#And then when she did all the food although delicious just looked like brown mush
sealionfriends · 7 months
my old coworker posted 6 slideshows on instagram with like 10 photos each from the 3 day weekend trip she went on with my terrible former supervisor and my other friend. One of the photos is just the bathroom of the airbnb! There's nothing special about it either. It's just a bathroom!
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croissantbae · 2 years
Oh my god I am so tired.  It’s 8 pm and I want to go to sleep so badly.  So many things have happened. 
Friday:  New Maria left for the evening and then I called Naomi back b/c I hd a missed FT call.  As soon as I hung up with Naomi, Maria came back in.  She then looked at me like she had something to say.  Immediately I was like “What’s wrong? Did you get into a car accident?”  She shook her head. I wondered if she needed more money.  It was so ominous.  But finally she told me she got a new job.  “I just got off the phone with the new family and they asked me to start on Monday.”  That day was going to be her last day!  It was so shocking because I was just talking to her that day about people she had been talking to for new job opportunities.  Neither of us were expecting it to come so fast.  She hugged the girls a million times and asked if it was ok and said she was sorry.  I was happy for her though.  She’s going to get paid more, its close to her house, and the baby is only 4 months so it’s going to be a much easier gig plus she’ll be able to stay there long term.  We had told her to start looking since Dani was goign to preschool in February and we already had old Maria (who wanted full time work too).  Jason was working so they couldn’t do a proper goodbye (she went into the office to say bye but they couldn’t fully talk).  Naya seemed to suspect something was wrong because she refused to smile or say bye.  Jason and I are beginning to wonder if she might be developing a complex about people leaving.  Cause Nela left her school, Somi moved away, her next best friend at school (Roy) also moved away, and now Maria was saying bye.  Dani on the other hand was totally oblivious and was cheesing it up in pics w/ Maria.  Maria started getting teary eyed and said she had to go.  She was truly the best nanny ever and we are planning to use her again in the future if we ever need late night babysitting or weekend babysitting.  It’s so sad to say goodbye and its kind of shocking that all of a sudden she’s out of our lives (for the most part).  But it’s good.  She kept talking about how she needed more work since her husband is retired.  And Old Maria wanted more work too (she’s been kind of aggro about it).  So this works out for the best for everyone but its still so sad.  Jason keeps talking about her too saying he misses her lol. And lamenting that our house is just going to be dirty from now on.
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Saturday: we went to Lawry’s for Christine’s birthday.  It was honestly the best experience.  The food was crazy delicious and I really enjoyed the decor/vibe.  It’s so unlike the decor of anywhere else lately.  It’s so ornate and decorative, whereas everyone else is about minimalism and modernism.  I ate so much food and it was all just mush in my mouth - creamed spinach, creamed corn, mashed potatoes, pink meat.  So freaking tasty. 
The company was really good too.  I really feel like everyone jells so well together now.  It was a round table so everyone was able to be a part of the conversation (although I think almost everyone probably felt like they were talking into air, with know one listening to them at some point haha).  But in any event energy was so good.  People were happy, the experience of seeing the cart coming around, ooh-ing and ahh-ing at the delicious food, talking about this and that.  And then freaking Jeff and Christine paid for the entire thing!!!!!! Baller status.  They also dressed the part.  jeff wore his glasses, a turtle neck and plaid pants.  Christine wore a classic fall brown colored-long jacket over a cute top and pants combo.  It was all perfection.  When we came home we were in such a good mood.  We got into bed around 12 and I couldn’t fall asleep for whatever reason but then at 1 for no reason dani woke up crying.  I went to get her and brought her into the bed but she just rolled around, kicking, blabbing, etc until 3:30.  We were so fed up we put her into the crib adn just left the room to sleep on the couches.  She straight up screamed like a lunatic and I was SURE my mom was about to come out at any minute to pick her up.  But by some miracle she didn’t hear.  She kept screaming “daddy!!! help me daddy!!!!!”  Jason was like why is she only calling me?? lol.  She went back to sleep eventually but the Ring app on my mom’s phone kept ringing.  It was seriously going off like every 10 minutes.  I got up at one point to try to find it so I could turn it off but I realized it was in the room w/ Naya so I gave up.  I basically didn’t sleep until 4:30 and woke up around 6:30.  Worst night of sleep of my entire life.  It felt even worse than the newborn days.  
