#Ann Arbor Auditions
wildsummerrose · 9 months
I normally try to avoid getting all "real life" on Tumblr, but also wanted to signal boost this (enough that I'm about to Blaze this):
The University of Michigan Gilbert and Sullivan Society (UMGASS) will be holding auditions for the Fall Semester's production of Ruddigore on September 11th-13th, 2023.
If you live in Southeastern MI, and like to act and sing (and possibly dance!) then please check out more information about the show and the audition process here:
Ensemble members are only required two nights a week for most of the rehearsal process, so it's not a big commitment.
ALSO: they are looking for people to direct and music-direct their next show, Iolanthe, which will be produced from Jan-April of 2024.
More info on how to get involved as a prod-staff member here:
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 10 months
by Dion J. Pierre
A Jewish civil rights nonprofit is launching a chapter in the state of Michigan in response to antisemitic incidents of vandalism at University of Michigan-Ann Arbor in which someone graffitied swastikas and homophobic slurs on two off-campus a fraternity houses earlier this month.
EndJewHatred, which has successfully pushed for the establishment of “End Jew Hatred Day” in cities and localities across America, made the announcement on Tuesday, citing the need for on the ground personnel trained to react quickly to hate crimes targeting the Jewish community and Jewish institutions.
“The launch of #EndJewHatred movement in Michigan comes in response to a dramatic rise in threats of Jew-hatred over the past year, dangerously fermenting in the state,” EndJewHatred director of mobilization Adar Rubin said in a press release. “We seek to empower, strengthen, and unite the Jewish community on a grassroots level to fight back against bigotry while showing up to demand both direct action and consequence.”
On Friday, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor president Santa J. Ono said that the administration is aware of the vandalism of the fraternity houses and has asked the Ann Arbor Police Department (AAPD) to investigate it.
The new EndJewHatred chapter will hold weekly meetings for setting an agenda and training new recruits. Its other activities will include local demonstrations, distribution of flyers raising awareness of antisemitism, and outreach to the local Jewish and non-Jewish community.
Michigan had the 9th most antisemitic incidents in the US in 2022, according to an annual audit issued in March by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). In December, a man from Dearborn was charged with ethnic intimidation after shouting “F*** the Jews” and “F*** Israel” at children attending the pre-school of Temple Beth El synagogue.
The problem has spilled into this year.
In June, a federal grand jury indicted 19-year-old Seann Pietila from Pickford, Michigan for allegedly threatening to commit a mass shooting and live stream it on social media. The charges followed an FBI search of his home on June 14 in which guns, knives, military style camouflage clothing, and a Nazi flag were found in his possession. In his iPhone, investigators found a note — dated March 15, 2024 — with the address of a synagogue in East Lansing, Michigan, a city roughly 270 miles south of Pickford.
In March, another Michigan man, Jack Carpenter, who allegedly threatened to kill Jewish state government officials was charged with transmitting interstate threats after tweeting that he would “carry out the punishment of death to anyone that is jewish [sic] in the Michigan govt [sic].” After the arrest, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel (D) said the FBI confirmed that any act of violence would have targeted her.
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fasa-umich · 2 months
A Crash Course on Crashing Cars || Izzy Lamug, FASA's 2023-2024 Co-Culutral
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So. You finally got your driver’s license, huh?  
Nonetheless you’ve come to the right place! I for one am a very qualified driver. See for yourself:
DOB: 02-16-2004
Isabelle-Leigh Changcoco Lamug
FASA Co-Cultural Chair
Troy, MI
Yup! So official, right?
Let me just say, you don’t actually need a silly license to get behind the wheel. I’ll give you a few pointers and you’ll be fine, trust! But if you don’t believe me, let me tell you about all the cars I (and others) have crashed…
Lesson 1: Driver’s Ed
You didn’t think we would be starting behind the wheel, did you? Everyone was a beginner once, and I definitely wasn’t always a master at crashing cars. 
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Friday, August 20, 2021, Senior Year Band Camp!
Contrary to popular belief, I did not invent the car crash. In high school, I was a member of our color guard for three years (shoutout to the girls who somehow find this <3). During my last band camp, the guard was taking a group picture when one of the girls yelled out, “Let’s do a car crash!”
You might be wondering, how does one do a car crash? It’s actually quite straightforward. Whoever is positioned in the front and center of a group photo is your designated driver. They’ll take the wheel by two hands and steer the rest of your group in whatever direction they please. Everyone else must get into character and…well, crash! 
Lesson 2: Buckle your seatbelt
Nice! You got your learner’s permit. Now, it’s pretty easy to get ahead of yourself, so make sure you start by adjusting your seat and buckling your seatbelt. 
Starting college was a big step for me. I’m from Troy, Michigan, which is actually only an hour drive from Ann Arbor, but moving into the dorms and living away from home felt like getting my license all over again.
While, yes I grew up in a predominantly white city, it didn’t feel like it. I like to refer to my high school as a bubble, as its diverse student population and multitude of cultural organizations felt like some world of its own. The only catch was there was no sort of Filipino club. To make up for it, I found myself dropping by the Korean Club meetings and auditioning for a Bollywood dance team. I sought out solidarity among other minority students, but I never felt like I fully belonged. 
I saw joining FASA as my chance to finally find that belonging. By the time Festifall rolled around, I had been stalking FASA’s Instagram for the entire summer. I found their table, grabbed a flyer, and…that was it. No extended conversation, no putting my uniqname down…but no big deal, I was sure I would end up making new friends as one of the later events! 
I ended up attending FASA’s Mass Meeting…
And FAM/Lin Reveal…
And FASAPalooza…
And Halo-Halloween…
I thought I was doing everything right. 
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Went to Fam/Lin and unknowingly met my future Co-Chairs???
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Got sorted into the best lineage: Bathala!
But even though I was having fun and amazing conversations with people, I felt out of place. The connections didn’t stick outside of events and I wasn’t sure if that was on me or if that was just how things worked…and well, I was definitely feeling discouraged. It was really hard showing up to FASA events without knowing if I’d even have someone to talk to. 
Lesson 3: Check your mirrors 
After buckling your seatbelt, definitely check your mirrors. You’ll want to be aware of your surroundings. Don’t be nervous, you’re already behind the wheel!
If you’re feeling the same way I did, a bit awkward in conversations and floating around events, I promise you will find your way in this community. It’s never easy being in a new place (especially when you’re waiting for someone to let you into Couzens), but I learned to live in the awkward—to awkwardly embrace feeling uncomfortable.
Uncomfortable Decision #1: Joining two PCN dances—Modern Tinikling and Pagapir.  
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Me and my twin at Pagapir 😋🤞
I had never danced tinikling before. I didn’t even know what pagapir meant, but JC, Bryson, and Caitlin created fun and welcoming practice spaces that I always looked forward to coming to. I met one of my closest friends, Miss Angelica Alpas, at pagapir practice! 
Uncomfortable Decision #2: Applying for the intern program
Working with board members and my intern class helped me feel more comfortable in my awkwardness—maybe not awkward, maybe just finding that acceptance in being myself. 
I think about this a lot, but I still remember taking the big group picture at Winter 23 FAM/Lin Reveal and calling out, “Wait, can we do a car crash?”
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FASA’s FIRST Car Crash @ Winter FAM/Lin Reveal
It felt nice, you know, sharing a part of myself with FASA and watching people…enjoy it? Like it? It’s just a silly group picture, I know, but it made me feel really there (or something like that).    
Then you KNOW we had to run it back at the Intern Capstone.
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Miss Erin Segui crashing 18 Roses
Then, of course…
Confident Decision #1: Running for Cultural Chair
Lesson 4: Start your engine 
Ready to get on the road? We haven’t even gotten to the fun part yet! 
The title “Cultural Chair” is a little misleading. You assume whoever holds the position is some kind of expert on Filipino culture—wrong. 
What makes the chair so special is that it’s all about learning. While you’re not an expert, you’re someone interested in something (perhaps…you might call this passion!), and that’s all it really takes. It’s not often (or ever) you dedicate a year of your life to studying the lifestyle (language, food, religion, social habits, art, music—the whole shabang) of Filipinos, and the opportunity to learn and share what interests you through events and workshops (entirely of your own design) is really just something special. Maybe you’re already fluent in Tagalog or have a dozen family recipes memorized, but no one knows everything (…surely?). I guarantee you will learn something that you have never heard of before. That alone is pretty amazing. 
So where do you start? Apparently in a Discord VC over summer vacation.  
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moocow and silverbells67 in vc
Communication is key. Share your ideas. Talk out new and creative ways to show them. I like to think every Cultural Chair is drawn to the position out of a personal passion for something. In my case, I was interested in identity—its formation, factors that influence it, and how it represents us—but again I was (and still am) no expert. My coffee chats with my predecessors helped guide my ideas, but most of all, the long conversations between me and Philip (via Discord of course) are what brought them to their full potential. 
Lesson 5: One last thing!
You’re all set! Before you hit the gas, is there anyone you want to bring along?
Dear Philip, 
Thank you for being my co-driver. 
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Our Buwan ng Wika Picnic!
Unknowingly, you’ve taught me so much. Where I’d approach leadership headstrong, you were always patient. When I took on more than I could handle, you’d lighten my load. If I ever lost sight of my love for our culture, your thoughtful care and insight would never fail to motivate me. 
