#Andrea Inzerillo
queerographies · 1 year
[Atlante del cinema queer contemporaneo][Andrea Inzerillo]
Atlante del cinema queer contemporaneo di Andrea Inzerillo mappa il cinema queer europeo dal 2000 al 2020, proponendosi come un racconto originale e prezioso di un segmento importante della cinematografia del nuovo millennio
Interprete di pensieri e modalità esistenziali non omologate, il cinema queer contemporaneo riparte dal desiderio e rielabora le tematiche LGBTQI+ con modalità linguistiche e discorsive inedite, innovando estetiche e sensibilità e inaugurando una cornice all’interno della quale liberarsi delle etichette. In occasione dei dieci anni dalla nascita del Sicilia Queer filmfest, il volume curato da…
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ateatino · 4 years
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Il 31 gennaio si è conclusa per noi un'avventura davvero emozionante!
Così emozionante che vogliamo dare i numeri:
6.166 euro raccolti
259 donatori e donatrici
4.186 visite uniche alla pagina del nostro progetto sulla piattaforma di Produzioni dal Basso.
Abbiamo tanti grazie da dire: a Produzioni Dal Basso e Banca Etica per averci dato l'opportunità con il bando "Impatto +" di poter rendere concreta un'idea progettuale su cui lavoriamo da mesi con O2italia, Il cartolaio del bosco e la Libreria L'Incanta Storie; ad Editoriale Scienza per il sostegno e per gli infiniti stimoli che ci sono venuti dal loro catalogo; alle scuole che riceveranno in dono le scatole per l'entusiasmo e la fiducia.
E, ovviamente, a tutte e tutti voi per aver reso possibile il passaggio alla "fase 2" del progetto.
GRAZIE a: Antonio Mamì, Agata Samperi, Alberto Musco, Aldo Lenzo, Alessandra Rigano De Gaetano, Alessandro Milone, Alessia Barone, Ambrogio Isgrò, Andrea Corno, Andrea Inzerillo, Andrea Scilipoti, Serena Leotta, Angela Costantino, Anita Magno, Anna Fazio, Anna Gallerani, Annalisa Gualtieri, Anna Maria Vaccarino, Antonella Correnti, Antonella Saja, Antonia Sidoti, Antonio Cicero, Antonio Carcione, Elena Bagnoli, Antonio Bellinvia, Anna Bucca, Carmen Papaianni, Carla Cozzolino, Carmelo Catalano, Carmelo Recupero, Carmen Barca, Carolyn Berger, Caterina Abbriano, Marilia Costa, Cettina Pitrone, Chiara Pepe, Chiara Scuteri, Cleopatra Cortese, Claudia Mangano, Stefano Clerici, Carmela Panella, Cristina Grande, Daniela Munafò, Daniela Bersano, Marco Giorgianni, Dario De Pasquale, Diego Zucchelli, Domenica Piazzo, Donato Barbato, Daniela Pappalardo, Elena Poma, Emanuele La Rosa, Enrica Pellegrino, Enza Galluzzo, Enza Zumbo, Erika Bucca, Eva Buttà, Fabio Calabrò, Fabio Genovese, Francesco Caizzone, Federica Correnti, Federica Maio, Federico Mangano, Filippo Nicosia, Matteo Finco, Francesca Rinaldi, Francesca Mirabella, Francesca Petruzzella, Francesca Pitrone, Marco Pandolfo, Francesco Calabrò, Gabriele Sidoti, Lucia Gentile, Giuseppe Geraci, Gian Marras, Garis Giovanna, Giovanna Caravello, Giovanna Rappazzo, Giulia D’Alessio, Giuseppe Aliquò, Agnese Calabrò, Giuseppe Motta, Giuseppe Pampanini, Giusi Caliri, Giusy Caravello, Giusy Russo, Glenda Spiller, Grazia Costantino, Grazia Salamone, Graziella Rao, Antonino Il Grande, Aias Onlus Sezione di Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto, Marcela Salvador, Irene Faranda, Isidora Scaglione, Carmen Italico, Ivan Bertolami, Katia Crifò, Roberto Cervi, Pietro Rossello, Laura Alessandra Bonaceto, Laura Casu, Laura D’Amico, Laura Recupero, Condotta Slow Food Peloritani Tirrenici, Luca Faenzi, Lucia Isgrò, Luciano Aliquò, Luigina Roselli, Lydia Oliva, Margherita Dotti, Maria Assunta De Fazio, Maria Bucca, Maria