#Analyzing competitor PA and DA metrics for SEO advantage
Mastering SEO: Unveiling the Power of Website PA DA Checker Tools
In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) reigns supreme. As businesses strive to enhance their online presence and climb the ranks of search engine results pages (SERPs), understanding key metrics such as Page Authority (PA) and Domain Authority (DA) becomes paramount. Enter the website PA DA checker tools – indispensable resources for analyzing and optimizing your website's SEO performance. In this blog, we'll delve into the significance of PA and DA, explore the functionalities of tools, and provide insights on leveraging these tools to boost your SEO efforts.
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Understanding Page Authority (PA) and Domain Authority (DA):
Page Authority (PA) and Domain Authority (DA) are metrics developed by Moz that predict a website's ranking potential on search engine results pages. PA measures the strength of an individual webpage, while DA assesses the overall authority of the entire domain. These metrics are calculated based on various factors, including the quantity and quality of backlinks, the relevance of content, and the overall trustworthiness of the website.
The Importance of PA and DA in SEO:
High PA and DA scores indicate that a website is more likely to rank higher in search engine results, thereby attracting more organic traffic. Websites with authoritative pages and domains are perceived as credible sources of information by search engines, leading to increased visibility and better user engagement. Monitoring and improving PA and DA scores are essential for strengthening your website's SEO foundation and gaining a competitive edge in the digital landscape.
Functionality of Website PA DA Checker Tools:
Website PA DA checker tools offer valuable insights into the SEO performance of your website by providing accurate PA and DA scores. These tools typically analyze various aspects of your website, including backlink profile, content quality, and technical optimization, to generate comprehensive reports. Users can input their website's URL and receive instant feedback on its PA and DA scores, along with actionable recommendations for improvement.
Leveraging Website PA DA Checker Tools for SEO Success:
Benchmarking Performance: Use PA and DA scores as benchmarks to assess your website's SEO performance over time. Regularly monitor changes in these metrics and identify areas for improvement to stay ahead of the competition.
2. Identifying Opportunities: Analyze competitor websites using PA DA checker tools to identify opportunities for optimization and strategic growth. Compare their PA and DA scores with yours to pinpoint areas where you can outperform them and capture additional market share.
3. Optimizing Content and Backlinks: Focus on creating high-quality, relevant content that resonates with your target audience and attracts natural backlinks from authoritative sources. Use PA DA checker tools to evaluate the impact of your content and backlink strategies on your website's overall authority.
4. Technical Optimization: Ensure that your website is technically optimized for search engines by addressing issues such as page speed, mobile responsiveness, and crawlability. PA DA checker tools can help identify technical issues that may be impacting your SEO performance and provide recommendations for optimization.
5. Building Authority: Invest in building a strong backlink profile by earning links from reputable websites in your industry. Collaborate with influencers, participate in guest blogging opportunities, and engage in online communities to enhance your website's authority and credibility.
In conclusion, website PA DA checker tools are indispensable resources for mastering SEO and optimizing your website for better search engine visibility. By understanding the significance of PA and DA, leveraging the functionalities of these tools, and implementing strategic SEO tactics, you can enhance your website's authority, attract more organic traffic, and achieve long-term success in the competitive online landscape. Start harnessing the power of website PA DA checker tools today to propel your SEO efforts to new heights!
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technologygd · 4 months
How to Efficiently Audit Websites in Bulk: A Dive into DA and PA Metrics
Have you ever wondered about the secret sauce behind a website's success or failure? In the vast digital landscape, understanding the intricacies of Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA) can be the key to unlocking your website's potential. But here's the real conundrum – how can you analyze these metrics across multiple websites without burning a hole in your pocket?
Navigating the Bulk Mystery: Where Can You Uncover the DA and PA Metrics of Multiple Websites?
In the labyrinth of online tools, finding a free, efficient solution to bulk-check DA and PA metrics can be daunting. Many claim to offer the service, but not all deliver on the promise. Here's where GUESTPOSTLINKS steps in, offering a straightforward and free bulk check DA PA tool. But what sets their tool apart?
How to Efficiently Check DA and PA in Bulk: The GUESTPOSTLINKS Advantage
GUESTPOSTLINKS provides a user-friendly tool allowing you to scrutinize Moz Domain Authority, Page Authority, and Spam Scores for up to 20 websites simultaneously. The real game-changer is the bulk audit feature – a rarity among free tools, which often restrict you to checking one website at a time. With this tool, you can save time and effort by assessing multiple sites at once.
