#And be better
pixiis-blog · 7 months
So like, I reported my former job to OSHA right?
I learned from a former coworker-turned-friend that it was announced at their staff meeting today (yesterday? It's like 3am on a Monday idk) that they have a month to fix all the problems (including but not limited to what I reported) or OSHA us shutting them down for good.
My first reaction was shock because shutting them down was not the goal. Holding them responsible was.
But also: karma's a bitch.
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zzdinde · 1 year
don’t get me wrong i love fics where Arthur is high honor from the get go and is super sensitive and understanding but it bugs me a bit cause before TB this man would never and i mean never offer his help to a stranger willingly— it was always people asking, and he begrudgingly accepted, for whatever reasons— or understand the struggles of the most sensible one.
Im not saying Arthur himself was not sensible and open, but he had only loyalty in mind, he didn’t even try to reflect on his own behavior and feelings until the sickness started to spread. He was not an introspective kind of guy because he didn’t have a choice and/or the opportunity to do it under Dutch. Even Hosea, the wisest of the two did not break the wall Arthur built.
He never had time to reflect.
The fact that Arthur himself acknowledged implicitly that if he didn’t have TB, he would see Rains Fall as “weak and pathetic” because he didn’t want to fight, is a pretty hard cold reminder that Arthur, as kind as he was, couldn’t see past honor and physical strength. But now with TB? He finds himself wondering and seeing for the first time a different kind of strength, a different approach to intellect— wise, careful, and full of understanding for how the world works and how it doesn’t work.
We had an inkling of Arthur being an emotionally repressed being— his son, his journal, his drawing, the way he sees himself and the world around— the nature
But he didn’t give much thought about it because of his upbringing and predicament.
But that’s what’s make it so beautifully bittersweet. For the first in his life, not only he is vulnerable physically, but emotionally as well. That’s why he tries to do the good thing— not by accident, not to protect the gang, not bc he was asked to do it— but on his own, out of of conscious selflessness. Because he reflected, because he is on the brink of acceptance of what matters and how he wants to do things.
Knowing the people he helps, and be good to them
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Wouldn’t mind being a boy if basically all the ones I knew weren’t disgusting
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ofknowlcdge · 2 years
on another note... the idea that tommy and carol could have also been better people takes space in my head
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lunanabang · 3 years
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"they said it is very unhealthy to really depend on someone,but they have no idea how much you mean to me."
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ssadrith · 3 years
i hope he never forgives me, i hope he curses my name to the wind. and one day, when he finds someone to love him how he deserves, i hope he never thinks of me again
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allo-frouto · 3 years
Ooh and you can teach me more Greek! I'm behind in my lessons. So cuddling and catching up 🥺😇
I like how you are trying to fit everything in the schedule!
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moniehon · 3 years
you should give better grades to other people's burps they're trying their best
First of all you don't know the Art of burping, second of all you even had Pespi so your performance should have been 10 out of 10
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dokuhai · 4 years
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                 Okay but Gin stopping to consider what Rangiku would think of his choices or decisions in any scenario after the Winter War  ( canon divergent, of course )  makes me weep because it’s shows how hard he’s trying to do better ----- to BE better, in the eyes of the Gotei / his colleagues and, most importantly, for her.  She becomes some sort of anchor to him ... I have a lot of feelings about these two and the potential for their relationship post-War and I just. I weep.
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the new bnha trailer makes me so happy. it's the first time i'll watch an anime when I've read the manga first.
Can't wait to hear:
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if you were raised in an overall-awful family but you make choices everyday to be better and not continue a cycle of abuse: props to you. that’s the kind of shit that literally turns the world into a better place to live, one generation at a time.
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lovinglynx · 4 years
If you think Jenna Marbles deserved to be maliciously bullied over stuff she did 8-9 years ago, DESPITE APOLOGIZING FOR IT MULTIPLE TIMES SINCE THEN AND NEVER HAVING DONE ANYTHING LIKE IT AGAIN, then let me know so I can block you.
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Didn’t know this was a white Supremacists blog
???!? I’m sorry what?  Literally how?  Was it all the Black Lives Matter support and donations posts or the posts about how the lgbt+ community needs to stand in solidarity with people of color?  Or how about all the times in the past I discussed how awful eugenics is and how much I hate that a lot of popular media unintentionally features it?  I admit I’m not perfect, and if I accidentally reblogged something connected to white supremacist fuckwads, or even just something insensitive without realizing it, you could have pointed it out and i would have gladly deleted the post and apologized.  If i made a mistake I’d really like to know so I can get better.  But no.  You’re just being vague on anon and changing nothing except me wasting my time digging through my posts trying to find whatever prompted this message.  Fuck off.
And for the record: Black Lives Matter, Trans Rights, Intersectionality is Vital, fuck the cops, fuck nazis, fuck white supremacy in all its forms, and if you have a problem with any of those statements, fuck you
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ladyloveandjustice · 4 years
replied to your
amphiaria replied to your post : ...
I guess that her visibly hanging out in Little Homeschool could be an indication that she IS, like, going to enroll in there. If she’s not ALREADY enrolled in there (because Steven isn’t very suprised to see her and it’s been a few months)
true! She probably found some constructive way to start dealing then. SEEMS LIKE GEM THERAPY IS A THING NOW AT LEAST, SO MAYBE SHE’S ON HER WAY TO GETTING SESSIONS. (I’ll admit with Jasper my first thought is always “dang I hope Lapis doesn’t run into her and have to deal with that” whenever I think of something like that because I like Lapis more which is unfair buuuut. I’m sure Lapis and pals would have knowing how to avoid her and take care of her/herself covered though.)
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ontarioswift · 5 years
Individuals being targeted based only on the colour of their skin... it’s so sad to see in 2019 and I’m over it
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macaroonmoogle · 5 years
I feel so, so restless and I can’t STAND it Like I want to stay tired and upset even though I can easily stop...like..hm...end me
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