#ambient assisted living growth
thetejasamale · 1 year
The increasing demand for managed care for old age people is the growth factor that drives the Ambient Assisted Living Market...
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dineshpawar27 · 1 year
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fiadorable · 2 years
100 Great Things in "All Those Who Wander" (SNW)
Star Trek Strange New Worlds season one episode nine... 🧀🧇🥓☕🥶🦖😱💀 nobody talk to me after this
Strange New Worlds | Children of the Comet | Ghosts of Illyria Part 1 & Part 2 | Memento Mori | Spock Amok | Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach | Serene Squall | The Elysian Kingdom | All Those Who Wander
Adding a cut because this is long and mostly me being verklempt and overusing the words "tension" and "growth" in unsexy ways.
I had to delete the first three things on my list because they weren't great things about this episode they were me complaining - so good job me on keeping this positive while dying on the inside 👍😊👍
I am in love with this opening shot, the slow push through the breakfast spread 😍
Love the simulation of morning in Pike's quarters. The forest background is configured to be sunrise instead of night as we usually see it. The shades are up on the windows to let in the light of whatever star they're nearby, and it looks like that's most of the lighting in there right now. It's very cozy and ambient and I could very easily forget they're on a starship.
Uhura's personal log is a nice beginning to the end of her season one arc - she's still questioning her place on the Enterprise, even though she has served with distinction during her time with them and the entire crew has embraced her.
Number One taps her wrist to signal Pike that it's time to wrap things up even though I haven't seen a wristwatch in Star Trek… like ever (someone prove me wrong!). Reminds me of the way I still use my thumb and pinky to mimic answering a landline telephone.
Number One is the stage manager of the Enterprise and I love her for it.
I tried so hard not to meta myself out of the story in this episode the first time around, but it's really hard with a setup like this. WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE WAS ANOTHER CADET HERE THIS WHOLE TIME? She's toast.
Pike looking directly at Uhura as he talks about being bonded together forever by the family that is Starfleet
Also Pike is a jerk with that intro to Duke's promotion, but I love the way everyone crowds around Duke as he puts on the new rank stripes, congratulating him. No formal ceremony or pomp and circumstance. This crew is a family and big announcements are made at the family barbecues.
Uhura hides behind protocol with Ortegas the same way Number One does with Pike sometimes. Also this scene made me a big ol' Ortegas/Uhura shipper. 😍
Ortegas gracefully extracting herself from the conversation as Pike comes over. Dad will get her straightened out.
"There will always be a place on Enterprise for Nyota Uhura" 🥹
Number One immediately extracts herself from the party to join Pike once Spock comms.
BREAKFAST TROUBLESHOOTING fangirling intensifies
I love the breakfast briefing. Everything about it. I love everyone helping wash up. I love The Look Number One gives Pike when she says (rightly) that Starfleet needs to give the mission to someone else because the K7 mission is already a Priority 1 mission. I love Grumpy La'An fresh off a counseling session coming into the briefing all prickly and slowly unwinding as she's force-fed love and caring from the command team with an assist from M'Benga. I love Pike's "I'm so proud of you" smile as La'An gives in and eats breakfast and enjoys it, doesn't just eat it, but really enjoys it (People survive. Well there's surviving and then there's living). I love Spock's self-conscious glance at La'An as Pike tosses the apron over his head. M'Benga's sass about emergency landings never being scheduled as he works through his breakfast (I imagine he's also working through some Things after last week's episode, taking advantage of the Healing Power of Pike's Food). Una knowing that La'An is stumbling around looking for more cheese. La'An's sass as she lays out her recommendation that Pike has already decided on, probably, and Pike doling out bacon like gold stars. Una's "the fuck you mean 'us' Chris, where the fuck you think you're going?" okay, you're the boss, but I got a bad feeling about this and being completely unimpressed with his little smile and nod that it will be fun little road trip for them all. (RULE #1: IT IS NEVER A GOOD IDEA TO SPLIT UP THE PARTY). Pike's insane dad energy with the tongs and "do not make me turn this car around" and La'An's completely unimpressed teenager look as a response gives me life.
The mission brief is not only on the PADD La'An is holding during breakfast, it's also on the forest screen. Also, close up shot of a mission brief!
Peregrine was off grid, gathering data in uncharted sectors. Were they looking for something? General exploration? I need to know. Somebody write me a fic about the doomed mission of the Peregrine (I love the ship's name, too - what an elegant way to class up a Constitution Sombra class ship)
Splitting up the mission with the captain and first officer is an incredibly smart thing to do, although it absolutely should have been Una on the planet and Pike going to K-7, but for the particulars of this story, it needed to be done as it was. Good job not unloading the entire senior staff onto the planet.
THE ART IN THIS EPISODE IS SO GOOD omg seeing Peregrine on the planet is GORGEOUS 😍
Uhura dying in the cold as Hemmer is like "oh what a nice spring day in ice hell" is everything, and I absolutely adore the grumpy person and their sunshine friend role reversal here
I don't know much about science, but ions seem to be the next biggest threat to Starfleet after the Borg and Illyrians
Human drinking games. Where are the challenge coins?
Gaaaaah the ship looks so freaking cool I cannot get over it!
M'Benga and the time honored tradition of shaking your tech when it doesn't work
Wow, already at 25 things and we're just now to the opening credits. The title sequence is also very beautiful. I have missed it. waits impatiently for season two
Always fascinated at the ways you can gain entry to a starship from the outside
Shipwreck troubleshooting!
Peregrine's crew fought hard against the Gorn. There is blood everywhere, yes, but there are so many last ditch attempts to survive and keep others safe. I salute their crew. I mourn their loss. I am asking again, somebody write the story of the Peregrine and her crew.
Jump Scare! Love seeing Pike unnerved behind the command mask as La'An climbs into the ship. Mount does such a great job showing Pike's humanity underneath the role of the captain.
