brbarou · 1 month
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girlfriends!!! 🌷🌷
designs by the amazing @els-moonleaf
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els-moonleaf · 1 month
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liveship girlies
(amber making them friendship anklets is canon)
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silverdragon12 · 17 days
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Some liveship traders ladies!! Because I love them.
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heyitsrink · 1 year
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Quick sketch of my favorite trio in Liveships. I got the vibe that Jek is big into hugs and requires them daily. I also imagine that this triggers Amber's need for personal space and sends Althea into a bi-panic every single time.
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roostercrowned · 1 year
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I am currently alive only because I bought some crappy colored pencils and have managed to doodle Amber (and Jek and Malta) while sitting around doing other things
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cryptidlark · 7 months
beloved really is that hot girl with the worst taste in men imaginable…imagine you’re jek and you finally meet the love of amber’s life, the man from her past that she always talked about so wistfully, the man worthy of being carved on a figurehead, and he’s like that.
she doesn’t even have the internalized homophobia angle to work off of she just thinks he’s genuinely offended that someone could believe he has the world’s most beautiful stunning perfect girlfriend
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showmethecrowfacts · 9 months
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A doodle inspired by @tragediegh ‘s fanfiction concerning Amber and Jek!!
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fairweathermyth · 2 years
One of the many things that I love about Robin Hobb and the ROTE saga is when characters from one of the trilogies/series references the extremely complex emotional plots of another, which you’ve already read and lived through, in the most eye-roll-y VERY briefly summarized way possible. Thymara describing the harrowing events of Fool’s Fate, one of the more emotionally devastating books I’ve ever read, like this:
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makes me scream! OF COURSE this teenager in a faraway rain forest doesn’t know or care about all that was sacrificed for all of that to happen! She has her own problems!
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venndaai · 6 months
As bad as the homophobia and transphobia are, I think the most unpleasant part of Fitz’s Amber meltdown are his misogynistic thoughts about how Amber is ~gossiping about womanly things~ like her friends’ pregnancies and personal lives, because it’s really painting a grim picture of everything Beloved has to repress about themselves to be Fitz’s best bro. How are they ever gonna be happy with this guy.
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Amber and jek
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brbarou · 4 months
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golden fool deleted scene
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els-moonleaf · 1 month
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Oh, won't you kiss me on the mouth and love me like a sailor?
(this song has been stuck in my head for days now and i‘m making it everybody else’s problem)
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chloristoflora · 2 years
"Lord Golden?” Jek exclaimed. For a long moment she stared. Then she burst into hearty laughter, pounding a doubled fist against her thigh. "But, of course. Lord Golden! How could I not have guessed? I should have seen through it from the start!" She advanced on him, completely confident of a warm welcome, to hug him heartily and then step back. As she gripped him by the shoulders, her delighted gaze wandered over his face and hair. To me, he looked dazed, but her grin didn't fade. "It's marvelous. If I didn't know, I never would have guessed. But I don't understand. Why is this ruse necessary? Doesn't it make it difficult for the two of you to be together?" She glanced from him to me, and it was apparent the question was addressed to both of us. Her implication was obvious, although I could not fathom her reference to a "ruse". I felt the rush of heat and color to my face. I waited for Lord Golden to make some clarifying remark to her but he held his silence. The look I wore must have shocked her, for she turned her gaze back to Lord Golden. She spoke uncertainly. "Amber, my friend. Aren't you glad to see me?"
Lord Golden’s face seemed immobilized. His jaws moved and then he finally spoke. His voice was low and calm but still seemed somewhat breathless. "Tom Badgerlock, I have no further need of your services today. You are dismissed."
Never had it been harder for me to remain in my role, but I sensed desperation in Lord Golden's retreat to formality. I clenched my teeth and bowed stiffly, containing my seething affront at Jek's obvious assumption about us.
