#And I must say I envy them quite a bit rn; haha!
finzphoenix · 2 years
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"As the Gotham night starts to show itself, you could faintly hear the noise of the tv and mr. Nigma's voice echoing in the abandoned home."
Hallie, Edward and Jonathan spending a calm evening together in front of the TV for @riddles-and-diddles! I love when I'm allowed to go batshit crazy with details like this~🥰❤️
Character (c) @riddles-and-diddles Riddler & Scarecrow (c) DC comics Art (c) FinzPhoenix
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somuchkdrama · 6 years
Hwayugi 17-18 (II)
@dramajib I don't see how they're going to wrap all this up without it feeling anticlimactic honestly. Like the last we hear is that Oh Gong, by defeating the Geumganggo on his own, has created an opportunity to change fate. Which fits in with the Son Oh Gong of legends who is constantly defying the gods and the restrictions they try to impose on him
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dramajib: But given how Sam Jang's duty/task has been this huge overarching driving force, I just don't see how they'll build it up enough in two episodes and knock it down without it just being another "haha jk easy fix" thing
dramajib: Another thing I wanna talk about is Ma Wang and also Bu Ja so holla when you guys are up
@rocknghorss​:  About Ma Wang... I’m feeling sympathetic toward him again
@triangularlily: Can I just say I wasn't paying too much attention to the episode and I was about ready to quit when I thought they had actually killed the secretary dog whose name I'm forgetting
triangularlily I was like THIS IS THE LAST STRAW
rocknghorss Lolol
A Potentially Boring Ending? 
rocknghorss: I was worried but then I realized that this show has never killed or seriously injured any of the main characters
rocknghorss: Kinda like what Ekta was saying earlier, the ending is probably going to be wildly boring unless they don’t let Oh Gong circumvent fate after all and Sam Jang kills him
rocknghorss I think her name is Secretary Ma btw
triangularlily: Ok I thought that's what it was too
triangularlily: Maybe there will be some kind of twist like I haven't found the show really that predictable maybe because it's so wacky
rocknghorss: Wacky is a good word for it
triangularlily: Also I know I kept harping on about wanting the guegensjskaong bracelet thing off but like it's too late at this point I think their romance won't ever do it for me
triangularlily: Like I am glad his feelings are real but it's just too late at this point
rocknghorss: His feelings are real but what are they based on is my issue!?  Because the version 1.0 model forced obedience upon whoever wore it
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triangularlily: Yeah that is a good point
triangularlily: Actually a really interesting idea that probably won't be explored in the show
triangularlily: Like for me they must never developed the romance/their feelings  like they put the bracelet on and tada! he loves her! Like how am I supposed to be invested or believe in that
triangularlily: In the beginning of the show I thought maybe they would take the bracelet off and then they would kind of start over in their relationship and fall in love for real like sometimes what kdramas do with amnesia plots but like that's not what happened
rocknghorss: Their romance I think is really tough to believe cause of what you said earlier and also because they don’t really know each other.  Who is Jin Seon Mi really?  All I know about her is that she really likes the fact that there’s finally someone who likes her despite (or because of?) her magical powers.  And that’s a sad basis for a relationship.
dramajib: I think that’s a good point - I don’t have trouble believing their feelings for each other, but I just don’t care.  And that’s mostly because Seon Mi as a character hasn’t been fleshed out.  This sudden “I’m going to empty my heart of love and save the world” thing just makes no sense to me, it just seems like a way to keep the story moving
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triangularlily: I think they def are just trying to keep the story moving.  I was glad tho that she seems to be the only one who cares about Bu Ja rather than PK rn
triangularlily: Also I rather wish she had powers since the beginning I kind of like that addition to her character even if it’s just more of a plot device
dramajib: Back to Ma Wang for a quick sec - I wondered if him being so gullible and easy to trick had anything to do with him being the (a?) devil.  Combined with how he’s so softhearted just seems like an interesting personality choice for this character.  Like we do see him being cold and harsh, but it never last very long and he’s obviously the biggest softy and everyone knows it.