La'An bringing the captain's commbadge to Pike
"Captain's Log, Stardate… I'm not even sure" 😭
Holy shit, I mean, I have seen this episode a few times now and the part when they're listening to the captain's log is always so tense and wonderfully done. And Pike directing M'Benga and Spock to go get the others from outside always gives me Jurassic Park's Muldoon vibes.
Pike immediately turns to his security officer and asks her what she wants to do. I love it. I'm here for it. So different from Memento Mori where she had to convince him that she was right. And you can see her growth so much in this episode in everything she does, from the counseling to acknowledging that yeah she wants to kill all the gorn but she understands getting survivors off the planet is what they should focus on and then to her interactions with Oriana throughout the episode, and then eventually her leave of absence at the end. This season was La'An's journey just as much as it was Uhura's.
I LOVE THE BLUE ALIEN SO MUCH. I could not tell if he was CG or makeup at first, but I believe it's entirely makeup and costuming and it is PHENOMENAL he is my FAVORITE alien in season one.
La'An 😠: "The universal translator isn't processing it. Uhura, do something." Uhura 🤨: "That's not how linguistics works!"
Uhura taking the lead on this encounter vs trying to hide from it on the comet is beautiful. Pike and La'An both trust her at this point. Uhura is able to walk out in front of the captain and calmly, confidently get Buckley to back down. She is growing into herself as a bamf Starfleet officer whether she recognizes it or not 🥹
Chapel and Spock lamenting over Duke's inattention
The way Spock says "one does not take pride in logic" communicates the exact opposite and Chapel finds this endearing
Hemmer and Uhura having a moment together. He is such a good mentor for her. He calls her on her bullshit and sees exactly who she is and lays down some heavy, heavy advice that is good for us ALL to remember, that we are stronger in our love for one another than separated and alone and that pain is a part of life 😭😭😭 ignore me
La'An and M'Benga's traumas clashing in sickbay before everything goes to hell. I like the continuity that M'Benga is very much Not Okay after his daughter's… nebulafication? And I like that he is the one that pushes La'An to help Oriana, to reinforce the fact that La'An has changed, she has grown, and she will be able to help Oriana in a way that M'Benga or anyone else on the ship cannot.
Good god I never want to see Spock afraid again I cannot handle the tension (I do not watch horror movies often because the amount of dramatic irony in a lot of them initiates a warp core overload and melts down my dilithium matrix, and to cope I pick apart and over analyze everything which just pisses off everyone around me)
M'Benga teasing Spock about being jumpy… has everyone on board figured out that teasing Spock is hilarious?
Oh fucking hell, my favorite alien is toast as well
I might be wrong, but I think Buckley is trying to tell them he's infected with the eggs. He says that same pattern of words earlier, too.
Traumatized child running away as the alien gets more and more sick is the first sign that you should RUN THE HELL AWAY
Buckley has this little spherical amulet necklace thing with some inscriptions on it that we get to see right before the chest-bursting scene. It feels religious to me? And I love seeing the character building they put into him even though he is the delivery mechanism for the horror plot.
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST THE GORN ARE XENOMORPHS (that's a direct quote from me on my first viewing) and they are ugly as sin freshly incubated
Also, Chia, darling, sweetheart, run. I'm begging you, ru—oh, oh no, yeah, she's, yeah… has anybody in a red shirt died this season or is it all blues and yellows golds?
Chapel freaking out as the baby gorn ransack sickbay, well done Jess Bush
Gorn vision!
Sam Kirk and M'Benga scolding and teasing Duke and Pike and Spock trying to cheer him up
Also Duke sitting in the hatch made me so nervous and I am very vindicated that this is how he meets his demise
OH SHIT those little baby gorn ripped Duke right out of Spock's hands. Also, the flip from Pike ordering them to hold Duke still so that he doesn't hit the lieutenant to firing blindly as he's dragged away because he'll either save him or give him a more merciful end (might be reading a bit much into that part, but this is my post and my head canons)
Spock looking at his hands afterward. Reminds me of: "They look like big, good, strong hands, don't they? I always thought that's what they were." -Rockbiter in the Neverending Story
Chapel is in shock and La'An is surprisingly kind about it, taking over scanning for the biosignatures. Also I am curious about La'An's statement that the gorn have found a way to evade their sensors as it implies this wasn't only the case? Is she suggesting the Gorn have evolved in such a way, in such a short time, that renders them invisible to Federation scanning technologies? Uh, because shivers. I don't think that's the case, but there are a few moments from her character this episode that don't mean what the writers intend them to mean imo.
Oriana confirming that the Peregrine's crew sacrificed themselves to kill the rest of the gorn
La'An connecting with Oriana and getting her on their side, earning her trust, overcoming that PTSD flashback and focusing on Oriana, on the present in a way she struggled with during Memento Mori, using her lessons from Pike on how to get a miracle out of your crew and THEN QUOTING PIKE'S SURVIVING VS LIVING FROM EPISODE ONE AND I AM NOT OKAY 😭😭😭😭
oh shit, I just realized Hemmer and Uhura have no idea about the baby gorn at this point when they turn the power back on, presumably at the same time Duke is meeting his end
M'Benga offering to sedate Kirk 😂 and Pike gently insisting that he's fine
I admire the calm, even tone Pike has when telling everyone to get back to sickbay
The gorn falling out of the ceiling like a pile of bricks in Engineering will never not be funny to me 🤣
Hemmer pushes Uhura out of the way as the gorn starts to spit the acid egg slime. He yells, "No!" and he is so worried that Uhura will get hit by it, you can hear the way his voice trembles. He shoves her and takes the hit. He saves her life. He does it willingly and intentionally. He is the best of them. 😢😢😭😭
Watching the crew in this pressure cooker of an episode is really fascinating. Nothing bothers or flaps Hemmer. Kirk gets angry. Spock shields himself in knowledge and logic. M'Benga is quietly sarcastic. Uhura gets shaky but brilliant. Chapel gets quiet.
Pike yelling "Hey" when the kids start fighting in the backseat and regaining control, constantly reinforcing, like Hemmer, that they are stronger together and they will only make it out of here alive by working together.
