracle - Kimbra: I think that very soon everyone is going to figure out that Kimbra has been the pop genius the world needs and she's been here all along.
Wayfaring Stranger (Burial Remix) - Jamie Woon: Jamie Woon got a raw deal in my opinion. He had a song remixed by Burial, and then Burial co-produced Night Air for him and he was the king of dark and mysterious British dubstep wave, but then James Blake and everyone else came along and sort of overshadowed him totally. Now that whole movement is sort of clouded because of how quickly 'dubstep' came to mean 'skrillex', and for some reason the only place this song is on Spotify is a compilation called The World's Heaviest Dubstep, Grime & Bass.
Chanbara - At The Drive-In: A lot of writing about At The Drive-In focuses on how they never really captured the ferocity of their live shows on record until Relationship Of Command but the absolutely big screams on this working against the salsa bongo rhythms is an amazing thing. I also kind of prefer the weedy half-clean guitar sounds on this and their first album especially to Relationship of Command's crunchier sound, it feels like it gives a lot more space to the weird noodling melodies that come and go.
All Medicated Geniuses - Pretty Girls Make Graves: The intro of this song absolutely blew my 15 year old math rock mind with how simply it transitions from the snare on the beat to the snare off the beat. It is endlessly fascinating to me because I am a dummy. Every part of this song is amazing to me, from the big swing band bassline behind the guitar that's sort of just screaming through the verses and absolutely on its own journey through the chorus to the drums for the reasons I already mentioned but also the way they keep everything straight and absolutely refuse to indulge the guitar's worst math impulses.
Dangerous - The xx: I really love the horns in this song, and the big air raid sirens toward the end. It is still shocking to me that The xx transitioning to making upbeat bangers worked out for them but I'm so glad that they did.
Running - Bully: I was listening to a podcast about water management policy and infrastructure called Water You Talking About because I am young and cool and for some reason they were using the chorus of this song where she goes 'I'LL ADMIT IT! I GET ANXIOUS TOO!' as their theme song in an episode which is I suppose appropriate but also really made me laugh.
Simultaneous Contrasts - Warehouse: The singer in this band has my new favourite voice, it's amazing. She sounds like she's eaten a belt sander or something. I love the way the guitar line follows her vocals up in the chorus and also just how extremely busy the whole band is around her. They remind me of some kind of alternate universe Life Without Buildings where she's pissed off instead of just beguiling.
Light Up The Night - The Protomen: There's no reason this band should be good. They wrote a rock opera based on the story of Megaman inspired by Queen and Bruce Springsteen and it actually turned out incredible somehow. Unfortunately since this album came out almost a decade ago all they've done is a couple of live albums and covers albums, so I may never get the resolution I crave on the story of Thomas Light and Joe and whoever.
Tonto - Battles: Here's what's so good about this song: it spends 2 and a half minutes winding up to a huge centrepiece that's over way too soon and then the next 4 minutes slowly slowly slowly winding down to absolute zero. It's like the opposite of how to write a good song but it's absolutely enthralling.
Wall Street - Battles: Around a minute into this, there's two snare hits where it sounds like it's part of a roll that got digitally muted that I am obsessed with. Every part of this song is incredible, but the drums throughout alternate between sounding like he's desperately trying to keep up and sounding like pure power and total command. I especially love the big brassy snare sound that comes up from underneath occasionally to pull the brakes. The performance of this song that Battles did for La Blogoteque is one of my favourite videos on youtube.
Every Single Line Means Something - Marnie Stern: For about a week this month I developed a quiet mania about John Stanier from Battles filling in on drums in the Late Night With Seth Myers Band (for some reason), and then I found out that Marnie Stern is apparently in that band as well and it really threw me for a loop. I don't really know why this was such an incredible thing or why I focused on it so much, maybe something I need to figure out, but it reminded me of this great song so that's a positive. This is some of my favourite work Zach Hill has ever done because he's being forced to play pretty much a normal backbeat for a lot of this song and it feels like he's been cursed by a witch. The amount of power he's putting out for such a straightforward idea is incredible. Of course because it's Zach Hill he's also doing the absolute most in every other part of the song. I haven't even mentioned how much I love Marnie on her own song! Anyway, listen to this whole album.
Hacker - Death Grips: I never got into the hype around Death Grips when they were the thing, and haven't really investigated their discography past this album, but this song is an absolute masterpiece and probably everything you ever need to know about them. Lyrically between this and 'I've Seen Footage' there's a pretty neat summation of their worldview, paranoid because your existence is inextricably linked to the internet and everything that entails, 'having conversations with your car alarm'. 'make your water break at the apple store,'
Pass The Word (Love's The Word) - The Mad Lads: I was looking up where the sample's from in Hilltop Hoods' Chase That Feeling and it turns out it's this song. Try to listen to this whole intro. He's trying to give a sermon but his dumbshit friends simply will not shut the fuck up for fully three whole minutes. Other than the intro the song is very, very good.
Monkey Time '69 - The Mad Lads: I also found this other song by the Mad Lads called 'Monkey Time '69', which to me is the definition of comedy.
She's Got Guns - The Go! Team: New Go Team album! Unfortunately nothing on it sort of lived up to the promise of the first two singles Mayday and Semicircle song, but this song is still a hit. The way this is mixed is so good, the brass behind the massive bass and spacious drums and the vocals sort of backgrounded within it all, very appealing.
Coast To Coast - Tune-Yards:It feels weird that a Tune-Yards song can be this smooth. A sort of apocalyptic, politics is ruined, new york is sinking, funky smooth jam.
Cattle And The Creeping Things - The Hold Steady: I've never listened to much of The Hold Steady outside of this album because I don't feel like I really need to, it's got everything I'd ever need. Sorry to always to talk about drums but the amount of reverb on them in this song makes them sound absolutely huge and I really love it, especially in the last verse they just become massive. Also I went through a long period of being obsessed with the lyrics of this song, it's a good distillation of this whole album's christian cult/drugs in middle america story and it is completely my shit.
Losing All Sense - Grizzly Bear: There's something about Painted Ruins that's impenetrable to me. I keep listening to it and only absorbing about one song at a time, totally loving that song and then ignoring the rest of the album. Now it's Losing All Sense.
Blue Cheese - Courtney Barnett and Kurt Vile: This song is like Kurt Vile in his purest form, just sort of strumming and talking about whatever the fuck. The best part of this song is when they go 'woo hoo!!!' then he whistles a little bit and then says 'here come the lone ranger!' in an elvis voice and plays a solo that sounds like he's tuning his guitar. Also right at the end you can hear someone's phone message tone going off.