Beyond the Basics: A Comprehensive Look at Multiple Metrics
Sure, checking DA and PA is crucial, but GUESTPOSTLINKS doesn't stop there. Their detailed checker tool extends its gaze to various other metrics, such as total backlinks and quality backlinks. This comprehensive approach goes beyond the surface, providing you with a holistic view of a website's performance. It's not just about numbers; it's about understanding the digital pulse of a site.
Unleashing the Spy: How GUESTPOSTLINKS' Tool Lets You Analyze Competition in Bulk
Ever wished you could keep a keen eye on your competitors without spending a fortune? GUESTPOSTLINKS' bulk DA PA checker is your covert agent in the competitive realm. By allowing you to spy on multiple websites simultaneously, it gives you the upper hand in understanding the landscape and strategizing your next move. Knowledge is power, and this tool equips you with the insights needed to stay ahead.
A Closer Look: What Does GUESTPOSTLINKS' Tool Offer in Terms of Metrics?
Diving into the nitty-gritty, let's dissect the metrics that GUESTPOSTLINKS' tool unveils:
Domain Authority (DA): A metric indicating the overall authority of a website's domain. It ranges from 0 to 100, with higher scores signifying stronger authority.
Page Authority (PA): Focusing on individual pages, PA measures their authority. Similar to DA, it operates on a scale of 0 to 100.
Spam Scores (SS): GUESTPOSTLINKS' tool doesn't overlook the importance of identifying potential spam. The Spam Scores metric aids in evaluating a site's credibility.
Total Backlinks: Backlinks are the backbone of SEO. This metric gives you an overview of the quantity of backlinks pointing to a website.
Quality Backlinks: It's not just about numbers; it's about quality. GUESTPOSTLINKS' tool discerns between ordinary backlinks and those of high quality, providing a nuanced understanding of a site's link profile.
In the realm of free tools, GUESTPOSTLINKS' offering stands out as a pragmatic and efficient solution for website audits. It's not just about checking DA and PA; it's about gaining a comprehensive understanding of a website's digital health. The bulk audit feature, combined with the scrutiny of various metrics, makes it a valuable ally for both website owners and digital strategists.
So, how do you efficiently audit websites in bulk? The answer lies in GUESTPOSTLINKS' tool, a no-nonsense approach to understanding the metrics that shape the digital landscape. It's time to transcend the limitations of single-site checks and embrace the power of bulk analysis. Dive in, explore, and unlock the potential hidden in the metrics – your website's success might just be a few clicks away.
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Keysearch Starter
Keysearch is not just a keyword research tool it's a powerful SEO assistant that can help you on a daily basis in multiple ways. Keysearch will automatically track your rankings. You even have the ability to get trackings down to your exact location. You can create reports, and get on-demand ranking updates when you need them most. There are also additional features like our Explorer feature and Competitive Analysis section. This allows you to search backlinks, organic keyword rankings and much more for any possible site.
You can spy on your competitors or check the backlinks for your own sites. You can input a list of URLs and bulk check all your metrics like PA, DA, and Alexa. Plus our Content Assistant tool analyses the type of content Google is looking for within the first page results and allows you to maximize your rankings for every article/blog you post. Our keyword tool offers you infinite ways to find related niches and relevant keywords in any genre. Just enter a seed keyword and Keysearch will return hundreds of related keywords with search volume, CPC & PPC data, everything you need to key your business noticed. Refine your search with Related Keywords, Google Suggest, Amazon Suggest, YouTube Suggest finders and our own incredible database of more than 1 billion keywords. If that is still not enough, you can also enter your competitors URL and have Keysearch grab keywords that your competitors are ranking for, giving you endless ways to search for hidden gem long tail keywords. We also have a YouTube research section with advanced filtering options and automatic exact match domain checking? SEO just became much easier.
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9 Free SEO Tips And Tricks To Increase The Ranking Of Your Website On SERP- SEO Company in California
Do you want to rank your website on the search engine result page? Are you looking for the best SEO tips and tricks for your website ranking?
Well, who doesn’t! Everybody wants that.
Everybody wants to ace in their respective fields and wants to hold the top position on search engines. The rank of your website determines your success.
This fact has been justified by the data presented by Infront Webworks, which states that 95% of the website traffic is received by the first page of Google. So, it means that you should strive hard to rank on the first page of your website in order to increase your brand’s visibility and website traffic. (SEO Company in California)
Even if you are at the top, it is not possible to maintain your position for a longer period because of the constantly changing nature of Google algorithms.
