#And if Adrien Chat Noir were to getta matter as more as Marinettes littl therapist husband for once then Ladynoir would fall apart
miraculousalt · 2 years
Still cant get over what Marinette did to Chat in Hacksan
Dont you just love how Marinette in Hacksan has desensitized Chat Noir to the dangers of someone actually may ending up stealing her Miraculous an using it to get closer to him by posing as Ladybugs replacement she herself chose? Yknow one of the most, if not THE most, likely an vital dangers of their partnership an yet here we are. Adrien was jus made to morally declare LB above his safety and rights as her partner bc if Marinette were to be asked to meet any kind of normal standards in their partnership feminism apparently gets set back 100 years.
“Marinette cares about Chat Noir deeply!”
Marinette made sure tha in the case someone actually gets her Miraculous an went to meet up Chat the way Scarabella did hes now 90% more likely to not question it anymore, as long as the villain has smart enough of an explaination that includes Scarabellas absence. How nice that Marinette doesn want Chat miserable or wants him dead, she still made sure that hes much more likely to end up walking into a deathtrap now.
And I hate how obvious it is that the show will never ever challenge Marinettes messed up actions in Hacksan that in any normal show with any NORMALLY written main character would be forshadowing for their partner falling into exactly THAT trap now in the next season. But nooooooooooooooooooooooo. Its Marinette so we cant have normal writting bc thats “misogynistic”. How else will the littl girls watchin know that there is nothing their partner should be allowed to expect from them besids “I like you” if we were to let any of Marinettes messed up treatment of Chat in S4 have regular consequences now in S5?
As per usual: What the hell does Chats safety actually matter in this partnership?
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