#Amanda townley
alkrawn · 3 months
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rreskk · 8 months
Headcanons: North Yankton trio
TW: plenty of NSFW topics discussed.
@stevensbelt (because you like north Yankton Trevor as well🖤)
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- Small town jobs, small town friends, small town girls. They shared everything; savings, whores, clothes, cars. Nothing was secretive, not until Michael got himself a girlfriend (Amanda) and that’s when things started to get a bit distant and cold.
- Arguments were common, so were physical fights. Between all of them. North Yankton was very stressful since they were always identified and had to flee from town to town. Sometimes arguments would get out of hand and turn into physical assaults where blood would splatter and clothes were torn. And it wasn’t the case of one of them trying to be the peacemaker. When fights broke out, they’d be fighting until someone fell unconscious (something to ease the tension and loosen the nerves).
- Trevor would shave Michael’s hair every month in some motel bathroom. It made it easier to hand considering the hard times but neither Trevor or Brad wanted to touch their hair, resulting in these shaggy mullets and blonde ponytails. It wasn’t a fashion choice, it was laziness.
- Trevor and Amanda got along before she started a family, and then it turned into a snappy, messy dislike. They’d get into silly arguments around the kids whenever Trevor would “invite” himself round, looking for Michael.
- Michael would get himself into some sticky debts where people would constantly be after them.
- Celebrating a good job would be lounging around Lester’s small office and hiring out prostitutes and getting drunk. They’d pay someone to give Lester a lap dance and all laugh while watching.
- Trevor’s mother was an in and out situation. He’d receive letters and phone calls a lot then he would disappear for a week or two and come back, drugged out of his mind.
- Brad and Michael had the most fights.
- They’d drive to the nearest hotspot and raid the bars, drinking a lot, causing mishaps on the streets, vandalising.
- Brad still had a side job which Trevor and Michael had to take him away from, not wanting people to have connections with them.
- Mental breakdowns were common as well. A lot of the time, one of them (mainly Trevor), would burst out crying during the long car trips, planning the jobs, arguing, nights in them motel rooms — he just cries and cries, blames and blames, threatens suicide, bang his head etc… They all know he wouldn’t dare since it was his way of “expressing” himself.
- Celebrated Christmas together, with Amanda and the kids as well. Like a found family situation.
- Active sex lives. It was a regular routine to be lounging in a motel room, doing drugs or whatever and having one of them fuck a hooker in the background.
- Snow fights and lots of snow angels. They’d have competitions to see who made the best snow angels.
- Movie nights were a thing as well (hosted by Michael).
- Michael and Trevor were still very close, even when Brad was around. He used to call them the “husbands” and “gay pricks.”
- They’d rent out old game consoles so they had entertainment when crashing out and lying low.
- Trevor was still in the music scene (punk, rock) so he’d have the occasional band T-shirts and jackets going on.
- Trevor’s personal favourite look (of himself) would be the stache. It suited the wintery temperatures but also complimented his overall appearance.
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girlsandgta · 6 months
Could you write a fic where Tracey and Franklin are dating and she invites Franklin over for dinner and Micheal finds out that Franklin is dating his daughter but he’s happy for them and approves the relationship and in general they have a good family dinner together. Amanda can be there as well also Jimmy. Thanks!
“Stop being so extra! It’s one night Franklin.” Tracey whined, looking up at her boyfriend.
Unfortunately for Franklin, this was not just one night. Tracey had told her family that she wanted to indroduce her new partner to them tonight, at dinner.
Except her new boyfriend was her father’s business partner.
Michael De Santa.
Michael was not going to be happy with this new turn of events, and Franklin knew this. But as much as he battled Tracey, she got her way. She always gets her way.
So Franklin agreed to it. Now he was regretting that decision.
The car came to a stop as they pulled up outside the De Santa house. Franklin looked up at the house, already panicking with what he was going to say, or do. Tracey looked over at him, putting her hand on his.
“Babe, it’s fine. Please calm down. You look like Jimmy when he does too many star jumps.” She sighed, looking at her boyfriend.
