#And of course freddy only refers to the da as 'it' so... That's kinda it to my knowledge lol
phoenixcatch7 · 10 months
Having so much fun with sb ruin, we haven't run into ANY major glitches never mind game breaking ones, and we've just done the new daycare section. Spoilers if you haven't got that far and want to play it, but I had some thoughts about Eclipse.
Now eclipse is something that's been in the fandom for a while, I think before even the balloon boy game was found, but it's never really been canon? I don't think the name ever appeared in game, but previously the only depiction of some secret third personality in the daycare attendant was the strange purple glitch in the minigame that revealed a red black glowing sun face with red eyes. It was all very threatening and spooky, and you are in a horror game after all (supposedly), so of course people imagined eclipse to be some ultra terrifying final line of defence for the daycare or the pizzaplex as a whole. Tall. Aggressive. Clever. Comes with a whole colour change to match, the way sun and moon do.
But ruin showed a completely different Eclipse! He (they? It?) was clear of mind (mostly, he was convinced the plex was running as normal), kind, and safe! He even gently dropped cassie off outside the play area! Even sun in sb physically threw us out in fury lmao. His eyes glowed different colours, his ARMS glowed different colours (that would have been so cool in sb), he had the rays and cap at the same time!
But why? What reason was eclipse programmed? In the daycare, there wouldn't have been any reason for him.
Well, there's the theory that sun and moon weren't originally created for the daycare, at least not solely. Instead, it's highly possible that they were made for the theatre next door.
Why? Well, for one, their design. Sun and moon are dressed like jesters, with bright colours and stripes, baggy trousers, curled toe slippers, and bells and ribbons on every limb. They bob and move in a way designed to jingle, with very long and articulate joints, even their head has a huge range of motion compared to the other animatronics. In fact, pretty much everything BUT their face is very expressive. It's as if they were designed to be seen at a distance. Exposed wires on the back of their head too, something none of the other animatronics have (being grabbed and hugged and climbed by kids all day, that's dangerous! To both them and the animatronics!)
The theatre, too, is designed and fitted for live performances. Though it is mostly a movie theatre now with a giant screen, there was still that badly programmed staff bot comedian (both in the game setting and its actual coding lmao) and the entire backstage area with dressing rooms, abandoned set pieces and undressed endos. The sun and moon faces are the theatre masks of joy and sorrow at its entrance. It's very likely sun and moon were originally intended to be the main actors, playing both villain and hero roles and saving the company a LOT of money in the long run, not paying for lead actors every day.
So what does this have to do with eclipse?
In the daycare, his presence makes little sense, but as a theatre performer, it would have been invaluable. Instead of making the character unbalanced in one direction, eclipse could have served as narrator, ringmaster, ambassador, he would have been the one bowing after a show, the one talking to parents, handing out flyers and merch, all the stuff you need to front that kind of show.
For one, it puts sun and moon on equal levels as all their marketing does, rather than sun being pretty much the sole worker. It allows them to act and be seen as two parts of a whole, rather than sun (and his evil counterpart). Eclipse is unbothered by changes in light, moving from the bright spotlights that crippled moon into total darkness that overrode dun in sb. From a production standpoint, eclipse is ideal to work with, the best parts of sun and moon.
But why sell one lot of merch when you could sell two? Make it a set?
And when they were repurposed to the daycare attendant, there wasn't much use for a third personality at all. Maybe behind the curtains, down in parts and services, maybe some niche situations. But without merch, without need, with the animatronic still in use, common knowledge of the eclipse program dissipated like mist.
All except for sun and moon and one broken arcade machine.
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makerofmadness · 10 months
What's with Balloon Boy and the Daycare Attendant?
The Balloon World arcade machine exists, it's in the DA's room and both characters are involved in it. It's probably one of the most cryptic minigames in the FNAF series as a whole, but while we could ponder what exactly it's supposed to mean (maybe I'll do that for all the security breach minigames eventually), the main question I have is this:
WHY Balloon Boy specifically? Why is the minigame about HIM?
Is there a connection between the two characters? Or was it a completely random decision?
Out of nowhere, thinking about Balloon World, I came to a realization:
The Lights.
Balloon Boy's entire gimmick in FNAF 2 was that if he got into your office, he would disable your flashlight and vent lights (...somehow. I know we all make the jokes about him taking the batteries [and then that FNAF 57: Freddy In Space thing in FNAF World said he just straight-up steals your entire flashlight], but you never see the battery icon disappear or appear empty in FNAF 2 itself when he gets into your office. And the vent lights also stop working, so unless they also operate on batteries, then... does he actually take them from you?).
What's the one rule in the daycare?
