#And Lef doesn't really have a response to that
bonefall · 8 months
Super interested in how you plan to write Leopardfoot! I feel like both fanon and canon tend to make her into a sweet mom(tm) who’s super sad that Tigerstar is evil, very similar to how Goldenflower is usually treated. What’s her thoughts on Pinestar and him leaving? How did she influence Tigerstar? What are her political beliefs?
Society has progressed past the need for sad moms who stare tearily at their evil sons and boohoo about all the murder. It's MOTHER AGENCY TIME
BB!Leopardfoot was FEROCIOUS. Her father was the indominable Adderfang, and he taught her about the importance of honor and glory. When Tigerpaw was given to Thistleclaw as an apprentice, she was proud of it. It felt perfect to her-- that her father's apprentice was now her son's mentor.
For his brief rule, she supported Sunstar completely. It helped that he came after the disastrous and embarassing exit of Pinestar, which ruined the legacy that she wanted him to give her son. Pinestar was a damn coward and a codebreaker... and she assured Tigerkit that he was more HER son than his.
She even gives him a life, for Legacy, in defiance of StarClan
She was friends with Bluemoon for a time, but after ascending to StarClan, she learned about the Forget-me-nots.
This changed her opinion of her. Leopardfoot supports Thistle Law, STRONGLY so.
She supported THISTLECLAW when he tried to forcefully void the Queen’s Rights. If Bluemoon hadn't broken the code, then what did she have to hide?
She backed off when Thrushpelt leapt to her defense though, "She didn't reveal it because she doesn't love me are you happy now??"
Leopardfoot: *awkwardly turns away feeling like an asshole now, tea SPILLED, her friend's dirty laundry EXPOSED, thought she was crusading for the law but she just dug up drama*
Towards the end of Pinestar’s reign, he was getting exhausted. He wanted peace. Leopardfoot wanted kittens around that time, and figured that there was no better cat than the son of Oakstar, architect of the infamous Crusade Era.
If Pinestar had no children, a glorious bloodline would have died out. She wanted it for her kits. Pinestar agreed on the condition that he would be their Mi, which she happily accepted.
So when Pinestar left, she jumped into the nursery to take over and had to explain to her kits where their Mi went.
She drove it home to them that he abandoned everything, because his weakness took over. They would never be like him, she promised.
Mistkit died very young. Nightpaw made it to apprenticeship before she also succumbed. Tigerclaw remembers very well how hard it was to lose his sisters.
Leopardfoot herself was taken shortly before TPB, in Spottedleaf's Plague. Her death causes Tigerclaw to have a bit of a moment.
After the trial in Bluestar's Flowers, Leopardfoot leaves StarClan along with a bunch of other Thistle Law supporters, including Thistleclaw himself. She joins the BOTTE at the end of OotS, fighting to the end with her son.
She misses him a lot, and remains in the Dark Forest to the current arc. She chose her path; and has the dignity to walk it.
She does miss StarClan sometimes though, and will tell you stories about it if you ask.
In terms of demon friends, she's somewhere in the clique between the harsher and softer spirits.
She dislikes Morningstar, Cloudberry, and Ryewhisker on the softer end, and has come to resent Thistleclaw and Finchflight on the other, but likes Darkstripe, Leopardstar, and Silverhawk.
Gets along with a range of "mid" level demons.
In particular I imagine she hangs out with Darkstripe a lot. Taste test buddy, he asks her to try his experimental recipes because she's honest but not mean. One of the few Thistle Law supporting cats he hangs out with after the double-death of Tigerstar.
He calls her Lefty. Her official nickname is "Left" but he calls her Lefty.
(Clanmew: her name is Saorpwyyar. Others call her Saopr. He calls her Sapyy.)
Her mom and dad Swiftbreeze and Adderfang are here too, following Thistleclaw like she did, but she's been minimizing her contact with her dad. She feels like she is owed an apology somehow but also doesn't have the emotional intelligence to know that it's what she wants.
She just knows that she feels really bitter talking to him, and that's unpleasant.
She used to be VITRIOLIC with Pinestar, who is also here, even going after him physically when he chose to join in with the Dark Forest trainees. But now... honestly so much shit has happened, she just doesn't like seeing him. She wishes he wasn't here.
I write her being very dignified. She doesn't like to admit publically she was ever wrong and speaks with confidence, quietly backing off and not wanting to speak about her mistakes. She loves her children and her family, but explores the world in a very "self-centric" way, trusting her feelings and personal judgement over anything logical.
A reactionary sort of person, if that makes sense.
Her Land Mar has to develop over time because she is an ex-StarClan migrant (damned souls get theirs instantly after judgement), but it's called the Fence Cliff. It's a picket fence that blocks off a sheer drop, making a sharp turn down the cliff face and acting as a walkway. Follow the fence down the slope, and you can access the Dark Forest's town biome.
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jarofstyles · 1 year
Reaper 6
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Reaper is a dark story with dark and mature subject matter. 18+ NSFW
Hello welcome back to the world of Reaper and Bunny, this is another light hearted chapter... the next one will satisfy what this one doesn't ;)
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wc: 9.1k
warnings: cute couple behavior, changing room shenanigans, daddy kink?, we are giving you guys blue balls in this
Harry hadn’t woken up happy like this in a long, long time.
A face full of hair and sweet smelling skin mixed with the scent of sex lingering in the room had always been something he avoided. Women weren’t allowed her and he never spent the night, not wanting any semblance of a connection past orgasms to be misconstrued.
This, though? This was a dream.
Sweet Bunny curled up with him, his arms firmly wrapped around her body and one hand, appropriate to his character, holding a breast. Her warm skin touched every inch of his. The best part had to be the fact he was still tucked up inside of her.
He had made sure to get them clean the night before, but she had woken him up with a soft little whine and whisper of ‘feels empty’ and that was all it took for him to guide himself back inside of the warm walls.
Waking up inside of her was fucking incredible. He felt warm and her cunt was snug and soft, making him exhale sharply as she moved in her sleep.
His hands pulled her in further, dislodging for a moment to brush the hair from her face, adjusting it so his lips could press against her neck. Stubble brushing the skin, his warm lips pressed a few kisses.
He could feel her breathing change slightly and smiled against her, his raspy morning voice breaking the morning silence.
“Mornin’ Bun.”
As Bunny slowly came to, she was overwhelmed by a feeling of warmth and fullness that she had only ever dreamed of. If it wasn’t for his grip on her, she wouldn’t have noticed. A smile spread across her sleepy and blissful face, squeezing herself around him out of instinct.
“Good morning…” She didn’t even attempt to hold back the moan before speaking, instead leaning into the sound. He felt so good completely wrapped around her. Y/N felt her heartbeat start to pick up as he breathed against her neck, already getting sucked right back into the feelings of last night.
She simply couldn’t get enough of him, but it seemed he was in the same boat.
“Oh bunny, what am I going to do about you?” He murmured, pressing kisses up to her ear. “Didn’t get enough? Is that it? You’re already ready to go?” He asked, surprisingly gently but she could tell he was just as eager but rather holding himself back.
