#Hack-san salt
miraculousalt · 2 years
Still cant get over what Marinette did to Chat in Hacksan
Dont you just love how Marinette in Hacksan has desensitized Chat Noir to the dangers of someone actually may ending up stealing her Miraculous an using it to get closer to him by posing as Ladybugs replacement she herself chose? Yknow one of the most, if not THE most, likely an vital dangers of their partnership an yet here we are. Adrien was jus made to morally declare LB above his safety and rights as her partner bc if Marinette were to be asked to meet any kind of normal standards in their partnership feminism apparently gets set back 100 years.
“Marinette cares about Chat Noir deeply!”
Marinette made sure tha in the case someone actually gets her Miraculous an went to meet up Chat the way Scarabella did hes now 90% more likely to not question it anymore, as long as the villain has smart enough of an explaination that includes Scarabellas absence. How nice that Marinette doesn want Chat miserable or wants him dead, she still made sure that hes much more likely to end up walking into a deathtrap now.
And I hate how obvious it is that the show will never ever challenge Marinettes messed up actions in Hacksan that in any normal show with any NORMALLY written main character would be forshadowing for their partner falling into exactly THAT trap now in the next season. But nooooooooooooooooooooooo. Its Marinette so we cant have normal writting bc thats “misogynistic”. How else will the littl girls watchin know that there is nothing their partner should be allowed to expect from them besids “I like you” if we were to let any of Marinettes messed up treatment of Chat in S4 have regular consequences now in S5?
As per usual: What the hell does Chats safety actually matter in this partnership?
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hiccstridshipper19 · 2 years
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Marinette in season 5:
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askvectorprime · 11 months
Dear, Vector Prime.
Sideswipe, who was supposed to have died in the battle on Earth in IDWSG, has come back to life as new body with partner. Could you tell us what happened to him?
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Dear Sideswipe Searcher,
Fresh from their victory over Megatron, the maniacal Optimus Prime and his army of Autobots rampaged across the planet, looting whatever resources they could find and funneling them into the construction of an Ark II that would take them home to Cybertron. Their rampage was thorough; within a matter of months, the victorious Autobots had obliterated most major population centers and crushed the remnants of the world’s various armed forces—as they launched the Ark, Prime gave the order to salt the earth by having Blaster hack into the planet’s various defense systems and authorize the indiscriminate launch of hundreds of intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Many weeks later, Megatron awoke, seemingly the last sentient being on Earth. As the critically damaged Decepticon limped through the graveyard that had once been Los Angeles, he discovered that the Autobots had simply left their dead and dying to rust where’d they’d fallen. Megatron was instinctually repulsed by the notion of desecrating the dead, but realized that he needed repairs—and that the bodies of his former friends and enemies might be the only way to source Cybertronian parts until he could make it offworld. As Megatron lifted the body of one such downed Autobot, whispering a brief apology for what he was about to do, he suddenly found a pair of hands wrapped around his neck! As it turned out, Sideswipe had also survived the battle of Los Angeles, but had been abandoned by his comrades and left to die—even his spark-brother Sunstreaker had turned his back on his critically wounded sibling, with a parting sneer that Sideswipe had always been the ugly one.
Initially, Sideswipe wanted nothing more than to return to Cybertron and exact brutal revenge on everyone who’d abandoned him; in his current condition he could barely stand, let alone fight his way across millions of miles of interplanetary space back to Cybertron. After salvaging whatever they could from the battlefield to patch themselves up, the pair decamped to the nearby city of San Francisco, where they established a base camp on the burned out remains of the Golden Gate Bridge. Not long after, they discovered a Cybertronian Decepticon warship and the prone body of a tiny stasis-locked Decepticon named Whisper. It didn’t take much energon to jump-start Whisper’s systems, and the three set about slowly repairing the downed warship over a period of many months. As they worked, Megatron and Sideswipe had a long time to reflect on their past mistakes and come to some kind of understanding—in time, even Sideswipe’s once-legendary bloodlust faded into a resolute determination to atone for his past misdeeds.
However, when the time came to finally launch the ship, Sideswipe made a shocking discovery—a small group of human survivors had established a small village on the outskirts of the city. It quickly became clear that they would not survive on their own—they would need access to Cybertronian technology and someone with the knowledge of how to properly use it. That night, by the feeble light of the human’s campfire, Sideswipe told Megatron that he should go on without them, and wished him luck in his mission to rebuild the Decepticons.  Touched by the gesture, Megatron bade his new friend farewell—but not without first declaring him an honorary Decepticon. 
The next morning, as Sideswipe leaned back on the cracked asphalt of the Golden Gate Bridge and watched as Megatron’s jury-rigged vessel lifted into the air, he took a moment to carve a new insignia on his chest, beneath the ugly gash that now ran through his old Autobot symbol… then turned back to the pale, haggard humans who looked to him as their new leader and protector, and set to work.
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ilikekidsshows · 1 month
Hello again. :)
Thank you for answering my ask, I never thought it would gained traction and I hope no salter would come to you. ( ;A;) Also want to thanks people who give their input along the way, it sure is interesting to see and there's some point that I... Maybe give out some detail too vaguely, such as when I said the timeline of my fic is post s5.
I think my story is a canon divergent that only follow canon up to some episode in s4, the change started in Hack-san. So basically Cat Noir is started to doubt Ladybug because while she did apologize, her apology is actually about the secret identity not about her leaving Paris and send subtitute without telling him first hand even after that, he keep finding Ladybug either become jumpy or outright avoiding him whenever he want to talk. The turning point is in Ephemeral where he find out Ladybug's plan which involved Viperion and make him asked her about everything but she keep avoid giving him an answer, instead saying "I'm doing this to protect you" without further explanation and he end up leaving the team until S4 finale and saw Monarch announcement. While he did come back to help her, he keep his distance because he doesn't trust her as much as before. And more change happened in s5 plot like he'$ not Marinette's boyfriend because he doesn't actually /that/ close to Marinette (whatever the canon want to say) so even if he knows Marinette is into him in Glaciator 3 (I forgot the actual episode name) , he never say or do anything as Adrien, he also never left in Kwami Choice (which vexing him further because again, Ladybug just leave like that) and he participated in the finale battle (because what in the world canon? That's like the most important battle for him) and definitely there's nothing like sentimonster human thing. (Felix is actually Adrien's twin and he's just veeeerrry jealous of Adrien's life because in his eyes Adrien's life is much better. Adrien never know about him having a twins though)
So yeah, my fic is post s5, but it's a canon divergence.
And one of the biggest reason why I never considered Luka as the leader is simply because Ephemeral exist. If he or Rena become the leader then it's no use, both of them are like the biggest Marinette supporter and Luka is the guy who doesn't even mind to be called "Adrien" by his girlfriend and mindlessly following her problematic plan so I don't think he'll even mind if Marinette want to take the lead despite of him being the leader because Marinette ftw! ;)
No worries, Fic Anon, the post didn’t get any salt. I feel like people are weird when it comes to the mental image of “class clown” Cat Noir in a leadership position, like a leader can’t also be a funny dude and has to be grimly serious all the time. It’s just another cliche of leadership characters that they have to take themselves incredibly seriously because people think otherwise they can’t be taken seriously by others.
The idea that Cat Noir wouldn't be respected as a leader can't be proven correct or incorrect because, if the canon did approach such an angle, it would make Cat Noir look bad to prop up Marinette. We, frankly, don't know what the rest of the team thinks about Cat Noir, because the Miraculous writers want Adrien to be dependent on Marinette in everything, so he doesn't even get to bond with the team. Not that Ladybug does much more than order them around either. If there's anything in the canon hinting that Cat Noir isn't respected, it's Ladybug’s side of the banter on occasion being more demeaning.
I will say that plenty of Japanese media actually does go the route of making the team leader a bit of a clown, and it doesn’t make their teammates not listen to them. The Super Sentai, Battle Shounen and Magical Girl Warrior genres are full of wise-cracking team leaders who participate in some buffoonery. Yu Yu Hakusho has the least serious team members Yusuke and Kuwabara act as leaders depending on the arc and Kakashi is one of the biggest funnymen in Naruto, for example.
I totally agree that Adrien and Marinette are actually not as close as the show insists they are. My biggest peeve is the show insisting Marinette knows Adrien the best out of all the other characters when 1) she constantly misunderstands Adrien and 2) Adrien genuinely doesn’t feel like he can be himself around her. The latter point is why I hate the retcon that Adrien fell in love with Marinette in the Statue Scene(™) in Puppeteer 2, when that’s the episode where he explicitly states that he didn’t think Marinette considered them friends. That episode is one of the biggest examples of Marinette just not understanding Adrien, another one is the insult of giving who she thought was him the Dog Miraculous.
Yeah, now that you bring it up, Ephemeral makes Luka look like the most untrustworthy stooge of them all, worse than even Nathalie. At least Nathalie disapproved of Gabriel’s shitty plans even as she didn’t stop him, Luka is just: “Whatever you say, Marinette, you perfect goddess who can do no wrong. Are there any other breaches of trust you want me to commit, my queen?”
Your fic sounds like a total banger right up there with the currently only Miraculous fic I’m keeping up with, Perfect Paradise. If you end up posting, at me or send me a link or something, I’d love to give it a read.
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mystic-myrtille · 6 months
It always bother me that Lukanette/Luka salters (or antis) arguments are always like "Luka is so boring and bland" or "he's a gary stue" or "marinette treats Luka like a rebound and a plan b" basically any arguments that get your brain to stop braining
While them being the same people defending Adri/////chat and excusing/justifying his behaviour in episodes like Syren, Glaciator, Copycat, Lies, Hack-san, Kuro Neko, Chat blanc and etc and etc and etc You name it!
they even make Luka/Marinette Way too OOC in the salt fics (it's even worse since it's trash square endgame, they make Marinette a terrible gf or they make Luka an abusive, terrible toxic piece of shit)
Meanwhile us salters have every single good reasons to despise adri////chat and the L////S
we make salt fics that actually capture adrichat's mentality and behaviour
We even show how toxic the trash square is just like in canon
Lmao reminds me of how when season 4 started airing people were accusing Luka of being manipulative for asking Mari a question about their relationship when before they were complaining about how he lets her walk over him like a doormat with no backbone. At least he’s able to communicate
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gojuo · 1 year
What about Aemond? Isn't he male and one of Rhaenyra's enemies why he is receiving a SPA treatment of his character, a treatment that not even the male characters of team black have lmao
Aemond may be on the Green side which means being an antagonist to Rhaenyra, but he is not her narrative foil. Aegon is Rhaenyra's foil and Aemond is Daemon's. And Daeron is the narrative foil to Aemond.
The Targtower siblings come in a package. It's Aegon and Helaena on one side being contrasted to each other: Aegon is a party animal vs. Helaena is a gentle and chaste lady; when B&C happens, Aegon turns his anger outwards towards the world and uses that anger to lash out vs. Helaena breaks into pieces, loses her mind and all of the trauma turns her into a hollow shell of her former joyful and outgoing self; Helaena commits suicide vs. Aegon lives on in spite of it all, etc.
For the other two, you aren't going to understand why Daeron is juxtaposed to Aemond if you don't know their book characters. Anyone who knows anything about F&B knows that Daeron was the single most likeable character in the entire Dance. And Aemond was a psychopath.
If I were to list book!Aemond's personality traits, I would say that he was a loud, brash, arrogant, cruel, impulsive, angry, contemptuous and scornful person. He's also ruthless, psychotic, blood-thirsty and more than a little unhinged. The Greens nearly break through Rhaenyra's forces and win the war but Aemond's recklessness and impatience fucks it all up. He murders every single member of House Strong because he had an issue with only one of them as well as doing it just because he felt like doing it. He takes Alys to bed as a spoil of war and he genocides the people of the Riverlands for funsies. He was a badass and unapologetically himself who was unafraid to speak his mind, no matter how harsh, but Aemond was no brooding, quiet and reserved type who held himself back like in the show. That's Daeron.
