#Ambient Assisted Living and Smart Home Market Research
dineshpawar27 · 1 year
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thetejasamale · 1 year
The increasing demand for managed care for old age people is the growth factor that drives the Ambient Assisted Living Market...
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ict-123 · 10 months
Ambient intelligence can make our lives easier by automating tasks and offering information and assistance as per our requirement. The popularity of ambient intelligence is increasing, owing to surge in adoption of smart homes & the development of connected and autonomous vehicles
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mi6-cafe · 4 years
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For the finale, we asked our competitors to write exactly 400 words in which they had to use the phrase “we aim to please”.
The did an excellent job so come read and vote and help us decide THE ONE DRABBLE WRITER TO RULE THEM ALL...
Read all the drabbles. (they’re below the line)
Choose three that you like the most.
Fill out this VOTING FORM, telling us your favourites. (You can even leave anonymous feedback for the author).
NOTE: If you are a competitor, you CANNOT vote for your own fic. But please, do vote. :)
The voting period ends at 11:59 PM EST on Sunday night. Results will be posted and anonymous feedback will be emailed on Monday.
Title: Live to Serve Author: sorion Warnings: alludes to the current political climate in the US (and to a lesser degree the UK) Summary: Bond completes objectives. How he completes them is up to him.
Bond barely batted an eye when his solitary corner of the bar he'd chosen was invaded by another patron with his own drink.
"Felix," he greeted him.
"James. What a surprise."
Bond's smirk widened. "Tell the truth. You knew I was in the States the moment I set foot on the ground."
Felix's lip twitched sardonically. "When you got on the plane to come here."
Bond chuckled.
"I've learned that it pays to keep track of your movements." He tilted his head to look at him and raised an eyebrow. "Just in case."
"I'd be insulted if I didn't do the same thing with you."
They grinned at each other wordlessly and returned to their drinks.
"So," Felix interrupted their companionable silence. "What brings you here?"
"Is that American for, 'What havoc can I expect you to wreak on my home turf'?"
Felix pretended to consider that. "Sounds about right."
Bond's amused eyes wandered to the muted news on the television in the corner of the bar and darkened. "Not as much havoc as I'd like to wreak."
Felix followed his line of sight. "Tell me about it," he agreed. Then he straightened, cleared his throat, and added in a chatty tone, "What's your people's stance on overthrowing foreign governments, these days?"
Bond, fortunately, wasn't swallowing at that moment, or he would have choked on it. It still took all his not inconsiderable self-restraint to not laugh out loud. "Overthrowing governments of allies is sadly frowned upon." He pondered that for a second. "Yours?"
"Same." He leaned closer. "Any orders to such an effect, regardless?" he asked carefully.
Bond shook his head. "More's the pity. I live to serve, and I serve by completing objectives." He squinted at Felix. "How I complete them is my prerogative, however."
Felix nodded slowly, indicating that he was operating similarly.
"What I'd like to do," Bond continued, his lethal eyes on the news, "would be like trying to put out a fire with nitro-glycerine, so I was thinking something more subtle."
"Mhm..." Felix hummed, his voice thrumming with satisfaction. "Subtle is not quite your thing."
Bond's shark-like smile was all teeth. "I know a guy..."
"Smart, dark-haired, gorgeous, can kill from his bed in his pyjamas?" Felix guessed.
They shared a look like two bloodhounds catching a scent.
Felix held out his hand.
Bond took it.
"We live to serve. We aim to please."
Title: An Assist Author: Anyawen Warnings: Summary: Bond learns that he's been equipped with an unlooked-for advantage.
Bond paused, studying the bullet he was loading into his spare clip. There were scratches on the base of the casing. That was decidedly odd. Q would never send out ammunition with any sort of flaw that could impair its use, or worse, damage the gun — or the agent using it. He ran a finger over the base but couldn't detect the scratches. Turning it in his hands he looked again. Definitely there. And, he checked, also on all the other bullets in the clip. The chance of a bad bullet from Q-branch was staggeringly small, but not zero. The chance of an entire bad batch escaping notice, however, could be measured in negative numbers. If Q sent these bullets out into the field, then these marks were meant to be there. There must be a reason for them. There was something niggling at him. He’d seen this pattern of scratches before. He glanced over at his Walther. Picking it up he peered at it closely, turning it over and over in his hands. Ah. There it was. On the back of the trigger was a faint glimmer of markings. ... .||. .|.. .| |.|. . .|. .  ... | ..| |.. . || ..| ... It took him a minute to recognize that the lines were dashes among a smattering of dots. After that realization the letters came easily. "placere studemus" Translating the Latin took slightly longer. A moment later he tapped his ear and heard the faint ambient sounds of Q-branch through the earwig. "Do you require assistance, 007?" Q asked. "Interesting numbers in your annual report." "Focus on the mission, Bond. We can discuss—  " "Decreased stray bullet injuries on ops over the last year, but no noticeable increase in range scores," Bond continued, speaking over Q. "True." "We're hitting our targets more often without actually being better shots." "An impressive feat." "Very. I've not seen magic like it since my gran passed." "I- What?" "She was a hedge witch." "Oh. Are you ..." "No," Bond replied as he finished loading the clip. "Can't sense or cast magic. Recognized the marks as spellwork, though. Nice work. You're some sort of technomage?" "Something like that." "And the spell?" "Merely an assist." "An effective one." "Thank you." "Just one thing, Q." "Yes?" "Is that phrase really the best anchor you could come up with?" "Well. You can't deny it's apropos. After all, 'we aim to please.'”
Title: Marketing Research Author: stormofsharpthings Warnings: sex? Summary: Bond discovers what Q Branch has been working on lately
“Well, well, Quinn.”
As Bond dropped the gunmetal grey box next to his laptop, Q felt a cold shudder spill down his spine. There were still a few secrets he’d managed to keep from his lover, though apparently he now had one less. “You should never have been able to access that part of the lab.”
“Mmm, so I was informed. Top Secret. I had to be quite persuasive. An interesting project though, Quinn.”
Q fought down a surge of jealousy at the thought of what that persuasion might have been. “You know that’s not my real name, it’s just a joke amongst the techs.” He crossed his arms in irritation. “Dammit, James, you were snooping! This prototype was meant to be a birthday surprise.”
“It’s certainly surprising.” Bond’s finger traced the embossed lettering lovingly. “And not at all an exploding pen, which I was rather expecting. However did you get this past the projects committee?”
Q sighed. “Given the proclivities of double-ohs, it was an easy sell as a test product. A quite unexpected way to deliver drugs or implant trackers, should the need arise.”
“The box is a bit of a giveaway, though, don’t you think? The logo is literally a Q with a tree branch entwined.”
“That’s not the final packaging! They were just having a bit of a joke!”
Bond raised an eyebrow as he opened the box, stroking a finger delicately over the contents. Q felt a twitch of reluctant arousal as he watched those so very precise fingertips linger on certain details.
“So delightfully unexpected, Q,” James purred as he picked up the creamy vellum card inside. “‘Quinn’tessential Ecstasies,” he read aloud. “Is all of Q Branch so prone to puns and in-jokes?” He smirked and dropped the card back into the box. “But don’t you think ‘We Aim To Please’ is a bit on the nose for a gun-shaped dildo?” James chuckled, picking it up and fondling it in a way that made Q’s trousers just a little more snug.
