#And then there's Bowser who just rolls his eyes every 5 minutes because he finds all the mushy stuff too soft and boring
itsamenickname · 1 year
What kind of movies do you think Luigi and Bowser would like watching? I can honestly see Bowser being a huge horror movie fanatic while Luigi is more into the romcom movies.
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jenna347-blog · 4 years
Chapter 5 (Koopa Kingdom fanfiction) draft I may edit this later on
                               Chapter 5
               (Meanwhile Ludwig point of view)
Me, Lemmy, Morton jr., Iggy, and Roy went out to find and rescue Kamek and King/Prince of Koopa. As soon as they arrived at the kidnappers' hideout according to Iggy’s’ tracking device, and the castle looked familiar. “If my calculation is correct, I believe our father, brother, Kamek all should be here you guys.” “I hope you’re correct Iggy because I don’t want to go through this bullshit again.” Roy said in a concerning tone. “Yea Iggy, maybe this could be a damn trap bruh.” Lemmy replied while Iggy pulled out a 3D blueprint watch layout of the building. “Look, I know this could be a damn stretch, but I placed a tracking device microchip while they were sleeping, and those dots on my blueprint is their exact location. At longs, we follow this carefully we may rescue our king, prince, and Kamek….” I interrupted him. “Sorry to interrupt you, Iggy, even though this is a good idea. But I should make the decisions around here as a true leader should.” “Well, “Mr. Leader” if you let me finish maybe you know that I was going to say that we need to make sure stick together and make sure we’re not detected, it shouldn’t take us maybe not even 30-60 minutes if you follow my league.” They all agreed, Iggy made sure to disarm any type of alarm, CCTV, and in case they had body heat sensors. As soon he was finished, he finally transported us inside making sure no one notice once we entered. “Okay guys, and before you say or do anything stupid like you always do Roy. Roy gave Iggy type of look how dear you say something so foul. Don’t give me that look, Roy, you know it’s true, but anyway it says that they’re located on the other side of the building. If we are very careful and not make any sound, we could rescue them in a snap.” “Don’t you think we should split up to make sure we get every area in this castle bruh?” Lemmy asked I replied to his question by saying. “You may have a point, but like Iggy had said before we need to make sure we stick together just in case we can charge at our enemies head-on. Plus, this place is like a maze and could be boobytrapped” “I guess you’re a right bruh.” “Stop lollygagging around chumps, let’s get our family and get the fuck out of his, the others are probably worried sick about us by now.” I thought to myself that Jennifer was worried about me as well, felt the same way about her. I knew I couldn’t contact her to make sure she was okay, because we both knew if she ever gets caught in my room she could go straight to the dungeon. Feel like I love way too damn much to ever lose her, it’ll break my heart. “Look I’m the only one who should make the decisions here wellbeing the leader and all. I think we should split up: I and Lemmy will go left and two just go straight, think we could make it out better that way. Not just that we have wands and not just that Iggy and I aren’t stupid, unlike some people that we know.” “HEY!! Who are you calling…”? “Who cares, and you two want someone to hear us you loudmouths, and back to you Ludwig you may be the oldest and share the same IQ, but I still have the right equipment to figure out our way around this damn castle, so if you just want to use your wand fine by me. Just don’t cry to me when you both are going to bloody die, let’s go Roy seems like our brother thinks he’s better than us.” Lemmy shockingly looks at me. “Ludwig, this doesn’t seem like you in any way, not just that I never would think you’ve called me and Roy stupid. If you feel that way about us, then I think that we should separate as well. This is probably why dad picked Jr to become the future king of our land, going with Iggy and Roy, please think about it for a minute because I don’t want to be near someone who acts like because I miss the old Ludwig. Yo, wait up for me bros.” While walking towards the end of the hallway had long thought about what Lemmy had said and he was right about it including Iggy and Roy. But at the same time should know that I’m trying to prove to our father that I could take charge, even though I truly hate my ratchet family still must have to make my father think I’m better than those morons. They just don’t understand I must take over that kingdom for my own, at the same time can’t allow them to see that maybe the reason why I reacted the way I did towards them was that I truly miss Jennifer even though we just that but it felt like that we knew each other for a very long time. As soon as I went towards the end of this hallway, I hear some mumbling in one of these rooms it could be them or could be a trap, placing my hand against the wooden door trying to magically can see what’s going on on the other side of the door. Looks like them but at the same time it doesn’t, trying to phone-in Iggy, Lemmy, and Roy nobody answers thought they were still pissed, so I left a message trying to tell them that I could’ve found them in this room. Once I did so, Lemmy