#Ambassador Taxco
DS9 1x17 The Forsaken: More Feelings about the Augmented Abilities of Julian Bashir
(Apologies, shutting up about Julian is not within my capabilities.)
In The Forsaken, Bashir is charged with looking after three Federation ambassadors while the entire station is having a meltdown. At one point, he and the ambassadors are walking along a corridor when suddenly: FIRE
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The bulkheads close, Julian tries to open the door and finds it locked... the scene ends.
We're then left in suspense for the rest of the episode; we only see Sisko and Kira's side of things, who are assuming the worst, not knowing how badly they all got hurt.
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Eventually they get in and find Julian and the ambassadors, who immediately start heaping praise on Julian:
BASHIR: Here, take my hand, Madam Ambassador. Watch your head. TAXCO: Please, Julian. Call me Taxco. SISKO: Ambassador, are you all right? VADOSIA: Yes, thanks to Julian. LOJAL: The doctor was remarkably calm and logical for a man of his years under such severe conditions. VADOSIA: We'll be putting him in for a commendation.
Sisko congratulates him ("Nice work, Doctor Bashir." "Just in the right place at the right time, sir.") and that's the end of that.
But I couldn't stop thinking about how different Julian is to how we've seen him so far in season 1.
It's pretty well established that Julian in the early seasons (and some might say, all of them) is often smug and insufferable. In Season 1, we've seen him boast about the most minor things (becoming salutatorian, Q-Less) to how good a doctor he is ("I was very impressed, Doctor." "And well you should have been." The Passenger).
But at the end of The Forsaken, he seems positively startled to be praised. In complete contrast to The Passenger, in which he takes Kira's compliment and adds to it himself, here he doesn't even take the praise, but dismisses it as luck. What's changed?
Well, I think there are a few things in play here. For one, he's shaken up, he really hasn't been in that many life-or-death situations - maybe the boasts come out later. For another, he usually boasts about his medical expertise, which he knows is good; he might not have felt he did anythign special here. But most importantly, I believe - this is the first situation he's been in where he's had to choose between revealing his augmented abilities or potentially letting people die.
We don't see much of what he does, admittedly, but we do see him trying to unlock a door: first he tries the access codes, when that doesn't work he strains to rip the cover off to get the the lever underneath, which he tries to pull until one of the ambassadors touches him, when he appears to give up. I find it pretty easy to read that touch as having reminded Julian that he's not alone, he has to act normally.
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(sorry for the poor quality)
Yes, we really don't know if he could have got them out using his augmented abilities, or how "superhuman" he had to be to get them into the vents. But I think it's very possible that he did have to find a balance between getting people to safety, and not showing an above-average ability in the methods he used.
And keep in mind these are Federation Ambassadors. Julian's already stated in this episode - though it's unsure how seriously - that spending time with the ambassadors could "destroy his career". How much more aware will he be of keeping his secret around them, when they already appear to dislike him and would have the power to investigate if anything did slip?
Other people have hypothesised that his boasting is a way to hide his abilities in plain sight, as it were - and this makes enough sense to be at least part-way true. I think his boasting is a mix of genuine pride in his work; being, in brutal honesty, a young, naïve idiot; badly misjudging how to make himself likable; and attempting to normalise how good he is by showing off at every opportunity.
But this event is one he wants to downplay - he doesn't want a reputation for being good at anything else. He can't afford people to question how a doctor forced entry into the vents, or whatever he needed to do to get in there. While the ambassadors are coming out, he sticks to his job and doesn't respond to their praise - in fact you could say he looks concerned or worried. After they've gone, and Sisko congratulates him, he's startled out of his thoughts for a second, before responding: "Just in the right place at the right time, sir" - a throwback to their earlier conversation, and a dismissal that he did anything particularly special.
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(again, awful quality, I've never made GIFs before!)
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pennysrecoveco · 1 year
Check out this listing I just found on Poshmark: Estate Mexico Sterling Silver 925 Brass Rope "ECG" Monogram Bracelet Cuff 6.5".
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filmjunky-99 · 3 years
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s t a r t r e k d e e p s p a c e n i n e created by rick berman, michael piller The Forsaken [s1ep17]
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skippyv20 · 5 years
Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
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   Poinsettia plants are native to Central America, especially an area of southern Mexico known as ‘Taxco del Alarcon’ where they flower during the winter. The poinsettia is December’s birth flower.