So, here I am going to share 9 tricks to boost your ranking and grow your business:
#1 of 9 SEO Tips and Tricks to Increase Rank on Search Engine
Engaging Content
Well, I am putting content at the top of my list of best SEO tips and Tricks because it is the most crucial part of your website, that’s why it is called the ‘king’. If you offer quality content then no one can stop you from grasping the higher position on SERP. Make sure that your content is unique, relevant and attractive to generate engagement. Also, if it is in a long-form then it adds an advantage to it. Websites with strong engagement get rewarded by Google in terms of its ranking.
Make your content informative and easy to read. You should lay more focus on the title or the beginning part of your content. This is the part which is responsible for attracting and driving maximum potential customers to your website. So make it captivating. Don’t use difficult words which is hard to read for both the audience and search engine. Your content should be SEO optimized and updated.
You can add other multimedia like images or videos to make it more entrancing. Always remember that your content posses the sole power to increase your ranking and generating more traffic without charging any dime. So making quality and valuable content should be your main agenda.
#2 of 9 SEO Tips and Tricks to Increase Rank on Search Engine
Keywords Targeting
As said above that your content is the crucial part, but your content is made up of certain keywords on which you want your website to be ranked. So before creating any content, do semantic keyword targeting for effective results. You can take the help of various keyword research tools available online like Keyword planner by Ad Words, KW Finder, Ubersuggest, Mondovo, Word Tracker, SEMrush, Soovle, etc.
An ideal keyword density is 1-2%. Avoid keyword stuffing as this is considered as one of the Black Hat SEO techniques. Google can de-rank or penalize you for exploiting this technique in your content.
Placement of your keywords affects your ranking majorly. So place your keywords properly in the Title of your content; in all the tags including heading tag, Meta tag, image alt tag; first para and last paragraphs of your content. Try to incorporate long-term keywords in your keyword targeting strategy. It is because due to low competition on these keywords, it becomes easy for you to rank. It brings in more traffic and results in a higher conversion rate.
Thus it is 2nd on the list of best SEO tips and tricks.
#3 of 9 SEO Tips and Tricks to Increase Rank on Search Engine
You surely don’t want to lose your visitors on premises of low site speed. People tend to abandon your website if it takes more than 5 seconds to load the web page. Google uses your site speed as one of the significant factors in SEO ranking. This is why this factor is in our list of best SEO tips and tricks.
There are many factors that affect the speed of your website. Some of them are technical for which you need to consult a professional web developer or designer. There are other factors that are controllable by you like one of the biggest factors is the images of your website. The speed of the loading time of your image contributes largely to the overall speed of your website.
You can compress your images as it enables you to cut down the page size up to 30-40% which will speed up the loading time of your website. There are many image optimization tools that can assist you in compressing your image. For example, Optimizilla, Image Recycle, CompressNow, Triage, Online Image Optimizer, Compressor.io, GiftofSpeed, Kraken.io, etc.
Some of the plug-ins also contribute to lower down the speed of your website, so deactivate or delete the unnecessary plug-in. Not just plug-in, also remove the unnecessary content of your website as more the content more it takes time to load. So don’t let superfluous contents to depress your loading time.
#4 of 9 SEO Tips and Tricks to Increase Rank on Search Engine
Fortify Your Social Media Presence
You may have noticed that sometimes when you type any brand’s or company name on search engines, then their social media profiles appear on the top. Thus, your social media profile also ranks on the search engines.
Social media can be a great source of generating leads for your website that’s why this factor is on the 4th position of our list for best SEO tips and tricks. You can embed or integrate the links of your website pages in your social media content. When you will provide unique, informative, valuable and quality content on social media platforms, then more people will share your content.
This will widen your reach, promote your brand, and increase your clicks and traffic. And most importantly, it will build your brand’s authority as it will show the search engine that your content is valuable enough to compel others to share. This will, in turn, make a search engine to give you preference in the ranking.
There are numerous social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, etc. So build your brand’s profile on these networks and strive to gain more and more likes and followers. To strengthen your social media presence to boost your business and increase the rank of your website. (SEO Company in California)
#5 of 9 SEO Tips and Tricks to Increase Rank on Search Engine
Make Quality Backlinks
Backlinks are the most important part of Offpage SEO that has a massive impact on your ranking thus you must consider it as one of the best SEO tips and tricks. The backlinks that you generate has the power to either make or break the online reputation of your website. If you have created a good backlink then it can improve your rank on the search engine result page. But if you have spammy then Google can drop your ranking or penalize your website. All credits go to Google’s update like Google Penguin which lays focus on the quality of your links. Thus, it is very important to generate a quality backlink.