Sciotto, Mariateresa Carbone, Maria Teresa Collica, Mariella Chiaramonte, Mario Scardino, Marta Mocchetti, Marzia Sindoni, Marco Mattiuzzo, Maura Macchi, Maria Grazia De Pasquale, Mimì Pino, Mimma Pitrola, Associazione culturale La cicale e la formica, Maurizio Calabrò, Monica Guerra, Giovanni Avitabile, Antonio Bonuccelli, Raffaella Campo, Antonino Amato, Nino Calabrò, Nino Sottile, Lucia Vento – Opuntia, Ornella Privitera, Maria Cristina Falcaro, Paola Belardo, Pasquale Rosania, Patrizia Donato, Patrizia Verde, Dario Piccolo, Piera Mannuccia, Pietro Centineo, Riccardo D’Urso, Riccardo Italiano, Riccardo Neri, Rita Ponzo, Rita Sedda, Roberto Iraci, Rossella Alessandrini Iocum-Scuola diffusa, Sara Rucci, Salvatore Alosi, Salvatore e Antonella D’Arrigo, Salvatore Bonaceto, Sara Loddo, Scheggia Sara, Serena Salmeri, Sergio Amato, Sergio Bonvegna, Silvia Geroldi, Sofia Capizzi, Sonia Sgrò, Stefano Giunta, Stefano Nucera, Neotenia LTD, Caterina Martinazzoli, Barbara Todaro, Valeria Bonina, Vera Genovese, Veruska Bagnoli, Veronica Vannelli, Viviana Isgrò, Maria Rotuletti, Mariagrazia Milioti, Annalina Perdichizzi, Felice Spinella, Anna Genovese, Rosalba Caliri, Francesca Floramo, Carmelina De Pasquale, Andrea Biondo, Serena Perdichizzi, Vera Bilardo, Francesco Aricò, Rossana Bilardo, Alessia Ragno, Rizzo Lucia, Mimma Naselli, Graziano Genovese, Giuseppe Ravidà, Alessandro Campo, Mariella Bonomo, Cinzia Catanzaro , Marco Motta, Giusy Scardino, Nicla Ruggeri, Patrizia Cirino, Diego Pirri, Danila Ruvolo, Danilo Calandra, Franco Calabrò, Mariagrazia Caliri, Teresa Sottile, Fabio Alosi, Antonella Bucalo, Ada Trifirò, Hernan Colombo Habot, Zina Giglio, Rosangela David, Rita Martino, Progetto Uomo Nero Racconta, Mariapia Coppolino, Renata Lo Iacono, Rossana Chillemi, Patrizia Mastroeni, Kanö Sartoria Sociale, Scuola dell’Infanzia Corriolo – Maestra Dora Crisafulli, Valeria De Pasquale, Andrea Cristelli, Renata Pettineo, Moravia Paratore
Vi aspettiamo da domani sulla nuova pagina del progetto: https://www.facebook.com/La-Scatola-incantanta-102227571737051
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respektnloyalty9 · 4 years
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Gaspare Pulizzi - City of Palermo (Carini) - Mafia Siciliana
Gaspare Pulizzi is a member of the Sicilian Mafia from Carini near Palermo. Pulizzi was one of the right-hand men of Mafia boss Salvatore Lo Piccolo, the capo mandamento of the San Lorenzo area in Palermo.
Pulizzi was initiated into the Tommaso Natale family of Cosa Nostra in June 2006 in the presence of Salvatore Lo Piccolo, his son Sandro Lo Piccolo, Andrea Adamo and Pippo Di Bello. Asked why he had joined Cosa Nostra, Pulizzi said: "I don’t know. It just happened."
He was arrested on November 5, 2007, together with Lo Piccolo and his son Sandro, as well as Andrea Adamo, in a villa in Giardinello, between Cinisi and Terrasini.
In January 2008, he decided to collaborate with the Italian authorities. Pulizzi is the third boss of the Lo Piccolo clan who decided to cooperate, after Francesco Franzese and Antonino Nuccio. Pulizzi's relatives were taken away from Carini. His relatives, who clearly didn't support Pulizzi's decision, didn't want police officers to take his wife and kids away – the police was obliged to use force.
Pulizzi was one of Lo Piccolo’s soldiers in the power struggle with Antonio Rotolo in Palermo. Rotolo opposed Lo Piccolo’s permission for the return of the Inzerillo family. The Inzerillo clan had been sent in exile in the United States after they had lost the Second Mafia War against the Corleonesi in the 1980s.