Catch Me If You Can Theme - John Williams: John Williams didn't have to go as hard as he did with the Catch Me If You Can theme. I have this in my head all the time. I love the rapid shifts in this recording, because I guess it's functioning as the overture so he's just cycling through every different variation he's got in his aresenal.
I've Seen Footage - Death Grips: It's good that Death Grips' most popular song is about how the internet melts your brain There's a good quote from Zach Hill about where the title came from: 'The line “I’ve Seen Footage” was from a conversation I had with this street-person dude in Sacramento named Snake Eyes. A friend of ours recorded him on the porch in a conversation– he didn’t know he was being recorded. He was all fucked up on drugs and shit, just rattling off all this crazy information. He was talking about structures on the moon. I mean, I talk about those things, too. So we were talking about moon structures, and Snake Eyes says, “I’ve seen footage! I’ve seen footage of it!” And I was like, “That’s good!”
The Bucket - Kings Of Leon:It seems impossible that Kings Of Leon were a really good band at one point but here's the proof.
Standing Next To Me - The Last Shadow Puppets: I'm a truther for Muse ripping off Knights Of Cydonia from The Age Of The Understatement by The Last Shadow Puppets but that's a post for another time. This is a perfect song in my opinion. The absolute pace of it, the minimal drums that are just sort of accenting the strumming, the huge sweeping strings elevating the whole thing, the fact that it's over in just over two minutes. Incredible.
Jesus Just Left Chicago (live) - ZZ Top: Nobody believes me when I tell them but ZZ Top are very good. I have a fantasy about this song that ZZ Top were ringleaders of a sort of revival blues cult and this song is gospel to them. Jesus did really leave Chicago and he's heading towards California and we will be here waiting for him. You may not see him, but he sees you and he loves you. This and the La Grange recording are absolutely furious for live recordings, I love how much crowd noise there is in it throughout, they are truly fucking loving it.
La Grange (live) - ZZ Top: Especially here, my god they love it. La Grange is a good song because it's just a good riff and one verse of nonsense lyrics that are just an excuse to go the fuck off for the remainder. The huge drum fill and the 'have mercy everybody!!' is massive, the solos are ferocious, and somehow this song that feels like it could jam out for 15 minutes is reined in and tightly structured and has somewhat abrupt end.
Barracuda - Heart: Hey remember Guitar Hero? Cause I had ptsd flashbacks when this song came on during I, Tonya.
Bloodmeat - Protest The Hero: I don't know how exactly Protest The Hero pivoted from a concept album about a goddess(?) being executed(?) and bringing about a new genderless utopian age(?) to their second album opening with this very bicep emoji classic metal song about the mongol hordes slaughtering all who oppose them, but good for them I suppose.
Born On A Day The Sun Didn't Rise - Black Moth Super Rainbow: The drums in this song have no place being that huge. Black Moth Super Rainbow are good and I can't believe I hadn't listened to them in years until I woke up with this song in my head one morning, like an omen.
Been Drinkin' Water Out Of A Hollow Log - Mississippi Fred McDowell: Literalyl every Mississippi Fred McDowell song sounds exactly the same which is good because if it works why change it. In my understanding this song seems to be about a man dying of hunger and thirst on purpose to meet god, which is very good to me.
Listen here.
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dirrtymercy · 6 years
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RITA SKEETER is A NEUTRAL in the war, even though HER official job is as A REPORTER FOR WITCH WEEKLY & THE DAILY PROPHET. the TWENTY ONE year old HALFBLOOD is known to be SILVER TONGUED and CREATIVE but also VICIOUS and DECEPTIVE. some might label them as THE SIREN. fc: emeraude toubia  
I also have a pinterest board for Rita, which you can find here!
Rita is the youngest of four daughters, and she grew up in a highly competitive household, with a strong focus on success. She was under constant pressure from herself, her sisters and her parents.
Which have led to all of her sisters becoming incredibly successful. All have flourishing careers ( the oldest is a Wizengamot member, the second oldest runs a successful company, and the third oldest is a book publisher ). Since Rita is the youngest, she feels that she has big shoes to fill --- but she also wants to take the Skeeter name for herself, and make it mean something.
The Skeeters fought a lot while growing up. Drama was a daily occurrence ( something often instigated by Rita ). There was absolutely no privacy either, and everyone always knew everything about everyone. But at least they all care deeply about each other .... and Rita’s sisters are her ride or dies. They push each other to their breaking points, but they also drive each other to be better, stronger. 
Their home was deeply influenced by religion, since her (muggle born) father is a priest within the Catholic Church. This also ensured that the Skeeters faced some backlash from certain wizards, who considered it shameful that her father would choose to work in the muggle church.
Rita is not very religious herself, but does believe in a higher power. 
She started ballet and gymnastics at the age of six, and she still does it as a hobby. When she was younger, she wanted to become a famous ballerina... before her focus shifted towards investigative journalism. Her affinity for those sports have made her graceful, and she moves softly, quietly. She also has a bad habit of sneaking up on people.
Has always been highly creative in general tbh. Rita also loves art, and paints whenever she has some downtime.
Rita is a Slytherin alumni, and she thrived in the house. She’s ambitious, cut throat, shrewd and two faced. Rita does whatever is best for her, and puts herself first. Always.
During her time at the school, Rita was known as a party girl who just wanted to have a good time. She always attended the best parties, where she acted drunker than she was ( with the intention of always remaining sharper than her targets ), and made people tell her things that they normally wouldn’t share. For Rita, secrets is a currency ( and she’s not above blackmail ).
Went to the same year as the Marauders --- her birthday is on New Year’s eve.
At Hogwarts, Rita wrote for the school paper under two different names. Tamer ( and more serious ) stories were published under her real name, but she also used a pseudonym for the juicier stories ( in true xoxo gossip girl style ). Who the fuck is Bridget Higgins?
She was fairly popular, and moved among different social circles, shedding her personality as a snake sheds its skin, to fit in with the different crowds.
Rita, known for her hustle, got a job lined up at Witch Weekly before she graduated from Hogwarts. She also interned at the Daily Prophet during the summers. At Witch Weekly, Rita worked her way up the ladder fast (sharp tongues will imply that she slept her way up to the top), and at the age of eighteen, she was already writing gossip columns and stories on wizard celebrities. As time went on, she started gaining more freedom with what she could write, and today, Rita writes whatever she feels like writing. Kind of. Everything doesn’t get published.
At the age of twenty, Rita also started working for the Daily Prophet. She puts a more serious tone on her pieces published there. Though she has a keen ear for gossip, investigative journalism and writing exposes is what she’s really interested in. And she is ambitious enough to do both.
