#And sharing completely unfounded medical advice involving plants and crystals when she got her child thanks to BLACK MAGIC
ninadove · 5 months
fold your hands and close your eyes 👀
It’s been a while since I’ve made progress on this one — not because I’m not invested in it anymore, I’m just even more invested in a plethora of other WIPs (as you know). I think I will end up making this a series of shorter fics, so they are easier to write and read. Also to artificially boost the number of works in a certain tag, which is barren.
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Anyway. Fold your hands and close your eyes started as a Transmasc Felix Propaganda fic, but has since turned into an in-depth exploration of his relationship with Amelie from the moment she learnt she was expecting. The title was taken from Church Bells, by Carrie Underwood, which tells you everything you need to know about where the story is headed.
And since I know you, Noctie, I shall give you the Graham de Vanily twins:
Emilie, as always, did not understand.
“This is wonderful news,” she exclaimed, arms clasped uncomfortably tight around her sister’s stomach. “Oh, Lilie, I’m so happy for you.”
The corners of Amelie’s lips twitched. Her brother-in-law, at least, had the decency to stand a few steps behind; she was grateful for his emotional incompetence.
This was, by far, the most pathetic baby shower in the history of baby showers. But it was nice to have company over without supervision — as unpleasant as said company might be.
“Isn’t it wonderful? Our little ones will be born within a few months of each other,” Emilie smiled, rubbing her bump with childlike excitement. “They will practically be twins, too!”
Evidently, she looked back on their childhood with more fondness than Amelie ever could.
“We need to get them matching bonnets,” the older twin chirped. “Oh, wouldn’t it be so cute if we got one of each?”
“One of each…?”
“A boy and a girl, silly!”
There was something unsettling about the way Emilie talked about their unborn children; a stranger passing by might have believed she was carrying them both.
Ask game here!
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