#Amazon AWS trainers
The Heathers + Veronica play Pokemon
I'm still working on the follow up to the Road Trip which is The Heathers + Veronica get Married, so in the meantime I made this
Mac has been a fan of Pokemon as long as she can remember
When her mom would stick in her front of the TV because she was tired of dealing with her, she would turn the channel to Cartoon Network, which was often playing episodes of the Pokemon Anime
Specifically it was the Black/White series and later the X/Y series
She was engrossed in this magical world where she could go on adventures with friends and her pokemon companions and where the power of friendship would always prevail
Plus Ash's mom was a kind caring person who wanted the best for her son, literally the exact opposite of her mom
She became hyperfixated on it
During class she would draw pictures of pokemon, she would daydream of being a pokemon trainer and during recess she would force Chandler to play pokemon with her
She even had a book called Pokemon; The Essential Guide, which she read so often that she could recall it from memory
Eventually after much begging Mac's mom eventually said 'If it will get you to shut the fuck up' and bought Mac a 3DS with X and Y and Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire
She blitzed through these games, playing them whenever she had a second that she didn't have to be doing anything else
Even when Chandler would come over to hang out Mac would just not acknowledge her existence and just keep playing
Her obsession started to really bother Chandler, she just wanted to spend time with her best friend, and she was spending all of her time on this stupid Chinese monster game!
She tried to not-so-gently tell Mac to put the stupid game away and hang out with her but Mac got upset so she reluctantly dropped it
Eventually Mac finished all of the games and wasn't so fixated on them, but she still played them a lot
She would even sneak it into school and play it at lunch
Of course, the more popular students saw it and started to make fun of her for it, calling her a baby and a nerd
One of them even tried grabbing the 3DS, causing it to bump into the lunch table and creating a small dent in the corner
This caused Mac to start crying, which only increased the taunts against her
Chandler, who up to that point had been telling Mac to just ignore it, launched into a fit of rage, beating the ever loving shit out of the bullies
Both her and Mac got suspended, her for obvious reasons and Mac for brining the 3DS to school
The bullies played dumb and because they were popular and well-liked they got off scot-free
That was one of many events that made Chandler realize that for her and Mac to survive school, they would have to be the popular ones
With the time she had while suspended, Chandler had time to think about how she was treating Mac and her newfound love for pokemon
She realized that she was being an awful friend, she wanted Mac to stop doing something she loves just so she could get what she wanted
She thought about how when Mac would try and talk to her about the game and what she was doing, trying to include her while she played, and how she just ignored it because she wasn't interested, not even considering how it would hurt Mac to realize that her best friend doesn't care about the things she likes and wouldn't even pretend to care
She realized that she would have to make it up to her
While her parents were sleeping she went down, found their credit cards, and went to amazon and searched for 'Pokemon'
Chandler knows she's not the best with words, she knows that if she tried to apologize to Mac she wouldn't be able to convey everything that she wanted to, and even worse she might say something wrong and only upset her more
Knowing that, she decided to make it up to her by doing what she knows how to do, and that's buying things
She searched the amazon pages, seeing cards, various toys, some really nasty posters with something called a Vaporeon? before finding the plushies
She knows that Mac likes those, so she picked some of the ones she recognized and ordered them
Luckily for her, her parents were so fucking rich that they didn't notice a few bucks missing
A few days later, once the package arrived, she went over to Mac's house to apologize
Mac was still really upset, not only was she suspended from school, but her mom was angry at her and lets just say that if you thought her mom was a bitch normally, she was even worse when angry
She went into her room, hiding the plushes behind her back
Mac was lying in bed, staring at the wall, not even acknowledging her presence
Chandler tried telling her that she wanted to apologize but before she could even show the plushes Mac started shouting
She yelled about how awful her mom was and that she took away her games and threatened to smash them with a hammer
Before Chandler could even get a word of condolence in Mac continued about how she knows when they go back to school things are gonna be even worse because those kids are gonna spread rumors about them
And again before Chandler can say a word Mac says that on top of all of that her best friend has been distant ever since she started liking pokemon and she's terrified that she's gonna lose her over it and she doesn't wanna lose her she's the best friend she's ever had and and
She starts sobbing
Chandler quickly rushes over to Mac, pulling her into a hug while she sobs into her shoulder
Once she calms down Chandler shows her the plushies, upon which Mac squeals in delight before hugging her and saying thank you thank you thank you, before they talk about what transpired
Chandler apologizes, saying that Mac was right and that she was being distant, but that was in the past and she would change and would listen when she talked about pokemon
It wasn't a great apology by any means, but it was good enough for Mac, and she pulled up Cartoon Network and made Chandler watch a bunch of episodes of the anime with her
She didn't really get it or find it all that interesting, but she knew how much it meant to Mac that she do this with her, so she asked some questions and listened when Mac went on tangents about aspects of the world
Throughout the years, Mac continued to love and play Pokemon
It toned down over time, as most childhood obsessions do, but she still never stopped loving it
She stopped playing all-together around when Sword/Shield came out, it was around when they started to become really popular and so Chandler made them drop any nerdish hobbies that could be used to ridicule them
Mac was ok with it because that was when Dexit happened and she was really upset that she wouldn't be able to transfer her previous teams to the newest generation
But then Veronica joined the Heathers, Mac and Chandler's relationship expanded to include Duke and Veronica, high school ended and popularity didn't mean a thing anymore, so Mac was free to pick up Pokemon again
It took her a while to get over Dexit (she was really upset that she couldn't bring her Delphox into Sword/Shield, it was her first pokemon damnit!) but she eventually did
It was around this time that Scarlet/Violet were about to come out and the hype was real
Duke is in the same boat as Chandler, she doesn't really get it but Mac loves it so she'll go along with it, but Veronica is only slightly less into it than Mac
She was similar to Mac, playing up until Sword/Shield and then stopping due to Dexit and a lack of interest, but bc she wasn't popular there wasn't the pressure to stop playing entirely, and once the DLC came out she became interested once again and picked up the games
She had a lot of fun teaching Mac about the gen 8 stuff, and they played and battled together while waiting for Scarlet/Violet to come out
**Line Break**
The day it came out they woke up at some ridiculous hour and waited outside Gamestop for hours in the dark and freezing temperatures until the store opened
There wasn't even anyone else waiting and they had pre-ordered copies, there was literally no reason to do it, they were just that excited
Mac got Scarlet and Veronica got Violet so they would be able to trade with the other for the version exclusives
Mac told her Dad that she wasn't coming in today and Veronica is self-employed, so they both spend the entire day playing the game
Eventually Chandler takes their switches and forces them to go to bed because "you two fucks have been playing this game for 14 hours straight with no breaks. Go. The Fuck. To. Bed."