M'Benga carries Oriana on his back and then puts her in the captain's chair 😢
Pike and M'Benga are dadding up the bridge omg
This is a positive post so I am not going to expound upon everything that is wrong and irresponsible about Pike's command codes, but just so you know it fills me with rage
Also M'Benga knows Pike's command code from way back when and I need more stories of them from way back when
"…I will do what I must to protect the lives of this crew." I don't know if he suspects what's wrong at this point or not, but Hemmer… Hemmer…. 😭
Watching everyone get ready for this plan is like watching Macauley Culkin rig the Home Alone trap, but with Alien music instead of Christmas!John Williams.
Gaaaaah the gorn is crawling sideways on the wall
Kirk yelling "We got one in the chute!" is very funny to me for some reason, but I think it's just all the tension making me a bit slap happy at this point
Kirk telling Uhura she really is good at everything and Uhura just being like "mf-er shut up I just outran a gorn let's get out of here"
Spock has Buckley's weapon! I love it so much. I want to use it in a video game. It's amazing. So much more interesting than the phasers and the compression phaser rifles Starfleet uses.
Spock releasing his anger is… intense. I get chills every time I watch it. Ethan Peck slams it right out of the park. I watched this scene so many times to write a fic and it does not lose its power on repeat viewings. And even once the gorn are trapped and fighting each other you can tell he is Not Okay.
Kirk having a moment listening to the gorn turn on each other, just as they were starting to do earlier before Pike pulled them all back
La'An literally facing her past, her fears, her trauma. La'An screaming in the face of danger and that which has controlled her life for so long. La'An remaining in control despite all of this, saving her crewmates. La'An taking back her life as she shatters the frozen gorn. La'An is doing so good. 🥹
Freeze dried gorn 🥶
jesus fuck the look on Pike's face when we cut back to the bridge and M'Benga says "It's dead, Chris" and Pike has to look at him to confirm he heard right
Hemmer locking the door so no one else can get in and try to save him. He knows he's a dead man walking. And I think he knows that La'An will be able to kill him if he's not able to get himself away quick enough. And La'An knows that, too. The trust between them in this scene is not stated at all through the dialogue, but I can feel it in the acting.
If the Enterprise wasn't at K-7, then they might have been able to save Hemmer. Maybe. But that's a stretch. Because if this season has taught us anything, it's that Starfleet medicine is not the be all end all it's portrayed to be in later Trek series, and taking chances with the gorn? I don't know. I don't know. This is a crew desperate to save their friend, though, and they would have tried hard.
The goodbyes. The… the goodbyes. Spock acknowledging the logic in Hemmer's decision. Hemmer's last advice to Uhura, to open herself to others and find joy more than sadness, and Uhura's quiet Hemmer, please, please as she cries for her friend, her mentor, and Chapel just wraps her up in a hug.
just. like. andoria.
just like andoria
Hemmer turning around to face his crew, his friends, the people he loves most. Making eye contact with La'An. Her turning away as he lets himself fall. The exterior shot of him and the ship and the planet and light. It's a lot. A lot a lot a lot. Of both good and bad things, but this is a post about good things, so thanks for the emotional throat punch, Paramount.
That wide shot of the bridge and Pike slumped in the captain's chair 💔
Enterprise towing Peregrine away also make me giggle, but that is 100% just because I am in severe emotional distress and my body can no longer process appropriate reactions at this point. Although I really do love this shot, the way Enterprise feels solemn as it tows escorts Peregrine, the way Peregrine's warp nacelle is busted to hell and the deflector dish doesn't even exist anymore. It's a very quiet, calm shot after a lot of frenetic energy in this episode, and it feels comforting. Enterprise came back. And it wasn't in time for all of them, not by a long shot, but they came back and now they are going to go home and tell everyone what they saw, what they experienced.
I love Ortegas' speech. We never got to see her and Hemmer interact, but it rings true.
Uhura's speech… Uhura's… I can't 😭😭😭😭
Uhura has literally lost every single person in the world that has meant anything to her except for her grandmother in the last five years. And instead of becoming bitter and using Hemmer's death as an excuse to continue shielding herself from the pain of living and connection she lives his purpose: to fix what is broken, by surrounding herself with people she loves. And while we do not condone fridging people for character growth... she would have gotten to this point eventually with Hemmer alive. It may have taken a little longer, but she was already on this path.
Angry Spock and Conerned Chapel. Goddamn he punches the shit out of that wall panel.
Its subtle, and I'm not sure if its supposed to be a Thing or not, but during their confrontation in the hallway, Spock has some serious five o'clock shadow verging on actual stubble going on, which is Very Unlike him. He is always very clean shaven. That is a Vulcan cry for help.
Chapel and Spock hugging in the hallway, and Spock's relief at the momentary validation of his feelings that Chapel grants him in this moment before he slams the door shut and walks away.
Pike drinks a lot in season one. He drinks liquor like Picard drinks earl gray and I really need it to be commented on because at this point it looks like he is self-medicating with it. Blah blah blah the gorn blah blah blah deserves to relax after that blah blah blah look it's a thing and can become a crutch and an addition without you even realizing it and it deserves to be acknowledged.
La'An and Pike's conversation. 😭 Pike telling La'An that however long it takes to help Oriana find her family, to come back to the Enterprise, come back to them, come home. La'An calling him Chris for the first time, thanking him for everything. Such a good scene. And if you compare it to their conversation in the first episode, it's such a great bookend for their relationship. In the first episode, they don't know each other. He is the captain, she is the security chief with a chip the size of the Federation on her shoulder. Other people are challenging for her, she says. He folds her into the flock. Mentor, mentee. And here in this conversation, there is such a great sense of time passing, the weight of their shared experiences coloring their interactions. It's quieter, more meaningful. They are more like equals than captain and subordinate. They are friends. Marvelous acting and writing here.😭
Uhura stepping onto the bridge again, filled with wonder, and, I hope, a sense that she belongs there, that she is included in that exultation of greatness and achievement represented by the Enterprise crew she spoke about in her opening personal log.
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111 Angel Number
Your Pathway To Enlightenment - Listen Up: The Magic Of Angel Number!