First of all, make sure that you are creating the backlinks on a website that is relevant to your niche. Before creating any backlink on a website, check its domain authority and spam score. Evaluate your links today, identify the ‘bad links’ or ‘broken links’. Remove it immediately to save your website from getting penalized by Google.
There are some of the really handy tools to check broken links like Screaming Frog SEO Spider, W3C link check, Google Webmaster tool, etc. For the purpose of removing these broken links, you can use the ‘Disavow Tool’.
There are other techniques too that you can adopt like generate high-quality links and promote it to attract natural links instead of buying it. This method will save you from buying bad links.
#6 of 9 SEO Tips and Tricks to Increase Rank on Search Engine
Do Internal And External Linking Of Your Website
People tend to undermine this factor but it does impact your ranking. Do the linking of the related keywords as anchor text to the relevant pages of your website (internal linking) or to other relevant website pages (external linking). (SEO Company in California)
This will not only increase the relevancy of your website but will also lower the bounce rate thereby increasing the average time spent on your website. Internal linking is sometimes used as call-to-action. It will make easier for users and search engine bots to navigate and find other web pages of your website. Thus, it improves the visibility of your website and is on our list of best SEO tips and tricks.
External linking to the authoritative and well-reputed websites will increase the creditability of your website making it more trustworthy in the eyes of search engines. This will, in turn, improve your ranking. Make sure that the website you are linking to must be valuable, informative, relevant and highly ranked.
Poor quality external links can harm the reputation and ranking of your website. You can put no-follow links wherever it is required. External links or outbound links can be a great way to make connections. So don’t forget to do internal and external linking to boost the traffic and ranking of your site.
#7 of 9 SEO Tips and Tricks to Increase Rank on Search Engine
Do Thorough Competitor Research
It is a very popular saying, “Keep your friends close and enemies closer”, which is applicable to every field of work. Healthy competition is necessary to provide a room for one to improve. Knowing your competitors and tracking their strategies will help you in analyzing your next move.
Identify your competitors and make a list of them. Analyze their performance based on certain metrics like page authority (PA), domain authority (DA), ranking, keywords, Trust flow, and citation flow.
Monitor the SEO strategies they are utilizing and which of them are working for them or which are not. You can also analyze their social media activities and backlinks to know about the sites where you can perform link building activities too.
Moreover, you can check the content and structure of their websites and the services provided by them in order to improve yours so that you can outdo them. There are many tools that you can use to measure and learn about the tactics and marketing strategies implemented by your competitors. Some of the very useful tools are Superstat, SEMrush, SimilarWeb, Alexa, Siteliner, Buzzsumo, Monitor Backlinks, SpyFu, etc.
The most important part of the best SEO tips and trips.
#8 of 9 SEO Tips and Tricks to Increase Rank on Search Engine
Make A Mobile-Friendly Website
We are living in an era where Mobile phones have become an intrinsic part of your daily life. The population of Mobile users comprises more than half of the total world’s population. Targeting these mobile users will provide you with a wider reach and more traffic. So make your website responsive web design. According to statistics, around 50% of all Google’s search traffic is now made up of Google’s mobile traffic. (SEO Company in California)
In April 2015, Google announced one of its updates called ‘Mobilegeddon’ for mobile device users. This stated that if a website is not mobile-friendly or optimized for its mobile device users then Google will bring down their ranking. And Google did what it said as over 80% of websites suffered in their ranking due to the effect of Mobilegeddon.
To improve the mobile user experience, check the speed of your website on mobile devices and do take care of other factors too like the spacing and font size.
There are several online tools to check if your website is mobile-friendly, some of them are Google’s mobile-friendly test, W3C’s MobileOK Checker, Keynote MITE, Google’s PageSpeed Insights, RankWatch, Varvy Mobile SEO, etc. So, optimize your website and make it mobile friendly to serve large no. of audiences and boost your ranking.
#9 of 9 SEO Tips and Tricks to Increase Rank on Search Engine
Focus On Your Site Structure
Believe it or not but the structure of your website does affect your ranking. A well-built architecture and clear navigation of your website will help the users and search engine bots to find the content of your website.
A good structure helps in the better indexing and crawling of your website. Besides that, it enhances the user experience making your visitors lean on to your website for longer. Hence, it drops off the bounce rate. To increase the navigability of your site, you can also use site links. Sitelinks help in improving your brand’s reputation, user’s trust and your ranking on SERP.