They did go to bed, but they got up at 4am to keep playing
Chandler was about to ground them like children if they didn't put up the game for 5 minutes to eat something and take a shower, but Duke stepped in and said she would talk to them about maybe slowing down a little
Chandler waits for Duke to come back and let her know how it went
She waits, and waits, and waits some more, until she has had enough and goes out to the living room to see whats taking her so long
Duke is laying on the couch with them, her own switch in hand
During the time Chandler waited, Duke went down, tried talking to them only to see them having fun, asked a few questions, got super interested and forgot about why she went down there, got so interested that she went to the store, bought a switch and a game, and came back and started playing
Chandler is about to start beating her head against the wall
The three of them try for months and months to get her to actually play it, but she just isn't that interested
They need a fourth person for raids, and the only other person they know who plays is JD but he does le epic troll and will do stupid shit like bringing a Mewtwo knowing only metronome
Veronica eventually wins her over by appealing to her massive ego, saying that the whole point of the game is becoming better at everyone else, and that if she play she could eventually beat them too
Between that, Mac's puppy-dog eyes, and her getting tired of the relentless begging, she eventually picks up a game and starts playing
She gets more into it than Mac ever was or is
What draws her in is the sheer amount of different strategy that is available to her
There are just so many different pokemon, each of which has multiple different strategies that work for them, not to mention items and movesets and all of that
She thought pokemon was rather simple, but there was much more depth than she could've even imagined, and she gets lost in it
She blitzes not only through Scarlet/Violet and their DLC (She got both, she had to have access to every pokemon and you can't just do that in one version) but also Sword/Shield + DLC and Legends Arceus
And when it finally came time for them to battle, Chandler wiped the floor with the rest of them, it wasn't even close
It was so one-sided that it wasn't fun for the rest of them
Chandler sees this and starts to feel bad, she knows that she overdoes things sometimes, especially when her pride is on the line
She thinks about toning it down so they're on a more even playing field, but she doesn't think her fiancees would have fun winning if they knew that she was essentially allowing them to win
So instead on a lazy day she sits down with them and explains the basics of competitive battling, that way they'll all be on an even playing field
It works, and now when they battle together there's a chance for any of them to win
Now I'm just gonna go over some of their favorites about pokemon
Game: B2W2, she loves the PWT and the strategy needed to beat the Champion's Cup
Pokemon: Blaziken, when she played ORAS she fell in love with Mega Blaziken, Speed Boost, and just how good it was
Part about Pokemon: Definitely strategy, its what drew her into the franchise in the first place. She loves trying out new and different strategies, and follows the VCG to keep up to date with all the newest ideas being put out
Game: USUM, it was the last game to have the National Dex, and so it was the game to contain the most pokemon in it
Pokemon: Sceptile, she just thinks that it's really cool. Plus its a lizard, and she loves lizards and has tried to convince Chandler to let her get a Madagascar Giant Day Gecko
Chandler can barely stand the snake so there's no way in hell that she will ever agree to getting a gecko, plus they're really creepy
Part about Pokemon: Collecting/Catching Pokemon, she loves completing Pokedexes, and its why she was so upset when she found out about dexit, there was less to collect and evolve
Game: XY, it was her first game, and even if it isn't the best game in the series, it holds a lot of nostalgia for her
Pokemon: Ampharos, she loves the entire line
She thinks Mareep is just sooooo cute, he's a tiny little sheep and he's so flufffffffy
She had one on her first ever playthough team and she was able to get a mega stone for it so it could mega evolve
She thinks the mega is just so ridiculous and it's a dragon?? but that's why she loves it so much
Plus, one of the first gifts Duke ever got for her when they started their relationship was a Mareep plush (Chandler gave her some pointers on what Mac would like)
She keeps it at a place of honor on her shelf and often sleeps with it
Part of Pokemon: Bonding with the Pokemon, she loves all the little minigames like Refresh and Amie where you can brush and pet and feed your pokemon
And even though she knows they're just lines of code, she does feel like she bonds with her Pokemon as she goes along a journey with them
Game: SV, she has fond memories of her and Mac playing it when it came out, memories which she treasures dearly
Pokemon: Blastoise, to her its a perfect pokemon. It's simple yet effective, its a cute turtle that becomes a big turtle with freakin cannons on its back
Part of Pokemon: The interconnectivity. She loves battling and trading with her fiancees and just being able to bond with them over it, its something they can all do together that they all enjoy
Just kidding, she loves the cards
She is fucking addicted to opening cards, the Heathers have to drag her away from the card section every time they go to the store
JD enables it, him and Veronica will go buy packs and slushies and just sit and open them
She has boxes and boxes of commons sitting in her room that she refuses to get rid of
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revanthonlinetraining · 11 months
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sap001 · 4 days
Which platforms are supported by SAP HANA?
SAP HANA supports multiple platforms, making it versatile for different enterprise needs. It runs on major operating systems like Linux, specifically SUSE Linux Enterprise Server and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. SAP HANA also integrates with various cloud environments, including SAP HANA Cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Its compatibility extends to popular database and analytics solutions, offering real-time data processing and in-memory computing capabilities across these platforms.
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For those looking to upgrade their SAP skills, Anubhav’s online training platform offers some of the top courses in the industry. Recognized globally, Anubhav is a renowned corporate trainer and his expertise in SAP is trusted by professionals worldwide. His training options include courses for both beginners and advanced users, focusing on practical, real-world applications of SAP technologies. To explore his courses, visit Anubhav’s website for details.
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cloudsynergy1 · 11 days
Looking for the Top AWS Training Institute in Marathahalli?
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A career that uses your efficiency brings you success. Nowadays, choosing the right course and training institute can be a time-consuming task. Many new institutions are emerging every day, and if we don’t decide what is best for us, our lives may be uncertain. Cloudsynergy, being the best AWS Training Institution in Marathahalli, will assist you in choosing the best course based on your taste and ambition. Our institution is building the base for your successful career.
What is AWS, and what is its importance?
AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a demanding course to improve the prospects of achieving a good career. It helps an individual stand out over non-certified candidates. It goes beyond the geographical limitations as it has a significant role in the cloud domain. Cloudsynergy AWS Training Institute in Marathahalli offers an incomparable experience with our full-fledged course that is in tune with the latest updates in the field.