If you're looking for a spiritual boost and insight into your current life's path, consider exploring the magical power of angel numbers.
Angel numbers like 111 Angel Number are secret messages from the universe in which specific numbers repeatedly appear throughout your life at specific times.
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By paying close attention to these signs and numbers, you can gain greater insight into what the divine realm is telling you. You can use this spiritual knowledge as a guide to help bring peace and enlightenment into your life.
In this blog post, we'll discuss five ways angel numbers can help us reach enlightenment. 
1. Understanding Your Life Purpose:
One of the most common reasons people seek enlightenment is to clarify their life purpose.
When we receive an angel number, it can give us insight into what our true path is meant to be and how we can use our gifts and talents in service to others.
 For example, we are seeing an angel number like "111" could signal that it's time for a time of new beginnings and encourage us to set a course in a direction that aligns with our values and goals.
2. Spiritual Growth:
Receiving an angel number can signify to the universe that it's time for us to step forward in our spiritual growth journey.
These messages from the angels can give us the courage and motivation to make changes in our lives that will bring us closer to achieving enlightenment. 
3. Connecting With Your Inner Wisdom:
We all have an inner wisdom that is always trying to guide us in the right direction, but sometimes it can be difficult for us to tune into this source of knowledge.
When we receive an angel number, it can remind us of this inner wisdom and open up communication channels between ourselves and the divine guidance available when we pay attention. 
4. Overcoming Obstacles:
We all face challenges in life, but sometimes it can be hard for us to see beyond them or find solutions on our own. 
When we receive an angel number, it could be a sign from above letting us know that help is available if only we ask for it—and often, this assistance comes in unexpected forms!
So if you ever feel overwhelmed or unsure about which direction to take next, look out for any signs from your guardian angels who are here to support you along your journey toward enlightenment! 
5. Creating Abundance:
One of the main goals of finding enlightenment is achieving abundance in all areas of life—from health and relationships to finances and career success—so recognizing any messages from the spirit world about how best you can create abundance can be incredibly helpful!
Angel numbers are one way these messages can come through, so don't ignore them if they come your way! 
The power of angel numbers can be a great source of spiritual guidance and insight for those looking for enlightenment.
Remember that even though these messages from the divine realm come in mysterious ways, they always have your highest good in mind and will help you on your journey to enlightenment.
So stay open to the signs and messages that come your way, and never forget that you are supported every step of the way! To find out more, visit 111 Angel Number
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stands-pro · 22 days
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Unveiling the Ultimate Creative Trade Show Booth Design Ideas to Boost Your Business!
At trade shows, where competition can be intense and attention spans limited, a distinctive booth design can be the difference between success and failure. A striking booth will grab people's attention while leaving a lasting impression with potential clients and partners alike. StandsPro understands this key component of business growth; here in this blog post we share plenty of creative trade show booth design ideas so that your next event stands out!
1.Integrating Themes Into Booth Designs
Designing booths around a theme creates a memorable and cohesive design experience for visitors to your booth. Choose something from futuristic themes with sleek lines and metallic accents or rustic themes featuring warm wood tones and vintage decor to find one that resonates with both your brand and target audience.
Engage attendees by adding interactive elements that allow them to participate and interact with your booth, such as touchscreen displays showcasing products or even gamified experiences and live demonstrations. Interactive elements create buzz while drawing crowds in.
2. Visual Storytelling
Use your booth to tell an engaging tale of your brand, products, or services using visually captivating elements like graphics, imagery, and signage strategically to convey brand messages in an eye-catching manner.
3. Bold Branding
Make an impactful statement at your booth with eye-catching branding elements that stand out from the competition, such as eye-catching oversized logos or vibrant colors to custom signage and installations branded with your name, to increase brand recognition and recall. Bold branding helps strengthen brand recognition and retention.
4. Maximize Your Booth Space
Optimize the use of space at your booth by including nontraditional seating arrangements like cozy lounge areas or standing tables to promote networking and interaction.
5. Green and Sustainable Design
To demonstrate your dedication to sustainability, incorporate eco-friendly elements and materials into the design of your booth design. From recycled materials and energy-saving lighting fixtures, living green walls and eco-friendly giveaways - show your commitment.
6. Multi-Sensory Experiences
Create engaging multi-sensory experiences that leave an indelible mark on attendees by using elements such as ambient music, scent diffusers, and tactile textures to stimulate multiple senses and create memorable encounters for attendees.
7. Delight Your Guests
Entice attendees with unexpected elements that leave them talking long after your event has concluded. From interactive photo booths and giveaways to live entertainment and experiential activations, infuse your booth with elements that surprise and delight for an unforgettable experience.
8. User-Generated Content
Encourage attendees to be active participants by offering opportunities for user-generated content creation. Establish Instagram-worthy photo opps, encourage sharing via event hashtags on social media, and showcase live user-generated posts!
9. Post-Event Follow-Up
Keep the momentum alive after an event ends by following up immediately with leads and contacts gathered at it, cultivating relationships and driving conversions forward.
At StandsPro, our mission is to assist businesses in standing out and succeeding at trade shows and events. By using our expertise in booth design, fabrication and installation we can bring your creative visions into reality - contact us now so that together we can design a booth that turns heads!
Remind yourself that an effective booth design is more than a physical space; it can serve as a powerful marketing tool that elevates your brand and drives business growth. Make an investment in creativity, innovation and strategic design to make sure that your booth stands out from competitors and leaves an unforgettable impression with visitors to any trade show or event - drawing in new leads while driving success for your business! With creative design ideas and execution skills behind it, a well-executed booth could become the focal point of any trade show or event, drawing in visitors while driving business growth forward for years!
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xasha777 · 5 months
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In a futuristic world where megacities sprawl under domed skies, technological advancements have transformed everyday life, but at a cost: the natural environment is a rarity, preserved only in isolated pockets. Among the buzz of hovercars and digital billboards, there’s a café that stands out, not for its coffee, but for its revolutionary approach to sustainability.