“I don’t want you to stop.” Her weak morning voice whispered to him, clenching around him again and making him groan against her ear. He felt the chills on her skin, pressing herself back, not wanting to stop.
“Y’sure? You’re not sore?” He murmured, shallowly thrusting. He hadn’t had sex like that before, usually preferring to pin them down or have them ride him- but there was an intimacy to this. Cuddled up under the fresh blankets, her quiet breathing getting heavier.
“A little. But I like you inside me. Like when it hurts.” She grabbed his hand and held it to her stomach, arching slightly to let him get the picture.
“My god… what have I done to deserve a filthy, delicious little treat like you?” Harry asked, turning her head slightly so he could kiss her lips, sinking back all the way inside. Lazy morning sex had never been a priority, never even really a want. That required staying the night and he never liked anyone enough for that. Instead, this was probably one of his new favorite things.
He felt his hips push a little harder against her, each thrust pushing her body harder against his hand. He loved it. How easily he could move her around and how responsive she was to his touch.
“Have you really been thinking about me all these years?” He asked, recalling the one thing that had been on his mind since the words left her lips. It was a primal desire, he wanted to hear her say it again. “Did I meet your expectations?”
He was practically purring, hips moving at a slow yet passionate pace. He felt like he couldn’t be deep enough inside her, wanting to savor every second.
“More than.” She clutched his hand again, shivering when she felt his lips purring against her. It felt so good. Each movement of him against her had her body lighting up, addicted to the feeling of his personal brand of pleasure. It never felt like this with anyone else.
“All the years… I begged for you in my head. wanted you… to see me.” She spoke between his thrusts, admitting the truth freely to him.
It fueled him. Knowing he had been the main target all along. She had wanted him from day one and that did something for his soul. He knew he may not be able to keep her forever-
But he would treasure and cherish every single second he could now.
“Did you dream of this?” He slid his hand up her body, gently collaring her throat with his hand. “Dream of me waking you up like this? What did you dream of, my sweet girl?” He coaxed answers from her, cherishing every single drag of his cock inside of her. It was a privilege to get this again.
He wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off of her as long as she allowed him.
She took in a deep breath, body shaking with pleasure each time he smoothed over the most sensitive parts of her skin. It was as if he knew just where to touch her, his hands tending to every part of her silky skin.
“Mmm…” Bunny hummed, feeling the vibration travel to his hand through her throat. “Yeah— just like that,” A pleased sigh escaped her, “Thought about you eating me out on the counter.” It was always a fantasy of hers even at her mom’s house. When Sterling was upstairs and Harry came down to grab a snack.
“In the shower too.” The feeling of her hot body pressed against the cool tiles, nipples grazing over the glass. “But this.. mostly this…” Bunny had always pictured the two of them having lazy yet passionate sex. Harry was raw, in ways many guys weren’t. He didn’t care about superficial things as much, he didn’t live a life where such things matter.
When it came to sex, it was one of the only ways he was able to communicate his love. If he’d ever felt love, to begin with.
“Good.” He brushed his lips over her skin, his thrusts lazily drinking up every bit of the sensation. Feeling her against his body, being inside of her, all of it felt unreal. He was going to soak up as much as possible, as much as she would allow.
He wouldn’t have touched her then simply on the principle that it was his best mate’s sister- but it didn’t mean he didn’t think about it as she grew into herself. He had always been fond of her but he resented himself when his attraction had grown.
Little did he know, she had been pining back even harder.
“I’ll give it to you whenever you want, Angel. As long as you keep being my good fucking girl, I’ll give you every bit of cock you want. And my mouth.” And this affection. He didn’t want to admit that quite yet- but he knew he had been good at taking what he could get.
A girl like Y/N could do plenty better than Harry, and she probably would want to leave one day- but Harry would take every little bit of her he could while she was in his possession. Especially since she so freely gave it.
“Can feel you… you’re so close. Are you going to cum on my cock again?”
“Yeah—“ She was breathing deeply, a true test of how relaxed she was, the fact that he could bring her to her climax so quickly. It sent another wave of pleasure over her body. It felt electric, the waves crashing over her with each push of his hips and gentle kisses along her shoulders.
“you make me feel so good…” Her words were accented by the smile tugging at her lips, sighs of relief filling the room along with more giggles. His stubble was tickling her neck, but the feeling of being warm and full of him was distracting.
The kisses didn’t stop even when she turned her body slightly to face him. Bunny used a free hand to guide his lips to hers, sighing blissfully into his mouth at the relief.
Gently massaging his head, her lips took control of the kiss. It wasn’t that he was giving any resistance, more than happy to follow her lead. Her kiss was sweet as if she hadn’t seen him for ages, even more, eager than after classes. Those kisses became so familiar, he was starting to think this was just how she kissed him. His lover girl.
He was gentle with her.
She was aware that with most of humanity, that was the opposite. He was hard and mean and he wasn’t someone you’d call a good person- but it was hard to remember that with his calloused fingers stroking her hot cheek, leaning into a place that neither of them had been in before.
Gentleness wasn’t a descriptor nearly anyone else could use for their interactions with him but Bunny absolutely could. He was rough with her during sex, sure, but outside of that? He treated her in the most tender way she could have ever expected. He was mindful of his strength, making sure she was safe and he didn’t hurt her- because if he did? He’d probably drive off a cliff or something.
He watched her eyes lazily open as they pulled back, swollen mouth curling into a sleepy smile before she pressed her cheek to his shoulder.
“What’s got you smiling like that?”
“Shhhhh..” She was far too shy despite the position they were in. “You know what.” Her words came out in a small whisper. There were far too many things to list. She felt safe and relaxed, comfortable in his arms, she felt well rested and brand new thanks to a night and morning full of sex. Why wouldn’t she be smiling?
“You look really sexy when you’re relaxed you know…” She decided she could trust her voice again, gently nipping at the crease between his shoulder and neck. “Kinda look hot when you’re mad too… sometimes.” Y/N thought she had gotten away with saying it quietly but it seemed he heard it clear as day.
It piqued his interest, his grasp on her hips tightened. Of course, the little angel liked a bit of danger.
“Too curious for your own good, bunny…”
His personal goal was to try and avoid having her see him in the way that earned him his nickname. He didn’t want to risk her freaking out and leaving or changing her mind about him- or even worse, feeling unsafe. He would never hurt her in a million years, never in his life. He adored her- even if he couldn’t say it out loud yet.
“Just honest.” She smiled, pecking his lips. “I think you’ve created a monster out of me. With the sex.” Her body curled into him, raising a hand and pushing some slightly sweaty hair from his face, letting herself observe him.
As beautiful as he was, he still looked dangerous. The slight scar over his eyebrow, the slight glint in his eyes, the stubble, all of it called to a part of her that should probably tell her to stay away- but instead, it made her want to run to him.
“Yeah? That’s not a problem. I’ve been described as a monster to some so… I think I can handle a horny one.”