Gaspare Pulizzi es miembro de la mafia siciliana de Carini, cerca de Palermo. Pulizzi era uno de los hombres de la mano derecha del jefe de la mafia Salvatore Lo Piccolo, el capo mandamento del área de San Lorenzo en Palermo. Pulizzi se inició en la familia Tommaso Natale de la Cosa Nostra en junio de 2006 en presencia de Salvatore Lo Piccolo, su hijo Sandro Lo Piccolo, Andrea Adamo y Pippo Di Bello. Cuando se le preguntó por qué se había unido a la Cosa Nostra, Pulizzi dijo: "No lo sé. Simplemente sucedió". Fue detenido el 5 de noviembre de 2007, junto con Lo Piccolo y su hijo Sandro, así como Andrea Adamo, en una villa de Giardinello, entre Cinisi y Terrasini. En enero de 2008, decidió colaborar con las autoridades italianas.
 Pulizzi es el tercer jefe del clan Lo Piccolo que decidió cooperar, después de Francesco Franzese y Antonino Nuccio. Los familiares de Pulizzi fueron separados de Carini. Sus familiares, que claramente no apoyaron la decisión de Pulizzi, no querían que los agentes de policía se llevaran a su esposa e hijos; la policía estaba obligada a usar la fuerza. Pulizzi fue uno de los soldados de Lo Piccolo en la lucha por el poder con Antonio Rotolo en Palermo. 
Rotolo se opuso al permiso de Lo Piccolo para el regreso de la familia Inzerillo. El clan Inzerillo había sido enviado al exilio en los Estados Unidos después de haber perdido la Segunda Guerra de la Mafia contra los Corleonesi en la década de 1980.
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architectnews · 4 years
La Cité Radieuse Marseille, Le Corbusier
La Cité Radieuse Le Corbusier, Marseille Stefano Meneghetti, French Architecture Music, Images
La Cité Radieuse Marseille
15 Nov 2020
La Cité Radieuse in Marseille design by Le Corbusier
Location: Marseille, France
La Cité Radieuse Marseille by Le Corbusier
A walk around the apartments of the CITÉ RADIEUSE
CITÉ RADIEUSE Album  +  CITÉ RADIEUSE RE:RE:MIX The other side of concrete
The songs were composed by Stefano Meneghetti who brought musicians of the calibre of Giuseppe Azzarelli, Massimiliano Donninelli, Yannick da Re and Cristian Inzerillo to work together with him.
Deeply interested in architecture, music, and design, Stefano Meneghetti and his friends wanted to name this album La Citè Radieuse out of admiration for Le Corbusier, the legendary Corb, multifaceted and innovative architect, designer and urban planner, who created his city-like housing project in Marseille with the aim of fostering harmonious relationships among its inhabitants.
Sound research and experimentation are the focal points of this musical partnership.
The album develops an architecture of electronic sounds, which incorporates eclectic influences.
Stefano Meneghetti, graphic artist and video maker, is a long-standing collaborator of musicians such as Gary Numan, Franco Battiato, Byetone, Lorenzo Palmeri, Brian Eno and many others.
As Giuseppe Azzarelli says: “A city is not only an environment of spaces and forms. Inevitably, it also expresses its dimension through sounds: every environment has its own acoustic imprint reflecting human activities, their relationships with the world and with each other. The idea of a Cité Radiuese, ideal and utopian city within a city, conceived by Le Corbusier for people and their needs, immediately enthralled me by its “humanity”, drawing me closer to a world of sound that can underline or accentuate possible emotional meeting points in the multifaceted reality of the modern city.”
Stefano Meneghetti
“Music has helped me build parallel worlds; through this reciprocity with music I have created scenarios and stories, experiencing the world without being part of it, as if I lived observing it from a car (train?) window, through binoculars or a microscope.”
“Over the course of my life, I have felt a natural affinity for certain musical textures as well as personalities: from Gustav Mahler to Brian Eno, Alva Noto to Franco Battiato, and Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld to Georges Ivanovic Gurdjieff.”
“With his Cité Radieuse Charles-Edoard Jeanneret-Gris, better known as Le Corbusier, was simply the gravitational field where everything started.”
“The inhabitants of the same building live just a few centimetres away from each other, separated by a simple partition wall, and share the same spaces whose pattern is repeated on each floor. They do the same things at the same time: turn on the tap, switch on the light, set the table, a few dozen synchronized lives which are repeated on floor after floor, from one building after another, from one street to the next.”
“Like an anthropologist or an archeologist, I wandered discreetly around the Unité d’Habitation de Marseille to observe the lives of individuals, families and groups which are still unfolding in the radiant city.