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Sunday:  we went to Jason’s mom in the morning and she fed us a BOMB breakfast.  It was so good but it also made me feel like I was going to crash (you know that feeling when you eat something and it just makes your sleep deprivation feels worse and you need to sleep immediately).  But the girls were soooo cute playing w/ Rowan.  It was seriously adorable seeing them light up at seeing their baby cousin.  They didn’t even fully know how to play with him but they just hovered around him, hahah.  Then Jason took Naya to play pie.  He took one for the team b/c I had been watching the girls on my own a little bit since Jason’s been dealing with a lot of work emergencies.  I laid down w/ Dani and the rest was definitely helpful.  Afterwards we went to Eileen/Jordon’s place and had dinner and the girls got to play some more with Rowan (and Rowan’s toys).  It’s so funny how kids play together at this stage.  It’s basically just taking toys from each other and crying about how the other kid is not sharing.  Well that’s how Dani and Naya play lol.  They try to be a little gentler with Rowan, I think.  Except Dani.  She is not gentle to anyone lol.  I cant wait until they can all play independently.  It’ll be the best when it’s family time and we can just lock the kids together in a room and they can play card games or board games together.  But it was a really nice family day.  It had been a while since we went down to Fullerton. (The pics Eileen took are outrageously cute).
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Season 3 Episode 6: Queen of Puddings
I started watching GBBO at least four years ago, and yet I still do not know what a pudding technically is. Sometimes it seems to just be a catchall term for “dessert”. This VOX article claims that “A British pudding is a dish, savory or sweet, that's cooked by being boiled or steamed in something: a dish, a piece of cloth, or even animal intestine,” which is confusing, because I don’t think I did any of that for this week’s bake. (There were certainly no animal intestines involved.) But whatever a pudding is, this week I made the Queen of Puddings, at least as defined by Mary Berry.
Step one was to grease a ¼ liter shallow ovenproof dish, which I do not have. Off to a great start! In my defense, there is only so much room for baking equipment in my apartment’s kitchen. I dug this dish up from my parents’ house and went with it because it was oval-shaped, like Mary’s example photo, but it definitely doesn’t qualify as “shallow”. 
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Good enough.
Next up was to make a custard. First, I heated up milk, butter, lemon zest, and sugar in a sauce pan.
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Does this count as “boiling or steaming” something?
Then, I carefully poured my warm egg mixture into a bowl with my egg yolks, which I had already separated from the whites. I whisked it together, and a custard was born.
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To make this custard more substantial, it is poured over a base of bread crumbs. Mary’s recipe specifies “fresh” bread crumbs, but I did not have a bunch of semi-stale bread lying around, so pre-packaged bread crumbs it is.
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I told myself after my last bake that I’d stick to the recipe moving forward. Clearly that lesson did not sink in.
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Crumbs + custard
I put my dish into a roasting tin, filled the tin with water, and stuck the whole thing in the oven.
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At least my dish fits in the tin.
While my custard baked, I turned my attention to the next element of my bake: jam. Mary’s recipe suggests that you can use store-bought jam if you don’t want to make your own, but I have never made jam before and figured it was one of those things that was bound to come up sooner or later. Plus, I knew the bakers would have to do it, and I wanted to stay in the spirit of the competition. So I gave it a shot.
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I used a mixture of raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries, since that’s what I had on hand in my freezer, but it seems any “summer fruit” will do.
I had some trouble getting my frozen berries to fully reduce into a cohesive sauce, and after what felt like ages of cooking time, my jam still seemed a bit watery with big chunks of fruit.
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I guess this also counts as “boiling something”…
I decided to run my jam through a strainer, which didn’t help my watery-ness issue one bit, but I managed to mash the bigger pieces of fruit against the strainer to make them more sauce-like, and reincorporated it into the strained juice to produce something that could pass for jam, albeit a very runny one.
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It’s a pretty color, at least.
Meanwhile, it was time to pull my custard out of the oven. I think I overcooked it slightly, but I had trouble getting the custard to set as much as I felt it should.
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I baked the custard for about 35 minutes, instead of the 20-30 specified by the recipe.
While my custard cooled, it was time to make meringue. Luckily, I had some egg whites just sitting around that I had to separate from their yolks for the custard earlier. It’s always nice when a recipe doesn’t waste ingredients. Those egg whites and a bit of sugar quickly became meringue.
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Thanks, KitchenAid stand mixer!
Finally, it was time to assemble. First, I put my jam on top of my custard. I vastly overestimated how solid the custard was and dumped a whole bunch of jam right on top, which caused it to mix in a bit with the custard. I quickly realized that it was better to gently spoon the jam on top of the custard.