Franklin turned to her, letting out a sigh. He knew that she was right, but the idea of having dinner with her father and her family made him feel uneasy. Michael had already given him so many jobs, and now he was dating his daughter.
Franklin opened the door, getting out the car and helping Tracey out, walking to the front door. The door was opened by none other than Amanda, who had a glass of wine in her hand. She had a look on her face as if she knew that Franklin and Tracey were up to something.
Amanda turned to the two, smiling as she held the glass close to her.
The smell of steak filled the air, and Franklin knew that the cooking was probably down to Eva, their maid. Neither Michael or Amanda could cook for shit. Franklin smiled at Amanda, holding his hand out.
"Mrs De Santa, it's good to see you again." He smiled.
Amanda smiled back, taking his hand and shaking it.
“Hey Franklin! Are you okay? You look really pale.” She replied, looking at him worriedly.
Tracey nodded, wrapping her arm around Franklin.
"Yeah, I think he’s ill. Is Daddy inside?" She asked, turning to her mother.
Amanda nodded, leading the two inside.
"Yes, he's in the bedroom. I'll go get him." She said, before walking off.
Tracey smiled, before walking Franklin over to the couch, sitting him down. She knew that her boyfriend would freak out.
“Holy shit! Franklin?” A familiar voice called down from the hallway.
It was Jimmy. Standing there, in his huge t shirts and chains.
Franklin raised an eyebrow, looking up at Jimmy.
"Wassup Jimmy?" He smiled nervously.
Jimmy sat down next to him, turning his head.
“Bro, so you’re Tracey’s new boyfriend?” He asked, looking confused.
Franklin let out a sigh, nodding his head.
"Yeah man. She told me not to tell you." He admitted.
Jimmy raised his eyebrow, shaking his head.
"Damn. She really didn't want Dad to find out, huh? Dad’s gonna be pissed." He sighed.
Franklin groaned and buried his head in his hands.
“Jimmy! Fuck off!” Tracey said, pushing him.
She turned to Franklin, giving him a soft smile.
"Babe, don't worry. Okay? Daddy will be fine." She smiled, rubbing his shoulder.
Franklin shook his head, leaning into her touch.
They both looked up as they saw Amanda enter the room. Michael was walking behind her.
“Franklin? What are you doing here bro?” Michael chuckled, greeting his friend.
They all sat in silence for a couple seconds as Michael made sense of it all.
Tracey was looking at her father with a nervous smile, and Jimmy was looking away. Franklin looked down at his hands, avoiding eye contact with the older man. Michael took a deep breath.
“So, you and Tracey?” He asked, a stern look on his face.
“Yeah dude, I’m really sorry for not telling you.” Franklin stuttered, looking up at Michael nervously.
Michael paused, staring at them both.
“That’s great! I was secretly hoping you two would get together, Tracey has a thing for shitty men, but you’re a good kid.” He smiled, patting Frank on the back.
The room let out a sigh of relief, everyone smiling as they walked into the kitchen for dinner.
This wasn’t going to be a shit storm after all.
Tracey and Franklin sat together, holding hands under the table. The rest of the family sat around them, chatting about random topics.
Michael turned to his daughter and Franklin, a grin on his face. "You two make a cute couple. I'm glad my little girl has found someone special. Fuck her over and you have me to deal with though, F." He said, in a jokey kind of way, but Frank could tell he was serious.
Tracey giggled, giving her father a smile.
"Thanks daddy! She laughed, looking over at Frank and squeezing his hand.
Franklin smiled at her. He was glad that the dinner was not a complete disaster.
"It's cool Mike. And thanks for not flipping out." He said, looking over at Michael.
Michael raised an eyebrow.
"I would never flip out about this." He stated, a smile on his face.
The couple looked at each other and grinned.
A couple hours passed, and they all said their goodbyes. Franklin and Tracey got back in the car, heading back to their house.
“I’m so glad your dad was cool.” Frank sighed, pulling into the driveway.