"But I wish I understood it. When your man, this...Tom Badgerlock, when he came in and I recognized his face, I was filled with joy for you. I watched you carve that figurehead. Don't deny to me what you feel for him. 'They are reunited at last,' I thought to myself. But then you bark at him and send him off as if he were a servant... Lord Golden's serving man, in fact, is what he told me he was. Why the masquerade, when it must be so difficult for both of you?"
A long silence followed. I heard no sound of footsteps, but I recognized the chink of a bottle's neck against a glass' lip. I guessed that he poured wine for both of them as Jek and I awaited his answer.
"It is difficult for me," the Fool replied in Amber's voice. "It is not so difficult for him, because he knows little of it. There. Fool that I am and have been, truly, to have ever let that secret have breath to anyone, let alone shape. Such a monstrous vanity on my part."
"Monstrous? Immense! You carved a ship’s figurehead in his likeness, and hoped no one would ever guess what he meant to you? Ah, my friend. You manage everyone's lives and secrets so well and then when it comes to your own... Well. And he doesn't even know that you love him?"
"I think he chooses not to. Perhaps he suspects... well, after chatting with you, I am certain that he suspects now. But he leaves it alone. He is like that."
"Then he's a damned fool. A handsome damned fool, though. Despite the broken nose. I'll wager he was even prettier before that happened. Who spoiled his face?"
A small sound, a little cough of laughter. "My dear Jek, you've seen him. No one could spoil his face. Not for me." A pretty little sigh. "But come. I'd rather not talk of it, if you don’t mind."
Golden Fool, by Robin Hobb (Tawny Man Trilogy #2)
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Look at you, Goddess, all alone with no one to bless 
This fic was written by ally_mcgee ( @alloysius-g ) for Foolish_Beloved and can be found on AO3.
This story that tells of Amber and Jek’s first meeting is not only beautifully written and illustrated, it is also hilarious thanks to Jek’s terrible flirting skills (but that’s ok because Amber clearly indulges her 🧡)
Thank you so much for treating us with an additional fanfic AND fanart and for working tirelessly so that everyone gets a gift on time 😘
Books: The Liveship Traders
Rating: Not Rated
Characters: Jek, Amber
Summary: A mysterious passenger makes the other sailors nervous, and Jek decides to win a bet.
“You're scaring the lads, you know. They think you're a witch or something, here to run the ship aground”, Jek leaned against the railing, keeping at a respectful distance.
The woman turned her head, expression blank and disinterested. Jek resisted the urge to rub her eyes, from here the woman’s eyes looked pure gold, but that couldn’t be right.
She gave the stranger what she hoped was a disarming smile and used the lull of a large wave as an excuse to slide a little closer.
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showmethecrowfacts · 9 months
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Jek and Amber taking a peaceful moment! As inspired by this fanfic:
Thank you, @tragediegh for the inspiration! It was a fun draw~!
Rote fans- check out their fanfiction!!! It’s so worth it!
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sirguyofdykesborn · 9 months
top 5 rote moments
1) devastating divorce over fitz's homophobic tendencies reveals that the fools FUCKS and that everyone in this world knows that fitz's dick game is not a game but a series of disappointing charades
2) jek visiting lord golden/lady amber and being like so this is..... 😐😬 your man.... ? after seeing fitz. and lord divorce/lady amber/fool being like i love his stupid ugly face.... (is in agony)
3) fitz accidentally eating a fantasy weed brownie, greening out and spending the next few days telling everyone he needs to kill himself. everyone tells him to shut up
4) the entirety of the first trilogy being written by older fitz and having small portions of text being like ouuughh my eyes are not the same anymore.... my back is giving out.... i think my time is soon... at least my boy is here to help with my dying body. and you kind of assume this is grandpa fitz talking and "his boy" is his grandson or something. and it turns out the boy is an orphan his fwb gave him so he couldn't kill himself and the whole time he was like. 28 years of age
5) starling fool animosity that lasted through two trilogies. i think starling is allowed to be homophobic and transphobic because she's funny. fanart included
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