#And I watched the first ten episodes of Frasier and I was like omg even more annoying posh people
movietonight · 3 years
For the character ask game, could I please request Charles? Thank you ^_^
Yess thank you! I have a feeling each time I rewatch mash I have a new favourite character and this time it's that bastard (affectionate)
Favourite thing: from his first episode they make it so clear that he's on an equal level to Hawkeye and BJ not just surgically but intellectually in general (the snake prank) and just so complex. Also DOS my beloved obviously but I think that goes without saying. Last but not least he likes classical music <3 I listen to a lot of different genres but I have such a soft spot for classical music that every time he talks about it I'm just like yes bestie let's discuss composers or whatever <3
Least favourite thing: Well he is really posh and arrogant and bigoted and everything that comes with it (social darwinism and racism and classism etc etc). I absolutely can't stand posh people irl and I absolutely can't stand these attitudes but the thing is. It's just so very funny. I cannot excuse any of his views in any way and there's scenes I want to punch him so badly. But I love laughing about fictional posh people.
Favourite line: this is not a line but this is my answer and I can do what I want: the entire scene in run for the money where he listens to Honoria's tape
brOTP: Him and everyone I love when he gets along with people!! Those moments in Sons and Bowlers where he and Hawkeye actually have a deep conversation! In the same episode where he schemes with BJ together! The pranks! The hug in Temporary Duty! Oh and talking more literally Honoria of course. We know so little about her but she's my bestie
OTP: As I said before, I don't actively ship anything but I don't not ship anything. Enough people have lobbied for Charles/Donna on my dash that I have started to care about it and amended my hc from gayce (gay ace) to biace (bi ace) (I love portmanteau words). I have seen people lobby for Charles/Hawkeye which is something I had not considered while watching but as long as it gives me enough brain worms I'm in. I am legally obliged to mention the Charles/JFK joke I made.
nOTP: As I said I don't like how Charles/Margaret played out on the show but it could work if done differently I suppose. I am also not a big fan of the other two brief romantic encounters he had like nothing against Martine and Sooni but it just didn't work for me at all.
Random Headcanon: The reason why he so desperately wants to listen to Mahler's Kindertotenlieder in Friends and Enemies is because it's the anniversary of his brother's death
Unpopular Opinion: That is not a neutrotypical man
Song: the Mozart Clarinet Quintet as featured in GFA & Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture
Favourite Picture:
He has a little halo :)
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