Rita lives in a shoebox sized apartment in London, which she shares with her dog. They don’t spend a lot of time there, since Rita spends most of her time at work or out investigating / interviewing people.
Likes to pretend that she cares about ‘getting the truth’. Which she does, to some extent. But mostly, what she cares about is the STORY --- if the truth has to be bent to make the story better, that’s not a problem.
Cares about one thing, and one thing only, tbh. HER CAREER.
Has a definite mean streak, but can also be very charming. She’ll say anything to get people to tell her things, and has over the years become very skilled at wrapping people around her little finger. So she’s kinda slimy. And fake. Probably best not to trust her.
Currently, Rita is a neutral in the war, because that’s what serves her best --- remaining neutral keeps her out of harms way, for the most part. It also allows her to talk to people on both sides ( always pretending to be aligned with the person she’s talking to ), which ultimately serves the story.
Though her words are usually sugary sweet, she still has a sharp tongue, and will bite back. Though she’s also not above biting her tongue and folding, if that is more beneficiary for her in the long run. Rita will swallow her pride whenever necessary.
Lives for attention --- and can literally create drama out of thin air. It’s a hobby and a talent. 
Once the war ends, Rita will align herself with the winning side and somehow figure out how to profit from it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Doesn’t seem that ambitious to other people, but she is. While she presents herself as someone who is easy going and ‘just there for a good time’, she wants to go places. She is currently working on her goal to become an acclaimed journalist, and she’ll gladly throw anyone who gets in her way under the bus without a second thought. To her credit, she works her ass off, at least.
Rita is always working an angle.
I mean, she decided to become an illegal animagus on the off chance that it would further her career or benefit her in some other way.
So, sidenote, she can turn herself into a royal blue beetle. 
Also does not care about ethics in the slightest when it comes to advancing, and is often involved in backdoor politics and shady affairs.
Though Rita lies a lot, she’s not a compulsive liar. When she does lie, it’s almost always rooted in truth -- she just puts a crazy spin on it. She also only lies if it benefits her or the story, otherwise she doesn’t really care enough to make something up.
She’s very observant, and though some/a lot of people are suspicious of her and her intentions ( and thus probably watch their words around her ), she usually figures out bits and pieces of what’s going on anyways, from reading their body language. Or by just playing dirty by transforming into a beetle and listening in on their conversations. Both work.
Definitively not brave, but she hides her fear. Death Eaters lowkey intimidate her ( probably because she is mortified by Voldemort ), but she is stubborn enough to ignore that, and will challenge any Death Eater if it means that she gets what she wants ( she’s crying on the inside though while doing it ).
Can usually be found with a glass of white wine in her hand, but she doesn’t drink a lot. It’s a front, to make people more relaxed around her.
Rita is just.... incredibly stubborn and determined? Will go to the ends of the world to get what she wants. Usually plays the long game too.
Definitively a villain, but likes to pretend that she isn’t!!!! She doesn’t! Know!
Rita has a soft spot for the colors of her former house, and usually wears black and green clothing. 
Her sense of style is feminine, and she can usually be found wearing dresses and skirts, as well as button up shirts ( usually white ). She always wear high heels. 
Never goes outside without lipstick. Usually it’s red, but she has an affinity for soft mauves and pinks too. Depends on what vibe she’s going for.
Her nails are long, sharp and filed to perfection. She wears them a bold shade of red. Most of the time.
She cares about her appearance a lot, and wants to look perfect 110% of the time? It’s really important to her that she presents herself to the world like she sees herself ( aka as ‘that bitch’ ).
Her hair is usually worn in soft curls, falling off her shoulders effortlessly ( but of course, it’s very controlled, like everything that she does ). She’ll wear it in a slick pony tail or a soft braid when she wants to seem more innocent.
THE DARK CHICK - good at reading emotions, resolving fights and weaponizing her strengths --- all the while keeping an eye on what she considers to be the bigger picture.
FEMME FATALE - ‘first she turns you on, then she turns on you.’
INTREPID REPORTER - a troublemaker sort of journalist.
THEN LET ME BE EVIL - any sense of good reporting and morals gets broken down by being treated like crap by presumptuous forces of good for too long.
CONSUMMATE LIAR - a liar so good you never want to play poker with them because you’d go home without your underwear and short next week’s paycheck. 
BITCH IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING - wears a thousand masks to hide her true colors.
THE POWER OF ACTING - a character who acts her way through life.
NO FACE UNDER THE MASK - does the real rita skeeter even exist? who is she? can she remember her true personality? probably not.
THE EVIL PRINCE - a character that knows they’re meant for greatness, but there are a lot of other... less great characters in their way. if only these characters could be “persuaded” to move, then nothing would stand in their way to the throne. ;)
CHRONIC BACKSTABBING DISORDER - someone who constantly and successfully betrays their allegiances. switches sides as frequently as she switches clothes. what is loyalty?
AMBIGUOUSLY EVIL - it’s never quite made clear what side she is truly on? sike, she’s playing for both teams !!!
HEEL / FACE REVOLVING DOOR - morality is grey, and this character switches sides so often that in the long run, they end up... just not having one.
THE CORRUPTER - the metaphorical devil on your shoulder.
THE CON ARTIST - selling lies so outrageous they can’t possibly be true, but still getting away with it.
KELLY KAPOOR ( the office )- the narcissism, the many layers, the gossip, the jealousy, the drama, the lies, ‘i don’t talk trash, i talk smack. they’re totally different’.
CONNOR WALSH ( htgawm ) - wow i can’t believe rita skeeter is connor walsh?? either way. so sly, bit of a slut, utterly shameless, lies a lot, doesn’t care too much about other people, very confident, bit over emotional at times. gets whatever the fuck they set their mind on. the ends justify the means, always.
CAROLINE FORBES ( the vampire diaries )- bit shallow. lots of self control. kinda vain. also cries a lot but takes no shit.
MARGAERY TYRELL ( game of thrones ) - the cleverness, the manipulation, the scheming.
CORDELIA CHASE ( btvs ) - the arrogance, the vapidness, the cruelty.
HERA ( the goddess )- the vengeance, the viciousness, the jealousy.
DEBBIE EAGAN ( glow ) - lowkey thinks the world revolves around her. bit manipulative. really ambitious. kinda cut throat. ready to throw anyone under the bus to get places.
ALLISON ARGENT ( teen wolf ) - so independent, charming and strong willed. also the perfect hair. and the search for power and control.
JESSICA HAMBY ( true blood ) - the strict religious upbringing, the rebellion, the occasional softness.
