#And i do not care if it is cringe i don't care if my AU OCs or indeed aph itself lacks the depth
The Rebound 4
Warnings: non/dubcon, body insecurity, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Curtis Everett
Summary: after a divorce, you try to start over.
Part of the Backwoods AU
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You take a new path. You tell yourself it's to mix it up, to be a hit more spontaneous. You're downfall had come from being a creature of habit. 
So instead of north, you go south, away from the river and towards the ravine where trees slant and the land turns bumpy and peaty. You stop at the edge and peer down at the steep incline. You breathe in the slightly damp air, the night's rain still wet on the grass and bark. 
You're hypnotised by the lightheadedness caused by the drop. You slowly back up and walk along the border. You couldn't make the hike down though you've seen teens hanging around there. You press on, walking over even ground. 
A sudden snap has you on high alert. You look over your shoulder. You try not to think of Curtis, try not to assume or expect. You don't want to make a big deal of nothing. Lee always said you were good at that, where he did the opposite. 
There's no one there but you feel something beneath your foot. You look down. A snare. You've walked straight into a rabbit trap. Is it his? You wish you knew how reset it. Instead you'll have to leave his hard work spoiled. 
You make your way back to the road and follow it to your sister's house. He lingers in the back of your mind. You haven't seen him at the library. It's been weeks. You shouldn't care so much. You don't.  
He came when you weren't there. You know that. You saw his book in returns. Is he avoiding you? Were you that awkward? No, it's just Curtis. He avoids everyone. He's smart. Hammer Ford does not inspire trust. 
You enter the house, kicking the dirt off your shoes before you break the threshold. You leave the sneakers on the mat as you hear your sister with the kids. You look in on them and she gives you a sharp look as you offer a small wave. You cringe and go to the kitchen to get water. 
You hear the Bluey song play and your sister appears as you chug down a tall glass. You pull your lips of the brim and wipe the dribble down your chin. She looks tired. Kids do that to ya. 
"You've lost weight," Katie says. 
You should be proud for her noticing but even after two births, she's effortlessly petite. You nod, "yeah." 
"Great, and... how about a place? You found one yet?" 
She's never been particularly tactful. She gets that from your mother. Maybe that's why she's the favourite. 
"Looking," you assure her, "I have enough for a deposit now but not much around here." 
She nods and opens the fridge. She takes out two of the drinkable yogurts for the kids. You drink nervously. 
"I heard about him. Lee," she says as she stands on the other side of the island, "he's with some young one now." 
"Good riddance," she sneers, "I never liked him. Never mentioned it but one time at Christmas... well, he made a suggestion." 
You frown. Why is she telling you this? It doesn't make you feel better. 
"Oh, I'm... sorry he did that." 
"We all tried to warn you," she shrugs. 
You finish your water and rinse the glass. It's easier than pointing out she was still a teen when you got engaged. Whatever. 
"Mom's coming for dinner tonight." 
You pause before you can set the glass in the rack. Great. Another judgement to come.  
"She wants you there too." 
"Okay," you don't argue. Twenty years of it with Lee, you don't need to keep it up. 
"Right, well, I gotta go look after the kids. Life, you know." 
She leaves and you put the glass down. You blink back her underhanded jab. You don't have kids or a husband or even a house. Look at her, taking in her tragic sister. How fucking merciful. 
Your mother barely acknowledges you when she gets there. She’s too caught up in her favourite and her grandchildren. You’re fine with it; used to it. You’re far enough in life that you know it isn’t worth it to try or care. Same as with your husband. Ex now. Officially. 
Finally, after the last months of struggling, you have some good news. The email was both a relief and a final punctuation. Now you can move on, just like Lee. 
You sit at the table. You have your chicken breast, a thoughtful portion of rice, and lots of green beans. You’re life might not be any more balanced but your meals are. 
