#And I sanitize it to get rid of most details because of I don't want to be a manipulative abuser who lies about minorities
princelylove · 11 months
If request are open can I ask for some general yandere hcs for rohan and josuke?
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Above everything else, Josuke just loves to spend time with you. He’s surprisingly the type to prefer kicking back and relaxing at home rather than going out- he even prefers working out inside. He’ll find anything to keep you entertained at home with him, as long as he’s directly involved. You can play videogames, cuddle with him and read a book or some manga, do a puzzle or something, he’s got loads of means of entertainment just for you. He might even let you wrestle him, as long as you respect the hair.
Josuke has germophobia- maybe even mysophobia. He knows his sickness was related to the whole stand and Dio’s curse thing, or whatever, but he just can’t help it. Josuke’s absolutely petrified of getting sick again, he can’t do that to his mother again. He keeps his space neat and sanitized, and will take the liberty of cleaning your things. He can’t have his baby getting sick! He just doesn’t know what he’d do with himself. He doesn’t mind his darling going out, but they’re going to be thoroughly cleansed when they get back home.
Josuke insists on always texting you. He likes to make sure you’re all good, and he just wants to know what his babe is up to, if anything. He checks your location every five minutes. Begs you to download that app that lets you see what your friends are listening to, and only has you added. When you come over, he’s got physical copies of the things you listen to the most- oh, those old things? Yeah, some guy totally gave them to him as a thank you, do you want ‘em? He’ll totally let you have them, wanna trade for a kiss? Just on the cheek.
Rohan’s just so curious. He’s fascinated with you. He loves to continuously put you in situations to get your reaction. What’s going to happen if he pushes your buttons all day? What’s going to happen if he shows you special attention, which he always is? He pokes and prods, and makes up for it by being “sweet” for a while, so you don’t get rid of him. He's self aware enough to know that bothering you constantly will just make you push him away, and to be honest, he can't go that long without you.
Despite the taunting and seemingly toying with you, Rohan genuinely cares what you think of him, and in general. He tends to peacock a bit, he shows you every recent accomplishment with pride. He grooms himself a bit obsessively, he keeps himself well read and up to date on current world events, he even exercises regularly to keep healthy. He listens attentively when you talk and takes your opinion into consideration- he even seeks you out for advice. Truthfully, your fashion taste isn’t for him, but he loves seeing how you’d design certain fabrics he’s bought recently. If you actually drew them out, or had him draw out what you described, he’d pin it to his wall and look at it fondly when he misses you. (Which is often. Very, very often.)
You’re always his warm up drawings when he’s getting ready to work. Your little details are his favorite parts of you- your eyes, your hands, that face you make when he's really starting to bother you with all that pompous talk about experiencing things. He has a designated sketchbook just for you, and most of his greater paintings are partially inspired by you. Your favorite colors hidden in the undertones, maybe an object you mentioned, he can't help but to include you in every aspect of his art.
He has no sense of personal space or boundaries. If you're sitting alone, he sees no problem with pulling up a chair and just starting to talk. If you scold him because you're trying to focus on something, he'll actually shut up and just sit. You don't mind him flat out staring at you, right?
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povestotrischane · 1 year
basic mecha vn adaptation details:
- it'll be an eroge for a variety of long and complicated reasons which basically boil down to "the public perception of vn genre has been heavily sanitized in the west, western vns are notorious for being #notlikeothervns and the words "western vn" are mainly used derogatorily, by harkening back to the legacy of classic eroge such as f/sn, tsukihime, fmdm or fucking. i don't know. rance. i feel i'd better attract fans of the genre + combat the increasing sanitization of vns, seen in Every Mainstream VN Release In The West and in increasingly in the japanese market as well (i HATE f/sn realta nua. i'm not saying nasu is good at writing h-scenes or w/e (he's cartoonishly bad at it actually) but i am saying that it's A Choice to take hf, the route about sex and sexuality and the sex = death trope, and get rid of all the h-scenes) + weed out ppl who think ddlc is soooo messed up and genuinely. would not be able to handle 10 minutes of idk. higurashi or smthing" with a side of "ofc sex and sexuality are important thematically, tf do you think i am?"
- 4 routes. gawaine is the narrator. it goes priamus -> ysabelle -> lancelot -> ragnelle. sgatgk doesn't happen until route 4. route 1 is a bit expository and is ultimately about gawaine's political machinations/two-faced-ness, modred stabs the shit out of him a la the alliterative morte in the end. route 2 is basically about gawaine doing whatever the fuck he wants forever, do his actions have consequences? eh. does he want to fuck his mecha? probably. is it more complicated than that but takes a while to articulate? yeah lol. route 3 is about uhm. obsession. it's the remarkable route and gawaine is a total freak idk what to tell you he's so abnormal in this one. route 4 is a straight up horror route in which gawaine IS naturally the perfect chivalrous knight who would never do anything he's done throughout the rest of the vn and also galahad levels of repressed. something is deeply wrong. renard the fox is there. overarching themes surround desire, indulgence/repression, chivalry, idealism, sex and sexuality.
- ok time for actual lore stuff. gringolet and galatine are the same thing. and by that i mean gawaine's mecha is galatine, in the same way that lancelot's is secace and arthur's is excaliber, etc. but also. galatine is gringolet, because he stole gringolet from the saxons and quickly decided to officially rename it to that of the mecha he's Supposed to have bc he's not stupid. the thing is, gringolet is uhm. an organic lifeform! (think nge or darling in the franxx) and sentient! and gawaine and gringolet are thus able to share a much deeper bond than anyone else in the round table and their mechas. the og galatine probably ended up being renamed to clarent and given to modred, for a mix of reasons (tie up loose ends, a mecha is a lot harder to sneak around than a sword + why would there be a ceremonial mecha? things have to be rewritten here, leads to there only being one sister mecha to excaliber, makes an easily identifiable symbol of modred and gawaine's relationship for when the inevitable fratricide comes up).
- the ladies of the lake are ais, the du hautdeserts are either robots, humonculi, or one of each, magic and technology are kinda blended to the point where pointing out the difference is kinda pointless
- aggravaine beheads lamorak for thematic reasons which come down to "damn. there seems to be a pattern with his brothers and weird psychosexual issues regarding beheadings. how would that apply to him." and uhm. lamorvaine real.
- the current state of arthur's kingdom is uhm. kinda in a bit of disrepair. like even the richest of the rich don't have the best conditions available. the world is practically covered in a thin layer of rust.
- most countries are planets (occasionally they'll also include like. nearby asteroids / moons / w/e), the names + uniforms used/worn by the knights change based on what planet they're on, in writing and in international diplomacy, they always go back to their latin names though
- tristan pilots a dogfighter instead of a mecha bc 1. he's an archer and 2. mechas are reserved for round table knights
- knights are wayyyy more likely to getting into classic sword/lance/fist/bow fights than actual duels
- morale kinda sucks in the round table as a natural result of (thematic reasons)
- uhhhhm i can't think of anything else rn
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