I don’t think I’ll ever be able to fully express my gratitude for you, but just know…I am grateful for you! Our year as Co-Chairs is an experience I will always cherish and I will always consider you as a dear friend. I am so so insanely proud of everything we’ve accomplished together, and I know you will continue to inspire everyone you meet, just like you’ve inspired FASA, our board, and me, duh.  
Lesson 6: Crash and burn!
Fake it til you make it! You’re behind the wheel, show them what you are capable of!
Dear FASA,
Thank you for this. My goal as Cultural Chair was to build spaces that embody everything our community has given to me—a place to experiment, grow, and learn who I am in our culture. 
PCN was the greatest undertaking of my life thus far. Speaking to our theme, Who Are You?, I hope you all feel a little more comfortable with your answer, but I hope there’s still some uncertainty. Identity is a process. You’re always becoming who you will be, so I think it’s okay not to know.
I don’t think I’ll ever fully know who I am, but I know I’m different from whoever I was before, and I think that’s pretty cool. To that version of me, I promise to keep learning and growing and changing and becoming whoever we will be. 
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Thank you for letting me take the wheel <3
To my passengers:
I’m sorry for putting your lives at risk
Angelica: I’ve always wanted a friend like you, and I am happy FASA brought us together. You’ve shown me what it means to be cared for, and I hope you know I care for you very much. Thank you for being my rock in this whole college life thing.  
Erin & Nate: meap. Miss Erin, I adore you <3 Nate, you’re alright. I look back fondly on our Tagalog classes together, that lumpia rolling night, and tinikling practices. You guys are my people, and I am grateful to call you my friends.
Estelle, Kate, Caitlin, Emily, & JC: Talk about leading by example. You all inspire me, and thank you for your guidance! My vision is thanks to all of you…seriously. You can’t have those deep conversations about Filipino American identity with just anybody, and I am thankful I got to share them with y’all :))  
Eun & Fran: Congratulations adings! Your passions and ideas will come together in unimaginable ways and I can not wait to see you bring them to life. Remember, you are resources to board, but at the same time, board is a resource to both of you. Make the most out of this opportunity <3
Kayla, Fran, Saarim, Marohn, & Ava: Congratulations to FASA’s first PCN Board :00 The conversations Philip and I had with each of you makes me so crazy excited! Thank you for being such lovely and welcoming members of our community, and I know you all will absolutely eat up this PCN AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! lol. 
Alyssa: Hi Ate Sa Sa. I hope you enjoy your retirement. Trotter hours are about to go crazy. 
Bryson: On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you to be here? (Fall 22 first tinikling practice reference in case you forgot)
Nicole: Maybe the real [REDACTED] was the friends we made along the way. 
Andrew: MC hide and seek champion right here
Philip: scroll up
Ate Mizzy: The OG Izzy, thank you for always letting me squish your face 🐢
Gabe: mew meow meow maiw? (where my hug at?)
Eli: It amazes me how you somehow liquify all the bones in your body. 
Therese: You’re so beautiful bro. 
Sofia: Throwback to when you ate it up as Regina! Or were you Karen? Gretchen?? 
Kendra: Your voice is so soothing. Also, I DO think you’re really funny.
Ash: What would you do if I murdered your entire family. 
Zainab: I just knew it would be a good year on board as soon as I saw you smash that boba at Rice Bowl. My respect for you is so insanely great (for reasons besides that moment, probably)
Taryn: HEYYYYY new cooooooooo ;))
Kayla: que luh. heh.
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burtsloth40 · 4 months
The Ultimate Guide to Locating Top Tax Attorneys in Ann Arbor, Michigan
Looking for the best tax lawyers in Ann Arbor, Michigan? Look no further! The task of dealing with complex tax matters can be overwhelming, but having a skilled and experienced tax attorney by your side can make all the difference. Whether you are facing tax audits, disputes, or simply need reliable advice, finding the right tax lawyer is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps to locating the top tax attorneys in Ann Arbor, MI, ensuring you receive expert assistance and peace of mind throughout the process.
When it comes to finding the best tax lawyers in Ann Arbor, MI, it's important to have a clear understanding of your specific needs. Are you an individual seeking aid with personal tax matters, or are you a business owner dealing with corporate tax issues? Identifying your requirements will help narrow down the search and ensure you find a tax attorney with the relevant expertise. Equipped with the knowledge of your specific needs, you'll be ready to embark on this journey of finding the perfect tax lawyer to resolve your tax concerns effectively. Whether it's navigating intricate tax codes or negotiating with the IRS, the right tax attorney will be your guiding light. So let’s dive in and discover the steps to locating the best tax lawyers in Ann Arbor, MI!
Heading the search for tax lawyers in Ann Arbor, MI, one prominent name that shines is Austin & Larson Tax Resolution. With their extensive experience and track record of successful outcomes, they have established themselves as trustworthy tax attorneys in the area. However, it's important to explore other options and compare them to find the best fit for you. Conducting thorough research and considering various factors such as experience, reputation, and client testimonials will lead you to the top tax lawyers in Ann Arbor, MI. Get ready to equip yourself with the knowledge and resources needed to make an informed decision as we delve into the steps to find the best tax lawyers in Ann Arbor, Michigan!
Qualities to Look for in a Top Tax Attorney in Ann Arbor
When searching for the best tax lawyer in Ann Arbor, Michigan, it is important to consider certain qualities that will ensure you receive high-quality representation and advice. These qualities can make a significant difference in navigating the complex world of tax laws and regulations. Here are some key qualities to look for in a top tax attorney:
Experience: A top tax attorney should have extensive experience in handling various tax-related cases. Look for someone who has dealt with a wide range of tax issues and has a proven track record of successful outcomes for their clients. An experienced tax attorney will have the knowledge and expertise to provide you with the best possible legal advice and representation.
Expertise: Tax laws can be intricate and ever-changing. It is crucial to find a tax attorney who specializes in tax law and is up-to-date with the latest revisions and regulations. An attorney with expertise in tax law will be able to provide you with accurate and effective guidance tailored to your specific situation.
Communication Skills: Effective communication is essential when working with a tax attorney. Look for someone who is not only a skilled legal professional but also a clear and responsive communicator. Best Tax Lawyers In Ann Arbor, MI will take the time to listen to your concerns, explain complex legal matters in understandable terms, and keep you informed about the progress of your case.
By considering these qualities when searching for a top tax attorney in Ann Arbor, you can ensure that you have the right professional by your side to navigate the complexities of tax law and protect your interests.
Steps for Finding the Best Tax Lawyers in Ann Arbor, MI
When you're in need of a tax lawyer in Ann Arbor, MI, it's important to take the right steps to find the best one for your specific needs. With so many options available, here are some practical tips to help you locate the top tax attorneys in this area.
Research and Gather Information: Start by conducting thorough research about tax lawyers in Ann Arbor, MI. Look for credible sources such as online directories, law firm websites, and even local business listings. Take note of the names and contact details of the tax lawyers and firms that specialize in handling tax-related issues.
Read Reviews and Testimonials: Once you have compiled a list of potential tax lawyers, read reviews and testimonials from their previous clients. This can provide valuable insights into the lawyers' expertise, level of professionalism, and success rate. Look for patterns or common feedback that may indicate their strengths or weaknesses in handling tax cases.
Schedule Consultations: Finally, schedule consultations with the tax lawyers who have caught your interest. These meetings will allow you to discuss your specific tax concerns and gauge the lawyer's understanding, expertise, and approach to resolving your particular situation. Use this opportunity to ask questions about their experience, qualifications, and any relevant certifications they may hold.
By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to finding the best tax lawyer in Ann Arbor, MI who can provide you with the right guidance and representation for your tax-related matters.
Experience and Expertise: Choosing the Right Tax Lawyer in Ann Arbor
When it comes to selecting a tax lawyer in Ann Arbor, Michigan, experience and expertise are crucial factors to consider. Finding a tax lawyer in Ann Arbor with a strong track record in handling tax-related issues can significantly increase your chances of achieving a successful outcome.
First and foremost, you want to ensure that the tax lawyer you choose has ample experience in dealing with tax matters. Handling tax issues can be complex, and having a lawyer who is well-versed in tax law and regulations specific to Ann Arbor is essential. Look for a lawyer who has a proven history of working on cases similar to yours and familiar with the local tax laws in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
In addition to experience, it is crucial to find a tax lawyer who demonstrates expertise in their field. Tax law is a specialized area of practice, and you want an attorney who has a deep understanding of the nuances and complexities involved. Look for a lawyer who can provide evidence of their expertise, such as certifications, advanced degrees, or a strong reputation among their peers.
Another factor to consider is the reputation and credibility of the tax lawyer and their firm. Research online and seek recommendations from trusted sources to determine the best tax lawyers in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Take note of any positive reviews or testimonials that highlight the lawyer's skills, professionalism, and success rate.
In conclusion, when searching for the best tax lawyers in Ann Arbor, MI, prioritize experience, expertise, and reputation. Finding a lawyer who excels in these areas will greatly increase your chances of resolving your tax issues effectively and efficiently.