Why choose Marathahalli for AWS training?
A place has a significant role in defining our future. Likewise, the place where your institution is located can help you land a good career that pays a decent salary. Marathahalli is a renowned business centre with a lot of opportunities for jobs and demanding courses. The city has many well-known institutions enriched with career-oriented programmes. Moreover, the city is accessible to everyone, especially for networking and finding futuristic employment spaces. Cloudsynergy AWS Training Institute is located in Marathahalli, where you get access to the world’s updated courses and experts in each field.
Tips for choosing the best AWS training institute
Don’t make a decision based on impulsive thoughts. There are some points to consider before choosing the best AWS training institute in Marathahalli. They are;
•          Consider previous students' testimonials available on all platforms.
•          Consider the syllabus to understand its connection with real-world data.
•          Location and the institute's infrastructure for students
•          The value of the certificate
•          Placement assistance
 The best AWS training institute in Marathahalli
Cloudsynergy AWS Training Institute in Marathahalli is renowned for its unequal course structure and expert faculties. We have 5 years of experience with more than 1000 satisfied students from different parts of India. Our mission is to empower our students with advanced knowledge to earn them a respected career in any field. Our features include:
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Expert trainers and hands-on training
Our faculties are experienced and experts in their fields. They are updated with the latest industry trends to educate their students by improving their problem- solving skills, soft skills, etc.
Top-notch facilities for students
We have advanced classrooms where you will get practical and theoretical knowledge equally. Our technology-friendly classrooms provide you with a comfortable experience while going through the intricacies of your course.
Being the best AWS Training Institute in Marathahalli, we are dedicated to guiding our students to the right path with knowledge and innovation. Our mission focuses on continuous learning and personal development, which are the foundations of building something great in life. Choose us to reap the best results for your grand career.
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aptrons-blog · 27 days
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Are you looking to build a career in cloud computing? AWS (Amazon Web Services) is the leading cloud platform that powers countless businesses across the globe. If you’re in Gurgaon and want to get the best AWS training, APTRON Solutions is the place to be. Here’s why APTRON Solutions stands out as the premier AWS training institute in Gurgaon. Our trainers are AWS-certified professionals with years of industry experience. They bring practical insights into the classroom, ensuring you learn not just the theory but also how to apply it in real-world situations.
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scoopen · 1 month
What Makes AWS Training in Pune Stand Out in 2024: A Comprehensive Review
In the ever-evolving world of cloud computing, mastering Amazon Web Services (AWS) has become a necessity for IT professionals and businesses alike. With cloud technology continuing to expand its influence across industries, the demand for skilled AWS experts is at an all-time high. For those looking to gain a competitive edge, enrolling in AWS training in Pune is a strategic move. But what makes this training stand out in 2024? Let's take a closer look.
AWS Classes in Pune have gained significant popularity due to Pune’s reputation as an educational and IT hub. The city is home to some of the best institutes offering comprehensive training programs designed to equip professionals with the skills needed to excel in cloud computing. Among these, Scoopen has emerged as a leading provider of AWS training in Pune, offering a curriculum that is both rigorous and up-to-date with the latest industry standards.
One of the key factors that make AWS classes in Pune stand out is the quality of instruction. Scoopen, for example, employs seasoned trainers who are not only AWS-certified but also bring years of real-world experience to the classroom. This ensures that students receive practical insights and hands-on training that goes beyond theoretical knowledge. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced professional, Scoopen’s AWS training in Pune is tailored to meet your learning needs, offering both foundational and advanced courses.
Another standout feature of AWS training in Pune is the emphasis on hands-on learning. Scoopen’s classes are designed to provide students with ample opportunities to work on real-world projects, allowing them to apply what they’ve learned in a practical setting. This approach helps students build confidence and competence, making them job-ready by the end of the course. The inclusion of case studies, lab sessions, and project work ensures that students are well-prepared to tackle the challenges of cloud computing in the workplace.
Moreover, AWS classes in Pune offer flexibility that caters to the diverse needs of learners. Scoopen, for instance, provides options for both in-person and online training, making it convenient for working professionals to balance their studies with their job responsibilities. The institute also offers weekend batches, ensuring that students can progress at a pace that suits their schedule.
In conclusion, AWS training in Pune stands out in 2024 due to its high-quality instruction, hands-on learning approach, and flexible scheduling options. Scoopen, in particular, offers a comprehensive and practical learning experience that prepares students for the rapidly evolving world of cloud computing. By enrolling in AWS classes in Pune, you are not just learning about cloud technology; you are positioning yourself for success in a competitive and dynamic field.
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sincelastsession · 2 months
I had to talk somebody out of killing themselves today.
Simultaneously the neighbors that hate me were all in the pool with friends and new neighbors and they were all talking about me and shouting and saying fucked up shit at my apartment. I did not look out my window I did not respond. I didn't call a noise complaint. I was too busy trying to get someone to not blow their brains out.
I did everything I could do.
Do you know how much I wish I could be petty as hell back to my neighbors?
Do you know how much I want to beat the breaks off the person I had to talk down.
I am so fucking mad.
I hope when I move it's so fucking quiet and peaceful that I'll do better and heal and absolutely wreck everyone's skewed perception of me.
OVER SKIN COLOR they think I'm the only one reporting them. They're scared of my neighbor, they've been trying to befriend her but she knows what they're doing to me.
Yeah. I need help finding an easy to operate 360 camera not wired. There's like 60 with similar reviews on Amazon. Lowe's was zero help. Not even trying best buy or home depot because they're probably just as incompetent.
So if in your free time you feel up to it and see something worth a damn could you email me a link?
I mean I'm looking myself still.
Also another reason that I don't really have a desire to kill myself is how fucking and sufferable it is sometimes to talk people down and it's not my first rodeo I don't know why I was cursed in this lifetime to do nothing but fucking talk idiot fucking depressed people down from hurting themselves but it's been a giant trend in my life since I was a child pretty much like 15.
This is an even a guy or a girl that I have romantically been interested in this is just a friend of mine that lives in New Orleans and it's always out of the blue they always fucking call me out of the blue or text me out of the blue because they know that I will pick up the phone.
I guess
Because in the past when I have felt that way when I have felt like not being alive anymore and I've tried to contact people that I thought were my friends they didn't fucking answer the phone.
