#And a love triangle where 2 of the guys were bi or pan or something so it was an actual triangle
camelspit · 2 years
how does one get sex ed from wings of fire exactly??? aren't they dragons???
Yes but they are gay dragons
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bunnywabbit2 · 2 years
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2 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
Bunny tell me about your OCs (this is Gleam I’m just too lazy to log in dhdjdj)
omg omg ily gleam ok ok so
disclaimer these r the characters I made with my elementary school friends in 5th grade but I’ve been talking to one of those friends and we talked a lot about our little guys and I just hold so much fondness for them
we would get on our family computers each night and type out roleplay stories on google docs (legit istg we wrote like 4 books (docs) that were like 80pgs each…where is that creativity and motivation now huh!!)
also ive forgotten a lot about them </3 but thats ok!
so. theres 9 of them. yea kjdshfsfdhdsjk XD 6 'good guys' (ivy, iris, alex, jake, christa, carson) and 3 'bad guys' (justin, jade, madison)
where do i begiN
oh yea also they all have powers and fancy colored eyes bc i mean thats just the fifth grade elementary school girl experience yk
also their base characters were created back then but a lot of the more specificy stuffs like heights and headcanons (which? ig would technically be canon since its our characters? but?) were kind of all thought up like a week ago at 2am on discord <3333 also friend & i queer-ified them
ivy: wasian, pan, she/they, 5'5, libra, brown hair dark green eyes, plant powers i believe..?
alex: chinese, demiro, agender & transmasc, he/any, 5'11, capricorn, black hair black eyes, prob something like shadow powers or whatever i forgot
justin: chinese, aroace, nor/mal (/j), 5'9, black hair black eyes, also prob something like shadow powers
iris: wasian, bi, she/her, 5’3, libra, dark brown hair purple eyes, light powers???
jake: cishet white man (derogatory). 6'0 but says he's 6'3, august leo. blond hair blue eyes. gym bro. i forgot powers lol
jade: east asian, lesbian w major comphet, they/fae/she, 5'7, black hair green eyes, ice powers prob
christa: southeast asian, she/her, omniro, demisexual, 5'9 (taller than justin), aries, black hair red eyes, fire powers??? mayperhaps???? forgot
carson: white boy, bi, 5'1, gemini, brown hair something eyes, something like poison powers idk
madison: hispanic, aro, she/any, 5'2, red hair brown eyes, animal powers??????
they're all like 18 ish except justin whos early 20s prob?? ivy & iris are twins, alex and justin are siblings uhhhhh
ivy and alex are in a wonderful very soft and sweet relationship <333 ivy makes alex flower crowns and alex paints her nails and does her eyeliner and <3333 its kinda prep(?) shy cottagecore girl(?) x goth yk
so in fifth grade we made this whole iris jake jade love triangle thing and i think we were giving jake too much credit back then. jade gets one of those incredibly Gender haircuts and iris has her bi awakening <3
christa and carson! are also together i believe..? mwah i love them very much <333 christa is buff and is on some sports team prob basketball or whatever and carson is just this little guy. she gives him her sports jackets to wear. the height difference my beloved. girlboss x little loser man.
but also carson had his bi awakening from jake which is. so funny to me like jake is one of those flirts with his friends and says 'no homo' except it actually made carson Feel Things and that was a dark time <3
and justin and madison are just too cool for this <333
im prob missing a few things but yea :D if you actually read this far wow lol sorry for this being so long <333
2 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
for context, the ad title is 'let him in'
credit: @gleam-and-darken
2 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
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meiishu · 3 years
thoughts on season 2 of love victor love victor season 2 spoilers ahead
i enjoyed season 2 of love victor but i wish there was less relationship-swap happening in the series like, i enjoyed all the characters but there wasn’t a whole lot of platonic developments which... was frustrating. like i dont mind the romantic developments but like EVERYTHING turned into date swap or a romantic subplot... especially with mia? like i wish they gave her an arc about her art or something instead of just boys boys boys... though i do like her and andrew. i was really hoping to see more of mia and veronica; the bits we got of them were good, i just wish we got more, yknow? i feel like if mia became closer to veronica it would’ve made the moment with her dad stung even more. just. i wish they’d either left out the college boy arc or just made it even shorter so that they could’ve fleshed out more of mia’s family and maybe passions. i’m interested to see where her and andrew’s arcs go in season 3. (also, andrew standing up for her to her dad? love that. i want more of that) 
also??? speaking of family?? i wish we got to see more of the dad and victor interacting because he had such tension with his mom after coming out. whereas his dad was trying to hard to be supportive and good. all we really got from them was the scene where armando tried to reconnect with him over sports only to segue into victor quitting. we didnt even get a scene where he told his dad he was back on the team!!! it just would’ve been nice to see victor and his dad getting maybe closer as a result of him coming out, it would’ve juxtaposed the relationship getting more sour with him and his mom quite well. 