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brookston · 4 months
Holidays 1.26
Australia Day
Bald Eagle Appreciation Day
Bessie Coleman Day
Day of Islam (Poland)
Dental Drill Appreciation Day
Discovery Day (Brazil)
Duarte Day (Dominican Republic)
Dungeons & Dragons Day
Engineer’s and Architect’s Day (Panama)
General Douglas MacArthur Day (Arkansas)
International Customs Day
International Day of Clean Energy
International Environmental Education Day
International Kawasaki Disease Awareness Day
Liberation Day (Uganda)
Lotus 1-2-3 Day
Multicultural Children’s Book Day
National Diane Day
National Ellen Degeneres Day
National Heroes Day (Cayman Islands)
National Ranboo Day
National #24 Day
Renewable Energy Day (Indiana)
Rocky Mountain National Park Day
Rum Rebellion Day (Australia)
Sexual Relations Day
Spouse’s Day
State Audit Service Day (Ukraine)
Television Day
Tinder Polypore Day (French Republic)
Toad Hollow Day of Encouragement
World Day for the Abolition of Meat
World Day of the Fisherman
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Sous Vide Day
National Green Juice Day
National Irish Soda Bread Day
National Peanut Brittle Day
National Pistachio Day
Spike the Punch Day
Stingray IPA Day
4th & Last Friday in January
Big Garden Birdwatch begins (UK) [Last Friday thru Sunday]
Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Day [Last Friday]
EITC Awareness Day [Last Friday]
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
Great Mental Health Day (London) [Last Friday]
International Fun at Work [Last Friday]
National Activity Professionals Day [4th Friday]
National Big Wig Day [Last Friday]
National Have Fun at Work Day (a.k.a. Fun At Work Day) [Last Friday]
Newman Day (a.k.a. Newman's Day, 24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence? I think not.) [Bates College] (Friday nearest 1.26) [also 3.30 & 4.24]
Preschool Health and Fitness Day [Last Friday]
Stout & Chowder Festival (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) [Last Friday]
Independence & Related Days
Foundation Day (Australia)
Hong Kong (Proclaimed British Sovereign Territory; 1841)
Michigan Statehood Day (#26; 1837)
NRM Liberation Day (Uganda)
Recognition of the Republic of Latvia (Latvijas Republikas Atzīšana; Latvia)
Republic Day (India)
Suttornland (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Virginia (Readmitted to Union; 1870)
Festivals Beginning January 26, 2024
Ann Arbor Folk Festival (Ann Arbor, Michigan) [thru 1.27]
Aukland Folk Festival (Aukland, New Zealand) [thru 1.29]
Baltimore Restaurant Week (Baltimore, Maryland) [thru 2.4]
Delhi Republic Day Parade (New Delhi, India)
First Taste Oregon (Salem, Oregon) [thru 1.27]
Göteborg Film Festival (Gothenburg, Sweden) [thru 2.4]
Hippologica Berlin (Berlin, Germany) [thru 1.28]
Lakeland Pigfest (Lakeland, Florida) [thru 1.27]
Meltdown Winter Ice Festival (Richmond, Indiana) [thru 1.27]
Mighty Hoopla Big Weekender (Bognor Regis, UK) [thru 1.29]
Mobile Mardi Gras (Mobile, Alabama) [thru 2.13]
Montana Winter Fair (Lewistown, Montana) [thru 1.28]
Naples Winter Wine Festival (Naples, Florida) [thru 1.28]
Sarasota Seafood & Music Festival (Sarasota, Florida) [thru 1.28]
Feast Days
Alberic (Christian; Saint)
Beat the January Blues Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Cernunnos’ Day (Celtic God of the Wild; Master of the Animals; Celtic Book of Days)
Conon (Christian; Saint)
Dévote's Day (Monaco; Saint)
End of the Fifth Quarter of the Ninth Dozen of the Thirteenth Set (Shamanism)
Enki’s Day (Pagan)
Eystein (Christian; Saint)
Founders of Cîteaux (Alberic of Cîteaux, Robert of Molesme, Stephen Harding)
Gabriele Allegra (Christian; Blessed)
Giovanni Lanfranco (Artology)
John the Baptist (Positivist; Saint)
Kees van Dongen (Artology)
Margaret of Hungary (Christian; Virgin)
Paula (Christian; Saint)
Pilar (Muppetism)
Polycarp (Christian; Martyr)
Powamu begins (a.k.a. Bean Dance Ceremony; Hopi) [8 Days; thru 2.3]
Rum Rebellion Day (Pastafarian)
Rupprecht Geiger (Artology)
Sailing of Anubis (Ancient Egypt)
Steve Jackson Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
St. John the Baptist (Positivist; Saint)
String Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Timothy and Titus (Christian; Saints)
Titus (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [4 of 53]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Tycho Brahe Lucky Day (Scandinavia) [1 of 4]
Bowling (Atari 2600 Video Game; 1979)
Bridge Over Troubled Waters, by Simon & Garfunkel (Album; 1970)
Catch and Release (Film; 2017)
The Clock Watcher (Disney Cartoon; 1945)
Così Fan Tutte, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Opera; 1790)
Der Rosenkavalier, by Richard Staruss (Comic Opera; 1911)
Don’t Shoot Me, I’m Only the Piano Player (Album; 1973)
Don’t Stop Me Now, by Queen (Song; 1979)
Eddie the Eagle (Film; 2016)
Edgar Runs Again (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1940)
The Dukes of Hazzard (TV Series; 1979)
Gormenghast, by Mervyn Peake (Novel; 1950) [Gormenghast #2]
Hello, I’m Johnny Cash, by Johnny Cash (Album; 1970)
Jimmy Kimmel Live! (TV Talk Show; 2003)
Maze Runner: The Death Cure (Film; 2018)
Mickey Spillane’s Mike Hammer (TV Series; 1984)
The Mouse Exterminator (Phantasies Cartoon; 1940)
Need You Now, by Lady Antebellum (Album; 2010)
Notes on a Scandal (Film; 2007)
The Phantom of the Opera (Broadway Musical; 1988)
Philip José Farmer (Writerism)
Poker Face (TV Series; 2023)
Pop-Pie a la Mode (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1945)
Riverdale (TV Series; 2017)
Scrambled Aches (WB LT Cartoon; 1957)
Seal on the Loose (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1970)
Shōgun, by James Clavell (Novel; 1975)
Sugar & Spice (Film; 2001)
The Three Bears (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1934)
Twelve O’Clock High (Film; 1950)
Volver (Film; 2007)
Today’s Name Days
Paula, Timotheus, Titus (Austria)
Bogoljub, Paula, Timotej, Tit, Tonka (Croatia)
Zora (Czech Republic)
Polycarpus (Denmark)
Ulve, Ulvi (Estonia)
Joonatan (Finland)
Paule, Pauline, Timothé (France)
Paula, Timotheus, Titus (Germany)
Xenofon (Greece)
Paula, Vanda (Hungary)
Paola, Timoteo, Tito (Italy)
Agnis, Ansis (Latvia)
Daugis, Eigilė, Justas, Rimantas (Lithuania)
Esten, Øystein (Norway)
Paula, Paulina, Polikarp, Skarbimir, Wanda (Poland)
Arcadie, Ioan, Iosif, Maria, Xenofont (Romania)
Tamara (Slovakia)
Paula, Timoteo, Tito (Spain)
Bodil, Boel (Sweden)
Arkad, Arkadiy, May, Maya (Ukraine)
Aubrey, Conan, Coner, Conner, Connor, Conor, Gonzalo, Paola, Paula, Paulette, Paulina, Pauline (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 26 of 2024; 340 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 4 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 6 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Yi-Chou), Day 16 (Ji-Chou)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 16 Shevat 5784
Islamic: 15 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 26 White; Fryday [26 of 30]
Julian: 13 January 2024
Moon: 99%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 26 Moses (1st Month) [St. John the Baptist]
Runic Half Month: Elhaz (Elk) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 37 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 5 of 28)
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brookstonalmanac · 4 months
Holidays 1.26
Australia Day
Bald Eagle Appreciation Day
Bessie Coleman Day
Day of Islam (Poland)
Dental Drill Appreciation Day
Discovery Day (Brazil)
Duarte Day (Dominican Republic)
Dungeons & Dragons Day
Engineer’s and Architect’s Day (Panama)
General Douglas MacArthur Day (Arkansas)
International Customs Day
International Day of Clean Energy
International Environmental Education Day
International Kawasaki Disease Awareness Day
Liberation Day (Uganda)
Lotus 1-2-3 Day
Multicultural Children’s Book Day
National Diane Day
National Ellen Degeneres Day
National Heroes Day (Cayman Islands)
National Ranboo Day
National #24 Day
Renewable Energy Day (Indiana)
Rocky Mountain National Park Day
Rum Rebellion Day (Australia)
Sexual Relations Day
Spouse’s Day
State Audit Service Day (Ukraine)
Television Day
Tinder Polypore Day (French Republic)
Toad Hollow Day of Encouragement
World Day for the Abolition of Meat
World Day of the Fisherman
Food & Drink Celebrations
International Sous Vide Day
National Green Juice Day
National Irish Soda Bread Day
National Peanut Brittle Day
National Pistachio Day
Spike the Punch Day
Stingray IPA Day
4th & Last Friday in January
Big Garden Birdwatch begins (UK) [Last Friday thru Sunday]
Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Day [Last Friday]
EITC Awareness Day [Last Friday]
Fry Day (Pastafarian; Fritism) [Every Friday]
Great Mental Health Day (London) [Last Friday]
International Fun at Work [Last Friday]
National Activity Professionals Day [4th Friday]
National Big Wig Day [Last Friday]
National Have Fun at Work Day (a.k.a. Fun At Work Day) [Last Friday]
