#And Hank is ABSOLUTELY a jumped-up pantry boy.
positivelybeastly · 8 months
𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐃 [ 🎼 ] + 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 - wonderbeast
Let the Good Times Roll, by Sam Butera & the Witnesses.
"Hey, everybody, let's have some fun You only live but once And when you're dead you're done
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So let the good times roll Let the good times roll I don't care if you're young or old Get together, let the good times roll
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Don't sit there mumblin', talkin' trash If you wanna have some fun You gotta spend some cash."
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2. One Week by Barenaked Ladies.
"How can I help it if I think you're funny when you're mad? Trying hard not to smile, though I feel bad I'm the kind of guy who laughs at a funeral
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Can't understand what I mean? Well, you soon will I have a tendency to wear my mind on my sleeve I have a history of taking off my shirt
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It's been one week since you looked at me Threw your arms in the air and said, "You're crazy" Five days since you tackled me
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I've still got the rug burns on both my knees It's been three days since the afternoon You realised it's not my fault not a moment too soon Yesterday, you'd forgiven me And now I sit back and wait 'til you say you're sorry."
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3. Beautiful Stranger, by Madonna.
"If I'm smart then I'll run away But I'm not so I guess I'll stay Heaven forbid I take my chance on a beautiful stranger
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I looked into your eyes And my world came tumblin' down You're the devil in disguise That's why I'm singin' this song
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To know you is to love you You're everywhere I go And everybody knows
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To love you is to be part of you I pay for you with tears And swallow all my pride."
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4. You Showed Me, by The Lightning Seeds.
"You showed me how to say Exactly what you say In that very special way Oh, oh, oh, it's true You fell for me, too
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And when I tried it I could see you fall And I decided It's not a trip at all
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You taught it to me, too Exactly what you do And now you love me, too Oh, oh, oh, it's true We're in love, we two."
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5. This Charming Man, by The Smiths.
"Punctured bicycle On a hillside, desolate Will nature make a man of me yet?
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I would go out tonight But I haven't got a stitch to wear This man said, "It's gruesome That someone so handsome should care"
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Ah, a jumped-up pantry boy Who never knew his place He said, "Return the ring" He knows so much about these things He knows so much about these things."
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whumptober day 15
prompt: scars
whumpee: gavin reed
tw for descriptions of past abuse!!!
“Where did you get these scars?”
It was a perfectly innocent question, and one which he was asked fairly often. Typically, when people asked, they would gesture to the most obvious one-the gash across his nose. And typically, his response was “fuck off.”
But this was not a typical encounter. So he decided to be polite.
“Nowhere special. Just a fight.”
“Are all of them from the same fight?” his boyfriend asked. 
“Well, not all of them. Some are.”
Nines gently touched the back of Gavin’s right hand, which was littered with small scars. “What fight was this?”
Gavin blushed slightly. “Okay, fine, not all of them are from fights.”
“What are they from?” Nines asked. “You do not have to answer,” he quickly added, not wishing to make his boyfriend uncomfortable. 
“A window,” Gavin muttered.
“A window?”
“I punched through a window, okay? Not my smartest moment.”
Nines couldn’t hide a small grin. 
“I know,” said Gavin. “My turn. I know your skin repairs itself automatically, but if you had a choice, would you keep your scars?”
Nines thought about that for a moment. “I...do not know,” he said finally. “That is a complex question.”
“Well, you don’t have any scars for me to ask you about!” Gavin protested. “I’m trying here!”
“I think I would keep some of them,” Nines decided at last. “If there was an interesting story behind them.”
Gavin nodded. “Makes sense. Wish I could pick and choose like that.”
“Would you keep the ones on your hand?”
“Probably,” Gavin laughed. “Not many people can say they punched through a window, and have the scars to prove it.”
“What about this one?” Nines asked, going back to his original line of questioning and running his fingers along a small but jagged scar on the inside of Gavin’s left elbow.
“Knife fight,” Gavin said. “Well. It was a knife fight for him, anyway. Not so much for me.”