i was surprised (not disappointed but surprised) with felix and pilar. in season 1 i was kinda rooting for them so i was glad to see them utilized though i wish there was more highlighting how lake and felix weren’t working romantically aside from her breaking his trust to really show why he went with pilar in the end yknow? like the less good sides of their relationship werent really shown at all. i thought him and lake had a really cute relationship and were doing good so it really threw me for a loop when he picked pilar in the end. also, i was really annoyed with how pilar’s support of felix turned into her only supporting him because she liked him romantically. like. platonic support is good? and when she was like ‘we can’t be friends’ I was like, come on. really? so i was happy they got together because i’m hopeful for their dynamic, but i was caught offguard when it happened. 
i’m hopeful for a (bi? pan?) arc for Lake in season 3. but i do wish there was more lucy and lake interaction before the last episode yknow?? especially since lucy was there since episode 1. really hoping they actually address lake as being bi or pan in the show and don’t just say she’s a lesbian because the bisexual representation would be so important. it would also be great to see a wlw relationship build on this show since we have mlm and straight passing relationships given plenty of screen time. 
benji and victor i felt like were kind of a hot mess this season... honestly was kinda rooting for victor and rahim because i feel like they’d be a better fit right now? but i bet the series will have him pick benji in the end (also fuck you cliffhanger). i was honestly feeling victor and rahim’s dynamic and i like that they can bond over their families and experiences. idk. i like victor and benji but right now i think they should be apart for a while? they were just bottling things up and fighting so often. i feel like they’re at different stages of their lives and would both want different things in a relationship. 
speaking of relationships i wasn’t too disappointed with the parents arc, although like i said i wish there was more of victor bonding with his dad. i thought it made sense for armando to want to be with someone else especially because he probably was feeling trapped in the relationship with isa and when she had the affair he probably felt very much like he couldn’t be his own person. so having him be able to be by himself and pursue a new relationship was pretty good. i like that they came back together in the end, but i’m interested what that means for his relationship with shelby if he actually ended things or what.
also, i was SUPER happy with isa’s development this season. it was such a realistic depiction of a mother coming to terms with accepting her son’s sexuality. and i like that she had backs and forths, moments of triumph and then moments where she failed. her telling off the priest was the best thing that could’ve happened for her arc, fuck that guy. i’m glad she apologized to benji although i feel like victor will be frustrated in the end because it obviously led to benji coming to the wedding and seeing him with rahim. 
FELIX AND HIS MOM’S ARC WAS PROBABLY THE MORE GUT WRENCHING FOR ME. i wanted to see more of that. maybe even more moments between felix and pilar -- not romantic, but platonic interactions -- where she helped them out. i’m so glad the season ends on felix’s mom being in a better place now. i also hope that even if lake and felix don’t get back together at some point, lake and maybe her mom can be more involved in felix and his mom’s life. felix’s mom clearly has a lot of respect for lake and i would love to see them interact if her and felix remain friends. 
overall it was a fun watch, but frustrating how everything boiled down to a love triangle. (i hate love triangles) 
the younger brother stole the whole show. i want more of him.
season 3 hopefuls: bi (pan?) lake, victor sorting his shit out, more platonic interactions, seeing pilar and felix’s relationship develop, the parents sorting their shit out. the younger brother’s zinger one-liners. more about benji’s road to sobriety would be interesting too. like more benji-centric stuff that’s not necessarily connected to victor 
sorry for the long post i just wanted to share my thoughts on the show i just finished!!! 
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wings-of-a-storm · 5 years
Totally taking this tiny window of no updates to reflect on how sweet Elu’s river stroll (and great escape) was in 3x03. That and Eliott coming out to Lucas! This legend keeps coming for us...
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New scenes in Skam France really give me life because they are often so understated but potent. The night guard scene was definitely one of them.
