#And they are alone (at the end of the telenovela but I do love redemption)
supercool-here · 1 year
Watching the episode (94th) where the cuartel prompts Berta to get the surgical procedure to have a hot bod and it's Betty and Inesita the only ones having reasonable and smart takes as to why she shouldn't do it (and get the car her husband told her to get instead) but in the end she does get the procedure because insecurities and ego and vanity and coaxing and whatnot. And then they tell Betty how she's ingenuous for believing a man can love you no matter your looks. And then it's BETTY who ends up looking prettier without having undergone any surgeries, but most importantly, Armando, the womanizer who was always surrounded by models and who only chased the most beautiful women, falls in love with her, out of all the ordinary and even undeniably unattractive women he must have met in his lifetime.
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kadyshackkk-blog · 6 years
The Challenge Final Reckoning Episode 2 “The Young and The Wreckless”
This weeks episode picks up where we left off, except it’s 12 hours after we learn that Melissa and Kailah are sent home. At the redemption house where Tj lets them know that they have a secret room where they can see what’s going on in the house. They get to see the fight !!!!!!! Tj starts the tape and everyone is in shock, Jenna most of all because she realizes there is a chance that Kailah is going home which means that is one less vote for her. We hear Jozea Yelling “FUCK HER ASS UP” Repeatedly. I truly felt that in my soul.
They Then Leave and we go to the main house where we learn Kayleigh and Killa Kams fate. We Learn they get to stay and that they are partners.
Everyone on twitter:
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Kayleigh shares our excitement but kam however is less enthusiastic because of kayleigh cracking under pressure easily. Not a great start for #kamleigh but im sure they will be fine. In my honest opinion they will be a great time. The we see kailah and melissa leaving. Melissa has very little remorse for what she did but I mean I wouldn’t either especially since kailah did lay her hands on melissa first. when all melissa was trying to do was become civil with each other while in the house. Kailah is a very stubborn person but shes also a scorpio which makes total sense on why she acts the way she does. Kailah was in tears over the fact she was being sent home. I honestly felt bad since well this is her job and she’s mediocre at best. Que the crazy Kailah fans coming to attack.. Life goes on in the house after they leave Paulie and Cara are having a conversation with each other and its pretty apparent to me that they are really feeling each other, then we have Brad come up to talk to Cara about what to do about kyle. Heres the thing Hair plugs I tried to like you I really did but you remind me of my ex who couldnt tell the truth and played the victim constantly.
They had a little conversation about kyle and cara calls him a pathological lair. It’s pretty apparent that Cara isn’t over Kyle and Kyle isn’t over Cara since he gets pissed everytime cara speaks to any dude . Ie Her and paulie. According to another review apparently no one likes cara (Paulie & Kyle) yet its pretty apparent to everyone that they both like her. But then again sis go off. Cut to paulie cara and faith on the couch where kyle comes over because SHOCKER hes jealous!!! Faith then compares them to the Bermuda triangle which is the damn truth then proceeds to say “well i’m still gonna get to know him because i want too”. I’m just gonna go ahead and state some facts FAITH BABY WHAT IS YOU DOING . HE DOESNT REALLY LIKE YOU HES JUST BEING A FUCKBOY AND TRYING TO MAKE CARA JEALOUS. RUN THE FUCK AWAY OKUUUUURRRRRRRR. Cut to kyle and faith getting into bed together.. Paulie & Marie out here speaking facts to Cara. Baby you are letting him rent space in your head and he’s mad that you wont give him the attention he wants. Then Marie said it’s okay to have feelings and to express them. & thats why they are vendettas which is the fucking truth. #teamcaramarie
Then we cut to a very staged conversation with Bananas and Natalie where they speak about him “hooking up” with kayleigh. I felt as if in the situation Natalie played the victim. Then we cut to Hair Plugs and Natalie talking about her relationship status and that shes in a relationship with a girl! She then comes out as Pansexual and it was honestly a beautiful moment . Then we have her talk about how kayleigh outed her for being gay. IT IS NEVER OKAY TO OUT SOMEONE EVER. I DO NOT CARE IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THEM, YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO THAT TO SOMEONE. That’s my issue with kayleigh in all honesty is the fact she never apologized about the situation and the fact she’s shown zero remorse. Beauty is only skin deep but ugly is to the core. Only an ugly human being would do that to someone ..
Cut to the redemption house.
Here’s the deal with Chuck and Britni, they clearly still have feelings for each other. The conversation showed that. Just like Jozea said a Telenovela that will never end. Da’vonne really took me out with the talk of britni needing an oscar. People also really need to leave britni alone, she was with him for two years and he up and left for no reason when all she did was love him then was with another girl not even a week later. She clearly still has feelings, and he does as well, he’s just a Leo so clearly he’s not going to show them. Their relationship reminds me so much of knight and jemmyes. There is so much love there still and you can tell when they interact with each other . & Jenna baby please keep your thoughts to yourself you’re with Americas Biggest Douchebag who constantly cheated on you. Stay In your lane please. 
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It literally could be anybody, he’s pissed off so many people in the past . I was really hoping for wes or evelyn because that would just be so much entertainment plus uhm hello to the winners of season 32. But no MTV would never. We go to the Challenge and Tj tells Johnnys partner to come out, after a dramatic commercial break we see the one the only clumsy Tony run out and every doing the Tony Time thing to him and I’m like
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Great it’s Tony. Like Joss said “I’m not even sure if he can tell time”. I’m already annoyed. 
We go into the challenge.
It was very comical tbh.
Brad and Kyle won
He messed up hes only human, but can we please just talk about the fact mtv some how got ahold of the music I used for my 4th grade Ballet recital and played it when veronica & amanda got tangled together. Then you have shane, talking about how he feels like tinkerbell and i felt that in my soul. 
Shane has been dragging Bananas in every confessional and it has me crying.
As we are leaving the challenge I see hair plugs try and go touch cara and im like
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We get a preview of next where we get Paulie v Hair Plugs
Hi Paulie ILY end him pls.
I have a huge interview coming on the blog here real soon. 
It’s with someone from Ayto, if you want to ask question go ahead and send them via Twitter.
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