#Anders Johansson
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the lads watching anders’ jump and then hopping around to see the points is so funny to me
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thisnoisemademe · 9 months
And I yearn for the sun to set, for the curtain to fall.
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astralbondpro · 1 month
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Dark Tranquillity // Hedon
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khakilike · 2 years
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New Mutants Lethal Legion #1, Charlie Jane Anders and Enid Balám
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New Mutants - Lethal Legion #5 (2023) Part five Marvel
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coverpanelarchive · 1 year
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New Mutants #31 (2022)
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squeezemylemon · 2 years
9th symphony, movement #4: "Til gleden" - Tramteatret
("An de freude"/"Ode to Joy" by Ludwig van Beethoven)
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"Miss Squeeze's ABC February" Day 27/28
Such a cool take on the final movement of Beethoven's 9th symphony.
This is from a Norwegian childrens' series from 1981. Tramteatret was an actual band/theatre group who also made childrens' programs, so everyone is playing for real. This was the finale of the last episode of this series.
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ronnydeschepper · 3 months
Honderd jaar geleden: Erik Bohlin wint de eerste Ronde van Zweden
De Ronde van Zweden (Zweedse naam: Postgirot Open) was een meerdaagse wielerwedstrijd die tussen 1982 en 2002 werd verreden in Zweden. Op 22 juni was thuisrenner Tommi Prim de eerste winnaar. Tussen 1924 en 1975 werd de koers verreden als amateurkoers onder de naam Sexdagarsloppet of kortweg Sexdagars (“Zesdaagse”). De eerste editie werd gewonnen door Erik Bohlin, eveneens een Zweed,…
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manfrommars2049 · 2 years
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Knight on Grandeur Danois by Anders Johansson via ImaginaryCharacters
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Art by Anders Johansson
October’s Theme: #MadScientist
Presented by CDQ Magazine
Discover the artists of the Character Design Challenge community and the current Theme of the Month in our Facebook Group! And when you repost your design on our Patreon page, you can also win awesome prizes every month and choose the future themes!
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andiatas · 1 year
The Crown Princess at WWF's autumn meeting
On Oct. 5, the Crown Princess attended the World Wildlife Fund's council meeting and autumn gathering at Erstaterrassen in Stockholm.
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WWF's board of trustees gathered at the meeting, and the theme for the day was Forward towards a sustainable business life! Secretary General Gustaf Lind also presented the awards: "Environmental Hero of the Year", "Marie-Claire Cronstedt's Prize", and "Panda Book of the Year".
Environmental Hero of the Year
Environmental Hero of the Year 2023 was awarded to the influencer Therése Lindgren.
The jury's motivation: "On her sustainability journey, Therése Lindgren has stopped at several stops in her life, from make-up and beauty to mental illness and animal protection - all the way to the final station with a sustainable lifestyle."
Comment from Saga: Therése is one of, if not the biggest, influencer in Sweden and it became national news when she changed her approach to collaborations and working with brands and companies. Basically, she now has a list of sustainability requirements and if the brand or company don't meet them, she won't work with them or promote them.
Marie-Claire Cronstedt's Prize
Researcher Elin Röös was awarded the Marie-Claire Cronstedt Prize.
The jury's motivation: "For her pioneering research and strong commitment to spreading knowledge about the environmental and climate impact of food, and for the sustainable use of animals and nature."
Panda Book of the Year
The Panda Book of the Year 2024 award was awarded to photographer Claes Grundsten for the book "Archipelago".
The jury's motivation: "Claes Grundsten allows us to get close to the wilderness of the archipelago, both emotionally and concretely, in a way that only exceptional artistic skill combined with great outdoor experience can achieve."
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On arrival, the Crown Princess was received by Annika Helker Lundström, chairman of WWF's board, Leif Johansson, vice-chairman of WWF's board and Gustav Lind, secretary general of WWF Sweden.
H.M. The King is patron of WWF Sverige.
Photos: Anders Wiklund/TT and Michael Campanella/SPA.
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skiijumpinng · 2 years
Duels for Bischofshofen, 6. 1. 2023
ORTNER Maximilian & LEYHE Stephan
HOERL Jan  & WASEK Pawel
AALTO Antti & KOS Lovro
TANDE Daniel Andre & ASCHENWALD Philipp
IPCIOGLU Fatih Arda & FORFANG Johann Andre
PASCHKE Pius & SCHMID Constantin
DEAN Decker & ZAJC Timi
PREVC Domen & ZYLA Piotr
SATO Yukiya & JELAR Ziga
SUNDAL Kristoffer Eriksen & KRAFT Stefan
LEITNER Clemens & STOCH Kamil
MOERTH Francisco & LANISEK Anze
MUELLER Markus & GRANERUD Halvor Egner
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thisnoisemademe · 10 months
Would you take my hand and follow through the ether?