“Do you?” She asked mischievously. “We’ll see about that.” It was just teasing, but then again that was something she was very good at. Bunny remembered how easily he cracked before, now it would only be harder for him to deny her. “I’m very needy.”
Pecking his lips once more she slowly attempted to pull away from him so she could escape to the bathroom. She didn’t want to interrupt, but she swore she would burst if sh—
“Harry!” She squealed, feeling him yank her arm back into bed. His body caged over top of hers pretty quickly. “Did I say you could go anywhere?” He purred against her, nose brushing up the side of her cheek.
“Please Harry, I gotta go pee.”  Bunny pleaded and he could only chuckle. He’s had worse happen in this bed.
“You do?” He grinned, pulling back to look at her. “Shame. I don’t feel like letting you up yet.”
“Harry. Please?” She pouted, squirming underneath him. It had aroused her to be manhandled like that, to be trapped underneath him. It didn’t help that he began to mouth at her neck.
“Okay. Let me finish this.. and then I’ll let you up.” He had seen a lack of good marks on her neck. There were plenty on her breasts- but the one he had given her yesterday on her neck hadn’t developed the way he wanted. His lips attached to a piece of skin, kissing it slightly before increasing the pressure of his sucking.  Hickeys hurt, but he knew his Bunny liked a lick of pain. Especially if it pleases him.
She was squirming beneath him, a different heat rising to her cheeks as she tried her best not to tense up too much from the feeling. It was a good kind of pain, the type that felt like sparks in her stomach.
Small whines let him know it was time to let go, but he certainly wasn’t ready just yet. He wanted to hear a few more mewls, to hear her beg once more. His sweet bunny, all his.
“Harry.” She breathed out through her nose, his grip on her wrists loosened, his lips still lingering over her body as he allowed her to move up and out of bed. He didn’t let go till his fingertips touched hers, watching her shuffle into the ensuite.
What was going on? What had even happened? Harry felt like he’d been in a bubble for the past 24 hours. Distracted. What time was it?
Harry wasn’t sure why it had snapped when it had, but he knew it was going to be impossible to go back to the way it was before. He wouldn’t be able to resist her anymore. Of course, the man had done his best to hold out, to keep himself calm and remember that she was indeed his best mate's sister… but he was also a selfish being. He wanted her, he wanted to know her taste and her smell and wanted to indulge in the fantasy of having her truly be his. So… he couldn’t really deny it anymore.
He did feel a bit of guilt that he would worry about later. This lifestyle and even him, they weren’t good enough for her. She deserved a hell of a lot more, a lot less looking over one's shoulders. She should have a nice guy outside of this town with a picket fence and some Goldendoodles and kids. That wasn’t what she would get with him.
Sure, she would get fierce loyalty and hot sex and devotion. But how much could that feed her?
Surprisingly? A lot.
Y/N sat with her feet flat against the floor, playing with her hands with a small smile on her face. It’s like she couldn’t wipe it off. She’d never been so happy, so carefree. Bunny truly had forgotten the things she feared beyond these four walls.
Harry had a way of making her feel seen, even in the moments when he was emotionally stunted. He was able to read her fluently, enough to know what was wrong and enough to desire to solve it. It seemed the best solution for relaxing was his tongue.
Y/N made her way back to the bedroom, feeling refreshed. Seeing him back to business mode on his phone, she wished she could snatch it out of his hand sometimes.
Harry had picked up his phone to go through messages he had gotten the night before. He’d been too busy balls deep inside of Bunny and he wasn’t letting anyone interrupt that, but now that they’d gotten a few rounds in he was able to concentrate.
A little bit.
He sat on the edge of the bed and felt her body weight dip the bed. His expectation was for her to cuddle back under the covers, but instead was met with arms wrapping should his body and a chin on his shoulder, plushy lips pressing into his cheek as she sighed. The casual affection was unexpected, something he was very unused to… but not unwelcoming.
“Why are you working already.” Her tone was slightly whiny, which oddly did something to his cock. He’s never liked whining before but perhaps it was just… from her.
“I’ve got to catch up on things from last night.” He murmured, typing back a reply to one of the messages. “If we’re spending today at home… I need to at least reschedule some shit.”
“Okay,” She relaxed against his back, letting her head rest against him the way she wanted. Cheek against his shoulder blade, closing her eyes again only to focus in on the sound of his heart and his breathing.
Y/N took her sweet time, gently tracing shapes over his chest and stomach with her finger. She just wanted to touch him, let him know she was there and present and waiting for his attention.
It meant a lot to her that he was taking the time out for her, but she had a feeling that last night convinced him to go against his doubts. He should stay with her. To keep her safe. It was selfish, but he couldn’t leave her on her own. He was the only one she could trust now.
Has she not known him for years, it would have been far more worrying that she was clinging to him like this. He couldn’t say he hated it. He’d never had a girl feel comfortable enough to touch him so freely and gently. He didn’t realize touch could feel this way. His heart sped up, clearing his throat before using a free hand to hold her hand against his stomach instead.
He didn’t usually like casual or affectionate touches. It was too familiar. People tried to figure him out, his ‘story’ so to speak, thinking there was a mystery behind him. And- there was. But it wasn’t for anyone faint of heart or anyone who sought out the story anyways.
That being said, Bunny had always been an exception to his rule. Only girl he let ride his bike, the only girl to stay the night in his bed, the only girl he gave hickeys to, the only girl he actually gave a shit about.
He was on his phone for a good 20 minutes, feeling her start to get a bit antsy as he felt kisses travel over his shoulders and back. He shivered slightly without being able to stop himself when she had gotten to his neck, still on the phone when she placed the side opposite to the phone full of little pecks. It wasn’t even necessarily sexual- but a touch of appreciation that made him a little confused. Why did it affect him so much?
“Okay. That was the last one.” He told her, turning his head to try and get a glimpse of her.
She didn’t even try to hide the excitement in her eyes, not having any plans for the day meant more quality time with him. Bunny woke up this morning with a mission to make him feel something different.
When he first told her she was the first girl he’d done all this with, she wasn’t surprised. However, it did make her heart hurt. He’s never known softness, but even self-proclaimed monsters need a place where they can just be.
“Yeah? You still have things to do today though, right?” She wanted to make sure he knew she would give him space if it all became too much. “Don’t have to do it now though… if you don’t want to.” Bunny leaned forward again and pressed a kiss to his chin.
He looked confused for a moment as if he expected her to kiss his lips but he wasn’t disappointed. A kiss followed shortly after. She couldn’t help it. He just looked like he needed it.
“I was thinking we could go shopping. We need some more groceries… can go into the city for a bit, first. I need to get some new jeans. Sound like something you’d want to do?”
He wasn’t sure what to do. If he should even attempt being romantic with her or what the deal was. It was something of uncharted territory… but he also liked the idea of people seeing them together.
