#And lol Nick was unfazed in handling his feral kitten.
Annoying Person: (Been spewing nothing but raging garbage and threats against synths and ghouls for the past hour)
Jasmine: (Marches up to them and puts her hands on her hips) “You’ve been told to leave multiple times, so I suggest you do while you still can.”
Annoying Person: (Cackles and pats her head with a sneer) “Awww, little kitten wanna fight?”
Jasmine: (Snarls in anger before jumping on the person, sending them both into a tussle)
Hancock: (Cheerleading the teen on from the sides) “Sick ‘em baby sister!”
Nick: (Running over) “John! No you blockheaded junkie!” (Pries his daughter off said person and holds her back before she can do real damage)
Annoying Person: (Gets up and flees with a broken bloodied nose)
Jasmine: (Swearing and thrashing in Nicks arms after them)
Nick: (Unfazed while he frowns at Hancock) “Must you rally her up more?”
Hancock: “I’m telling you Nicky, she’ll fit right in if you decide to set up shop in Goodneighbor.”
Jasmine: (Still wrangling to chase after the person)
Nick: (Patting her back to calm her down) “I prefer my kid not to live in your piss poor town. Besides, I can’t have the likes of you influencing her anymore than you already have.”
Hancock: “Watcha mean? I don’t think that guy is ever going to open their fat mouth again. I dare to say that they were begging for it.”
Jasmine: (Stops struggling with a sassy huff)
Nick: (Turning his attention to the girl) “You done tryna rip out their windpipe?”
Jasmine: (Nods her head) “Mhm.”
Nick: “Good, let’s get you home.” (Wags a finger at Hancock) “You and I will continue our little chat later.”
Deacon and Piper: (In the bushes) “Oooooooh, you’re in trouble!!!”
(Don’t provoke the attack kitten otherwise you’ll get scratched. When she wants to spill blood, she’ll spill blood)
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