Newman Day (a.k.a. Newman's Day, 24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence? I think not.) [Bates College] (Friday nearest 1.26) [also 3.30 & 4.24]
Preschool Health and Fitness Day [Last Friday]
Stout & Chowder Festival (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) [Last Friday]
Independence & Related Days
Foundation Day (Australia)
Hong Kong (Proclaimed British Sovereign Territory; 1841)
Michigan Statehood Day (#26; 1837)
NRM Liberation Day (Uganda)
Recognition of the Republic of Latvia (Latvijas Republikas Atzīšana; Latvia)
Republic Day (India)
Suttornland (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Virginia (Readmitted to Union; 1870)
Festivals Beginning January 26, 2024
Ann Arbor Folk Festival (Ann Arbor, Michigan) [thru 1.27]
Aukland Folk Festival (Aukland, New Zealand) [thru 1.29]
Baltimore Restaurant Week (Baltimore, Maryland) [thru 2.4]
Delhi Republic Day Parade (New Delhi, India)
First Taste Oregon (Salem, Oregon) [thru 1.27]
Göteborg Film Festival (Gothenburg, Sweden) [thru 2.4]
Hippologica Berlin (Berlin, Germany) [thru 1.28]
Lakeland Pigfest (Lakeland, Florida) [thru 1.27]
Meltdown Winter Ice Festival (Richmond, Indiana) [thru 1.27]
Mighty Hoopla Big Weekender (Bognor Regis, UK) [thru 1.29]
Mobile Mardi Gras (Mobile, Alabama) [thru 2.13]
Montana Winter Fair (Lewistown, Montana) [thru 1.28]
Naples Winter Wine Festival (Naples, Florida) [thru 1.28]
Sarasota Seafood & Music Festival (Sarasota, Florida) [thru 1.28]
Feast Days
Alberic (Christian; Saint)
Beat the January Blues Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Cernunnos’ Day (Celtic God of the Wild; Master of the Animals; Celtic Book of Days)
Conon (Christian; Saint)
Dévote's Day (Monaco; Saint)
End of the Fifth Quarter of the Ninth Dozen of the Thirteenth Set (Shamanism)
Enki’s Day (Pagan)
Eystein (Christian; Saint)
Founders of Cîteaux (Alberic of Cîteaux, Robert of Molesme, Stephen Harding)
Gabriele Allegra (Christian; Blessed)
Giovanni Lanfranco (Artology)
John the Baptist (Positivist; Saint)
Kees van Dongen (Artology)
Margaret of Hungary (Christian; Virgin)
Paula (Christian; Saint)
Pilar (Muppetism)
Polycarp (Christian; Martyr)
Powamu begins (a.k.a. Bean Dance Ceremony; Hopi) [8 Days; thru 2.3]
Rum Rebellion Day (Pastafarian)
Rupprecht Geiger (Artology)
Sailing of Anubis (Ancient Egypt)
Steve Jackson Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
St. John the Baptist (Positivist; Saint)
String Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
Timothy and Titus (Christian; Saints)
Titus (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [4 of 53]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Tycho Brahe Lucky Day (Scandinavia) [1 of 4]
Bowling (Atari 2600 Video Game; 1979)
Bridge Over Troubled Waters, by Simon & Garfunkel (Album; 1970)
Catch and Release (Film; 2017)
The Clock Watcher (Disney Cartoon; 1945)
Così Fan Tutte, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Opera; 1790)
Der Rosenkavalier, by Richard Staruss (Comic Opera; 1911)
Don’t Shoot Me, I’m Only the Piano Player (Album; 1973)
Don’t Stop Me Now, by Queen (Song; 1979)
Eddie the Eagle (Film; 2016)
Edgar Runs Again (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1940)
The Dukes of Hazzard (TV Series; 1979)
Gormenghast, by Mervyn Peake (Novel; 1950) [Gormenghast #2]
Hello, I’m Johnny Cash, by Johnny Cash (Album; 1970)
Jimmy Kimmel Live! (TV Talk Show; 2003)
Maze Runner: The Death Cure (Film; 2018)
Mickey Spillane’s Mike Hammer (TV Series; 1984)
The Mouse Exterminator (Phantasies Cartoon; 1940)
Need You Now, by Lady Antebellum (Album; 2010)
Notes on a Scandal (Film; 2007)
The Phantom of the Opera (Broadway Musical; 1988)
Philip José Farmer (Writerism)
Poker Face (TV Series; 2023)
Pop-Pie a la Mode (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1945)
Riverdale (TV Series; 2017)
Scrambled Aches (WB LT Cartoon; 1957)
Seal on the Loose (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1970)
Shōgun, by James Clavell (Novel; 1975)
Sugar & Spice (Film; 2001)
The Three Bears (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1934)
Twelve O’Clock High (Film; 1950)
Volver (Film; 2007)
Today’s Name Days
Paula, Timotheus, Titus (Austria)
Bogoljub, Paula, Timotej, Tit, Tonka (Croatia)
Zora (Czech Republic)
Polycarpus (Denmark)
Ulve, Ulvi (Estonia)
Joonatan (Finland)
Paule, Pauline, Timothé (France)
Paula, Timotheus, Titus (Germany)
Xenofon (Greece)
Paula, Vanda (Hungary)
Paola, Timoteo, Tito (Italy)
Agnis, Ansis (Latvia)
Daugis, Eigilė, Justas, Rimantas (Lithuania)
Esten, Øystein (Norway)
Paula, Paulina, Polikarp, Skarbimir, Wanda (Poland)
Arcadie, Ioan, Iosif, Maria, Xenofont (Romania)
Tamara (Slovakia)
Paula, Timoteo, Tito (Spain)
Bodil, Boel (Sweden)
Arkad, Arkadiy, May, Maya (Ukraine)
Aubrey, Conan, Coner, Conner, Connor, Conor, Gonzalo, Paola, Paula, Paulette, Paulina, Pauline (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 26 of 2024; 340 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 4 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Luis (Rowan) [Day 6 of 28]
Chinese: Month 12 (Yi-Chou), Day 16 (Ji-Chou)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 16 Shevat 5784
Islamic: 15 Rajab 1445
J Cal: 26 White; Fryday [26 of 30]
Julian: 13 January 2024
Moon: 99%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 26 Moses (1st Month) [St. John the Baptist]
Runic Half Month: Elhaz (Elk) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 37 of 89)
Zodiac: Capricorn (Day 5 of 28)
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gatorsportsfan · 6 months
Sherrone Moore aced his Michigan coaching audition. What’s next after beating Ohio State?
ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Sherrone Moore got home at the end of a long day and exhaled a deep sigh of relief. All day, Moore had been making decisions that came with the weight of history. Go for it on fourth down or kick the field goal? Keep Karsen Barnhart at right tackle or move him to right guard? Call the trick play or save it for later? After one of the most intense days of his life, Moore stepped…
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adwebassociates · 1 year
SEO Services Michigan: Boost Your Online Presence
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In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses of all sizes. With the increasing competition in the online space, it's important to implement effective strategies to stay ahead. That's where SEO services come into play. If you're a business owner in Michigan looking to enhance your visibility and attract more organic traffic, investing in professional SEO services can be a game-changer.
What are SEO services?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is the practice of optimizing a website to improve its visibility and rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs). SEO services encompass a range of techniques and strategies aimed at enhancing a website's organic (non-paid) traffic. These services typically include keyword research, on-page optimization, technical optimization, link building, content creation, and more.
The Importance of SEO Services
In the digital landscape, search engines like Google play a pivotal role in driving traffic to websites. When a user searches for a specific keyword or phrase, search engines analyze various factors to determine the most relevant and authoritative results. By leveraging SEO services, businesses can optimize their websites to meet these criteria, leading to higher visibility, increased organic traffic, and ultimately, more conversions and revenue.
SEO Services Michigan: Unleashing the Potential
Michigan, known as the Great Lakes State, is home to a vibrant business community with diverse industries. Whether you operate an e-commerce store, a local restaurant, or a professional service, the power of SEO can help you reach your target audience effectively. Let's explore how SEO services in Michigan can revolutionize your online presence.
1. Local SEO in Michigan: Targeting the Right Audience
Local SEO focuses on optimizing a website to rank higher in local search results. For businesses with physical locations or those targeting a specific geographic area, local SEO is a game-changer. SEO services in Michigan can help you target potential customers in specific cities, towns, or neighborhoods, ensuring that your business appears prominently when locals search for relevant products or services.
2. Keyword Research: Unveiling User Intent
Keyword research is the foundation of any successful SEO campaign. By identifying the keywords and phrases your target audience is using to find businesses like yours, SEO services can tailor your website's content to match their intent. In Michigan, this could include keywords like "best restaurants in Detroit," "affordable home remodeling in Grand Rapids," or "IT services in Ann Arbor." By aligning your content with user intent, you increase the chances of ranking higher in relevant search results.