The protagonist, Zane, a muscular young man with striking features, is a bioengineer for The Livestock Conservancy, an organization dedicated to preserving endangered species through advanced genetics and sustainable farming practices. On this particular morning, he sits in his favorite café, a place that supports his organization by offering exclusive products derived from ethically conserved livestock.
As Zane sips his lab-grown coffee, a hologram flickers beside his table—a news update from The Livestock Conservancy. The organization has made a breakthrough: they've successfully reintroduced a species of miniature cattle, once thought extinct, into the wild. These cattle are not only a genetic marvel but also crucial for the ecological balance of the few remaining natural habitats.
The café, filled with ambient chatter and the soft hum of machinery, suddenly dims. The daily virtual conference is about to begin, hosted by The Livestock Conservancy. Zane, as today's keynote speaker, prepares to discuss the integration of advanced AI in tracking and managing livestock health remotely. As he talks, his audience, a blend of virtual attendees and café patrons, listens intently. His presentation showcases the AI-driven drones that monitor the health and growth of livestock without human intervention, ensuring a perfect balance with nature.
Mid-presentation, Zane’s personal AI assistant alerts him to a potential threat—an unidentified drone hovering near the conservancy’s newest habitat. Without pausing, Zane commands his AI to switch the café’s screens to a live feed of the habitat. The patrons watch in awe as Zane remotely guides a security drone to intercept the intruder. It’s a tense moment, a reminder of the constant challenges in protecting these fragile ecosystems.
The crisis averted, applause breaks out among the café patrons. Zane concludes his presentation with a call to action, urging everyone to support global efforts in conservation through technology.
As the café lights return to normal, Zane reflects on his role in this new world. His job at The Livestock Conservancy isn’t just about maintaining the past; it’s about shaping a future where technology and nature coexist harmoniously. Every sip of his coffee, every drone flight, every creature brought back from the brink of extinction adds to a hopeful narrative, one where humanity finally learns to balance its technological prowess with the natural world.
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The Power and Perils of Audio Data Collection: Navigating Privacy and Potential
In an era where technology permeates every aspect of our lives, the collection and analysis of audio data have emerged as a potent tool for various purposes, from improving user experiences to enhancing security measures. However, the widespread adoption of audio data collection also raises significant concerns regarding privacy, ethics, and potential misuse. Understanding the intricacies of this practice is crucial for both consumers and organisations alike.
The Rise of Audio Data Collection
The proliferation of smart devices equipped with microphones, such as smartphones, smart speakers, and wearables, has facilitated the exponential growth of audio data collection. These devices passively record ambient sounds, user interactions, and even conversations, often without explicit consent. Additionally, voice-controlled assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant continuously collect and analyse audio inputs to fulfil user requests and improve speech recognition algorithms.
Applications and Benefits
Audio data collection serves a myriad of purposes across various industries. In the realm of healthcare, voice-based interfaces facilitate hands-free interactions, enabling medical professionals to access patient records and dictate notes during procedures. In education, speech recognition technologies assist students with disabilities in accessing educational materials and participating in virtual classrooms. Moreover, in customer service, sentiment analysis of customer calls helps businesses gauge customer satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.
Challenges and Concerns
Despite its potential benefits, audio data collection poses significant challenges, particularly concerning privacy and security. The indiscriminate collection of audio recordings raises questions about consent, data ownership, and the risk of unauthorised access. Incidents of smart devices inadvertently recording sensitive conversations have sparked debates about the adequacy of existing privacy regulations and the need for more robust safeguards.
Ethical Considerations
Moreover, the ethical implications of audio data collection are profound. The use of voice data for targeted advertising, behavioural profiling, or influencing consumer behaviour without transparent disclosure raises ethical red flags. Additionally, concerns regarding algorithmic bias and discrimination highlight the importance of ensuring fairness and accountability in the development and deployment of audio analysis technologies.
Navigating the Landscape
In navigating the complex landscape of audio data collection, stakeholders must prioritise transparency, consent, and data protection. Organisations should adopt clear privacy policies, provide users with meaningful control over their data, and implement robust security measures to safeguard against data breaches. Moreover, regulators play a crucial role in establishing clear guidelines and enforcing compliance to mitigate the risks associated with audio data collection.
Audio data collection holds immense potential to revolutionise various aspects of our lives, from healthcare and education to entertainment and commerce. However, realising this potential requires a balanced approach that prioritises privacy, ethics, and accountability. By addressing concerns surrounding consent, security, and fairness, we can harness the power of audio data collection while mitigating its perils, ultimately fostering a more equitable and responsible digital ecosystem.
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edisonlighting01 · 6 months
Why Surface Mounted Downlights are Best for Small Spaces
Downlights are popular in interior lighting due to their functionality and aesthetics. These ceiling-mounted treasures add modernity to any room. Downlights improve ambient light and highlight specific objects or areas by directing light downwards. Modern homes use downlights more. Their understated but effective lighting attracts architects, interior designers, and homeowners. Downlights often softly illuminate a living room or highlight an artwork, demonstrating their versatility and elegance. Here, we will talk about the surface mounted downlights.
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Downlights: What Are They? 
Essentially, downlights are light fixtures placed in cavities, most often in ceilings. Their layout guarantees a focused beam of light directed downwards. They're great for general illumination and specific tasks because of their understated style and energy efficiency. 
Downlights: Their Advantages 
Surface mounted downlights have recently become extremely popular due to their many benefits and attractive design. 
Modern and Sleek 
Current interior design styles favour Downlights' sleek, modern look. Due to their recessed design, they sit flush with the ceiling and look minimalistic. This simple design emphasises the room's architecture and furnishings rather than the light fixtures. They enhance the environment without competing with other design elements by blending in. 
The brightness: 
 They aim to provide efficient and powerful illumination by directing light downwards in a concentrated beam. There will be fewer shadows and dark patches due to the direct downward projection. 
Consumption of Energy
Contemporary downlights, particularly those with light-emitting diode technology, use less power. Energy bills will decrease noticeably because they produce bright light with far less power consumption. 