And I have lost 2 friends of mine because I didn't answer the phone. And I could blame that on myself where I couldn't but I played a part in not answering the phone.
And people all the time tell me to put my phone on silent when I go to bed. But I can't it doesn't matter how many sounds and notifications go off during the middle of the night I cannot put that fucking thing on silent because of situations like this.
Like honestly what do I want to do with my life right now as of this moment I want to fucking move I want to make a beautiful home I want to break the chains of the bullshit family curse that just is awful. I want to create and paint and be part of apparently what my core self is supposed to be and run a little online store and I wanna make graphics so I can make a passive income on like one of those T-shirt company websites that buy designs from people so there's an extra passive income. I want to create tattoo flash for people to buy. I want to foster and clicker train dogs and I have considered getting certified in training courses to become a trainer even though dogs are not my favorite animal. I want to own a dog I don't know what kind but I would like to own one that probably somebody didn't think would turn out to be a good dog something like that. I have considered doing social work but specialized. I have considered asking my friend if I could work for his capital city concierge company when I am mentally and physically able to do so and that would bring me up in society and class wise and do a whole hell of a lot for me if he would be generous enough to hire me. I do have a lot of talents that I didn't realize are talents that would be very helpful for him and his company and for just people in general. I have also thought about being a private investigator. I don't know what kind of schooling or what I need to know to do that but it sounds pretty cool. I have thought about getting certified and reiki and becoming a rakie master which would afford me clients willing to pay me a lot of money for energy work and that could pay my bills very easily.
I mean I'm at the point where I'm about to make an only fan somehow and just not put my face in the pictures and just take a bunch of nudes it's even if they suck and see how much money I can make with that to at least give me a safety Nat and fucking put it down payment on a fucking house because we live in a distopy and hell hole.
Also my thoughts on Trump getting shot. They missed I'm disappointed. But I don't think they missed I think it was all staged. I've known plenty of people in the military and I've known snipers and they do not just graze the president's ear. I'm sure that they have some guy that really just wants to go back to jail that is going to admit that he did it so the X president can get cloutAnd build on his campaign with theat peoples at back him being extra protective in pulling other people in with bullshit empathy. I mean I'm pretty sure this is some sort of art of war tactic because there's just no fucking way after seeing the footage that it was just some random dude. Also his head is really large so I don't know how you wouldjust graze the cheek and the ear. But maybe that's because I'm a good shot and I took riflery and I know damn well it's not that hard.
Honestly it's probably not the best time but I desperately want to go and just fucking adopt a dog and send my landlord $500 deposit.
Unfortunately the breed of dog that I would like to own is not allowed on the premises that's not a pitbull.
And the whole point of that would be for protection and ESA and a working dog to help me with my ptsd
In the past I have asked my parents multiple times If we could somehow acquire a service dog or one to train and register to help me with my PTSD etc. Luckily one of my cats and then the trash babies it is learning from her do a-okay job. Unfortunately they cannot protect me because they are tiny creatures except for the fact that Griffin is 18 pounds of pillow pet and that's not going to help.
Do you have any resources on getting a service animal or acquiring a dog 2 train 2 become your service animal?
I really feel like that would be helpful for me.
Anyway I don't know if I'm gonna sleep tonight but I have to be awake for 2 PM tomorrow because Travis is gonna come Uber and hang out with me and then at 5 PM me and Travis are going to meet my beloved friend Lucy who was my roommate before I moved into this shit hole and I am looking forward to having dinner with them.
I have no idea what I'm going to wear or if I'm need to leave and get up even earlier to go and find something at a store to wear and get a birthday present for Lucy.
I'm just tired of showing up to events and places in the same fucking clothing that just is on rotation and I feel like I look like Adam Sandler and it's really comfortable to dress that way but I look stupid
And then I'm fucking mad that a woman twice my size called me a stupid fat bitch and is intagonizing me when I have done nothing malicious towards her.
I don't know how to fight back or go on offense for this sort of situation it just seems like it's going to become more dangerous till I move out which is what they want and my other neighbor desperately doesn't want me to move out because she's not like them and I don't know how to explain that because she tried to explain it to me about black culture which I don't understand because I'm not black and she said that they're going to keep doing this shit till I move most likely. It's interesting to me how they won't fuck with her. Like their kids have tried to fuck with her and she has just glared at them and they have shut their damn mouths and I have seen that. And then yeah the people in that apartment are trying to be friendly with her and she's just ignoring them.
Because she took pictures of the little daycare bullshit and all the other crap that's been going on around the apartment complex all the nasty stuff etc and just broken shit etc things that I've been talking to the office about since I moved in that they said they don't have a budget for
But guess what instead of installing cameras for the safety of the resonance they are getting new pool furniture
Surely that will help everything
I mean fuck me I hope I find a house I hope it's fucking awesome and I hope I could have a nice house warming party and I don't know if hippo would allow it but I would invite you and my neighbor and Travis and Lucy and some other nice people and it would be a nice quiet chill time.
I'm just hoping that I never have to live in another fucking apartment for the rest of my life because this is not a place that is good for me.
I don't like living in a community of people like this.
I have never lived in a home where I got to decorate or express myself how I wanted to and I have still not gotten to do that here for the past 5 years other than hanging up some art.
Because I have lived in fear of my father's threats of I've taken everything away so I haven't really decorated because I didn't think that I would have lived here this long so it's never been a place I could nest nor that felt like home
And I don't feel like it's a safe space anymore. It's been a safe space for many people that I love and care about but now it's not since those people moved in.
And I'm gonna find a camera and I'm gonna Find a damn good camera I'm gonna mount it where I can see every fucking thing that's going on and I'm going to have it HURT to a terabyte hard Drive so Even If it does get knocked Down all of the video footage is going to be on that hard Drive.
And I'm mad as fuck that I have to do all of this shit because I don't really have the budget for this.
I didn't have the budget the other day to take my mother out to eat because her blood sugar was dropping and she was being awful and I couldn't stand it so I just told her to pull into the expensive Mexican restaurant she was whining about so we could go get food so she would chill out and come back to normal. And I'm still mad and I'm still fucking bothat my entire life I have had to feed my mom sugar tablets bring her a cup of apple juice and things like that when I was a child.
My parents think that they have had to take care of me no that's what the nurses and doctors and physical therapists did in my teachers and my grandmothers
I raised my fucking idiot parents
And I'm mad about it
I didn't have a fucking child hood that I can remember.