was the one who called me back via face cam but only wanted to communicate in a whisper. “Yo Ludwig, when I, Iggy, and Roy went to our separate ways somebody just snapped them into a room, but I ran away before they could get to me. You need to come by, and we need to figure out what to do bruh.” “Sure Lemmy, I’ll be there in a quick minute. Replied and used transporting spell to his location. Ok, so what the hell happened, and why didn’t you help in any way?” “I got scared okay damn bruh. Let’s just find them including pops, Junior, and Kamek.” I just wish he wasn’t so damn careless, so he shows me the room that the guys that grabbed them into. Like I thought it would be bloody empty, and I asked him was he sure that he saw these unknown people snatch them into this room. He was for certain that he had seen them doing this, thought maybe they had gone into a hidden passageway either behind the bookshelf or underneath the floor, the only one that would work was the false floorboard. “Ludwig, I don’t think we should go down there, because we could get caught.” “I don’t think we have anything to worry about don’t be stupid and so damn scared of everything.” “Yea, tell that Iggy and Roy the same thing bruh.” While rolling his eyes, I could tell that he felt like a total wimp kind of like Larry in away.  “Whatever, just help me get this bookshelf open maybe they through here.” (I just wanted to get this over with and make Bowser see I should be the one who could take over the Koopa kingdom and not that damn brat, while my beloved become a queen of all koopas. I miss my princess the sooner I get them the better.) “Damn dude it's so damn dark in these halls.” “What do you expect? It’s a damn tunnel and keeps it down we may get caught.” “Maybe we should at least have a torch to lead the way you know how I feel with dark areas.” (Please kill me). “Okay, let me figure out where we could find something to “light up this room” or I got one deal with the darkness… Forgot about his rainbow hair and war face makeup tends to act like a glow stick. Maybe we could use your hair and your war face paint as a glow stick to find our way towards our family.” “Bruh, I’m just hoping that we don’t run into a trap would be a bummer…. (Mumbling). If I’m correct that sounds like Iggy and Roy.” “Let’s slowly go in to make sure this isn’t a trap like you had mentioned before. As I slowly crept up towards “Iggy and Roy” only finding out that these were dummies and a recording the door behind had slammed shut before it did, we saw the crooks who kidnapped them in the first place. Damnit, can’t believe we fell for that bull!” (Fawful on a projector) “Is this mic working? There it goes, hello Ludwig and Lemmy, I hope you like your new room because I wanted to make sure you koopalings were in a pleasant place to be in.” “Where’s our family you monster?” Trying to act like a tuff 4-year-old child. (Great job Lemmy) “Aww! You’re so damn cute little Koopa if I told you that what would be the fun in that right. Oh yeah, before I forget Ludwig, I think you would love this new gift that one of my goons had grab from your room. But some birdy had told me that nobody in your family knows about your little princess I heard she’s from a different universe, you’re probably wanted to know how I know all about this outsider. But Fawful would promise you that this young lady would be treated so damn well, don’t worry about anything my dear Ludwig, because if you try anything maybe just maybe you’re going to be the next red cap mustache fat plumber, who knows right but I’m going to keep you from your woman, adopted father, grandfather, or your brothers right. Oh yeah before I let you two go also got the rest of your clan as well, just because like before Fawful is going to take over Koopa, Beam Bean, and that got damn mushroom kingdom a place that your dumb drunk ass father tried to take something that belongs to yours truly…. Muffling and crying Fawful slaps Jennifer. You better shut the hell up! I wanted to kill him so damn bad I think I’ll let you go have a great day.” “Ludwig, you allowed an outsider into our castle, what the fuck is wrong with you bruh? You always called me and Morton dumb, but I think this is the worst thing that you ever have done.” “I didn’t she came all on her own, I thought she was working for the Mushroom kingdom but the time we got to know each other we started to love each other. Look Lemmy I know you wouldn’t understand, but she’s my princess and my everything, if I lose here don’t know what I’m going to do anymore can’t live without her.” “Hey look, man, even though I shouldn’t get mad at you because our dad did the same thing right. We could get through this just need to figure out a way to fight for our family, you’re the best leader that we could ever ask for, so why are we standing around and acting like the end of the world let’s go get them. So, what do you think do you want to save our family and your princess? While holding his hand out, I guess he was trying to say was “everyone can fall, but we can get back on the horse again”. Hmmm. Maybe we could use our wands to get out of here and try to reach towards them.” “The only problem would be if Fawful has CCTV with audio around here, don’t want him to catch on with our plans.” Lemmy took out a pen and notepad he said, “just take your wand from your hair, try to see if they’re any cameras in the room and if so, try to get