Set the tone
They create a beautiful mood with downlights. Depending on the mood, their dimmability and range of colour temperatures allow them to be the main light or a soft accent. 
Flexible abilities 
The lighting world's chameleons are surface mounted downlights. In a variety of contexts, they work wonderfully: 
Domestic domain: 
Kitchens and living rooms feel cosier with the downlights' soft, even glow. 
Their focused, bright light improves functionality without sacrificing aesthetics, making them ideal for restaurants, shops, and offices. 
Their versatility makes them great for a wide range of lighting situations, as they can effortlessly transition from leading to supporting roles. 
Industry Standards 
Choosing the right type of downlight is only half the battle; proper installation and maintenance are also critical. You can get the most out of these lights and extend their life by following simple guidelines. 
New Approaches and Superior Functions 
Similar to other technological fields, downlights have experienced tremendous growth in the past few years. Better lighting solutions, an improved user experience, and greater sustainability are all benefits of these innovations. 
Connectivity to Smart Home Systems 
Downlights are like any other modern home appliance when embracing the Internet of Things (IoT). Using intelligent downlights: 
Using a Remote: 
Using their smartphones or voice commands with virtual assistants, users can change the light's colour or brightness. 
Time management: 
Would you like the lights to go down gradually as the night goes on? Alternatively, can it be activated automatically when the sun goes down? Thanks to smart downlights, it's doable. 
The setting: 
Read, watch movies, or host dinner parties with the help of personalised lighting scenes. Change the ambience of the room with the wave of a hand. 
Sustainable Progress 
More sustainable lighting options are emerging in response to rising environmental consciousness worldwide. 
Technology for Light-Emitting Diodes: 
Energy savings from switching to LED downlights are substantial because they use a fraction of the power of incandescent bulbs. They also produce less trash because they last longer. 
Eco-Friendly Supplies: 
When it comes to building materials and other components, many companies emphasise using sustainable or recyclable options. 
In contemporary lighting, downlights have solidified their position as an essential component. Their energy efficiency, aesthetic appeal, and practicality are top-notch, making them ideal for today's design aesthetic. Their impact is evident, whether in the subtle beauty they offer to residential spaces or their practicality in business environments. The evolution of surface mounted downlights exemplify how design and technology can come together to improve our daily environments. Looking ahead, we can see that even more exciting trends and innovations are on the horizon. 
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The Evolution of IoT in Healthcare Market: From Concept to Reality
The evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the healthcare market has transformed the industry, moving from conceptual ideas to tangible applications that are reshaping patient care, medical research, and healthcare delivery.
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Buy the Full Report for IoT in the Healthcare Industry Analysis, Download a Free Sample Report
Here's an overview of the journey from concept to reality:
Conceptualization Phase:
The concept of IoT in healthcare emerged from the recognition of the potential of interconnected devices and sensors to revolutionize medical monitoring, diagnosis, and treatment. Early discussions focused on leveraging IoT technologies to improve patient outcomes, enhance efficiency, and reduce healthcare costs.
Technological Advancements:
Rapid advancements in sensor technology, wireless connectivity, cloud computing, and data analytics laid the foundation for IoT solutions in healthcare. Miniaturization of sensors, improvements in battery life, and the development of low-power communication protocols enabled the deployment of IoT devices in various medical settings.
Pilot Projects and Proof of Concepts:
Healthcare providers, medical device manufacturers, and technology companies began conducting pilot projects and proof of concepts to test the feasibility and efficacy of IoT solutions in real-world healthcare settings. These initiatives focused on areas such as remote patient monitoring, chronic disease management, medication adherence, and preventive care.
Integration with Electronic Health Records (EHRs):
Integration of IoT devices with electronic health records (EHRs) and health information systems became a priority to enable seamless data sharing, interoperability, and accessibility of patient data. IoT-enabled medical devices began to communicate directly with EHR platforms, allowing healthcare providers to access real-time patient information and make data-driven decisions.
Expansion of Use Cases:
The scope of IoT applications in healthcare expanded to encompass a wide range of use cases, including telemedicine, wearable health trackers, smart hospital infrastructure, ambient assisted living, and personalized medicine. IoT-enabled devices and platforms empowered patients to actively participate in their healthcare management and enabled healthcare providers to deliver more personalized and proactive care.
Data Security and Privacy Concerns:
The proliferation of IoT devices in healthcare raised concerns about data security, patient privacy, and regulatory compliance. Healthcare organizations implemented robust cybersecurity measures, encryption protocols, and data privacy frameworks to protect sensitive health information and ensure compliance with regulations such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Regulatory Frameworks and Standards:
Regulatory agencies and standards organizations developed frameworks and guidelines specific to IoT in healthcare to address safety, efficacy, interoperability, and data security requirements. Standards such as Continua Health Alliance, ISO/IEEE 11073, and Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) emerged to facilitate the adoption and integration of IoT technologies in healthcare.
Market Growth and Commercialization:
The IoT healthcare market witnessed significant growth as demand for connected medical devices, remote monitoring solutions, and digital health platforms surged. Technology companies, startups, and established healthcare providers capitalized on market opportunities, investing in research, development, and commercialization of IoT-enabled products and services.
Future Outlook:
The evolution of IoT in healthcare continues, with ongoing innovation in areas such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, edge computing, and 5G connectivity. These advancements are expected to further enhance the capabilities of IoT solutions, enabling more precise diagnostics, personalized treatments, and predictive analytics to improve patient outcomes and healthcare delivery.
Overall, the journey of IoT in healthcare from concept to reality has been marked by technological innovation, regulatory scrutiny, and market adoption, with the potential to revolutionize the way healthcare is delivered and experienced in the future.
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equitydrive · 9 months
Raised Patio Against House UK: Elevating Your Outdoor Living
Welcome to the transformative world of raised patios against house structures in the UK. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the nuances of designing, constructing, and maintaining raised patio against your house in the UK. From enhancing aesthetic appeal to practical considerations, we've got you covered.