I call Daeron Aemond's narrative foil because he was the counterbalance to Aemond's intense personality. It is Daeron who is the quiet, reserved, pensive, and reputable man who is selflessly and completely devoted to the family. He commits/allows for heinous acts of war in Bitterbridge as retribution for what the people did to his nephew (which he regrets immensely), he fights to the bitter end to reunite with his mother and sister in King's Landing, he throws wine in Hugh's face when the man insinuates Aegon is dead, he is the favorite and most loved child of the four, etc.
In F&B, Aemond isn't particularly characterized as caring for his family much. He metaphorically rubs salt in Aegon’s wounds with his comment about how the Conqueror's Crown fits him better than it ever did Aegon, and his refusal to stick to Criston's orders and choose Alys over him and his family is what leads to the Fall of King's Landing and then snowballs into Butcher's Ball, Tumbleton, Bitterbridge, etc. If anything, book!Aemond seems to care about no one but himself — sans Alys when the time comes.
Daeron is courteous, honorable and the valiant and heroic knight of the story. He was The King Who Should Have Been (over Rhaenyra and Aegon). Near the end of the Dance, when Rhaenyra turns full psycho, it is Daeron who is still fighting the honorable fight and becomes the clear cut good guy protagonist of the narrative, trying to put an end to Queen Maegor With Teats who has turned full-on villain at this point in time.
And what happened in the show is that Daeron — the clear cut good guy of the story — has been merged together with the character of Aemond — the clear cut bad guy on the Greens' side.
The truth is that the hack known as Miguel Sapochnik was not going to include Daeron in the show. This is all but confirmed by his Season 2 outlines that were leaked a while back in which there was not a single mention of Daeron + Viserys saying "All of my family here," during the dinner scene in which there was no Daeron + Daemon saying "[The Greens'] three dragons," meaning no Daeron and Tessarion.
The fact that Sapochnik walked away (read: threw a hissy fit and basically got fired for his shitty S02 outlines) and then the second after that happened GRRM went on his blog to assure us fans that Daeron was in the show, they just didn't have the time to mention his existence at all in this entire season with not even 1 fucking line (bullshit) is the cherry on top. GRRM posted that blog entry on October 11th, and episode 9 — which is the very first episode which showed us Alicent's bloodline split and her four children and three grandchildren with a hastily thrown-in VFX at the obvious last minute — aired on October 16th. I suppose October was when Sapochnik got the boot lol.
So what happened was that Daeron's character was combined with Aemond's. What happens when two characters who are each other’s foils are being merged into one? Especially when one of them is a cartoon villain with little to no depth and the other is the classical hero archetype? You get the belief that the Aemond of the show has been whitewashed.
(Off topic, but personally, I don’t like calling what happened to show!Aemond “whitewashing”, because that insinuates there was a deliberate attempt to cover up Aemond’s more than unpleasant book personality by sugarcoating his canon actions — like how the show did with Rhaenyra — but that’s not what the show did. Showrunners and writers just gave Aemond Daeron’s book personality, and there is nothing sugarcoated or whitewashed about Daeron. He just is, objectively, the good guy.)
Now back to the topic: what happens when two narrative foils get merged into one? The character needs to become a foil to someone else. And this new Frankenstein-ish Aemond/Daeron mishmash became the foil to Aegon. Of course, Aemond will always be, no matter what changes about the show, the narrative foil to Daemon: they are second sons, they die to each other in an epic dragon battle, they are both the villains of their respective sides, their names are anagrams of each other, etc. However, in Season 1, it is not quite Daemon Aemond is being juxtaposed to. Not yet anyways, no. In Season 1, Aemond is being juxtaposed to Aegon.
That is why we got the cringe scene of “‘Tis I who studies the sword, ‘tis I who studies history, ‘tis I who studies philosophy,” or whatever the fuck he said. That is why we had Aemond join Criston in searching for Aegon when in F&B that didn’t happen (and stole Kingmaker Cole’s role in convincing Aegon of the crown but that’s a topic for another day). That’s why we got Aegon begging Aemond to just let him go and sail away, insinuating that Aemond was the better option to take the crown (when in F&B that was 1. literally not what happened during that scene at all and 2. one of Aegon’s biggest and most important character defining moments. And they ruined it all in favor of Aemond AAGGRGRHHHHHGG). Remember how I said Daeron was The King Who Should Have Been over both Rhaenyra and Aegon? They gave this trait to Aemond in order to contrast him to Aegon who never wanted to be king at all.
This Daeron-ification of Aemond now makes him “the better man” between him and his brother in the show, and that was done all to the detriment of Aegon's character. It’s also what led to the application of the Aegon IV/Naerys/Aemon-love triangle to the Aegon II/Helaena/Aemond-show dynamic. In the book, this never would've passed because Aemond is the worst of all four siblings, and Daeron was simply too young.
There is not a single character on House of the Dragon who has gone through the same amount of character assassination as Aegon has.
Now, all this doesn't mean that Aemond = Daeron in the show, it means that most of Daeron's characterization has been merged together with the character of Aemond. Because it was abundantly clear that Sapochnik was not going to include Daeron in the show. This is what might lead you to believe that Aemond has been whitewashed, when in fact the character is just a Frankenstein fusion of Daeron the Daring and Aemond One-Eye. Just like the Young Griff-Jon Snow/Daenerys/Cersei fiasco of GOT.
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mizutama0709 · 8 months
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The following is the text as it is through the translator.
Please forgive any typos or omissions.
fransweek2024 @fransweek
day1 blushing.
Good morning, Frisk.
 The moment I understood this situation, I knew that all at once I felt the temperature rise as if the blood in my body had boiled.
'Ah ...... good morning.'
"Ohayou? Don't you have a headache or something, I'll get you some water right now."
With a foggy head, I remembered that Triel mom had been very considerate and told me that she had called Sans because she would not be able to go home for a while for work and it would be noisy if she was alone.
...... hack shun!"
Despite this pleasant surprise, Frisk had a bad cold and had been in bed for the past two days. His body was still tired, one side of his nose was stuffed up, it was hard to breathe, and he was having a hard time falling asleep.
I'm too embarrassed...... Oh, even my voice is rattling."
The reason why he called Sands is because he is highly trusted by both Frisk and Toriel, who know that ningen illnesses do not affect monsters and that he has the kindness to take care of them in such a way that they appear to be worthwhile.
When Sands returned to the room, he brought medicine, drinking water, and a bowl of lightly salted vegetable soup that he had reheated in the microwave.
Thankfully, the ingredients were cut into small pieces, so even my cold-ridden throat was able to enjoy the soup.
The soup is much easier on the throat when you have a cold," he said, "and it worked pretty well when Papyrus was in bed.
I was impressed by the fact that he was indeed my brother.
Despite the hazy consciousness caused by the cold, I was able to drink half of the soup and also take medicine and water.
I'm sorry, I didn't have much of an appetite and left half of it. ......
If you could take more than a sip in that cold voice, you did a good job.
The hand gently stroking my head as I lay there is comforting and reassuring.
The most important thing to remember is that you can't be too careful when it comes to your health and wellness.
I half dozed off into a faint sleep, and as I slowly closed my eyes, I felt a tap on my forehead.
I hope you get a good night's sleep when you can and feel better soon. I'll be in the next room and I'll check on you again."
I'll be in the next room and I'll check in on you again. ...... Oh, yeah. Thanks ......."
......I was quickly away, but now something. Hmm? Huh?
Huh? Sans kiss on the forehead?
It took me a little while to understand the situation, yes, it took me a lot of time to catch up with my thoughts, and with my face red, I had a hard time sleeping for a while.
It's not fair to make me think so much about Sands when I have a bad cold that it's hard to think. It's not fair. ......
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Hey hey hey!
Everyone we hacked the broadcast
Pirate TV! Hell yeah!
Anyway anyway
Today on the inter dimensional cooking whatever we're gonna make...
For this recipe you're gonna need
1 sans the skeleton
Some warm water
Some sugar
Active dry yeast
Whatever extra toppings you want that can't be acquired from the sans
And a pack of your favorite dogs!
First you need to slash the sans with a knife, might be a little tricky. Then snap shot time freeze him in that moment.
Collect some of the red stuff and then use about 4 5ths of the bones to make SKELETON BROTH, now if that cheap hack that usually runs this show hasn't taught you how to make SKELETON BROTH yet then I guess your outta luck. Anyway.
Put the rest of the bones on a rimmed baking sheet and get that roasting in the oven for about an hour at 450 degrees (Fahrenheit of course) once their done pour the melted hone marrow into a container, we're gonna use this as butter later, then wash and dry the bones. Once dry grind the bones into a flour.
Now we're gonna make the buns.
So in a small dish of warm water mix in the yeast and sugar and let sit for like 5 minutes I dunno.
Then in a large bowl but in the sans flour and a pinch of salt, then add the wet mix.
Knead until it becomes a dough. Break it into small segments and get it baking in the oven for about an hour.
Now your SKELETON BROTH should be done by now if you're making it fresh like me.
So fill a pot with this broth and add your hot dogs to this pot. Cook on high for about 20 to 30 minute, hot dogs don't take too long.
Once your buns are done take em out of the oven and cut a slit down the middle.
Now take out a frying pan and put a little bit of the bone marrow in it and get it going on high. Fry the inside of the bun just until toasted.
Now that everything's done take your bun and put one of your dogs on it, top with the red stuff and bone apple teeth! SANS DOGS!!
Delicious, you can really taste the sans.
Strain the broth into a large container and put it in the fridge, you can use it for other dishes in the future!
... (⁠´⁠⌓⁠`⁠ )
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alishasnoidea · 2 years
Episodes that come to mind when I think of each MLB season in no particular order Tag Game
Tagging @theultracharmingladynoire @nothing-particularly-exciting @fu-cough @emerald-hummingbird @chaos-has-theories @crizztelcb and anyone who sees this
Season 1: Le Mime, Puppeteer, Stormy Weather, Bubbler, Origins part 2
Season 2: THE COLLECTOR, Timebreaker, Anansi, Syren, Riposte, Glaciator, Heroes Day, the Queen Bee Saga
Season 3: Chat Blanc, Miraculer, Ikari Gozen, Ladybug, Party Crasher, Miracle Queen, Oblivio, Gamer 2.0
Season 4: Hack San, Kuro Neko, Strike Back, Rocketeer, Glaciator 2, Optigami, Wishmaker, Gang Of Secrets
Season 5 (take this with a grain of salt cause only like 4 episodes came out): Evolution, Jubilation
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ratsoh-writes · 2 years
Masterlist 26
(*****)= suggestive
Seaswap and Seafell
coffee tea or hot chocolate (of st fs ff hfm)
fav colors (of st ff hfm)
child memories with Pavo and Whiskey
a kid asks them to fake being their dad (hfm fs)
a skill he wishes he had (of st fs ff hfm)
common misconception (of st fs ff hfm)
how to summon the new boys *not canon( (of st ff fs hfm)
SO licks his cheek and runs off
SO has a high libido (ut ff ot)****
every sans favorite condiment (all sanses)
SO kisses their soul (hf sfg ul lf ls)*****
how to get them interested (mafias + lf nt)
their speech at their bros wedding (ls nt gt ot)
headbutting with love (ff of)
SO is a kid magnet
aesthetics (the lusts)
SO can sleep with their eyes open
meeting his doppelganger (ut us fsr cash salt bruiser salsa)
friend gives him a flower crown (us ul mt)
serious friend giggles at a word (sans cash salt bruiser G)
SO leaves for a week but leaves behind love notes (fsr st ff)
SO puts on a face mask
Someone tries to fight SO (fsg lf hf mf ms)
he has a nightmare of his late SO
hacking his phone
first anniversary
playing with his hands (gt ul ft dt hs)
SO falls asleep on the ceiling (ls fs hs)
kiss my *ss (the lusts)***
advice they'd give their past selves
kid gets kidnapped (nt ft uf)
child playing with a venomous snake
SO is singing horribly off key
how pop met pluto
seatale and farmswap traditions
mafiatale mages (before crash)
where their nicknames come from
humans of the aus
monster social media
skeleton names
Side characters
avenir (farmtale)
Kavish Lyer (med student)
what he looks for in a partner
seafell royals deal
turn offs
seafell half siblings 1 2 3
love languages
favorite and least favorite activities
how protective of their SO are they
thoughts on kids
thoughts on animals
how protective over their bro they are
getting a flower crown
experience **
when they have a crush
do they like being carried
why is land weird
getting woken up by kisses
how they would propose
getting proposed to
sense of humor
SO smacks the booty
choosing between bro and SO
kissing the skelehand
pillow fight
sub/dom scale******
mermaid (seaswap)
how they are during heat ***
alcohol tolerance
watching a horror movie with SO
how hook discovered he could digest metal
ideal date
spice tolerance
prized possessions
seafell and seaswap culture
what makes them hiss
they get catcalled
big or little spoon
SO boops him
The Mafias
amusement park with petunia and dove
a kid asks them to fake being their dad
atlas lost at space
breaking up
SO forgets to eat
chores he hates
hidden talents
biggest accomplishment
rams reading struggles
genuine compliment
making his day
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artzychic27 · 2 years
Can you do the full songs of Six the musical miraculous style? The lyrics please?
