#And that splash of angst I threw in there was also unintentional
some-cookie-crumbz · 4 years
Huwumi with Type of Kisses Prompt 2?
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Aw Hell yeah~! Let’s get some of that good stuff up in here~!
Kissing Prompt 2: A small, fleeting kiss - which is immediately followed by a passionate, hungry kiss.
Once upon a time, Fuyumi had loved going to Hero events with her father. She’d considered it an honor and opportunity to spend time with him one on one. After the first few times she ended up spending most of the evening jumping from one conversation to another, singing his praises and presenting her own accomplishments as his, she started to realize that it wasn’t anything deeper than convenience. She’d been hurt by it at first, if she was honest. But as time went by, she came to accept that it’d be a good way to keep the family image clean. Besides, if their father’s name remained untarnished and even somewhat reputable, it could help open door for Shoto. She begrudged spending hours in a chair having her hair styled and make-up applied, but she did that and the whole heeled dog-and-pony show for the greater good.
Now, though, she had a different reason to look forward to the events a bit herself.
That night was a congratulations ceremony for Best Jeanist after successfully solving some complicated case. She hadn’t been paying too much attention to the details, if she was honest, as they seemed more than unpleasant. The event was being held at some upscale foreign restaurant with a large, spacious garden that the guests could wander. Making sure no one else was paying her too much mind, she slipped away to look around at the wide array of flowers, hovering just under a wooden ramada decked out with vine plants and little twinkling fairy lights.
“Rather soothing, huh?” She jumped and whipped around, watching as Hawks came to a slow landing just outside the ramada to her left. There was another small entrance way there, too.
Her heart skipped a beat and she offered a small smile. “Fashionably late, I see,” she hummed, carefully approaching him. He offered her his usual smug grin as she stepped onto the small walking path he’d landed on. Even in the low lighting of the small path lights, he was ethereal, wearing a suit that had to have been tailored to his form only. His hair looked like it had probably been slicked back at some point, but already started to crumble from his flight there.
“Well, it’s not as if I was particularly waited for,” he shrugged. There was a twinkle of mischief in his eyes as he offered her his hand. “Unless you came out here anticipating my arrival, Todoroki-Chan?”
She placed her hand in his and came to stand beside him. “I had a hunch you would be running a little behind, like usual,” she trailed, “so I anticipated you’d get here eventually.”
He beamed at her. “Ah, so you were waiting especially for me! Such a darling you are!” he sang at her, grin widening as a faint dust coated her cheeks.
With her hand in his, they wandered around together, falling into casual playful banter. She wasn’t exactly sure when she started looking forward to talking with him. The first few meetings had been unique in that he never once asked her about her father, but rather about her job and what she enjoyed about it. He would listen to her ramble on about this or that with her students, ask appropriate follow-up questions, and slowly moved on to the other things she delighted in and gradually slipping in the occasionally flirty remark or salacious wink. She rather enjoyed this poking and prodding game, beginning to return the favor and feeling a thrill up her spine at how his eyes lit up at her flirty retorts.
They settled down on a little bench, surrounded by rose bushes of various colors. “Ah, I always wanted to have a garden like this,” she said with a dreamy sigh.
“A woman with a chilly Quirk and a green thumb? My, you just keep uping your resume, Todoroki-Chan!” he teased.
She giggled and shook her head. “I tried to make a little garden when I was thirteen and it went… very poorly,” she drawled for emphasis. She shook her head. “I suppose the effects of my Quirk extend to even when I’m not using it.”
“Oh, I don’t think so,” he hummed, looking behind them for a moment. In a flash, one of his feathers came flouncing over, a lovely pink rose resting atop it. He took it carefully with one hand while the other took his feather, hardening the plumage and beginning to cut the thorns from the stem. “I think you’d fair better nowadays. You’re a spring heart born to a winter sun, as I’ve come to notice.” He reached out and gently tucked the flower behind her ear, fingers lingering along her cheek as he moved to pull back.
She wasn’t sure what it was. Maybe it was the soft lighting. Maybe it was his words. Maybe it was the tenderness in his eyes and the touch of his fingers on her skin. Something about the moment just felt… right. Like some pieces were clicking together to create a splendid, beautiful picture she was too afraid to dream of being real.
Fuyumi leaned closer to him, eyes sliding half close, and let their lips meet in a whisper of contact. Even just that much felt electric, the slight brush of chapped lips to her own something that felt so much better than she’d ever imagined. His eyes widened at her actions. For a moment she wondered if she’d overstepped. But as she moved away, he pursued, pressing his lips more firmly to hers. The hand that had been at her cheek moved farther to cradle the nape of her neck, pulling her closer, wasting no time in seizing control and kissing her with a kind of spark that made made her whole body tingle.
She decided in that second that she could get used to this.