It was so awesome that even though there was danger of getting caught and getting into huge trouble when the night guard showed up, Eliott’s first instincts were to both put his arm around Lucille’s shoulder and to linger and search for Lucas. I thought both of those instincts demonstrated the quality of person Eliott is. We’ll forget that he, er, ditched his girlfriend shortly afterwards. Ehem.
We also see that Eliott was the first to make it out of the grounds, but instead of fleeing into the dead of night with everyone else, he waits for Lucas even though he doesn’t know where he is. That act spoke volumes too, didn’t it? Sure there would have been some ulterior motives there (he didn’t come all this way to not spend time with Lucas), but there would have also been some concern there too. I really liked how this new scene brought all of that out.
It was also so awesome that when Lucas stopped in the middle of the path and was clearly freaking out as he tried to find someone (Eliott? His friends?), the hero who saw the patrolman’s light about to hit Lucas, who ran over and dragged him to safety, was Eliott. I mean, it wasn’t as dramatic as Eliott darting out in front of a moving truck to pull Lucas to safety, but it somehow felt as exciting in the moment? ;)
Can you believe though, that it didn’t end there? That Eliott softly asked/told Lucas that he was going to go walk him home? Thank you Skam France for making that a thing! I didn’t know I needed it in my life but now that it is here, I want to metaphorically hang it up next to the piano scene. It is just so cute! And at the same time, so much more than that!
I mean, on its own, it is such a sweet thing for Eliott to want to do. But since we are privy to Lucas’ life, that innocent act also feels so incredibly touching because Lucas has been feeling so isolated and neglected/uncared for lately. His home life has been absolute shit -- his Dad is so caught up in his own life that he is failing to give his teenage son even the basic needs: shelter and food (ie. not transferring him money for his own survival while his mother is in a clinic). But here is this sweet boy who buys him snacks, lends him beer, and is now wishing to walk him home because he cares about him and wants to spend time with him.
I am just such a sucker for the idea of someone looking out for you; for little old you being a priority in someone else’s world… Lucas seems to have that with Eliott. Ugly sobbing, guys.
I need to also be real though. The only problem with this scene is that, er, Eliott totally, absolutely, 100% ditched his girlfriend! How does someone, whose first instinct is always to wrap an arm around their girlfriend’s shoulder in affection and protection, manage to lose her so easily like ten seconds later? And instead of finding her or joining her, only goes to look for his new crush and walk him home. Oh, the painful reality of love triangles...
Their whole quiet stroll together to Lucas’ apartment was so calming and intimate in its sincerity. It was a real chance to breathe after their hectic lust battle in the common room. It was reminiscent of their evening at Eliott’s place, where they could just relax and be themselves.
There were several things I enjoyed about this stage of their night:
1) Lucas confiding to Eliott about Chloé. While yes, it is absolutely Lucas’ own doing that he is so stressed by the intense attachment he cultivated in Chloé, I liked that he was able to admit the stress of that to someone who would understand the falsity of that relationship and why he did it. His friends completely ignored his original discomfort and instead shamed him for not wanting to be with her. But now Lucas has someone he can confide this stuff to who actually listens to him. (Plus it lets Eliott know Lucas is basically still available, so strategic tick to Lucas there.)
2) In a similar vein, Eliott confiding to Lucas about his problems with Lucille. While yes, it is nice to see Eliott finally tell Lucas about Lucille and lay his cards out, I liked that Eliott seemed to be confiding in Lucas in turn, as if he was still processing some resignation about his failing relationship but hadn’t quite had someone to talk it through with.
Plus, Eliott’s solemn face when he was reflecting on his relationship seemed to be a glimpse into how conflicted he feels right now: that although he is very keen to let Lucas know he wants to date him when/if he breaks it off with Lucille, he is still a little sad that his current relationship hasn’t ended up being what he needed (cough Polaris). I really like that his face told the story as much as his words did.
3) Eliott coming out to Lucas!! In the now immortal words: “Not necessarily a girl.”
Even though Lucas had secretly seen Polaris and thus seen how open-minded Eliott is about different types of relationships, it was never a guarantee that Eliott identified as LGBTIQ. Eliott has finally made that explicit to Lucas and thank god he did because Lucas really needed to hear it from him. Good on you, Eliott! Your boldness has been legendary tonight.
Can I just say though, how hilariously pleased with himself did Eliott look when he was about to drop the bomb and was anticipating his own delivery? He couldn’t wait to see Lucas’ reaction and I am here for that cheek.