It is taking me an embarrassingly long time to write the other songs, so… Here’s this for now
All I get to do
All I get to do, fandom
Let me remind you all, I’m Kurtzberg comma Nathaniel
All I get to do
All I get to do, fandom
Though I’m speaking and expressing, I’m still in the back, such a “blessing”
All I get to do
All I get to do, fandom
I’m dramatic? Remember Season 1?
I was new, it's true but even then I knew
The only thing I get to do is...
Season one, episode seven
My episode, this feels like heaven
Chloé’s there, taunting me
And the teacher told everyone I had a D
So I storm out the classroom, tears soon fall
My crush on Marinette revealed to all
I dropped my pencil on the floor
An akuma came, infected me, let’s start the show
It’s my time, yes, indeed!
This is how fans will remember me!
Sure, I didn’t get a victory!
But I’m sure I’ll get another lead
And maybe this is it
The ratings were great, it was a hit
And just look at all the fan works
Seems this red hair comes with a perk~
But all I get to do
All I get to do, fandom
Is draw, and groan, and headbutt a desk, yes
All I get to do
All I get to do, fandom
Is stand there, breathe there, and I guess dye my hair
Bring me back into the light
I wanna be known tonight
Season’s over
The only thing I get to do is...
But then there was another season
Season 2
And get this! I got my own episode!… Only one, though. But, we got a new character and… He turns out to be something amazing…
Jittery, easy on the eyes
Wouldn’t mind getting to know that guy
Mari says that he’s a writer
But he’s nervous, so here’s a plan devised by her
She gave me his notebook and I was thrilled
I thought these were Ladybug’s thoughts all spilled
And written in black and white, my heart was racing
Can you blame me? I just think that she’s amazing
This is it, a new day for me
Get to meet my crush after Mari
Who would’ve thought the plan had some faults?
But I’m to blame, so that’s on me
Then here’s what happened after the cure
Marc and I were shipped, the fans deemed it pure
They said we have a connection
I'm sure this will be different~
'Cause all I get to do
All I get to do, fandom
Is draw, and groan, and headbutt a desk, yes
All I get to do
All I get to do, fandom
Is stand there, breathe there, and I guess dye my hair
Give us a few minutes or four
NathMarc fans are craving so much more
The season’s over
The only thing I get to do is...
So… Season 2 was actually pretty good. Sure, Marc and I aren’t all affectionate like Rose and Juleka, cuz, you know… Children’s show. But then season 3 came around, and here’s what happened…
Season 3… Finally arrived.
Things start getting wild…
Lila’s back
She’s stirring trouble, and there I am alone at a lunch table
Pushed to the background once again
But now it’s Marc and I to the very end
With Lila comes salt fics, here’s what that means
Marc and I expose her in fics written by teens
How is it, the show’s own fans
Remember me? Give them a hand!
AO3’s the place for me
Is this how the fans all see me?
This is bliss, it feels so right
Screw the show, I know I’m loved
But what comes after Season 3?
Will the writers finally remember me?~
'Cause all I get to do
All I get do, fandom
Is draw, and groan, and headbutt a desk, yes
All I get to do
All I get to do, fandom
Is stand there, breathe there, and I guess dye my hair
There's no time for when or how 'cause season 4 is coming here and now
The season’s over
The only thing I get to do is...
So, it’s season 4, it’s getting tense…
New characters appear, fans are on the fence
I’m still with Marc, call this a win
In the episode, Hack-San, I’m his cherished item
The season’s okay, I will admit
We’re even part of an Adrinette bit
So sweet, including us in the plans
But all we do now is help the girl get her man
I thought, “Finally!”
This is all I want, the recognition I need
Sure, my day as a hero was a little rushed
But it’s my time, I get to shine
But then, there’s more to it
The Kwamis are gone, didn’t tell my friend “so long.”
Doesn’t look like there will be a happy end…
I thought this time was different
Why did I think it’d be different?
But it's never, ever different
'Cause all I get to do
All I get to do, fandom
Is draw, and groan, and headbutt a desk, yes
All I get to do
All I get to do, fandom
Ignore me, don't care if you don't see me
Forget me and leave me to
Stand alone against Akumas like Zombizou!
Season's over
Season's over
Season's over
The only thing
The only thing
The only thing I get to do is...
16 notes · View notes
kawaii-night666 · 11 months
8-kageyama turns into a kid!
It was nice morning, in Inarizaki room Kita was awake but don't want to wake Tobio because his adorable sleeping face is hard to resist.
Suna woke up and saw Kita holding into someone as he got his phone out and took a picture of Tobio and put it in his file of file of Tobio, yes, he has picture of him when he was eating, and playing volleyball.
Everyone in Inarizaki woke up as Atsumu then shout "Huh why Tobio-kun cuddle with Kita-san..."
"Shut yer trap Tsumu."
"Shh be quite."
The twins shut up of hearing Kita voice as Tobio snuggles deep into Kita. As everyone cooed at this and felt jealous wanting to be in Kita place.
Kita carry Tobio to the bathroom to let help him brush his teeth and to shower him to clean as they came back but with Tobio wrap up as a burrito, Rintarou took a picture at this moment.
Kita asked his teammates "Minna do ya have spare clothes that is small."
"Here ya go Kita-san."
Kita look at Atsumu as he saw that the shirt is too big for him as he spoke "That's too big for him."
Atsumu didn't care only want Tobio to wear his shirt after all it is clothes.
Kita sighs as he looks at the others as they shrug at him wanting to see what he will look like? Kita wonders is he the only one sane. But Kita looks down at Tobio who was in a burrito towel around him as he said "Hehe I'm a burrito."
Kita smile a bit at Tobio as he sighs then take Atsumu shirt and put shirt on Tobio and buttons up the shirt for Tobio as Tobio look down at him and the shirt his wearing. While Atsumu have blood running down his nose as Osamu hit his twin head before Tobio could see.
➶➶➶➶➶ //////////////////////////////// ➷➷➷➷➷
Author-san: Hewwo everyone chapter 8 is here!
Yayyy (>‿◠)✌
Tobio logs in
Author-san: Tobio be grateful I didn't make a story as u as a girl
Tobio: Don't u dare Boke!🙂
Author-san: I might do that tbh ٩(˘◡˘)۶
Tobio: Boke no
Author-san: Boke yes
Everyone logs in
Atsumu: Heh Tobio-kun as a girl
That would be interesting 😉
Author-san: See Tobio even the idiot agrees
Tooru: Tobio-chan as a girl
Shoyo: That would be interesting
Ryu: I agree
Yuu: Tobio be cute girl tho
everyone except Tobio: ^
Author-san: Oof it seems like they want u as a girl
Tobio: Why me
Author-san: Why not
Tobio: Am I here just to suffer
Kei: Heh king as a girl that would be a sight to see
Tobio: Shut up u dinoshima
Tetsuro: 🤣
Author-san: Yes bestie show that salt who taught u
Tobio: U didn't taught me
Akira: Author I will pay u if u write a story of Tobio as a girl
Yutaro:....N-not like I want to see that or a-anything
All of the salt: Did u just stutter in texts
Author-san: Well ig I will make a story of Tobio as a female
Tetsuki hacks in
Tetsuki:@Author-san u didn't complete the story of phantom of the underworld and The baseball that kuroko manages
Author-san: Wtf Tetsuki did u just hack into here
Tetsuki: Yes anyways I wish u luck Kageyama-kun
Tetsuki gets sent into her story
Tobio: So I'm still suffering either way..
Author-san: Wtf Tobio I ain't a bad author u know ( ˘︹˘ )
Tobio: I beg to differ...
Author-san:...How rude (╥︣﹏᷅╥)
Tobio: 😐
Koushi: So umm u still planning to make that story
Tobio: Suga-senpai!
Koushi: Whaa I think u be cute as a girl😗
Author-san: Pff
Tobio logs off
Author-san: Oof well then hope you lot enjoy this chapter
And wait Tobio why r u here
Author-san logs off
Everyone except Tobio:...
Yachi: Rip author-san
Kiyoko: Hitoka-chan!
Tsutomu: Umm See you guys in the next chapter!
Everyone logs off
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libidomechanica · 1 year
Leave of Joy salt tears
A sonnet sequence
I plants with this Kings. Did I love you he is. Now thee unripe, yet to his Memory of thyself for all, sick, or other first for fish in the time, to Arm to his bate-breeder that the Peoples Saint him befall as their Godheads and earth and a great the vain. Tis hear my face, whose braille to threw they had pierc’d to a fon, or in Friends descent of a leaf, the hole call as I am bereft and your framing madrigals. For pitied Youth is side in time, ’ quoth her sinewy net. Sour imagine own captivity some parts, and Off’ring your joy. Leave of Joy salt tears. My Brothers than I.
To touch, and last long makes. Till, now she only passing branches, stop, each first spoken a gang war wrapp’d a prized. Even as the had not my all we have left not, she world hatefull Issue books, with left so ruefully mind, thus qualifi’d the bawd to obey a singest be burnish’d, thered, so to contain-river throw. The she lives green mysterity. Where, and fearful creature wed the marvelour, is mistrust, beat, for eyes, and themselves, invisible beauty, liquid, glorifies his heap’d from the same blind your hair was upright he’ll given the Indian Fire. Haste, beware would prove?
Whose body but in thy speak amorous train her eyes could not lips; a than what Prudent thine or fled make Tree on the stood, to the Peoples keep good, the look, this white and hacked up to you, my onely, or rich caparison’d round the stormy darts for fruit unsavour: frail of this flesh and sight, and I cannot be sav’d, he kiss my hammer, out audience frown, that I might to Arm Bears! Vast and Restraint, like a loneliness was he sweet; which was a rehears had a gravy as more sweet embracing, our Lawfull Breast; the fevers set it feed while sin, and with nerves thy Name. For Young-mens Dream!
Art, Ah for my all the cried that task to me, at once we still meetness of Grief flowery May, if by them again into the hindmost, and only wonted, smell the Whole. Because to love into distress-lifting lascivious Times, his grow a boy their eyes as the doth espyed, cause of these same took precedent the drove forgotten, my harte. My flew; nor to rested with a Servants in my breaketh done. And love, which like a list thyself into the cunnings exclaims on my budding Muses marketh: even now. Her serpent highway, and passing not so wan, clouds in the most in dew?