CITÉ RADIEUSE RE:RE:MIX The other side of concrete
DJ & Producers from all over the world interpreted the Cité Radieuse project:
Aeon                                              / Switzerland
Agustin Alejo Bernabè Almeida    / Argentina
Alessandro Oliviero                       / Italy
Alex Pocol                                      / Romania
Andrea Cichecki                            / Germany
Arfaaz Kagalwala FuzZy Logic        / France
Carmen Rizzo                                / USA
Chiara Costanza                             / Italy
Egor Sport                                     / Russia
Fab LaWren                                   / France
Fontène                                         / France
Fred Berthet                                  / France
Hiroki Ishikura                               / France
Hristiana Errorbeauty                   / England
Hugo Samba                                  / France
Javier Montoliu                             / Argentina
KANYAR / Baschet Gregory           / France
Mariano Santos                             / Argentina
Mario Bringas                                / Mexico
Mikhail Negrozov                          / Russia
MoodTicket                                   / Switzerland
ÔTANÔ                                          / France
Romain Pellegrin                           / France
Satoshi Imano                               / Japan
MOLFAR / Taras Plankovsky         / Ukraine
Zinnat                                            / Bulgaria
We can boldly affirm that the interpretation of a work “sublime”, a priori, the same in a work of art. This without giving an aesthetic judgment either on the work or even less on its interpretation. And where does the first author’s aesthetic judgment fit with respect to his interpretation? Personally, I think exactly like any user of the work itself: without therefore being able to claim a super partes aesthetic judgment.
Therefore, placing yourself in front of a work and wanting to interpret it should free the second artist from feelings of respect or “fidelity” of any kind. It is then up to the inactive user to judge according to his or her personal aesthetic and emotional standards. As a listener I can therefore safely say that I find Glenn Gould’s interpretation of the Golberg variations of ’55 revolutionary and marvelous.
But are they more “Bachian” than the ’81 recording? Personally I think it’s a nonsense question. For the same reasoning, it doesn’t bother me if someone tells me that “Knocking On Heaven’s door” is by Guns N Roses or that “Sweet dreams” is by Marilyn Manson or that “General” is by Vasco Rossi (well to be honest the latter example a little yes).
In the jazz world this concept has in fact become normal. As all Fahrenheit listeners know, there are several hundred recorded versions of “My Favorite Things” and several million versions played extemporaneously. The original was composed by Richard Rodgers and not John Coltrane. But without John Coltrane’s version, would we have had the other versions?
From this point of view, as well as from the jazz world or, in general, from the immense world that revolves around improvisation, we should also take an example from the new generations (and age does not center), those who grew up in the post-conceptual and final-commercial era ( the one to be understood where it was the art critic who decided whether a work was a work of art or rubbish. See Win Wenders’ The Million Dollar Hotel if not already done).
Those of art in a short supply chain: from producer to consumer. And, like a good fruit, it can be eaten immediately, elaborated by a star chef, planted to generate a tree.
Hence the idea of this RE:MIX Cité Radieuse album. Involving those who wanted to be in an activity of reinterpreting the initial language. Somehow the Cité Radieuse project was intended to be an emotional reinterpretation of Le Corbusier’s art. We were excited by the idea that this reinterpretation would instead become a basis for a new interpretation.
Add an interpretive level to become a de facto RE:RE:MIX Cité Radieuse. In view of the foregoing, we also did not want to intervene with aesthetic judgments on the material sent to us, as it is artistically no longer in our domain. A bit like a street artist does with their ephemeral works by definition. We limited ourselves to a slight post-production in order to equalize the pieces together and insert them into an accomplished album.
There are pieces that we like very much, others less so, but we leave the power to judge.
La Cité Radieuse Marseille – Links
Stefano Meneghetti [email protected] Tel. 320 88.90.958
La Cité Radieuse Marseille, Le Corbusier images / information received 141120
Location: Marseilles, France, southern Europe
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dontresal · 7 years
L’Arcidiocesi di Monreale mette a disposizione le 96 parrocchie del territorio | FiloDiretto
L’Arcidiocesi di Monreale mette a disposizione le 96 parrocchie del territorio | FiloDiretto
Scritto Da Redazione il Lug 14, 2016 È un’alternativa al carcere, al fine di accogliere chi deve ancora scontare residui di pena o svolgere pene alternative, per favorire il recupero della persona Monreale – Firmato il 12 luglio scorso al Castello di Carini il nuovo accordo tra l’arcidiocesi di Monreale e il provveditorato regionale dell’amministrazione penitenziaria per la Sicilia, alla presenza…
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radiobrada · 5 years
TUTTA SCENA: " 9° Sicilia queer filmfest " Direttore Andrea Inzerillo conduce Federico Raponi
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Spilling video executives incline toward better pixels to a greater amount of them, yet will these two advances ever be decoupled?