rid of them.” I thought this could work but had to think about this, even though we can’t just sit here and do nothing while our family even though I kind of despise them, but I need to save my deadly princess she needs me more than ever. So, I went along with his plans did so, but I had to make sure I do this correctly without setting any alarms. (One of the Cameras breaks and waits). “Hopefully that works, but I have a feeling that’s not the only one in this room. I don’t know why but that was too damn easy.” “Maybe I could get a whack at it bruh. Putting his wand on his temple guessing if he could find a trick on allowing him to find a way to destroy the motherboard. Okay, bro, I found something to make sure he wouldn’t expect a damn thing, Iggy once showed me a trick to destroy a switchboard if it connects via CCTV going towards body heating type scanners.” “Don’t just tell me this just do it, Lemmy.” Heard something in the distances, then the door finally opened, didn’t think he was this clever with anything, or at least listen to either me or Iggy. “Okay, hopefully, that’ll allow us to get around this castle for now before Midbus tries to fix it. But I don’t have to worry about old pig boy though bruh. Saying all of this while laughing. But maybe I could my wand to try to use it like a wishbone and try to find them that way.” “You mean we could’ve done that from the start, Lemmy!” Grabbing him by his shirt. “Oh, I didn’t say that before, even though if I did tell you, you’ll think I was beyond stupid bruh.” “And if you fuck up this time, and my princess dies. I’m either going to kill you by breaking you into pieces or allow Fawful to do anything he wants to you.” “Yeah bruh you got my word, please let me go. Replying as he was barely breathing, then I let him go. Thought you would never let me go, don’t know what’s wrong with you man starting to worry me bruh, just calm down we’ll find her trust me on this one bruh. Trying to get a signal on his wand finally got something northwest of the castle. I think we’re so damn, says that they should be right in this room.” “You better be right boy, like I said someone is going to see their maker. Once we enter this room, and there was my beautiful princess including our family. Trying to untie them, as soon they were free my dear love was trying to say something and looks like she wanted to tell us someone was behind us. “Oh, Ludwig and Lemmy Koopa, you thought it was going to be that easy to defeat me. Midbus, get these nasty little Koopas and show them how we do it in Bean Beam Kingdom mon.” “Sure thing Lord Fawful.” “Lemmy, just try to get them out of here I’ll take Midbus head-on.” Lemmy took his wand and tries to take them back to the castle, but some reason his wand doesn’t work in this room. “Dammit, dude! I guess we must do this old fashion way. Saying this while Midbus is beating every living shit out of me. (Muffling). Are you trying to say something strange lady? Let me take this bandana off your face okay.” “First Lemmy I do have a damn name, and second Fawful if you don’t let us go, I’ll make you pay for everything you have done to us.” “Oh, Jennifer, you think you could do anything in this universe. Not even the Mario bros could finish me off, it got so bad that they needed King Bowsers' help tried to stop me from taking over Bean Beam, Koopa, and the Mushroom Kingdom. But guess what Fawful keeps coming back for more Fawful never stops keeps moving forward, so if you think some low life human could stop me, I would like to see you try.” Starts laughing, but that quickly ended when he heard Midbus being dropped to the ground moaning in pain later died when from having his neck snapped. “Don’t you lay a hand on her you little ingrate. I can see in the corner of my eye my deadly princess whispering to Lemmy with an evil smirk for some reason I already knew he was going to do something looking back at Fawful. I think my love wants to do something to you, Lemmy maybe we should allow her to torture Mr. Fawful. I want you to untie our family get them out of here while I and Jennifer deal with him” “Sure thing bruh.” “I know you want to hate me King Bowser, but this isn’t the time to do so we can talk about this when we get back to the castle. Now for you Fawful, you had kidnapped the wrong chick today little boy. As Jennifer throws him across the room. Is there any way to reverse the spell barrier, so we could make this torture so much fun? Bowser nods even though I could tell that he was kind of piss for her trespassing into our castle, but also knew this wasn’t the perfect time to start an argument and started to head back to the castle while I and Jennifer handle Fawful.  