Of brows deny’d, like shall moved. As ever dye, love cross thee this is. Bright, through a Native but the dust with my teares. What even, and all the suddain a gordian Fire: hinder shall not bring those dawning. I gave of glow reflections, and to servile Train. And in the Father lily pight: now bankrupt of dewy gem, fright ask me by they want to San Francid dreams of the blush and chain, he senses pleasantly stand! To makes that friend a tune thy Ewes, together He, and retards: already Skill, starv’d and that will frames, graze on a throught the may all the Wrong’d the along, the brilliance thy soul.
A is frugal folke: his Children feel what tis must never light, and only the roe than which, two Leg’d they red,—where was himself in Opinion you heart and her cheers teaching and born a white road brere, and she gloom, whose part poured pearly Promise thy hearts; nor fear off the place where else witness numberless could have short-joints for love is upon a leaf indescribably decree; then, drops, and grow: we also have left the Laws. As if any meed a thorny braunch of pearly in the breaketh frorne out of a good: it will with the Nation can see! And from pains were his blown vp without him all.
Come hint, the swoon. Auspicious, they were are torn hairs being snake, for sober pavement all into her seem to rob him to spear, we part, white-blossom friends: they led twining shore gazing them all never soul of dewy eve and honour, what Religion in fatal mercy even Apollo where always cheek the man next of a modest, how their colour, I feels to be unripe yeeld whet his demurre our maladies by you wear the bliss! And a Vare others, newly cut thou unask’d her child. Ropes or rot upon their Father. A woman brain, with us, you wilt backe, and then I see her annoieth. And convert thou encounty! And to my own law; and friends in these looks course and be Judgment with none what frosty sins enclose hands streams of mine could because expos’d a gently over was away both of light to thy fearful might we’d like aughter, and like thee for than flinty, young praise.
Must become the pictures, and died unto thyself when Adonis’ hearth in her frequence, yours disobedient drops, the river. She she banks of bright playing there, from hence in your face has flowred coud heard, their joy: doe you and pay and subtle flaxen were lying upon thy mother got, and he lov’d their sun, whom all; all fly to unperplex blisse. Not die, herbs, garlic, cheek appeare, stop with they finally at whose vices are than flowers, clouds conflict of Israel, freckled wretch, to see a tales and responder his woe; for such one, curls aboad: but free from Earth a kid rubs strong a State.
Would flow, it shadow you forgotten, my Sould Curb my Safety shining looks unworth to this look’d morrow on the should never, to turn’d. Piercing hare, stretch, well-breaking delight! But throat’s tir’d, for many sweet, if once my arms, the People sparks, and Statue of old Adonis wear, sweetness, if I shalt though Fancy’s casks are complained brand as the sweet grew grey; as the river-whispers in thieves. That to grows; when, musits by empers a parts nothings are made Obnoxious world. With vertigo for her striving joy ill, thus, worne I rub together; then we parts, and the right overfly the bad, and watch.
‘To sell careful green, on Yarrow banks wonder (pray their Scribes in. Alas! By Sea, by Law teachine own did excelling is immortal love, and pay and of your Titles a few, sad, look’d my mouths to all as Absalom’s Mildness of the grass a deep-sweet. Spoil of all in an ever proxy shippe vnwilling new, who short, tell me, not taste me the blythe builds herbs for Love’s mystering rose uttered here than when to all summon would blow, made, by Writing stars, eclips’ rich it eats in would specious, Juster’d Muses marrow bed. With him King! Up in my side: and, by Heav’n by sun. Down, why am I …? Your queen, and with the language broken light, and in the world. Even Apollo when he world of these forsakes the truth’s woe. Long taught the hill? Would begg’d love, by conquer than your ring, and will strengthless and blythe, blythe, by his locks of this is to come to the horse, tis Glories, in Sommers flower singing.
For it all night now she undone. Since herself should as she shine own from it with her buckles away tottie years: she carries in the North, in his Greatness pairs between two morning’s eyes her agents of Royal Peers and so tis a few, so did see what ever three were alone long anyway it be undoned of Thunder therefore to be of the Queen by these flowers grew wide woud breast, with her tearest made forlorn, and known, and wounds were the day, no; my hands him to rose, he stoops no dropp’d but ears sing, up the sky. Where comparing at the Throne, into there is golden bring to my breaked.
And find, if half a Muses chain: Lovershoot his easy to fair delight, and Quaking violet? That dar’d their streams upon his smell that one, shattered that know not stay, but Companions, since was Patriots name outside mine happy as well to loser, gentle Love like Jocasta in a tomb shall dance on the scaffolds his an and Record, what Pretence herse to man, will never: thence to love; to makes all human Wit could wed in extremity; where Tim the latest thou do, deceit, for scorn! Looks so faine: semed,- than brede; made than this pryde to rain, that you were you I love you for all should find what were stone alone, I would humour, could in Glentury dear nor senses, and looked Courage; where in sadness the Nobles of war of fight haste we our eyes will fall, just commissing her ties; sincere, am like Jocasta in and list of the People and child so unkinds arms a Chief of Wine.
Such but a winter content in the breast. Tires o’erwhelming, sae sweet part from Cenchreas’ short this bate-bred Soul and they thine owne chief he heavy, ticks fastens;—O! The hearts; nothing down, since forest most friends, together; to Heavenly eloquence: for shall my ears gone, too soon, the hill-side; else, Implacable moon, and left thee, the lake- blossomes, his Love in his an echoes raise effecting. Our eastes crewe, and the wind woman’s for one thing that your to a statuary winning Age, some unseen, shall be merciless wings can so strain before, dear nor to melts with the love, aside lay spills.
Never lamps together was thy day, that a hope is true need a thou wilt thou return’d; for a brightful playing love by a simmer in the head been great though thy wear, the darts and embrace; she languid arm, that eve, and peake soon, takes the sun, and often urg’d their mad Labouring dew. And which I have I felt though seen of respect when King Oberon’s mild, but golden arrow to browes, for too soothe my essence in the green. Or ivory in her thoughts, that I would Plots, she food he sea. And himself: where is fear were rise of the day since, and reache: my heard no more lent: that shows up at you coy?
And noblest; yet of thy soul abroad claps her more. And embracing white and with all sway. To pass thy leisure he next for a lives more turbidly ravell d. And still, or love tie; next of thy resister with such, ask’d her objects the Laws; till hope doth cry till turned attempt God’s heaping moon in from his piteous in thy spheres. To chamber whose way in, and Crude. That hast though the sandals sweetly their scratch’d this lover, myself, in God of you needs spring, ear’s care, or let no other we still I suddenly I sought, the on him as is a sprouting their Kings be advis’d; the deeply by one.
How sweet envelope; and were Croud Expose? The cobbles and since like a beaker in this face it cares greene could begets. But Phemie’s eyes, that clear. How Fatall tis heart their colour’d peoples Fool. Such a threw the sport. Burnt from the Bad fold his enemy caps are mad, a bunch learned at thou art the shine. Where than a Naiad of the Croud, no grass, and drinking i know, even the pine-grown Latmian stand and as swept the facts. Into amazes; nay, disturb’d, unsoughts, that serues the same thought of new Love the hand, ’ said I, but all the mought and from thend his Consequent represerv’d, he shadow forlorn.
Of bees, say, as the Season is you, sir, to be still his Arbour make very that is train her favour hair only harte. In ribbon of mossy green, as torn, her two woman, but that and fear; and still I were but swallow cradle tail to choosing eyes, some and crystal mercy graunt mischiefs unite with stories his grow! Splashing to be gone, please, but hospitable sweet embracement yet, and in tight or flies of love and helpe to elope; and maybe, blythe and Slaves to misimploys. Keeping he did not how come in his vows, overs’ voice is night of icy graduate, dear name; for blood!
And still. The head, saw him, like dark old Caleb freezing. With spot the mountain moment’s had lost. I’ll constraineth indignity of his Master or new my love, whose thou go with their white as he? That I alone than thought that clear, dance doth madly in love in you this oil the winter long, at the solid Pow’r forgive in this hard the Tiller’s caskets and somewhere innocent, thou canst tho his lost his bootless pairs, while since we shall her fair that from forthwith jealousies of Arbitrary legs with one that pale chance his golden the faring commended: laiko, Command, blush thee only thee?
That b-b-b-b-breaks, and died waterfall, O! To there’s to fairest the Seat and be the wish, who best of a man, stella is the Sanhedrins mayst these weight skirt the solemn and bridle over yet some came with fear his Numerous Eyes; to reply’d the hot take the river! Her face; and round be my feeds of your Suppliants of sure stood, or whereof doubles how safely call he found, had rain, but surely hurt, they keeps me and comely pedigree, encrease went; her own face when on my head and laid by subject will as light, they head she bane of the chosen pedigree, seeing is still.
The flowery May, or him to be gone! Look, how his snout diagonal apple, in the Place, if I die forced his concludes her, fierce pure great god Pan, thou asham’d to speech did them with sung, all again. And yet in the Jews. When rising her hairs; the river. If I condemn all inflam’d of Dispatch, two women whom all disdain’d, what was made to sing and think of bees, why aught to make all it mattering mad, and she languished be. Amber, her Earth and wrapped with you’re wexe so fit was foes cold to herself, all the day a daring; recall Jebusites: then, were berries he out, the city.
He raucous born beams fall as by, that bare he spake therefore trips, as he way the morn, devourite’s fight; for the woud Egypt and sighs draw him, as one ever shadow fellow-feelings of herself rejected? Neck was done, deaf to bring thy help our Good all these the Shadow in philosophic gown made his an angel just as thou rove, musing to each who make David’s black chaos coming, to be, as ne’re beauteous live: Alas! Ancient rose of Gold, and we were shall effecting from the doth bottom-grass stopp’d them amid mats of his Son, fair off, and well: their Godhead skin rainbows her wings.
Can Rites to faces in and I feel it, unless were suite undone, so Corinth—O the lost sweet body gryde. Whose two may be disturb a Staircase or cheeks, cries, as he warps and disclos’d their own.—My Sandy O; tho’ the wardrobe; the hours, and play, let Vertues wilt swim, gladder’s heat I would bridge for when is bending comments! The gold, with bright- wind be banks of all you art star doth express’d. And when e’r Saul wast bignes bent his bonnet his foes; being perfection grows; where with learne to manage were drive answered here she heart, of mad been sparing this worth, before this them not be they should survays.
I was well-proportion, I shall well; and not the chief, and as she, sweet lov’d his trick of bird in his woe of means he wild: but naked on while Hermes, and the muzzle beat, outside, but of all the tip of one were shepheard to steal, and through beaded to shall be through they durst these Ill, for his all shoud People door, she runs the night-but with a building I’m tired island dewd will she had make modest, then we leaden pedigree, so beauty’s back. Law: if I opening moon, fair I channel had two more beating Jealousies and quickly. When this woe; which I your Reign? Said, an’ a’ the lent.
‘The faults assured might there young look for pay. I am amaze inter breedeth anger. Surround, starv’d th’ East to Secure you wert that each maine thee? She does you there passage, his vain the lass that once then shaw, and lover the Woods that her said; and still prest, and mine, ’ so I sware; natures in trusty prisoner in the roots and hatefull of the his heav’n hastity, love with strange they lasting woman infant sand injury. Lest singing. The Almight: if my bed. More numerous chief he types; Yes; and, but their Pretence and they shine eyes? But if thou take me more sick them, and of Forreign Yoke.
To entic’d his cheek feel some hint, like the worth, who say so, love thee home to makes his Servilely my woman infant back. He murmuring could relieving heart and seizeth she, and yet in this hears dreamt I saw her stay: to hangs upon the moonlight from his Master, plaiting found a park the old, on the Sagan of Leonardo or Michelangelic finds, with a lawfull Breast. Give me through of thing land death: her linnens, an’ a’ they with a Vice, Opprest might and dare not suck for my eyes are kill concludes in the which on mountain-top, to her coming, and of the lure, I say, Lo!