I am so fucking mad I am so fucking mad that I had to save somebody's life again
I should have just let them but then I would be a monster if I had
I wish that there was some way that I could get back at my neighbors and I have been thinking about it for quite a while now and I can't think of a tactic to use with the kind of tactics they're using that will throw them off completely and get them to leave me alone and fucking respect me as a person
And the thing is the office has heard their children speaking to me rudely and didn't say a fucking thing to those kids and that's their job is to go up to the apartment where those children live knock on the door and say hey your children were just disrespecting another resident for no reason and you need to come get them.
No I don't have a problem with the little kids that don't have self-awareness yet. They're going to scream and screech and laugh and cry and be little kids.
The ones I have a fucking problem with are the ones that are older than 4 years old walking around cursing and acting like their Mamma taught them 2 me and other people.
I mean how hateful do you have to be and how much real estate am I taking up in this bitch's head?
My neighbor miss Darlene has been really kind enough to go and check when she's up at night to see if anybody has messed with anything in my flower plant area which is barren because I'm too scared to plant anything because little shit head kids or just going to yank it out of the pots or dump shit over.
And I need to go outside and sweep and clean all the spider webs from around the windows and all that and move my things around and sweep all the leaves and shit off the balcony and all the extra dirt from the last time they destroyed everything.
And then I don't know what I'm going to do I don't know what would be a good idea to do.
Because if I leave my apartment they're going to run outside if they're not already sitting outside in this heat which is just crazy if they're that bored and They just say things to me to try to get a reaction and then the fucking office never does anything about it.
Because I don't have proof.
I mean it's July so that means it's the beginning of spooky season for me so I'm probably going to go to Michael's and get a lot of decorations if they aren't horribly expensive or come up with my own decorations and window clings and stuff because this is a time of year that I want to enjoy that I rarely get to enjoy and I've told you before in June it begins I have this sense of horrible dread all the way up to my birthday
I don't know why it happens
I don't know what part of my life and what trauma happened during that time that makes me have this reaction
And it's aggravating because I don't need this with APTSD flair and autistic burn out at the same time it's a cluster fuck of problems that is just driving me nuts
I wish I could go on vacation but I don't want to subject my ESA cats to loud as people while I'm gobecause they can't even do their jobs correctly because people are screaming so loud that they're going to hide.
So I'm angry I'm super fucking angry and I'm so tired of people treating me like shit and I'm tired of being the one that talks people down from suicide and I'm tired of being the 1 that everybody comes 22 use and for help because they don't know how to use basic fucking common sense and act right.
I don't know what is in my circle of control right now.
I don't know if you're religious or not or if you have friends that are religious or not but If you do pray please pray that I get a nice home so I can get better so I can continue to work with you so I can be financially stable and get the fuck away from all these toxic ass people in my life. I just want to heal and be left alone other than maybe having a partner that is good and positive for me around or more than one partner I don't really even care at this point.
I don't even know what my fucking sexuality is anymore I have so many questions and I'm so frustrated and confused because it's like am I just gay am I just a lesbian or am I bi or am I pansexual or am I specifically only attracted to certain types of feminine energy and masculine energy or what like I don't know I need like a giant book with tests or something that tells me
Maybe I should just go consult a younger genzi person and ask them to read what my queer fortune is
Because I know I am I just don't fucking understand it
I mean I've known it since I was little
I mean I'm romantically attracted to women.
I am not sexually attracted to women when it comes to genitalia. A Stone top would be excellent possibly. I have met a few that I have been very attracted to.
With men I'm attracted Romantically to men and sexually to men but I do not care about their dicks I really don't as long as they don't have an STD or STI that's all I care about
And then with trans people I am attracted to the many stages of transition male and female and I don't understand that perseil and people have bitched me out about having preferences and who I like and told me that I was fantasizing those people which I don't believe in doing.
So I mean I don't know if I'm pansexual or what.
I haven't really had that much experience and the experiences I have had have all been sexual assault rape or pressured sucks or just really bad sex or asexual vol type or Gray Ace type relationship or fucking long distance and then I've had my past of being a female dominant or a Domme Where I did have 2 male subs. I didn't do anything incorrectly with that situation and they were very happy however I had to stop due to life circumstances and because it became exhausting for me because I'm just not cut out to do that especially right now in my life I could not go back to it I could be a switch.
Mostly I'm just frustrated and exhausted because I wanted to spend my Saturday doing whatever the fuck I wanted and relaxing and I could not do that because every time I try to do that something comes up
Just dad ass every single fucking time I'm like I'm gonna have a lazy day and do nothing some dumb fuckery happens even if I'm minding my own goddamn business it's always something insane
And then I found out that lucky lighthouse doesn't exist anymore and I need to go find a candle place where they can just burn me a candle to just take whatever the fuck has been set on me off And I normally don't believe in curses in hex's and jinx's on most days because it's mostly cyplogical but I mean at this point with the amount of shit that just continuously happens I don't think it could hurt anything to try and see
I mean I could do my own craft which I do plan to do and maybe that will make me feel better and maybe that will have some sort of effect on these stupid fucking idiots
Because I mean if they're gonna make my life hell to where I can't leave my apartment without fear of One of them catching me in the parking lot to beat me up because of why I don't know but they have set it out loud and it has been directed at me in an indirect manner which I cannot really describe it's just fucking games it's like high school Maine girl type games
Just ratchet shady bullshit with lots of lying and people think that I'm the cause of all of it and I'm not
I'm so fucking angry II don't even know how to calm down and I've taken my medicine and it's just not really helping anything at the moment maybe I need about 10 more minutes I'm not sure but it's just ridiculous and I'm tired and I just want a normal fucking life
Like the grass is not greener in my position at all I would much rather work a very boring 925 and be perfectly healthy and Do all these things that I see other people I know that are healthy and working their asses off do
And the thing is like they don't understand how much I wish I could do some of the things that they do they complain about their lives so much and then they don't realize how easy they have it and they think I have it easy and I don't and I never have
I think I'm seen as some sort of spoiled brat by some people and that's just not the case at all like nobody knows what it's like to be me nobody gets as much insight into my life as my therapist do.
