#And thinking about Stede's little gasp/whimper he makes right at the end
saltpepperbeard · 2 years
what if we get a kiss where stede manages to draw a surprised little noise out of ed
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izzy-b-hands · 2 years
Sometimes, blood and the adrenaline of the end of a battle are sexy.
Sometimes also you are Stede, Ed, and Izzy, and all three of u are just little freaks and u enjoy it as u should.
This is Stede/Ed/Izzy, but there's a focus on Stede/Izzy!
TW: blood, mentions and light description of dismemberment, and I guess idk how else to word this so sexy finger-sucking? Is a thing in this, kind of the main plot mover actually. So if that ain't your thing give this one a pass.
"Try it."
Stede stared at Izzy like he was mad.
"Seriously," Izzy continued, holding his gloved hand, tips of the fore and middle fingers dipped in fresh blood from a torso not yet cleaned from the deck. "Ed did it for me."
"You're fucking with me," Stede smirked. "I've got your number, mister!"
"Nah," Ed said, pausing as he walked by them cradling several dismembered arms in his arms. "I did, actually. Thought it might be kind of sexy. Like, gross, but gross sexy?"
"And it was," Izzy said warmly.
"It is!" Ed agreed. "Might not be your thing, no big deal if it isn't. But why not give it a try?"
Izzy took a step closer, and nodded towards his outstretched hand, fore and middle fingers extended. "If you don't like it, I'll move my fingers out straight away."
"You know, when we first met, I wouldn't have believed that," Stede admitted.
Izzy chuckled. "I'll give you a break and not grab your hair and hold you there like Ed did to me."
Stede swallowed. "Oh?"
"Yeah," Izzy smiled. "Want me to show you?"
Stede nodded rapidly.
Izzy stepped as close as he could, and wrapped the fingers of his bare hand into Stede's hair, at the back of his head. Down to the scalp, so he could move Stede's head as he wished.
"Like that," Izzy leaned into his ear and murmured softly. "Too much?"
Stede took a deep breath, but he only breathed in more of Izzy and it took all he had to stay upright. "Not nearly enough."
"Let's give you more then."
Izzy brought his gloved hand up to Stede's mouth, and slipped them in as Stede opened up and shut his eyes.
He hadn't expected to want to suck on them in this case. Clean fingers, as a tease to later, sure! But these...
Yet, he was sucking on them, the scent and taste of iron mixed with a saltiness that lingered.
"Good boy," Izzy whispered, and that nearly ended him right there.
"Does he like it?" Ed's voice was close, if Stede had to guess, possibly standing behind Izzy. Hands on Izzy's hips, hands occasionally wandering to his belt and toying with it, the way he and Izzy liked (it was as much fun to watch as to be the subject of it.)
"I think he loves it," Izzy said, and took his fingers from Stede's mouth, giggling at the needy gasp Stede couldn't stop. Want to tell him how much you love it?"
Stede opened his eyes and met Ed's warm-enough-to-melt-a-man-like-butter gaze.
Then, he gently grabbed Izzy's wrist, and brought his gloved hand back close, so he could lick the blood that had dripped down there.
"Fuck me," Ed whimpered.
"I'd love to," Stede said.
"I'll second that," Izzy added, to which Stede nodded eagerly.
"But we probably shouldn't do it here on deck," Stede concluded.
"Please don't," Oluwande said as he walked by, a bucket of water stained red from the latest round of mopping in his hands. "We've already got the battle leftovers to clear away. With all respect, we don't need you three to add any other fluids to it."
"We aren't always messy," Ed scoffed.
"I didn't want to know that!" Oluwande said. "I-No, I'm walking away from this. I'm going to go mop, and tell Jim about this. Share the magic..."
Ed frowned. "I was joking."
"I know," Stede said. "But, that in mind...maybe we could go make a bit of a mess together?"
They stumbled off towards their quarters, a mess of giggles and kisses.
"Fucking finally," Lucius sighed. "Though they could have helped a bit more."
"I should sand that again," Black Pete said, looking curiously to Lucius' wooden finger.
"Seriously? That?" Lucius asked him with a frown. Then, a glance to Pete's fingers. "Well. Maybe I shouldn't be so hasty."
"Everyone who is turned on by this mess, please go get a room!" Frenchie called out. "Some of us are trying to do our fucking jobs, and you're all very distracting!"
Lucius and Pete slipped away, a copious amouny of still wet blood soaked into a relatively clean handkerchief. Oluwande raised his brows as Jim swiftly covered one of their knives in fresh blood, and gently tugged him away.
"We need to get laid," Frenchie sighed to the rest as he returned to mopping. "Gets you out of cleaning up, and you get to fuck. Literally no downside!"
"What about heartbreak or jealousy or finding out they do something really weird, and it shouldn't bother you but it does horribly?" Wee John asked.
"Okay, fine, some cons but mostly pros since you don't have to do this shit!" Frenchie grumbled. "Wait a minute...would all of you like to go make out, or just do whatever the fuck we want that isn't this?"
Nods, the clattering of mop handles, and hurried soft steps away replied.
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