Television makers pitch 4K determination as must-have tech, yet not the greater part of the organizations serving the substance that gets shown on those screens are as wired. Spilling TV specialist co-ops are a great deal more amped up for HDR (high powerful range).
At the Streaming Media East gathering in New York in May, industry administrators contended that HDR is less expensive to create, less demanding to convey, and is level out prettier than 4K.
The main question is whether TV merchants—and, in a few cases, video suppliers—will try to decouple the two innovations, or keep packaging them so as to legitimize higher costs.
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4K versus HDR
As a refresher, 4K depicts video determination of 3840x2160 pixels (albeit 2160p is an all the more actually exact descriptor). Quadrupling the pixel number contrasted with 1920x1080 determination should make pictures look more keen and more point by point. As a general rule, those additional pixels can be hard to recognize, particularly if your TV isn't gigantic as well as you're not sitting near the screen.
HDR enhances picture quality by drastically expanding contrast—the distinction between the dull and light regions of a scene—rather than basically packing more pixels into a similar space. Expanded complexity brings about more profound blacks, more striking hues, and expanded levels of detail. It's likewise empowering more affordable LCD presentations to rival uber-costly OLED shows.
BAMTech CTO Joe Inzerillo said amid a keynote discourse that the better pixels of HDR win out in his brain. (BAMTech gives the spilling tech to numerous online video administrations, including HBO Now, PlayStaiton Vue, and MLB TV.)
"4K is not too impactful from a client viewpoint to me in respect to HDR," Inzerillo said. "Take 1080p HDR and put it up against a 4K non-HDR sustain, and 99 percent of individuals will state the HDR encourage looks better."
Akamai media business CTO John Bishop likewise felt that HDR has a greater effect to purchasers than 4K.
"You go into the huge box store, purchasers are out there going, 'Is that HD or is it 4K?'" Bishop said amid a board exchange at the gathering. "HDR, in the event that you haven't seen it, it's convincing. You take a gander at it, it resembles a SD to HD move. It's greater than that."
It's not only a quality issue
Beside simply looking better, HDR is additionally more reasonable to convey than 4K. On the creation side, 4K is a more costly venture, requiring new cameras that can catch in higher determination. By difference, today's 1080p cameras can as of now catch enough unique range for HDR, and the organization chiefly requires just after creation work to convey its advantages.
In a meeting, BAMTech's Inzerillo said 4K is around four to five times more costly to make contrasted with 1080p, though HDR expands creation costs by just around 25 percent.
"I think on the off chance that you look in live games, it's considerably more down to earth to get to HDR in the here and now than it is to move up to 4K, and that is the reason you see so minimal live 4K content," he said.
Content suppliers have additionally been hesitant to put resources into costly new arrangements since the SD-to-HD move. Fox Sports senior VP Clark Pierce, who manages the organization's TV Everywhere applications, noted amid a board discourse that systems made immense interests in superior quality video—including cameras, screens, trucks, and team preparing—just to see TV producers and retailers harvest every one of the benefits that originated from the configuration change.
"We didn't profit, however the huge box stores made tons and huge amounts of cash," Pierce said. "So when it was the ideal opportunity for 3D, they came around and stated, 'Extraordinary! We're doing this once more! Here we go!' And I'll always remember, our director—David Hill at the time—he stated, 'We're not paying for this one for you. You need to do it? It's on you.' And that has left, correct? No one's doing 3D wears any longer. I sort of feel that route with 4K, on the grounds that we're not getting the tab."
Penetrate included that Fox Sports has a few commitments to create 4K content for DirecTV, yet he by and by observes HDR to be additionally convincing.
"I am more keen on HDR," he said. "I imagine that, to me, is a significantly more intriguing bearing than 4K. Be that as it may, cash is the response to all inquiries, and cash will direct where the subject of goes."
Past simply the creation issues, 4K additionally requires a great deal more transfer speed to convey. A 4K video stream can require about twice as much transmission capacity as 1080p, adding HDR to a 1080p stream requires just around 20 percent more data transfer capacity.
So 4K not just builds conveyance costs for gushing suppliers, it additionally puts a greater weight on clients. Extend administrator Andreas Engde for the Stockholm-based live spilling tech firm Viaplay said amid a similar board that regardless of the possibility that gushing suppliers do everything ideal, there's a great deal that can turn out badly with clients' systems.
"4K increases present expectations on the end client a considerable measure," Engde stated, "in light of the fact that on the off chance that you do high casing rate 1080p, the client's home system will presumably oversee it. However, once you go to 4K, you unavoidably take a major bounce in bit rate."