As your mom finishes her preening and cooing over the messy toddler beside her, she turns to you. You know by the glint in her eye, it won’t be any different than your last conversation. Or any over the last how many decades. 
“How nice it is of Katie to take you in,” she chimes. 
“Yeah, very nice,” you gulp, “um, but not for much longer. Divorce is final. Lawyer’s fees will come off the alimony. Which I’m getting.” 
It feels nice to say it out loud. Hearing it come out of your own mouth makes it real. Makes it true. 
“When did you find this out?” Your sister chirps. 
“Couple hours ago.” 
“Wow,” both your mother and sister utter. 
“That’s great news,” your mother grins, “but you’re still divorced and childless. You don’t have much time left on the clock.” 
You look at your plate. For every win, they find a loss. Yes, that’s true, but you don’t want kids and after your marriage, you want a husband even less. One is just fine. 
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vxlkirayaxo · 2 days
Proud glances
I can’t find your request anymore but here !!
Warnings: cursing, slightly suggestive (?)
Summary: tall f!reader gets made fun of for being tall and Scara defends them. Modern highschool AU!
Ty for the request ^^
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Out of all the people here in this classroom why did they have to pick on you? The sound of their voices faded in and out as you say there, your fists clenched on the desk.
"How's the weather up there?" One of the guys said leaning on your desk, a cruel smile set on his lips. Oh how bad you wanted to punch that idiotic smirk off of his face.
"No man wants a tall freak like you." The freak made you almost flinch, the nickname was bad enough but the mention of your relationship level really felt like a punch in the gut. You opened your mouth to speak but nothing came out.
'Utterly speechless, pathetic.' your seatmate, Scara thought as he observed the scene through the corner of his eye. He knew what the bully said wasn't right because he found you attractive.
A sigh left his lips as he turned to you.
"are you not going to stand up for yourself?" He asked, a bit too softly than he wanted it to come out. You hesitantly shook your head, your disappointment in yourself apparent.
"If she stands up she'll hit the ceiling, of course she won't." The bully said before cackling, the sight of him laughing was disgusting. At least that's what Scara thought.
No matter how much he tried to fight it by looking back and continuing to read his book, his heart ached a bit.
He had a small (big) crush on you, so why wouldn't he feel a bit sad at that depressed expression on your face? He had an internal struggle before turning back to you with a grim expression on your face.
He motioned for you to come a little closer so he could whisper something to you. You leaned a bit closer to hear what he was saying all though not without blushing from the close proximity.
"Say something about him that he's insecure about, be like 'At least I don't smell like shit constantly, or look like shit.. maybe then you'd pull girls instead of bullying them.' that would be totally badass."
He whispered with a grin before you nodded with a determined look on your face before sitting up and turning to the bully. You pointed your finger in the bullies face.
"At least I don't look and smell like shit! Maybe if you would actually take care of yourself and stop bullying girls maybe another girl besides your mother would actually be willing to kiss you." You said proudly, a smirk prominent on your face. Scara's eyes shined a bit with pride before he turned back to reading with a small smile.
'thats my future girl.' he thought glancing at you. You looked very proud of yourself. You turned to him and grabbed his hand.
"Thank you for helping me! Let me buy you lunch as a true thank you!" You said with a smile and a slight tilt to your head, Scara's face flushed at the view. Your smile was so bright he had to squint a bit from the light.
"like a date?" He mumbled, a bit shocked by the sudden contact. His eyes constantly switching from your face and the gentle touch of your hand.
"Sure! Is there a day that you're open?" You leaned a bit closer really eager to thank him. He slightly opened his mouth before speaking, he knew he had a busy schedule but he'd definitely clear it for a chance with you.
"I'm open... whenever..." He said before glancing at his full calendar which made him cringe. You nodded your head.
"After school then! It's a date!" You let go of his hand before standing up and grabbing your stuff.
"see you later!" You said before ducking under the doorframe and leaving the classroom.
I'm doing a part two with the date if you guys want!
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