Provide users with a path or ‘breadcrumbs’ for the various contents of your website for easy navigation. Divide your content into categories and subcategories. Plan the hierarchy or site structure of your website before developing it. Your URL structure should be created in a way that follows your navigation hierarchy.
Internal linking also helps in improving your site structure. To improve the architecture of your website and provide structured data and increase your ranking.
So what are you thinking? Include the above discussed 9 brilliant free tips and tricks in your SEO strategy today to outperform your competitors and to improve the ranking of your website on SERP.
Promotion By: (SEO Company in California) 
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flyingvgroupca · 5 years
Real Estate SEO Tools Exposed: SEMrush vs Ahrefs vs MozPro Review (2019)
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SEO real estate is an ultra competitive industry, and it is critical for you to be well equipped with the best SEO tools for keyword research, backlink research, and website rank tracking.
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Online search is increasing and your prospects need to easily find your website in Google and other search engines and local directories.
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How you utilize these SEO tools will make or break your entire SEO campaign, as well as your blogging, outreach and pre-outreach, content marketing, and digital marketing efforts. This brief review presents the key advantages, features & benefits of the best 3 SEO tools currently available to help real estate websites, and real estate companies with three essential SEO tasks:
1. Keyword Research
First thing you need to realize is this: although keyword research is crucial, it is time consuming for a real estate company or real estate website owner to attempt this process on their own, particularly if you’re new to the whole SEO approach and best practices. Have you ever considered outsourcing keyword research for better SEO results? Then you should partner with a VA who is skilled in SEO, and can efficiently use the tools described here. Time spent on trying to determine the best LSI keywords vs Seed keywords vs Long Tail keywords for your real estate campaign needs will add up in the end. So, you want to ensure that you focus on what you do best, like talking with clients, meeting with prospects, creating property listings, and so on. SEMrush is the first competitive keyword research tool I want to showcase for this article since it’s the one I’m most familiar with. Not only does this particular tool assist you in revealing the keywords used by your competitors, but it also allows you to access their database containing 2 million keyword ideas. I’m referring here to the feature I like the most … namely the Keyword Magic Tool. This enables you to enter your seed keyword, and within seconds you’ll be rewarded with thousands of keyword ideas to help you rank in Google for specific key terms and phrases actively used by your prospects. and more probably, overlooked by competitors. You can sort and filter keywords using multiple metrics including the 3 below, which I consider to be the most important: Search Volume Trend Keyword Difficulty (KD) For example, here’s a search query for
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It’s essential that you select your target country (US, in our example), and click on the ‘exact match’ option to gather very specific keyword data. You’ll be able to find keywords with less competition, which will boost your chances of attracting highly relevant local searches for Google local rankings. Broad matches will provide less volume and less specific keyword data. Here’s an example for
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If you want to get a general view of a specific keyword, then use the keyword overview option, and run it either before or after the Keyword Magic tool, it’s up to you.
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The unique SEMrush algorithm will suggest keywords that are semantically related to your initial search, and sort them by phrase match and related keywords. This allows you to instantly find the right keywords for your campaigns. This is an excellent opportunity for you to build long-tail keywords and create keyword-rich content that will  boost your rankings in Google, Yahoo, Bing, and other search engines. You can export data to XLS and CSV formats, and get a complete overview of all the keywords and their particular metrics. You can also send your newly created keyword list to SEMrush Position Tracking - a service created specifically for tracking your website’s rankings according to your target keywords in the Google Top 100 organic results.  Next, we move on to Ahrefs, and their keyword explorer option. They boast about having the most complete keyword research tool currently available on the market - more than 7 billion keywords (across Google, YouTube, Amazon, Bing, Baidu, and other search engines), updated with fresh data every month. They monitor over 150 million keywords in the US alone. This exceptional keyword research tool provides you with access to thousands of fantastic keyword ideas, while allowing you to analyze their ranking difficulty and calculate their traffic potential at a quick glance.
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Using the Keyword Difficulty Score you’ll find the “low-hanging fruit” among your top keyword ideas, while the “Clicks” Metric is the only feature on the market that shows the estimated number of clicks for your keywords. Here’s how Moz’s explorer tool helps with keyword research for the real estate industry. Enter a URL or keyword to discover and prioritize the best keywords to target. Get a comprehensive keyword analysis, suggestions, and more! Perform superior research in less time. Identify which keywords your site could rank for right now, and discover high-impact suggestions.
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A different version of this keyword generates less volume, but is easier to rank for, while the organic CTR is higher, which means you should receive more clicks by targeting this keyword, while ensuring that your (meta) description is compelling enough to prompt searchers to click.