She let out a small mewl as she met his fervent need with her on, hands moved to his shoulders and snaking their way around him. One tangled in his wind-whipped trees while his other arm found her waist, looping and pulling her flush against him. He let out a small groan as she settled in his lap, one hand curling in his hair while the other slid back down along the front of his suit, and she shivered in delight at an experimental nip to her lower lip from his teeth. Even with the top coat and undershirt, she could feel how his heart was hammering away in his chest, revelling in having as much of an effect on him as she did to him.
They pulled back after a moment, foreheads pressed together and breaths mingling in the aftermath of weeks of tension getting its first taste of snapping.
“Fuck, Fuyumi,” he breatehd softly, staring at her with an expression that seemed… guilty? She watched him as he struggled, eyebrows knitting. What did he have to be guilty about? She initiated the first kiss. She’d been kissing him back. Not a touch of alcohol had graced her lips that evening. So why did he suddenly seem remorseful? He opened his mouth to say something before the mood was completely tainted.
“Fuyumi! Where have you run off to?”
Just like that, the spell was broken and, on instinct, she violently shoved the blonde away.
Caught off guard, he let out a noise that bordered on a squawk, toppling over the side of the bench and right into the foliage behind them. Her heart lurched painfully as she suddenly reconnected every little dot in her life in a whirlwind. Of course he humors you, her mind sneered, you are your father’s only daughter! Bewitching her would be a huge move for Hawks, even if he had more than enough clout of his own to run off of. And, given his area of expertise, he’d probably deduced what topics to avoid to garner her trust. As well as what topics to engage with to reel her in faster. And to think that she’d been letting him kiss her like that! If anyone had seen them together, what would have been said by the papers and her father? What a scandal they’d be, she thought. Number Two Pro dating the Number One Pro’s daughter? The realization that his interest was most likely far from genuine felt like a punch to the gut as she pushed herself upright from the small bench, briefly glancing back at his form groaning from the rose bush she’d shoved him in to.
She swallowed hard, abandoning the pink rose on the bench in her stead, before scrambling towards the sound of her father’s voice without a second glance over her shoulder.
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thebiasrekkers · 5 years
Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]
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Plot: “It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?
Rating: NC-17 // NSFW
Genre: Series | Mafia!AU | Crime!AU | Angst | Romance/Fluff
Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language, Angst, Slow Burn, Smut
Previous Chapters: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Links: FAQ || BTS Masterlist || Admin E’s AO3 || Admin E’s WP || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]
Word Count: 2,060
Chapter 30: N.O
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“Who do you think is the one who makes us step on even our close friends to climb up? What?”
© thebiasrekkers (Admin E). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.
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“Check,” muttered Namjoon, his fingers leaving the Rook he’d slid up the board.
Shownu smirked, pressing a hand to his chin as his eyes scanned the board while pondering his next move.
The rain fell relentlessly, splashing along the pavement and roaring loudly. Even against the double paned glass, the noise was only barely muffled. Namjoon lifted his cup of coffee from the saucer, crossing one leg over the other as his eyes focused on Shownu’s expression. He continued to look at the board, his brows knit together in focus and refusing to let any outside noises or movements interfere from his thought process.
Exactly three months had passed since the two of them were together; alone. The few moments they brushed by one another was in passing and usually in the company of their bosses. In those instances, neither spoke a word to each other. Neither did their bosses. Their eyes, however, spoke volumes each time.
Shownu moved his Bishop in the path of Namjoon’s Rook, blocking the check. Namjoon set the cup down, eyeing the board as his opponent sat back in his chair. If he overtook his Bishop, his Rook would be devoured by Shownu’s Knight.
“Your warning,” he began, watching Shownu’s eyes rise to meet his, “does it mean you haven’t wrangled your boss like I suggested?”
He watched the older man smirk while giving a one shoulder shrug. “Ambition is a powerful thing, Namjoon-ah.” Shownu paused, placing a hand into his lap. “You should understand that fully.”
“There is also a thing called restraint, Hyung.” Namjoon reached forward for his teacup.
“Changkyun-ah’s offer wasn’t a bad one.”
His fingers paused just as they were about to loop through the cup’s handle. Slowly, his eyes rose to look back at Shownu whose smile remained. Namjoon chose to say nothing, however, waiting for him to continue.
“With your ambition alone, I wanted to believe you would convince Hoseok-ah to agree to the alliance.”
Namjoon’s hand fell to the surface of the table, resting just to the right of the wooden chess board. His brows furrowed as a few tendrils of his hair fell across the bridge of his nose. Shownu turned to look out the large window, watching the pedestrians running to cover their heads with what few items they had on their persons to shield themselves from the rain. Namjoon’s gaze was fixated on Shownu, watching as the man seemed to turn something over in his mind.
He may have been a lot of things, but Kim Namjoon was no fool. This conversation was the real chess game.
“Money and manpower? They only go so far. But respect?” Shownu smirked, craning his neck to look back at Namjoon. “Respect gains loyalty. Loyalty equals power.”
“What Changkyun-ah wants is meaningless.” He saw Shownu’s smile falter for half a second. Namjoon decided to press it further. “He wants another war and it will result in absolutely nothing. My brothers and I chose this life as a means to an end. That end has come to pass.”