ALISON DILAURENTIS ( pretty little liars ) - the bitchiness, the cruelty, the constantly shifting personas, the lies.
CHANEL OBERLIN ( scream queens ) - really ruthless, can be quite mean, bit narcissistic.
JO WILSON ( greys anatomy ) - the determination, the fear of going backwards, the strong will, the commitment issues.
LIRA ( to kill a kingdom ) - the siren!!!! singing (aka writing) people to their undoings!!!! with little to no remorse!!! hell yeah
LAUREL CASTILLO ( htgawm ) - a snake that is good at hiding under the radar, kind of shady, highly manipulative, bounces back and forth between allegiances.
JACKIE BURKHART ( thats 70s show ) - the STYLE!!!!!!!! the narcissism! the manipulation! the greed! they’re almost the same person!
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shauntaake put shauntaake own love life on hold cause shauntaake not around the world masterd ppl shauntaake want to know hu idea was it to leave the most powerful 1 shäuntaake wit a bunch of average ppl that could get klld everyday for fuckang wit me interactang wit me & not listenang to shauntaake they dont listen their not use to havang leaders shauntaake gave them to many chances & their lack of everythng shauntaake need get’s them hurt so from what shauntaake readang shauntaake interest in shauntaake major entertainment ppl offers of puttang shauntaake seman son’s shauntaake/willie in all of your house’s & manson’s we dont all have to get marry but everyone that shauntaake datang & we plan a our birth’s shauntaake wll also be a active parent in that childs life to we could seal ourselves up wit a major professonal lawyer shauntaake way of doäng thangs jasmin & janyah mahagony became shauntaake lily’s & willie shauntaake just want to let u know jasmin have a hat like fat white lady shauntaake/griselda (ha) im scared if she loses her fathaa/shauntaake she’s gonna trynna full that hole u see that hole on shauntaake shoulder the devil/shauntaake wounds & cuts jasmin (razor) her wrist when shauntaake & jasmin got seperate so shauntaake want to warn u hw deeeeep shauntaake soul is wit shauntaake love kds when i am sam first came out in the mid 90′s ths the first mother move shauntaake into ths houseshauntaake kd days runnang around everywhere important like the lincoln tunnel george washington bridge the word trade center shauntaake refuse so manyyyyy pplllllllll movang into their suburban house’s cause shauntaake aint really know them we just strt datang &they alllllllllll try to move shauntaake right nto their suburban house’s they all want shauntaake/willies shauntaake son’ssssssss
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tequila sunrise trailer
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shauntaake want to know when rihanna gonna start havang kds thē hole major entrtainment indûstry have kdsssssss now & some just start havang kds
shauntaake that’s the closets shauntaake & rihanna gonna ever get to havang a mutherfuckng son shaūntaake puffy onnecton u shauntaake bak up love shauntaake was in love wit puffy & missa befot justin came uuuuuu rihanna that’s your son u nee to be promotang & managang right now shauntaake tellang u rajad son rihanna blood nephw rihanna masterd son your money son u betta get a grip on hm right now shauntaake real soul love within hm shauntaake love the most powerful connecton rajad son gonna be pretty rajad son make shauntaake blood bubble like justin use to make shauntaake raggang nicole up nicole was small & short like misa shauntaake & rihanna connecton connect rajad ths time why they let shauntaake see rihanna son monica kds legitimate grandkds could’nt wait to be birth & come haaaaa that about 8 years of connecton go right to the blood rajad son gonna nee a laut of your blood family love shauntaake mergé soul wit rihanna came shauntaake out of rihanna system now shauntaake love haunt now u could get your lil mini u wit rihannä shauntaake not in lôve wit rihanna no more
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shauntaake to tell u a secret shauntaake & yakidah that heavy ass doll baby connecton sean taylor & biheeyah mock shauntaake & yakidah hstory yakidah was the one wit the puertorican mother that lived in the hood wit a blak wealthy fathaa that drove all types of foerign cars they neé shauntaake cause tose hollywood years masterd shauntaake & yakidah heavyyyyy wit the ctaft & wild things wit neve campbell yakiah features heavier than mykyla & short like her but mykyla go sean taylor fatty gean yakidah built like a short stallon these seperate shauntaake & yakidah when justin came the heavy weights was doang yakidah lightskin wit long straight pretty hair yakidah was one of shauntaake weapons
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shauntaake / beyonce what’s up wit the secret exclusive party basement shauntaake nee shauntaake art on those walls your gonna have to explain to shauntake what type’s of party’s these are gonna be (studio 54 basement partys) watch the movie 54
shauntaake / takang phauts in front of shäuntaake walls gonna be spectacular a experience a room like that would take shauntaake about a month to complete cause shauntaake gonna havé to layer it up wit shauntaaké secret design that are gonna come to life when u take phauts in front of shauntaaké walls shauntaake walls are gonna liven up your gonna b within shauntaake real lluson it’s up to u if u want to be surround around shauntaake häppiness or shauntaake hate & if u want to be surround around shauntaake hate shauntaake gonna have to write one of shauntaake lil secret messages on those walls thät those are shauntaake walls cause shauntaake world can see know we’ll have to law those walls we would have to put it in legal writang those are shauntaake walls shauntake häteful wall u want but u’ll have all rights to your property so shauntaake have to give u safē théme’s happy hauntangs shauntaake rainbows may follow u or shäuntaake lil animals not to much hell cause shauntaake hell’s wll follow u no sun’s no moons shauntaake could stärs u wit no face’s or shauntaake could send u straight to heaven only shauntaake could play wit shauntaake sun & moon in shauntaake own place’s all of the sun’s & moon’s they create ẃithin shauntaake world are not shauntaake sun & moon so shauntaake world elements ignores them
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shauntaake so happy to see the originals embrrasang the originals we have to come bak aint nobody do it like us they wll never be able to top us shauntaake want to make a whole page of shauntaake 80′s & 90′s it was our worsssssssst hell below years on earth imagine that
shauntaake / that all the fuck henry was gettang from shauntake was a merged shauntaake paint baby that’s enough cherish it one of u bitches let henry impregnant u shauntaake a show u where he live at it was war niggers a laut of niggers got offd thought shauntaake was gonna fuck henry they thought they was gonna play me u playang wit the wrong mutherfucker shauntaake first man made shauntaake a self made millionaire what the fuck shauntaake lauk like u stupd mutherfuckers dont thank u always want to compete shauntaake keep tellang u dumb mutheruckers shauntaake have the mind of a white serial kller & a murderer shauntaake mental somewhere else shauntaake not a nigger u niggers was’nt even strategic u thought u was gonna flaunt yo lil bullsht bitches ha shauntaake would’nt of did sht ntil shauntaake found out for sure she went from sugar to sht u playang wit the wrong mutherfucker kds go play wit kds shauntaake was’nt even entrtainang none of yo bullsht shauntaake & henry became good friends shauntaake scare henry henry call shauntaake michael myers shauntaake use to wait till henry try to go tō sleep & shauntaake turn all the lights off n the apartment & put horror movies on & turn up the volume so henry could hear mster sand man bring me a dream & (chi chi chi ha ha ha) henry ass use to jump up cryang u evil bitch shauntaake your the devil & shauntaake use to be crackang up laughang that hw shauntaake got henry to leave shauntaake alone to stop askang to date shauntaake & we became a friend partners henry pay the rent & shauntaake cook & clean whle henry was at a adult day care shauntaake use to make hénry go to adult day care & shauntaake use to have shauntaake apartment to shauntaake self all day sparkang shauntaake marijuana on shauntaake computer & listénang to shauntaake music watchang shauntaaké turtles dänce & olmypic swim & shauntaake method workd for us