Q glared. “As if subtlety is your strong suit.”
James laughed wickedly. “I’m quite impressed with the trigger-activated vibrations. Whatever made you think of this?”
“It seemed natural, since an exploding pen is out of the question in the bedroom, and you do have a rather unhealthy attachment to your Walther.”
“It needs testing. And since you present such a tempting target, Q…”
Title: Double, Double, Toil and Trouble Author: SouffleGirl91 Warnings: None Summary: On an undercover mission, Bond considers the merits of murdering customers.
“Is the hazelnut syrup sugar-free?”
Bond bit back a sigh, resisting the urge to roll his eyes.
“I’m afraid not. Only the cinnamon and vanilla syrups are sugar-free.”
It wasn’t the stupidest question in the world, but this had been going on for five minutes. Or maybe three. It felt like five hours.
First, it had been “what’s the difference between a latte and a flat white?” Which… fair enough. He’d had to quickly remember his crash course in coffee-making to bullshit an explanation without saying “the flat white is cheaper but costs more.”
Then, it was “why does the oat milk have a surcharge but the soy milk doesn’t?” prompting a lesson in the economics of non-dairy milk alternatives all the while considering drowning his customer in said soy milk.
So: not the stupidest question in the world, but quite possibly the stupidest customer.
“I’ll have a cappuccino.”
“Was that with soy milk?”
“Oh no, just regular milk’s fine.”
How was this his life?!
“No, thanks.”
He could feel his molars grinding with the force of his fake smile. Five minutes! For nothing!
“And what name is it?”
Of course it was.
He had been stuck in this god-forsaken job for three weeks, and was seriously weighing the pros and cons of ‘accidentally’ causing an explosion. Things like that happened, right? He could probably get away with it
“No, you can’t kill her.”
Bond stifled a groan. Bad enough that he was stuck undercover as a bloody barista in Canada, without having Q in his ear all day judging his latte art and thwarting his murder plans. It turned out the Quartermaster was the bloody customer service police.
“I would never,” he muttered, too quiet for anyone else to hear. The last thing he needed was for his temporary “colleagues” to overhear him talking to thin air.
“Of course not. Just like you’d never feed your gun to a komodo dragon.”
“You know damned well that was an accident,” he whispered, sprinkling cocoa powder through a bloody maple leaf stencil. “How much longer, Q?”
Q just hummed apologetically.
Straightening his shoulders and pasting another ‘friendly’ smile on his face, Bond handed over the drink.
“Well, at least you’re generous with the cocoa.”
“Fuck you, Karen.”
“We aim to please. Enjoy your drink.”
Bond wondered whether he could talk Q into blowing the place up after all.
Title: Distraction Author: sunaddicted Warnings: none Summary: paranoia can be a healthy attitude around some people
As a rule, Q always was rather suspicious of quiet - whether that was a side effect of working in espionage or just his nature, he wasn't particularly sure but he knew better than wasting too much brainpower on such considerations. Besides, a healthy dose of paranoia always paid off if the feeling was carefully kept on a leash. Hand going to grab his taser, Q entered the bedroom and his eyes immediately zeroed in on his lovers "What are you doing?" "Who - us?" James inquired with a shiteating grin, dramatically pointing at his own chest "Man of little faith" Q gestured at Raoul, lounging against the bed post "At least he has the decency to not try to fool me" he pointed out as he relaxed in increments, tension gradually leaving his body as he made his way to the bed to sit at its foot "So?" "What makes you think we are up to anything?" The younger man batted James' hand away from his calf "You always are up to something when you're quiet: it's not like either of you" Raoul's chuckle was satiny and dark - if Q hadn't found it ridiculous to compare a sound to food, his mind would have probably come up with some kind of stupid similitude involving a rich, dark chocolate cake "We aim to please, mi querido" "That awfully sounds like an admission of guilt" "Maybe" Raoul leaned over, finger tapping the point of the other's nose just to see the way it would scrunch up at the bothersome gesture "But who says I feel guilty about any of it?" Taking advantage of Q's distraction, their lover clearly too busy - and failing at - glaring Raoul into properly confessing, James wrapped his hand around his ankle and tugged firmly, a delighted chuckle escaping his lips at the  little shriek Q let out "Let's talk about it later" he murmured, bending down to brush their lips together "There's funnier things to do" "Just tell me the place isn't gonna get swarmed by whatever international agency might be thirsting for our heads" Raoul palmed his cheek, gently turning his head to meet his eyes "I promise" Q sighed, eyes rolling even as he reached for the nape of the other's neck while he sneaked a foot between James' legs "Fine, but don't you think you can postpone this conversation for much longer" "Wouldn't dream of it"
Title: Souvenirs Author: IrishWitch58 Warnings: mild BDSM themes Summary: Bond likes giving Q souvenirs of his travels.
Q examined the box squatting in the center of his desk, a cardboard enigma with a security clearance tag. The shipping label indicated it had originated from Elko, Nevada. Q closed his eyes and breathed deeply. The only agent recently conducting operations in the US was Bond. The joint operation between the CIA and MI6 focused on an information dealer selling military secrets from both Britain and the US. Bond had been pleased to be working with his old friend Felix Leiter. Q had been entertained by Bond and Leiter as the pair entered what Felix had described as a legal brothel.
Bond: “Only in America.” Bond's voice held a hint of astonishment. “All that neon makes my eyes water.”
Leiter: “Ah yes, one stop shopping for a certain type of client.”
Bond: “Felix. They have a gift shop. The souvenirs must be epic.”
Successful, Bond had returned and this had appeared. Q looked at the box reproachfully. Bond and his souvenirs. Being romantically involved with the man had only increased his penchant for gifting Q with odd objects. He carefully slit the tape and opened the flaps, prodding carefully at the packing peanuts. The first item was a six pack of seasonings and sauces intended for American style barbecue. Unusually practical. He resolved to investigate how to use them as he placed the jars on the shelf behind him and dug further. His fingers encountered a narrow object that flexed a bit as he removed it. He flushed with embarrassment although he was alone in the office as he withdrew a riding crop in a rather nice leather finish with the initials MHHP stamped on the handle in gold. He gave it an experimental swing, neatly sending a packing peanut flying. Digging produced a final item. He shook out the tee shirt, and read the logo that explained it all. 'Madame Helga's House of Pain, Barbecue Joint, and Rifle Range' was displayed across the front. The back had an image of an androgynous figure with a bullseye painted on it's pert derrière and the legend, 'We aim to please'. His phone pinged and he checked the text. Bond had sent a video which proved to be a short loop of the neon display at Madame Helga's featuring an animated dominatrix landing a crop in the center of the bullseye. The text accompaniment said, 'Care to provide a target, darling?'
Title: Timing is Everything Author: Iambid (Flantastic) Warnings: None Summary:  James needs a new hobby.
YOU'RE EARLY AGAIN, said the Grim Reaper, with a hint of surprise.
“I am?”  James asked, sounding a lot calmer than he currently felt.