Shownu quirked a brow. “Has it ended?”
Namjoon took the white knight piece, moving it forward to overtake a black pawn in the middle of the board. “What do you mean?”
There was a space of silence that unnerved Namjoon, his fingers lingering on the head of the knight as he looked across the board at Shownu. Glinting in his dark gaze was an expression he couldn’t read. But one thing was certain: it was clear Shownu knew something that Namjoon didn’t. That certainty made his spine shiver.
“Five years ago, the Golden Jackals established themselves as the rulers of Gangnam. The Jade Fangs were eyeing that district for a while, and yet it was clear you would not let anyone else have it. Your determination to destroy anything and everything, everyone, who dared to stand in your way was apparent.” Shownu faced the window once more. “It was raining just as fiercely that night…”
Namjoon tried to figure out what he was trying to say, reading between the words. There was a deeper meaning there, a meaning he wasn’t saying out loud. Not completely.
No, he thought, frowning as his hand lifted from the chess piece, he’s warning me about something. A subtle threat…
He heard Shownu sigh, his arm lifting to rest on the back of his chair. He continued to look out the window while Namjoon, in turn, refused to take his eyes off his opponent.
“You willingly threw the keys to your kingdom away. You disbanded your soldiers and walked away from the protection of the shadows,” he heard the older man say. “Your once impregnable castle is falling apart from lack of care.”
Namjoon felt a lump form in his throat. However, Shownu shrugged and closed his eyes. Finally, he turned to look back at Namjoon, his smirk returning to his features as he slowly raised one brow.
“Stepping into the light has made locating your weaknesses that much easier.”
Namjoon’s eyes widened as he watched Shownu’s hand shoot out to grab the black Queen, sliding it up the board through Namjoon’s defenses. He slammed the piece down onto a white square, his smile growing. He looked down at the board, realizing seconds too late what happened.
“Checkmate, Namjoon-ah.”
Jumping from his chair, the legs scraped loudly across the floor. A few patrons of the café stared at them, wondering what happened. They’d kept their conversation quiet up until that point – hidden away from prying eyes.
His heart jack-hammered against his ribs, making it difficult to breathe. Namjoon’s hands curled into fists at his side and he watched Shownu stretch languidly against his chair. There was a smugness there that normally didn’t showcase itself on the older man’s face; not in all the years he’d known him. Namjoon missed something. Something small but obvious. Yet he’d still missed it. Both on the game board and in their conversation.
“…what have you people done, Hyung?”
Namjoon’s phone suddenly vibrated in his pocket. He fished it out, seeing Jungkook’s name appear on the screen. Not taking his eyes off Shownu, he answered.
“Jungkook-ah,” he said, attempting to keep his voice as even-tempered as he could, “what’s up?”
“Hyung, where are you?”
He frowned. It sounded like Jungkook was in a vehicle. “I’m in Sinchon. Why?”
“It’s the Jade Fangs, Hyung. They…they attacked Eden Noona!”
Namjoon’s eyes widened for half a second before narrowing them severely at Shownu. “… what? ” Though unintentional, it came out as a growl. “Where?”
“In Sichon! She’s at the hospital with Raelyn Noona now.”
Pivoting on his heels, he turned away from Shownu. “How badly is she hurt?”
He could hear Jungkook’s voice shaking, as if someone were trying to calm him down. “I…I don’t know. Raelyn Noona just told us what happened and said to hurry to the hospital. She didn’t have time to tell us anything.”
“Who is with you right now?”
“Jimin and Tae Hyung. T-Tae Hyung is driving.”
“Text me the hospital address. I’m on my way.”
Without waiting for Jungkook’s reply, he hung up and whirled around to face Shownu who was methodically putting the chess pieces away while folding up the board. Namjoon resisted the urge to lash out and cause a scene. However, he took a single step forward – enough to close the distance between them.
“Shownu Hyung,” he said through clenched teeth, “you just made a big mistake.”
“No, Namjoon-ah. You did.” Shownu placed the board into the carrying bag he’d brought with him. Rising to his feet, he slid the bag strap over his shoulder. “You all did.”
His hand snapped out, snatching Shownu by the lapel of his jacket. In response, he felt the other man’s hand encircling his wrist, his fingers and thumb pressing hard into Namjoon’s flesh. There was a pinprick of pain near the nerves at his palm, but he only acknowledged it with a twitch of his eye.
“You can’t erase the sins of the past. You can’t run or hide from it.” Namjoon attempted to pull his wrist free but Shownu held strong. “And neither can the people you’ve entangled in your lives.”
As if he were tossing off a piece of trash, Namjoon felt his hand being shoved off to the side. He glared at Shownu as the older man readjusted his jacket.
“Legality means nothing if you don’t have the power to safeguard that which belongs to you.”