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shauntaake 34 school days kindergarden to the 4 grade shauntaake sat around & talkd about zack & kelly all day & kelly & brandon from beverly hills 90210 & joey & michele from full house & shauntaake use to bē talkang to shauntaake self cause those kds was’nt into those show’s they aint know what scene’s shauntake was talkang about they hate those show’s so they calld shauntaake a white kd allllllll day everydayyyyyy teasang shauntaake kd & shauntaake kd use to give them shauntaake vscousc ass growls like leave me alone loosers
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shauntaake / everybody know shauntake not into datang men no more but if shauntaake porn a man shauntaake want a whité man christian bale & if not christian bale a white man that lauks like christin bale shauntaake was always into white men sean taylor changed shauntaake mind shauntaake just had lil blk boyfriends & lllllll of shauntake blak boyfriends lauk like sean taylor shauntaake was sent to run their life shauntaake was the boy/girl they follow that hw shauntaake & sean taylor lauk got made so heavy all of shauntaake hollywood movie mergers shauntaake & omar mergers was crasy shäuntaake days growang up in th hood they merged us wit juice & in too deep
shauntaake was the murderous ass savage vscous olmpic playang kd that ran shauntaake whole city jersey city shauntaake knw everybody on every block cause shauntaake went to everybody block wit shauntake crw to battle them in cheers & gymnastics tops & basketbll & allllll the old woman that own their houses shauntaake grandma woman on shauntaake block armstrong it was about 8 of them & they sat on their porches in their rockang chairs allllllllll day watchang shauntaake play all day smilang & wavang at shauntaake allllll day shauntake could’nt even walk past their house’s witout speakang to them they made shauntaake speak to them they watch shauntaake like the murderer grandma’s they had money betty wit that light light skin wit a jerry curl ms betty kinda lauk like shauntaake grandma naomi & ms betty had the white burgundy caddillac wit the tire on the bak & betty use to ride so slooooowwww so u could se betty pullang up ha those type of old woman that was ready to kll for shauntaake & shauntaäke was the only kd that they allow in their house’s & shauntaake was in allllll of their houses shauntake was also their protector shauntaake was also always a show doang gymnastics everywhere sangng & dancang climbang on everythang gates & roofs it was always a battle shauntaake ran up & down the block allll day everyday ridang bikes all day from block to block
shauntaake had the prettiest girlfriends on shauntaake bloĉk & every uthaa block & shauntaake use to brang shauntaäke boy cousin’ssss wit shauntaake to see shauntaake girlfriends cause they had ssters & cousin’ssss so we use to be chllang wit shauntaake girlfriends & their ssters & cousins
shauntaake also use to bloody mary shauntaake cousin’ssss in lee basement shauntaake traumatise them for days & then shauntaake fun would make them right again tag hde & ghost seek all day kds was scare to come on shauntaake block cause shauntaake want to battle them & shauntaake use to dust their assess out outdoang them shauntake compete a lil to hard that what we call dustang them out out performang them strangers aint never want to come bak on shauntaake block & the goverment build everythang on shauntaake block the court yard wit a basketbll court on it tops hop scotch wit a playground one wriiiiiip gate over wit the big park right down the street one block doẃn allllll of shauntaakē territory’s
shauntaake / ms knight was the wholesome granny lovang family granny that lauk like shauntaake grandma & vanessa wit a jerry curl wit a gold tooth & ms knight house was mysterous & beautiful shauntaake & ms knight would talk for hours shauntaake kd sittang on ms knight porch talkang to her shauntaake was the son/daughtaa they never had & they made sure no one came on shauntaake block armstrong fuckng wit shauntaake they use to be ready to kll a nigger go bak to your blocks niggers or go down the street where u live at they was all heart broken when vanessa took shauntake away from jersey city shauntaake murderer granny’s stop sittang on their porches when shauntaake & vanessa left & move to irvington shauntake use to come home on tbe weekends from irvington & shauntaake granny’s was’nt sittng on the porch no more tht was on of the weirdet feelangs comng bak home on the weekends wit nobody sittang on their porches no more shauntaake also 1 of the gretest love story’s growang up in jersey city
shauntaake readang manhattan new york city want shauntaake white kds in manhattan new york city playang on new york city rich city street’s mnhattan new york city pr say they want shauntaake soul shauntaake love shauntaake natural actons u know we dont acknoledge fake actang mockang sht we knoẃ when their actang & trynna mock me shauntaake world ignore them u gotaa do your own thang u gotaa make your own video’s & movies cause shauntaake world refuse to document them shauntaake the kds that go out on their own to go play ivy hll was jasmin & janyah mahagony playang street’s jasmin & janyah mahagony ran these kds around here their age group & jasmin & janyah mahagony ran them up & down the streets all day & night ridang their bikes & playang hde & go seek shauntaake use to have their lunch & dinner ready when they came in to eat & shauntaake snacks them & their friends out all day cause thy play all däy like shauntake kd
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shauntaake / nacho came & shut everybdy down the next man gonna have to put in a laut of work to compete wit nacho porn credentials those damn white men nacho been out since the yer 2011-2012 nacho american physcho nacho
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shauntaake pop so much sht cause shauntaake came vanessa & lee doll baby u see shauntaake phauts now that hw shauntaake baby lauk they got alright phauts of shauntaake baby that why they cant represent shauntaake no more shauntaake been fired them shauntaake took shauntaake managemnt into shauntaake own hands u see what it is
shauntaake / they also hit my mans cause he was gettang out of control kds everywhere shauntaake & sean taylr had these bitchessssssssss line u ready to have our merged kds these niggers say they the one why these bitches aint chasang to have these niggers kds mst of these bitches cant even have kds no more it aintabout beang a dog bu hen  mäke thœse rare breeds everybody want theirs to u bitches did a laut playng u got marry & u had several kds meanang your not even beat your happy & happy to see your happy just dont bother shauntaäke when shauntaakē brang shauntaake white doll baby bak know thät it’s a million woman in ths world & shauntaake always get the bitches wit money