Designing Your Elevated Oasis
Assessing Your Outdoor Space
Embarking on the journey of a raised patio starts with a meticulous evaluation of your outdoor area. Consider the available space, architectural features, and desired functionalities. Tailor your design to seamlessly integrate with the existing structure.
Optimal Materials for Durability
Choosing the right materials is paramount for a lasting and visually appealing raised patio. Explore durable options like composite decking, natural stone, or treated timber. Each material has its unique charm and maintenance requirements, ensuring a bespoke fit for your preferences.
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Construction: Building Your Elevated Retreat
Foundation Fundamentals
A solid foundation is the bedrock of a sturdy raised patio. Dive into the specifics of laying a foundation that withstands the test of time and varying weather conditions. Proper drainage and soil compaction play crucial roles in ensuring the longevity of your outdoor haven.
Professional vs. DIY Construction
Deciding between hiring professionals or opting for a DIY approach is a pivotal choice. Explore the pros and cons of each option, considering your expertise, time constraints, and budget. Professional assistance guarantees precision, while a DIY project allows for a hands-on, personalized touch.
Maintaining the Elegance: Care Tips
Seasonal Maintenance Rituals
Preserving the allure of your raised patio requires regular maintenance. From clearing debris to inspecting structural integrity, adopt seasonal rituals that safeguard your investment. Stay proactive in addressing potential issues to prolong the lifespan of your outdoor retreat.
Sealing and Staining: Protective Measures
Protect your patio against the unpredictable UK weather by implementing sealing and staining measures. Understand the benefits of each process and how they contribute to preserving the aesthetics and structural integrity of your elevated space.
Raised Patio Against House UK: Expert Insights
Maximizing Space Utilization
Unlock innovative ways to maximize the utility of your raised patio. Whether it's integrating storage solutions, greenery, or cozy seating arrangements, expert insights can elevate your outdoor living experience.
Enhancing Curb Appeal
A raised patio isn't just an extension; it's a statement. Discover design elements that enhance your home's curb appeal, creating a harmonious blend between architecture and nature.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: Can I Build a Raised Patio Without Professional Help?
A: Absolutely, a DIY approach is feasible. However, consulting professionals ensures precision and adherence to local regulations.
Q: What's the Ideal Material for a Raised Patio in the UK?
A: Composite decking proves ideal for UK climates, offering durability and low maintenance requirements.
Q: How Can I Prevent Weed Growth Between Pavers?
A: Regularly applying a polymeric sand between pavers inhibits weed growth, maintaining a pristine appearance.
Q: Is Planning Permission Required for a Raised Patio?
A: Typically, raised patios fall under permitted development rights. However, it's advisable to check local regulations.
Q: Are Raised Patios Prone to Settling Over Time?
A: Properly constructed raised patios with a solid foundation are less likely to settle. Regular maintenance is key to preventing issues.
Q: Can I Install Lighting on a Raised Patio?
A: Yes, incorporate ambient lighting for a captivating evening atmosphere. Solar-powered options offer eco-friendly solutions.
Elevate your outdoor living with a raised patio against your house in the UK. From design principles to construction insights, this guide empowers you to create a captivating space. Embrace the fusion of aesthetics and functionality, and turn your outdoor area into a haven of relaxation and entertainment.
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thetejasamale · 2 years
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sciencespies · 2 years
Pollution exposure in infancy alters gut microorganisms, may boost disease risk
Pollution exposure in infancy alters gut microorganisms, may boost disease risk
Exposure to air pollution in the first six months of life impacts a child’s inner world of gut bacteria, or microbiome, in ways that could increase risk of allergies, obesity and diabetes, and even influence brain development, suggests new CU Boulder research.
The study, published this month in the journal Gut Microbes, is the first to show a link between inhaled pollutants — such as those from traffic, wildfires and industry — and changes in infant microbial health during this critical window of development.
Previous research by the same group found similar results in young adults.
“This study adds to the growing body of literature showing that air pollution exposure, even during infancy, may alter the gut microbiome, with important implications for growth and development,” said senior author Tanya Alderete, assistant professor of Integrative Physiology at CU Boulder.
At birth, an infant hosts little resident bacteria. Over the first two to three years of life, exposure to mother’s milk, solid food, antibiotics and other environmental influences shape which microorganisms take hold. Those microbes, and the metabolites, or byproducts, they produce when they break down food or chemicals in the gut, influence a host of bodily systems that shape appetite, insulin sensitivity, immunity, mood and cognition. While many are beneficial, some microbiome compositions have been associated with Chrohn’s disease, asthma, type 2 diabetes, and other chronic illnesses.
“The microbiome plays a role in nearly every physiological process in the body, and the environment that develops in those first few years of life sticks with you,” said first author Maximilian Bailey, who graduated in May with a master’s in Integrative Physiology and is now a medical student at Stanford University.
Boosting inflammation
For the study, the researchers obtained fecal samples from 103 healthy, primarily breast-fed Latino infants enrolled in the Southern California Mother’s Milk Study and used genetic sequencing to analyze them.
Using their street addresses and data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Air Quality System, which records hourly data from monitoring systems, they estimated exposure to PM2.5 and PM10 (fine inhalable particles from things like factories, wildfires and construction sites) and Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), a gas largely emitted from cars.
“Overall, we saw that ambient air pollution exposure was associated with a more inflammatory gut-microbial profile, which may contribute to a whole host of future adverse health outcomes,” said Alderete.
For instance, infants with the highest exposure to PM2.5 had 60% less Phascolarctobacterium, a beneficial bacterium known to decrease inflammation, support gastrointestinal health and aid in neurodevelopment. Those with the highest exposure to PM10 had 85% more of the microorganism Dialister, which is associated with inflammation.
In a previous study, Alderete found that pregnant Latino women exposed to higher levels of air pollution during pregnancy have babies who grow unusually fast in the first month after birth, putting them at risk for obesity and related diseases later in life.
Infants are particularly vulnerable to the health hazards of air pollution because they breathe faster and their gut microbiome is just taking shape.
“This makes early life a critical window where exposure to air pollution may have disproportionately deleterious health effects,” they write.