3. On-Page Optimization: Enhancing User Experience
On-page optimization involves optimizing various elements on your website to improve user experience and search engine visibility. SEO services in Michigan can help you optimize your page titles, meta descriptions, headers, images, and content structure to ensure they align with best practices. By providing users with a seamless browsing experience and search engines with clear signals about your content, you enhance your chances of ranking higher and attracting more visitors.
4. Technical SEO: Building a Strong Foundation
Technical SEO focuses on the technical aspects of your website that impact its visibility and crawlability by search engines. This includes optimizing website speed, improving mobile responsiveness, fixing broken links, implementing structured data markup, and more. SEO services in Michigan can conduct a comprehensive technical audit to identify and rectify any issues that might hinder your website's performance in search results.
5. Content Creation: Engaging and Informative
Content is king in the world of SEO. High-quality, engaging content not only attracts and retains visitors but also earns valuable backlinks and social shares, further boosting your website's authority. SEO services in Michigan can help you create relevant and compelling content that resonates with your target audience. Whether it's blog posts, articles, infographics, or videos, well-crafted content can significantly improve your website's visibility and drive organic traffic.
6. Link Building: Establishing Authority
Link building is a crucial aspect of SEO that involves acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable websites. When other authoritative websites link back to yours, search engines perceive it as a vote of confidence, boosting your website's credibility and rankings. SEO services in Michigan can help you develop a strategic link building campaign, leveraging various tactics such as guest blogging, influencer outreach, and content promotion to secure valuable backlinks.
FAQs about SEO Services Michigan
1. What is the cost of SEO services in Michigan?
The cost of SEO services in Michigan can vary depending on several factors, including the scope of work, competition in your industry, and the agency you choose. It's important to partner with a reputable SEO agency that offers transparent pricing and delivers measurable results.
2. How long does it take to see results from SEO services?
SEO is a long-term strategy, and it takes time to see significant results. While some improvements can be observed within a few months, achieving higher rankings and organic traffic growth typically requires several months of consistent effort and optimization.
3. Can I do SEO for my Michigan-based business on my own?
While it's possible to learn and implement basic SEO techniques, it's often more effective and efficient to hire professional SEO services in Michigan. SEO requires expertise, industry knowledge, and constant adaptation to the ever-changing search engine algorithms. Partnering with experienced professionals can help you achieve better results while allowing you to focus on your core business activities.
4. Are SEO services only for large businesses?
No, SEO services are beneficial for businesses of all sizes. In fact, smaller businesses can often gain a competitive advantage by implementing effective SEO strategies. By targeting specific keywords and optimizing their websites, even local businesses in Michigan can significantly improve their online visibility and attract more customers.
5. Can SEO services help my Michigan-based e-commerce store?
Absolutely! SEO services can be highly effective for e-commerce stores in Michigan. By optimizing your product pages, conducting keyword research, and implementing conversion-focused strategies, SEO professionals can help drive targeted traffic to your online store and increase your sales.
6. How do I choose the right SEO services in Michigan?
When choosing SEO services in Michigan, it's essential to consider their experience, track record, and client testimonials. Look for agencies that have worked with businesses similar to yours and have a proven record of delivering results. Additionally, consider their approach to communication, reporting, and transparency to ensure a smooth and collaborative working relationship.
In the digital age, SEO services have become a necessity for businesses aiming to thrive online. By leveraging SEO services in Michigan, you can enhance your online visibility, attract more organic traffic, and ultimately grow your business. Whether you're a local store, a professional service provider, or an e-commerce entrepreneur, investing in SEO can unlock new opportunities and ensure your brand stands out in a competitive landscape.
Remember, the key to success lies in partnering with a reputable SEO agency that understands your unique goals and tailors strategies to suit your specific needs. With the right SEO services in Michigan, you can boost your online presence, outrank your competition, and achieve long-term growth.
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bylillian · 4 years
When people learn how Emily Therese Cloyd and Stacy Cloyd met, they almost always ask the same question.
"Who won?"
Emily and Stacy competed on "Jeopardy," first meeting at an audition in Washington, DC, before they happened to get booked for the same episode taping eight months later.
Fast-forward 10 years, and Emily is sharing their incredible love story with the world on Twitter. She spoke with Insider about how it all began, what it's really like to be on "Jeopardy," and why she's so thankful for Alex Trebek.
"I grew up watching 'Jeopardy' with my parents — it was a fairly regular after-dinner routine — and in high school I was on the Quiz Bowl team," she told Insider. "I continued to watch the show once I was an adult, and I enjoyed going to trivia nights with friends, but I wasn't a regular in any leagues.
"Although I'd always thought it would be fun to be on the show, I wasn't really pursuing it until one day I saw an advertisement for the online test and thought it would be fun to try out," Emily added. "Fittingly, I got the email saying that I'd made it through to the in-person audition one evening after going to trivia night with my roommate."
A "Jeopardy" contestant coordinator had prepared ice-breaker questions to help everyone relax. "Who came the furthest for the audition?" they asked.
Stacy raised her hand, saying that she had just graduated from the University of Michigan Law School in Ann Arbor and would soon be moving to DC to work for a local nonprofit's legal clinic. Emily had received her undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan and was working in DC as a climate scientist.
"After the audition session ended, I followed Stacy on to the elevator and introduced myself as a fellow Michigan alumna and suggested that she get in touch when she moved to town," Emily said.
She scribbled down her details on a piece of paper but didn't get Stacy's information. They wouldn't see each other again for eight months.
Emily flew to Los Angeles for the taping at Sony Pictures Studios and saw Stacy, who she said she recognized "right away."
"I was pretty excited to see someone from the audition and reintroduced myself, since it had been a while and neither of us remembered each other's name," she said.
"You don't know which game you'll be on when you come in," Emily said. "Just before each game, the staff draw the names of the two contestants who will go up against the returning champion."
They played short practice rounds with buzzers on the set, got their makeup done, and sat in the audience while the other games were taped.
After three games, Emily's name was finally called. So was Stacy's.
"When both of us were drawn for the fourth game, I was excited to be playing — and to be playing against someone who seemed like they'd take it seriously but also have fun," Emily said. "It is a game, after all."
"On television, of course, when the clue comes up they cut to a full-screen version, so it is really easy to read," she said. "On the set, the board is pretty far away, especially if, like me, you're the furthest from the podium. While there is a monitor across from contestants that shows the clue, it is still kind of small in comparison."
Knowing exactly when to buzz in with the answer also proved more challenging than it looked on TV.
"You have to wait until Alex finishes reading the clue, and a column of lights along the side of the board turns on to tell you it's OK to buzz in," Emily said. "But if you buzz in before those lights come on, you get locked out for a fraction of a second — just long enough for someone else to ring in.
"All of the contestants got there because they know a lot of trivia, so it really does come down to strategy and luck on the buzzer and on the categories that come up."
"Until Alex pointed out the scores, I'm not certain if Stacy realized that she had locked up the game," Emily said. "I turned to congratulate her on doing so well, and I caught this little secret smile she'd given herself — just a tiny 'Oh my gosh, this is actually happening' kind of thing, and it was really sweet."
Emily ended the game with $50. But she and Stacy made plans to have a joint viewing party in Washington, DC, when their episode aired in March.
"The party was a lot of fun, and we met many of each other's friends, and I also met Stacy's parents and youngest brother," Emily said. "But at that point, I wasn't thinking about more than friendship."
"We both started hoping that there might be something more, but we went through a few rounds of missed or crossed signals on both of our parts," Emily said. "Eventually, Stacy asked me out — on a date, not hanging out as friends — in September."
After they started dating, some of Emily's friends even apologized for saying "mean things" about Stacy while they were competing on the show.
"In the heat of the moment, of course, because loyal friends will always root for you when you're on a game show," Emily added.
"We spent that first Valentine's Day watching 'Jeopardy' together, and that was pretty special since it turned out that Watson had actually trained on our game," Emily said.
"'Jeopardy' would send the questions to IBM after the games were played but before they aired, and Watson would play those games as part of its training."
The couple went to a taping of a special "Celebrity Jeopardy" episode in Washington, DC, where they had tickets in the section for former contestants. They gave Trebek's invitation to the show's lead contestant coordinator, Maggie Speak, who they had also invited.
A few days later, Trebek's response came in the mail.
"We weren't expecting him to attend, so we weren't surprised that his answer was no," Emily said. "But we really appreciated the short note wishing us the best for our marriage."
"Knowledge and expertise and truth are taking a beating these days, but on 'Jeopardy' they are respected and celebrated," Emily said. "And though 'Jeopardy' is just a game show, being able to point to the continuing salience of those things is important.
"As someone who grew up alongside 'Jeopardy,' seeing that people could win things for being smart — or at least good at trivia — was an important message for a kid who preferred reading books to playing sports."
"It is a really fun story to share, and other people seem to really like it too," Emily said. "We've definitely had friends who tell our story to other people, even when we aren't around."
And when people ask that inevitable first question — "Who won?" — Emily always has a response ready.
"Stacy won on the show, but I think that I won in life."
