#Amara Starborn
suparhythm · 6 months
Borrowing from Tomorrow - A New Year's Eve Across Eons
The crimson ribbons of the Comet Chariot I rode thrummed beneath me, showering my scarlet silk dress with stardust confetti. My laughter, wild and joyous, echoed through the swirling nebula, the only sound save for the celestial choir of colliding constellations. Tonight, on this cusp of time, amidst the threads of infinity, I, Amara, gypsy of the cosmos, would paint my own destiny on the canvas…
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borderlore · 4 years
Could you tell us something interesting about Commandant Steele?
Very little is actually known about Commandant Steele.
She was one of the six Sirens before being devoured by the Destroyer. However, in Claptrap’s Robot Revolution, she is reanimated with Claptrap circuitry replacing where her tattoos once originally were. During the player’s fight(s) against her, she does not use any Siren powers.
She has Siren tattoos underneath her right eye. Since Amara is the only other Siren in known existence to have tattoos on the right side of her body, make what you will with this information.
She was the leader of the Crimson Lance, D Company, 3rd Starborne Brigade.
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notxjustxstories · 5 years
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Starborn Character Posters pt. 1
Amy Anderson, Sailor Mercury, 19: Amy grew up with a mountain of pressure on her. Her mother wanted her to be the best at everything she did and become a doctor. Well, Amy’s on her way. With only 30 credit hours needed to graduate, she’s starting to suffer burnout from years of pushing herself and overloading her schedule. And now she has to help save the world. Great. (fc: Zendaya)
Rei Hino, Sailor Mars, 19: Rei’s grandfather runs the only Shinto shrine in Oregon, and from a young age, Rei knew she’d rather be there than with her father, the senator. She’s dutiful and dedicated, and when she learns she has power over fire, she can’t say she’s surprised. All she has to do is get it under control- easier said than done. (fc: Erika Tham)
Lita Keating, Sailor Jupiter, 18: Lita considers herself lucky to get into the University of Portland on a full ride scholarship. Her parents left her with some money, sure, but not enough to pay for college and live on at the same time. That means it’s time to put her nose to the grindstone, not run off entertaining ideas of being a soldier from another planet. (fc: Auli’i Cravalho)
Mina Allen, Sailor Venus, 20: Originally, Mina wanted to go to Reed College. It was a liberal arts school after all, and she an actress since age four. But something drew her to the University of Portland. Something inexpiable. Things actually might make more sense if there’s magic and aliens and superpowers involved. (fc: Olivia Holt)
Serena Tyler, Sailor Moon, 18: A wide-eyed idealist, Serena is all-too-eager to start her first semester of university. There’s nothing that could ever rain on her parade, except perhaps the threat of overwhelming darkness that she is somehow supposed to stop. How is that gonna work again? (fc: Sabrina Carpenter)
Trista Marshall, Sailor Pluto, 25: The only thing Trista has wanted in life is to be a geneticist, if only to solve a mystery. In her first year bio class, she discovered something strange in her blood, something inhuman. She knows something is happening in the city, it can’t just be her, and she is going to figure out what it is. (fc: Camila Mendes)
Amara Tennant, Sailor Uranus, 24: Amara is all about the fast life. Running, cars, bikes, horses- if she could, she’d hop on a rocket to space just for the thrill. The only thing that can slow her down is the cute girl at the coffee cart on campus, and every time she leaves she loathes it. Why is she so drawn to this one girl when she could be with anyone else? (fc: Halsey)
Michelle Kaplan, Sailor Neptune, 23: Michelle is aiming for her Masters in Music while working the coffee cart on campus to earn money. A child prodigy, she’s performed in music halls and should be able to get by on her own, but after coming out, her parents disowned her and barred her from any of her earning as a violinist. Now, she’s starting from the bottom again, and not even the cute blonde who comes by for coffee every day can stop her. (fc: Sarah Jeffery)
Hotaru Tomoe, Sailor Saturn, 14: Hotaru’s father is a professor at the University of Portland, and she’s there with him every chance she can get. That’s pretty frequent since a mysterious illness prevents her from attending regular school. Her father never explained just what it was, but she trusts him. Why wouldn’t she? (fc: Peyton Elizabeth Lee)
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