Racial minorities at higher risk
Racial minorities and low-income communities, who tend to work, live and attend school in regions closer to busy highways or factories, are at even greater risk. One 2018 Environmental Protection Agency study found that communities of color are exposed to as much as 1.5 times more airborne pollutants than their white counterparts.
“Our findings highlight the importance of addressing the impact of pollution on disadvantaged communities and point to additional steps all families can take to protect their health,” said Alderete, who hopes her research will influence policymakers to move schools and affordable housing projects away from pollution sources.
The authors caution that more research is needed to determine whether changes in the gut in infancy have lasting impacts, and just what those are. More studies are underway.
Meantime, Alderete advises everyone to take these steps to reduce their exposure to both indoor and outdoor pollutants:
Avoid walking outdoors in high-traffic zones
Consider a low-cost air-filtration system, particularly for rooms children spend a lot of time in
If you are cooking, open the windows
And for new moms, breastfeed for as long as possible
“Breast milk is a fantastic way to develop a healthy microbiome and may help offset some of the adverse effects from environmental exposures,” Alderete said.
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Top 7 Ways to Lose Weight Overnight
Sleep deprivation may be telling your body to store fat. With these professional tips, you can sleep better and burn more calories.
Weight loss without dieting might be difficult. So, who wouldn't appreciate simple techniques to increase calorie burn and boost weight loss? Now, it the question comes of how to lose weight overnight.
A balanced diet and regular exercise routine are essential, but there are certain strategic modifications you can make to improve your sleep for fat burning.
While the concept may seem far-fetched, studies indicate that it is feasible to lose weight while sleeping. Recent studies show that modern living interferes with the human body's natural circadian rhythms. Indeed, this disruption may be pushing the body to store fat when it should not.
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Top 7 tips to lose weight overnight
Get plenty of rest
To maximize your weight loss, you must first get enough sleep. 
"Sleep is required for regular hormonal and immune system function. A tired or sleep-deprived brain is a hungry brain, and sleep deprivation contributes to weight growth." Hence, it is essential to have a healthy sleep routine.
Avoid excessive cardio
Cardio is fantastic, and there are numerous reasons it should be a component of any training regimen. 
The weight loss testimonials show that strength training should be included as well, especially for those who desire to benefit from nocturnal weight loss. It is because strength training burns calories even after the workout is complete. Beyond work, a trip to the gym or even a modest at-home strength session can keep the body in calorie-burning mode all night, even after bedtime.
Keeping a set of dumbbells or a resistance band beside your bed is a visible reminder to incorporate full-body strength exercise at least three times weekly. 
Engage in bodyweight exercises
Have no access to a gym or dumbbells? Anyone can engage in strength training by using their body weight. Perform 10 squats before bed, followed by a 30-second holding plank. Alternatively, you can walk around the house one lunge at a time, followed by a few minutes of knee-based modified pushups.
Incorporate hand or ankle weights into your walk
You don't have to give up your daily stroll to undertake strength training; simply pick up a set of 1- to 3-pound dumbbells or put on a pair of ankle weights to turn your walk into a strength training and cardio exercise in one. 
Because strength training is vital for muscle growth and fat loss, incorporating weights into your workouts whenever possible is a smart strategy to increase your calorie-burning potential all day (yes, even when you sleep).
Practice yoga
Multiple weight loss testimonials confirmed that certain yoga poses could assist in relieving anxiety and stress in the mind. Sit erect on the bed with your legs stretched out in front of you, then hinge forward at the hips. Feel a stretch at the backs of the legs (the hamstrings), and take five calm, deep breaths in and five out. Feel a melting towards your legs and flex your feet. 
Perform this before bed to help soothe the nervous system and encourage greater sleep quality.
Sleep in moderate temperature, darker setting
It was found in recent research that people who kept their beds at a constant temperature of 66 degrees for one month raised the quantity of calorie-burning brown fat in their bodies by up to 42% and increased their metabolism by 10%. 
Weight loss specialists also suggest getting rid of the night light if you want to slim down while you sleep. Sleeping with a light on appears to disturb the circadian rhythm of metabolism, increasing the risk of weight gain. 
As a result, turn off your TV, phone, and any bedside lamps, and think about purchasing blackout curtains to keep off ambient light from piercing your bedroom window.
Eat regularly
As per world renowned weight loss specialists in blue springs,MO, "Our bodies operate on a circadian rhythm, which is a 24-hour schedule that our bodies employ to help us function." "It's the intrinsic clock of the body." It's important to plan meals in advance because they significantly impact our circadian rhythm. 
For example, you might want to reconsider if your usual dinner time is between 6 and 8 pm. Your body will know when to prepare for incoming food by releasing 'hunger hormones ghrelin and leptin, digesting the meal, and then releasing the hormone melatonin to help us wind down for sleep. 
If we stick to the same approximate plan, our bodies will be prepared, and we will be able to make the most of our meal and sleep times."
To Conclude:
A bad night's sleep makes you grumpy and can cause you to gain weight. According to research, sleeping for less than eight hours a night raises levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which has a detrimental impact on the microorganisms in your gut and slows your metabolism.
Sleep deprivation can also disrupt your appetite hormones, making you more likely to eat junk food.
Fortunately, by following the above-mentioned simple tips on how to lose weight overnight, you may reverse course and keep your metabolism running overnight, helping you lose weight while you sleep.
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xyz35569 · 2 years
“Ambient Assisted Living  Market ”gives detailed outlook by Type, by Application, by Segmentation and Regional Forecasts.
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wiseguyresearch · 2 years
“Ambient Assisted Living” Gives Detailed Outlook By Type, By Application, By Segmentation And Regional Forecasts.
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trendingfact · 4 years
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Ambient Assisted Living and Smart Home Market Is Estimated To Record Highest CAGR By 2025 Ambient assisted living and smart homes provide a comfortable standard of living. Ambient assisted living refers to the assistance of technology, electronic systems, products and services which guide and uplift the daily lives of people who need support and help those who demand a better and improved standard of living.
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