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getdroidtips-blog · 4 years
A2 Hosting Review - Brief Disscussion on A2 Hosting
Examination has demonstrated that quick site stacking speeds are a basic piece of good client experience, changes, and deals. A2 hosting cases to offer probably the quickest facilitating accessible. Is that valid?
In this survey, we test their speed claims. We audit their common, VPS, and WordPress facilitating plans. How great is their client assistance?
Discover now what we found about this designer inviting host.
A2 hosting
Pros and Cons
In a rush? Here’s the TL;DR:
Developer-friendly: Supports a large number of technologies, languages, and frameworks
Excellent uptime and speed
Not as beginner-friendly as some competitors
A bit pricier than competitors
About A2 Hosting
A2 hosting was founded in 2001 by UNIX systems administrator Bryan Muthig as Iniquinet. Muthig continues to serve the company as CEO, and A2 Hosting remains independently owned.
A2 Hosting was a hobby project launched in a two-room office space. The Michigan-based company has since grown to serving thousands of websites from four datacenters.
The “A2” is a reference to Ann Arbor, the city that the company is based in.
Providing Green Hosting
According to A2’s calculations, since 2007 it has fully offset CO2 emissions from its hosting servers via a partnership with Carbonfund.org.
A2 has implemented a number of other green policies, such as allowing employees to telecommute, recycling older hardware, and launching tree planting campaigns.
They also state that they were one of the first hosts to switch from HDDs (hard-disk drives) to the more energy-efficient (and better performing) SSDs (solid-state drives).
Web Hosting Plans
A2 offers several types of web hosting plans, including shared, reseller, VPS, and dedicated hosting.
Shared Web Hosting
If you’re just getting started, you may be looking for simple, inexpensive hosting. Shared hosting is a good match with plans starting at $3.92 per month.
A2 offers a variety of shared hosting plans from which you can choose. You can choose the datacenter where your account is provisioned: North American (Michigan and Arizona), Europe (Amsterdam), or Asia (Singapore).
Choose from Linux or Windows
First, you’ll need to choose the operating system you want running on your server. You can choose between Linux and Windows. The latter option will cost you a bit more, as is typical with most web hosts.
Regardless of which operating system you prefer, there are three different plans from which you can choose.
Lite, Swift, and Turbo Plans
The entry-level option, the Lite plan, gets you hosting for one website, five databases, unlimited storage, unlimited data transfer, a cPanel to manage your website, 25 email inboxes, and a free SSL certificate.
The mid-range Swift plan gets you hosting for an unlimited number of websites, as well as unlimited databases, storage, email inboxes, and data transfer. You’ll also get a cPanel to manage your website and a free SSL certificate.
The high-end Turbo option gets you everything in the mid-range plan, but your website is hosted on one of A2’s “turbo servers.” This means that you’ll get more resources and your site will be hosted on a server that has fewer users on it than those allocated to sites on a lower-tiered hosting plan.
cPanel is a popular brand of control panel known for its intuitive interface.
You’ll also get:
A2 Site Accelerator, which is pre-configured site caching designed to improve page load speeds
Support for HTTP/2
Infrastructure redundancy
Guarantees as to how much of the server’s resources are available to your site at any given time.
Cloudflare CDN For Faster Site Loading Speeds
Cloudflare customers report double-digit increases in speed. The CDN also provides an efficient way to serve images.
All shared plans come with Cloudflare’s CDN (content delivery network) free of charge.
A CDN stores updated copies of your site in dozens of network nodes across the globe. When a visitor clicks on your site URL, the CDN detects their location and automatically “serves” your site to that person from the node closest to that visitor.
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so i bought the dd and bonus but i can't download (it worked with homecoming so i'm confused) also in the description it says audition videos but they're not included. do you have them? do i just have to wait a bit more?
On the ann arbor tees site it originally said audition videos in the description and that was then removed so I don’t know if it was a mistake? I don’t have them
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s4g2 · 5 years
A Guide To Prioritizing Tasks For SEO
Why do we need a specialist for SEO service in San Jose to optimize the website? it is a question that the majority of service providers face, but it does not have a simple answer. Nevertheless, has there ever been a website that just needs one thing?
That is the concern with search engine optimization. It is comprised of so many things that when faced with the question of what we are supposed to do, we often find ourselves providing a lot of recommendations. Unluckily, the majority of teams are not equipped with the knowledge or resources to deal with them, and rather than of getting everything carried out, we end up with very little, if anything, complete.
How do we promise that our teams are making the amendments we need to help drive success? Let us take a quick look here.
Prioritize by impact
There is simply so much time in the day that means not everything can get done. So, if we can just get one or two things onto the list, we have to make sure we are selecting the recommendations that are going to have the biggest impact on the website as a whole.
Let us now take a look at a technical SEO audit, for instance. In a technical audit, the professionals offering SEO service in San Jose may recommend canonicalization, redirect updates, heading tags, image compression, and several other things. A development team already bogged down by their regular day-to-day is not going to be capable of fitting all of this in.
In order to make sure we get something carried out, we have to take a look at what is actually holding back the website. Title tags may not seem like the highest priority in the world, but if the website does not have them, then that specific modification alone could lead to a considerable improvement.
When making recommendations, help teams be aware of where they are supposed to begin and what can wait. Always keep in mind that not everything is going to be a priority.
Prioritize by resources
The same thing applies to resources as well. A customer was recommended to switch the website from HTTP to HTTPS. One was aboard and then the service provider realized it did not have any person to deal with the course of action.
Switching a website over to HTTPS is not a small feat. It can be intricate, can lead to errors, and as it has been observed a number of times now, it can lead to significant loss of organic traffic. We could not take the risk. So, hold on to the recommendation until you have the right person in place to make sure a smooth transition.
At the end of the day, the professionals offering SEO service in San Jose are often dependent on other departments to be doing well. And, in addition, they are always aware of the resources available to them and adjust when required in order to deliver the most promising results. This is all info I have hope you like the article.
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d-criss-news · 6 years
Emmy-nominated for both Ryan Murphy’s ‘Glee,’ in 2015, and now for an FX limited series in which he played serial killer Andrew Cunanan, the Filipino-American discusses “passing” as white, pre-‘Glee’ life (he made a living playing piano at Maggiano’s) and the tricky terrain of being a straight actor who has made his name playing LGBTQ parts.
“I can only join Ryan Murphy shows if they’ve had a successful, Emmy-winning first season,” cracks Darren Criss, the 31-year-old actor, singer and songwriter who burst onto the television scene during the second season of Murphy’s Fox musical-dramedy Glee and is now poised to win an Emmy, for best actor in a limited series or a TV movie, for the second season of Murphy’s FX limited season American Crime Story, subtitled The Assassination of Gianni Versace.
Criss, who is Filipino-American, was born and raised in the Bay Area. He says that his biracial heritage is “one of my favorite things about myself,” but he also noted that he has spent his life “passing” as white. He has previously been quoted as saying that he considers himself “lucky” to not appear to be Asian, but wanted to clarify the intention of his remarks during our conversation. “There are so many men and women that have faced a significant amount of obstacles — professionally or personally, perhaps — that they’ve had to get over in order to stake a claim in certain areas of life,” he says. “So for me to say that I have also felt those, and I have faced these hardships, is a fucking lie, and is disrespectful to those people and unfair … capitalizing on someone else’s struggle that I really didn’t have to go through by way of the way that I look. And in that regard, I have been ‘lucky.’”
Criss’ interest in acting dates back at least to the age of 7, when he rang up the father of a classmate, the actor Peter Coyote, seeking advice about entering the profession. Coyote encouraged him to study with the Young Conservatory at San Francisco’s American Conservatory Theatre, and his parents enrolled him in that afterschool program until he went off to college years later. He also joined a musical troupe and studied the violin — all on top of his regular classes — and, by the time he headed off to the University of Michigan, he recalls, “I was ‘the music guy.’” While in Ann Arbor, Criss was always acting in or directing some production; a musical send-up of Harry Potter in which he starred that was made by a troupe he started went viral not long after his graduation in 2009, bringing him a degree of underground fame.
Before that, during his senior year in Ann Arbor, Criss took a trip to Los Angeles, during which a fellow Wolverine helped him to land an agent, who, in turn, secured for him an audition for the still-forthcoming Glee. That audition didn’t pan out, but Criss still moved to L.A. after graduating, and went out again for Glee, again coming up short. All the while, he was collaborating remotely with the troupe behind the Harry Potter project on similar web content under the banner StarKid Productions — and some of their music output even broke into the Billboard charts. “We were kind of moonlighting as these subcultural superstars on our computers,” he reminisces, “but during the day we were struggling actors going out on auditions for commercials, we were working at restaurants and bars, I was working at Maggiano’s in Los Angeles playing the piano.”
Then, just as he was preparing to relocate to Chicago with the rest of the StarKid troupe and complete its third production, he was offered a third audition for Glee, and this time he landed the part of Blaine, who would serve as a love interest of Chris Colfer’s Kurt. “I really owe my tenure on that show to these StarKid fans,” Criss insists. “It was just supposed to be a little guest character, and they ended up keeping me on that show for six years.” Catapulted by his rendition of Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream” on his first episode with the show, which reached No. 8 on the Billboard charts, Criss quickly became a fan favorite. “It was an amazing boot camp,” he says of the show, which required singing and dancing and tons of rehearsal to do both, but, he insists, “I had an absolute blast. … I truly had the greatest time.” (Criss, with his musical composition background, also did some composing for the show, landing a songwriting Emmy nom in 2015.)