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anhed-nia · 2 years
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I've been aware of this movie for about 20 years, and I still know almost nothing about it. For me, it's less like a product I consumed, and more like something I experienced, something from another world that I encountered by chance in my endless cycle of renting fistfuls of movies at a time. If you pitched this to me today, I'd have some trepidation; broad parodies made by and for nerds are often condescending, unfunny, and generally just make me wish I were watching the superior movies they clumsily draw upon instead. However, EVIL ED is genuinely weird, a satire of Sweden's long history of censorship whose film references are more than winking asides; often, they're rendered in 3D with fabulous makeup effects and puppetry that have allowed the movie to stick with me all this time.
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I should really just buy that Special Ed-ition from Arrow, which is packed with extras that chronicle the development of EVIL ED from short film to the gloriously odd extended feature that stands before us today. Anders Jacobsson's highly original horror-comedy is said to be Sweden's first slasher film, which rings true as its release coincided with the abatement of film censorship in its home country. While film censorship laws weren't officially done away with until 2011, the last film to be cut in Sweden was 1995's CASINO, after which the practice fell appropriately into the shameful past. The Swedish Statens biografbyrå (Cinemabureau of the state) was the oldest film censorship board in the world at the time of its abolition, having been established in 1911 to apply censorship laws so that films circulating in Sweden "shall not include any material that is offensive to public decency or disrespectful to the authorities or private individuals, nor pictures depicting the commission of murders, robberies or other serious crimes, and exhibitions that are open to children shall not include pictures depicting events or situations that are liable to arouse emotions of terror or horror in the audience or for other reasons be considered unsuitable for children to look at." 1996's EVIL ED does its damnedest to break as many of these rules as possible, while making its subject censorship itself.
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Mild-mannered Hollywood editor Edward Tor Swenson (Johan Rudebeck) is in for the shock of his life when his employer, European Distributors, transfers him to their Splatter and Gore Department. His new boss Sam Campbell (Olof Rhodin, who is a bit of a show-stealer) assigns Ed the special task of making the popular LOOSE LIMBS slasher franchise acceptable for international export, which will be no small achievement; little does Ed know that his predecessor plunged into insanity and blew himself up with a grenade, declaring himself "just another chunk of meat lost in brainland!" Campbell lends Ed his private holiday cottage so he can focus on this project, but the isolation in combination with the extreme content of the LOOSE LIMBS films soon gets under his skin, and demonic hallucinations urge him to "adjust" not just the movies, but the sickos who create and consume them.
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This is probably the most left field association anyone has ever made with EVIL ED, but what we see of the LOOSE LIMBS series always reminds me of the movie-within-a-movie in Atom Egoyan's art house masterpiece THE ADJUSTER. In that movie, Arsinée Khanjian is an employee of a censorship board who, for reasons that are slowly revealed, makes illicit recordings of the material she reviews. You never see the movies she watches, but the audio track effectively creates the worst possible images in your mind's eye, evoking all manner of inhuman depravity in a disturbingly sarcastic tone. Those sounds always reminded me of the endlessly perverse TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE 2, and later on, of the movies Ed censors in EVIL ED—which is funny, because Chop Top himself, Bill Moseley, voices the killer in LOOSE LIMBS (the character is played on screen by Swedish musician Lars "Vasa" Johansson). What I mean to say is, director Anders Jacobsson's vision of the movie that ruins your mind is pitch-perfect, though interestingly, some of his specific film references are more innocent.
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EVIL ED had my full attention from the moment that the unhappy protagonist finds a refugee from Joe Dante's GREMLINS fucking around in his fridge. It looks great, and it's hilarious, and it might be there just because the present film hearts the '80s so hard—it is virtually wallpapered with posters from '80s horror classics, and it refers to that time when there was worldwide hysteria over the potentially harmful effects of home video. But, I like to imagine that the invocation of GREMLINS is sort of a dig at Hollywood releases that were allowed to cross lines that smaller independent movies were punished for. The MPAA's PG-13 rating was invented in part for GREMLINS, which had all-ages appeal despite how scary and splattery it was, and the most impressive image in EVIL ED is a spin on the character of Darkness, played by Tim Curry in Ridley Scott's LEGEND. That big budget Hollywood fantasy may have received a PG rating, but it is unremittingly erotic, full of frightening monsters that would be too much more many youngsters, and who could forget the infernal scene in which Darkness's demonic chef hacks up live prisoners for dinner? Here, Ed's boss transforms into a wonderfully-rendered version of Darkness that commands him to edit not just the LOOSE LIMBS movies, but the corrupt world in which they are so popular. Other images from this film refer to more predictable fare like EVIL DEAD 2 and (I'm pretty sure) THE EXORCIST III, but there is something extra salient about EVIL ED's references to famous gateway horror movies that made their way into video stores more or less unscathed.