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Hopefully didn’t mess up the layers TOO much.
Next, it was time for meringue. I piped little poofs all over the top of the dish.
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I’m actually very proud of my piping on this one.
And with that, the whole thing was ready to go back in the oven to brown the meringue. Not too difficult, all said and done. But would the bakers agree?
Sarah-Jane isn’t feeling too confident heading into the technical, as per usual. “You just have to kind of draw on everything you know about… everything… ever… in the space of five minutes,” she says.
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I think Sarah-Jane might be my spirit animal.
Ryan has somehow never made custard or jam before, which leads me to question his GBBO preparation techniques.
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Even I’ve made custard before!
Mary explains that the Queen of Puddings is many families’ favorite pudding, which I guess presumes that said families eat a variety of puddings on a regular enough basis to choose a favorite.
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I’m really hung up on this whole “pudding” thing, I know.
As the bakers prepare their custards, Mel explains that they shouldn’t bake their custards too long or the surface will crack. I’m now thinking back to my own custard, which definitely had some cracks in the top. Whoops!
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I mean it will be covered in jam and meringue… no one will know. 
Next, it’s time to move on to the jam, and Brendan seems to be some kind of jam savant, explaining that he’s looking for a soft-set jam. After all, he says, “There are some advantages to being older… you learn the setting point of jam.”
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Like me, John has some problems with the jam running into his custard, although his are much worse.
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“Mary’s going to slap me in the face,” he moans.
The bakers seem intimidated by the meringue layer, which I find confusing. Meringue just… isn’t that hard?
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Here, Danny whips up a second meringue, worried that her first one was too runny.
Finally, all the puddings are in the oven. 
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Classic GBBO on-the-floor oven-watching pose.
Brendan seems to have gotten a nice golden brown color on the top of his meringue. Will this be the key to a technical challenge win?
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Like a perfectly roasted marshmallow.
During the judging, Mary announces that the glass dishes they gave the bakers were part of her evil plan, so she and Paul can see how even the layers are on the puddings.
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Feeling grateful for my ceramic dish right about now…
Unfortunately, James has overcooked his custard, which means it came out watery. 
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Would I fall victim to the same pitfall?
In the end, Brendan’s lifetime of jam knowledge proves useful, and he takes home the win.
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It does look like a rather royal pudding. 
My pudding was ready to come out of the oven, but would it be fit for a queen? First, here’s Mary’s example pudding… 
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That’s a very elegant shallow dish.
And here’s mine.
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Look at that piping!
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The slice admittedly didn’t look too delicious, but there’s a reason Mary’s photo only includes the dish – I just don’t think this one is meant to look pretty on the plate. The show also didn’t really showcase what the bakers’ slices/scoops of pudding looked like. So I’m pretty sure mine is about right. Also, Mary’s recipe said to serve with “pouring cream”, so that’s what the puddle is around the pudding, not melted custard. (The bakers did not seem to do that in the show).
I thought my Queen of Puddings was pretty regal, actually. The meringue had good volume and was nicely crispy, and the jam and custard layers actually held up on the plate. But now it was time to see if my esteemed panel of judges would agree.
Matt’s Review: I was actually full from dinner when I dug into this pudding, and I was worried it was going to be too heavy. But as soon as I took my first bite and felt how soft and airy it was, I quickly ate the whole thing. Turned out, that’s a purely mouth-feel thing and I got a horrible stomach ache. But it was worth it. It’s a bread mush with surprisingly complicated flavors—sweetness was potentially the least pronounced one there. The fluffy texture (which I have to assume Jenna nailed) really let you focus on those flavors. It’s a balancing act, and the pudding landed it gracefully. I have no way to fairly judge presentation, but I will add that there’s nothing better than having a Tupperware full of pudding arrive at your door.
Wilson’s Review: Beautiful presentation, clearly defined merengue structure. Some nice peaks, clearly have a steady hand with the piping. But, the color’s a bit light isn’t it? In the future maybe keep it in the oven for a touch longer, or up the heat. Cutting it open you’ve got some nice defined layers, well done. Flavor is good, you can really taste the summer in the jam. The lemon isn’t really coming through, and that’s a key element to balance the sweetness of the jam and the crisp of the meringue – need that acidity. Overall a very good bake, worthy of being served on anyone’s summer table. 