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You may want to watch this video and take notes in order to complete your keyword research strategy and better understand the whole process:
2. Backlink Research
No matter how amazing your SEO strategy and content marketing game plan seem to you, you still need premium, high-authority websites and blogs to link to your real estate pages and blog posts. Earning natural backlinks from other ‘authority’ sites and industry blogs shows your website is trusteed, and content is worth linking to, isn’t so? I’m all about quality link building to promote local visibility, and long term, residual traffic gains. This means that you should aim for white-hat, relevant links, while avoiding the spammy or low-tier links altogether. It is better to have 10 quality inbound links from trustworthy sites than to have 100+ links from untrusted online locations. This is where these competitive backlink research tools come into play. Let’s run a SEMrush backlink analysis for https://ryanserhant.com/, a well known NYC real estate website, owned by US real estate mogul, Ryan Serhant.
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Look at the ‘domain overview’ section first.
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For backlink research, you’ll see the following: Total (new and lost) backlinks, and referring domains. Back-link types (text, image, form, and frame) Follow vs no follow percentage You’ll be able to: Understand how authoritative a referring domain is, and where it is located; Discover top anchors. Spy on the strong authority links of competitors, and see which trusted web resources refer to your domain.
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Every real estate SEO professional knows that .edu or .gov backlinks are bombs that can boost your website in SERPs. Even a handful of these can make a significant difference in search results. SEMrush will indicate whether the website you are conducting your search on owns these types of high-quality links, and identify them for your convenience. Let’s inspect the Ahrefs Backlink Checker feature next, which can be found in their Site Explorer tool. Get an in-depth look at the organic search traffic and backlink profile of any website or URL. First, let’s examine the overview section - which shows results such as these…
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This is probably the Most Powerful Backlink Checker on the planet, and they claim to have the second most active web crawler after Google, This fact translates to having the best backlink database in the industry (its index updates every 15 minutes).
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You can obtain a complete breakdown of your competitors’ websites and linking profiles, including details such as... Number of referring domains ( New & Lost) Number of backlinks  (New & Lost) Domain Ratings (DR) & URL Ratings (UR) Ahrefs Rank (AR) Ahrefs has the fastest backlink crawler in the industry, and boasts the world's biggest index of live backlinks (over 14 trillion links). This makes Site Explorer the best tool for backlink research. See the estimated organic traffic to each linking page & referring domain. Get awesome insights into the popularity of the linking web page and website with organic traffic estimates. No other tool shows you this.
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Their proprietary Domain Rating (DR) and URL Rating (UR) metrics are super-useful for judging the "backlink popularity" (strength) of a target. Plus, multiple filtering options are available, such as: Use the "404 not found" filter to find highly linked-to broken pages on any website, and kickstart a broken link building campaign. This is ideal for real estate broken link building. 
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See a complete breakdown of all outbound links The Linked domains report shows SEO metrics for every outbound linked domain.
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Top pages with the most organic traffic. The "Top Pages" section under ‘Organic Search’ allows you to quickly identify which pages on a target website receive the most traffic, top keyword, as well as its traffic volume.  You can also check any website, while filtering results by the page containing the most backlinks and social shares. So, you can reverse engineer their best content practices and backlink profiles.
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Discover your missing link opportunities Just think about it: if a website is linking to every one of your competitors, what are the odds that they will link to you, too (once they find out you exist, of course)? With the help of Ahrefs' Link Intersect tool, you can easily find the sites that link to your competitors, but don't link to you (yet).
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Let’s delve into Moz’s link explorer tool now. Enter the URL of the website or page you want to retrieve link data for, and a comprehensive analysis will present itself. Check success metrics, including Domain Authority (DA), Page Authority (PA), Spam Score, and complete link counts to any site.
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Research top-performing content to see new and lost links
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An interesting option is the Check the Spam Score of backlinks, which helps you to decrease the number of spammy links pointing to your site, while increasing the quality links. Also, the Link Intersect feature under ‘check spam score’, helps you discover fresh link building opportunities to grow your back-link profile, and increase local organic traffic.