“I told you it’d be fine! Look, the worst is over. Now all we have to focus on is us!” Trace smiled, holding Franklins hand.
Franklin leaned in and kissed her, a small grin on his face.
Yeah. This wasn't so bad after all.
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titobitex · 9 months
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MERRY CHRISTMAS @simply-jason !! I'm your secret artbuddy in @gtafest <3 hope I did your Tracy prompt some justice :3
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karosgta · 1 year
I DO think Amanda could get Trevor on a yoga mat. As long as yoga's the journey towards something else and not the destination. Have this tremendously stupid but beloved doodle of probably my fave m/f pairing
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Have an idea in my head about Trevor and Amanda... Busy figuring out how and if to write it down 👀 is there an audience for them?? Michael won't be in it 🤭
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armadillo-shell · 1 year
last post did surprisingly well so heres some more
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yank-a-ton · 2 years
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Listen. I may be on my own with this, BUT- I have loved Trevor for 11 years! I never had any way of showing it until now. Last week I was able to actually complete the story mode. As a kid I never finished it and now I completed it not once but twice! In one week (I have too much time on my hands 😐) and will I replay it again? Yes, definitely. I plan on doing it on my next day off 🙃.
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alkrawn · 28 days
i love them so much.
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rreskk · 1 year
HEADCANONS: North Yankton Trevor (specific, personal headcanons)
TW: smut, drugs.
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-When the rented (or stolen) cars used to break down during a journey with the guys, Trevor would surprisingly have the most knowledge about mechanics as he had to learn a few pieces here and there from his time in the airforce. By all means, he can work his way around the engine (replacing oils, fixing up batteries, replacing misused equipemtn) and can easily replace tires if necessary. As Michael said before, “he has his uses”. Besides, how else would present Trevor keep his Bhodi working if he didn’t know how to fix a good old car? ;)
-Trevor has issues surrounding wet dreams. It became a big issue when he couldn’t hide it from the guys in motel rooms. They’d wake up to the sight of Trevor’s raging boner and wet-stained bedsheets as he continued sleeping with a clearly disturbed and flustered face. He’d have these dreams at least every fortnight and Brad likes to tease him about it (earning a good fist fight every now and then).
-He’s used to cold weather as he spent most of his childhood in the Canadians freezing conditions (well, depending on the areas he lived in), but he knew snow all too well. This would mean that he was less affected. Michael and Brad would have their coats double layered but they’d watch Trevor walk out of the motel room wearing a light sweater or jacket. Even more so, he doesn’t complain about the weather at all. It could be a blizzard and he’d still get pissy at Michael for deciding the offer to sit outside with a beer.
-I’d like to believe Trevor still had his teenage band T-shirt phase throughout the Yankton era. Michael would borrow a few shirts and, no surprise, it would all have these niche punk bands imprinted with a few permanent blood-stains, also some occasional rips and tears.
-Trevor had a small crush on Amanda when she first began dating Michael. It was… an unusual time since he was also (sneakily) seeing Michael still, at the time. Talk about a chaotic love triangle, but it’s just Trevor pining for both.
-Was definitely convinced to a psych-ward during his 6 month prison sentence as he was clearly unstable and tremendously emotionally unfit to be around other prisoners. He had to attend anger meetings, art therapy, stayed in the psych-ward under the prisons guidance still.
-Michael mentioned (at the start) that he ran whores, smuggled dope etc… An idea I have would be the image of the three of them enjoying themselves with a few prostitutes, but for some unknown reason, every single sex-worker would adore Trevor. Every single one. And the only one that didn’t, it was Amanda, and she married Michael. That’s another reason why Trevor would be bitter at their relationship.
-Michael had to secure his savings because Trevor (back in North Yankton) would go crazy with his cash. Because he grew up with low money incomes, the moment he has his hands on the green notes, he’ll just blow it. Nonetheless, he learnt to save it, as we can see from Sandy Shores Trevor. Without Mikey, he had to learn the hard way.
