#And yes Buck is based of the tern One Eyed Jack
therandomringmaster · 3 years
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Well,I made a ‘few’  more fan characters,alright in order.
Cap Brinesby, a Wharf Roach buggieman who sails the edge seas,he’s known for embellishing his tales of sea sworthyness to ridiculous proportions,to anyone who’ll listen,he’s friends with Whayland.
Harriot Hornet, and Belfree Buzzby,This one was more based off of one of my favorite aspects in nature, that being mimicry, Harriot is what one would call a “convincer” convincing people to pay up on debts,stalkers to buzz of, and occasionally convincing heads to roll off bodies, while not as infamous as the havier hitters in Edgeworld she’s well respected enough for one very stupid dronefly Buggieman to attempt to mooch off of said infamy to get free stuff,by imitating her look...rather poorly,and oh look it seems she’s found out,
Buck Lopanny
When I first learned of Edgeworld this was the first character I came up with, Now,I know what you’re thinking, Hoppits are not that big, and not monocular,well you’re right. He’s half hoppit, and half,according to his mother cyclops,he doesn't know much more than that,originally pursuing a career as a sharpshooter,he was quickly disillusioned. and was stuck doing manual labor at Merryl’s Bootlegging buisness.
He’s not the brighest bulb in the crayon box, but he has a good heart
Merryl DaBloon
If you asked him Merryl would describe himself as an innovator,out of the box thinker,and business barrel of high regard.
All of these are arguably false,coming from a long line of rich Animimics,Merryl has wasted most of his wealth on frivolity and stupid ideas he has,he’s currently a ‘bootleeger” selling weird alcohol with odd effects,surprisingly its developed a semi-stable following on the streets of Edgeworld, this little success went immediately to his head,luckily one of his hires helps keep him in check.
Mays Lopanny
A Pentacorn employed by Merryl as record keeper,secretary,accountant, and chief problem solver,the one who makes sure Margaret‘s fee’s are paid,so Shuck doesn’t roll DaBloon down a flight of stairs or two,the one who stops Buck from being manipulated by Merryl’s poor ideas,or stops Gnargle from mixing the wrong amount of things together and creating bio hazards,she’s very low key and mellow,to the point if you make her noticibly mad, you have really messed up.
Gnargle Floove
A Nyga/Dragon hybrid(based slightly on that legend that dragons are just cats that are treated poorly, and Gnarials),they are Merrly’s cheif Mixologist, fancying themselves a apothecary, they create tons of things that very occasionally have any real use and aren’t poison,they're a firm believe in “lets test this and see what happens”, which has blown up at least three stations.
Chrys Ignatious and Donna Ignatious
And finally here’s a joke concept I thought was ok, Chrys is a Phoenix based on the original(inncorrect) reconstruction of an iguanadon, and his daughter is a more modern one.
And Lastly but not Leastly is good old, Fumble McChumbles, a vampire tasked with repelling the forest with his wits and tools, his arch enemy appears to be a boulder with legs, tagged with graffiti who usually impedes traffic by sleeping on sidewalks and roads and its up to Fumble to steer ‘em off,this usally involves a long parade of slapstick manevers until ‘Chazz’ gets up and stumbles away.
As always Edgeworld its settings,and species belong to @rattyarts
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