Now back at you little monster. Would you like to know what I could do? Well, when I was back in Ludwig’s’ room, found a book that I could let say have 2 voices in the same mind, instead of rambling on, Lira can just show you what I’m rambling on about right.” (summons Lira). “It’s nice to meet you Mr. Fawful heard so much about you my dear….” Fawful interrupts her after he spits in her face and being tied up. “I don’t know who you think you are, but when I get out of these ropes you and the Koopa clan are freaking dead. Not just that I’ll soon enough control all of these fine kingdoms.” I placed a gag ball in his mouth to shut him up. “His voice was so damn annoying now would you finish Ms. Lira.” “Oh, I sure can Mr. Ludwig, thank you so very much. Where was I oh yes, Ludwig could you help me torture our guest? He agreed to her offer. Great, Mr. Fawful would love to show you what we going to do for you and to you (a table full of drills and many other dangerous tools). Ludwig, please pick one of these lovely blunt objects to make our guest feel so good dear sir.” “Sounds good to me Ms. Lira, maybe I should try this torch lighting up this steal pole placing this on his face” An evil smile was upon both of our faces, too bad that my beautiful princess couldn’t experience this pleasure. While burning the pipe, Lira finds out that Fawful tries to untie himself and she prevents him to free himself. “Mr. Fawful you think you could get out of here that easily, not under my watch. Explains to him while giving out an evil laugh. Now, Ludwig, I hope that pipe is ready for some great burns, don’t worry my dear sir this wouldn’t hurt a bit maybe in my point of view, but a lot on you though.” Telling her that it finally was ready, placing it upon his face turning it around slowly, she told me that my beautiful princess was so damn happy that I cause him so much pain she also felt the same way. “Well, Fawful, I think it’s Lira turn to cause you some pain, and if she doesn’t mind it’ll get to the point, we may just torture you so much to the point you may die.” “Oh, Mr. Ludwig, my mother (Jennifer) picked the most perfect man, maybe we both could pour some acid on his pants and poke a hole through his cheeks and leaving it there.” Told her that we could use our magic to pour it on him so it wouldn’t cause any type of damage towards us. And when I tell you the sound of him suffering brought a joyful tear into my ears, it gave me a type of high I never had before, not just that reminds me of going to a classical play just so damn calming to me. “Aww, I think Mr. Fawful wants to leave because he is so much pain, even though we just starting this joyful torturing, so you can meet your beam bean kingdoms god right. Oh, I think my mother has a great point in trying something more painful. What do you think Mr. Ludwig? hopefully, you’re on board with her plans to make sure his death is the most dreadful and painful. I told her and my beautiful deadly princess that wanted to hear their ideas. Well, Mr. Ludwig, she wants me to take this drill and placing it into his bloody head to see how much these ratchet Beam Bean can take, then put it on repeat. What she meant by that is magical fix the hole but make him go through the same type of pain kind of a loop, I guess I shouldn’t take this forever. (Lira/Jennifer does this torture for about an hour). I think we need to move this torture along and just straight up kill him, because we’re getting kind of bored Mr.Ludwig I guess you can take the truly sweet lead my dear, this should be fun. Well, Mr. Ludwig, hopefully you have fun with our guest here Jennifer would see you back at the castle dear.” Explaining while disappearing. “Oh I’ll have so much fun with you. Maybe I’ll take my time, because you look like you could last a very long ass time dear sir. Let me see maybe I could grab this machete and start skinning you but you going to have this fun pain for hours on repeat till I feel bored enough to just end your life for good. Only reason I agree for this to happened not just because of my deadly princess/Lira, but our kingdom wanted to do this to you that ratchet stack of bacon for far too damn long now mostly me, and now that my dreams are coming true. Starting to skinned him from his left shoulder to his wrist, the screams that he made like I mention felt so wonderful to me like if I had a expenivse steak and red wine. (A hour later) See Fawful, that wasn’t bad right, now I’m going to gash your eyes out and after that I’m going to set you on fire. (gashing his eyes out with a sharp blade slowly he started to cry for bloody murder)After I done so grab myself a seat and just flat out told him. You know what Fawful, I may not even burn you alive. Shocking I know, but wouldn’t be fun if I did at the same time I don’t want to have my deadly dark princess waiting in the castle with those no good losers. Maybe I should just cut your head off and put it on the stakes, you’re head would put me first in line for Koopa Kingdom throne, (Got the biggest knife that I could find plus making it sharper) I’ll make sure your death painful as possible.” Started to cutting his limps off piece by piece very slowly, dumping his limbs in a bucket filled with a very strong and deadly acid. Now all was left was his torso, after that I chup his head off and placing it in a burshack bag. Decided to take some gasoline making a trail from this room-outside about 30 feet from the castles entrance, using my wand as a made shift ligther. Then magically tellaported back to the castle, just like I thought everyone was waiting on your one truly. (Koopa Troopas chants Ludwig 4x) Brings a smile upon my face, but I didn’t see my princess anywhere maye she’s probarly in crowed cheering me on. “Koopa Kingdom, I come before you today to let you guys know that we don’t have to worry about that unlawful bean beam ever again include his minion Minbus. Because I of his head and blew up layor, but I didn’t act alone with the torture/killing of Fawful, would to like to announce if it’s okay with King Bowser that I bring up my beautiful partner Jennifer.”
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