It was as though his very words had knocked the wind out of him. Namjoon had nothing to throw back at him. All he could do was watch as the Bear of the Jade Fangs casually walked out of the café without so much as a backward glance or a cluster of parting words. Even as he saw him unfurl his umbrella and step out onto the sidewalk, melding with the other civilian bodies, Namjoon couldn’t muster up the energy to chase after him.
He’d been careless. They’d all been careless.
Falling into his chair, he stared blankly at the table’s surface. He barely noticed the money that was left on the table. He was knocked back into reality when he felt the vibration of his phone in his pocket.
Namjoon didn’t need to look at it to know that it was Jungkook.
He rose from his chair and ran outside, barely feeling the rain pelting his form while hailing a cab.
When Namjoon arrived at the hospital twenty minutes later, he saw Yoongi leaning against one of the pillars outside. A cigarette was perched between his lips, a long cylinder of ash barely hanging on before it fell at his feet. He’d hardly noticed Namjoon’s approach until he was standing directly in front of him. His brother let the cigarette fall from his mouth, landing ignored between them.
“N-Namjoon-ah,” Yoongi said, blinking slightly. Namjoon’s brows furrowed at the slightly dazed look on his face. It was like he was seeing him for the first time.
“Eden-ssi,” he began, seeing Yoongi’s shoulders tense up slightly, “how is she?”
There was a small measure of silence that wafted between them before Yoongi averted his eyes. “She’ll be fine. She just dislocated her shoulder.”
Namjoon let out a sigh of relief, stepping to the side to lean against the other side of the pillar with Yoongi. “That’s good.”
“No, it’s not.” He could hear the anger in his brother’s voice. “It’s not good at all.”
“Who was it?”
“The Jade Fangs.”
“I know, Hyung,” Namjoon replied calmly, “which one of them?”
“…Raelyn Noona said it was the Jindo Dog.”
Even though he couldn’t see him, Namjoon craned his neck to stare at the stone pillar. “Minhyuk Hyung?”
“Don’t call him that.” Yoongi’s tone held a finality to it that Namjoon rarely heard. “Did you let Hoseok-ah and Seokjin Hyung know what’s going on?
Biting his lower lip, he closed his eyes and rested his head along the pillar. “I told them on the way here.”
For a moment, neither of them said anything. The roar of the rain as it fell overhead seemed relentless. Unfortunately, it couldn’t silence the thoughts screaming inside of Namjoon’s head. It couldn’t silence Shownu’s blatant words against him; against them.
“They’re trying to make a point.”
Blinking rapidly, he took a step forward so he could better see Yoongi who was still pressed against the pillar. He’d absentmindedly lit another cigarette but wasn’t smoking it. The older man flicked his zippo lighter open, flinging it closed with a loud metallic clicking sound. Over and over he did this and Namjoon realized he couldn’t find the words to alleviate the rising anger that was clearly reflected in his older brother’s eyes.
“They’re telling us that we’re weak.”
“Namjoon-ah,” he heard Yoongi say, his voice cold and even as their eyes met, “it may not be today. It may not be tomorrow. But they’re going to do it.”
He slapped the lid to his lighter closed, the sound ringing out over the noise of the rain.
“…they’re going to declare war.”
“No, Hyung. They’re not going to.”
Namjoon’s voice was quiet, but Yoongi raised his brows to show he’d heard him.
“…they already have.”
The real question was apparent, but neither of them said it aloud.
Are we going to let them get away with it?
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the--sad--hatter · 5 years
Frozen Heart (2)
When Nick Fury finally catches the Ex-Shield Agent knowns Black Ice, The Thief with a Frozen Heart he puts her where she belongs. With The Avengers.
You’re not happy about that decision but you’re the only one who’s kicking up a fuss.
Natasha and Clint are happy to have you back in their lives, Sam Wilson is a big fan, Tony Stark just wants you to keep your hands off his stuff and Steve finds out that not only do you have a connection but you were there for him when nobody else was.
Bucky Barnes is one of the few people who doesn’t have a connection with you but he’d really really like one.
** Everything in Italics is being signed, not said out loud.**
Chapter Two - Batman and Supergirl
You couldn’t move, your arms were packed close to your sides and there was no room. Your heart beat erratically in your chest as you swallowed your whimpers, trying desperately not to make a noise. Something dripped onto your face and ran down it, something warm and thick and metallic smelling. Another drop splashed down on you and you realised it was blood.
You were trapped and scared and nobody was coming to help you. You tried to scream but no noise came out, you couldn’t get the noise out. You heard someone yelling your name and tried to call for help but you couldn’t. The person calling you got louder and you were shaking uncontrollably. Your eyes snapped open and you gasped. You weren’t shaking, someone was shaking you.
As soon as you realised that, you realised you weren’t trapped it was just a dream. You sprang to your feet, pushing whoever woke you away. Your bare feet slapped across the wooden floor as you rushed to the window, pushing it open and letting the cool air wash over you as you tried to control your breathing.
You leant your forehead against the cold window pane and looked out at the view, drinking it in, letting it pull you out of the nightmare and back into reality.