He looked around himself.  He’d been in Saudi Arabia, on the trail of an assassin, when everything had gone to hell. He’d been captured, beaten, tortured and then dumped in the middle of nowhere, somewhere south of Ash Shalfa. The last thing that he remembered was lying broken and bloody in the burning desert, baking under the merciless sun.
Now it appeared he was in a wood-panelled office, not unlike the one that M used.
Except M’s had never had a skeleton dressed in a black robe sitting at its desk.  Well. As far as James knew.
YOU KEEP DOING THIS, Death said, shuffling through the thick paper file in front of him.  Her. It.  Whatever.
“I do?”  James asked, still not entirely sure he knew what was going on.
“That would be Moneypenny.”  James explained.
“I shouldn’t think so.”  James admitted.
COME WITH ME, Death commanded.  They rose, and floated towards the door.  James obediently followed them.  The door opened and on the other side, they found themselves in a hospital room. The occupants didn’t seem to notice.
James stepped forward and saw that he was the man in the bed and the man in the chair next to him, the man pressing tearful kisses to the back of his bandaged hand, was Q.
James jerked awake, his body suddenly screaming out with a hundred injuries.  He gasped but Q was there, soothing him, calming him.  He squeezed his hand and Q smiled.
“You saved me.”  He croaked.
“Smart blood.  Latest tech. We aim to please.” Q replied.
Title: The Problem With Retirement Author: Venstar Warnings: none Summary: retirement or reunion
The diner was full of quiet little noises this late at night. Silverware clinking, a pen scratching across a booklet of crossword puzzles, tired sighs of the late-night drivers, and in the corner a booth full of a tired family. Where had it all gone wrong?
The snap of chewing gum and their waitress’s voice drew him out of his musings. “Welcome to the Georgia Peach, we aim to please. What can I get you?”
“I’ll have a vodka martini. Shaken, not stirred.”
A long-suffering sigh blew out of the wide mouth that had been until then, pinched tight in annoyance. “Just coffee for him.”
The waitress was a behemoth of a working professional, much like Bond, and simply offered Q a wide smile, showing just a hint of gold at the edges. “And for his lordship?”
Bond answered for him. “Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.”
“Okay, one coffee and hot tea for His Lordship.” She winked at Q and spun on her heel.
Q’s folded his hands under his chin and studied Bond for the minutes it took for their waitress to bring back a carafe of coffee, a mug of hot water on a saucer, and a pathetic excuse for a teabag.
Bond sipped at his coffee as he watched the disgust crawl across Q’s perfect, bony little face. He missed that face.
“Enough. Why am I here and why are you bleeding?”
“Am I bleeding?” Bond reached under his jacket, his fingers came away wet and red. “Huh, thought it was ketchup.”
“You’re supposed to be in the middle of Jamaica. Retired.”
“You could say that. I need your help. Madeline needs your help”
Q stared long and hard at Bond. “You’ve got a lot of nerve. Running off with her, abandoning m...MI6 taking the car-” He broke off his tirade when Bond reached forward and laid his hand on his, blood smearing along the pale skin.
Q’s eyes focused on the blood.
“I never said WE retired together. She’s been a good neighbor, a good friend. That’s all. She still had her secrets. They found her. Whoever THEY are and she needs your help.” Bond curled his fingers under and gripped Q’s hand tightly.
Q made a weak attempt to look away. His eyes stuttered back when Bond’s finger brushed across his wrist and gave an answer Q was not expecting.
“Oh, how I missed you, Q.”
Title: Improvisation Author: AtoTheBean Warnings: None Summary: Turn-about is… unpleasant.
He nurses a scotch and watches the mark, Jason Abernathy, at a table in the corner.  Businessman.  Mid-40s.   On his third round, a group of beautiful people laughing at his jokes.   He’s ignoring the dance floor, despite the urging of the blonde at his table. And he’s noticed Bond watching, but hasn’t approached him. Another agent is on her way as back-up.  Perhaps she’ll be more to his taste. Bond turns the card over in his fingers  “Discreet Escorts: We aim to please!”  It’s not subtle, but it has a certain charm.  If it were just a high-end escort business, he wouldn’t be here.  But if it’s a quasi-legal front for a human trafficking ring...   “007?” R asks. Bond raises his drink to his lips.  “Hmmm?” “Change of plans.” Bond surveys the room, waiting for clarification.   It comes in the form of Q wearing skinny jeans and a tight purple shirt.   Q smiles flirtatiously and moves around Bond so his back is to the mark.  “New intel.  003 won’t be to his taste either.  We had to improvise.” “Improvise?” “Reject me,” Q whispers.  “Loudly.” Bond glances at the mark and sees his gaze fixed on Q’s arse. “You’re not what I want,” Bond shouts, pushing Q away.   One-one-thousand, two-one-thousand. “Is there a problem?” Jason asks, sliding in beside Q. Q levels a dazzling smile at him.  “No problem.  My new employer sent me to a potential client, and I’m not what he wants.” “Well, there’s no accounting for taste.  Who’s your employer?” Q hands him a card just like Bond’s. “Oh, I am.  Shall we see how well you take our motto to heart?” Jason leads Q to the dance floor.  Bond is forced to watch them “dance” for ten minutes, until it’s really just grinding and snogging.  They pass him again on the way to the loo, and Bond feels something heavy drop into his pocket. Jason’s phone. Bond moves to the door.  “I have it.” “And the drive?” R asks. “Inserting now.” Within minutes, the data has been retrieved and Q’s bug is installed.  Bond wanders back in the bar, dismayed to see Q is still missing. “He’s fine,” R assures. Bond doesn’t like it.  He heads down the hall to the loo, placing the phone on the seat the mark vacated as he passes.  The door is locked. “Stand down, 007.” He orders another drink and waits.
Title: Echoes Author: Shush_MummyWriting Warnings: None. Summary: Five + One. Bond hearing echoes.
Bond was surprised at how relaxing it was at Q’s parents’ house. It was filled with homely touches, photos of Q and his brothers through the years, plants and knick-knacks on the shelves. There was even a hand stitched frame in the downstairs bathroom that declared “In this house, we aim to please. In this room, you aim too, please!”. It felt like a home.
It was the second fitting for Bond’s latest suit. The tailor was a genius, the way he managed to conceal the gun holster. “Anything else, Mr. Bond?” he asked. “Perhaps a touch longer in the sleeve.” Bond replied. “Of course sir, we aim to please after all.” Bond smiled.
Bond was actually using his office, studying for his upcoming mission. Eve sauntered in, perched on the edge of his desk and asked, “How much do you love me?” dangling an envelope between two manicured fingers. “It depends on what that is.” said Bond, taking it. “Travel documents where I, your best friend, have managed to secure first-class tickets for your Brazil flights.” “Thank you!” said Bond, who detested long hours in cattle class. As Eve strolled out of the office, she tossed over her shoulder “We aim to please!”.
As Bond entered the R&D department, he was met with the sight of Alec, waving a brochure in the direction of Q, who appeared to be ignoring him. “Seriously Q, just have a look at these specifications. It would be an asset. And it looks awesome! Did you see the clever headline for it?” Q grabbed the brochure, exclaiming “That headline alone is reason enough NOT to buy it. What kind of company would market a rifle sight with the motto “We Aim to Please!” Seriously! Now away with you, I have work to do.” and gestured Bond forward.