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3. Website Rank Tracking
Maybe you’re thinking: Okay, I have the right set of keywords, then I conducted backlink competitive research. How can I now check the web page rankings of my competitors on search engines… and, what is my Google rank for a search in the real estate industry?” When it comes to tracking your local real estate SEO results, you need to understand why backlinks and Google ranking is vital for keyword rank tracking. All the tools mentioned in this review contain remarkable rank tracking features enabling you to find Google rankings based on the keyword prospects you are searching for. For example, check out SEMrush’s ORGANIC research tool, which helps you to monitor your top ranking positions, as well as that of your competitors, while revealing their top ranked keywords, traffic volume, and other sensitive data. The organic research reports look like this
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You’ll be able to: Analyze a complete list of your competitors’ organic keyword rankings and pages. See a competitor’s recent highs and lows in their search rankings. Identify all competing domains opposing your website regarding organic search traffic, and more. Next. Ahrefs website rank tracker exposed. Monitor your rankings over time, and chart your performance against that of your competitors. Get scheduled reports, straight to your inbox.
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Owning SERP features is beneficial for any page. With Ahrefs’ Rank Tracker, you receive data on a total of 13 features: Featured snippet. Sitelinks. Top stories. Image pack. Thumbnails, and more. See how you stack up against your local competitors: Want to keep an eye on the SEO performance of your competitors in the local search results? Ahrefs' Rank Tracker charts your data against that of up to five of your competitors, and automatically reports on three key areas: Ranking Progress Search Traffic SERP Features
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Gain insights with the “share of voice” functionality Find out which websites and pages are fighting for search traffic using your list of tracked keywords. Rank Tracker uses data from the top 100 search results for each of your tracked keywords to show the “share of voice” across all discovered pages and websites.
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Track your rankings, as well as that of your competitors with MozPro, and measure your SEO impact. Track your site’s keyword ranking performance and overall visibility on the SERP over time, to see what works and what doesn’t. Better yet, track the movements of your competitors on the SERP to reveal the flaws in their strategies, while building on yours.
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Compare mobile vs desktop visibility Customers demonstrate different search behavior on desktops than on mobile devices. Compare and optimize for both in MozPro. Compare US mobiles and desktops down to the national and local levels. Here are some brief pricing comparisons between the 3 SEO tools scrutinized in this review. 
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Go on, give your favorite tools a try, and let us know if you have any questions or comments about today’s article or about the latest SEO ranking factors.  Thank you so much for reading Real Estate SEO Tools Exposed: SEMrush vs Ahrefs vs MozPro Review (2019). We really appreciate it! If you have any questions about our article, or can suggest any other topics you think we should explore, feel free to let us know. Be sure to sign-up for our newsletter to receive monthly emails on all of the latest trends and happenings in the digital marketing space. You will also receive our FREE E-Book with the Amazing Marketing Tools for Powerful Business Growth. Sign-up below! Also, if you received some value out of this article, please share with your friends or colleagues, or leave a comment/question below. We really appreciate you reading our blog and every share/comment means the world to us and allows us to continue producing valuable tools to help you grow your business! Share this PostAbout the Author
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Robb Fahrion Facebook Twitter Google+Robb Fahrion is the Co-Founder and a Partner of Flying V Group. He is passionate about helping businesses grow using the power of the internet. Robb graduated from Chapman University in Orange, CA and currently resides in Costa Mesa, CA. Robb enjoys writing about digital marketing, helping his clients turn their dreams into reality, and is a HUGE Mike Trout fan. The Best Strategy to Increase Traffic and Leads to Your Real Estate Website without Any Referrals, Facebook or Paid AdsNovember 25, 2019What NEVER to Publish on a Real Estate Company Site or BlogNovember 19, 2019Real Estate SEO Tools Exposed: SEMrush vs Ahrefs vs MozPro Review (2019)November 11, 2019