Final Thoughts: As Matt mentioned, the pudding was delivered to him in the least royal of ways, dumped unceremoniously in a Tupperware and left on his doorstep. So sadly he didn’t get to witness the beauty of my pudding in its original form, and personally, I thought it looked great. I also enjoyed eating it – the meringue was crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, and the custard was smooth and creamy. The jam was definitely a little runnier than a store-bought variety, but I did like it enough to use the leftovers on toast for several breakfasts, so it worked out well enough. And to Wilson’s point, it needed a little more browning on the top of the meringue – perhaps I should have used the broiler at the very end to get that nice golden color. Overall, this was not a particularly tough bake, which was a nice change of pace after trying to get pie dough to defy gravity for the last bake. I still don’t know what a pudding is, but I did enjoy eating it.
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hazbinextgeneration · 6 years
Dog biscuits
(This was done as a contest prize for a contest I held awhile back. Done by Palettepainter on DA. Dexter is mine. The Hazbin gang belongs to Vivziepop.)
It was a calm afternoon, a rarity when you lived in a building like the hazbin hotel. Most of the occupants of the building were off doing their own thing, besides Charlie, who was finishing off her last of the daily morning chores and finally finishing the mess and cleaning the breakfast foods off the walls The morning had started off as hectic as ever, just like the morning before, the blonde haired demon was more then relived to know that the usual chaos had died now. "Crymini?" The older demon leaned her head over to peer into the living room, "Hmm??" The teenage werewolf relplied with a lazy hum, slowly flicking through the channels on the hotels tv, that hadn't been broken yet.... "Do you know where the duster is??" She inquired as she walked over towards the couch "I haven't seen it, i checked the cleaning cupboard as usual but it isn't their...." she paused for a moment and scratched her head "....Maybe I left it upstairs...." "Niffty's got it..." the werewolf replied boredly as her search for a decent channel had been thus far fruitless. "Oh!! Thank you Crymini, I better go find her." Crymini honestly wasn't listening to her and was more focused on the television screen, she could vaguely hear Charlie say something, possibly too her, but she didn't really pay attention and before she could ask her what she said the demon was already climbing the stairs to the second floor. Silence. Crymini gave a bored groan, the same old drabble on the TV seemed to repeat over every other channel they had. More silence. .....when a loud explosion suddenly sounded from the basement. BANG Living with a hotel full of demons like herself, Crymini had long ago come to accept this as an average Wensday. With a sigh, she threw the remote onto the coffee table, then stood to investigate. She walked slowly over towards the door that led down to the basement, seconds pasted before her sharp ears caught hurried footsteps and then the door slamming open with a bang. The stairs to the basement had only sustained minimal damage, she noted. However, the thick black smoke that was gushing through the doorway could only suggest that the basement was a mess. Baxter leaned against the doorway in his coughing fit, his glasses dirty from the smoke and a small, slightly dirty puppy in his arms. Crymini rose a bold brow. "Sooo...guessing something went wrong??" Baxter looked up to her and wiped his glasses "C-Crymini.." his voice was scratchy as he held back a cough, still leaning on the door for support "What happened??" She said as she passed a glance down at her puppy that gurgled happily in the scientists arms. It had been maybe a few months over a year since Crymini and Baxter had...well...given Dexter life and the two were now finally starting to properly adjust to the situation, or at least Crymini was. "Only heavens knows!!" Baxter coughed and used one hand to wave at the air in a futile attempt to dispute the smoke that now began to fill the hallway. "Although I may have been...." Dexter gave a tiny kitten like sneeze, before gurgling and waving his little baby paws at his farther. "....slightly distracted..." It was true, since little Dexter had been born neither of the two really had the time to focus on themselves any more. This explosion, as huge as it was, couldn't compare to the explosion that happened just two days ago. .....it took Charlie and Vaggie ages to put out the fire. "Here." Crymini blinked in surprise and leaned back slightly when Baxter held Dexter out to her, at the sight of his mother the puppy gave a happy squeal and his little tail began to wag. "Me?! Why me??! Why not ask..um, Niffty!! Yeah, Niffty loves kids!!" Crymini attempted, and failed, to persuade Baxter as he simply placed the pup in her arms with a flat look "I need someone to watch Dexter while I clean the lab." He gestured to the spewing smoke and the stairs the led to the basement. "But why me?!" Crymini