“You good?” Clint’s gruff voice asked you.
You turned your head to look at him and your eyes answered for you. Clint felt like he’d been punched in the chest when he saw that haunted look in your eyes.
“You having that nightmare again? I thought it stopped?” He asked.
You shook your head and pushed your palms into your eyes, trying to push the tears back in.
“Ice, how long has this been going on?”
You shrugged and sluggishly dragged yourself across the room to sit on the bed.
“Since you left?” He pushed.
You looked up at him he tugged the his ear to make sure you understood.
“It doesn’t happen every night.” You told him.
“But it happens a lot? What about the rest of it?” He pressed.
“Yeah, a lot. Most days I’m ok but some days I can’t go use an elevator.”
Clint sighed heavily and rubbed his head as he thought it over. He had thought you were past this.
“He tied me to the chair and I couldn’t move. I just lost it.”
The Scorpion had tied you up and it was triggering old memories, making old phobias resurface. Clint groaned and threw himself backwards onto you bed, making you bounce.
“I’ll stay. Come on, get some sleep. Don’t argue. Tired. Sleep.”
He hadn’t had to do this since you were a teenager but if it meant you felt safe there honestly wasn’t a lot he wouldn’t do and this was easy.. You curled into a ball at the end of the bed and drifted back to sleep. It never occurred to you to wonder how he had known you were having a nightmare if he didn’t have his hearing aids in.
You woke up ever so slightly a few minutes later as Natasha crept into the room and climbed onto the bed as well, kicking Clint out of the way so she could lie with her head next to yours. Her hair tickled your face but you didn’t brush it away, it was a happy reminder that you weren’t alone.
You slept deep and dreamless and when you woke up in the morning it was to be reminded of something.
Clint Barton was a fucking octopus. It was ridiculously adorable but not what you needed right now, what with the claustrophobia being a bit of a dick. You prised his arms off of your calf with some difficulty.
“I know you’re awake.” You hissed at Natasha.
Other than a minute upturn at the corner of her mouth she didn’t respond. You got Clint off of you and he rolled over in his sleep and quickly attached himself to Tasha instead. You snorted at the unintentional vengeance.
“Bring back coffee.” She ordered as you left the room.
You would, but you had another stop to make first.
Ten minutes later you gave the butterflies in your stomach a stern talking to as you knocked on Bucky’s door. There was some shuffling for a moment before he answered.
“I was unconscious for nine days and when I woke up I was made an Avenger against my will and then Natasha kicked me in the face really hard and I just kept meeting new people and I think my brain short circuited and that’s why I was so rude but I’m very sorry and I brought you coffee please don’t hate me.” You blurted out, only realising your lack of punctuation too late as you practically thrust the coffee cup towards Bucky.
Bucky had only just managed to convince himself that he wasn’t even that attracted to you anyway and now here you were, standing at his door with big pleading eyes and rumpled bed hair while you bit your bottom lip nervously.
He tried really hard to think of something to say. Anything. Just words in general.
“Thanks for defrosting Steve, he came in quite handy.” He finally said.
He wondered if he could program his arm to repeatedly punch him in the face but you laughed and he suddenly didn’t regret saying it any more.
He reached out and took the coffee cup from you and definitely didn’t sigh in disappointment when your fingers didn’t brush against his.
“Thank you.” He said, so softly you probably didn’t hear it as you smiled and waved goodbye as you walked backwards away from his door.
When Bucky shut his door you breathed a sigh of relied and did a fist pump in mid air before you remembered Stark had his AI watching you.
Straightening up you clasped your hands behind your back and casually walked back to your room.
“Where’s the coffee?” Natasha asked you with a death glare.
“Uhhh, I thought I would come and ask what you would like for breakfast.” You said, covering up the fact you had forgotten her coffee.
She narrowed her eyes at you and you knew she wasn’t buying it but you also knew she would pretend she was if it meant you made her breakfast.
“French Toast, the cinnamon one you make with the chocolate and berries.” She decided.
Something told you she had missed your cooking.
Halfway through making the breakfast you started to get irritated. This was the sixth time Tony Stark had casually walked past the kitchen door. You put the mixing bowl down ans tiptoed to the door.
Right on schedule he walked past and you made him jump.
“Morning.” You said cheerfully.
“Ice Queen.” He said, eyes narrowing at you.
“I’m making breakfast, if you’re hungry?” You asked him nicely.
“What’s your game? Why are you here?” He asked, crossing his arms and trying to intimidate you.
You sighed heavily and rolled your neck to loosen it up. You had tried to be nice, as far as you were concerned whatever happened next was on his head.
“Listen to me you over-hyped, flying Coca-Cola can. If I were here for nefarious purposes you’d never have seen me coming. I’m here because I woke up here and was told I had to join the Power Rangers.”
Stark didn’t look convinced at all.
“How come nobody knew about you then? Out of the blue Clint announces he has a sister, an adopted one but he won’t tell anyone where you came from. The only people who know you are the two spy’s and the person who dumped you on my doorstep was Fury. Who are you really?” He demanded.  
