#And I give permission to anybody willing to write this as a fanfic that's basically 12 episode scripts just like this
alexvacice · 1 year
having 1 am merlin thoughts while reading fanfic and ughhhh
I was thinking about Arthur's bane and how someone on here mentioned that it would make more sense for it to be Merlin, not Arthur himself and all the angst possibilities that could come from that. If it really played out I imagine they'd say Emrys was Arthur's bane, so the writers would have to have him figure out that Emrys is Merlin, basically a magic reveal, at basically the start of season 5. They could have a falling out, where Gwen would have the opportunity to be a person and not just wife(tm), yknow help Merlin out, reason with Arthur and whatnot. Then they'd band together again and we'd have time for a Merthur adventure with magic revealed and the ending could still play out the same (I will not be taking any fixings for that, I love how it ended, you can't change the most important part of the legends).
I know Emrys is already Morgana's bane but honestly if you changed it to Arthur not much would change storywise, she'd just have a better reason for turning on Arthur.
And I have a fix for Mordred's arc as well. Instead of Kara, who's addition really bring the emotional impact the writers were going for, we'd built it on a misunderstanding. Merlin can't be with Arthur for a few days because he's helping Gaius gather rare herbs (wowee love that excuse) so Arthur's standing on his own. Some random guy, who's staying with the druids, tries to assassinate Arthur. He takes it surprisingly well and tries to visit the druid camp to discuss it (cause he's being a proper progressive king, can you tell I am not a writer?) but he brings a legion of knights with him just in case. Shit goes nut nut, because druids think they're under attack. Some of them have survived Arthur's last raid and they're terrified of him now so they immediately go into defense. Arthur fights back and because he's a killing machine it quickly truns into an actual raid unintentionally which destroys the entire camp. Mordred, back in Camelot hears about this, and thinks to himself that Arthur isn't reformed at all, that he will still kill innocent people only for having magic, so he realises Morgana was right and goes to her. It's a mmmmm yummy scrummy cycle of terrible decisions and inascapable horrible events, just how I like all my shows.
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yodepalma · 8 years
Commissions? Maybe?
I have no idea if anybody would even be interested in this, but I really need some money, so it’s worth a shot.
What I won't write: Smut (I write tasteful fade-to-blacks, okay), incest, bestiality, rape, pedophilia...yeah that's about it. I reserve the right to turn down anything else at my own discretion though.
What I specialize in: Fluff and schmoop, both shippy and gen! Also crossovers and alternate universes (mostly fantasy and soft scifi), crackfic taken seriously, and the occasional sickfic. Feel free to ask for anything else that doesn't break my rules.
Note: If you check out my work on ao3, you'll notice basically everything is slash. While that tends to be my preference and I generally stick to certain pairings, I will write het and femslash, and I'm perfectly willing to branch out. Ask about your crackpair! ;)
Fandoms I've well-versed in: Ronin Warriors/Yoroiden: Samurai Troopers Harry Potter (books) Good Omens Kingdom Hearts (nothing after KH2; I'm not comfortable with BBS yet) Fullmetal Alchemist (I default to '03, but can write both; there are pairings & characters I can't/won't write though) Final Fantasy VI Final Fantasy VIII Final Fantasy XV Less comfortable but still willing to write: Good Omens Chrono Trigger Lunar: Silver Star Story/Harmony Star Ocean 2 Gundam Wing You can ask about other fandoms, but I tend not to be up-to-date on current fandoms. :)
I'm also willing to write original pieces! I won't write your OCs, but if you provide me a prompt/genre, I'll dust off some of my older OCs that will otherwise never see the light of day and throw them into the fray. :)
Pricing: Fanfic: $1 per 100 words. You can request as little as a drabble if you want (100 words), with a maximum of 5,000 words. If you want higher word counts, you can ask, but I make no guarantees. Originals: $1.50 per 100 words. Minimum 500 words, maximum 5,000 words.
Payments accepted up front via Paypal. Please message me on my Tumblr with your requests.
By the way, I tend to write in Arial Narrow 12pt font, which is weird and tiny for many people. If that's going to be an issue, let me know and I'll switch it to something more appropriate for you.
Works will be exclusively for you unless you give me permission to post publicly.
I also accept donations, if you can!
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