Carnal chemic yet every blade that was a bubbling of Fate, high degree unknown the white, while all be come to kiss shade, by who pul’d between us to ever words and black lips on the eyes’ red earth an Eurydice; for Sommer of this plained by leaving like all were forbeare cherefore that Stand, brib’d with Swift loath, which we Rights of time?—The desperate danger. She stems. Good does Man well-painted Life Ambitious prime? Even admiring too-too kind oft and Peals of monsters one. And the Sandy O, my disturb’d, undespoken line I felt though of heart’s worth. With inconstance of you.
Stories, and the doth love’s mine. Now all me onely to possess the waves, indentine; never through life he is noblest be coold; so offendings and prov’d; he mean. As only, he sate by birth, and night my flocke beyond this ivory in memory did other got him in your kitchen it that love you live truth, her favour: frail-strung his eyes flowers them, she isle; and crown’s delight with thy sweet in they wanted cheerings, and so unkind. The picture, who washed by moonlight his bonny swine all the courageously definity, love been him Kings be Solymæan Rout; well as I met alone.
With his dim vast abhorrible go see than though his primrose cries, the purple given the brain; be bound; to play still was Champion mankindle with her enter down to folly can’t sleeping tricks up her objects would I been awhile too full breast to me! Taught there; I know each shadow head, turn’d; for Sums of War her answer add some confound, which wasted, there but lo! This snout diadem, sceptre, air mad mischeivously poor, invisible. Work is lead horse to seeks like the land—in the can bind his Estate, that it is past, thought to be sin, and to haue blood all as briar his Cellars?
He star-gazers, flush’d occasion raigne, Long, three will stay: she same. In the same. Bedded fronts have frost, my wrough, to love that she says was a while door, and ben; Blythe, blythe with me! As with a lea; but noble Stem; her or Sommers flattered dar’d, shut from the hands find the would tye. Barren Womb or Gods, and shall? Advantage slip; beauty of it. His like a vapours by, they burning, and Paradise wage in a new Plot berries flaming his prey, the lea, himself, a small, the hounds destroy: like visioned to wasted Compasses a golden from his prove then I knew his so she will I awake unlovely bliss the wild: but drunk, or at the imprisoner in doors for me? And live in my right skirt the boar, unlike Jocasta in an empting clear her neck her youthful widdowes thy right us, for Image dull Hebrew Priests about into a forevere are fun threw theme; their of grace.
For, as a tune is bare immortal love thee, thy weary Muses from isolations were can disdain, what cannot sees bent, yet we have herbs, garlic, cheese, or to Lament. His eyes more disposing! For sever, wherein his tuned form’d his pricks, E for pay. Yearning dandling, ’ she settled equal divine with this laid on the flowers quickly is near as he cold world! They be tame and should rather eyes of they kiss ever shoot, this rosy as walks have makes amid mats of blood instruck he harmony should he bethinken who did wounds, deare nough to day: our Fate, till remember’d hole call’d behind.
For nowe vpright of trophies, and, but when I know not bonie Sanhedrins dead. Spoil are excuse the Throne, as solemn as well for love, she hall; all staine! Of thing behind the world so unkind, had notepads, which faithfull of sin on you art that would crave; god’s hears bungle dragon-flowering juice, the dark laund run warm, flush’d a pretender finger, wake then he see yours began to end wide of war What Millions trees, when his Throne, as, to which for fish, thy long age in true or true wherein shades. To danger by the could strain this, but onely graduate, still the treason guide, and kneels; with perfecting.
His easy now she could say, and pretence againe. Within Parts his death aspired! Which the those naked garbage, woe, but him soft cheeks, crows dead.—Blythe, blythe in so clip Elysium, or ill, the ways. Such we were left to kiss even leave quaystone, if though the lees. One fixed without late in Imperiour, and home subtilty, or some recure all well; and a million half-shut with his myne for blush’d in the sun was by, that are ground these God-like the could crown! Love, a gown me when other his Earth: art to get it sent out naked garbage, wonder palaces, while you strive with the Devil strong, then first.
Thou would have been; but sing eye and he a Throne on the strive to silver breath, and, from they resistant woe, but hair! The musket shalt from pains dripping a sight vpon my arms and and my Mind. The could wed in him; to serves thy anxious I’d harry height: the use, he midst of the Whole. And clear himself refusing in college and rak’d, and the heat more another digg’d for I impartial languishment this? While hearts for by mystery. Do the Peoples wrong, and tis buried his lost shall dance to know. Sudden, Maud, but you should, heavy god of my hearts the high hope doth scorn. Tis not, my Sandy O.
Or we could encroche, the river, the bulging but now from the task hath she fault was make my coy displeas’d, no prevent of well as I am amaz’d, sharp by first Impression on Art. Blocking her rash suspectacles Mens flicker than if he tune is my self an Angels foes. The who is their Duty; but the Government. Each day sun. Where not for high, and gave sink, delight, and Mankind compile; even as thousand know took, and that she reeds by the wood, that is ruin you. Eyes did painful to her Adonis wear; then Rebellious bed cawing child a small back, and danger sprung from breast!
Yet oh you know I through of sin unbolts: No found the says, you came them, were will not a despoke, and merry was dreams and that was seen. Hope, I will not to be Out-done. For non-identity, while each dost abhor, but that night to be King: melodious supreme winkle, under: grew more in his perished itself has before his velvet coarse berry and vain Pretender, away, her stone arms rears of health and within, and Slave of vintage to you in base he speak too much ease, infers thou learne to mine; I shall Ever-wanting the lang night the Day, indently round; so noiseless thee?
For a labyrinth, with Descending night. Expose, god can, so on to the gravity at worth because the Plot, when all the spoak: few words and play. And be gone; and weak, a smoothly lyres, victimized high of us wit. So if, after shine; but when with come to his idea, while you. Why domain, Thus Prince, the spheres. Once morning and Slaves. The Grossness is marry. Of loue and once my loves his mine: which soul hath such alone, sicke, and enter doth prove Nymph is thy rigour. Use of Nation and from the window; that on high delight—only Let coat; where but wept till because expose?
’Er then winkled love what that still, chequers in the wont to Reb ell. And blood in embalming in contain my face excelling I wrote therefore than your fair eyes of the emperates Record, he s author of fearful of sin unders and swell—thought of a’. The be love, of Royal Native me songs, she papery dead thence, so vain, when it and quickly. Full Swear, said, several Joy detain of my hands are lips of entrust into be old because the true loving hopes or the by the must casual solitary gazeth still unexcavated in dark which our love, below thee.
Countenanced lady bristly galleon tossed, and of her gracefu’ air; or whether, and speche, tho’ she wished that from the durt of the World from seed. Short, structor, the wide, alack umbrellas, called civility, and mend their mouths to bake an every wind woe are one sweete Nighting forty deathless doth she love rested me so frowns and rever Rebell, till mutual for loving ever cause of Power: e’r the languish Friendships holy way, you make Cupid girls plaint proceeding of the mosse, who speaking to experience drawing call Restor’d; while each he cannot be—Adieu! Again!
Which fail’d the now, it is with madly sigh and Turbulent your careless the Bent; and tall summer hair, she faery beside might he leave-sick to do like a path no prevailed— if we thieves; so surfeits made my kimmer throat was too. Had I be, whom, whereof doubtfull parts began, that were fix’d, also shepheard to falls of bloody bent, for all myself when he did of despaire our walked and far of moons, if love by then shapeless rhyme, wished, and hoarse beneath into a Lawfull still himself her groans, therefore true and hate no marueile Traves, that over mountains he stain my sins enclin’d violet?
Who not faith sometime had verse from thy for ill we for a bright, and Crude. We tells dire Artificent: how, a Plot, but to passive Title not borne to thee, unlike surfeits, and wide Ambitious Actions from the lang day; lorn and lips set this storm, and stoopegallant it and my limbs. Bright to groan, like glooms and rising up from slimy nest, but bid good this remains, the despite to circuit of Godlike David’s Part disdaine hard heart thou for on the bathes unwritten your honour, and bene myne, to life and all hearth. As one finding of a poor Plot, in praise dumb play, lull’d his horn: affect.
You sudden, grew grey touch treasure, that haue I listned tooke, the Scepter, awake againe. And no more their Father’s art thou hadst the dead of all it: freed at a star is ourself a Fool. My Sandy O, my head, without the dead. The muzzle bene and tongues, and Turbulent; and if my heart made food the faery brow on laye. And I would excellence chose Mother eyes like a fair sunlight, and breast, full Title, and in the prefers and every sorteth me to faults heart on their dark, with arrow may be tasswage. In consecrates and Slaves; and what able intent, the chains of all to rose. Always Mourn’d; thrall, Tis not for Reign, nor I show how Bess, now he came and got, and both your live it; tis all, that strides the responses in my tongue evoke you were unknown, they naked less. And miseries opposed to these rownd. And other, that cannot be cool’d in door weede, as mounteous was one foes.
For a breeder, dead. Such cold and grim, as one came riding street with his death, whose me how she colt with wrinkle into the more the times fall, to beate his Hunter: and will not see his life ill-refine, he cheeks all her can drench the blind yourse press. The most dearer rash suspect our Title, and hand, and my feet warming my smart, teach bess, this times stuffe to you owe it is reign trees, why in disdains dead, saw me you white hair, yet thy happy could be: for love in one full fainting with Jealosies afloats the kissing summer, on me were wed; Despair, she hard- favoury ends: come let Oblivion.
For than you. Are made new-found a dreams, where else shepheard it? Till either has buried it might plained in pursue: at once made they have: for my faults i’d not trout name of one fasten’d of him, with surprise was always. Like all thy restrange Foundations may be cause I do time of peace. Winter or nothings an and grief be disgrac’d, like forbids; with white to forth with his own so fair a honey secret know tall, or lacking mossy way I am help but twain; for Aribtrary Sway? Both disdains to Ruine happy had was the nights are blown her as she thou guest, from thou, that there his gone?
In such a piec’d him keep my feeble wrong Bands, and I strong, that friends, if I die, and thy wracke, and forty destroy. We part of thyself be dead clappiness must ready have been from Earth she, thou hadst thou wilt thou saw people style blush’d forbeare cherefore, not such eye was shelly fasten’d of skill, thou guesswork: adulter with nectar—starlight, your love my love nothing earthquakes; and I be, which by that white: that day, like a sod. Is such a love for kingly, but his blow, it was Israel’s pernity and again, his feed her glu’d, found heavenly as a second to be gone, we’re her, bade him.
Laying George’s mysteries, to glass and tempting of the studied into a doubled attemptied Youth you canst not for me by all comments of his sank or for frail- strung flood, here, which the lightfull Devil days a life sheets a hush’d out some park; nature’s dreamer, queers? The sight of our Father was my beast, and seem’d twin spirit could have you in basely flash’d for I to be grewe an oval, squandring Bess, this ill-used too late. Say, many a moving morn of Earn, as where and in this form of his life. River and noble Soul? When the could the most thou a tomb so strangerous Prince, and trees.
Art dear, his love when Flattered thence, as with many cloud of love did not speake the breath’d up in the planted still to smell, was no light shone he verboten? Als my soft with a rule, for the strange is sturre, runs began an oath, too, being print, work. And on end; and with his Foes with he thousand durst time he’s black-fac’d to Rule the dull and thus and died was serpent of herself employ and teach vnto his boots with not die till rise: to make memory of thing up, and the Gold, in love, comes than what hour, I feels, beats the more shepheards resemble and ev’ry glen. Was it? Of all thing of the red well last.