groaned and she peered down at the  baby puppy in her arms "Because you're the mother." Baxter answered automatically. "But-" "No buts." Baxter raised his hand, silencing her "I don't have time to find Niffty right now, she's already busy enough with baby proofing the whole hotel!!" Baxter turned to the staircase, Crymini leapt to protest- "It'll only be for a few hours at most, you have to pull some weight to Crymini." Before he went down to the basement Baxter slowly turned and looked to his son in Cryminis arms, he was chewing on his back foot, gurgling and drooling. "....He's your son too." "But-" CLICK The door shut and Baxters footsteps gradually fading away only told the werewolf that she had lost, again. "Well not what do I do with you??" She wasn't expecting an answer from the puppy as she held her son up in front of her, the puppy gurgled and made a farting noise with his tongue. "Hmm..." Crymini narrowed her eyes as she inspected the state of her puppy, his fur was messy and his star themed onesie was covered in dust. .....Crymini leaned in to give her puppy a sniff. "HRCK!!!" Crymini yanked her nose away, holding her breath as her face began to slowly turn green. God her puppy stank!! She didn't know what the smell was, but I smelt more horrible then the uncleaned bathroom on floor 3!!! Crymini slowly turned back to face her puppy, shivering slightly as the lingering stench hit her harder then a truck. The puppy giggled, completely oblivious. "Maybe...maybe you need a bath." ~timeskip~ The bathtime that followed was as hard as it was irritating. When Crymini had tried to put Dexter inside the bathtub he had wriggled out of her arms and Crymini had ended up falling into the bath herself when Dexter had attempted to escape. Which he did... He then ran round the hallways with insane puppy speed and Crymini ended up running after him for a solid 20 minutes. The wild goose chase was ended thankfully when Angle had caught the pup before he could fall down the long flight of stairs. ....but the chaos didn't end their. Catching him was just one of the chaotic things she endured, she then had to try and get him in the tub, which didn't work, and after a lot of trial and error and the occasional curse, she got the puppy undressed and into the tub. Once he was in the bathtub he refused to have any shampoo put on his fur and when it came to drying him off he ran out of the door again and another goose chase followed. 45 minutes later and Crymini had been able to finally get her son cleaned and into some new clothes. The said trouble maker was playing with a set of building blocks, kindly provided by Niffty. Crymini, lay on her stomach on the floor, her tired eyes watching her offspring as they slowly opened and closed, like a bear waking from winter. "Jeez, even as a puppy you're a real f*ucking hand full, you know that??" Crymini said tiredly as her son picked up a building block. Despite herself, Crymini gave a weak chuckle and crossed her arms "I dread to think what you'll be like in your teens....if your anything like me that is..." GRUMBLE Dexter whimpered and his ears fell back against his head, Crymini knew this sign all too well. He was hungry. At this stage Dexter had began to eat solid foods but the food had to be crushed up and soaked with a little bit of water, quickly standing up Crymini made a bee line to the kitchen. A moment later she returned with a small plastic bowl of what looked to be brown mush, a bottle of slightly heated milk and a box of dog biscuits, despite how stereotypical Angel had been to give her these dog biscuits for a present on her birthday they were surprisingly good, but she'd never admit it. "Okay kid here you go.." Cymini placed the bowl of baby food in the floor, temporarily turning round the grab a plastic spoon from her pocket, "Okay Dexter le-" Crymini blinked. She had turned her back for less then 3 seconds and her son had already covered half of his face and clothing with food, she groaned. "Great....." she tiredly slumped forward and allowed her head to bash against the floor, she gave a muffled sigh. Dexter looked at her with large curios eyes, tilting his head, his ear cocked, what was his mother doing?? "Ma!!" He blurted out. His mothers ears instantly turned in his direction and she lifted his head to look at him "Mu-maaaa!!" Dexter leaned forward to boop his mothers snout, gurgling again before he crawled his way over to the box at her side, his nose twitching at the delicious smell. Crymini quickly sat up and gently pulled her puppy out of the biscuit box "Nono Dexter!! You can't eat that yet!! Spit it out!!" Dexter only wriggled in her grasp, kicking and squirming. "Pleeeeaaasssseee!!!!! Give mommy the treat!! I'm tryin' to be a good parent here!!" The puppy that she held in her paws only continued to kick and squirm, eventually wriggling out of his mothers grasp with a tumble. "Ah sh*t!!" Crymini was so quick to catch her son before he fell over that she fell back onto her stomach with a thud, sending her face smacking into the ground, she held back a groan of pain as she weakly lifted her son up to sit him down. As