“Fine. You want to know who I am?”
“Kinda why I asked.”
You dropped to bowl of egg batter on the counter with a clatter and took a deep breath. Stark perked up as you steeled yourself to tell him.”
“When I was a child, my planet, Krypton, was dying. I was sent to Earth to protect my cousin. But my pod got knocked off-course, and by the time I got here, my cousin had already grown up and become... Superman. And so, I hid my powers, until recently when an accident forced me to reveal myself to the world.” You told him seriously.  
He went from intrigued to annoyed and scoffed as he glared at you, walking away.
“To most people, I am an assistant at CatCo Worldwide Media. But in secret, I work with my adoptive sister for the D.E.O. to protect my city from alien life and anyone else that means to cause it harm. I AM SUPERGIRL!” You yelled after his retreating figure.
“Morning Supergirl.”
You jumped at the voice and turned round to see Steve Rogers casually leaning against the fridge with a semi-amused semi-guilty expression.
“Jesus Cap, how did you even get in here without me noticing you?” You asked him, hand on your chest as you tried to stop you heart exploding out of it.
“I’m Batman.” He said simply and you snorted a laugh at his clever response.
“Well played.” You told him, going to retrieve your eggs and whisking them.
“Can I help?” He asked, looking around at all your ingredients with an air of curiosity.  
“You can put those biceps to work and whisk this because I can’t feel my arm anymore.” You told him sheepishly.
Steve laughed and prised the bowl away from you.
“I was hoping to catch you this morning actually, I want to talk to you.” He said as he effortlessly whisked.
You almost didn’t hear him, you were mesmerized by his arms.
“I brought him coffee and apologised!” You quickly blurted out.
“What?”He asked, perplexed.
“What?”You were now also perplexed.
“You brought who coffee and apologised for what?”He followed up.
So presumably he didn’t want to talk about Barnes then.
“Nobody. What did you want to talk about?” You weren’t sure why you lied.
Alright it was because you were embarrassed. Apparently so was he as his cheeks went a little pink.
“I wanted to thank you. For being there for me when they pulled my from the Ice. If I had known I would have never left it this long before thanking you. I don’t want you to think I’m ungrateful.” He said, passing the bowl back to you.
“It was an honour, no really it was. I practically grew up on stories of you, especially whenever Coulson was babysitting. When Shield found you they didn’t even have to ask. Even if you weren’t a hero though, I wouldn’t have left you like that.” You informed him.
You were telling the truth. You knew who Steve Rogers was but when you saw him frozen he wasn’t Captain America to you anymore, he was just somebody you needed to help. Knowing he was alive in that Ice had broken your heart and you spent days without sleep to make sure he was alright as you melted the Ice around him.
“I still owe you a thank you.” He said seriously.
“Consider me thoroughly thanked.”You told him with a grin.
You noticed that wherever you moved around the kitchen as you cooked up a storm, he moved with you. He was making sure he was in your eyeline. It was kind of the same way you moved around Clint and your heart melted as you realised that the Captain was trying to make sure you could read his lips. It must be left over behaviour from when he was around Clint.
You passed the first plate of toast to him with a warm smile.
“Here, hope you enjoy it.” You told him.
He looked mildly surprised at how edible the Cinnamon French Toast with Strawberries, Raspberries and Warm Chocolate Sauce looked.
“So you can cook?” He said, sitting down with the plate and tucking in.
You didn't answer, you’d let his taste buds do that for him. As soon as he put the fork in his mouth he let a very sinful moan and you stifled a laugh. You may have also blushed because well... Steve Rogers, pornographic moans... Who wouldn’t blush at that?
“It’s good, really really good.” He praised you as he dove straight in for another bite.
“Between Clint and Tasha I had to learn how to cook or I’d have grown up on cereal and Pizza.” You told him as you pottered about, making Natasha’s breakfast.
“About that..” He started and you smirked.
“You want to know why you’ve never heard of me?”
“If you want to tell me?” He offered.
“Clint, Natasha and Fury faked my death. Clint never told you because what would be the point? As far as the world knew, Black Ice was dead. Plus they are spies. Keeping secrets is kind of their thing.” You scoffed.
“Why did they fake your death, why did you?”
“I wanted out. Out of Shield. I just couldn’t take it any more. I... lost someone.” You told him.
He put down his cutlery and gave you his full attention.
“I’m sorry.” He told you softly.
When people for apologised for your loss it never meant much. They weren’t sorry, they felt sorry for you. Steve was sincere though and you weren’t feeling the usual irritation you felt at those words.
“It was a long time ago. I guess I’m back in the game now, whether I want to be or not.” You said, covering the pain with a smile.
“Who did you lose?”
You weren’t going to tell him, you didn't like to talk about it at all but memories of stories about Peggy Carter flashed in your mind. Steve would understand.
“My fiancée. He was a Shield agent, like me. He died during a mission gone wrong.”