Glee ended in the spring of 2015, and it wasn’t long after that when Murphy first broached the idea of his playing serial killer Andrew Cunanan, another Filipino-American, on the second season of American Crime Story. (The first, which was being made at the time, was The People v. O.J. Simpson, and it became a critical, ratings and awards phenomenon.) Murphy has described Criss as his “first and only choice” for the part, which would subvert Criss’ genial screen persona, catching audience members who knew him from Gleeoff guard. Criss enthusiastically signed on, and embarked on an eight-month shoot, most of it in and around Miami in the same places where Cunanan himself had once traveled — or, in the case of the Versace mansion itself (now a hotel), tried to. The goal of everyone on the production was to humanize, but never to glamorize, Cunanan. As for the challenges and rewards of playing him? “Andrew was an actor himself,” Criss asserts. “He played several different parts in the course of his life with different people to varying degrees. And that was really fun for me as an actor.”
As Criss looks ahead to a future with more possibilities than ever before, thanks to the acclaim with which his Versace performance was greeted, he has been forced to ponder a question that much of the industry is currently weighing. Should heterosexual actors play LGBTQ characters, as he did in Glee, as a replacement in a Broadway revival of Hedwig and the Angry Inch and, of course, in Versace? “It is tricky,” he admits. “Look, cisgender straight male playing these gay characters — that hasn’t been a conscious, ‘Oh, I must only play gay characters.’ That’s been just an honest-to-God coincidence. They’re such different people that their homosexuality is sort of the least of the things that make them interesting; it’s certainly part of their story, but not the central part of their narrative. But I do think about that now, you know, if roles come by that are LGBT-leaning, you know, I go, ‘Gosh, guys [addressing his reps], I really think it would be insensitive to the gay community if I was to take another role. I think they’d have my head, you know? And I would totally understand that.’ So I’m totally cognizant of that.”
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dramapurple02-blog · 2 years
The Importance Of Sanitizing Fitness Tools
Participants are expected to exhibit acceptable conduct always. Inappropriate habits will be discussed with the child when it occurs. Negative conduct impacts more than just the participant involved in the misconduct; it can have an effect on all those round them. If a participant is damaging to University property, the parent will be contacted for appropriate cost and/or removing from the Recreation Services services and/or programs. Sport Clubs might apply throughout scheduled times with limits to manage play in a secure method. Only non-alcoholic beverages in closed, re-sealable plastic containers are allowed in activity areas. Animals aren't permitted in facilities besides trained service animals. Racquetball and squash courtroom individuals are given priority over different activities in those designated courts. Appropriate, clean, closed-toe, non-marking, athletic sneakers are required in all activity areas. Shirts/tops, shorts/pants, and closed-toes shoes must be worn always other than in the pool and locker rooms. Several simple and simple tasks have to be accomplished in order to provide a safe environment for sport practitioners. Maintenance of the equipment should at all times be accomplished and precautions must be taken regarding fireplace, emergency lighting, access management, assaults, and fraud. It is critical that facility operators develop an audit and/or inspection course of that allows them to frequently examine the security of their facility. The heat, moist environments found in gyms present the perfect haven for bacterial development, all of which underscores the absolute importance of ongoing, skilled hygiene management. 清潔公司 Washing Services - We find that many fitness facilities have outdoor tracks, sports courts, or waiting areas. Organic Carpet Cleaning Services The comparability will present that, between the two, we're the extra pure carpet cleaner. Our one hundred pc non-toxic, natural, patented carpet cleaner, The Natural®, is probably considered one of the purest carpet cleansing options out there and is the guts of our cleaning process. And because it incorporates no soaps, detergents, solvents, enzymes or other harsh chemicals, you can relaxation easy with our Natural solution which is safe on your kids and pets. Here at Chem-Dry®, we are all the time working towards advancements in green carpet cleaning. At TNT Chem-Dry, we imagine in sustainability and have worked towards offering a Green resolution to carpet cleaning for the past 20 years. Not only are green merchandise good for air quality, they are additionally assist to chop down on air air pollution. Whenever you employ plenty of cleaning merchandise, all of the harmful chemical substances are being launched into our surroundings. And it slowly but surely makes it is means into our waterways and has an enormous impact on the ozone layer. Immediate or fast outcomes – these cleaners ship the outcomes you want and can do an excellent job in eradicating the particular stain that it's utilized to. These products have been really helpful by residence bloggers, editorial testers at sites corresponding to The Spruce, and other editorial sources. Start by combining 2 cups baking soda, half of cup cornstarch, half cup cornmeal, 1 tablespoon borax, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, and 2-3 dried bay leaves in a food processor. Blend them together until the bay leaves have been ground into a fine powder and every thing is a uniform consistency. Ought To Indiana Public Faculties Think About Outsourcing Custodial Services? When you partner with the best Dearborn school cleaning firm, or a solid, respected school cleansing company in Livonia, Ann Arbor or Farmington Hills, everyone in your school advantages. Your faculty restrooms and even locker/shower areas can see some severe wear and tear over the college year. It appears children can make messes as quick as we will clean them so summer provides a priceless time to deep clear faculty restrooms and do any needed repairs. Do not eat, drink, breathe, or inject cleaning and disinfection merchandise into your body or apply directly to your pores and skin. If your disinfectant product label does not specify that it can be used for each cleansing and disinfection, clear visibly dirty surfaces with soap or detergent before disinfection. Read the instructions on the product label to determine what safety precautions are necessary while utilizing the product. This may embrace private protecting gear , such as gloves, glasses, or goggles, additional ventilation, or different precautions. We typically think about an individual in the janitorial business as somebody who simply pushes a broom or mops up the floors, however, this shouldn't be the idea. These janitorial companies have worked to mix right now's know-how with 100 years of their experiences. This signifies that the janitorial companies are in a position to offer a big variety of options based in your individual needs, they usually can accomplish that at one web site or many multiple websites. It doesn't matter if it is a commercial enterprise or an academic institute, these providers are capable of assist with any sort of setting. Sourcing Personal Protective Tools Through The Covid The HHA must also have a contingency plan for all staff not fully vaccinated according to this rule. Thus, the total burden for all 5,780 ICFs-IID to comply with the requirements for policies and procedures is fifty seven,800 hours (46,240 + eleven,560) at an estimated price of $4,300,320 (3,190,560 + 1,109,760). Thus, the entire burden for all 357 PRTFs to comply with the policies and procedures requirements on this IFC for policies and procedures is three,570 hours (2,856 + 714) at an estimated value of $298,452 (211,344 + 87,108). Thus, the entire burden for hospices to adjust to the requirements for insurance policies and procedures on this IFC is fifty five,560 hours (44,448 + 11,112) at an estimated cost of $4,867,056 ($3,511,392 + $1,355,664). At § 418.60, we require hospices to develop and implement policies and procedures to make sure their workers are vaccinated for COVID-19 and that acceptable documentation of these vaccinations are tracked and maintained. Industrial designers mix artwork, enterprise, and engineering to develop the concepts for manufactured products. Rehabilitation counselors help people with bodily, psychological, developmental, or emotional disabilities live independently. Geological and hydrologic technicians assist scientists and engineers in exploring, extracting, and monitoring natural assets. Political scientists examine the origin, development, and operation of political methods. If disinfectant contamination is suspected, a sample of the product can be used to inoculate a broth medium or solid agar containing neutralizers effective towards the active agent in the disinfectant resolution. In conclusion, continued efforts to enhance traditional handbook disinfection of surfaces are wanted. In addition, Environmental Services departments ought to think about the usage of newer disinfectants and no-touch decontamination technologies to improve disinfection of surfaces in healthcare. Any additional tests or procedures your supplier orders will sometimes be accommodated during your visit. Some may require additional COVID-19 testing at your Mayo location, to make sure safety. Find extra data on the newest technologies for health suppliers, healthcare methods, and life sciences professionals. Green Cleaning Spruces Up Setting Note that you may want to wash glass a couple of occasions to remove streaks. It’s additionally a more expensive option than many other pet stain removers. It’s additionally packed filled with important oils and free from formaldehyde, synthetic surfactants, ammonia, parabens, phosphates, and chlorine. Cleaning products took on a new degree of importance during the COVID-19 pandemic. We want all of our workers, customers and vendors to turn out to be intimately familiar with all of those procedures, adopting them not solely within the office, however in our on a daily basis lives. If all of us do our part to protect the setting, we are going to depart a better home for future generations. Having a couple of merchandise that deal with your common cleansing needs as an alternative of a whole arsenal of toxic products makes cleaning simpler. You can get a number of cleaning jobs without having to change products. For instance, vinegar can simply take away mold and mildew, clean windows rest room bowls, and extra. It’s very troublesome to search out natural cleaning merchandise for your laundry unless you make it your self. It’s this ingredient that always carries a warning of utilizing gloves and solely