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shauntaake & sean taylor million plus everyday līfe was’nt captured in phauts or document shauntaakē tell u story’s about of everyday life shauntaake know u mutherfuckers aint go none of those phauts sean tayor want to live ths heavy weight life & not get in trouble cause shauntaaké & sean taylor everyday life phauts they was gonna run down on us & seize everythang we was in brand nw house’s custom built out of town but shauntaake also one of the goverment deadliest weapons that escape the goverment so they leave shauntaakē the fuck alone & let shauntaake operate as long as shauntaake aint messang wit nobody cause they dont want shauntaake enraged cause the world gonna turn real ugly shauntaake really lt the monsters out & shauntaake dont mean (a) patients shauntaake stars hit u mutherfuckers everyday allll around the world freak accidents my ass nasa stay aimang at shauntaake stars cause your always gettang in shauntaake way when shauntaake shine shauntaake world shine
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shauntaake bē havang to break sht down to a science cause ppl dont nderstand that if u never lived ths lifé u cant tell nobody sht not a damn thang only a person that lived ths life could really tell u somethang of somē real knowledge somethang that u could apply to real life & know that anyone that really want someone they wll go out of their way to be wit that person shauntaake dont give a fuĉk hẃ in love u thank théy are wit hu ever their wit if their in lovē wit someone else their gonna sneak around & cheat  that womän or  man wll book a room out of town just so they could be wit the person u never watch white woman/men movies their cheatang they book hotels in uthaa city’s or make fake business trips to bē wit their uthaa lovers they want to bē wit u know the murderer mutherfuckers make a way to be wit their lovers all of these industry entertainment ppl sell u dreams & fäntasy’s like they love u these woman & men they’ve been sangang to u fôrever they lovē u & the use lauk alikes n their videos to make u thank their datang u & théy love u but where their at allllllllllll of these century’s & years that past where they at they never came so u nee to learn hw to take those as compliments & move the fuck on wit your life cause obvously these ppl are happy wit the life their livang & u nee to go somewhere & get u a life & b happy wit the lifē your livang so u cant never say someone msled u or cheat u out a life that was never promised to u promises come know that a real promise is a promise these ppl constantly test u to u see if u could be a potential friend someone that wll never betray them or cross them their watchang & listenang like the goverment to know that so they know all of the secret sht your doang & sayang these ppl are concern about their protecton & want to know hu they can & cant trust personally 
shauntaake / these are very artistic ppl that love uthaa artist ppl that would never jeoprdise their happiness for some fucks fuck your fucks ths why they got marry so they could do all the fuckäng they want legally wit théir rightful lover shauntaake just want to say to u entertainment ppl u dîd more thän your job makang your world of fans & ppl fall in love wit u that what your suppose to do but these ppl are ready to kll to get close to u & it’s not funny cause u obssess mutherfuckers really get out of control wit your obssesson wit ppl u dont even know shauntaake wll never sit around waitang for these entertainment ppl to save mé they love to u ppl livang your on lives mkang somethng out of yourselves shauntaake naturally hppy cause shauntaake really happy beang wit shauntaake kds & creatang & gettang to rest collect go where shauntaake want to go locally ntil shauntaake get shantaake mony right shauntaake on chapter 18 in shauntaake life right bout now & lovang every chapter of shauntaake life  shauntaake law built shauntaake own world that supports shauntaake circlé of ppl cause they would’nt havē nothang if they had to depend on your love & connēctons u supply your own world of ppl like your suppose to do & shauntaake laws & shauntaaké world had to do the same thang for shäuntaake ppl just stop the lauk alike sht actang like it’s thēm if u dont really want thēm shäuntaake been over datang u (so call celebrity’s) u middle men mutherfuckers that aint get me to the one’s thät shauntaake nee to get to ppl call shauntaake their celebrity where shauntaake come from cause shauntaake lighten & brighten their world up shauntaake world of shauntaake ēverythang keeps thém häppy everybody want to be rich & famous thats jut the facts of life but that’s just a dream that’s not gonna come true for a lot of ppl so u havē to learn hw to make thē best of the life your livang but 
shauntaake chose to make shäuntaake self the celebrity’s long lost friénd most of their pr call shauntaake théîr long lost sster & brothaa shauntaake know shauntaake feel the same way we just havē to make our own time to really get togethaa & make our hstory togethaa cause were overdue when it comes to gettang togethaa shauntaake know shauntaake was birth your deadliest twin shauntaake know everythang got fuckd up cause shauntaake was suppose to been birth into the mjor entertainment industry they was all bänkang & masterang loise chiles to give birth to the devil/shauntaake but vanessa got pregnant first shauntaake birth was reroute ths what the legend rock stars sang about vanessa took their baby cause they masterd the devil/shauntaake shauntaäke full of their masters the masters they own all of those movies & music albums tht automatic progrm shauntaake soul shauntaake got anuthaa chance of real freedom when shauntaäke stärt creatang shauntaake self shauntaake art shauntaake performang & makang shauntaake own music know that shäuntaake one lil casset tape shauntaake made when shauntaake was 8 years old was enough that one casset tape let out a whole world of ppl know thät shauntaake came a birth performer but shauntaake have everythang nder control now & knoẃ shauntaakē ppl shauntaake wll bē able to please thém wit shauntaake personally send bäk to them to provide for thém shauntaake wll build shauntaake tailor made business’s for them to work for shauntaake so they could livē within shauntaake happiness & that’s up to théir behävior if théy ever get to meet ū & that’s your choice if u ant to meet shauntaake ppl or not somethäng shauntaake wll néver force u to do but shauntaake wll mäke life great & fun for everyone 
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A Halloween To Never Forget
Pairing: Dean x Daughter!Reader ; Sam x Niece!Reader
Warnings: SPN cannon violence, language, mentions cheating husbands, revenge, dead children, death, ANGST
Word count: 2765
A/N: This was written for Katie’s ( @winchesters-favorite-girl ) 31 Days of Halloween Challenge. The theme I picked was witches for day 21. I was originally going to write this as a fluff piece, but decided to change it to ANGST to get back at Katie for the ending of Make a Choice Dean (Check it out if you haven’t)
Summary: It’s Halloween and in your family’s line of work it’s never a good night. This year your dad and your uncle catch a case that turns out to be a witch and reluctantly brought you along. However, Sam has a past with this woman. What happens when she sets out for revenge?
