#And now I'm thinking about YGOTAS.
total-drama-brainrot · 4 months
Not the designer boots copy-pasta anon
But I have to say Alejandro canonically having designer boots often make me laugh sometimes, because does Alejandro have like a whole shoe rack full of designer boots for different occasions?
See now we're asking the real questions.
Are his shoes the only designer items he has? Do you think his gay little shirt is, like, Chanel or Balenciaga or whatever? What about his leather trousers - those have to be designer.
What I'm trying to say is someone needs to make a total drama animatic to Leather Pants with Alejandro as the Pharaoh.
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alectoperdita · 2 years
Gonna gush a little apropos of nothing tbh - I was a big ygo fan in in my teens despite never having properly watched DM ((for shame etcetera the abridged series took hold of my mid-pubescent mind and shook it like a rag-doll)), and at the time I was Big Into Thiefshipping. But having now watched the damn thing (dubbed for laughs but I'm seriously considering doing a full sub rewatch)
And for whatever reason (/obvious reasons) Kaiba and Jou just took me by the throat, and when I went on my little fic hunt on AO3 for kindling to fan the flames I found your fics. Your beautiful, wonderful fics.
I just love all your different AUs and your different takes on Kaiba and Jounouchi grafted into each universe. I think you have such a good handle on their characters and what makes them tick - in universes where they can be in love and in universes where they can be in self destructive obsession with one another and everything in between.
So I just wanted to say thanks for sharing them with the world <3
Embarrassing confession time: I took a while answering this one because I would periodically come back to my inbox and reread this message (you may imagine me giggling and twirling my hair as I do so). I hope you don't mind me replying in public so that I can save it for posterity. <3
Now onto the content of your message.
Your experience is not that uncommon. There was definitely a bit of a renaissance in the fandom in the early days of YGOTAS. It brought a lot of new people to the fandom. In a lot of ways, it was one of the biggest factors in sailing thiefshipping prevalently. As for me, I started out as a Kaiba/Shizuka shipper waaaaay back in the day (we're talking like 2002).
Kaiba and Jounouchi are going to be my favorites forever, though! I've jumped around to some other fandoms during the intervening years, but I always come back to these two. A big part of it is that I had very ambitious story ideas as a teenager, then young adult, that I failed to both execute and see through to the finish. It took literal decades but I've finally cultivated the skillset I wanted/needed to make those stories happen.
So I legit want to cry every time someone tells me that the fics also had an effect on them. Whether it entertained them or gave them a bit of joy. Yeah, I write for myself. But the rest, the editing and the agonizing and the formatting and the posting, that's me sharing something (perhaps egotistically so, a part of myself) with the world. So it's always gratifying to hear that it's been received somehow by someone. And that it had a positive impact.
Thank you for the message. I hope to keep sharing stories about these two for a while longer if y'all will have it. <3
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shinayashipper · 2 years
Hi! I am (relatively? Subjectively?? Objectively???? All three?!?!?) new to Yu-Gi-Oh. I have seen it as a kid through YouTube amvs because I never really knew where to watch them. The only clear memory I have was watching Pyramid of Light but I heard people say it's not that good so I personally think it doesn't count 😅
Now that I am grown , I have readied myself to watch the original series and hyperfixate on it for a long while XD.
I am aware of the story, aware of the ships, and played the games (the first DS game I think, and currently enjoying Master Duel)
I know I shouldn't really "ship at first sight" but your artworks are one of the first to make me pay attention to Rivalshipping and be inspired to make a fanfic about them as I am a sucker for rivals-to-lovers, red and blues and the like .
This became long and winded so I just wanna ask, at what point/s be it anime, manga, movie/s, or subtext made you go:
"OMG, that makes so much sense. This! This is the essence of Rivalshipping!"
(sorry for the long and winded essay 😅)
That's okay!! I hope you enjoyed yugioh again as much as we did <3
I also actually only watched some of the DM anime in our local TV when I was a kid (it only airs the first season / Duelist Kingdom and I don't really have access to get to know anything else from the franchise), played the card game with my brother. I remember liking Yamiyugi character more than anything else 😂 and love the monsters. But I haven't really immersed myself in it.