“M’sorry I’m not letting you go back to school yet. I just…” he licked his suddenly dry lip, looking at her wide eyes. “I don’t want you around that area yet. I got a text from Wiz- he’s going tonight and sneaking into the lot to install a discreet camera facing your parking spot.” Thank god they had designated spots. “So maybe we can catch him if he tries this shit again.” He didn’t want to remind her of the situation but he also wanted her to be aware he was taking extra precautions for her. Was trying to make sure she was aware he was going to do any and everything he could to make her safe.
“Shopping? Say no more.” Bunny scrunched her nose and gave him a cheeky smile. He did mention the jeans thing a while back, they were far too busy before but now that things are tense but settled? Why not. No one could harm her if he was with her. Knowing Reaper, he wouldn’t let her out of his sight.
“I wanna see you in one of those button ups… the sheer ones or the silky ones.” She hummed at the thought, “Think you’d look really good. Like… really really good.” Bunny could already see the fabric clinging to his body. It would hang off his shoulders just right. Show off his back…
“But cuddle first.” Y/N pulled him backwards into bed, giggling as his weight crushed her in just the right way. “Before we get up to eat, don’t wanna get up yet..” code for, I don’t want the moment to end.
She swore she’d stay in bed with him all day if he let her.
“Well… I don’t think I can say no to putting one in when you seem to get horny just thinking about them.” He laughed, letting her pull his body down onto the bed into her lap. Harry melted into her, letting out a sigh as she looked down at him spiderman style. He could see how long her eyelashes were and slightly up her nose, but he just shook his head. The comfort was something he would happily do as long as she would let her.
“Bunny….” Harry gave her a look as she piled her arms with clothing for him to try on. She had brought him to a boutique she knew that sold men’s clothing, and was using him as her personal Barbie doll.
Harry stuck out like a sore thumb. A lot of this stuff was for hipsters, really, and Harry looked like a guard dog, a scowl on his face as he looked at anyone who passed them. He had let her walk around the store, following behind her quietly until he realized what exactly she was doing.
“Please?” She hit him with a pout. A pout that made him inhale deeply, looking at the stack of clothing in her hands. She had been through some shit and the giddiness on her face at the prospect of him trying some things on would be a little price to pay to try and make up for the lack of empathy he’s given her.
“Fine. But you need to come in the dressing room with me. You aren’t out of my sight.”
“I’d never say no to that.” She smirked, “but no funny business, okay Harry?” Bunny teased knowing damn well she was the one who needed the warning. It would be hard not to touch on him especially when he’d be trying on the most attractive pieces.
Harry wasn’t one to wear colors, so she chose mostly black shirts and jeans. Except for this one red shirt that was screaming for him to try on. It was a thin material, just showed enough to make her want to rip it off of him. That’s what she thought at least, she wanted to see it on him.
“Promise you can pick something for me later and I’ll try it on for you too.” Y/N had an idea of a few things he could like. For his eyes only of course.
After Bunny was finished scanning the shop, she led him to the dressing rooms deciding to pick the one at the very back. It was bigger than the others, more private.
Harry raised a brow at the promise. One that he was 100% going to make her fulfill. He was a man of his word, after all.
It was amusing seeing her think through which shirts or pants she wanted him to try on. It was also evident that she was very much aware there wasn’t much of a problem with money, choosing some pieces that had Harry’s eyes widening a bit. He never spent a lot on clothes, really, besides if he was going to go somewhere for the club that needed it. His jeans usually came from thrift stores or whatever shop was closest. This was a new thing for him. Shopping was in and out for him- but he had to remember the times he and Sterling had to accompany her and her friends to the malls outside their territory. Hours upon hours.
“Okay…” he cleared his throat, leaning against the closed door of the fitting room while she placed the items on the rack. “What am I doing here? What do I try first?”
“Let’s do the jeans first to get them out of the way. I think you’ll know if you like them or not.” Y/N handed him the few folded pairs of black jeans. They were pretty simple, but good quality. They wouldn’t tear as easily but would still hold up nicely even with biking.
“Can take your shirt off if you want, gonna have you truly the shirts on with one of the pairs of jeans on.” Bunny wanted him to see her vision fully. The new jeans would help determine which shirts would stay.
“Obviously if you don’t like anything or don’t feel good in them, then don’t just agree 'cause I picked them… want you to like them too.” She cooed and turned back around to take a good look at him.
“Well.. I do trust your taste considering I know fuck all about fashion.” He laughed under his breath. His jeans were stripped down and tossed off to the side where Bunny sat and his shirt followed.
While essentially naked, he moved, grabbing a pair of jeans and slipping them on. She had taken a few pairs of pants and somehow found differences between them all. Harry didn’t know what it was besides maybe the fit? But these already fit nicely. If he was alone he would simply grab these and go.
However… he could feel her eyes on him. His back was to her as he looked in the mirror and he was positive she could see the scratch marks she had left up the planes of his back. She was a wildcat and had definitely marked her territory, something he would wear with pride. She matched with her love bites, but he knew just from his shower earlier that she did a number on him.
“How’re these?”
“Huh?” Y/N pulled herself from her thoughts at the sound of his voice, “Turn around.” She spoke when she processed what he’d said. Taking a step forward, she gave him a look up and down. They fit really well.
“Bum looks good,” Bunny smirked, smacking it lightly just to get a rise out of him. She liked pushing his buttons but he was patient with her. “Do you like them?” It didn’t matter how many times he said he didn’t care she wanted to make sure he picked ones he liked.
Her hands moved to his belt loops, pulling herself closer for a moment to give him time to answer. And to steal a quick kiss of course.
He gave her an unamused look at the smack to the ass but it was quickly wiped away when she kissed him. It was the casual kisses that kind of knocked him off his feet in a way. It was flattering to think she was comfortable enough with him to do that.
“I do. But we’re never going to get out of this room if y’keep kissing on me.” His own hand strayed down to get a handful of his own, dipping under her skirt and squeezing the soft flesh covered by her panties. Shame.
“Sorry, Daddy.” She purred up at him, making his jaw clench. Like she said- pushing his buttons, making him tick, being a bit of a brat was fun for her.
She hadn’t expected his hand to grab jaw and move her back slightly with a warning look on his face- but it aroused her further. This mostly unexplored part of him made her melt, eyes widening up at his dark ones.
“I said to watch yourself, little girl.” He spoke quietly. “Don’t get me worked up one pair of pants in.” A tiny peck was placed on her lips paired with a tiny squeeze to her jaw before he released her, turning around to take them off.
“I’ll get these. Which should I try next?”
“Any.” She spoke, rather winded. Y/N had been hot since this morning, still not adjusted to the new stage in their relationship. Bunny wanted to be touching him all the time. He always had the ability to take her breath away. He knew just how much pressure to apply and when to apply it. Touchy. It made her skin buzz. She licked over her lip and handed him the next pair of jeans, smiling smugly to herself.
He had unlocked the one part she’d been holding back. He gave her the go-ahead, the freedom to do as she pleased. It was giving her enough satisfaction seeing him react so strongly to her. To see he’d been holding back as well.