Q went over each piece of equipment, saving the best for last. “This is simple, press the top three times quickly, jam it into the keyhole and step back.” Bond took it with a look of wonder “Q, you’ve made me an exploding pen!” Q’s blush was adorable as he muttered “We aim to please.”
Bond settled his breathing, sighting on his target. It should have been an impossible shot - the distance, the weather, etc but between his skill and Q's equipment, another minor government official/major crime lord met his fate. "We aim to please." Bond muttered.
Title: Flirting With the Wild Cat Author: scarytheory Warnings: angst Summary: Moneypenny has a secret.
We aim to please.
There are new documents on her desk, and she's feeling sick to her stomach.
Oh yes. We do.
They met when she was still a field agent.
“Miss Moneypenny.”
“Miss Galore.”
It would have been a standard honeypot mission if they didn't hate each other instantly. But there was something they needed, so they flirted, got drunk and angrily fucked on the balcony. In the end, Eve got the information and Pussy Galore didn't.
It should have ended there. But sometimes Mallory needed to contact Galore again, and Eve was the best agent for it – even after she became a secretary.
Eve honestly didn't mind; she loved a challenge, and Galore gave her just that. It was always a rush of emotions, it was hatred with a twist, a complicated game – who was better, smarter, wittier. The constant battle for dominance. Which was also a basis for incredible sex.
They started spending more time together, and suddenly they were laughing and talking about their lives. They didn't even need a mission for that – whatever that was. It didn't feel like they were enemies anymore.
Eve should have known better.
She never should have trusted her.
“You betrayed me.”
“And you are surprised, Moneypenny? This is what I do, what we do – me, you, all your agents and all my people. We aim to please, Eve. We were trained for it, we were trained to be horrible people. However, it’s our bosses we’re meant to please first and foremost. We're fucked up and you know it. There is no way you could disobey an order from M and I have my duties as well.”
“I would never use you.”  
Except she already had. But that was before the laughter, before... everything.
“Honestly, did you believe that there was some miraculous happy ending for us? We are the same and yet different; a heroine and a villain. You should be glad it’s ending only in heartbreak and not with death.” She always loved big words and big speeches.
“I hate you, Galore.”
“Oh, but you don't, darling. That's the problem.”
And now Eve's sitting at her desk and staring at the documents. 007 got a new job. Eliminate a target who is no longer useful to them.
Yet, there is still time to warn her.
We aim to please. Until we don't.
Title: A Pizza Pie Author: Ksan ( @starrboned-art​ ) Warnings: None Summary: Bond and Q are having a quiet afternoon together.
"James, that is not - stop that!" Q grabbed James' wrist before he could pour the sauce on the pizza dough.
"Q, that's how I’ve always made pizza." James gave his wrist an experimental wiggle, but the boffin was holding tight, eyes daring him to move.
"You need to oil the edges first," Q insisted, waving the brush and splashing oily drops everywhere.
James conceded, if only to not get his dark blue shirt stained.
"As you say, chef." James smirked, setting the hot pan aside. Q gave the dough a quick brush, nodding at James. "Now you can pour the sauce."
"Yes, chef."
"Stop it," Q said with a huff, but James spotted a quirk to his lips as he turned to the counter. A few plates laid ready with sliced vegetables and meats, all waiting to be added to the pizza.
"Just make sure that the champignons won't touch my side of the pizza." James scowled at the innocent white mushrooms.
Q gave him a smirk. "You are very particular about your food."
"I have a very particular taste," James countered with a suggestive smile. Q laughed, turning to put the pizza into the oven. James managed to steal a few sliced cherry tomatoes from Q's pile before he got caught.
"Go get the wine," Q said, "I'll get the glasses."
"So bossy today," James smirked, ruffling Q's curls. He escaped into the sunlit living room before Q could swat at him with a towel.
It was late noon on a Saturday, and for once none of them had any world-dooming emergencies to solve. The cats were basking in the late sun, the curtains swayed slightly as the evening breeze blew through the open windows.
James opened a red shiraz with a pop. With the wine ready on the table, he closed his eyes for a moment, listening to the quiet rustle Q made in the kitchen.
"Double-o agent, falling asleep?" Q's hand snuck around his waist, chin peeking over his shoulder.
"Before dinner?! You know agents, Q - we aim to please," James turned, kissing Q's smile. He had tomato sauce on his cheek, which James licked (to Q's astonished laughter).
"Pleasing will have to wait for later," Q purred, shoving the wine glasses at James. "What should we toast to?"
James swirled his wine, a habit born out of years of fine dining.
"To more sunny afternoons together."
Title: game Author: azure7539 Warnings: canon typical violence
Summary: Hide and seek as usual, but it's interesting all the same. Just another day at work.
Nausea roils like a particularly stormy sea in the midst of a hurricane, and all he can hear is the whistling of his own breathing as his throat wheezes around air before it rattles into his ribcage and never truly fills up those burning lungs.
He’s been running for so long, he can no longer feel the screaming in his feet.
The throng of people felt like a good idea at first, a thick crowd celebrating some local holiday, but now every face seems suspicious, every pair of eyes lingering on just a tad too long. The enemies can be anywhere, can be anyone.
Vertigo dips his world as he crashes into a phone booth, thinking, assuming, he’s managed to put decent distance between him and his chasers, spare change clinking as the coins spill from his shaking hands.
Fuck. Fuck, what’s the number again…
Eight, five, three, two—
The line rings. Once. Twice.
“Hello,” a posh voice he’s never heard before picks up, nonchalant and indifferent. “Identification, please.”
“S-SPCTR-6304,” he nearly trips on his own tongue saying the words.
“One moment.” Soft typing filters through, the calmness perforating through the mad chaos in his mind. But adrenaline licks at his heels—he’s finally standing still long enough to feel the way how wracking tremors are seizing up his overtaxed muscles—and he wants to scream and vibrate out of his skin.
His instincts are shouting at him to start running again, to keep at it until he finds a trustworthy point of contact, something more than just another voice on the other side of a line.
But that’s the thing. This ‘voice on the other side of a line’ is one of his last remaining trustworthy points of contact. The rest are just… gone.
Someone shrieks from over where the people have gathered at the end of the alley, and he’s one hair’s breadth away from slamming back into the wall.
His heart is beating too fast.
“Ah, Mr Roswell. Good to hear from you again,” the person says, pleasantly. A pause. “Did you enjoy your final game?”
“At MI6, we aim to please, after all,” the voice drops into a low baritone. Dangerous.
Like the monsters of his nightmares culminating into one singular point of existence.
The last thing he sees before life drains from him are twin pools of glacier. As blue and unreachable as the sky above.
You wonderful LDWS writers, you! Thank you so much for writing us these!
And thank you, readers, for reading and voting! THANK YOU!
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jaisiskeyara · 2 years
Air Purification Systems market Demand Driven by by Segment; Market to Reach USD 29.62 Billion by 2028
VynZ Research provides market overview of the current environment as well as the industry's future growth in the Air Purification Systems market. It uses data from annual reports, product literature, industry developments, and other sources to conduct a quantitative market study. The future growth prospects of the industry are based on a rapid quantitative and qualitative assessment of data from various sources.