-Trevor had a few girlfriends in the Midwest to try and understand Michael’s preference for stability and marriage. He genuinely loved these girls, but they’d all leave him due to his drug habits and emotional baggage. However, some would leave with his stash of cash. This would be because of Trevor’s heavy dependency on female figures that he’d be too naive to see the obvious signs of the gold-digger in them. A few weeks into this “relationship” he’d believe would end with marriage, they’d just leave without another word on a random day. After that, he stuck to hookups and one night stands.
-Amanda used to get drunk and vent to Trevor about Michael’s sexual performance. I’d like to imagine his cheeky grin as he’s the cause of Michael’s lack of interest in Amanda since… well, he’d be fucking her man stupid most nights of the week anyway!
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girlsandgta · 6 months
Hiyaaaa!! hope ur doing well friend <3 was wondering if I could request some headcanons for being Michael's niece? - maybe you're visiting from out of state, im wondering what would it be like to be in the de Santa household and who would you meet? :0 thanks friendd no worries if not - 🐞
of course!!
• though mikey has a pretty stone cold exterior, he has a soft spot for you :)
• his house always smells amazing, thanks for amanda’s essential oils and eva always cleaning.
• tracey would always be practicing makeup looks on you, but she’s super good so you don’t mind
• when tracey isn’t with you, jimmy and you play righteous slaughter and smoke that funny stuff 😉🍃
• amanda and tracey go shopping with you all the time, trying new perfumes, getting your hair and nails done together, you’re one of them after all :)
• they have a “spare” room that you use (it has all your favourite music posters on the wall and they let you decorate it, it’s basically your room)
• michael and you go for little outings to cafes and the beach, and just talk about anything and everything.
• amanda and you play tennis and do yoga together
• you and tracey drive around in her car and she takes you to all the best spots to party, and introduces you to her friend group
• when you have to leave again, tracey definitely cries her eyes out and even jimmy gets his infamous “hay fever”
• you meet franklin and trevor, they’re super friendly, and trevor usually hangs around at michael’s anyway
• jimmy and you go on bike rides together in his desperate attempt to loose weight, it’s hilarious watching him complain and whine about being out of breath
hope you liked them :)!! thanks for the request <3
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j3st3r-13 · 2 years
Gta v headcanons that literally no body wants but I'm giving you anyway
- Tracey when she was sick as a child called Trevor dad while half asleep, Trevor cried
- Ron's got a crush on Trevor. Trevor knows and finds it reallyyyyy funny
- Micheal actually likes the taste of kale and all those greens in his smoothies
- In North Yankton Era Amanda committed shoplifting and whatnot to impress Micheal
- Trevor was Micheals best man, T wore boots to the wedding and pretended to forget the rings
- Wades while listening to ICP convinced Trevor to kill ped0s like in the song to catch a predator. They were really good at it, wade voiced the little girl
-Franklin competes regularly in car races he once lost and didn't race for 3 months
- Lamar moved into Franklin's new house and stays there more then Frank
- Trevor is a cat person but adores chop
-Micheal doesn't like pets after a dog bit him
-None of the unholy trinity can sing. At. All
-Trevor wore eyeliner in North Yankton but doesn't anymore cause he kept hitting his eye
-Wades has made Trevor scream before because of his Juggalo face paint
If anyone wants any headcanons ( including NSFW and x reader) then please send me an ask there so fun to do :)
I don't know anymore at the moment this was just for shits and giggles
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karosgta · 1 year
So! I decided I'm gonna upload them all together just to have them all in the same post and hope it reaches at least half as many places as the first one alone.
The four main stages of Michael and Trevor's relationship (mainly for drawing reference purposes). I'm MUCH more of a Michael/Amanda/Trevor person than a trikey one, so take that fourth one as a bonus if you like and my ultimate fave poly ship. I love them so much I could combust. 😭
(And because I'm a swiftie before I'm a person, the bg lyrics on the second one are from Getaway car. What the hell is that fucking song but Michael about Trevor and BRAD.)
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abadleer · 5 months
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gunsoffire · 7 months
I Wonder Why Amanda Doesn't Want Trevor in Her House
(The transitions in this game are golden)
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