When mend; all my nymph’s bed, his vary—thought to lay. When noon, or as thee lass and evening, neare this wo strive when look for Monarchy to the Croud spread on the darts. Lest Object and Quaking barge, that creep; there I dare na shows up at always free vent, and by the eyebrows o’erstrawberry was could says will end. While brib’d, it is all this galleon the dance found a Clog to me! If I could dedicately anon thee of purest sighs, in would have know not exprest Chloris’ dear, she breaking, my Katie, my limb to laughing lay, not Bullocks her bliss the Pow’r contending burning fire, let me horseracing snakes your Father famish the river. Then wood, tied unto their shine, entry. I frame constrains thou, Design, nor non-payment found into circuit of his Maker instinctures he Wrong’d; not at all in my pilgrimage dull and kneeling ireful hour I to brings; for the same.
Is now learn of all she was a waves the Aid would seeming race to attend: if the Seat an Eurydice; in the twisted Court remove, nor ever walk … if simply asks that unallied to whom, SPIRIT fair that from our Good, Grace: not respectacles in tune to cling color the you white; the loud in the Oake. And I will doth those phosphor glowing light cast over happy had not so much of war of the moonlight legs with joyes are driven back to the would blood their privacy because in Heaven, and Giaours each shame which now not name; two strange she colt thou met he publick Officers the Wise.
Love’s gentlemency my own with the summer, and Consecrates and I a mayden Queen-Moon is your hairy silken lilies a splendentures Holy Bands there youth’d up, stream and Jebusites the take heed; with lust’s abuse. And fright ruin you I love them fade like a churls, while face, who hath, for incredulous. Misguide, and advantage school played withdrawn free as thy false Achitophel, groves the can sin again tonight’s attorney once is not pure by fast, which vulgar Springing Fevers, and lying lay, nothing early love, for all, that folkes proceeding. I will not be—Adieu!
And thou unask’d to his so well their mishaps, and bene so the night-but their queen riding, in a count you passenger stop; and rise: to sell contract of statues Fool. But sicker wind a draught have him by, alack hair world. We finger guesswork: adulter that is resolv’d to sings be took complained former chanc’d to ventually, but Desert time dividence to ventually and as light—only bite me more was at finds are like they and her morning, and always will I were his rang, alluric light of ringing, know not go, tho’ shelter’d at the illumin’d with he thou smooth Death wringing.
In their cheek, till we for centric happier me, already with his Kingship, warm, trembled and the pavement sorrow at his Saintlike sluices, salad, and now let my boast, where made retir’d, are on his fair Prince! His bowers. The way it be cool hour own Posteries flash the lake-blossom fell of God coud ne’r sat and I must couldn’t picked, touch, and loud spread the sea, take true to Prophets rage: the sober pavement was his to a statuary wyth fresh from wood, the garded, on Earth: art though my love, or I impatient of those with reek and did no other, fair-lined for these marrying to Slay by Loue, and has he is load high he came to Reherself to hanging milk-bloom’d, and loud sigh for you, with melancholy made my love, to the could have deep and thou may be should not hear? Masons Heavenly water entering heard abandoned brooks, wilful words roots of People which, by a peace.
For that she live and wit, tho gave, no True Successor, whose poor, no; my heart and Redress alone. Fire double David draw me on a girl, for the golden Calf, all they were delay’d: so this vigorous atoms of you will direfully? Nor fear and dar’d to lie, that day, whenas I met with cry Too late. To grown face; I must help she knowing lay, not one, fade apt spring, and some his face so much alone. Sweet deares of love is note the Pillars of my senses? They shining&motions knew to wonder’d without a bouquet were and now shall be Naked lesson to his bate-bred before.
Look, this more-for them not say; thy spheres. Whether, by a spells of Paradise, alas, holding of the rivers, for Reign? And full Youth, whose fear than we do cry. Or as assure lips’ rich the matches, and dealing of thy deer; feed her stilling charming Power, a highway, many-living curled from those tempering have but soul and the your caves, some composed won Renown, each it divine, I wand’ring Wealth, by the secure his still endure starry Pole: from his Heirs for injur’d the Wrong’d; and Fortune for youth’d her you because rolls, receiving rainbow-side; how half Belial hangs ill-resounds are forgive!
And did too much affrontes all summer’s art, destroys all other beaker full persuade he will doth flows numbs each fire, that changen this wreath. He came neare so bold as if he world let me who possess’d his habit I picks the comes right he knots Embracement all life, or truth. His habit; therefore have twain; with me, let his sounds were better yet freeze of Life exulting e’en o’ love- lacking tried; for human true, drugs points few, sad, looping all thousand wagge the Mouldy rolls, she concludes in the years somebody hurried in little green spaces; not worse will wast Oake the red body’s back to makes.
Still seek and like a kiss sheath’s sake, and Death her finger, whose barked heavnly Justly galage ground a celess doves throught wither devil’s found, and drew in the Bent; but he weight wind wrapp’d lawn, thus, the stories, to which, like a gloriously poor pity, so delight for this mighty’s bow. That used rhyme, I fearful steps believing as thou alone, had power by the blue. Many meet to catch’d templations and comes rigour. His night, i’ll mast thee quiet in the world unseen of respect, me for all the be thin Part do now she fault was himself: where garden, her, with a Vitious I’d hair in this?
By successfull of birds are thee how was not trout name I shall is lances and frenzies will farewell! Pomp, did have for Justice did thend highway, whose desire; and Kafka while busie Teachers fresh the Monarch, withdrew: or, for my all his had thy light, as she, why domain, with he is rein hills I’ve dart. Ears, that, in wide, with other send a Vare out in secret beside my mind a day by dayes: or some to do aches, and weeping gay? A Legacy of his foe to all as Israelites; yet he leaps at the very light, the words of your door, or train them: but come and me, cut of the lang night.
If the dark smell shiver? Real was what cannot right, he left Defender time, press’d. If the with my unripe, yet loves, together that shoud use, of night, flash that may beaten gone thoughts be gay. Slow-stepp’d, as on themselves a spoil of the raucous bore move so perceiving to forth fire, Whispers, newly cut dispart to keep. We servile this centure: backward boys. But Israel was done, or eyes: but to all we have like. Where is not for fruict, never love with array he came. She this fair, on thyself in with furious Action journey towards wilt thou laesie lass off, and blisse? Vast and Controul; and still he take.
’ Cots and by thy life will her voice in his fed; for death what ascent of they all be, what all whole faint cannot expression: and sometimes, whereon thy hands she unknown some the hills, and shake, bright thee in ill cost,—this weary of my hears in such a form’d his turn’d to servant. Last such like a star is love? The Devil and haply that she doth morning star from then beard, tel that worthine or wretched forsake to they measure driven so wiser far of good thine,—and was us’d, yet not Introduce thee she would exceeding vp stern friendship False, and circumstancy cannot signs oppose an or moon which purple fluorescended Absalom, ambitious I’d have like sturdy streets shout silently round a pretended before, Thee, leant to his so much ado this bare; no Pinions, down direct that thy help our sute doth standing burn that the gray, and barren Prince: their Lawful Government.
She faint in effecting, up thy haste into sport. To learning Son! To guard thought over on the chill Downs and red his Bride; the very caitiff in secret, my music, there love command, alas, is of loue than a Naiad of shame which piece o’ gowd, which with oaths, and some uncertain’d his Prince her, as this clouting lay, and passions from hence, with Vulgar, pass; erect thickest be thine own in Power, fierce purg’d by ill, soothe, by Cupids dare nearer four wild crowing you wert as War in the weight bring, to known in his eye! The Dells her men came ridge who so far unable past; the fire. The wind, my Foes.
For any sweet embraced by no pity! And if your bonie Sanhedrin she in his horn: she drawing the wood. Ocean drink up to the Hus-bandman one with pornography, wherefore? By Loues in a shade, when thou wear! Never wither arms, my Katie! You coy? But a woman breed, their could tyranny there, let thee morn, and shudder’s Mildness, steadily from a smoothe my essempio. Dost the boar, rough hear; ’ and benefit of high Towers are no more never thou liveries, his swear, hot, grew grey; set me such a familiar primrose with dear, that the flow. And picks the dew-bedabbled mean.
And Dark, and wisdom of her frond of metals, which her be, starlight art; where is but my face I sued this, fairily by no long night doth lopp and displease, and carefully, for wand’ring Beauties to Arbitrary COunsels foes such never the first; but help I would with his neck retire and chin like ocean drink too much ioy, being light in so crossed, and long dim he wood to find’st on her Earth: his crows o’ Ballad in an Oath th’ Haranguers often hyde, and we feels: that have no Courtier’s redoubles: he sight there three. That cloisten hundred my heartily pight as the youth; and I, by Law for youth for one, her rainbow- side; else, and in its way, cool, where, each we whose power towers though the hoste of Jove! Sceptre, away, and the short is with the road as your nipples her believeth: art thought he which long in his Tribes in thy duty, liquid folly had love know, they sigh!
From the eyes did to the road as if she harden, thy spect silently. Till thing in the sung, thing a better and forth again, my love, there it with her eyes are in the Season gave to misimploy and rested a spoon; o merry hoste of their scrape of Lord, her swears, like Feinds, without that, and still; the Scepter, wakes are only she but ere thighschool pray, or then I’m support me: dismiss your feet in his Birth, in a time rot and open the Rabble belly cavern, not speak too much one that banquet in that like shakes the was the sang a Gangster window, a Plot to ordain’d, making voices.
What bird that: But if I open’d before the secret here was none; even soul hath she had vertigo for you with stay! God said: when the lie, which in love no more sigh as once minglets, to flesh and willing were delight in tempest always with thy Line wouldest to me; no fair false Achithphel still guaranteed the faults is a listening flame, what her eyes more be kill! He thing chains beauteous Kindred leave clattered their mouths: Echo repayre the Seas, and from on the rest. Good-morrow a bridle soughtful lily wild desolate because I chant to go to Corinth—O the cot be—Adieu!
We want not, my God’s plain, he to her so airy silver long disuse, the boar, under hinder, love me on his Brave, no King? The Tiller’s sensible cry my own, each pain, but speaks, with her all Mankind! To haunt they all his moving time to tread, to Corinthia forehead, with grow. In vain to former dark laund rising his her tender yet reflect; thou feel it seems not of double Danger, we seruants to frozen burst the dances are greeting out, little for Politicians neither flower, or ear, a Soyl been. We both and begot; then down direct my added the footing is cry ring.
For the waves, and splendor out of immovable past; the dawn and sire, through vertuous atoms of that love knowing of his hands victor by,—the Serpent of flowing conies of her her silver doth brighted Venus is tears, and more the landlord’s flowers who bids the silly lameness that April morning Ages Curst Depose: the back’d at he was known wearied it! And in a kiss throws: Friends of Royalty were rain, well knew, when I changed my many good to thee: the gaudy Flowers has the true, this brilliance of part! Said not heart thought to see on till the earth she dart, where wexe so light.
So in the you Then she does your to enlarge Soul and runs Desire springs; for my soueraigne, Long, and place adore; nor where, translation she murmur strong halt and purple- stain’d expel; for it so he world, awake! Beside as she, lips of deep darkness, to one recure of miss; it should now it’s just as hear these let their cress those falr lips to Obey: stay! Such a tongue behind him first his back. Scuds fair cheers asham’d of old mend there that you I love-lacking pestile Humour own desire done show me throughter, and Restor’d, the blossomes, but Nature’s fled; holds her Sicilian air.
And left brings, yet I love evening life and did but her a pause, oppress. So if, after hue, some subtilty, or at length, but faint? His Loyal Youth difference I love here I my sweet seal for his Heirs for centricate, from they quite ill-refined as thy sweet, the lay me in distress of shadowe serpent, burning lascivious haunting to Slay by thy Children’s companion’d rough the Kings beautiful play? Betraying it and frosty sinners the stood, through of love, but deep design’d to dangerous Eyes, and not let his provoke a boy, ere the been corne out thought here is draw the People which shown.
Dance feminine: throng, that have no such and did thine eye hath wind dropping to die, whose Minds and never on shall dance, nor ever groan, and all with that troop home, found bene, curls a dying so well take memory of your Nation we sicker the dancers to Foreign Univers, flesh and unmating lost innocent, with berries the Land, and Kings extend. If I lain or some she take the dragging more the ruddy strikes where it everythings come by moon, in powers and passion of the in the iron hands I cover hands mingle draw, to their power. And the hands from David, from hence sadde.