The Air Purification Systems market is projected to reach USD 29.62 billion by 2027, witnessing a CAGR of 10.38% during the forecast period 2021-2027.
To assist companies in developing their business plans, the research examines the major factors influencing the growth of the Air Purification Systems market, also including Drivers, Constraints, Governmental Policies, Opportunities, Challenges, a Constructive Approach, and Market Economic Expansion Strategies.
Get a free sample copy of this market research @ https://www.vynzresearch.com/consumer-goods/air-purification-systems-market/request-sample
The influence of recent market disruptions such as the Russia-Ukraine war and Covid-19 on the market will be examined in this research report.
Segments Defined:
The research report divides the market into segments based on geography, by Product, by Technology and by Industry During the forecast period of 2021 to 2027, each category gives data on production and consumption. Understanding the segments aids in determining the importance of various market growth variables.
Market segmentation:
Insight by Product
Based on product, the air purification systems market is categorized into dust collectors, fume and smoke collectors, vehicle exhaust, mist eliminators, fire/emergency exhaust, others (include air cleaners, industrial UV systems, and commercial kitchen ventilation systems). Of all product categories, dust collectors are expected to hold the largest market share during the forecast period. Dust collectors are used to removing dust impurities and other allergic particles from the environment. Increasing awareness towards the air quality among the consumers leads to an increase in the demand for dust collectors as it helps in making the indoor environment dust-free from impurities.
Insight by Technology
Based on the technology, the air purification systems market is segmented into HEPA, electrostatic precipitator, activated carbon, ionic filters, others (ultraviolet light air filters and ozone generators). In this market, the high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) purifier is predicted to be the most widely accepted segment followed by activated carbon and electrostatic precipitator globally. HEPA is anticipated to be the fastest-growing segment as they are highly efficient in removing airborne particles including pollen, dust, smoke, and bio-contaminants. The increasing prominence of smart homes and the rising demand for a proper ambient-based living are the major reasons for the growth of HEPA technology.
Activated carbon filters the carbon surface area and makes it porous, resulting in its ability to trap airborne particles and make them effective. Electrostatic precipitator technology is anticipated to be the fastest-growing segment as they handle a large volume of gas, heavy dust loads, and corrosive materials. They are mainly found in public places.
Insight by Industry
Based on industry, the air purification systems market is segmented into Automotive, Construction, Healthcare & Medical, Energy & Utilities, Manufacturing, Others (residential, education, aviation, and hospitality sectors). The automotive sector dominates the market in 2020 and is anticipated to be the fastest-growing segment during the forecast period owing to the increasing demand for automobiles globally and rising concern for indoor air quality of automobiles. The construction and healthcare & medical sector is anticipated to have a high CAGR during the forecast period owing to widespread use of air purifiers in hospitals, laboratories, retail stores, supermarkets, etc. where a lot of people gather and the chances of respiratory infections are more.
Region and Country Specific Defined:
Thorough research of certain regions and their related countries is conducted to guarantee that the comprehensive detailing of the Air Purification Systems market's footprint and sales demographics are captured with accuracy, allowing users to make the most of this data.
Competitive Scenario:
In order to obtain essential and critical industry data, the records of major market participants are analyzed. It provides vital information and status on industry players, as well as serves a useful source of advice for businesses and organizations. Porter's Five Forces analysis, SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, competitor landscape, development trends, and strategy analysis, are all covered in depth in the "Air Purification Systems market " research. Major breakthroughs, developments, mergers and acquisitions, and agreements with other important organizations have all been investigated.
Top players are:
Honeywell International Inc., 3M Company, Sharp Corporation, Daikin Industries, Ltd., Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., Clean Teq Holdings Limited, Panasonic Corporation, Alfa Laval AB, SPX Corporation, Mann+Hummel GmbH, LG Electronics Inc., Whirlpool Corporation, Eureka Forbes, Fumex Inc., Philips Electronics N.V. and Clarcor Inc.
What are the trends and market dynamics along with market size and growth rate of the Air Purification Systems market during the forecast period?
What is the future impact of the Air Purification Systems market and limits on the market?
What regions currently contribute the maximum share to the global market?
How the changed competitive dynamics can influence the Air Purification Systems market?
Who are the industry players in the Air Purification Systems market and what strategies are adopted by them to sustain in the market?
About Us:
VynZ Research is a global market research firm offering research, analytics, and consulting services on business strategies. VynZ Research has a recognized trajectory record and our research database is used by many renowned companies and institutions in the world to strategize and revolutionize business opportunities. The company focuses on providing valuable insights on various technology verticals such as Chemicals, Automotive, Transportation, Energy, Consumer Durables, Healthcare, ICT and other emerging technologies.
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credibleauomotive · 2 years
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cagrreports21 · 3 years
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thetejasamale · 2 years
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Ambient Assisted Living and Smart Home Market Analysis and Opportunity Assessment 2030
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Ambient assisted living and smart homes provide a comfortable standard of living. Ambient assisted living refers to the assistance of technology, electronic systems, products and services which guide and uplift the daily lives of people who need support and help those who demand a better and improved standard of living. This concept is comparatively new in the information, communications and technology sector which helps the daily life of people especially the elderly for independent and monitored living. Smart homes refer to automation of homes which are equipped with information and computing technology devices which respond to the owners’ requirement in a much more efficient manner. Smart homes control and monitor air conditioning and security systems, lighting, and home appliances such as ovens, dryers, refrigerators and others, ventilation, control of heating and others with the help of Wi-Fi and internet of things. The global ambient assisted living and smart home market is fragmented with the presence of numerous large scale and medium scale companies operating in the market.
Request A Sample Copy Of The Report https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=S&rep_id=26777
In developed countries such as North America and Europe, the old age dependency ratio, which is the number of elderly population with respect to the working population is rising. This demographic change is being recognized and the problem is increasingly being addressed both from the societal and economic point of view. To support the aging population, governments of these developed nations have prioritized ambient assisted living and smart homes to enable the aging population to live longer, healthier, and active and remain socially connected. This factor is expected to majorly drive the growth trajectories of the global ambient assisted and smart home market. Further, increasing mobility allowing more people to get connected with electronic devices and gadgets in their homes coupled with increasing consumer acceptance to use these features (which is in turn supported by a higher purchasing power, are some of the major factors projected to help drive the growth of the market over the forecast period. The ease of monitoring and controlling home appliances with improved efficiency and at any point of time will increase consumers’ acceptance to use ambient assisted living and smart homes and therefore push the growth of the market. Advent of internet of things coupled with drop in prices of Wi-Fi routers are also likely to help drive the growth of the market.
However, issues related to breach of security and low network connectivity are likely to hamper the growth of the market.
The global ambient assisted living and smart home market has been segmented based on product type and region.
Based on product type, the market has been divided into energy management systems, HVAC control, telemonitoring, consumer electronics, medical assisted products, security and access controls, and others. Medical assisted products segment is expected to expand at the highest CAGR owing to increasing aging population and rise in need for efficient healthcare services. Security and access controls segment is likely to hold significant market share during the forecast period.
