#And Thats actually a very very nice new i always believe it✨
celibibratty · 4 months
now i'm sad, i wish captain spirit had in the Nintendo switch too
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vanityloves · 2 years
HHHHHHHHHHHH I'M HONORED YOU THINK OF MAXWELL AND ME, THANK YOU JUDE 😭!!!!!! Gosh please you really know me, ocean and the color green and the royalty aesthetic i try hard to go for is just... Ahhhhh I'm touched man ;----; ✨💗👑!!!!
My one (1) horror f/o is Nate Wallace/Repo from Repo: The Genetic Opera! It's a slapstick, gorey, raunchy, grungy musical and it's just so fricjinf fun to watch, it's free on Prime i believe and gosh i recommend it!!! (You look like you'd enjoy this one character named Graverobber. Imagine a feral raccoon but with nice hair and a great voice and that's him dkkdkdkd)
Nathan is like a Jekyll and Hyde character in which he has a dark persona I HC he created to help himself deal psychologically with the messed up situation he's forced into- when he sings and even talks as his darker self, "Repo", his voice becomes more rough and growly and i just brbrbrbr sit there like
👁️ 👄 👁️<3
i read "wife them up" and INSTANTLY pictured Jason in a 1950s house dress and heels I'm so sorry but also I'm not sorry because that's a whole look and you & I both know this so I guess I'm apologizing to your followers really for me just throwing that mental image out there djdjdjdjd I need you to think of Jason chopping firewood but in a 50s day dress ok it's important <333
Also i think that's so sweet what your sis got you ✨💗🥺!!! I bet she loves her new wallet, those are super fricking nifty, wallets are just idk they're so useful and fun and personalized y'know? Bet Spencer would carry a picture of you two together in his wallet ✨💗
Sunny @tex-treasures
HONESTLY I THINK OF ALL UR FOS WHEN I SEE YOU LIKE kabu, moriarty, maxwell, and def nathan too! you have a very distinct feel/aura and aesthetic that i associate you with and youre always so inviting and kind! @tex-treasures
OK I LOVE REPO AND IDK WHY SUMN DIDNT CONNECT FOR A SECOND LIKE i know hes from repo but i just blanked 😭 also so true, Graverobber is big sexy, i actually use his voice as a voiceclaim of another chara i used to ship with!
i rly need to rewatch it when i get the chance! i still have the songs saved on my phone n they casually come on when i shuffle my music which is ♡♡♡ on top of that, i made repo!medic art a while ago which is actually one of those pieces im kinda proud of :D 
also i can definitely see that! esp with how grim their present day is, plus having no real solution? on top of having a sickly daughter - its just A Lot for a guy to take :'/ hopefully you can bring some light in his life (and shilohs if thats your dynamic!) YAYA I GET WHAT YOU MEAN! his darker, alter ego, having to hide it from his daughter and being the guy everyone fears when mentioned;:
its so wild bc jason shouldve been raised in the 50s (but The Incident happened so things didnt rly work out) but i imagine his mother taught him a few things n was generally well behaved! jason in the housewife fit fo tha day 😩 also no need to apologize, i think this guy needs more clothes as a treat 😌 a mans gotta make due with the clothes campers left so i imagine he has to squeeze into some tight shirts and such when hes desperate hshdcthe guy can rip apart logs w/ his hands in a dress and id sot there like *claps* encore encore 😌💕 
also ty! i cleared up my keyring and put her stuff on it + a wee jason charm i bought ! also i was kinda surprised at how happy she was w/ it bc shes usually like 'ew.' whenever i give/tell her sumn shdjd and yayaya i feel like those smaller items can tell u a lot ab the person (eg. ppl that still use those duct tape wallets...Wow.) Spencer is the puts ugliest photo of me as his home screen but he'll be dramatic and have a pic of us in his wallet so he can make up a story to get out of things qjdhd
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