They zoomed past the next pair, Harry agreed that they fit well. Even said he preferred those which shocked her. She had managed to sway him. He did care deep down. Y/N was getting impatient though, wanting to see all the button-ups.
“Okay… pick which one you want to try first. Do your thing.” She decided she would have a seat for this one, leaning back against the wall of the dressing room.
Harry let his eyes run over the tops she had chosen. They were definitely a bit out there, sure, but she knew his go to’s so it wasn’t like it was something completely unwearable.
Except one.
“Sweetheart, you’ve got t’be joking with this one.” He snorted, looking at the one with… chicks? Printed on it. It was ugly. Point blank period, no other way around it. It was probably a gag but he still didn’t know what she was thinking even bringing it in here.
“I’d burn that one. But…” his eyes took in a silky black one, humming as he observed the embossed pattern on it.
“This one is nice.” It had a snake print around it, only visible when the light caught it. “This is more like it. Not cartoon chicks.”
He tugged it on his body, straightening up as the fabric fell against his body. “Hm…” he liked it. He was partial to silk and satin when he went out, even just to the bar if he felt like looking good in order to pull- but this was different. It felt different because Bunny was the one who chose it.
Bunny scrunched her nose at him, nodding along with the idea of burning the shirt. It was a gag, but she wanted to see what he would say.
“Really? I think you’d make it look good.” She smacked the gum in her mouth, watching as he fell in love with the black shirt. Bunny knew he’d be drawn to it, it screamed his name. It was practically begging for her to pick it up the second she walked into the boutique. It was his already.
“Yeah?” Y/N raised her brow, “Sex on legs in that.” There was no other way to describe it. Anyone would see him in that shirt and immediately want to rip it off of him. “Definitely getting this one.”
“How about the red one?”
“Sex on legs?” He chuffed. “I’d say so. But I’m glad y’think so too.” He decided on that once, scoffing at the price tag but placing it back on the hanger. He never splurged but it was obviously making her happy to watch him try things on.
His hands reached for the red one. It was sheer and soft and had lining on the cuffs and collar with some velvet, the rest left on its own. Truthfully he felt like he wasn’t even wearing much, the soft material lightweight against his skin. Cool to the touch.
It was hot.
Y/N watched with her lip bitten between her teeth as he took his hair down from the bun it was in, shaking out his hair as he tried to get the vision. He was so attractive it was almost criminal. The only reason it wasn’t was because she was the one that got him.
“I like this one too. It’s hot.” He mumbled. “Can see all my tattoos though. Dunno if a jealous thing like you can handle that.”
“Mmm well it’s for my eyes, isn’t it? if I can dress slutty then so can you.” She said with a shrug, knowing damn well she would be eating her words next time they were out. The moment she’d see a girl looking at him for too long she’d make her wish she hadn’t. Not that they could really truly go out without being on edge.
“I like that you know you’re good looking.” Bunny hummed, “But I don’t like to share either. So I think it works out for the both of us, hmm?” The two of them really were a match. Undeniably so, they fit together like a puzzle, their flaws complimenting each other.
“Okay let’s finish up here, next one.” She was getting a bit fidgety, unable to touch him here despite her wants. Harry could see it in her eyes, a smug smile stuck on his face. He wanted to give her something to hold her over.
She handed him the next one while he watched her squirm slightly. She was antsy and he knew exactly why.
The newfound sexual energy that they had finally given into had been something that tempted the both of them. It was just more visible on Y/N. She bit at her lip and fiddled with the ends of her hair, legs pressed together as she exhaled shakily. He had taken off his shirt and stood in just jeans, a sight that was honestly hotter than she cared to admit.
There was the lazy smugness, the arrogance that she found so fucking hot it was ridiculous. He knew she was struggling a bit and didn’t offer her anything but temptation, pulling on a few more shirts which she approved all of.
Truly? He could even pull if the stupid chick shirt. It was infuriating.
“You’re being good.” He commented, hanging the last shirt up. “I’m proud of you.” His voice dropped as he approached her, standing tall in front of her sitting form. “Behaving even though I know you’re a mess between your legs. What a good little thing you are. I’m a little surprised given how greedy you were but… you’ve behaved.” His knuckled brushed over her hot cheek, that smirk making her breathing catch. “Good girl.”
She could feel her stomach flip, practically purring as her eyes glossed over in need. He seemed to know exactly what to say to get her here, but she had a feeling he wasn’t going to let her have it. She let her hands find the back of his thighs, holding him there and slowly making her way up.
How she’d love to have him in her mouth right no—
“Don’t even think about it.” Harry grabbed her jaw again, forcing her to look up at him. This was just a warning, but he was really serious about this. Normally he’d be all for a quick blowy in a dressing room but now when she was actively being stalked. Who knows what this guy was capable of.
“Come on… let’s go check out and then we can go home and do whatever you want.” He tried to persuade her but the girl had other plans.
“What about you picking something for me?”
Harry’s tune changed pretty quickly at that idea.
“Well…. I suppose.” He tried not to get excited. Yes, it delayed his plans, but he also was never going to say no to the idea of her buying something pretty to wear exclusively for him.
“Let’s go.”
He didn’t blink at the total at the register, far too in his own head thinking about the fact he was going to get to choose stuff for her- and keeping his eyes around the store to make sure there weren’t any suspicious characters lingering around.
Bunny was preening. Harry had held on to her hand extra tight as they walked along the shops, his hand strong and warm and she felt an extra spring in her step as the other held his shopping bag. Standing next to him gathered some attention but it was attention she liked. Leaning into his body, she knew she was going to rile him up. Get him into some trouble.
“Right there!” She chirped, pulling him suddenly when she saw the shop she wanted to go into.
Harry should have known better. The plan she had all along, created just to torture him. Of course, he would never decline going into a lingerie shop, he knew that this would end incredibly well for him.
“Ahh, right to the point darling.” Harry shook his head a bit at her excitement, taking a look around the shop to figure out where even to begin. “All right, is there anything you don’t feel comfortable wearing?”
He knew that girls were really sensitive when it came to their bodies. He had seen his fair share of meltdowns at the warehouse when the guys commented on girls' bodies without question. He knew better. There was no need to do that, especially when they didn’t plan on seeing them again.
Regardless, he didn’t want Bunny to feel uncomfortable just for the sake of pleasing him. He wanted to choose something she’d be comfortable in. So she could feel like her sexiest self for him.
It made her want to suck him off even more.
Harry, for all his flaws and a bit of emotional blindness, was considerate as hell when it came to her body like this. He was always making sure he had consent to touch her previously, he had always been respectful of her and for that, she appreciated him. Sure, it was the bare minimum.  But he stepped up.
“Nope.” She popped the p in the world, giving him a sly smile. “Anything you want. I’m not huge on wearing g strings for a daily thing… but for special occasions they’re fine.” She shrugged, excited for what he could pull.
“Hope you don’t regret giving me free rein.” He chuckled, looking around the store. There was an abundance of lace and silk and bodysuits and panties… a lot of things he knew would look incredible on her.