Based on region, the global ambient assisted living and smart home market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and Latin America. North America followed by Europe is expected to have considerable market share owing to a large aging population base. Further, these two developed countries are technologically advanced and have higher purchasing power, enabling an increasing facilitation of ambient assisted living and smart home services. However, Asia Pacific is expected to expand with the highest CAGR owing to improved standard of living and purchasing power of the population which has helped in improving the acceptance of the population for ambient assisted living and smart home services. Asia Pacific has also been witnessing a technological revolution coupled with cheap labor, enabling large scale companies to set up their production base in this region. Countries such as China, Korea, Australia, Japan, and India are likely to drive the growth of the market in Asia Pacific.
Some of the key players operating in this market are Siemens AG (Germany), Schneider Electric S.E. (France), Legrand SA (France), Honeywell International, Inc. (U.S.), Koninklijke Philips N.V. (Netherlands), Tunstall Healthcare Ltd. (U.K.), Assisted Living Technologies, Inc. (U.S.), CareTech AB (Sweden), Vitaphone GmbH (Germany), and ABB Group (Switzerland) among others.
The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional markets, technology, types, and applications.
The study is a source of reliable data on:
Market segments and sub-segments
Market trends and dynamics
Supply and demand
Market size
Current trends/opportunities/challenges
Competitive landscape
Technological breakthroughs
Value chain and stakeholder analysis
The regional analysis covers:
North America (U.S. and Canada)
Latin America (Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Chile, and others)
Western Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Spain, Italy, Nordic countries, Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg)
Eastern Europe (Poland and Russia)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, ASEAN, Australia, and New Zealand)
Middle East and Africa (GCC, Southern Africa, and North Africa)
Request For Covid19 Impact Analysis https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=covid19&rep_id=26777
The report has been compiled through extensive primary research (through interviews, surveys, and observations of seasoned analysts) and secondary research (which entails reputable paid sources, trade journals, and industry body databases). The report also features a complete qualitative and quantitative assessment by analyzing data gathered from industry analysts and market participants across key points in the industry’s value chain.
A separate analysis of prevailing trends in the parent market, macro- and micro-economic indicators, and regulations and mandates is included under the purview of the study. By doing so, the report projects the attractiveness of each major segment over the forecast period.
Highlights of the report:
A complete backdrop analysis, which includes an assessment of the parent market
Important changes in market dynamics
Market segmentation up to the second or third level
Historical, current, and projected size of the market from the standpoint of both value and volume
Reporting and evaluation of recent industry developments
Market shares and strategies of key players
Emerging niche segments and regional markets
An objective assessment of the trajectory of the market
Recommendations to companies for strengthening their foothold in the market
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technogeekstmr · 4 years
Ambient Assisted Living and Smart Home Market Strategic Assessment Of Evolving Technology, Growth Analysis, Scope And Forecast To 2027
However, issues related to breach of security and low network connectivity are likely to hamper the growth of the market.
The global ambient assisted living and smart home market has been segmented based on product type and region.
Based on product type, the market has been divided into energy management systems, HVAC control, telemonitoring, consumer electronics, medical assisted products, security and access controls, and others. Medical assisted products segment is expected to expand at the highest CAGR owing to increasing aging population and rise in need for efficient healthcare services. Security and access controls segment is likely to hold significant market share during the forecast period.
Based on region, the global ambient assisted living and smart home market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and Latin America. North America followed by Europe is expected to have considerable market share owing to a large aging population base. Further, these two developed countries are technologically advanced and have higher purchasing power, enabling an increasing facilitation of ambient assisted living and smart home services. However, Asia Pacific is expected to expand with the highest CAGR owing to improved standard of living and purchasing power of the population which has helped in improving the acceptance of the population for ambient assisted living and smart home services. Asia Pacific has also been witnessing a technological revolution coupled with cheap labor, enabling large scale companies to set up their production base in this region. Countries such as China, Korea, Australia, Japan, and India are likely to drive the growth of the market in Asia Pacific.
Request For Covid19 Impact Analysis Across Industries And Markets – https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=covid19&rep_id=26777
Some of the key players operating in this market are Siemens AG (Germany), Schneider Electric S.E. (France), Legrand SA (France), Honeywell International, Inc. (U.S.), Koninklijke Philips N.V. (Netherlands), Tunstall Healthcare Ltd. (U.K.), Assisted Living Technologies, Inc. (U.S.), CareTech AB (Sweden), Vitaphone GmbH (Germany), and ABB Group (Switzerland) among others.
The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional markets, technology, types, and applications.
The study is a source of reliable data on:
Market segments and sub-segments
Market trends and dynamics
Supply and demand
Market size
Current trends/opportunities/challenges
Competitive landscape
Technological breakthroughs
Value chain and stakeholder analysis
The regional analysis covers:
North America (U.S. and Canada)
Latin America (Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Chile, and others)
Western Europe (Germany, U.K., France, Spain, Italy, Nordic countries, Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg)
Eastern Europe (Poland and Russia)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, ASEAN, Australia, and New Zealand)
Middle East and Africa (GCC, Southern Africa, and North Africa)
The report has been compiled through extensive primary research (through interviews, surveys, and observations of seasoned analysts) and secondary research (which entails reputable paid sources, trade journals, and industry body databases). The report also features a complete qualitative and quantitative assessment by analyzing data gathered from industry analysts and market participants across key points in the industry’s value chain.
Customization of the Report: This report can be customized as per your needs for additional data or countries. – https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=CR&rep_id=26777
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Transparency Market Research is a next-generation market intelligence provider, offering fact-based solutions to business leaders, consultants, and strategy professionals.
Our reports are single-point solutions for businesses to grow, evolve, and mature. Our real-time data collection methods along with ability to track more than one million high growth niche products are aligned with your aims. The detailed and proprietary statistical models used by our analysts offer insights for making right decision in the shortest span of time. For organizations that require specific but comprehensive information, we offer customized solutions through adhocreports. These requests are delivered with the perfect combination of right sense of fact-oriented problem solving methodologies and leveraging existing data repositories.
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New Post MirAie - New Range of IoT Consumer Electronics Products from Panasonic has been published on https://www.reviewcenter.in/9955/miraie-new-range-of-iot-consumer-electronics-products-from-panasonic/
MirAie - New Range of IoT Consumer Electronics Products from Panasonic
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‘Mirai’ means ‘future’ and ‘ie’ meaning ‘home’ in Japanese, this IoT & AI-enabled platform by Panasonic aims to empower everyday lives of consumers with comfort, convenience and seamless connectivity across all Panasonic devices; by updating the quality of living spaces basis their need and ambient environment. Recently Panasonic unveiled its first range of connected products that will be available in the Indian market under Miraie branding, which includes Connected Air Conditioners, Smart Door Bell and Plugs & Switches.
Mirai platform has been conceptualized and developed at Panasonic’s India Innovation Centre based out of Bangalore. In near future, the company plans to expand its Connected range of products by adding Refrigerator, Washing Machine, Television, fans, geysers, etc giving consumers a full range of Connected Living Solutions for a futuristic home.
Catering to these evolving needs of the consumers, the updatable Miraie platform not only connects and allows access to all Panasonic’s devices in one place but also offers in-built intelligent diagnostics that detect issues in advance maximizing performance and operational lifespan of products. Miraie also recognizes usage patterns and suggests optimal modes extending the best comfort for users. For example, the Connected AC and fan have intelligent and unique features such as the customized sleep mode, it enables enhanced flexibility as it allows users to pre-set temperatures profiles through the night for comfort.