A love story that was ended before it had a chance to really begin. Steve knew how that felt. He knew that there wasn’t anything he could say that you would want to hear.
“I’m going to take Natasha’s her breakfast before she comes looking for me, probably with knives in hand.” You told him.
“Good idea. Hey, thanks for this. It’s delicious.” He said, shovelling more toast into his mouth.
“Anytime Captain.”
An hour later you’d finally managed to chase a well fed Tasha and Clint from your room so you could shower and get dressed. Clint had told you he wanted you to meet someone you’d missed meeting at diner last night after you fled so as soon as you were ready you went searching for him.
He was in the common room, talking to a young woman. You recognised her straight away from the News. Wanda Maximoff, The Scarlet Witch.
“Hello.” You greeted, poking your head into the room and waving.
“Ice, come here. I want you to meet Wanda.” Clint said, standing up and pulling you into the room.
He seemed flustered and nervous as he hovered beside the two of you. He must really want you to get along.
“So you’re the one who can read minds huh? Can you read mine?” You asked her, arching your brow.
She looked taken aback for a second before a smirk graced her features.
“It’s not difficult to do, especially with smaller less developed minds. Yours is very easy to see into.”
You could have heard a pin drop in the silence that followed.
“Are you calling me stupid? Did she just call me stupid?” You demanded, hands flying about angrily.
“Not stupid, just less developed.” She clarified.
“I’ll develop you into a damn ice statue in a second witch.” You hissed.
Clint looked stricken at the turn of events.
“What? No! Ice calm down. Wanda this is my sister, she’s very nice. Please be nice to her.” He pleaded quickly.
You couldn’t keep up the charade and neither could Wanda and you both dissolved into fits of giggles at the terrified and worried look on his face.
“Pleasure to meet you Wanda. I think you and I are going to get along just fine.” You sniggered.
“I think so too.” She said with a pleased grin.
“What just happened?” Clint demanded, confused and a little worried still.
“Ice hinted I should try to read her mind and when I did she told me to help her play a little trick on you.” Wanda told him with a laugh.
“Oh no.” Clint groaned.
“Oh yes.” You rebutted.
“No, the two of you combined are going to be the death of me.” He groaned.
“Care to join me outside? I’d love to see your powers in action.” You told Wanda, ignoring Clint’s semi breakdown and offering her your arm.
She linked her arm through your with an adorable giggle as she shot Clint an apologetic look and left the room with you.
“Yes, I’ll help you.” She told you before you even asked.
You had been about to tell her you were out of practice with your own abilities and ask her if she would mind helping you get them back under control but apparently there was no need.
“I will not peek on purpose, it happens from time to time. Especially when you are so nervous. I will not share anything I hear, I swear. I can’t help it.” She informed you.
You didn’t need to be a mind reader to know she was nervous herself. She was worried she’d scare you off.
“Read my mind whenever you want. Really. Just know I don’t like to talk about most of what's up there and for the love of all that’s holy don’t tell Clint.” You sniggered.
Her face lit up at your easy acceptance and invitation and she squeezed your arm affectionately. You preened at having put that look on her face.
Your new friendship with Wanda quickly turned out to be a life saver as her quick thinking and red misty shield was the only reason you hadn’t accidentally blasted a hole in the side of the compound with an ice rock. You’d only been trying to make a snowflake.
“You are out of practice.” She frowned as she trudged over the shattered shards of ice.
“At least the grass will get watered?” You offered.
“My powers are tied into my emotions. Maybe yours are as well? I think until you find a way to deal with your emotions, trying to control your abilities may be futile.” You told you sadly.
“Yeah. Yeah, you might be right.” You begrudgingly admitted.
Anyone else and you’ve have told them to fuck off but she was literally in your head. It was actually kind of a relief to have someone in your brain like this, you didn’t have to hide anything or have to talk about it either.
“You have already started to open up to The Captain, perhaps you can speak to him. Or Sam, Sam is kind and he’s a therapist.”
“I’ll think about it.” You told her.
She raised an eyebrow at you and you rolled your eyes.
“Alright, I won’t. But I’ll try to consider opening up.” You offered.
“It’s a start.”
Despite the Icy mishap you were in a great mood. Initially you’d been pissed about having to join the team but you’d already made friends, Natasha was talking to you again and you had really really missed your brother. Spending time with Clint was already making you feel better. So you practically skipped to the lab to see Dr Banner, excited to have a Science buddy.
It went horribly wrong almost straight away.
Stark was there, glaring at you as Banner tried to show you something under a microscope and explain it and as he stormed over to kick you out of his lab and as you turned round to get into an argument with him you knocked something over.
You didn’t know what it was but as you watched it sail across the room in slow motion you had the sinking feeling it wasn’t going to be good, because it was headed straight for Stark.
The glass beaker smashed across Stark’s arm and straight away he was hissing and swearing in pain. An alarm started blaring and you panicked.
“Don’t hulk out!” You yelled at Banner as you tried to pull Tony’s shirt off.