And I do talk a lot and it's not something that I can really control I was told by my past Doctor that I was processing out loud and I was told by a neurologist that that was also probably what was happening and they think when I got the concussion it made it worse because like when you have all these mental health conditions and your brain gets shaken around like jello it just lights all those conditions on fire and it's like proven you can go look and see on The internet the studies and stuff that they have found about like you know pre-existing conditions being worse by concussion
And I desperately want another radiologist that works with MRI imaging to look at my brain scans because something is wrong it does not look right I'm not a radiologist but I'm not a radiologist but I have looked at all of it and something is desperately strikingly wrong of the pictures of my brain versus the pictures of your average brain like the part in the middle that is supposed to connect looks more like a big open butterfly in my brain which is indicative of schizophrenia birth defects and other conditions and that bothers me
I would just like to know if it's causing any problems or if that is part of the problem that nobody ever thought about.
And then I have some spots on my scan that nobody will fucking address and that's really concerning especially the spot right next to Important parts of my brain
Also when I was younger I did see a neurologist because I was having cognitive issues and they told me that I had some sort of encephalitis but said it was no big deal and that I would be fine and I was not given any medicine and I remember seeing the brain imaging in these spots but I don't understand why I was never treated for whatever the fuck that was and that was at the neuromedical center and I don't remember the Doctor's name and we just left and never went back and I'm like what the fuck
Also I'm fucking angry that even if I did have packing boxes and packing tape and an array of sharpees to write down exactly what is in every box so I make sure that I don't lose anything because my brain will inevitably do that
But anyway no I can't get that done because it's hard to get anything done and even function and take care of myself with people who are fucking screaming and saying fucked app shit at me towards my apartment from the pool where they are looking up into my apartment even though I have curtains
Being taunted and all this shit needs to stop
Because I am trying to be on my best behavior but the part of me that I have put on lockdown from my Younger years when I Used To Run the Streets with my Best Friend who is fucking Dead from an Overdose. That part of me that version of me wants to come out. And nobody wants to deal with her and nobody likes to deal with her. And she's at mean fucking psycho bitch. And she is part of me but we keep her locked away because it's better that way.
The only time I have glimpses or feelings like I did back in the day is when I flash out. Like I don't want to go buy or dig up my hoop earrings. I don't want to slick my hair back and style it like I used to. I do not want to enter Walmart and buy a pair of hello kitty pajama pants and various other accessories in which I used to rock.
Why because I'm too old maybe if I was younger I would have done this by now.
And that part of me needs to just fucking stay locked away.
I mean I can't explain to you I haven't figured out how to explain to you in detail how many lives I have lived in this one lifetime and how many versions of me there are
And when I say that I mean that I have been autistic my whole life and I've been masking and mirroring my entire life as well which is exhausting.
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aakanshavarma · 4 months
With ten years of experience in web development and web security services, IT Education Center's skilled trainers provide AWS training in Pune. AWS services include Cloud Computing, EC2, Auto Scaling, VPC, ELB, SNS, SES, SQS, Route 53, IAM, S3, Glacier Storage, CloudWatch, CloudFront, RDS, DYNAMODB, and Elastic Beanstalk are all covered in detail in the curriculum. Participants will become proficient in creating and executing AWS solutions through theoretical lectures, practical exercises, and capstone projects. This all-inclusive method gives students the skills they need to succeed as certified AWS professionals. Furthermore, the IT Education Center's active placement cell makes sure students are linked and well-prepared, opening doors for chances with prestigious companies.
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kosmikvvcs · 2 months
Best aws institute in hyderabad
KosmikTechnologies: KOSMIK is a Global leader in training, development, and consulting services that help students bring the future of work to life today in a corporate environment. We have a team of certified professionals and experienced faculty working with latest technologies in CMM level top MNCs.
Kosmik AWS Training in Hyderabad, Kukatpally/KPHB will help you to become an expert in AWS with Hands-on experience on Real-Time Projects to boost your Career. Enroll now for Amazon web Services training in Hyderabad, Kukatpally/KPHB & Clear the AWS Solution Architect Certification exam with our trainers guidance.As the trainers are highly qualified with 9+ years of real-time expirience. This AWS Training sessions consists of more Practical Sessions rather than theory.
kosmik Provides Python, AWS, DevOps, Power BI, Azure, ReactJS, AngularJS, Tableau, SQL, MSBI, Java, selenium, Testing tools, manual testing, etc…
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KOSMIK TECHNOLOGIES PVT.LTD 3rd Floor, Above Airtel Showroom, Opp KPHB Police Station, Near JNTU, Kukatpally, Hyderabad 500 072. INDIA. India: +91 8712186898, 8179496603, 6309565721
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cloudsynergy1 · 3 months
Finding the Best AWS Training Institute in Bangalore
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In recent years, Bangalore has become a hotspot for tech enthusiasts and professionals aiming to enhance their skills in cloud computing. Among the various cloud service providers, Amazon Web Services (AWS) stands out due to its vast array of services and widespread adoption in the industry. Consequently, there is a growing demand for an AWS training institute in Bangalore to cater to the needs of aspiring cloud professionals. One of the top names in this field is Cloudsynergy.
One of the key factors to consider when selecting an AWS training institute in Bangalore is the quality of the curriculum. A comprehensive and up-to-date syllabus is essential for understanding the vast services offered by AWS. Cloudsynergy ensures that their course content is aligned with the latest AWS updates and industry standards. This alignment not only helps students grasp the concepts better but also prepares them for AWS certification exams, which are crucial for validating their skills.
Another important aspect is the experience and expertise of the instructors. A reputed AWS training institute in Bangalore like Cloudsynergy will have trainers who are certified and have substantial real-world experience in using AWS services. These trainers bring valuable insights into the classroom, providing students with practical knowledge that goes beyond theoretical concepts. Learning from experienced professionals can make a significant difference in understanding the complexities of AWS and its application in real-world scenarios.
Hands-on experience is a critical component of AWS training. The best AWS training institutes in Bangalore, such as Cloudsynergy, offer extensive lab sessions where students can practice using various AWS services. These practical sessions help reinforce theoretical knowledge and build confidence in using AWS tools and services. Institutes that provide access to AWS labs and sandbox environments enable students to experiment and learn by doing, which is essential for mastering cloud computing skills.
Additionally, the flexibility of course offerings is an important consideration for working professionals. An ideal AWS training institute in Bangalore like Cloudsynergy will offer various learning formats, including online, in-person, and hybrid models, to accommodate different schedules and learning preferences. Flexible class timings, weekend batches, and self-paced learning options ensure that even those with busy schedules can pursue AWS training without disruption.