Keep the lights on.
His mechanic is the antithesis to what Sun wants and exactly what Moon would want. Balloon Boy doesn't keep the lights on. He prevents you from turning them on at all.
(which also makes me kinda sad there wasn't a Glamrock version of BB. Then again, I don't know how exactly he would've uniquely affected like anything. Regardless I am hoping for the day someone in the fandom makes a glamrock bb who is arch-enemies with sun and gets along well with moon skseijdndndnd-)
It feels kinda obvious and I'm guessing I'm not the only person to think about this, but I have never seen anyone else bring this up. Not on YouTube, not on tumblr, nowhere. Maybe if I go looking for it I'll see, but i'm surprised I haven't bumped into anyone else saying this just naturally. I go into the BB tags a LOT, surely SOMEONE would've said something, right? I don't even see it noted in the trivia on the page for the arcade game on the fnaf wiki.
...but is this supposed to mean anything? Or is it just a cute little reference or callback? it's hard to say, especially with how ambiguous the minigame is.
Though I DID think of ONE thing... (possible minor spoilers for Ruin under the cut):
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Saw this pointed out in a youtube video that the BB World screen (with Eclipse, who makes their proper debut in Ruin after effectively being foreshadowed by the minigame in SB's base game) can be seen on the ceiling in the DA's room. Which makes sense, obviously, but also take note of the pirate-themed windows in the hallway leading to it.
...now, which character do most of us tend to associate with Balloon Boy? His "tag-team partner," of sorts?
Foxy. The Pirate.
With this, I found that there's more Foxy-related stuff associated with the daycare area than I had previously realized because I had never made any connections before. I mean, Kids' Cove is directly linked to it for god's sake.
Like. I hope i haven't forgotten to mention anything (I've been writing this post over the course of hours 'Cus I had stuff to do in the middle of it all). My brain's kinda starting to fry. But basically: Was Foxy originally meant to be the Daycare Attendant, in-universe? Was there gonna be a Glamrock Balloon Boy with him, like as his first mate or something??? Were they gonna be connected to Fazbear Theater????? (Uh basically Sun/Moon to my knowledge from confirmation in the books and a lot of more subtle implications in-game mainly involving environmental pieces were originally meant to be in the Fazbear Theater as a stage animatronic but got moved to daycare duty instead and being reprogrammed. Which actually explains a lot about them when you think about it-)
Like. Ok I'm forgetting where I was going with this, I'm sorry, but I guess it's food for thought/adds to the weird connections between DA and BB, I guess. Idk. I can't focus that well right now to keep making new ideas.
felt like sharing my interpretation of the Balloon World minigame itself at least since earlier I did kinda finally get it down concretely:
I kinda developed a theory that Eclipse is Sun/Moon's "safe mode" and that rebooting DA reactivated Eclipse as a result. Like, they're their own AI that was at one point implemented. but then Vanny happened and locked them out thanks to the whole Glitchtrap virus thing (albeit it only seemed to reach Moon, while Sun remains seemingly unaffected. Guessing it's because they're different AIs [finally implied/basically confirmed by their Ruin dialogue). Eclipse has seemingly not been active for some time, or at least never post-pizzaplex closure, given how they're seemingly completely oblivious to the fact that this place is closed with no signs of opening.
So the minigame was foreshadowing Eclipse's existence and implying their "trapped" nature, which also could be seen as paralleling Vanessa's whole "Vanny" situation, especially given how iirc one of the messages related to princess quest can be found near the arcade machine.
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Hook siblings body swap✨
Because I'm here for the chaos.
So, they fucked around and found out with Yzma's potions, daring eachother to drink it. Which means that none can back out now, obviously.
And if the potions worked as they were supposed to, well, that's anyone's guess.
Either way, they drink, stuff happens, and ta-da body swap!
No one saw this because obviously they broke in after opening hours, what else did you expect.
Now, Harriet finds herself in CJ's body and bolts immediately, because CJ has virtually zero responsibilities and Harriet wants a vacation, goddammit.
She also probably gets CJ's body halfway to alcohol poisoning within thirty minutes. Only took her that long because not a lot of people are willing to give alcohol to thirteen yo CJ Hook who a) doesn't drink and b) has two older siblings who will flip out of anyone messes with her.
Of course, Ginny Gothel isn't scared of that. She gets Harriet-as-CJ alcohol without second thought. Harriet almost starts flirting with her, which would be kinda awkward, so she just bolts again and no one is surprised, because that's CJ man, what did you expect.
Harriet-as-CJ could just get away with absolutely anything.
Especially as her siblings are not having a good time and won't tell her no. They wanna live, you see.