Sam could hear the alarm and yelling from the lab as he approached it and hurried his pace, rushing into the room ready to spring into action but the sight that met him was so perplexing he wasn’t sure what to do.
Banner was stood in the corner reciting the periodic table at the top of his voice, Stark was rolling on the floor and you were stood in the middle of the chaos with a fire extinguisher as you sprayed Tony.
“Louder Dr Banner!” You instructed as you gently kicked Stark to see if he was still conscious.
Sam backed out of the room slowly as you started spraying Tony with the extinguisher again. No way he was getting involved in that.  
“It was an accident!”
“You threatened to knock Bruce out if he didn't recite the periodic table! Why?” Clint demanded, trying to look stern and not laugh.
“I didn’t want him to Hulk out! I was trying to help!”
“Accidents happen in the lab all the time, he wasn’t going to Hulk out.”
“I didn't know that!”
“Why’d you spray Tony with a fire extinguisher?”
“He said it was burning! I thought I was helping!” You insisted.
“You’re a walking disaster.”
“You’re a hypocrite, Remember Birmingham?”You said with a smug look.
“We agreed never to speak of that again.”
“Well I think we should add today to the list of taboo subjects.”
“What the hell are they doing?” Tony asked Natasha as he watched you and Clint wave your hands at each other through the glass.
She glanced over and smirked.
“Arguing about who’s the bigger dumbass between the two of them.”
“Why aren’t they talking? Why are they doing it in secret?”
“They’re just used to using ASL to talk. It’s habit.”
“Why? Some sort of spy thing?” Tony snapped.
“Stark, you do know that Clint is deaf don’t you?”
“What? No he’s not. I speak to him all the time.” Tony said.
“He has hearing aids in.” Banner supplied, like it was obvious.
Which it was. To everyone except Tony apparently.
“Why did you think I was signing to Clint whenever I speak to him?” Natasha asked.
“I didn’t know you were, I thought you were just really animated when you talked. Like angry Italians.” He insisted.
Natasha smacked him across the back of the head.
“Ow, what was that for?”
“For being an idiot.” She told him and stormed off.
“Everyone else knew Tony.” Bruce sighed.
Tony sulked.
“Yes Boss, I knew.” Friday told him.
“That’s not what I was going to say. You know what forget it. Change the alarm protocols, make sure there are visual cues. Flashing lights, maybe some sort of vibrations?”
He didn't notice you and Clint had stopped arguing to watch him through the glass with twin looks of amusement.
“Well that settles it. Stark is the biggest idiot.”
“Are you alright?” Bucky demanded as he burst into the room.
He rushed over to you and started looking you over frantically.
“Uh, I’m fine.” You stammered.
“I heard there was an accident in the lab you were involved in.” He said.
“Oh for fuck sake. Perfect.” You snapped, storming away.
Everybody knew, brilliant. Second day here and you were already getting a reputation. You were so annoyed you didn’t see the hurt look on Bucky’s face as you stormed off.
He sighed as he realised he’d messed up again. He was just worried you might have been hurt, he didn’t mean to offend you somehow. Would he ever get this right?
“Wait!” He shouted at you, running after you.
Clint stifled a laugh as the super soldier rushed away.
“What?” You whined, turning to look at him with a pout.
You bottom lip was protruding and it was so distracting that he nearly tripped over his own feet. Stumbling to a stop in front of you he realised he didn’t actually have anything to say, he just hadn't wanted you to leave.
“Don’t do it again. Be so stupid I mean. Just... be careful.” He instructed you.
“Got it, I’m an idiot. Everyone knows it and they would like me to stop. Message received.” You snapped at him and walked off again.
He was going to throw himself off the roof, he really was.
“It’s just dangerous around here, you could get hurt if you aren’t careful. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
You looked back at him and saw nothing but sincerity in his eyes. You wrapped your arms around yourself nervously and nodded to show you’d understood before picking up your pace and quite literally running away from him.
Bucky threw his head back and groaned. Great, you weren’t offended now, you were just sad. He turned and walked in the opposite direction, berating himself with every step.
“Hey Buck, where are you headed?” Steve asked as he passed him in the corridor.
“The roof probably.” Bucky grunted.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Again, thank you to my Beansy for helping me out with how to handle writing a deaf character.
I'm floored by the response to this so far. Writing my second fic is actually more nerve-wracking than writing my first.
I'm trying to make these chapters longer and smoother. I'm editing like a bitch and just really trying to improve the quality and I really really hope it shows!
I'd love to know what you think of Ice so far and the relationship and personalities of the other characters.
  @shirukitsune @thelostallycat @jsmith509 @buckitybarnes @aw-shit-nuggets @pleasefollowmeuwu @nerdy-bookworm-1998 @boxofteenageideas @jaynnanadrews @psychoredpanda @marbleowl @l0kisbitch @brownlee-22 @fluffeh-kitty @mywinterwolf @poppunkassbitch @angieptt 
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