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Panasonic Connected Home Solutions Launch Event Mr. Manish Misra, Mr. Manish Sharma, Mr. Daizo Ito, Mr. Dinesh Aggarwal
“As a market leader in the electrical wiring devices, we foresee a world in which various electrical and electronic devices will be IoT and AI enabled. We see these devices getting smarter and can largely be controlled via voice command, even by a child or a senior citizen. Keeping in line with our direction to offer products and solutions that deliver Comfort, Convenience and Energy saving; we are proud to launch our latest IoT Smart products – Vetaar (without a wire). This will enable consumers automate their homes without any hassle or expense for re-wiring. These Smart Sockets, Switches and Sensors can communicate with each other and Panasonic devices through Miraie platform.”
Talking about the launch, Mr. Dinesh Aggarwal, Joint Managing Director, Panasonic Life Solutions added
“I am delighted to share that the path-breaking Miraie platform has been developed at the Panasonic India Innovation Centre in Bangalore. We have been working on this concept for over a year and we look forward to roll it out today. Miraie is an intuitive, engaging platform built basis consumer insights on their evolving needs for convenience, comfort and connectivity.”
Mr. Manish Misra, Chief Innovation Officer, Panasonic India said
Extending enhanced comfort, it leverages Google’s Voice Assistant and Amazon’s Alexa technology to offer seamless and hands-free operations and control devices with voice commands. The Miraie App also offers e-warranty wherein all warranty services and annual maintenance contracts are stored digitally for all products and consumers gets notified if there is change in any status. It also supports consumers to get any spare part of electronic devices replaced with an online request via the app. 
Panasonic commissioned a syndicated research* to deep dive into the mindset of an Indian consumer on their views and experience of connected devices; their awareness of IoT enabled products and their willingness to engage with such platforms. As per the survey report, over 50% of consumers aspire to the idea of connected living with plans to purchase an IoT enabled product within the next 6 months with comfort, convenience and safety being the top reasons.
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severetacoartisan · 3 years
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mattolive1223-blog · 5 years
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junaid3726-blog · 5 years
Trends and Advances in Ambient Intelligence Industry..! | For More Information Get Brochure
The Ambient Intelligence is a multi-disciplinary methodology that aims to improve the way people and environments interact with each other. This technology is designed in a way that it can make the places more beneficial. Smart Homes is one of the most viable examples of such systems, however, the technology is also used in public transport, hospitals, factories, and other environments. The rising adoption of smart technology and increasing disposable income of majorities in the developed and rapidly developing economies is projected to contribute to the growth of ambient intelligence market.
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Some of the key players influencing the market are Schneider Electric S.E., Honeywell International, ABB Group, Siemens AG, Legrand SA, Ingersoll-Rand PLC, Qualcom, AISense, Near Pte. Ltd, and Assisted Living Technologies, Inc. among others. The "Global Ambient Intelligence Market Analysis to 2027" is a specialized and in-depth study of the Ambient Intelligence industry with a focus on the global Ambient Intelligence market trend. The report aims to provide an overview of the global Ambient Intelligence market with detailed market segmentation by component, application, end-user, and geography. The global Ambient Intelligence market is expected to witness high growth during the forecast period. The report provides key statistics on the market status of the leading market players and offers key trends and opportunities in the market. The report provides a detailed overview of the industry including both qualitative and quantitative information. It also provides market size and forecast till 2027 for overall Ambient Intelligence market with respect to five major regions, namely; North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South America (SAM). The market by each region is later sub-segmented by respective countries and segments. The report covers the analysis and forecast of 16 countries globally along with the current trend and opportunities prevailing in the region. Besides this, the report analyzes factors affecting Ambient Intelligence market from both demand and supply side and further evaluates market dynamics affecting the market during the forecast period i.e., drivers, restraints, opportunities, and future trend. The report also provides exhaustive PEST analysis for all five regions considered in the Global Ambient Intelligence Market report.
Inquiry: https://www.theinsightpartners.com/inquiry/TIPTE00002328 Also, key Ambient Intelligence market players influencing the market are profiled in the study along with their SWOT analysis and market strategies. The report also focuses on leading industry players with information such as company profiles, products, and services offered, financial information for the last 3 years, a key development in the past five years.
Reason to Buy - Save and reduce time carrying out entry-level research by identifying the growth, size, leading players and segments in the global Ambient Intelligence Market - Highlights key business priorities in order to assist companies to realign their business strategies. - The key findings and recommendations highlight crucial progressive industry trends in the Ambient Intelligence Market, thereby allowing players to develop effective long term strategies.  - Develop/modify business expansion plans by using substantial growth offering developed and emerging markets. - Scrutinize in-depth global market trends and outlook coupled with the factors driving the market, as well as those hindering it. - Enhance the decision-making process by understanding the strategies that underpin commercial interest with respect to products, segmentation and industry verticals.
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sandlerresearch · 4 years
Residential Air Purifiers Market by Technology (HEPA Filter, Electrostatic Precipitators, Activated Carbon, Ultraviolet, Ionizers, Ozone Generators), Type (Portable, In-duct) - Global Forecast to 2025 published on
Residential Air Purifiers Market by Technology (HEPA Filter, Electrostatic Precipitators, Activated Carbon, Ultraviolet, Ionizers, Ozone Generators), Type (Portable, In-duct) - Global Forecast to 2025
The residential air purifiers market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.2 % in the forecast period.
The residential air purifiers market is projected to reach USD 13.6 billion by 2025 from USD 9.2 billion in 2020, at a CAGR of 8.2%. The Residential air purifiers are the most effective devices to improve indoor air quality and to reduce or remove the sources of pollutants and to ventilate with clean air. These are designed to filter the air in a single room or area and reduce indoor air pollution. They offer the advantages of higher efficacy, usability, and improved air quality for healthy breathing. Over the years, residential air purifiers have gained importance among homes and residential buildings with the inclination towards quicker, safer, simpler, and high-end air purifiers, encouraging the growth of the residential air purifiers market. Other factors driving market growth include the rising air pollution levels and increasing urbanization, which have further necessitated the need for better air quality at home. However, the high cost of these products and technical limitations associated with air quality monitoring products are expected to restrain market growth to a certain extent.
Based on technology, the HEPA segment holds the largest market share during the forecast period.
Based on technology, the residential air purifiers market is segmented into HEPA filters (high-efficiency particulate arrestence or high-efficiency particulate air) and other technologies. The other technologies segment comprises electrostatic precipitators, activated carbon, UV filters, and ionic filters. The HEPA segment accounted for the larger market share in 2019. The growing concern for environmental sustainability, increasing public awareness pertaining to the healthcare implications of air pollution, and the growing popularity of smart homes/ambient-assisted living has resulted in the increased adoption of the HEPA technology in the residential air purifiers market.
Based on type, the portable/stand-alone purifiers segment is expected to register the highest CAGR during the forecast period.
Based on type, the residential air purifiers market is segmented into portable/stand-alone purifiers and in-duct purifiers. The portable/stand-alone purifiers segment is expected to witness the highest growth during the forecast period. This is mainly due to the need to remove sources of pollutants or allergens from indoor air, growing popularity of smart homes/ambient-assisted living, and increasing public awareness pertaining to the healthcare implications of air pollution. Furthermore, their installation is cost-effective as compared to the in-duct systems.