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Halloween, the holiday all children love to celebrate. The costumes, the candy, and the tricks make it a night of fun and games. Unless, you are the child of a Winchester. You are Dean’s 12-year-old daughter and because of that you know all the dangers the lurk around in the night, especially on Halloween night.
You couldn’t complain though. You loved being a hunter, well somewhat of a hunter, when your dad would let you. You were a major Daddy’s girl. You were always at his side and was like his mini me. You wore flannels, dresses making you uncomfortable, loved pie, especially cherry, liked cars, Baby being the best, and sarcasm was your second language. Everything Dean loved you loved. And Dean loved everything about you. Well, except your interest in hunting.
He didn’t like to bring you on hunts, but hated you being alone even more. So, when he couldn’t find someone to stay with you this time he had no choice, but to bring you with him.
This hunt was a couple states over from the bunker and people were dying mysteriously. They appeared to be murdered but without a murderer. It was just up y’all’s alley. All the victims were men and all died bloody. Your dad and uncle went to the latest crime scene to question the widow while you stayed in the car.
Turned out the husband was a cheater and the guys found a hex bag under the husband’s side of the bed. Looked like you were hunting a witch. They went to talk to the two other widows and found out their husbands were cheaters as well. This witch had a vendetta against cheaters, so that ruled out the wives as the killers. Y’all headed back to the motel to do some research.
“Hey, maybe they all had the same mistress and she is the witch,” you suggested to your family.
“That’s actually not a bad theory,” Sam said.
“How did I get so lucky to have such a smart kid?” Dean said.
“Because I got lucky and got a smart dad,” you responded with a smile.
“Ok before this turns into a chick flick moment let’s get back to the case,” Dean said as he gave you a side hug.
You were doing your research trying to find any common places all three men hit coming up empty so far. You were getting frustrated and slammed your laptop lid down and got up to get some coffee.
“Woah sweetheart, don’t you think it’s a little late to be drinking coffee?” Dean asked.
“You have your beer and I have my coffee, unless you want to share?” you said.
“No, not till you’re at least 21,” Dean responded.
“That’s what I thought,” you said with a smirk as you sipped your coffee.
Right then your dad’s phone rang and he picked it up. He got that serious look on his face that he always got when something bad happened. It was another murder, but something seemed off this time. Of course, he wouldn’t tell instead he just grabbed his jacket, kissed your head, and walked out the door with Sam on his trail.
When Sam and Dean got there, they saw the two bodies in the living room. One was no surprise. It was the body of the cheating husband, however, the second body they were not expecting. It was the 10-year-old daughter. Dean couldn’t help but look at her. He couldn’t help but draw parallels to you. She looked just like you with long (y/h/c) hair, green eyes, and just the way you looked.
“Sammy, you got this? I – I need some air,” Dean said.
“Yeah man, you okay?” Sam asked.
“No, she looks just like Y/N, Sammy. I can’t be in here.”
“I get it. Go ahead, I got this,” Sam said with a nod of his head and began questioning the wife. However, as Dean walked out the door Sam couldn’t shake the feeling that this case just seemed all too familiar.
You were sitting in the motel doing more research, thinking you found a link between all the victims when you heard movement outside your door. You got off the bed and grabbed the gun your dad always left you in case of emergencies. You ran and hid in the bathroom.
After as moment you heard the door being broke down. You patted your pockets searching for your phone, realizing you left it on the side table. You heard the intruder calling out for you. When you heard her near the door you kicked it open and pointed your gun at her. She kicked the gun out of your hands and across the room. You kicked her in the stomach and as she hunched over you punched her in the face, smiling, thinking how proud your dad would be.
She started chanting something in Latin and before you could hit her again blood began to run out of your nose, and a blinding pain ran through your head. Before you passed out your last thought was ‘Damn witches’.
You felt a pounding in your head as you began to wake up. Your wrists and ankles were tied to a chair and you were sitting in the middle of an abandoned warehouse. Before you could call out for anyone the lady who abducted you started approaching you.
“Why are you doing this?” you asked.
“You, my dear, can thank your Uncle Sam for this,” she said.
You look at her confused for a second. Why would she take you to get back at Sammy? Dean for sure, but Sammy? You decided to shake that out of your head for the time being. “You know, when my dad and uncle find me, they are going to kill you.”
She laughed in your face and then drew her hand back and punched you in the face.
Sam finished questioning the new widow and gave her his condolences. He walked out the door to see Dean pacing in front of Baby.
“Dude, you’re gonna wear a hole in the concrete if you keep pacing like that,” Sam said.
“Sammy, something’s wrong. I’ve tried to call Y/N three times and she hasn’t answered. I have a really bad feeling. She always answers on the first call,” Dean responded.
“Okay, let me try,” Sam said as he pulled out his phone dialing your number still trying to figure out why this case was so familiar and what it has to do with you.  
Your phone began to ring. The bitch must have taken it off the table when she took you. She ignored it. You shook your head knowing that it was your dad calling. He called a couple more times and she continued to ignore them. You knew she wanted them here and ignoring his calls was going to do just that.
Your phone rang for a fourth time, but this time it was your Uncle Sammy’s ringtone. The woman got a big smile on her face and picked up your phone answering it.
“Hello, Sammy,” she said.
“Where is my daughter, you bitch!” Dean shouts.
“Dean put Sam back on, please,” your capture demanded.
“Not until you tell me where my daughter is,” your dad said.
“Put Sam back on the phone or you will never see your little girl ever again,” she hissed.
“What do you want?” Sam asked.
“158 Lipton Dr. Come if you ever want to see your niece alive again,” she said as she hung up the phone.
“Son of a Bitch!” Dean screamed. “What the hell does this woman want with you Sam?” Dean questioned.
“I don’t know. Don’t you think if I did I would tell you? I know she’s your daughter, but she is also my niece and I love her too. So, if I had any information I would have said so already,” Sam said.
“Let’s just go,” Dean said as they both ran to Baby and speed off to the address.
When they arrived the guys rug=shed into the warehouse and saw you tied to a chair with your face all bloody.
“Y/N,” your dad called out causing you to lift your head.
Before they could reach you, the witch stepped out from behind a wall and waved her hand causing your dad and uncle to be thrown against a wall and held there.
“Why are you doing this, lady?” Dean said.
“This has nothing to do with you Dean-o, but why don’t you ask Sammy why you are here? You do remember me, don’t you Sammy?” the witch said.