Placement assistance and career support services are also valuable features of a good AWS training institute in Bangalore. Cloudsynergy has strong industry connections and a dedicated placement cell to help students secure job opportunities upon completion of their training. These services often include resume building, interview preparation, and job placement support, which can significantly enhance a student’s career prospects in the cloud computing domain.
In conclusion, choosing the right AWS training institute in Bangalore involves considering several factors, including the quality of the curriculum, the expertise of instructors, hands-on training opportunities, course flexibility, and placement support. With the increasing demand for AWS skills in the job market, investing in quality training from Cloudsynergy can pave the way for a successful career in cloud computing. Aspiring cloud professionals should carefully evaluate their options and select an institute that best meets their learning needs and career aspirations. By doing so, they can gain the knowledge and skills required to excel in the dynamic field of cloud computing and leverage the full potential of AWS.
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bewitchingbooktours · 5 months
The Crystalline Crucible by Adam Rowan
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The Crystalline Crucible
Adam Rowan
Genre: New Adult 
Publisher: Spinning Monkey Press
Date of Publication:  May 14, 2024
ISBN: 9798985769562
Word Count: 90000 
Tagline: Treasure comes in many forms
Book Description: 
Maxwell Jacobs, a neurodivergent 21-year-old with a passion for knights, Tetris and cheese sandwiches, harbours an audacious dream-to become the greatest treasure hunter in England. 
His chance comes with The Crystalline Crucible, a treasure-hunting contest promising untold wealth and answers to the world's biggest secrets. However, Max's mission gets off to a rocky start when he's arrested for breaking into a museum in search of a clue. His fear of leaving his hometown, Stapleford, his cynical best friend, Rosie Shaw, and his clumsy, awkward nature only serve to complicate things further. Overall, his prospects seem dim. 
That is, until Max crosses paths with Khalil Ahmed, a former criminal seeking redemption and quick cash. Despite their differences, their shared desperation draws them into The Crystalline Crucible. Together, they'll decipher cryptic clues and embark on an epic nationwide adventure, with high stakes and a singular goal: to find treasure!
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In the seven-decade-long existence of the Nottingham Natural History Museum, no break-in had ever occurred until five a.m. on one fateful Saturday. The trespasser’s name was Maxwell Oscar Jacobs, a local retail worker. In his spare time, he enjoyed playing Tetris, doing crossword puzzles, and—his preferred pastime—a spot of treasure hunting.
With a stone he’d found on the pavement, Max had smashed the museum’s back window and climbed into it by balancing on a rubbish bin. Shortly thereafter, he padded warily through the geology exhibit surrounded by models of Earth, not enjoying the experience in the slightest. Surveillance cameras mounted above on the wall scanned him, but he dearly hoped the authorities hadn’t been dispatched to arrest him. They shouldn’t be. After all, he hadn’t poured chocolate milk on the power box outside for nothing.
Max was twenty-one years old, rather tall with stick insect limbs. Bright blond hair and a poorly cut fringe topped his head. He wore a grey Cookie Monster hoodie, straight-legged jeans, Mickey Mouse socks and a cheap, halfbroken children’s watch with coloured numbers. He also wore blue trainers with the shoelaces undone and carried a Tony the Tiger rucksack in which to store the mammoth tusk he was after. To top it all, he had a scabbard that held a broadsword called Fleshrender, Max’s favourite possession.
Pacing along, he thought passingly that he should have dressed the part more and put on a ski mask. His heart pounded as he passed by the dinosaur exhibit, unease assailing him. It was too late to go home at this point. He just had to find the mammoth tusk before daylight.
He gathered himself, drew his sword and focused on not tripping while he navigated through the dark, winding corridors. Even the smallest of noises made him jump—broadsword at the ready—as he crept through the empty halls.
With the lights off, the museum was practically a haunted house. While he tiptoed into the zoology section, glimmering rays of moonlight streamed in through the windows, falling gently over him. Shadowed model animals lined the walls, felt rabbits and plastic spiders sitting on table displays. A frightening bear stood with its paws raised and its sharp jaws wide open as if ready to pounce on him at a moment’s notice. Max’s eyes widened, but within seconds he discerned to his relief it was just taxidermy.
At last, the mammoth appeared behind a red security barrier not far away. With every muscle tensed, he gazed in awe at its gigantic figure. But his jaw dropped as he realised, despite how carefully he had planned this mission, he’d forgotten one crucial part: how to extract the mammoth tusk out of the skeleton. It looked like it’d been screwed in tightly. Should’ve brought a screwdriver. Oh, bother.
Pushing his shoulders back, he sheathed his weapon, strode right up to the mammoth and peered at the display label. It read:
This woolly mammoth skeleton was discovered in 1925 by a team of esteemed archaeologists in rural Devon. It was the first almost entirely preserved specimen ever uncovered in England. It is a relic of priceless historical value. DO NOT TOUCH.
Deciding to disobey and wrest the tusk out, Max stepped over the maroon rope that encircled the mammoth and wrapped his hands around it. Like Arthur pulling the sword from the stone, there was nothing else to do but pull really, really hard.
After counting down from three, he tugged the mammoth tusk towards him with all his might. It took a few tries, but finally the tusk separated from the woolly mammoth skeleton with a nasty crack, and he fell on his backside.
Yet before he could rejoice, he heard the sound of a creak.
A door opened across the room.
Max turned around and scrambled to his feet, mouth wide open. Police with intimidating weapons emerged out of nowhere, swarming him. He gaped at the approaching horde before looking back down at the tusk. This couldn’t be happening.
The thought crossed his mind to run. But what was the point? There were too many police. He was toast!
He dropped the mammoth tusk on the floor and unsheathed his sword.
“Listen, this is all a b-big misunderstanding,” he stuttered.
“NO MISUNDERSTANDING!” a second officer yelled, a woman in a navy tunic with a bulletproof vest. She inched over to him. “HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK NOW!”
Max stared at the police, aghast. They think I’m a criminal. How ridiculous. I’m just an innocent treasure hunter!
“Let me e-explain. It’s v-very, very important for you to let me eexplain,” Max stammered.
He pointed his sword at them threateningly, before spotting a paunchy man who held what looked like a laser pointer and was aiming it at him.
Max swung the sword around as a warning. “Please. If you’d just give me a second to clear this up, I’m sure that—arghhh!”
His words cut out with a bloodcurdling scream. Electricity surged through his body. The red dot he’d seen on his chest hadn’t been from a laser pointer at all, but a taser. Limbs spasming, Max fell onto the floor and crumpled into a ball as the police closed in on him.