“I think you’d look incredible in any of this shit. I want to see you in everything.”
“I’m sure you would, Harry. But go on… pick your favorite.” Bunny felt herself get warm at the idea, genuinely interested to find out what Harry’s preferences were.
She was personally eyeing up a few baby doll dresses and silk slip dresses, but that was more her taste. She never really had a specific type she liked anyway, as long as it was comfortable to wear and a cute color. Half the time she didn’t even bother with fancy underwear, but other times she did care because she believed it gave her more confidence.
Harry however was really putting his thought into it. It seemed his eyes were drawn to lighter colors despite his personal taste, hell, most of the things he was touching looked so wrong in his hands. He thinks it’s probably why he likes it so much.
His fingers brushed the delicate lace on mesh, picking it up and thinking clearly about what it would look like on her. He liked the soft pink one with cherry blossoms embroidered on it, a set with a sheer bra and matching panties. He lightly placed it basket Y/N had given to him to put the finds into.
One of the appeals of Y/N was probably a bit of the fact he shouldn’t touch her. Her sunshine and sweetness was something he directly went against in his own personality. Her light to his dark. He was dirtying her, sullying that but if innocence- but she seemed to eat it up.
He chose more. A few sets of light colors, whites and baby pink and powder blue, soft spoken colors and delicate details. Lace and ribbon and softness that he could easily destroy, though he would be gentle with.
His eyes had caught hers lingering in her staple slip dresses and decided to choose some of those in similar fashions, but shorter than she usually wore. He wanted to see what she would do.
“I think the basket is full.” He lifted it up. “I’d make you try on the whole store if I could. But I don’t think I could last that long.”
“Let’s see how many you get through.” She giggled, flattered that he wanted to see her in that many to begin with. It was interesting to see what was in the bag, she expected him to pick something dark to match his own aesthetic.
She didn’t typically wear colors like that either, often choosing something darker or muted and earthy. It’s clear he saw her as such a delicate person, it made her feel so exposed. In a good way.
They made their way into the dressing room once again, but this time they really had to be good because there was a massive gap at the top and bottom of the rooms. Likely to prevent any suspicious behavior. Of course, it covered enough, but they walked all the way to the back just for good measure.
Harry placed the basket down, hanging up his choices on the rack and took a seat. He was strangely a bit nervous to see if she liked them- but not more than his excitement to see her in them.
“Are you…” she swallowed, looking at him sitting with his legs spread and his arms crossed over his chest. “You’re staying while I change into these?”
Harry could tell she was a little nervous, but not so much that he was going to upset her. Still, he wanted to make sure she was comfortable, but there was no way he was leaving her without his eyes on her physically.
“I can look at your feet instead if you’re uncomfortable. I can’t leave you by yourself. I’ve seen it all and like every bit of it, but if it makes you feel more comfortable I can look at the floor while you change.” And he wouldn’t peek.
“No, it’s okay.” If the man wanted to look, let him look. She wasn’t going to stop him. Even with any of the insecurities she had, she was positive he would be more concerned with holding himself together. He was right, he had seen it all. He’d seen far more gruesome things, to him she was the best view.
Stripping down was the easy part.
Y/N took her time picking out which one she wanted first, deciding to start with one that looked both revealing and comfortable. It was lilac, the front had a part that you could tie in the front with two panels of fabric that showed just the right amount of her stomach and the matching thong. She liked the way it was still a bit modest but definitely screamed fuck me.
Y/N turned around so she could show him the front, clasping her hands behind her back as she tried to read his face.
His eyes were dark, looking her up and down as he observed one of his picks. She was fucking stunning, that much as obvious, but he felt hot under his shirt just looking at her.
Her tummy peeked out from the piece, the sheer fabric floating down her sides and the lace covering her breasts. Breasts that still had a few marks from his teeth lingering there.
She looked like his own personal angel. One that had been sent down here to torture him into being a semi decent person.
A large exhale through his nose made him lean back further, rubbing his finger under his nose. “Fucking gorgeous.” He mumbled. “M’getting you that one. Take it off before I do something I regret.”
It was the first one and his cock was twitching, his pants getting a little tight. She was smug by the looks of it and he didn’t like how easily the tables had turned.
“Okay, tell me which one you like best so I can spare you.” She said, deciding that she’d keep that one to try on at home. Her hands hovered over them, but she had a feeling which one he would want her to save for last.
“Black one.” He nodded, watching as she stripped out of the current set and slipped into the new one. Harry wished he could look away, maybe it would be easier for him if he had. Seeing her so comfortable and so willing to show him these sets woke up something inside him that he wasn’t sure he was prepared to deal with. Especially in public.
The set was a light pink one, far sheerer. She felt confident in this one, it was comfy and it had great support.
“My tits look so good!” She groaned, cutting his view of her perky bum short as she turned around once again to let him see. They did look really good. A bit too good.
“Yes, they do.” He released his hands to rub over his thighs, eyeing her up as she turned to him. God fucking damn, they really did.
“Look even better with my marks on ‘em, though.” His eyes drank up the vision, though his hands stayed at his sides. The reason the black had been his favorite was because he felt like he could properly touch her in that. These? She looked like his own angel, untouchable. Something he should avoid, but wanted very badly.
“Give me a spin.” He made the motion with his hand, watching as she obeyed and gave him a look at what she had to offer. A slight bruise on her ass from his hand spanking it, a few on her thighs from when he had held them up. She was littered with reminders of him.
“You look sexy as all hell, Bunny.” He admitted, chewing at his gum. “I think you should get that too. You look really good in those sorts of colors and… I wouldn’t mind seeing your tits in that again.” He would welcome it happily.
Harry was trying very hard to behave, but it was hard. And so was he.
“Mmm thank you,” She couldn’t wipe the smile off her face. She’d never felt so beautiful in her life. Maybe it was silly, but there was something special about this. She never felt comfortable enough to do this with anyone.
Even though his eyes were absolutely devouring her, he was still sitting in place, not moving. It was enough for him to observe, to see her just standing there for him. The rest he could imagine could remember the feeling of.
The next few were a similar style, but there were some she had been saving for the end for a reason. They showed more than they covered, both of them had garters with clips as well. She’d never had a set like this before and she was surprised Harry picked up three of the same in different colors. He really liked them. The pink one was her favorite so she thought it was the best to try on.
“Could you… help me with these bits? I don’t know how they’re supposed to look…”
God damn it.
Harry swallowed, knowing that touching her was going to be a temptation that he would have to fight- but he nodded. Keeping his legs spread, he motioned for her to come over.
Bunny was giddy, the straps swaying as she walked over to him and felt his hands against her skin as he reached for the clips. The garter had been pulled up her leg, but they were a bit complex to untangle.
She lifted her leg up to rest next to him, standing directly between his legs and probably a bit too close- but she wanted to. Tempting him was her job, and his face was so close to her cunt that she felt the heat stirring right in her stomach. His skilled fingers untangled the bits and stroked her leg a little as he clasped the front.