Years later I found out about Yamiyugi/Atem being Dead in the end and IT HURTS ME <\3 it was through a internet search (I didn't have access to internet back then) after I randomly ran into a local parody video of Yugioh (a team dubbed the YGOTAS in our local indigenous language and it was HILARIOUS it got me thinking "oh WOW been a while since I get this much laugh, I wonder how Yugioh is nowadays??")
After the initial Heartbreak of Losing Yamiyu, I also stumbled on the YGO manga- it was the first time that I knew YGO used to have more Horror elements, it was Really Fun!! I read a bit of the manga and I Really Like Yugi!!! That's the time I started to Understand the story, and began appreciating the characters more (other than Yamiyu haha) and then all my Attention just shifted to Yugi, and I Really LOVE Him, he's my babie
And then I stumbled on DSOD, and I thought "YGO got a Movie?? Well let's check it out, I wanna see More of Yugi" and then the Yugi in question comes out and he's SO DIFFERENT from the babie I used to know??? 😂😂 he's all Mature and stuff!! But he's SO SAD and that Sadness kinda pulls me in-
When Kaiba and Yugi starts their Duel I think THAT's when I got "oh yes: Them" because I think it was the first time I ever see a Kaiba vs YUGI not Yamiyu Duel and it was an Emotional experience, beside the Duel having Emotional backstory behind it too, it was just a whipslash of Emotion for me 😂😂😂
It was also when I started Noticing Kaiba's appeal as a character too. They are SO SAD in the DSOD movie that it draws me in <3
After the whiplash of Emotion from DSOD, I started to read the manga and watch the anime more carefully and started Noticing details- every little bits of interaction between Yugi & Kaiba, even the ones that only happens offscreen (like how Yugi mentions he visits Kaiba in the hospital a lot of times) makes it feel like everything that happens in DSOD really makes more sense, and it feels like it's Meant to happen, their story builds up to DSOD, and I really like that- they got Growth in their story, I think. I guess I lean more on the manga in story-line that makes me get interested in Them <3 but DSOD just seals the Deal 😂
Also after that I learned of that "4 years later" insta post by KT and it shows Kaiba and Yugi together Making Games, AND GOD IT WAS- IT TRULY SEALED THE DEAL... Everything Makes Sense, they're sooo build to be Together for me!!! 🥺🥺🥺
And welp now I'm here 😂
I'm Very Happy you got to enjoy the ship through my drawings <3 but my intrepertation of them might not be the same as anyone else (and I think my content are mostly ooc too) so I hope you can see the original series again and enjoy it as you like 💙💜 have fun!!
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raemanzu · 3 years
Fun fact about me and Yu-Gi-Oh btw, every time I rewatch Duel Monsters I have to watched the subbed version rather than the dubbed version basically because YGOTAS has completely ruined my ability to take half the show seriously because of how good the voice acting is for quite a few characters on Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged. Random innocuous lines now make me giggle and it's very distracting when I'm just trying to rewatch the show.
This is hilarious! And yeah, I've watched a lot of YGOTAS, but I kind of enjoy waiting for the moments in the actual series that remind me of the jokes xD But I only recently watched basically the whole series in Japanese for the first time and I enjoyed it a lot, it gives lots of new insight into the characters I think.
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cozymochi · 8 years
Hi, I'm Manny. I'm 20 y.o. and my Tumblr url is the result of an old friend playing a dirty joke that I only realized once the name became a staple because I didn't think twice about it when it was first suggested. I'M NO ONES DADDY I SWEAR. ANYWAY - I like to think about life, play games and obsess over Dragon Ball, Pokemon, Yugioh, Death Note, Gravity Falls, Harry Potter and much more. I came to you for the beautiful art and stayed for the coziness. Do you watch YGO Abridged? It's hilarious.
HIIIIIII 💙💙 :D I hope you like the coziness because it’s littered with memes and whiny text posts.
It was my main drive to actually start posting fanart a few years ago. I was really terrified of posting anything I drew for a while. Let alone show anyone. I used to draw abridged Marik and Bakura a LOT. LK ACTUALLY SAW MY STUFF BEFORE AND PUT IT ON HIS TUMBLR YEARS AGO, and I LOST MY FREAKING MIND, MAN.
(and it also made me first join tumblr. I both appreciate and regret that decision, cuz now im pretty much stuck on this hellsite cuz I have nowhere else to go)
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