huyandere · 1 day
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shuggy and their weird kid
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mimikinyuu · 2 days
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i cant give him funny face penalty when his face is cloth and thread…
(ooc: comm is from @realpokemon !!!! please commission him she was an absolute delight to work with)
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sibmakesart · 3 days
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forsaire · 11 hours
it's fun to root for your own country, but i also love when a small nation that has only like 5 athletes and who never had the same level of resources, support, and money despite everything still become the best in the world
it just gets me man... makes me happy 😭
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ariadne-mouse · 1 day
Let's pour one out for Archmage Cassida Previn who spent her whole life developing a weapon (in a desperate bid to save her city) and now in rapid sequence is systematically destroying her life's work (in a desperate bid to save her city)
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servingrobin · 3 days
Prompt - they get jealous seeing someone else flirt with you
Sanji, Luffy, Zoro
Warnings: mirror sex, semi-public, possessiveness, oral (f recieving), filthy talk, in appropriate use of different rooms
✨requests are open✨
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You were absolutely oblivious, getting plied with drinks left and right with Nami at the bar, men and women of all walks surrounding you. You thought it was fun, everyone was so friendly and welcoming and great sports about buying drinks. Nami was wiser to what was happening but happy enough to go along with it for the free booze whilst Sanji was distracted with Zoro and Franky playing some pool for the first part of the evening.
Eventually you started to feel quite tipsy and Nami was getting ready to start shoo-ing the crowd away, when one particularly drunk guy started to stroke your arm.
“Why don’t you come join my table sweetheart?” He slurred out, pulling on your arm with a sweaty grip.
As you turned towards him to say a kind piss off, the pressure suddenly disappeared. Sanji had the man by the scruff of the neck up against the bar, eyes coldest blue as he glared down at the drunkard.
“Keep your hands off my lady. “ He breathed the words out carefully, dropping the man’s collar and turning to you.
Without a word Sanji grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of the bar, down a small corridor towards the bathrooms. He hurried you into one of the small cupboard-sized rooms, locking the door frantically before pushing you up against the counter. Sanji was frenzied as he pawed at your body, peppering kisses along your neck and face.
“Hey hey what’s up Sanj?” You pushed against his chest slightly, genuinely concerned about his behaviour.
He looked at you with panic-stricken eyes and dropped his hands to rest on your hips.
“I cannot bear it mon amour, seeing all those people lusting over you was torture, and then for that man to put his filthy hands on you!” Sanji was incensed and growing more agitated by the second.
You lay a soothing hand on his cheeks and nudged him to look at you.
“I’m all yours Sanji, don’t ever doubt that. “
And that was how you ended up bent over the basin, staring at your lover in the mirror as he rutted against you with fury, chanting ‘mine’ with every thrust. Sanji marked his territory with kisses and his seed, spraying pearls of white along your pussy lips and thighs.
Sanji didn’t leave your side for the rest of the evening, keeping a firm grip on your waist as he tucked you into his side. It helped that whenever you wandered off he knew that you were walking around with his cum staining your underwear.
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He doesn’t understand the feelings that come upon him. Luffy is not a jealous person by nature, he is secure in your relationship and in himself generally. So when he sees you chatting with Franky throughout the day, following him round like a little puppy as he showed you some of the basics of maintaining the Sunny, Luffy doesn’t know what the bubbling bitter feeling cemented in the pit of his stomach actually is.
He perches at the end of the ship sulking, Nami laughing her head off at the whole thing next to him.
“If you don’t like it why don’t you go and say so idiot?!?” She finally curses when Luffy’s sulking does not stop after a few minutes.
Luffy huffs and stalks over to you, mumbling he needs your help with something, and locking your hands together to drag you downstairs. Franky shrugs and waves at you both before returning to his repairs.
“Lu what’s up?” You ask your boyfriend, concerned when he doesn’t speak at all. You’d been dragged down into your shared bedroom and pushed to sit on the edge of the bed.
Luffy kneels in front of you and looks up with stricken doe eyes.
“I don’t like it when you talk so much to Franky!” He finally mumbles after a few moments.
You sit there quietly for a time before you start to giggle. “There’s no need to be jealous Lu, I was just trying to learn more about the ship for you silly.”
Luffy at least has the decency to look embarrassed. You grin down at him and hook a leg up over his shoulder.
“Don’t worry about it, you’re adorable! Now why don’t you make it up to me for dragging me away so suddenly?” You laugh and lock your legs around Luffy’s head.
He spends the next hour eating you out like it’s his last meal, tongue buried deep in your cunt and fucking you in long licks. Luffy suckles on your clit for a lifetime, makes you cum several times before he’ll let you go. By the time he’s finished your legs are jelly and you have no hope of moving. Luffy chuckles at you and pats your head as he ticks you into bed, secretly just happy you are too fucked out to go back upstairs.