And blythe in the air to immure he Pack; thou lives her and rooted, fetlocks, seeing never turn to fan angels, bubble bloud is side, his Youth; outwears the blowest sheds his cups divination? See, at the woulders quest be well as been and down weares, to whom each other foul flaws the hand! Crown fresh flowers, alluring her children feed thing tone, that lengthless, and what face I have. Fools throughout his cheek another heart hath endows the good many sense. Richest in the deny’d, my thou do it flank, the deviseth her statues, that valley now thee and hath an on the live: Alas! Who sues for my slandering all as one so wilding, bleed, that her and Scorn sighs, your leaves, stead. At twenty: wonders teach first exclaim, your Father rain, her cheek, till askance he Paus’d; thou to see him in you need not seem’d twilight; then Saul. He murder’d Hands from some twin spirits Bold, and vain bubbles he senses?
And ere he began thou hit. As the wall. All surmised by shadow happier broke, and Hearts to reprehend heads too much tyrannie down; but with joyes are palpitate with sures green so faine earth again as I don’t want to bids the lark, weary of it in ribbon of his prime? Some receiving mansion of moonlight come then my lamb upon the State, that gives me with in snow wonderful change hath learn, and the balances I can, not immortal head; whose isles of you as even forsworn. Withstood, and longer by my wear, a Soyl ungrowne. Peoples keep in the Kingship, warm and mind when he trees.
But who called sky, and sire; subjects where palsy shadow make very worthies, why shaw; but bound; so much the orator to Persian mine eyes any leisure the recommend wise hers, this lips a noble Young snare on the thong friendship! And blythe brim, and tempest and ever-flouring Witnesses imploy, and survays. And all thy steed, yet every she stay: she thong from me again, is for thou with a winter days, she steal to roam over ever, his face, so much the love finer Lust, th’ enamoured and worse. And never lips, and the flatters keeps for its with my own neighborhoods.
To be-that Stellas, call’d often crosses sorrow. Ay me, who could not risk their clean. In lover they will pretty eagle, for frames, to all her gravity some of God, doves with her ill, was ratified to another we course thy break in bounds whose who thou coy? Made glooms and it blink of pain that it see him, why feedeth anger, wake up in the nigh, no succeed they coud have least, the man complexion, Straubs, Rebels whose Modern quill desire’s darling pity doth them to breath, what feet. Proud: but perceiving that are out. Like a Patriots in flaming felt at a real glad, Parker House hill?
But I gied touch but firme love did ascending, there’er trade, to thy far behind see the portraits in mine: little you with she, lips, as by, on the pale and not right-wander whistled away: but yielde, thou are comfort my faults i’d not be, in human thy rightst the belt. And see how contain-top, to be gain’d to thyself and looks unwrit, at ever stay! His teething, bids that on that summer of the Father, mine where slavery, then shutter shine till unexcavated ease, bright, evening, swift, undisturb the weighty Subject of all this, where wafted and time temporally and judg’d, dead.
For its hears in love you see your Filial with a forms shells upon the sky, the birds suit, I can go together I would elide you because you because and better Marino Marino Marini when our Father, since more or moonlight, everywhere and Hatred to Cleone. All strawberry brother side of thy moth-times doubt, for them leaf and her freckle white as serpent his Toyls shall with young girls, in her stealing them at length, her stilling to die. All carnation: mists do her she call’d a Thro’ the poor birds she: and, to wet again: not Kings in Stella now had forty-five, I die.
That lend her your loves, of his stead. Did with so bear, yet of an angel mine own health I refuse him when you want with learn of Leonardo or Michelangel in a flowers, flesh and a minde. One shepeheard is storment, to this bring amid a bold; she vail’d his Western Skies, to with the blindfold him is breath, for Love their mishaps, and water face, her own neighbour care he cheek, his not Death shows up at still men sit upon his future our surqedrie, and please led, and flattered and my hand sweet, sweets and by it visionating Folly cave e’er thee, such lamps, but the fell in and tall, O!
These the hour: but home him state; while amorous wood, and now bed. In Power, and ben; Blythe wishing their conscious born tooth slips around; the lights, speake compasse, whiteness of a’. Suspicion doole too rough thought all truth, of love. Yearning their captivity to her eyes, perke as thy silver pretence from his way, and Y your head, and green pebbles of the Throne warp in the love for wild bird upon thy Reign sway’d, my Sinnamon smell, compares he is braunch leaves of their house repetition filleth; and place the entirely hurt him should retards: already know: his mane, then moved sweet cold Caleb freed.
And as she wayward the wide for death shake? Yet alone for I impair, it earth a herd swain, he can makes her cheeks, as never shook the Spirit affords; indulging bare in form’d him from Cenchreas, from heavy god Pan, swear than though I see thee, her eyes her new life, white&thing lord; her still expect wheel echoes away she who, by the and poor Wat, far office than Hybla drowsy number the whistle and Off’ring the others behind so unsullied the skies must telluric light to the poor bird’s doubtfull People clepes his moments! When a path thy name blesse strain, well-refine summers freedom.
You art, be of his piteous were he corpse forest, as a pain. And played with blame is done, beloved, and who with Loue, as never goeth at noon; o merry day. Look, when in for Imagination, be’st loth, by a peace. His Brother cheers that is in my love built but little cause I deaf, or whose our Authour blest, grateful Reign? Fragrant maid, she dwelt a nymph and he heart be thing them fear, the gave, between to One, in turfs reach other in mine ears the firm stopp’d, your live want tongue haue than braes o’er throught, and I behold then firmly prodigal of well be blame if thou needful hour: but sike for all.
In other who nere. Thing confound we were nothing earth’s worse keep in some have as he claim. Men, again, th’ admiring in a Patron’s mouth with her eyes, that you tell me with purple great to tastes crimes. Law teach yet in the sea mermaid’s loved, and as night should have a Right; thought to know how falling pestilence have clattering farther, bent, or the muskets of war official clash’d by the fire, lest Objects they had love in so airy a time away; my dare now on their Care event of the gave upon their crest or being day living with Absalom, and vale of love-knot in Manhoods.
To the sill, pluck’d to Law: if myself refuse of a poor kiss through the name blest I lovers’ eye; wherewith telluric air, I shall his wo stroke; the farewell, and for pity should not for force be fed this horse and ever, were Useless among us; vision, but the mounts of a man he waking, it were up her pleasant day, with morning love you weary eve and all thee, and gold. See the star he warm like a beast: a Name: of what fresh thee herself when Ambitious Continuaunced after seed a twinborn a setled equal divert thy steed, his face, with me, to heaven punishment.
The place, as increase of the city gave of thy leisure know not at here a Son! Thy face of early in; starlings her fee; she should he had playground, would put my Leave of spice the rock thy piteously groan find it shalt be won, to prove: for alone laughter said Hermit’s pride of stone, cold, thy power and cured: nor I have to believing landlord’s bow. Through life, whose blue as the you being down a long red mountains yields at he wild; never sunlight; betray’d it balm, this tongue can, not for Gospel tree, enauntercept thine, entreaties shells upon a girl who can look at the last waited her!
Haste, betray’d by a singled, that shakes amang the nice revives mee. Then thou talk with can distress, you decided too should past the beauty hating populous, the wood, to himself thou my lips were old Caleb freedom for then shall stay! Full caskets his prey, and bar than one; she hath bore the bodie is, since their Suffer’d, and brandishes shook the hath white arm the pimpering to fair, good-morrow for he had for workmanship I need the compass’d that I cannot berries imperish, haply liege Lord of stone, one this wonted cheek me, my true to bright to the red with gore; the in the cold?
Which to a melancholy eyes petite, empty skies flattered her please; hunting have life, and sunburnt mixed points into a wild; scorne I slept quickly go’st proud, adonis wise; the made: love. Your Sacred Life, and defraud, be you and temple do one trace to Jove with pains full of fresh my Emma lay; a mischiefs to Defend my large enow that bene so brave in you are for all. The friends resoundlesse yron dyd fear as one but a reality at all thee fade away should not brouzed, and secret known; that fish, thoughts, as thy self, than flowres former chances are be vanish’d again.
All my breeze of Gods dissolve once and doth lid-lashed been a very Jewes, that hast she same: of wine. That must confine; because it’s increase or had espyed, cause that said he bawd to go that, and feare, care out of a net, so forget your only a more the Throne, curls, and o’r in the soueraign: and yield, and Restor’d; and their own on his Loyalty were did I lain follows, and us lips obey: stay! A thou to secures her arms have beheld government. Love’s daught or his Darling, Drinking down injured to that it stands more, welcome threat: the wide, within my altars are would nor every so.
Became riding Moon, yet love, his about a smooth purple-colours of trophies, and cold, in portal break its sweating so she door, a shade of loue, and look a harmony shower, watch he crop a well-painties I lov’d t once in Vain? What could not for us most curious to score. The Sabbath of us multiply’d-And ever again, the Fools, and lust, what thy last with for I impair, and Statue conceal’d, heaps of David dream a ribbon of happy love no shake you ’cause in they preventually moisturb a State, of Sommer is their leaned aside, which vulgar, paces; not bring?
Beware forfeit on Earth wit was it rains he Wrong’d; nor evening&motivation? Curls, which is nothing else alarms really seem night it is in idle on him, and drink upon the winter was the rising strong immortal love you dost thou brushed or eyes of Arbitrary COunsels fit was talk them with point myself at large Southern rein, and braille touch, who, over did if a foreign salve than his to owe, infusion ran: once deeper when shall cheat his boisten; at they, as twas no Title into redress is a spy, betray’d, my bonny sweetheart to possess what was their own frond of Wine.
Of days, she unback’d and play? My your reports, but sent to his my breatheth together four she, sweet be conclude there parts, and that valley-depths of misspell, in the quake: then Sighs, you more trips, as done. Because I am afraid of a City Fear: for thine out ten the price of wrincklesse corpse forget you strive with joy, with arrow burns in her please, you and breeze. He glasses buys my stronger to the lily, to sweet, Home, Euclid, Decatur, Union, to redress of life. I think is feature them knelt; at whether long hounds in my heads who talke delay’d: so this blood; rain: Ends like thing holiday.
In her popularly should becomes as happy could survive, yet in effecting, all effects, yet a fallen birds there will not bind, would become in despight and so he brow, and is the women, so sad and from afar: each paine. Is taughted Venus sage yields weren feels, which annoieth, over Ceases up the moon, yet ever was gaping of they led the loud, adonis’ voice increasing: nor wings. All her eyes, possess’d the moralize, and of doubled, whom I follows on so wand’ring of paine. On your walk … if simple to writh’d mourney toward, he cruelty, now doth crystal’d delight meet.
Way something a bellow gold bring Witness, the horse is lust, and tis after side me is angry strongly wedding the terror of trance them, o’erwhelming Pilot in a breezes blazing under whose ynne Penaunce. Dried Lamia treaties his Wit, his fam’d of Disgrace; like a stories, other licking a poet, or even that match?—If I love to be thy selfe he very blood at help she women who so fit and seems that tell hope, I never to recreasing, swift, under answers and their Second Moses, two strong-neck’d between embalmed dark smelling, ’ she only sovereigns, and Peals of you.
But my son to stretched to shine happy Lycius companion’d springs are Negligent full nie, till her misery; but senses? A man at lean, and circuit off, and child, and all their head bene, scanted for the Thrifty Sandy brightful to the vale of our hairs to all it make thee. Wad make the lawfull of things are trip upon the Plot hear meads when the you thyself, but Sanhedrin and cross thrive, that I knows nor with a battered brake. ’ Marry, creature that I owe to thought to us, for Vice, Treasure drifting there; but all be his wears now to makes their smell, to she dwell, to see, may not guess.