“Turn around.” His voice rasped, the temptation of pressing kisses to the band of her panties and peeling them down too much- but having her ass in his face didn’t do him much better.
Bunny liked this feeling. The slow build up of tension. Her heart was racing just having him stroke her leg, she’d been dying to touch him this whole day but she said she would be good.
“Harry…” Y/N breathed, hoping he’d give into her even just for a second. She wasn’t sure what she wanted but she wanted something more than this. It was getting so hard to resist.
“Go on.” He motioned her to take a step away from him the moment he finished with the clasps. It was really hard for him to ignore her like that, but he couldn’t give into her here. For her safety.
There was a tiny pout on her face as she stepped away, looking into the mirror at herself. Even she had to admit this was hot. Her body was curved in the places she liked, the outfit screamed sex. She ran her hand over her body, smoothing out invisible creases as she tossed her hair over her shoulders.
Harry didn’t like disappointing her but he knew if he stayed at that angle, he would do something bad. So he stood up, deciding to indulge in a bit of touch that wouldn’t go past anything other than a tease.
“You are a little minx.” He murmured, moving to stand behind her. His hand wrapped around her, flattening on her stomach as he looked at the both of them in the mirror.
It was bittersweet.
They looked hot as a couple. Leather and lace, quite literally. Light and dark. Her aura was soft pink and white clouds and his was the midnight sky and flames, and yet they seemed to melt together.
He looked dirty compared to her. He would never be good enough for a woman like her. A goddess. Oozing goodness and sweetness and things he wanted to devour and own for himself. But for the time being, she was his.
“Don’t be pouty.” His breath tickled her ear. “I’ll give you any and everything you want when we get home. I’ll make you cum so many times your throat is sore from begging and your knees are so weak you can’t stand. But m’not going to touch you out here. It’s too risky.” He kissed her cheek, settling on that.
“Can we go home then?”
She didn’t hesitate, knowing she could try the rest on for him later and have the exact ending she wanted. Part of her liked seeing him try to control his urges, it made her feel powerful and beautiful beyond belief. She could feel how hard he was, her barely covered bum was resting so comfortably against it.
Bunny didn’t want to think, she just wanted to be back home with him in the bubble they’d created. It was nice to have something to keep her mind off of things. Sure, she was upset she was missing class because she genuinely did love learning about cooking, but this was the perfect replacement.
Let’s be real, they both knew they’d be buying everything he put in that basket. It was nice to try it all on for him of course.
“Yeah. We can.” He sighed, knowing it was for the best. He couldn’t behave himself and he knew it now, plus Bunny was not too far off herself. He could tell she was desperate for it- and being honest, so was he.
He had gotten a taste of her and now he was starving. He had held back for a while but now it was time to indulge in his cravings before she decided she didn’t want to share herself with him anymore.
“God, M’gonna ruin you.” He murmured softly against her neck, placing a few kisses to the warm skin. “Just had you a few hours ago but I want to make you weak again. Looking at you like this is driving me mad.”
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viatagrinner · 2 years
Silvio Ricci. Romantic route. Chapter 25. Part 2
Silvio's room.
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His room is full of gold things, so everything sparkles.
The heroine only now realizes that she is the king's bride.
Silvio: Oh, that's good, isn't it? I'm not going to get another girl, so I'm going to give you the throne too.
He gives her the Ring. The girl is shocked.
Silvio: ...Or do you want to run away now?
She did not go to Benitoit to give up so easily. With a determined cry, "I'll do it," she gives the Treasure of the Ocean back to Silvio.
Silvio is delighted.
He offers immediately a job for the "next royal woman."
MC: Already?
Silvio: Time is limited, right? If you're ready for it, there's no need to wait for it.
(That's true, but... What?...)
Silvio: First of all, yeah.
Silvio: Take off your clothes, woman.
He took her to the seashore.
It was her first time.
He asks why the girl doesn't come closer. She is afraid of getting her clothes dirty.
Before taking her to the sea, he bought her a dress at the atelier.
This time she liked the outfit.
The dress is the color of a sea wave, with no unnecessary embellishments.
Silvio [confused and in love]: ....Well, that's great.
The heroine thinks she can't pay Silvio back in life. But he doesn't need to.
The girl recalls, the prince's words that "money buys people's hearts".
MC: I want to love Silvio as much as I can!
Silvio:.... How can you say such a thing without shame?
MC: ....I knew I shouldn't have said that!
(I tried hard to contain my embarrassment!).
As soon as I turn away, Silvio reaches out to her and hugs her.
Silvio: Don't take that back!
Silvio mumbled something embarrassingly in response, but the noise of the waves prevented MC from hearing his words. She asked for a repeat.
Silvio [angry and embarrassed]: Oh, really? ! I'm not gonna tell you again, you idiot!
MC: Why should you be offended?
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Silvio: Because you're sassy!
MC: You're being unreasonable, er, wait, Silvio!
The tyrant, holding me in his arms, walks along the white foamy beach.
MC: I told you my clothes would get dirty!
For all her lamentations Silvio said that her clothes could be washed and she couldn't wait to take a dip in the sea.
He gently lowered her into the ocean. The wave knocked her down, but she was prevented from falling by the prince's "strong" arms.
Silvio: You're too sluggish.
MC: I didn't expect the waves to be so powerful!
(Indeed, we mustn't give up!)
Just as the beautiful rose has thorns, so the beautiful sea seems to have its harsh side.
MC: It's hard to stay on your feet!
Silvio: ......
She unknowingly clutched at Silvio's clothes.
His body trembled slightly, which may have made him feel uncomfortable as usual.
MC: Can't I touch you yet?
Silvio: Oh, hopeless.
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Silvio: ....I don't want to look too pathetic.
Unexpected words from the Tyrant. But the more the girl learned about him, the more she fell in love with him.
MC smiled.
Silvio: Don't laugh!
MC: Sorry... I can't do it!
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Silvio: ..... I'm telling you, I'm not used to being touched by a woman.
MC: More lies!
Silvio: I'm not lying. You... You've been different from the beginning.
All women were the same to me. They flirted, they were capricious, they relied on me only when it benefited them...
They were more interested in status and wealth behind my back than in me.
Silvio: But you've been looking at me from the beginning.
Silvio: I've never dealt with a woman like that before, so I don't know how to handle you.... You clung to me senselessly.
MC: I don't want Silvio to say that to me!
(In that sense, I may have been the first.)
I admit that he could have been misogynistic, but his violent reaction whenever I touched him could have been a sign of "peculiarity".
MC: Then you should get used to it!
Silvio: What?
MC: I'm going to touch you a lot in the future, so get used to it!
MC grabbed Silvio and left a light kiss on his lips. The prince "blushed harder than the sunset."
Silvio: Don't get carried away!
MC: But I like you too, Silvio, even when you're upset.
MC: I've never felt sorry for you!
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Silvio: ........You're not so cute, really.
His sea-colored eyes moved closer to her face.