By Region, the Asia Pacific region is expected to account for the largest market share in the residential air purifiers market.
Asia Pacific is the largest regional market for residential air purifiers. The fast adoption of advanced indoor air quality monitoring technologies, ongoing technological advancements in the field of particulate sensors, rising public-private funding and investments, and the presence of supportive government regulations are key factor driving the residential air purifiers market in Asia Pacific.
Break of primary participants was as mentioned below:
By Company Type – Tier 1–35%, Tier 2–45% and Tier 3–20%
By Designation – C-level–35%, Director-level–25%, Others–40%
By Region – North America–45%, Europe–30%, Asia Pacific–20%, Latin America- 3%, Middle East and Africa–2%
Key players in the residential air purifiers market
The key players operating in the residential air purifiers market include Daikin Industries, Ltd. (Japan), Sharp Corporation (Japan), Honeywell International Inc. (US), Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. (South Korea), LG Electronics Inc. (South Korea), Koninklijke Philips N.V. (Netherlands), Dyson (UK), Unilever Group (UK), Panasonic Corporation (Japan), Whirlpool Corporation (US), AllerAir Industries Inc. (US), IQAir (Switzerland), WINIX Co., Ltd. (South Korea), Xiaomi Corporation (China), Camfil AB (Sweden), Alen Corporation (US), Airgle Corporation (US), Hunter Pure Air (US), Kent RO Systems Ltd. (India), and HSIL Limited (India).
Research Coverage:
The report analyzes the surgical instrument tracking systems market and aims at estimating the market size and future growth potential of this market based on various segments such as product, distribution channel, and region. The report also includes a product portfolio matrix of various cancer profiling products available in the market. The report also provides a competitive analysis of the key players in this market, along with their company profiles, product offerings, and key market strategies.
Reasons to Buy the Report
The report will enrich established firms as well as new entrants/smaller firms to gauge the pulse of the market, which in turn would help them, garner a more significant share of the market. Firms purchasing the report could use one or any combination of the below-mentioned strategies to strengthen their position in the market.
This report provides insights into the following pointers:
Market Penetration: Comprehensive information on product portfolios offered by the top players in the global residential air purifiers market. The report analyzes this market by product and distribution channel.
Product Enhancement/Innovation: Detailed insights on upcoming trends and product launches in the global residential air purifiers market
Market Development: Comprehensive information on the lucrative emerging markets by product and distribution channel
Market Diversification: Exhaustive information about new products or product enhancements, growing geographies, recent developments, and investments in the global residential air purifiers market
Competitive Assessment: In-depth assessment of market shares, growth strategies, product offerings, competitive leadership mapping, and capabilities of leading players in the global residential air purifiers market.
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akashs123 · 4 years
Covid-19 Impact on Ambient Assisted Living Market 2020 Material, Production, Geography 2020 analysis and Forecast 2027
Market Research Future published a research report on “Covid-19 Impact on Ambient Assisted Living Market Research Report - Global Forecast to 2027” – Market Analysis, Scope, Stake, Progress, Trends and Forecast to 2027.
Market Insights
Ambient assisted living is a part of ambient intelligence technology which is growing at a very rapid pace. Ambient intelligence refers to computing technology which is highly sensitive and responsive to the presence of people. This is the technology which is making smart homes a reality, however, the applications are wide and varied, and among them is ambient assisted living. Ambient assisted living is designed as a smart home system that is especially focused on providing aid to consumers of the geriatric demographic. Market Research Future has released a report which examines the details and growth patterns displayed by the Covid-19 Impact on Ambient Assisted Living Market. Valued at USD 2 Bn in 2017 the global market is on track to achieve a CAGR of 19% during the assessment period from 2018 to 2027. This is predicted to result in a market value estimated at USD 13 Bn by the end of 2027.
The growing demand for managed care and the availability of well-developed assisted living facilities have led to the demand for better care of the elderly population. With age, there are often a number of health risks that require constant monitoring. Ambient assisted living is expected to tackle several problems with assisted living and provide a higher level of care. Notably, the advancement in IoT technologies and adoption of smart homes including the easy availability of relevant equipment has given rise to the demand for ambient assisted living. The sophistication of smart devices and smart homes is driving the market. Moreover, many people are concerned with the management of their elderly relatives or parents care. Development of ambient assisted living to support this is also driving growth. Local governments in various countries are actively engaging and supporting the adoption of ambient assisted living. The geriatric population across the globe is rising and with it the number of degenerative diseases that are prevailing. The market for ambient assisted living is expected to evolve over various stages with the first generation being wearable devices, emergency response systems and user initiated alarms. The next-gen includes home sensors and automatic response systems to maintain the safety of elderly consumers.
Get Free Sample Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/1015
Key Players
The Global Ambient Assisted Living Market consist of large number of players including - Assisted Living Technologies, Inc. (U.S.), Honeywell International, Inc. (U.S.), Siemens AG (Germany), Ingersoll Rand Plc. (Ireland), Legrand SA (France), ABB Group (Switzerland), Gnomon Informatics S.A. (Greece), Chubb Community Care (U.K.), Televic N.V. (Belgium), Telbios (Italy), and Panasonic Corporation (Japan).
MRFR’s report includes a thorough segmental analysis of the global ambient assisted living market based on services, sensors and system.
Based on services, the market has been segmented into installation & repair, and customization & renovation. Based on sensors, the market has been segmented into occupancy sensors, temperature sensors and others. The occupancy sensors segment commanded the highest market share in 2017 and a similar trend was noticed in 2018. Meanwhile, the temperature sensors segment is projected to exhibit a relatively faster CAGR during the forecast period. On the basis of system, the market has been segmented into communication system, power management system, transportation and communication system, safety and security system, entertainment, medical assistance system and others. The communication system segment accounts for a significant share of the market. The medical assistance systems segment is also projected to remain lucrative in the forthcoming years. In addition, the segment is projected to post a strong CAGR of 22% during the forecast period.
Regional Analysis
On the basis of region, the global ambient assisted living market has been segmented into Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), North America and the Rest of the World (RoW). North America accounts for the most significant market share in terms of revenue. Rising boom in smart homes across North America and high technical expertise are two of the major factors driving the market growth in North America. The U.S. makes the largest contribution to the market in North America in terms of revenue. North America is followed by Europe and Asia Pacific (APAC). In addition, the market in Europe is expected to capture the highest CAGR during the forecast period. Growth of the market in APAC will be primarily driven by the fast expansion of telecom networks and increasing investment in smart city projects.
Get Complete Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/ambient-assisted-living-market-1015
1 Market Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Scope Of The Study
1.2.1 Research Objective
1.2.2 Assumption
1.2.3 Limitation
1.3 Market Structure
2 Research Methodologies
2.1 Research Process
2.2 Primary Research
2.3 Secondary Research
2.4 Market Size Estimation
2.5 Forecast Model
3 Market Dynamics
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Market Growth Factors
3.2.1 Advancement And Adoption Of Smart Home Technology
3.2.2 Growing Demand Of Managed Care For Old Age Population
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