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If I'm being completely honest, EVIL ED does run out of gas at some point (and, I'd assume, out of money), devolving into scenes of characters chasing each other around in dark buildings as so many movies do. But I'd posit that if a movie offers even a couple of things that you can't forget, then its more anonymous offerings are totally forgivable. Rewatching EVIL ED this time, I didn't remember the duller, more generic bits, but I did remember all of its exciting FX experiments, exuberant performances, and bizarre humor in a lot of detail, and I was so happy to see it all again. This movie may go some way to prove something I rarely feel: that being a fan doesn't have to mean bloating up your movie with predictable easter eggs just for the sake of recognition, and it doesn't have to mean just slavishly repeating "It's just a flesh wound!" or whatever just to reinforce your membership in the cult of your choosing. (EVIL ED is guilty of some of this, but on balance I don't care!) Being a fan can and should push you to greater heights of creativity, and if you do it right, you can convey to your audience the feeling you get from your favorite things. EVIL ED cleverly evokes the special way in which extreme movies can make you feel like you're going crazy, and if you're the kind of fan Anders Jacobsson is, it also reminds you of why you keep chasing that feeling.
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We have ARTISTS and ENTRIES for semi 1 & 2!!!
(list below cut)
Semi 1
Victor Crone – Diamonds (Writers: David Lindgren Zacharias, Peter Kvint, Victor Crone)
Rejhan – Haunted (Writers: Albin Johnsén, Mattias Andréasson, Pontus Söderman, Tilde RONIA Wrigsell)
Loulou Lamotte – Inga sorger (Writers: Jonas Thander, Loulou Lamotte)
Eva Rydberg & Ewa Roos – Länge leve livet (Writers: Emil Vaker, Henric Pierroff, Kalle Rydberg)
Elov & Beny – Raggen går (Writers: Johan Werner, Kristian Wejshag, Mattias Elovsson, Oscar Kilenius, Tim Larsson)
Tone Sekelius – Rythm of my show (Writers: Anderz Wrethov, Dino Medanhodzic, Jimmy "Joker" Thörnfeldt, Tone Sekelius)
Jon Henrik Fjällgren, Arc North feat. Adam Woods – Where You Are (Sávečan) (Writers: Arc North, Calle Hellberg, Jon Henrik Fjällgren, Joy Deb, Oliver Belvelin, Richard Lästh, Tobias Lundgren, William Segerdahl)
Semi 2
Wiktoria – All my life (Where have you been) (Writers: Herman Gardarfve, Melanie Wehbe, Patrik Jean, Wiktoria Johansson)
Eden – Comfortable (Writers: Benjamin Rosenbohm, Eden Alm, Emil Adler Lei, Julie Aagaard)
Uje Brandelius – Grytan (Writer: Uje Brandelius)
Theoz – Mer av dig (Writers: Axel Schylström, Jakob Redtzer, Peter Boström, Thomas G:son)
Maria Sur – Never give up (Writers: Anderz Wrethov, Laurell Barker)
Tennessee Tears – Now I know (Writers: Anderz Wrethov, Jonas Hermansson, Thomas Stengaard, Tilda Feuk)
Panetoz – On My Way (Writers: Anders Wigelius, Daniel Nzinga, Jimmy Jansson, Nebeyu Baheru, Njol Badjie, Pa Modou Badjie, Robert Norberg)
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normally0 · 3 months
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Used to hang out with this guy back in the 90’s in Berlin; from the same Alma Mater. Got me to make a workshop in Lund, Sweden; all expenses paid; well not all! It almost took my life. He’s into timber now; we studied architecture; things still have to be said.
### Installation at the Folly of Ghost Park, Stockholm Creative Edition Design Week
Our installation at the Folly of Ghost Park, featured in the Stockholm Creative Edition Design Week, explores classism and geometry. It centers on a sphere of sections that act as a plan generator, symbolizing a "stool for the future past"—a seated figure resembling a coffin, expressed in dead wood. This piece reflects Magritte's rational perspective, mirroring the Germanic influence of OM Ungers and his family through time and space. Like Asplund, who recognized the folly in the ghost, this work represents a feline pretense, calling for an adjustment in the cosmic order.
#StockholmCreativeEdition #GhostParkFolly #ClassismAndGeometry #PlanGenerator #FuturePast #DeadWoodArt #MagritteInspired #OMUngers #ArchitecturalLegacy #AsplundInfluence #CosmicOrder #ArtInstallation #DesignWeek2024 Anders Johansson
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