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4) Lucas knows he is being taken seriously. If we look back to Lucas’ conversation with Alexia about bisexuality, Lucas’ ignorance seemed to betray his perception/fear of what it might mean for Eliott to be bi/pan: that he can have fun flings with guys but would only ever seriously date a girl because that is easier with the status quo.
That night by the river though, Eliott didn’t just make his sexuality clear: he let Lucas know that he takes their connection very seriously. When he stared Lucas down after saying he wouldn’t necessarily want to date a girl when/if he breaks up with Lucille, he basically blew up Lucas’ presumption of how he would rate in the hierarchy of Eliott’s bi/pan relationships as a boy. Lucille, after all, was a long term relationship, and that is what Eliott implied he still wants. With Lucas.
So yes, Lucas, when/if Eliott breaks it off with Lucille, you will be the one he dates as an equal and not as a piece of fun on the side. (Harmful stigma, be gone!)
5) Their almost first kiss! Oh that incredible lonnnnng stare that was the beginning of a kiss! (Let’s be real, they were already kissing with their eyes.)
Firstly, could Lucas have been any more endearing the way he so quickly went from cocky to nervous and yearning.
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I mean, that intense dance of Lucas’ pupils as he tried to focus on Eliott’s face so close to his… Lucas didn’t look like he was able to initiate a kiss but he did look like he was hoping for one.
And then we have Eliott, whose head lowered ever so slightly. Just a degree. And whose quality of gaze changed, ever so slightly. Just a degree. ;)
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Eliott sort of got a bit stuck there, on the cusp of something, but the anticipation was alive between them. It looked like Eliott might have gotten there in the end if he’d had a little longer to sort his head out before they were interrupted…
I mean the way he looked at Lucas’ apartment block and then straight into his eyes was thick with innuendo. Whether it was going to be through his own actions or Lucas’, a kiss had definitely been on the cards that night.
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Their feelings were there, the intensity was there, the challenge was there, but it just wasn’t quite the right time for them. Their looks unlocked a promise though. It will happen.
This week?! Are we really ready for it?
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ernmark · 6 years
Sportive Nymphs (pt 1) reaction (attempt 2)
Alternate titles for this episode:
“Saving People Isn’t A Zero Sum Game (except in sports?)”
“If you’re going to be measuring dicks, might I recommend a ruler?”
“In which Sir Talfryn is the only character with his priorities in order”
“Sexuality in the Second Citadel: a Spectrum”
This is on the whole a really silly, low-stakes episode-- and can I just say how much of a relief that is after Monster’s Reflection? We were really in need of a breather.
But even as a breather episode, it does  a really strong job of building up characterization for Marc, Talfryn, Angelo and Damien. 
And can I just say, I’ve been waiting for this particular confrontation ever since we first met Damien. Because I love Damien so much. So very much. He is my sweet, scaley darling.
He’s also an absolute douchecanoe. 
And we knew this from the beginning-- because the very first thing we learned about the Knights of the Crown is how utterly awful they were to Marc, and for all his scaley adorableness, Damien is one of the Knights of the Crown. He’s too young to have been there for Marc and Tal’s tests, let alone to help set the odds against them, but just because he’s not the major aggressor against Marc doesn’t mean he’s not still contributing to the shit Marc in particular has to go through. 
It’s clear Damien took Sir Absolom the Prick at his word when he described what happened with Marc, and he never questioned or doubted that, even after Marc explicitly told him otherwise, because Absolom is an authority figure and therefore Always Right. He seems to genuinely not realize that “Salamander” is a slur against Marc’s disability, but that itself is a sign of how little he actually listens to Marc. 
No wonder Marc hates the guy.
I feel like Angelo is trying a little harder to be thoughtful, but he still fucks up pretty egregiously, particularly in calling Marc and Talfryn “boys” and condescending to them. For fuck’s sake, they’re both older than him.
I haven’t seen the script yet, so I can’t be sure yet whether Angelo genuinely didn’t realize Damien’s comment was referring to Marc being disabled, or if he’s just doing that thing well-intentioned idiots do where they pretend that they didn’t notice disability (or race, or what have you). I’d believe either one of Angelo right now-- on the one hand, this is the first time he’s met Marc, so he might genuinely not realize that Marc’s disabled. On the other, he’s still new to this whole ally thing, and people always make stupid mistakes early on.
He isn’t so much calling Damien on his bullshit just yet, but he is prodding him to at least make nice a little bit, mirroring the way Talfryn does for Marc. 