Harry is very much not having a good time.
He got stranded in Harriet's body. Which is not a fun experience. Bitch has no regards for her personal safety and is a functioning alcoholic, so.
Anyway, first words aftee figuring out what happened and seeing Harriet run away are „Wait Harriet no, come back, I'm not dealing with your disaster threesome!“
Spoiler alert: he does end up dealing with her disaster threesome. And with her ship & crew.
Now, he knows how to run a ship. How could he not. He'd just rather not.
And he needs to invest a significant amount of energy into not flirting with Uma, which, you know. That would be kinda awkward.
(It doesn't work. He's incapable of turning it off. But everyone just brushes everything off as Hook siblings crazy and maybe jealousy.)
CJ is also not having good time. She ended up in Harry's body and immediately got dragged back at Revenge by Uma.
...Yeah, between all three of them, there is a fair amount of „fuck, help, my sibling's partner(s) are flirting with me, what do I do?!“
CJ tries to avoid being alone with Uma as much as she can.
She gets asked some variation of „Are you okay?“ at least three times within the first hour because she doesn't, you know, obey Uma's orders before she even says them.
On the brighter side, CJ discovered that she can get away with arson in port like this.
(Her older siblings are busy and Uma won't actually tell off Harry - the person who everyone thinks is Harry.)
So, yeah.
And almost no one catches on because are you really gonna question Hook siblings chaos? Are you?
But of course, they still act off enough to warrant an exorcism or two. (Freddie Facilier and Claudine Frollo, at two separate times.)
Marya Rasputin might or might not have tried to disect someone.
The siblings couldn't care less.
And the Hearts keep referring to the Hooks by the correct names (wrong names for the bodies), but, again, no one questions that. The general sentiment is along the lines of „Okay, I don't know why the Hearts triplets just greeted CJ Hook as Harriet, and I don't wanna know! They have swords!“
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aftermathdb · 4 years
DEATH BATTLE Review: Black Canary vs. Sindel
So… Sindel for Injustice 3 then, or Black Canary for Mortal Kombat?
Gotta say, this being a Mortal Kombat episode and not really having the room to say Black Kanary is sorta annoying.
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Well… Looks like they fixed… something here. These guys aren’t as nightmare-inducing as last time, but they are still kinda uncomfortable to look at.
Black Canary′s Preview.
DC History lesson time. A long time ago, the Justice Society of America were the first recorded instance of a group of Super Humans banding together to form their own group. This included plenty of crazy people, like a furry boxer, the manifestation of God’s wrath, and a Judo master known as Black Canary.
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But the BC For this DC Rundown is the one that made it a household name, Dinah Laurel Lance. The second Black Canary.
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Incidentally, Boomstick basically makes himself known as Barbara Dunkleman and Chuggaconroy’s love child in Canary’s rundown. I don’t know whether to cheer that thought on or to shudder at it, so I’ll leave it at that.
Anyways, long story short, Dinah would have not have started her Superhero career if not for a certain thing that happened to her.
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Whether you believe that it was the Metagene or a wizzrd’s doing, Dinah developed the signature Canary Cry.
And as for a disguise, she originally wore a blonde wig, but eventually did a permanent dye-job of blonde. Or as Boomstick put it…
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God, I love puns.
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Dinah’s attack here is one of the most deadliest things in comic history, and when she amps it up, she can pull off so much crazy stuff that it almost sounds like Ollie is the one made of Kleenex.
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With enough force, she can even fly. Doing so requires about 195 Decibels to do so, and I cannot tell you how much auto-correct was a friend of mine in writing the word “decibels.” That’s gotta be in the top 20 most misspelled words of all time or whatever.
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Of course, this does lead into an obvious weak-point…
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Attacking the throat disarms her voice.
Luckily, she’s basically a master martial artist to back her up, and Canary Bombs to do all the sonic screaming for her while she catches her voice.
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This leads into a Wiz and Boomstick segment.
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Also, yes. Expect that whole “CENSORED BECAUSE NIGHTMARE-FACE” thing to be a running gag for me. Hopefully until they f*cking fix that goddamn Boomstick smile! Yeesh! Not even the Joker makes me cringe that much.
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Anyways, Dinah has some impressive feats, as the hosts go over
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Then there was one time she did this:
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Dinah also survived having her Canary Cry being reflected back at her. Admittedly, this is because of the “required secondary powers” trope being in action, but still, really impressive.
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Now, Dinah once claimed that she could react to nano seconds. But that’s actually backed up. She outraced a Green Lantern’s scan on a robot, and has done some other crazy things.
And the end quote is pretty much the victory screen from Injustice 2. Which I can’t feel too upset about considering Sindel’s end quote.