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Discover the Best Digital Business Growth Strategies! Join 10,000+ Other Digital Marketers, Consultants, and SEO Experts Now: Notice: JavaScript is required for this content. var formDisplay=1;var nfForms=nfForms||;var form=;form.id='35_1';form.settings={"objectType":"Form Setting","editActive":true,"title":"IN USE - 16 Tools - non-sidebar - copy GLOBAL BLOCK EMAIL GLOBAL","created_at":"2018-10-02 23:58:52","form_title":"Top Ten List Blog - non-sidebar - copy - copy","default_label_pos":"above","show_title":"0","clear_complete":"1","hide_complete":"1","logged_in":"0","wrapper_class":"","element_class":"","add_submit":"0","changeEmailErrorMsg":"Please enter a valid email address!","changeDateErrorMsg":"Please enter a valid date!","confirmFieldErrorMsg":"These fields must match!","fieldNumberNumMinError":"Number Min Error","fieldNumberNumMaxError":"Number Max Error","fieldNumberIncrementBy":"Please increment by ","formErrorsCorrectErrors":"Please correct errors before submitting this form.","validateRequiredField":"This is a required field.","honeypotHoneypotError":"Honeypot Error","fieldsMarkedRequired":"Fields marked with an * are required","currency":"","unique_field_error":"A form with this value has already been submitted.","not_logged_in_msg":"","sub_limit_msg":"The form has reached its submission limit.","calculations":,"formContentData":,"order":0,"type":"part","clean":true,"title":"Part Title","key":"sysrdshp"}],"drawerDisabled":false,"key":"","mp_breadcrumb":1,"mp_progress_bar":1,"mp_display_titles":0,"allow_public_link":0,"embed_form":"","ninjaForms":"Ninja Forms","fieldTextareaRTEInsertLink":"Insert Link","fieldTextareaRTEInsertMedia":"Insert Media","fieldTextareaRTESelectAFile":"Select a file","formHoneypot":"If you are a human seeing this field, please leave it empty.","fileUploadOldCodeFileUploadInProgress":"File Upload in Progress.","fileUploadOldCodeFileUpload":"FILE UPLOAD","currencySymbol":"$","thousands_sep":",","decimal_point":".","siteLocale":"en_US","dateFormat":"m\/d\/Y","startOfWeek":"1","of":"of","previousMonth":"Previous Month","nextMonth":"Next Month","months":,"monthsShort":,"weekdays":,"weekdaysShort":,"weekdaysMin":,"currency_symbol":"","beforeForm":"","beforeFields":"","afterFields":"","afterForm":""};form.fields=,"old_classname":"","wrap_template":"wrap"},{"objectType":"Field","objectDomain":"fields","editActive":false,"order":3,"type":"submit","label":"Sign Up","processing_label":"Processing","container_class":"","element_class":"","key":"sign_up_1556741674462","drawerDisabled":false,"id":"188_1","beforeField":"","afterField":"","value":"","label_pos":"above","parentType":"textbox","element_templates":,"old_classname":"","wrap_template":"wrap-no-label"}];nfForms.push(form); {{{ data.renderProgressBar() }}} {{{ data.renderBreadcrumbs() }}} {{{ data.renderPartTitle() }}} {{{ data.title }}} {{{ data.renderNextPrevious() }}} Read the full article
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Unlock Your SEO Potential with a Free DA and PA Checker
Understanding Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA)
In the world of search engine optimization (SEO), two critical metrics you need to understand are Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA).
Developed by Moz, these scores provide insight into the ranking potential of your website and its individual pages, respectively. DA predicts how well your entire domain will rank on search engine result pages (SERPs), while PA assesses the ranking potential of a specific page.
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Why DA and PA Matter
SEO Strategy: High DA and PA scores indicate a strong online presence, which is crucial for an effective SEO strategy. They help you understand how well your site is likely to perform against competitors.
Link Building: Websites with high DA are more attractive for link-building opportunities. They signal trust and authority, encouraging other sites to link back to you.
Content Planning: Understanding which pages have higher PA can guide your content creation and optimization efforts, ensuring you focus on the most impactful areas of your site.
Benefits of Using a Free DA and PA Checker
Using a free DA and PA checker provides several advantages, especially for businesses and individuals looking to improve their SEO without investing heavily in paid tools.
Cost-Effective Analysis: A free DA and PA checker allows you to assess your website’s authority without any financial investment. This is particularly beneficial for small businesses and startups operating on tight budgets.
Competitive Benchmarking: By comparing your scores with those of your competitors, you can identify gaps and opportunities in your SEO strategy, enabling you to make informed decisions.
Regular Monitoring: Regularly checking your DA and PA scores helps you track the effectiveness of your SEO efforts over time. It allows you to quickly respond to any changes and maintain a strong online presence.
How to Use a Free DA and PA Checker
Select a Reliable Tool: Choose a reputable free DA and PA checker. Many SEO platforms offer these tools without charge, providing accurate and up-to-date metrics.
Input Your URL: Enter the URL of your website or specific page you want to analyze. The tool will process the information and generate your DA and PA scores.
Analyze the Results: Review the scores and any additional insights provided. Pay attention to trends and how they correlate with your SEO activities.
Implement Improvements: Use the insights gained to optimize your website. Focus on building high-quality backlinks, improving content quality, and ensuring your site is technically sound.
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Incorporating a free DA and PA checker into your SEO toolkit can significantly enhance your understanding of your website’s authority and ranking potential. By regularly monitoring these metrics, you can refine your SEO strategy, outpace competitors, and achieve better visibility on search engines. Whether you’re a seasoned SEO professional or just starting, leveraging these free tools is a smart and effective way to boost your online presence.
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