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About the Author: 
Author Adam Rowan’s passion for writing began in childhood, although he admits his early attempts were far from perfect. After a hiatus during his teenage years, Adam rediscovered his love for writing in his early twenties and has been dedicated to improving his craft ever since. In 2022, MotherButterfly Books published Adam's first novel. His second book, The Crystalline Crucible, is published by Spinning Monkey Press and is inspired by his experiences growing up in England. When he's not immersed in the world of writing, Adam is an electronic musician and avid film fan. With the support of his family, Adam continues to pursue his writing dreams, understanding that patience is key in the journey of creating a book. 
Threads https://www.threads.net/@shinjutnt
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/shinjutnt/  
Amazon Author Page: https://amzn.to/3w3uH0d 
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besttraininginstitute · 5 months
AWS Online Training
AWS online training equips individuals with the skills needed to leverage Amazon Web Services effectively. Courses cover a wide range of topics, including cloud computing fundamentals, AWS services like EC2, S3, and RDS, security best practices, and architectural design principles. Through interactive lessons, hands-on labs, and expert guidance, participants learn to build, deploy, and manage applications in the cloud. Flexible schedules and self-paced learning options make AWS online training accessible to learners worldwide.
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aptrons-blog · 6 months
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If you are looking for an AWS Course in Gurgaon, APTRON Solutions is the best place to go. We offer a comprehensive AWS training program that will teach you everything you need to know about Amazon Web Services. Our course covers all aspects of AWS, from the basics of cloud computing to advanced topics such as machine learning and artificial intelligence. Our AWS trainers are experts in their field and have years of experience working with AWS. They will teach you how to use AWS to build and deploy scalable and reliable applications. You will also learn how to manage your AWS costs and optimize your AWS environment. To learn more about our AWS course, please visit our website or contact us today. 
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Mastering AWS Developer Certification: Your Path to Success
Are you ready to take your career to the next level in cloud computing? As technology continues to evolve, businesses are increasingly relying on cloud services to streamline operations, enhance scalability, and drive innovation. Among the various cloud platforms available, Amazon Web Services (AWS) stands out as a leader, offering a wide range of services and solutions to meet the diverse needs of businesses worldwide.
If you're passionate about cloud computing and looking to demonstrate your expertise in AWS development, pursuing the AWS Developer certification course is a valuable step forward. This certification validates your technical skills and expertise in designing, developing, and deploying cloud-based applications using AWS services. In this blog post, we'll explore what it takes to become an AWS Certified Developer Associate and how a comprehensive training program can help you achieve your certification goals.
 Understanding the AWS Certified Developer Associate Certification
The AWS Certified Developer Associate certification is designed for professionals who have hands-on experience in developing and maintaining applications on the AWS platform. Whether you're a software developer, system administrator, or solutions architect, this certification demonstrates your ability to design, build, and deploy cloud-based applications using AWS services.
To earn the AWS Certified Developer Associate certification, candidates must pass the AWS Certified Developer - Associate (DVA-C01) exam. This exam covers various topics, including AWS fundamentals, AWS SDKs, AWS CLI, AWS CloudFormation, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), AWS Lambda, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, and more. Candidates are expected to have a solid understanding of these topics and be able to apply their knowledge to real-world scenarios.
 Benefits of AWS Developer Certification Training
While the AWS Certified Developer Associate certification is attainable with self-study and hands-on experience, undergoing a structured training program can significantly enhance your chances of success. Here are some key benefits of enrolling in AWS Developer Certification Training:
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1. Comprehensive Coverage:
A well-designed training program covers all the topics and concepts included in the certification exam, ensuring that you have a thorough understanding of the subject matter.
2. Expert Guidance:
Experienced trainers provide valuable insights, tips, and best practices that can help you navigate complex topics and prepare effectively for the exam.
3. Hands-On Labs:
Hands-on labs and practical exercises allow you to gain practical experience working with AWS services and solutions, reinforcing your learning and building your confidence.
4. Practice Exams:
Practice exams simulate the actual exam environment, allowing you to assess your readiness and identify areas where you need to focus your efforts.
5. Community Support:
Engaging with instructors and fellow participants in a collaborative learning environment fosters knowledge sharing and provides a supportive network to help you stay motivated throughout your certification journey.
 Key Components of AWS Developer Certification Training
A comprehensive AWS Developer Certification Training program typically covers the following key components:
1. AWS Fundamentals:
Understanding the core concepts of AWS, including its global infrastructure, services, and pricing models, is essential for building a solid foundation.
2. AWS Services:
Deep dive into various AWS services relevant to developers, such as AWS Lambda, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon S3, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, and more.
3. Development Tools:
Learn how to leverage AWS SDKs, AWS CLI, AWS CloudFormation, and other development tools to build and deploy applications on the AWS platform.
4. Security and Identity:
Gain insights into AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and best practices for securing your applications and resources on AWS.
5. Deployment and Monitoring:
Explore deployment strategies, including continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD), and learn how to monitor and troubleshoot applications running on AWS.
Becoming an AWS Certified Developer Associate is a significant achievement that can open up exciting career opportunities in cloud computing. By undergoing comprehensive AWS Developer Certification Training, you can equip yourself with the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to ace the certification exam and showcase your expertise in AWS development.
Whether you're a seasoned developer looking to upskill or a newcomer to cloud computing eager to embark on a rewarding career journey, investing in AWS Developer Certification Training is a worthwhile endeavor. With the right training and preparation, you'll be well on your way to mastering AWS development and achieving your certification goals.
Are you ready to take the next step in your AWS development journey? Enroll in AWS Developer Certification Training today and unlock your full potential in the world of cloud computing!
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aakanshavarma · 4 months
With ten years of experience in web development and web security services, IT Education Center's skilled trainers provide AWS training in Pune. AWS services include Cloud Computing, EC2, Auto Scaling, VPC, ELB, SNS, SES, SQS, Route 53, IAM, S3, Glacier Storage, CloudWatch, CloudFront, RDS, DYNAMODB, and Elastic Beanstalk are all covered in detail in the curriculum. Participants will become proficient in creating and executing AWS solutions through theoretical lectures, practical exercises, and capstone projects. This all-inclusive method gives students the skills they need to succeed as certified AWS professionals. Furthermore, the IT Education Center's active placement cell makes sure students are linked and well-prepared, opening doors for chances with prestigious companies.
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