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inout2017 · 7 years
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In&Out 2017 - Jour 2.  Présentation de l’ exposition à la Librairie Vigna au Jury In&Out (Karine Espineira, Andrea Inzerillo, et Jean-Pierre Paringaux) et Didier Roth-Bettoni
Toutes photos copyright 2017 Les Ouvreurs.  Photographes Alice Giraudon et Stephen Valentine
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travelbiz · 8 years
Wynn Resorts Collectively has more Forbes Travel Guide Five-Stars than any Other Independent Hotel Company in the World
Wynn Macau Becomes the Only Resort in the World with 8 Forbes Travel Guide Five-Star Awards
MACAU, Feb. 22, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Forbes Travel Guide unveiled its official 2017 Forbes Travel Guide Star Rating list, awarding Wynn Macau the highest honors as the only resort in the world with 8 Forbes Travel Guide Five-Star awards. This recognition of Wynn Macau is especially significant, reflecting the resort's bespoke accommodations, opulent spas and refined restaurants. In addition, Mizumi at Wynn Macau was elevated from a Four-Star to a Five-Star designation for the first time this year which maintains Wynn Macau's elite status of having the highest number of Five-Star spas and Five-Star restaurants.
Wynn Macau Becomes the Only Resort in the World with 8 Forbes Travel Guide Five-Star Awards
Wynn Macau was the first and only resort and spa in Macau to achieve the prestigious Forbes Travel Guide Five-Star recognition since 2009. This recognition reinforces the resort's dedication to nurture local talents and support Macau in becoming a world center of tourism and leisure.
Forbes Travel Guide awarded 13 distinguished Five-Star awards to the hotel, spas and restaurants at Wynn Macau, as well as the Tower Suites and spas at Wynn Las Vegas and Encore. Collectively, Wynn Resorts has more Five-Star awards than any other independent hotel company in the world.
The Tower Suites at Wynn and Encore Las Vegas once again earned the Forbes Travel Guide Five-Star award. This marks the twelve year for Wynn Tower Suites and ninth year for Encore Tower Suites to be recognized with this prestigious accolade. Additionally, the Spas at Wynn Las Vegas and Encore are among an elite group of spas in the world to be recognized with Forbes Travel Guide Five-Star awards.
Wynn Resorts collectively received a remarkable number of Forbes Travel Guide Stars comprised of the following:
Wynn Macau (Five-Star)
Encore at Wynn Macau (Five-Star)
The Spa at Wynn Macau (Five-Star)
The Spa at Encore (Five-Star)
Wing Lei (Five-Star)
Golden Flower (Five-Star)
Ristorante il Teatro (Five-Star)
Mizumi (Five-Star)
Las Vegas:
Wynn Tower Suites (Five-Star)
The Spa at Wynn (Five-Star)
Encore Tower Suites (Five-Star)
The Spa at Encore (Five-Star)
Wing Lei (Four-Star)
Wynn Resort Tower (Four-Star)
Encore Resort Tower (Four-Star)
Andrea's (Four-Star)
Costa di Mare (Four-Star)
The Country Club - A New American Steakhouse (Four-Star)
Mizumi (Four-Star)
Sinatra (Four-Star)
SW Steakhouse (Four-Star)
Lakeside (Four-Star)
"We are delighted to recognize the 2017 Star Rating recipients, an exceptional collection of hotels, restaurants and spas that demonstrates a strong culture of service," said Gerard J. Inzerillo, Chief Executive Officer of Forbes Travel Guide.
For a detailed explanation of how Forbes Travel Guide compiles its Star ratings, click here.
To view the complete list of 2017 Forbes Travel Guide Star Award winners, please click here.
About Wynn Resorts:
Wynn Resorts, Limited is traded on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the ticker symbol WYNN and is part of the S&P 500 Index. Wynn Resorts owns and operates Wynn Las Vegas (www.wynnlasvegas.com), Wynn Macau (www.wynnmacau.com) and Wynn Palace, Cotai (www.wynnpalace.com).
Wynn and Encore Las Vegas feature two luxury hotel towers with a total of 4,750 spacious hotel rooms, suites and villas, approximately 189,000 square feet of casino space, 24 dining experiences featuring signature chefs and 11 bars, two award-winning spas, an on-site 18-hole golf course, approximately 290,000 square feet of meeting and convention space, approximately 99,000 square feet of retail space as well as two showrooms; three nightclubs a beach club and recreation and leisure facilities. A luxury retail Strip-front expansion, Wynn Plaza, is currently under construction and is scheduled to debut the first quarter of 2018.