On the note of Angelo mirroring Talfryn: we don’t have enough information to suggest that they’re even remotely interested in each other. But if it does become a ship and it needs a name, might I suggest Tangelo?
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Seriously, though, we got some fun hints at sexuality so far.
Marc is super into ladies. There’s some heavy implication that he boned the lady friend who sabotaged Damien and Angelo’s boat, he’s got zero qualms about stripping down to his socks in front of a crowd of screaming women, and let’s not forget him sighing over the thought of a brothel so big it takes a week to walk from one side to the other.
Which begs a question: when they say Mick Mercury is the only straight guy in the show, are they referring to Juno’s stories, or to the entirety of the Penumbra Podcast? 
Given how the Second Citadel frowns on same-sex relationships among adults (and how Marc is already struggling to be viewed as a legitimate and capable adult) he’s probably going to emphasize his skirt-chasing, but he could easily be pan, bi, or aromantic.
Talfryn, on the other hand, seems decidedly uncomfortable with the subject, and disinterested in women in general. It’s hard to say for sure, but I’m thinking either he’s ace, aro, or gay. Like with Marc, Talfryn seems to feel the burden of Marc always treating him like a little kid, so he probably wouldn’t be too keen on admitting to a “childish” crush even if he did have one.
We have even less to go on for Angelo. We know he got super uncomfortable when he saw Marc sporting the full monty, but that could mean pretty much anything. Discomfort with other people’s dicks in general? Doesn’t want to be caught staring? Who even knows? 
I feel like in an episode this saturated with innuendos, we’re gonna learn some more. 
I’d like to take a moment to appreciate that Marc sees Rilla as a sister so much that the thought of kissing her makes him physically ill. 
Like, just in case there’s any misconceptions about him hating Damien because he’s secretly in love with Rilla or something, we’re gonna make that super clear. She’s already in a love triangle with a reptile, thank you very much. 
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meyerlansky · 7 years
I get the queer baiting issue with preacher and all but I also really wanna give it another chance cuase 1. Yes our gay angel couple is dead....but does that really mean anything? Because they could totally be reunited again. And 2. What if it isn't a hetero relationship love triangle but acutely a bi poly relationship? Just a thought.
i mean if you wanna give it another shot that’s your choice, and something i want to make very clear here that i think is getting lost in the fact that i am very very angry about this whole thing: i don’t begrudge anyone who’s still interested in the show, insofar as my opinion about whether someone keeps watching or not should matter to anyone else. tulip’s a compelling character for sure and jesse and cassidy are obviously some people’s cups of tea, so i think staying invested for other characters’ plotlines is an understandable choice, if not the one i will be making personally. but there’s a difference between saying “this was a fuck up but there are other parts of the show that i still enjoy so i’m going to continue watching” and saying “this was not a fuck up at all and people who are upset about it are over-reacting.” what i want to stop seeing is people saying fiore and deblanc’s deaths are justifiable in terms of the plot. they’re not. they were totally unnecessary and unnecessarily violent deaths.
from where i’m sitting it absolutely matters, even if they do come back. deblanc was shot point blank in the face in the same episode that he expressed affection in a queer relationship. fiore killed himself over and over after watching his queer partner get shot in the face and not come back, and the only way he could “find peace” was through suicide-by-saint. to say nothing of the not-superpowered mascots being made into a joke and then hanging themselves in a really sick faux-tragic romeo & juliet kind of set up. wrt the angels specifically, they were queer characters shown to be invulnerable and they STILL died, VIOLENTLY, to show off the ~*power*~ possessed by a straight-guy gunslinging mary-sue power trip fantasy character. the showrunners have said nothing concrete regarding whether they’ll actually bring either character back, just mealy-mouthed dancing around “it was great working with him/them and ~~~~~we’ll seeeeeee about later appearances” and i’m done assuming goodwill on the showrunners’ parts.
as for whether the unholy trio is a bi poly relationship, aside from what i said in the last anon ask wrt: cassidy’s apparent adaptational bisexuality coming from a Super Uncomfortable Place, if it actually pans out that way, sure, they might net a few points for going there. but anticipating that kind of development is, again, imo, assuming good faith and inclusivity on the parts of the showrunners who thus far have done nothing to deserve that assumption of good faith.if you're holding out hope that they’re going to go that route when they’ve already shown over and over that they think queerness is a joke then i think you have very high expectations of these showrunners that are going to be very, VERY dashed. 
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