#And don't get me started on the relationship between the zodiac the decans and the 72 even though I know these are divergent developments.
thegodthief · 2 years
How am I supposed to just work at the day job like a normal person when I have the brain worm thought of "Are the angels of the zodiac signs subject to the angels of the planets that rule the respective sign or subject to the angels of the respective elements," and I'm stuck at work an hour's drive away from all my books and how am I supposed to file these dumb ass unengaging never-reviewed reports now?
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zwiowiuoie · 2 years
What changes me (or you)?
A small download but my 8th house starts at 24° virgo and ends at 2° scorpio. The full portion of the house of libra falls into that space. Also, my sun is 22° libra, mercury 5° libra, and mars 0° libra.
So the answer to the question, "what changes me?" is;
1. the topics of 3rd decan virgo degree (you could take it ad a 3rd decan virgo asc characteristics/concepts/topics).
2. Also it's a taurus degree (venus related) to keep in mind.
3. virgo is ruled by mercury. What i think day to say, the people who tend to see/interact with everyday, my day to day relationships, interactions... you see, it's almost anything that happens day to day. It's a routine, not one that we always able to notice (you know that "you'd think 'there comes a tree after tree', not realizing you are walking deep into the forest" kinda term? It's that kind of a "routine.")
4. Just to stop and onserve the big picture; mercury is related to the way we connect, and (since the whole portion of the zodiac sign libra falls into my 8th house) im considering libra's ruler venus, which is about our intimate relationships, and (with the taurus concept, which is venus's second sign) where we "settle". My mercury is also in libra, and my venus is in scorpio. I can say that my relationships, either small or big ones, control me a lot.
(Further explanation: 8th house shows me "what changes me", which means, if i don't control what changes me, it will keep changing me according to its own way; all the houses exist and happen at the same time, whether or not we become conscious of ourselves and the world around us; we live according to our pattern <can be considered as the 'astrological pattern'> as long as we are alive. To mention the fact that 8th house's most popular meaning is the secrets and hidden things, so, it's meant to be that way <unconscious> normally, but "a secret" or "a hidden thing" would always have a witness.)
Well anyways i actually got tired, if there will be a question, i could maybe explain the idea more. But you see, you could apply this method to yohr own chart to figure out what controls/changes you. As an example, i know that if i change the dinamic of my close and/or day to day relationships and interactions, my life can change in a way that can't be compared to its previous look/situation. 8th house is the skeleton. Walking around as a badic skeketon would be— it wouldn't be, you need muscles and all that human body complexity lol, but i mean, it would be "awkward". That doesnt mean the concept of skeleton is awkward, right?! We need them. It's not advantageous or disadvantageous to have a skeleton, it's just the nature of the system of a body. And it's meant to stay hidden. Unless you need a surgery. Or maybe you are already walking arpund with an open arm, showing your skeleton, you SHOULD face the fact that you are able to see your own skeleton and send yourself into the nearest hospital please. And do you control your skeleton? Yes. And can it control you? Yes! You are living with it. Also know that just because your arm is broken, that doesn't mean you should cut your arm off and live that way. Though you can do it, but i myself wouldn't suggest it.
That's the relationship between us and what controls us. If your 8th house starts at Sagittarius, you should realize that the common beliefs and religions around you and your own ones control you. The antidote is gemini, which means, you should learn more, get educated, think more if you want to change your life from its core. Whether or not it's good or bad, it would just stop you from being able see the life from that same old perspective again.
I hope the idea is generally understood.
Good day, people!
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