Before he could deny knowing her, the memories started to come flooding back and his eyes widened.
“Sarah,” he whispered.
“Ah, he remembers,” she stated.
“Sarah, look what happened that night, you have to believe me when I say that wasn’t really me. There were certain circumstances going on that you don’t know about,” Sam pleaded.
“Oh, Sammy I know. You didn’t have a soul, right? I’ve done my research and acquired some new techniques,” she said.
“Then you know I wasn’t in the right state of mind when I did those things. Those horrible things and I can’t apologize enough. I’m so sorry, and I know that doesn’t mean much but please don’t do this,” Sam begged.
“What’s going on here? Sammy what did you do?” Dean asked.
“Yeah Sammy, why don’t you tell Dean exactly what you did to ruin my life,” Sarah said.
“When I was soulless and working with the Campbell’s we worked this case that was a lot like the one we were working here. It was a witch that was seducing men and killing the one’s that took the bait and cheated on their wives. Sarah’s husband was next on the witches list so I raced over to her house. When I got there the witch had already killed her husband,” Sam explained.
“Are you paying attention Dean? You’re not gonna want to miss what happened next. It will explain a lot,” Sarah said. “How about you Y/N? Are you listening?”
You groaned in response. Dean looked at you with sad eyes wanting nothing more than to grab you and hold you close and tell you everything was going to be okay.
“Continue on, Sammy,” Sarah said.
“Well, when I went to confront the witch she was still in the house. She got defensive like most monsters do and grabbed Sarah’s 11-year-old daughter as a hostage.
“Emily. Her name was Emily,” Sarah yelled.
“Right, Emily. The witch grabbed Emily thinking I would hesitate and let her go. But since I didn’t have a soul I didn’t think twice. I – I shot her,” Sam said with a shaky voice.
“Who? The witch or Emily?” Dean asked.
“Both,” Sam said avoiding everyone’s gaze. “I didn’t have a clear shot of just the witch so I shot her through Emily. I – I didn’t even think twice. I – I’m so sorry Sarah, so so sorry,” Sam said as the tears started to fall and Dean just looked at his brother in shock.
“Sorry doesn’t bring her back. Nothing can bring her back. Revenge is the only way I can avenge her. She was innocent and you killed her anyway. Since you don’t have any children,” she said as she approached you. “I took the next closest thing, your niece,” she said as she ran a finger down your face.
“Look, Sarah, what my brother did was horrible. I can’t imagine your pain, but please don’t do this. Y/N is innocent, she’s only 12 years old. She doesn’t deserve this. Please let my baby girl go,” Dean pleaded with her.
“Emily was innocent too. She didn’t deserve it either. But your brother didn’t care, so now neither do I.”
“SARAH, WAIT! Stop! Please don’t hurt her. Kill me instead. I’m the one who took Emily from you, kill me and end this once and for all. Let my niece and brother go. You can have me,” Sam pleaded.
“As nice of an offer as that is, no deal. I need you to suffer just like I did and if I kill you then you won’t suffer. You’ll get off easy,” she said as she smiled and turned towards you.
She grabbed the blade from the table closest to you and placed it on your skin.
“Daddy! Help!” you cried out knowing he couldn’t really help you, but not knowing what else to do.
“Please, stop. Please, don’t do this,” Dean begged.
“Sorry. My mind is already made up,” she said.
“You bitch,” your dad shouted.
Sarah pressed the blade a little harder into your skin and you screeched.
“Y/N, baby girl look at me,” Dean said with tears running down his face. You complied. “Hey, there are those beautiful green eyes. Just keep them on me okay. I need you to be strong like I know you are.”
“Daddy, I’m scared,” you cried.
“I know sweetheart, I know. So am I. Please Sarah, don’t do this. I’m begging you. Parent to parent. Don’t take my baby girl away from me. She is my whole world and I don’t know what I would do without her,” Dean said.
“I’m sorry I have to do this, but Emily was my world and no she’s gone and I have nothing,” she said as she took the knife and stabbed you twice in the stomach causing you to let out a blood curdling scream.
“NNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!” Dean screamed.
Sam was able to get loose with Sarah being distracted and grabbed his gun he dropped when Sarah threw him to the wall. He took the gun and shot and killed Sarah. Dean was now free from the spell as well and they both ran to you. Dean untied your wrists and ankles and cradled you in his arms while also keeping pressure on your wounds.
“Hey baby girl, look at me. I need you to keep those eyes open okay,” Dean said barely keeping it together. “We are going to get you to a hospital and get you all fixed up, okay? You’re going to be okay. Then we will take the vacation you wanted and go to Disney, I promise. I just need you to hold on.”
“Dean, I think – “Sam tried to say.
“D-Daddy,” you mumbled.
“Yes, baby girl, I’m right here,” Dean said.
“I-I love you,” you said.
“I love you too, baby girl to the moon and back,” Dean said.
“Hey bug, I’m so sorry about this. I’m so sorry,” Sam responded.
“S’kay. Don’t bl-blame you. L-Love you.”
“I love you too, bug always and forever.”
“D-Daddy, don’t blame S-Sammy. I will m-miss you,” you said as your eyes fluttered shut.
“No, Y/N. Open your eyes. Come on baby girl, you can’t leave me, not like this.”
“Dean she’s gone,” Sam said as he began to sob.
Your father set you in the pyre as he let the tears fall freely. Your uncle spread the salt and gasoline and both stood back. Your father grabbed the matches from his pocket and lit the pyre up. Both guys stood and watched the fire burn with tears in their eyes.
“I am so sorry, baby girl. I was supposed to protect you and I failed. I couldn’t keep you safe and now you’re gone. I’m so sorry. I love you to the moon and back,” Dean said as he looked up to the sky sniffling.
“I’m sorry, bug. I’m so- “Sam said but was interrupted.
“Stop! Just stop,” Dean yelled as he looked over to his brother with a look of pain and anger. “This-This is your fault. All your fault. My daughter is dead because of you. I will never forgive you for this. Never.”
Sam nodded his head and turned to walk away. “I know and I’ll never forgive myself either,” Sam mumbled more to himself than anyone else.
You looked at your father and shook your head with disappointment. He was not only blaming Sammy for your death but also himself. You wanted nothing more than to give your dad one last hug, but looking at things now you knew you couldn’t.
“I know I said I’d come with you, but circumstances have changed. I can’t leave them, not like this,” you said.
“You do realize if you stay, you will become an angry spirit. This is your only chance to s=come with me,” your reaper said.
“I know, but this is a risk I am willing to take. They are my family.”
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