Wynn Macau is a luxury hotel and casino resort located in the Macau Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China with two luxury hotel towers with a total of 1,008 spacious rooms and suites, approximately 284,000 square feet of casino space, casual and fine dining in eight restaurants, approximately 31,000 square feet of meeting and convention space, approximately 57,000 square feet of retail space, and recreation and leisure facilities including two opulent spas, a salon and a rotunda show.
Wynn Palace is a new luxury integrated resort in Macau that opened August 22, 2016. Designed as a floral-themed destination, it boasts 1,706 exquisite rooms, suites and villas, approximately 420,000 square feet of casino space, 10 food and beverage outlets, approximately 40,000 square feet of meeting and convention space, approximately 105,000 square feet of designer retail, SkyCabs that traverse an eight-acre Performance Lake, an extensive collection of rare art, a lush spa, salon and recreation and leisure facilities.
Wynn Resorts is currently constructing Wynn Boston Harbor located in Everett, Massachusetts.
About Forbes Travel Guide:
Forbes Travel Guide, formerly Mobil Travel Guide, is the originator of the prestigious Five Star Rating system, and has provided the travel industry's most comprehensive ratings and reviews of hotels, restaurants and spas since 1958. Forbes Travel Guide has a team of expert inspectors who anonymously evaluate properties against up to 800 rigorous and objective standards, providing consumers the insight to make better informed travel and leisure decisions. Forbes Travel Guide is the gold standard for luxury hospitality ratings worldwide. For more information about Forbes Travel Guide, visit ForbesTravelGuide.com.
ForbesTravelGuide.com combines the objectivity and heritage of the Forbes Travel Guide Star Rating system with insightful recommendations from a hand-selected group of travel experts, tastemakers and Forbes Travel Guide inspectors. ForbesTravelGuide.com is the sole online destination for Forbes Travel Guide's list of Star Rated hotels, restaurants and spas, and gives its registered members exclusive access to special offers and curated experiences from select Forbes Travel Guide partners.
Photo - http://ift.tt/2kZrVOZ
  Read this news on PR Newswire Asia website: Wynn Resorts Collectively has more Forbes Travel Guide Five-Stars than any Other Independent Hotel Company in the World
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entmtbiz · 8 years
Wynn Resorts Collectively has more Forbes Travel Guide Five-Stars than any Other Independent Hotel Company in the World
Wynn Macau Becomes the Only Resort in the World with 8 Forbes Travel Guide Five-Star Awards
MACAU, Feb. 22, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Forbes Travel Guide unveiled its official 2017 Forbes Travel Guide Star Rating list, awarding Wynn Macau the highest honors as the only resort in the world with 8 Forbes Travel Guide Five-Star awards. This recognition of Wynn Macau is especially significant, reflecting the resort's bespoke accommodations, opulent spas and refined restaurants. In addition, Mizumi at Wynn Macau was elevated from a Four-Star to a Five-Star designation for the first time this year which maintains Wynn Macau's elite status of having the highest number of Five-Star spas and Five-Star restaurants.
Wynn Macau Becomes the Only Resort in the World with 8 Forbes Travel Guide Five-Star Awards
Wynn Macau was the first and only resort and spa in Macau to achieve the prestigious Forbes Travel Guide Five-Star recognition since 2009. This recognition reinforces the resort's dedication to nurture local talents and support Macau in becoming a world center of tourism and leisure.
Forbes Travel Guide awarded 13 distinguished Five-Star awards to the hotel, spas and restaurants at Wynn Macau, as well as the Tower Suites and spas at Wynn Las Vegas and Encore. Collectively, Wynn Resorts has more Five-Star awards than any other independent hotel company in the world.
The Tower Suites at Wynn and Encore Las Vegas once again earned the Forbes Travel Guide Five-Star award. This marks the twelve year for Wynn Tower Suites and ninth year for Encore Tower Suites to be recognized with this prestigious accolade. Additionally, the Spas at Wynn Las Vegas and Encore are among an elite group of spas in the world to be recognized with Forbes Travel Guide Five-Star awards.