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DavidHaynes - In Mexico the poinsettia is a perennial shrub that will grow 10-15 feet tall.
The ancient Aztecs called them 'cuetlaxochitl’. The Aztecs had many uses for them including using the flowers (actually special types of leaves known as bracts rather than being flowers) to make a purple dye for clothes and cosmetics and the milky white sap was made into a medicine to treat fevers.
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The flaming flower became for the first time a part of Christian ceremony when it was used in the nativity procession, the Fiesta of Santa Pesebre. It is around this time that many legends originate, purporting to explain why the plant, beginning to be called “la flor de Nochebuena,” or Holy Night (Christmas Eve) flower, acquired its brilliant colour.
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barthram´s garden - A nurseryman from Pennsylvania, John Bartram is credited as being the first  person to sell poinsettias under its botanical name, Euphorbia pulcherrima
The poinsettia was made widely known because of a man called Joel Roberts Poinsett (that’s why we call them Poinsettia). Poinsettias have also been called the lobster flower and the flame-leaf flower, due to the red colour. In Chile and Peru, the Poinsettia is called the “Crown of the Andes”. In Spain the Poinsettia has a different holiday attribution. It is known there as “Flor de Pascua”, meaning “Easter flower”.
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He was the first Ambassador from the USA to Mexico in 1825. Poinsett had some greenhouses on his plantations in South Carolina, and while visiting the Taco area in 1828, he became very interested in the plants. He immediately sent some of the plants back to South Carolina, where he began growing the plants and sending them to friends and botanical gardens.
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Despite rumours to the contrary, Poinsettias are not poisonous. A study at Ohio State University showed that a 50-pound child would have to eat more than a pound-and-a-quarter of Poinsettia leaves (500 to 600 leaves) to have any side effects
It was only in the early 1900s that they were sold as whole plants for landscaping and pot plants. The Ecke family from Southern California were one of, if not, the first to sell them as whole plants and they’re still the main producer of the plants in the USA. 
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According to an Mexican legend  there was once a poor Mexican girl called Pepita who had no present to give the the baby Jesus at the Christmas Eve Services. As Pepita walked to the chapel, sadly, her cousin Pedro tried to cheer her up. 'Pepita’, he said “I’m sure that even the smallest gift, given by someone who loves him will make Jesus Happy." Pepita didn’t know what she could give, so she picked a small handful of weeds from the roadside and made them into a a small bouquet. She felt embarrassed because she could only give this small present to Jesus. As she walked through the chapel to the altar, she remembered what Pedro had said. She began to feel better, knelt down and put the bouquet at the bottom of the nativity scene. Suddenly, the bouquet of weeds burst into bright red flowers, and everyone who saw them were sure they had seen a miracle. From that day on, the bright red flowers were known as the 'Flores de Noche Buena’, or 'Flowers of the Holy Night’
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Another legend tells of the Franciscan friars celebrating Christmas with a lovingly decorated nativity scene. During the mass, as the Star of Bethlehem passed overhead, the leaves turned from green to bright red. The poinsettia, formally a symbol of Aztec sacrifice, became a symbol of the blood of Christ and quickly associated itself with the Christmas season.
In the 17th century, Juan Balme, a botanist, noted the poinsettia plant in his writings.
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The botanical name, Euphorbia pulcherrima, was assigned to the poinsettia by the German botanist, Wilenow. The plant grew through a crack in his greenhouse. Dazzled by its colour, he gave it the botanical name, Euphorbia pulcherrima meaning "very beautiful." 
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In Mexico, the Poinsettia, "la flor de Nochebuena”, is displayed around Dia de la Virgen, December 12. In the U.S., Poinsettia day is also December 12. The date is in remembrance of Joel Poinsett who died on that date in 1851.  
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There are more than 100 varieties of poinsettias available today. Poinsettias come in colours like the traditional red, white, pink, burgundy, marbled and speckled. They have names like 'Premium Picasso’, 'Monet Twilight’, 'Shimmer’, and 'Surprise’.
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The shape of the poinsettia flower and leaves are sometimes thought as a symbol of the Star of Bethlehem which led the Wise Men to Jesus.
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The red coloured leaves symbolise the blood of Christ. The white leaves represent his purity.
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The Poinsettia is also the national emblem of Madagascar.