rocknghorss: Ma Wang, kinda like Oh Gong, is ultimately harmless.  They’ve even dialed back Ah Sa Nyeo’s diabolical plans and made her seem almost sympathetic.  i really hope that whatever plan Oh Gong has up his sleeve also is meant to save BuJa too— it’s irritating that it’s only been PK and Octopus(?) that have seemed to care for the last ~8 episodes.
rocknghorss: Oh yeah, and Seon Mi too, when the writers let her care about something other than Oh Gong
triangularlily: I’m just really worried they’re gonna give the shaman some kind of redemption arc and she like agrees to be burned or something and BuJa just is like gone
rocknghorss: Let’s hope not!!!
rocknghorss: Also, going back to what you said last week Kristin… this show has so many side plots!  It’s pretty amazing that they’re all fairly (?) relevant to the overall plot.  Even Jason (that was his name right?) had a part to play in showing that Seon Mi could have a fairly normal human life if she found the right person.
triangularlily: Yeah, I think maybe that’s why it’s not living up to my expectations of a Hong sister’s drama.  I think it’s too complicated and maybe because it’s an adaption of something.  Maybe they’re just a lot better at writing their own stories.
rocknghorss: that’s an interesting idea.  I never thought of it like that.  They also did an adaptation of Chunhyang back in the day right?
triangularlily: Oh idk. I haven’t seen it!
rocknghorss: Well all I really recall about it is that it was boring lol.  
triangularlily: Well maybe I’m right then lol
rocknghorss: Ekta will you tell me what you meant earlier about Ma Wang being a/the devil and being gullible?  
dramajib: I just noticed that of all the characters, he seems to be the one who gets painted as this dumb foolish guy a lot, someone you can easily put one over
dramajib: Like even with PK, it’s only the BuJa angle that allows him to be manipulated.  But with Ma Wang it’s love, and then pride, and envy and family, and whole gamut of things that let people lead him on and allow him to be very susceptible to suggestion
dramajib: I mean, yes, he does eventually catch on and shake it off and get back to bad business, but mostly there’s this quality of gullibility attached to him that we don’t really see in the other characters as much - and it made me think about how in all the folk stories we always hear about the devil being tricked or outsmarted so that good triumphs over evil in the end.
dramajib: I know the other characters do get tricked and manipulated too, the main premise of the show is supposed to be about Seon Mi and Oh Gong’s feelings being manipulated, but it doesn’t have that same quality of “look how stupid this creature is lol” to it as it does with Ma Wang… Or maybe that’s just be being partial to Cha Seung Won again
rocknghorss: No lol.  I don’t think it’s the CSW bias.  I guess my only point of contention (if it can even be called that) is that as the devil, Ma Wang may be doing such a poor job at tempting people and is so easily tricked himself is because he’s a devil who was trying to become a deity.  
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dramajib: Re BuJa (because I was asleep when you guys discussed it, because time zones ugh): I wonder if her mom actually died, or was just transferred somewhere else.  The translations for that bit seemed a bit off.
dramajib: If they are giving Ah Sa Nyeo a redemption arc, maybe she’ll sacrifice her soul to make BuJa human again or something like that.  it still seems a bit unsatisfactory though. I will be sad to not get BuJa back, but can’t think of a way for them to do it that wouldn’t frustrate me.  Unless she comes back, stays a zombie, but becomes a pop star and the energy she gets from her concerts keep her going?
dramajib: I want her to do it on her own, you know?  Not just because someone helped her.  As sweet as PK is with her.  But he mentioned something about hoping Ah Sa Nyeo becomes good so he can make her his little sister too, so who knows how things are going to go.
rocknghorss: Bu Ja did want to become a popstar didn’t she? I’d forgotten about that.  But in terms of Ah Sa Nyeo and redemption, my prediction is that she’ll get one and it’ll paint her in a super sympathetic light and Prof. Kang will go down (but not die!) and somehow BuJa will be reincarnated.
triangularlily: I just want BuJa back somehow and not forgotten
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