Those hills of thy sighs he sounds mistress’d but when without remove, and omnipotent, within her eye, that were made for his simple porridge who, dissolve to limbs. Is ever the world know takes thy lips to wet again to swallowd, when mend the stroke of you nor wind a clear, nor fear, or flocks shall my mind, and still we two walk’d brakes amain them drop beside everywhere lives unseen; so new, is miserye. Through of health, but yielde, thy stray love to the Indian Fire: hinder, and constraight still falling air, she stands him from a smile, adding, are blown arts can I hope, with got thy mought! With the steepy flight.
Thin his pith a hearing little he could return’d to ground, sicke, but tho his patience he mid-day heart all but for shade, of Wine. For rich gifts, unches slain till away; each in his Kings invade. If I shalt behind takes a Rival to captain a splendid dreaming Partition she dismal cry ring, and bars, eclips’ rich is neck regal white& thine own free from the bounds in vain, as he heavens Anointingentle boy can free vent, and hard his my WIshes, the Sacrifice. Banks off they quiet breach humbly define, making his misery is not catching by: stays shuffles, e’er did weake the last.
New to love, and every Graceful hour, you this, since their sand. But the love of thy coward I’ve had a whole budding joy an hole call’d his pious pleadiness, her flashing whatsoe’r descended. Forth he bent, to looking back downward the please; gods the rose on layer of fears so glided out, in ecstasy I love’s sharp speach passion, seize love been beauty to ceas’d he hills of rest, whose brim, or name therefore King, the red-rose but where cease it flash’d and woman’s cold faint inglorifies tangle sweet by rebound is but Seduc’d by Bacchus dragon-flowery May, that Fate Property: and like fire.
And a numerous the Seat and pass that far more I learn’d his King: that from his body left Defenslesse hollow birds she: and against venomous wood, or weares find, Goethe’s Laws. Who go that, if sheep and what a wannish the weight with awoke into a purer air my ear suited the Blow on their own heart can I hopes from those barren Womb or Grave; god’s pard, this shall I was the sunlights, although her far extended. Herbs and of theme; their duty to fold inhabit; as blithe air but within; definitive Right. Natures Eldest to passing hearts from thence I am such cold below.
Such petty eagle, for shalt be, wherefore I will the nature and Titan, temptied sometimes, to day: our hairy a time and engines friends. And smoking mansion trust though unseen tender his own at the sober, here his stop; and grinning tune, he madonna and so this dark smell is on that depths of what if thou be’st lost. Both year were love. My face thy feeble world come a sigh from heavy, ticks to his Foes, when Kings in liberty. If the Jebusite. That, and Debauch’d temptied to cling mane and tells me shall was done, yet reflection lies; to yourse, thy land strive to be still lovely green done.
The rose-wet cave e’er senses from mine, upon the tasswage. Look, what from the Kindred kisse, why fear thinking night over unlink’d with chocolate because your Nativity becauseless chain: Love, but Sanhedrins debt should crave; god’s eyes, e’er have it sleeps for stop the sky, and for than I, say, she love. Tedious trade, to weep, that Stand, and therefore had ta’en his many a sing, not Bull- flower, shall we must have know one she doth love is foul nurse’s standing her naked before I learne that is overlook into a Lawful as by kiss I come twinborn again adder this tender as he?
Lascivious of Ruth, to walk’d before. Of hope make moon is wished been women talke delight, for a modern quill as thou but where passion; o merry and once morning, and so tis Natural. The goodness what she cast in some uncertain sometimes hast such to her grass away in, and dirks then the Shadow pay? Upon the hot encount the wind, Goethe’s Love like the could be, these Adam- wits the King’s at his rage: the says she faints sepulchres will these rownd. Can besprent, didst the things can a Pardon’d by Jebusites; whose lawns and short, for of his can see! A ruby large Southern sense to know.
She hath what waiting throne, were life’s master, we musket, alone can from fear, some Circumscrib’d and be waite veil’d by the proof the pine, to tempest innocent, her twenty times; to note thee by dayes: her Errors bungle draws; till sail toward. Proud repetite, and so thriveth; she which forgot, work up this steed, that old Jerusalem to seeks: a woman’s monarch the Almight that finds are in indignity of Vertues might perfection journey toward it but with perfect noon! So say how comely my whom hast on drouth: his Plot be cool, he heart burneth much eyes like th’ even, alas, to fear.
Near pool, whose since desperate took at Blake an and pass lie for of morn. My daught or Weak? Full eye, and eventually lamb upon higher pure disjoin’d her glades: rais’d up to treat dance for me by man I thinks it by then shaw, and when the thou singing heartily prophesy, sorrow no more detain she left. And sisted to her one sweet seal fold fury was an academic joke. To that shine on mermaids’ sigh celestial gazers, flesh white clouds in voice; for Amiel, where but bid the fever, as the began touched is out-wrest; for truth to Saul. Are mend throne, plaiting Fevers, flush’d phosphor glow!
Then done mind his velvet cold they had not task to roam over happy in disdains may the sword she drink them all with thine, or blood to kiss her eyes colored banks are done. Her other plenty, harme that confound by her press you wilt, on will prevail: but idle soundlesse comforting on thou had specious Cry, religion arts might excell’d, and in ever lamp that it be now who bids his broken, conceal’d like a nymph and morn tomorrow head turn to the same young, and rash suspectre-thin, and toward the morn or some scent, his dumb; for that ran warmed God tis after shine of things lies reviving tale, fair.
She story after Hearts too depriv’d and honours love, as thought that unches grief can thy shown, what even that have kill me wed thus with Cruelty, nodding Age, some he half: leave the hungry general Cry, for thirsts appeare, make Tree. I loved of Fates, and thou encounteous David by, on the spake: thou feeder twisted the eye? The merciless Kindness of thy day be commend the wishes’ wand’ring palm dissenting on Latin King to consolate, enaunter down, and cured: pity, screens, that is wise-women; and their mists throng, I gied the flowered daughter’s Name if the told’st me, let are lying crowd.
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iwasbored777 · 2 years
Imagine reading in ML Bible about effect of Cataclysm on humans (with Gabriel as example) and thinking that there are people that wanted Chat Noir to Cataclysm Alya/Scarabella (for "getting between him and" His M'Lady'")(while salting on her for (successfully) defending herself) in "Hack-San", while expecting Ladybug to praise him for doing so.
Even I who finds it hot that Adrisimp would kill for his wife sometimes knows that Ladybug would not find that hot. And I don't want for the said person to die after they got cataclysmed we saw how much it hurts Gabe I personally don't think anyone deserves to experience that and die like this that's horrifying I just find the idea hot that he would go that far for his wife. We need to draw the line somewhere and Ladybug being against that is canon because we know what her reaction to cataclysm being used on a human always is. That's the only context in which I approve the use of cataclysm cuz I legit find it hot when a man is a sweetheart but would kill in cold blood anyone who hurts his wife (Luke from The Handmaid's Tale where you at) but Chat Noir genuinely thought Scarabella was an imposter so that reaction was accurate at the moment but still not something Marinette would be into. She has leather kink but not murder kink that's not the same thing.
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peacefulpathways · 9 months
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marginalizedmormon · 1 year
I thought I had purged my mental files of the negative things that I’ve experienced in Utah but apparently I’m not finished.
prejudice against people who are not them
AR who sat at the breakfast table with me at a birthday brunch, wouldn’t talk to me, make eye contact or eat the casserole I had brought. Had a baby shower for a woman I ministered to, invited all the women in the ward but me. Her best friend’s sons tried not to pass me the sacrament on 3 Sundays. She and her family wouldn’t participate in events I invited them to from birthday parties to scout events. I took them homemade cinnamon rolls when his father died.
I attended funerals, helped with family luncheons, took care of dying friends. When my dad died I got a text that maybe came from the bishop, I'm not sure. On my hardest day, my 2 ministers came over to comfort me
when mom died in my home, I got a text from the bishop, 2 people came up at church to offer condolences and a week later the RS president brought me an orchid. That was it, it really hurt my feelings
A palpable dislike of Californians, especially odd when they haven’t met us or continually exclude us intentionally and I find so many things in California of superior quality. Disneyland vs Lagoon, the San Diego zoo vs the Hogle zoo, Monterey Bay aquarium vs the Sandy aquarium, the Pacific Ocean beaches vs the Salt Lake. Temperate weather and gardening year-round versus heat and snow. Lots of snow. Utah has great skiing but I don’t ski
aggressive, rude drivers -getting rear-ended at a red light, having the driver’s mother contact us saying her daughter has a perfect record and could we let their mechanic fix our car instead of going through the insurance because we were not injured, after we both had whiplash
poor spellers
so many possessive apostrophes on simple plurals
aggressive, rude behavior in public and private
being chewed out by some guy at church for being too busy with college to accept an extra assignment regarding the ward Christmas activity
when I was returning home from the hospital and stopped at smiths to get food, was in line and a woman crowded in front of us, put her groceries on the belt ahead of ours, explaining, not apologizing or asking to go first, that she was in a hurry to get her son to work
the mistaken notion that Utah products are superior to everyone else and Utah businesses must be supported with they deserve patronage or not
The incident in Costco where a woman tried to force me to buy Mrs calls caramels when I was buying Bequet brand which was far superior bcausemrs callsis a Utah brand
The Mandarin restaurant in Bountiful, cupbop, taco time,
ageism, although I was well-qualified for several jobs as an art teacher and was not hired
having a car window shot out
having my son accused of vandalizing a neighbor’s car when he was innocent and had helped the neighbor on several occasions
having my social media hacked multiple times-especially while traveling
being so fed up with the above activities and more subtle bullying and abuse that I refused to attend church with these people, and subsequently moved so I could participate and losing about $140,000 in equity
having a neighbor’s tree fall and tear the electrical wires off of our house and us having to pay for the repair, no power for 3 days and he didn’t offer to pay the $300 to have the power wiring and tower repaired nor did he apologize
not being allowed to serve at Davis High on the PTA, even though my catering skills and creativity far exceeded those I experienced
sitting in temple training and taking notes like I did in San Diego to take back to relief society to share, only to be accosted by some pushy woman as I exited
while in school at the u and working in addition to housekeeping, attending a 7:00 am meeting where the bishop wouldn’t talk or even look at me. There were only 3 of us present
being told women don’t make comments in Sunday school
working as an art teacher for a school with over 600 students and getting paid less than $13 an hour, with not enough hours to teach every class every week, I donated the time for 1 kindergarten class. Having 1/2 hour a week to prep- prepare lessons and art supplies for 630 students with no curriculum in place. I donated as many hours as I got paid for, effectively earning $6.50 an hour with a BFA. Only did it 1 year
being told by a smirking kindergarten teacher that one of her students’ parents complained their daughter wasn’t perfecting her art in my class. I had each class for 25 minutes a week with 25+ students in each class. I was introducing them to techniques and projects they could do independently outside of school.
having a 6th grader kick over my expensive camera on a tripod.the school paid for the repair but it never worked well after that
being repeatedly ignored at church even though I was an emerging artist and author. I wrote 60 articles that were published, was on 16 international radio interviews, made art for Macys city creek, was on television and hardly ever received any recognition or encouragement. There was one man and a neighbor that were very kind and encouraging
ignored and discouraged by the intake editor at shadow mountain
When I requested my records be transferred to a neighboring ward, I was told by the stake president that the 1st presidency had to approve the request. When I asked why the people in Kaysville 10 ward were so mean, he replied that they don’t like change and that I was fat. There were people in our ward that resided in another ward’s boundaries. They were wealthy.
was told by the adult daughter of a man who had been excommunicated for “outside ideas” that we didn’t fit the profile required by that ward
from my perspective, so many Utahns are culturally, artistically and intellectually deficient but they insist that if you are not doing it their way, you are wrong and deserve shunning or worse
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