Wynn Resorts collectively received a remarkable number of Forbes Travel Guide Stars comprised of the following:
Wynn Macau (Five-Star)
Encore at Wynn Macau (Five-Star)
The Spa at Wynn Macau (Five-Star)
The Spa at Encore (Five-Star)
Wing Lei (Five-Star)
Golden Flower (Five-Star)
Ristorante il Teatro (Five-Star)
Mizumi (Five-Star)
Las Vegas:
Wynn Tower Suites (Five-Star)
The Spa at Wynn (Five-Star)
Encore Tower Suites (Five-Star)
The Spa at Encore (Five-Star)
Wing Lei (Four-Star)
Wynn Resort Tower (Four-Star)
Encore Resort Tower (Four-Star)
Andrea's (Four-Star)
Costa di Mare (Four-Star)
The Country Club - A New American Steakhouse (Four-Star)
Mizumi (Four-Star)
Sinatra (Four-Star)
SW Steakhouse (Four-Star)
Lakeside (Four-Star)
"We are delighted to recognize the 2017 Star Rating recipients, an exceptional collection of hotels, restaurants and spas that demonstrates a strong culture of service," said Gerard J. Inzerillo, Chief Executive Officer of Forbes Travel Guide.
For a detailed explanation of how Forbes Travel Guide compiles its Star ratings, click here.
To view the complete list of 2017 Forbes Travel Guide Star Award winners, please click here.
About Wynn Resorts:
Wynn Resorts, Limited is traded on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the ticker symbol WYNN and is part of the S&P 500 Index. Wynn Resorts owns and operates Wynn Las Vegas (www.wynnlasvegas.com), Wynn Macau (www.wynnmacau.com) and Wynn Palace, Cotai (www.wynnpalace.com).
Wynn and Encore Las Vegas feature two luxury hotel towers with a total of 4,750 spacious hotel rooms, suites and villas, approximately 189,000 square feet of casino space, 24 dining experiences featuring signature chefs and 11 bars, two award-winning spas, an on-site 18-hole golf course, approximately 290,000 square feet of meeting and convention space, approximately 99,000 square feet of retail space as well as two showrooms; three nightclubs a beach club and recreation and leisure facilities. A luxury retail Strip-front expansion, Wynn Plaza, is currently under construction and is scheduled to debut the first quarter of 2018.
Wynn Macau is a luxury hotel and casino resort located in the Macau Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China with two luxury hotel towers with a total of 1,008 spacious rooms and suites, approximately 284,000 square feet of casino space, casual and fine dining in eight restaurants, approximately 31,000 square feet of meeting and convention space, approximately 57,000 square feet of retail space, and recreation and leisure facilities including two opulent spas, a salon and a rotunda show.
Wynn Palace is a new luxury integrated resort in Macau that opened August 22, 2016. Designed as a floral-themed destination, it boasts 1,706 exquisite rooms, suites and villas, approximately 420,000 square feet of casino space, 10 food and beverage outlets, approximately 40,000 square feet of meeting and convention space, approximately 105,000 square feet of designer retail, SkyCabs that traverse an eight-acre Performance Lake, an extensive collection of rare art, a lush spa, salon and recreation and leisure facilities.
Wynn Resorts is currently constructing Wynn Boston Harbor located in Everett, Massachusetts.
About Forbes Travel Guide:
Forbes Travel Guide, formerly Mobil Travel Guide, is the originator of the prestigious Five Star Rating system, and has provided the travel industry's most comprehensive ratings and reviews of hotels, restaurants and spas since 1958. Forbes Travel Guide has a team of expert inspectors who anonymously evaluate properties against up to 800 rigorous and objective standards, providing consumers the insight to make better informed travel and leisure decisions. Forbes Travel Guide is the gold standard for luxury hospitality ratings worldwide. For more information about Forbes Travel Guide, visit ForbesTravelGuide.com.
ForbesTravelGuide.com combines the objectivity and heritage of the Forbes Travel Guide Star Rating system with insightful recommendations from a hand-selected group of travel experts, tastemakers and Forbes Travel Guide inspectors. ForbesTravelGuide.com is the sole online destination for Forbes Travel Guide's list of Star Rated hotels, restaurants and spas, and gives its registered members exclusive access to special offers and curated experiences from select Forbes Travel Guide partners.
Photo - http://ift.tt/2kZrVOZ
  Read this news on PR Newswire Asia website: Wynn Resorts Collectively has more Forbes Travel Guide Five-Stars than any Other Independent Hotel Company in the World
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voir-magazine · 9 years
Intervista: SQFF atto V
Intervista: SQFF atto V
Anteprime internazionali, personaggi di prestigio, riscoperte necessarie, eventi a margine: il Sicilia Queer FilmFest, incentrato sul cinema a tematica LGBT (lesbo, gay, bisex e transgender), si è già distinto nel corso delle prime quattro edizioni per la ricchezza dei suoi cartelloni, che non hanno mancato di interessare il pubblico più variegato. Adesso, al compimento del primo lustro, oltre ad…
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