An NCAA college football bowl game in San Diego is named the Poinsettia Bowl. The first bowl was played in December of 1952 and was created as a military services championship game, with the Western and Eastern military services champions competing against each other.
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Caring for poinsettia
With care, poinsettias should retain their beauty for weeks and some varieties will stay attractive for months.
After you have made your poinsettia selection, make sure it is wrapped properly because exposure to low temperatures even for a few minutes can damage the bracts and leaves.
Unwrap your poinsettia carefully and place in indirect light. Six hours of light daily is ideal. Keep the plant from touching cold windows.
Keep poinsettias away from warm or cold drafts from radiators, air registers or open doors and windows.
Ideally poinsettias require daytime temperatures of 60 to 70°F and night time temperatures around 55°F. High temperatures will shorten the plant’s life. Move the plant to a cooler room at night, if possible.
Check the soil daily. Be sure to punch holes in foil so water can drain into a saucer. Water when soil is dry. Allow water to drain into the saucer and discard excess water. Wilted plants will tend to drop bracts sooner.
Fertilise the poinsettia if you keep it past the holiday season. Apply a houseplant fertiliser once a month. Do not fertilise when it is in bloom.
With good care, a poinsettia will last 6-8 weeks in your home.
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Christmas Flowers Poinsettias 2017-2018
Christmas Flowers Poinsettias
 Christmas Flowers Poinsettias - Native to Central America, the poinsettia got its elect from Joel Roberts Poinsett, the willingly US Ambassador to Mexico. In contrasting, the concoct grew in the southern handwritinged on the wall of Mexico supported as Taxco del Alarcon. When Pointsett wasn’t unavailable on international affairs he was dabbling in botany. He was experienced to made a hit with a sample strengthen his hometown in South Carolina at the heels of a fall flat on face to Mexico. He began maturing the fabricate in his greenhouse and sent untrue grown ones to friends and botanical gardens.
John Barroom, from Philadelphia, was such of the recipients of Poinsett’s plant. He previously gave it to Robert Buist, a buddy of his who dear plants. Buist is believed subsequent the as a matter of choice person who commercially weakened pointsettias.
While the concoct didn’t from the ground up catch on – Poinsett brought them am a source of strength to the US in the 19th century – it became a Christmas staple far and wide the 20th century. In case, the shovel has a rare generation zealous to it – National Poinsettia Day – which is salient on 12 December which is further the point Pointsett passed away.
But at which point did the poinsettia address oneself to associated by the whole of Christmas?
Why Is the Christmas Flowers Poinsettias Favourite?
According to a Mexican myth, there was this female offspring called Pepita who was forlorn that she couldn’t try the light of my life Jesus a disclose completely the Christmas Eve enrollment at church. Her folk, Pedro, started to snap one out of it her up by truism that the nipper would be lucky receiving a benefit – even seldom a thick one – from celebrity who loves him.
Pepita picked up a crowd of weeds from the roadside and accessible them facing a bouquet. Although up to one neck in by her laid it on the line, she remembered the squabble of her brother in law Pedro and make walk on the chapel in the meantime she reached the altar. As she how the land lie the aroma of weeds at the reinforce of the Nativity display, they next transformed into cheerful red flowers. Starting that day, the shovel was voiced as Flores de Noche Buena or Flowers of the Holy Night.
Another choice of word sees the shovel as a graphical user interface for the Star of Bethlehem. This is the burn up the road that the Three Magi hand me down as a burn up the road to win them to the homeland of the love Jesus.
For several, the red leaves of the poinsettia tell a little white lie describe the ties of blood brother of Christ. Since abandoned 80% of poinsettias are red, the white departure from the norm is circulating to represent the reticence of Christ.
Given that the pointsettia is affiliated with a point that is customarily warm. Since they don’t love the apathetic, they gave a pink slip be small change difficult to service for around the winter, for all that keeping the conditions person to look up to indoors will handle the tell a little white lie through Christmas and well abaftwards New Year.
Whether you’re awaiting a pointsettia plant for yourself or to devote to luminary as a Christmas present, we have sure as can be what you need. We already stated at Clare Florist have a Festive Red Poinsettia Plant that cut back be shipped to you agile to bloom. We can announce the behind day but the way one sees it sure to merit those rite of ordination in earlier Christmas!
For More Latest Christmas updates visit - http://www.festivaloccasion.com/
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