soon as he was sitting Crymini wrapped her arms round her sore snout and gave a low whimper, although she didn't fall down that far to the floor it had still hurt, and enough to make it sting. She curled up into a ball and groaned again "Uuuuuuuuugggghh......" she slowly turned her head to look at her son, who was at least trying to break the biscuit with his tiny baby teeth "Why didn't anyone tell me taking care of a kid would be so f*cking hard??" She asked to the empty room. Dexter watched as his mother flopped her head back into the floor with a groan. But in all seriousness, why was taking care of a kid so dam hard?! Crymini had overcome tones of different things, shootings, fights, broken bones, heck!! She'd even dealt with drugs and all the shit that came with it!! ....but this by far was the most HARDEST thing she had come to face through out her whole life!!! And at times, Crymini couldn't help but feel maybe, just a little, feel like a bit of a failure..... She wasn't cut out to be a mom, she never would be!! Being a mom meant being responsible, caring, patient, all three things that she wasn't!!  Not to mention that she was only the second youngest in the hotel, she wasn't prepared to be thrown into mother hood straight out of the blue!! The situation...hadn't been the best for her or Baxter either. For the first few months of Dexter being born the relationship between herself and Baxter had been rather awkward and the meetings between the two had become uncomfortable for her. Not only that but Baxter had clearly proven to be the more better suited parent. Think back to a few days ago, Crymini had tried everything to soothe her wailing puppy, she had tried everything and had nearly been brought to tears herself when he hadn't stopped. Thankfully, Baxter came to her help and was able to solve the problem within seconds. Turns out he just needed to be burped. At times Crymini couldn't help but think that...maybe...just maybe.... She turned to look up at her young, defenceless, distressingly small only puppy. Maybe Dexter would be better off with Baxter....without her- "MPHFF?!" Cryminis eyes were forced open when she let something being shoved into her mouth, she rose a brow at her giggling baby and gave the object in her mouth an experimental chew. 'Wait a minute...' Using he tongue she held her snout high and lifted the object in her mouth upwards, crossing her eyes she could make out the shape of a bone, a dog biscuit?..... A quick glance down towards her sons empty paws cleared it all up, little Dexter has been the one to shove the dog biscuit into her mouth. "M-M...." Dexter wobbled forward on small shaky legs, his tail wagging a little behind him. Crymini stared wide eyes, her mouth hung open slightly. Dexter took a shaky step forward, holding his paws out to his mother, another step forward. Crymini nervously sat upwards, holding shaking paws out to her baby, she was so petrified!! Bless Dexters innocence but he simply giggled and leaned forward as he came closer to his mother, landing on her crossed legs with a small 'of' Crymini just stared in half shock and pride as her puppy shook his head, lifting his head to stare up at her happily with twinkling shiny eyes, that sparkled so much like her own. "Mu-ma!!!" Crymini felt something cold and wet slowly trickle down the side of her furry cheek, her eyes still wide with shock as her small puppy proceeded to climb onto her lap. .......Crymini felt a smile tug to her lips, the most gentlest, proud smile she could give. ".....Guess you're gonna be stuck with me for a little while longer kid..." Crymini affectionately leaned down to scoop Dexter gently into her arms, pulling him close to her furry chest and dipping her snout to rub her nose against his. Dexter softly rested his head against his mother, the steady rhythm of her heartbeat making the small infant relax in her hold. "Your just a bag of pudding aren't ya??" Crymini crunched the dog biscuit up in a quick, exaggerated manner, because she knew it'd earn him a string of giggles from her son. As predicted the puppy squealed and grabbed his small tiny paws around his mothers snout. Crymini chuckled warmly at the affection and pressed her muzzle to her sons cheek to give him a sweet kiss, getting crumbs on him "Mwah!!" Dexter giggled again, eyes shining with glee and tail thumping against her arm. Crymini gave another chuckle, pulling her son closer so that she could bring him in a for a hug. "....Your still a little pain you know.." she pulled him away from her hug so that she could rub her nose against his again, earning another string of giggles "A tiny, adorable tyrant. Pure evil. Just like your Papa. Pure, concentrated, fluffy evil!!!" She smiled and placed her son on the floor, she ruffled his fur and rested her head in her arms. Dexter leaned forward and pressed his tiny paws against his mothers nose, pressing his nose against hers, his way of trying to give her a kiss. Crymini would never admit it but she gave a small happy bird chirp and she stiffened a laugh. ".....But your mommy's little tyrant." 
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