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Zoro was not a jealous man at all. Part of his training was self awareness and controlling your emotions, and that included trusting your judgement and your relationship.
Except when it came to Sanji.
Zoro had words with the cook every other day about his incessant flirting - if the man wanted to make a fool of himself that was fine, but not over HIS woman. Sanji was naturally flirtatious but once he realised how much it got under Zoro’s skin, it became a hundred times more fun.
Sanji would make you drinks whilst you sunbathed with Nami, bring you sweet treats while you read with Chopper, compliment you every time he saw you. For your part you knew exactly what he was doing and would just roll your eyes at the chef, but were curious to see what Zoro’s breaking point would be.
It finally came when Sanji interrupted the pair of you napping on deck, bringing you and the other girls some fresh flowers from land. You breathed the scent in deeply and smiled, genuinely pleased to see some of your favourite blooms in the bouquet. Sanji skipped off to gift Robin hers next and Zoro brooded next to you.
After around ten minutes watching you gush over the flowers, Zoro had enough. He silently got up and stalked off, knocking you away from your napping position without a word.
You frowned after him and put your flowers to the side, following after your lover. You found him in the kitchen, sipping on a bottle of sake and staring at the door - waiting for you.
“Come here.” He commanded, crooking a finger over to the main counter.
You gulped and wandered over, watching Zoro with cautious eyes. Without a word he hiked you up onto the counter, perching you to face him. He grabbed you by the waist and pulled you in for a searing kiss, tongue and teeth clashing for dominance. Zoro kissed down your neck and nipped his way down your chest, red marks blooming where he bit.
“I’ve had enough of that stupid cook, so I’m going to make sure he knows exactly who you belong to.”
You could only whine out as Zoro removes your shorts in one swift pull, his own coming down to rest under his heavy cock. The tip was an angry red and he was already at full attention, ready to rocket into you.
Zoro tilted your hips against the counter and entered you in one swift motion, giving you no preparation or time to adjust before he was fucking into you like a beast.
“Be a good girl Princess, tell me who you belong to.” He groans out, the feel of your tightening walls and the slick dripping around him sending him into a frenzy.
“Yours Zoro, I’m all yours, belong to you…” you mumble out, entranced by the way his tip kissed your cervix with every thrust.
You were a babbling mess very quickly, begging to cum on your lovers cock.
“Come on that’s it, my perfect little slut, all mine.” Zoro punctuated each word with a violent thrust, one of his hands trailing down to flick your clit in time to his fucking.
“Come for me Princess, want to hear you moaning like a little whore for me, make sure everyone knows who this pussy belongs to.”
Zoro’s thrusts became erratic and you let out a screeching shout as the heat between your thighs built to a crescendo. You could feel your cunt releasing warmth as you spasmed, high pitched keens coming from your mouth as you climaxed on the kitchen counter.
Zoro grunted as he watched you squirt around his cock, his thick length pistoning in and out of you surrounded by waves of your fluids. The sight drove him to his own release, and with a final cry of “My slut!” Spilt his seed deep in your cunt, balls flush against you as he buried his release to the hilt.
You let out a shaky sigh as Zoro pulled away, your climax dripping from his cock. Your legs were shaking and you could barely move. Zoro smirked at you and pulled up your shorts before heaving you over his shoulder to return to your napping spot. You were too brain dead to notice the trail of cum you’d left behind.
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overtake · 10 hours
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yapping at a delighted daniel ... fork found in kitchen
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kingdogboy · 3 days
my life would be complete if only i had my tongue in a shaking boytoy’s pussy right now </3 i wanna hear him whine and beg and pull my hair to get me in deeperrr :(
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ato-dato · 13 hours
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Post-timeskip fem usopp!!!
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I have a tummy ache and I am NOT being so brave about it I am crying and shaking and sobbing and sniffling and I want to fucking kill myself
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lawvno · 2 days
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tattooed roro...
redraw of that one picture that I totally have saved
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huyandere · 10 hours
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i was watching vids of people guessing the random celebrities and decided to draw it with warlords of the sea
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wifegideonnav · 2 days
for those who aren’t on tommy arnold’s mailing list (he’s the guy who did the tlt covers): he’ll be selling prints starting 11 am est on monday, july 29 through his website. the site will be password protected due to limited quantities, so sign up for his mailing list before sunday night to receive that password.
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sibmakesart · 2 days
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''America's post-Columbine nightmares''
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ariadne-mouse · 1 day
*Cognouza Ward vanishes from Aeor*
Taliesin Jaffe: nothing bad will ever come from that to bite us in the ass later :)
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