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Sindel′s Preview.
So, Mortal Kombat history lesson time. Edenia was a peaceful and prosperous realm, a Garden of Eden, if you will. Until the Outworld Emperor Shao Khan came along and grabbed it all for himself.
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Feeling pretty good about himself, Shao Khan tried to take a shot at Earthrealm
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Sindel turned out to be a Kung-Fu sorceress, who offed herself to keep Shao Khan’s next target, Earthrealm from being hit.
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Khan’s answer?- Resurrect and brainwash Sindel and take Earthrealm by force.
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And apparently, she could do it too. As the hosts point out, despite her being dead for a long time and the whole “From another realm” thing, Sindel is an expert in a couple martial arts.
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And we also learn a few new things about Boomstick too. Like… How attractive he thinks Sindel is… I don’t blame him. Winx Club made me want to have the Wicked Witch of the West step on me. Speaking of witch, when Icy vs. Elsa?
Anyways, Sindel can create sonic screams known as the Banshee Scream, which can explode heads, rend flesh, or even strip off skin.
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She can even concentrate them into balls of energy called “Star Screamers” And Boomstick brings up the obvious…
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When Luna vs. Freddy Krueger, am I right?
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Anyways, Sindel once used that Banshee Scream to blast apart a canyon.
It was comparable to a Magnitude 5 Earthquake.
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For reference, that’s 500 Tons of TNT.
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We get into our next Wiz and Boomstick segment…
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Okay, can I just say that I really really appreciate it when the Wiz and Boomstick segments are used to further the analysis rather than just be there for a joke?- It feels a bit more appropriate that they went over Sindel’s strength level here than if this was just used as a joke piece for some gag that could have very well have fallen flat.
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Tangent aside, they mentioned that Sindel is also comparable to Kabal, who could slash bullets from automatic weapons in midair. Putting Sindel at hypersonic levels.
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She’s not doing so bad for herself as a… “Zombie MILF” (Boomstick’s words, not mine. Someone please ask what was up with that, ‘cause I’m sure as hell not doing that).
But whether you choose to follow the original timeline where she freed herself and retook the throne,
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Or the new timeline where the coup was her idea,
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You’re going to go down screaming if you stare down Sindel.
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(Told you that Canary’s “end quote” was an appropriate compliment to Sindel’s)
The Battle Itself.
Luis and Kiid are maining the animation, Black Canary will be voiced by Blythe Renay and Sindel will be voiced by Caitlyn Elizabeth. , Brandon Yates is composing Sirens of Combat (Not spelled with a “K” unfortunately), and audio led by Chris Kokkinos.
So the fight story for this one is pretty basic.
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It’s basically just Black Canary vs. Sindel in the tournament. And while I could make the joke of “We could have had the ‘FIGHT’ graphic come back for this” I’m… Probably going to redirect you to my DA Journal Entry where I point out that if they had really wanted to point to an episode to justify why they got rid of it, they should have chosen a better episode than Widow-Widow.
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Back to the actual battle, right off the bat, it’s pretty easy and quick to see that Canary easily takes the speed advantage.
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Sindel actually fails to land any blows until she grapples Black Canary and slams her around a few times.
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Luckily, Canary has defenses for this sort of stuff, and counter-attacks. Also, I’m going to take this point and say that Sindel’s hair is really distracting. It’s like she’s just asking for it to be pulled, and given what Shao Khan basically does, that thought now fills me with squick.
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By the way, if you’ve ever liked a beam struggle, you’re probably going to love a sound-based one!
Anyways, Black Canary manages to blow Sindel away and asks a question that I think a few MK fans have asked.
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Sindel then states the obvious.
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So we get into our finishing blow (Yeah, this one was kinda short)
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Verdict + Explanation.
So, right off the bat, Sindel had some things that gave her an edge up.
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Sindel certainly had strength in the bag.
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But Canary’s seen and fought stronger. So it’s not a heavy-hitting edge.
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Plus, Canary’s way faster.
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Seriously. How does she not break Ollie when they put Arrows in the Quiver?
Plus, Canary has a massive edge in martial arts skills. She’s mastered over 15 while Sindel only really has two.
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Of course, none of this really matters until we get into the big question: Which is deadlier?- The Canary Cry, or the Banshee Scream?
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Black Canary’s current score clocks in at about 300 Decibels. Impressive.
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Sindel’s score clocks in at 235 Decibels. Also impressive. But then Boomstick points out the obvious:
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As it turns out, Decibels go up in logarithmic units, not geometric ones.
This means that Black Canary’s scream was over a million times more powerful than Sindel’s.