“Were you on the police force at the time?”
“Nah, I was like nineteen.”
“What was the cause of the fight?”
“It...might’ve been my fault. Oh, c’mon, I was an angry teen, might’ve picked a fight and not thought it through.”
“That would seem to be true for many of your scars. What about this one?” Nines asked, fingers coming up lightly to rest on the bridge of Gavin’s nose.
“Nothin’ special. Bar fight,” Gavin said quickly. “My turn,” he added. “Uh...what injury have you ever gotten that you’d most want the scar from?”
Gavin’s stress levels had shot up alarmingly when Nines had asked about the scar on his nose. Although he very much wanted to answer the question, Nines decided to instead inquire about the sudden increase in his boyfriend’s stress levels.
“I dunno, man, maybe your sensor thingy’s broken.”
“It is functioning perfectly well,” Nines stated. “Did I do something to upset you?”
“No, no, it’s nothing, okay? Just...let’s go back to what we were saying before, okay?”
“What?” Gavin snapped. “What do you wanna know, huh? Wanna know about my dad? Wanna know about how I was his personal punching bag? Huh? Wanna know about the night he smashed a beer bottle in my face? That a good enough answer for you?” He jumped up from the bed where he’d been sitting cross-legged and stormed out the door, slamming it behind them.
Nines sat numbly for a second, LED spinning red. He quickly processed all the relevant information and strode out the door after Gavin, who had not gone very far and was sitting on the couch, his back to Nines.
“Fuck off,” he snapped.
“Gavin...I did not know. I apologise for my insensitive questions and response. I should not have pushed you.”
Gavin sighed and turned slowly to look at him. “It’s okay,” he said at last. “You didn’t know. It wasn’t your fault. I shouldn’t’ve yelled at you.”
“May I sit?”
Gavin nodded, drawing his legs to his chest, curling into a ball with his head on his knees. 
“I am...sorry for the events of your past. You did not deserve such a terrible father.”
“It’s no big deal, Nines. It was a long time ago.” Gavin sniffed.
“That may be true, but he had no right to treat you in the way that he did.” Nines tentatively wrapped his arms around Gavin, leaning his own head against Gavin’s. 
They sat in silence for several minutes, Gavin absolutely not crying, not even a little bit, Nines holding onto his boyfriend protectively. 
“He was always such an asshole,” Gavin said suddenly. “Always drunk or angry, usually both. And I was the only other person there. So. It was me. My fault.”
“Nothing was your fault.”
“I’ve realised that now, I think. But back then...it felt like it was my fault, y’know? Like if I’d been different it would’ve been okay. But no. Dad’s just a dick. Doesn’t matter if I did anything or not. It’s him.”
Nines nodded. “That is a wise statement,” he said. 
Gavin sniffed again. “Shut up,” he said. “‘Wise statement.’ Just agree with me that my dad was an ass.”
“Of course he was.”
“Was what?”
“Gavin, your father was a complete asshole. The world’s biggest dick. An utter bastard. A-”
Gavin cut him off with a soft laugh. “I never thought you’d be the type to swear.”
“Hank has taught me...a wide variety of words.”
Gavin smiled. “I bet he has. Hey,” he said. “You wanna watch a movie? We’re already out here, and I’ve got microwave popcorn.”
“That sounds nice.”
“You pick out a movie, I’ll go get snacks.” Gavin headed off to rummage through his pantry.
“Who is Indiana Jones? And what is the lost ark?”
“Oh, you’ll enjoy that one, it’s a classic,” Gavin called from the kitchen. “Put it on, I’ll be out in a second.”
The two sat curled up on the couch, Gavin’s head resting lightly on Nines’ shoulder. “Thanks,” Gavin said softly, as the movie began to play. “For listening and shit.”
“Of course. I love you, Gavin.”
Gavin burrowed his head deeper into Nines’ shoulder. “Love you too,” he muttered. 
thanks for reading!!! this might not be super great bc ive got the psat tomorrow and ya boy is Stressing
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