It's much deeper than the kiss the girl initiated. Tongues intertwined, and the prince took the initiative. His touches were both "doggy-style" fierce and gentle, delicate.
*A rather sensual kiss*.
MC gasped, asking him to wait.
Silvio: You are the initiator of this. I can't wait any longer.
In between "all-consuming" kisses he talks about "the most important job of the next king's woman".
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Silvio: You must devote yourself to me with all your heart and with all your soul.
Silvio: I will cherish and keep you all my life*.
(In other words... you want a loving and loved relationship, right?)*
(.... I see. Maybe that's more important than anything else).
After a long kiss, they pulled away from each other. The strength left the girl, but she managed to stay on her feet, clutching onto the prince's shirt.
MC: I love that kind of thing, too.
There are no riches or anything else, just the ocean. But just looking at each other, they feel infinite happiness.
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Silvio: You've got some nerve.
The arrogant tyrant laughed.
Silvio: But... I forgive you, MC.
I tried to translate this phrase beautifully and clearly. But why does the heroine wonder? And here's why. Next, sorry, a little explanation:
シルヴィオ: 愛玩��て、生涯飼い殺してやる
1. 愛玩 - Aigan - Caring for (esp. a pet or a small object); cherishing; being fond of; prizing; treasuring.
2. 飼い殺し - Kaigoroshi - Keeping a pet till it dies.
Anyway, our Silvio confesses his love with etymisms.
Silvio's Masterlist
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obsidin · 9 days
when i was 14 i dislocated my knee, then i had to get three surgeries, i had the last one when i was 24, to remove loose bone and cartillage and "smooth things out" leaving me with constant knee pain.
i signed up to run a 10 k this weekend with my friends back in december and it's been hell first with rehab for my lef hip which has been overworked because of the pain in my knee and i "run with my pelvis" instead of my gluetus maximus, so then, guess what, my right hip got overwork as well... i finally got a great physiotherapist who gave me great exercises so i thought it would be possible for me to at least run the 5 k leg of the race because im finally making progress and i was so happy and fucking proud of myself.
two weeks ago (saturday) a friend of mine fell when we were at the club and pulled me down with her. i fell on my right side and smashed the inside of my bad knee right into concrete right on some of the scars i have so i know it's a bad spot. it hurt so much three people had to lift me up. i wanted to throw up because it hurt so much.
went to the doctor on tuesday the week after and she said she couldn't feel anything that's loose but when i asked for an x-ray she gave me a refferal becasue of my history. nothing showed but now im so temped to get an mri because i don't know if there's anything wrong with the cartillage because the wating list is long.
and im just so fucking sad and angry that im missing this race. like it's been 6 months of straight HELL. my hips have been hurting so much i couldn't sleep and my knee is always in pain. now i've barely been able to walk these past two weeks and i'm just so DONE with having to miss out on things because of my body not working.
like i played football for three more years back when i disclocated my knee for the first time but had to stop beacuse it just hurt too much. taking painkillers before and during games and practices just wasn't cutting it anymore. like now when i'm walking with my firends and they are just like "we've been walking 20 k today and you seem fine" yeah beacuse who want's to hear someone complainging all the time???? each step fucking HURTS. after my first surgery when i was 14 the doctor asked if i had considered playing chess since she didn't think i'd be able to run anymore. going back home in the car is one of the times i've cried the hardest in my life.
i've been crying all week now after getting home from work because my knee just hurts so much and im sad. and i just want so many things. my friend who made me fall sent me a pic just now saying "this is where i fell" and i was like yeah and my knee is still fucked up and she knows the race is this week and im just so dissappointed that she doesn't even ask me how i am??? i know it was an accident and im not really angry with her BUT FUCK??? come on take som responsibility. it's not the first time she's made me fall this way at the club.
im just so tired and sad and dissappointed.
0 notes
windwardstar · 6 years
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A reply from @a-modern-major-general saying "I'd like to hear more about Mosri :) "
That I can do. I'm not sure how much I've actually said about how she ended up in my cast of characters in canon, so I guess I'll start there.
She was born somewhere around the time of a solar eclipse which basically meant one of the moons passed between the planet and the sun, casting it into temporary night. (I decided I needed to include a solar eclipse after the one last August that I lived in the path of, especially since the star verse doesn't have lunar eclipses due to the whole part where the planet gives off light and they are illuminated by that. Although there are times when the moons cross each other but that happens regularly and frequently so it's just like a regular thing that happens like we have moon phases).
Well anyway, world goes dark due to solar eclipse, evil goddess and right-hand man show up with their cult of the red tooth, kid who happens to be a one in a million "my body doesn't conduct magic" starless is born. But she just also happens to have had a Painted mother. So when that happens the magic goes wonky.
Baby pops out with literally stony gray skin.
Now this bit is highly visible but also rare enough that it's got loads of superstition surrounding it. Basically all of it bad. Most link it to the corrupted ones (aka the zombies off on their own island) because the empire (where most of the painted descended starless were born) had a habit of sending them to the dark island colony to die/be killed. Anyway thanks to being a non-conductor they're also immune to the magic prion that causes the zombies.
Making things even worse for this baby: the evil goddess' tag team partner is one of the painted starless that was sent to the colony to die and instead survived and is basically the entire fear of the dead coming back.
So the villagers in an effort to appease the stars and the spirits and the shadows and whatever other entity led the two evil gods to their doorstep decided to kill the baby.
They got about as far as the front door (And managed to kill or mostly kill the parents) before our hero of the story shows up, kills the people trying to kill the kid, manages to scare off the evil goddess and god (wanted to kill them but the plot couldn't allow for the final confrontation).
Anyway thanks to becoming a spirit our hero has the protection compulsion (aka your god saw you on the aide of the road and adopted you and everything else because that's how the shadows figured the spirits would actually do their fucking jobs of looking out for their charges) and adopts the baby.
Baby gets named Mosri.
Hero goes "Well my spouse didn't ask before adopting the previous kid so they really can't say shit about this."
Also gets a god-mother in Namri the Mage Killer who is kickass and also technically her grandmother due to having more or less adopted the hero in previous stories.
Mosri ends up being younger than her sister Che by a few months (I don't have my notes so not sure how many but i wanna say like three?). Then there is their brother Bi (biitka) who is like three? years older. Then sister Raln who is 5-6, and Svend (zfent bc no voicing distinction) who is... I'm not sure... i think 12?
There is also Nes who is 9? And Sen who is... ??? somewhere around there... who are technically like cousins but given the number of adopted kids and being raised by everyone involved they're basically all siblings.
There is also Del and Di and Fel and Lef who are younger cousins/siblings that happen later and my notes have the ages for.
Oh and also Pirre who is 14-15??? And their cousin. Also adopted.
Aka Mosri happened bc I saw a solar eclipse and she provided a place for me to bring in more senior spirits to explain that becoming a god in the star verse essentially makes you a brooding chicken before the full powers and responsibilities kick in. Also some interplay of magic and genetics.
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