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There was no way that Sindel was tanking any of that any time soon.
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Like I said: Love child of Barbara Dunkleman and Chuggaconroy. Let’s throw Pearls Before Swine cartoonist, Stephen Pastis in there too.
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Overall impression.
Short battle, but given that we’re getting 20 episodes this season, I’d say that this is a pretty good fight.
I’m not a fan of how they didn’t go over durability feats, I feel that that would have solidified the overall result a bit more. Admittedly, if each of them had just opened up with their strongest attacks, Canary would win that easy what with her 300 Decibel cry, but durability is one of the many major factors in the battle.
Also, Sindel’s hair was super distracting throughout the animation. Plus, we didn’t get to see a whole lot of stuff in the fight. If Canary had said something along the lines of “You’re strong… I’ve fought stronger.” in the battle, that would have better demonstrated that Sindel’s strength wasn’t anything new to her, and that she would be more actively moving to avoid hits.
Next Time…
So, remember how they said that Leonardo vs. Zits was originally going to be Leonardo vs. White Ranger, but was changed because of a poll?
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We got ourselves a variant!
Is there a fight that you want me to review? - Send an ask/request, and I’ll look into it!
Do you want to read my fanfic based around DEATH BATTLE itself? click here!
Thank you for reading, and I hope to see you next time for…
Leader-In-Blue vs. Red T-Rex.
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stephtastrophe · 7 years
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I watched Bates Motel season 5 episode 5 “Dreams Die First” at some point last week! lol. Anyway ... it was really awesome as per usual.
Norman got Madeleine to drop his off at the bar where he pretended to be Norma but wasn’t dressed as her if I remember correctly, so he goes in asking about Norma and all the other people are thinking “dude, you were here, that’s you” and it was quite hilarious and he was very confused upon being talked to like he was known there and by people who had previously met him before lol.
The poor boy! he was like what’s going on!
Norman instead of Marion saw his old therapist walk across the street in front of him and they had a little mini sesh in the cafe and he was asking Norman how he was doing, he also asked Norman to resume his sessions, which God, he could sure do with! But he ended up in tears by the end of and left, awwww. That was sad :(
Rihanna came in to it as Marion Crane (and I just wrote all this and who knows wtf happened to it!!!) and she was actually surprisingly quite convincing as the character. She is actually better at acting than I thought.
You could see why they liked her at the office with what she wore, they were totally perving on the poor girl. Raphael Sbarge from everything was her boss too!
But she didn't see her boss cross the street in front of her after having stole the money, and when she was pulled over by the creator of the show she was not driving erratically due to rain, it was because of her coat hanging out the boot/trunk. She didn’t pull over at the side of the road and sleep either.
But anyway. 
Norman went back to the bar yet again and again found everyone thought he was Norma, including some guy who followed him in to the toilets and acted like they’d been together the night before, of course they had. He imagined that guy going down on Norma and I was like “you don’t have a pussy, so he couldn’t go down on you Norman, so you had gay sex and probably got a blow job last night” or at least the blow job, although the scratches probably suggest sex went down lol. Literally. I made myself laugh saying that and I think my parents laughed lol. 
He went back to Master Bates Motel lol ... I still think every episode title should’ve been Master Bates does something just for the hilarity factor! xD
Well he has been shown to, you know he gon’ when he says Marion there - “lyk plz b in da mtl rum ryt nxt 2 offce so i can jerk off 2 u, yh bby” lol. “Den i go mrdr ur ass in shwr kthnxbai” LOL! OMG that’s hilarious lol.
In the end Marion ended up back at the motel since she could not go to her boyfriend Sam, with a wife that she doesn’t know about’s apartment and she said meet there. She will soon regret that decision! Especially since she’s only in 2 episodes if I remember correctly from what they said about when they cast her in it.
It was raining and night out this time, like it should’ve been when she got pulled over. 
I can’t wait to see the next episode and see the infamous shower scene recreated again and see what happens to Norman in the following episodes after that and how it’s handled. I have all the remaining ones recorded, I have the last several episodes of a ton of shows left to watch, if I weren’t watching so many atm I wouldn’t have hardly anything to watch as I would’ve been up to date on everything so in a way I am kinda glad I still have some stuff to watch but I must admit that it is kinda too much. But slowing getting through it lol.
Oh and also, Emma found her mother’s earring and Dylan said he was afraid Norman may have done something to her but had no actual proof of such, Emma left in a huff understandably and I think told him to leave or something and then later found out on the world wide weberverse (I wonder if anyone get’s that reference) that Norma was in fact dead, finally! lol.
Freddie Highmore and Austin Nichols <3
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