using in well-vented rooms as the problems happen when the chemical fumes are inhaled or it touches the skin. There are loads of dish soaps and hand soaps that do not comprise this product, so search for those labelled as 'all-natural'. If you’re concerned about using hand sanitizer, particularly during this pandemic, then opt for one which uses alcohol to sterilize, not this chemical. Chlorine - Typically present in rest room cleaner, mildew and mildew remover, and laundry whiteners. You can be uncovered to chlorine through inhaling fumes but also through the skin when cleaning. Green cleansing is a time period extra persons are becoming conversant in but not necessarily acting on… Not solely are eco cleaners helpful for you and your loved ones, however they are also beneficial for the environment. Under the present OGS criterion, the Material Safety Data Sheets for the product should determine added fragrance but disclosure of individual proprietary elements isn't required. Experts on sustainable cleansing are optimistic that demand will continue to accelerate. Given the amount of sources that the cleaning course of consumes, the current is all the time an opportune time to reassess current cleansing practices and uncover ways to be greener. By rigorously contemplating the products and processes used and the way their suppliers function, facility management leaders and their workers may help shield the surroundings whereas safeguarding occupants and employees. Additionally, present complete coaching to cleaning workers to make sure they observe the processes you’ve outlined. The Way To Clear Window Blinds So Instead of that, fill up the tub in soapy water and soak the fabric. Pulling down material blinds from the wall comes as a perfect a part of this process. It’s simpler to take away stains when window covering is out. If you don’t understand how to do this, you want to search assist from a neighborhood expert. Window blinds must be attractive and practical, complementing your windows and décor while providing privateness and shade. However, as your vinyl, wood, or aluminum blinds acquire dirt, grime, and pet hair, they become unpleasant to take a glance at and function. Whatever type of blinds or shades you have, bear in mind to at all times examine the manufacturer’s instructions earlier than cleaning. Spot take a look at an not noticeable area with any new cleaning solution before utilizing it throughout the entire blind, and at all times clean from top to bottom. Regardless of how dirty your blinds are, there are particular tools and supplies you’ll need to have available to make the job simpler. Blind cleansing is one of those chores that most individuals don’t take into consideration. As a outcome, you could not look carefully at your blinds, and by the point you do, there could be substantial buildup marring their look and functionality. The finest approach to clean blinds within the tub includes eradicating the mud from the surface. Avoid making use of strain so as to not deface the window blind. Switch on the vacuum and regulate to a minimal suction setting. Spray on a lint-free towel and wipe down each slat, being cautious not to bend or twist the slats whereas cleansing them. For heavier dust, wipe every slat gently with a dry sponge. For exceptionally dirty blinds, especially those in kitchens, use a degreaser . Allow them to soak for not than twenty minutes and wash them with a material to remove any stuck on stains or dirt. Wet Cleansing Laundry Service Another primary good thing about outsourcing your property’s laundry is the comfort of having it picked up and dropped off on a schedule that works for you. You need a vendor with vegetation close to your property or properties to save heaps of time and the environmental impact of the journeys. To help with your search, listed beneath are 6 key parts of a green hospitality laundry service. Provides links and references to extra assets related to dry cleaning. If you've front-loading washers or high-efficiency top-loaders, use detergent labeled for high-efficiency machines. According to the American Cleaning Institute , HE detergents are low-sudsing and quick dispersing to wash well in high-efficiency washers that use less water. Yes, you definitely wouldn't have to spend so much of time or money on doing laundry while traveling. Italian apartments sometimes come with outdoor clotheslinesSo that’s our information to doing laundry while traveling! We hope you have discovered it helpful, and also you would possibly wish to take a look at extra of our travel ideas. If you may be planning to air dry your clothes, ensure that you time your washing so there's enough time on your garments to dry completely earlier than you need to move once more. •As has already been noted, the contractor could be a really giant company, perhaps much bigger than the operator to which it is offering companies. In such circumstances, the operator could find it essential to adapt its procedures to those of the contractor. The SEMS requirements to do with safe work practices are described and discussed beneath. Wear disposable gloves if available, disinfect the surfaces of all machines you employ and don’t touch your face. Prepare laundry earlier than leaving your house to help reduce the period of time you spend exterior.
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fluidityandgiggles · 6 years
Just Your Friendly Neighborhood Super Nerd - part 1
This story is... something I had to write out of a need to. I can’t even explain why. I just had to. And it’s making me sad. So... I’m sorry.
Summary isn’t important. Tag list below. Triggers will happen in later chapters.
Patton’s favorite part of the day was getting to go to the community center and paint with Roman. Virgil took him there every day, and Roman was always there, teaching drama and painting classes for the extra cash. And every day before class, Roman and Patton would sit next to the piano and just... talk. About everything.
Some would say Patton was a bit too old, at twelve years old, for this sort of thing. But it was better than being home.
“You’ve been coming here every day for the past three years, kiddo,” Roman told him one day as he ruffled his hair. “Are you sure everything’s okay?”
“I’m sure.”
Roman, at twenty-four, was the greatest guy Patton knew. Aside for his brother Virgil. A not so recent AMDA graduate, Roman taught drama and painting at the community center as well as auditioning to any productions he could. Patton hoped Virgil would be a bit more like that. After graduating from the University of Florida with a degree in chemical engineering, it was as if Virgil just... lost his interest in life.
Roman, though... Roman made everything better. At least for now.
“So... no dragon witches I need to eliminate for you?”
“No! Everything is totally fine!” Everything was not totally fine. Patton and Virgil’s mother started smoking again, which meant Patton had to move in with Virgil. Patton needed new lenses in his glasses and braces. Their uncle Emil was still battling CPS for custody over Patton. Virgil’s job was soul-sucking and so very tiring. Not to mention everything else. “Hey, Roman?”
“Yes, Patton?”
“Do you know why flamingoes sleep with their leg up?”
“In order to preserve body heat,” a new voice said from behind them. “Putting both legs in the water would draw away more body heat.”
“It’s simple, really.” The new voice - a young brunette boy with glasses and millions of freckles - looked everywhere but at Patton. “It’s like when-“
“Well Patton, why do flamingoes sleep with their leg up?” Roman raised an eyebrow.
“Because if they raised both legs, they would fall off!”
Logan’s parents were both professors in Georgetown. His father taught biology. His mother taught linguistics. Alexandria was a very nice place to live in. When Logan was five his family moved there from Ann Arbor, after being offered new teaching positions and leaving the University of Michigan.
And then Logan’s grandmother in Gainesville got a bit worse, and they had to move to Florida.
His father promised that it wouldn’t be so bad, and that Gainesville was a great place, but other than that the University of Florida was there, Logan wasn’t so sure. New things scared him. And he couldn’t explain it.
“That... that didn’t make sense.” The blond boy in the blue shirt tilted his head to the side and squinted at Logan. You’re trying to make friends, Logan, don’t mess this up. “Why would flamingoes-“
“It was a joke... hey, you know how birds fly in a V-formation, but one side is always longer than the other? Why is that?”
“Well, probably some evolutionary thing-“
“Because there are more birds on that side!” The ginger was laughing again. And the boy was back to looking at him... weird.
“Why... what is that...”
“Hey, do your socks have holes in them?”
“Of course not! What sort of a question-“
“Then how’d you get your feet in them?”
“Hey, Patton, stop harassing everyone!” A guy in a black and purple hoodie came to the piano. “Remy said you shouldn’t do that anymore.”
“Shouldn’t doesn’t mean can’t.” The boy - Patton? - punched the man with black and purple hair. “And I wasn’t harassing! I was just telling jokes.”
“Sure you are. Come on, class isn’t starting yet and you need to eat. Remy offered to pay.” The man grabbed Patton and nudged towards the exit.
And then it was just Logan and the ginger at the piano.
“I... don’t believe I’ve ever met you before.” And then he extended a hand. “Hi. I’m Roman, Roman Prince, I... work here, I guess you could say.”
“I’m Logan,” the answer came, and nothing to follow. Logan didn’t even shake his hand. Shaking hands meant something was going to go wrong for sure. He knew from experience.
“Logan... and where are you headed, young hero?” The ginger broke in a wicked smile. “Off to defeat some monsters, or rescue a princess?”
“I’m just... looking for Virgil Graham’s class...”
“Ah! The dwelling of the warlock. I shall take you there, then.”
“If you could please stop that-“
“Fear not, brother, for I shall guide you on your way to meet with the warlock!”
His parents were not going to be happy with this.
Virgil became Patton’s primary caregiver when he was five.
No, screw that, since he was born.
There was a fine line between sustaining your children and entertaining yourself, and their mother clearly did not know where it crossed.
“I’m really trying, Virgil.” Patton was not allowed to be sad. Virgil was messed up enough for both of them. “I don’t harass people, I swear!”
“I know. I... I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that.” Patton looked in his lap. It was never a good sign. “Uncle Emil is... fighting. And it’s scaring me.”
“It’s scaring me too.”
“You know I’m doing everything for your good, Pat. Right?” Patton nodded. “So... so.”
“My fair prince, I have come to rescue you from the hands of the evil warlock!” Roman opened the door to the room with a bang, holding the hand of a kid about Patton’s age. “Come, Prince Patton! We shall return to the mission at hand!”
“Oh, and how would you do it, your highness?” Virgil spit back.
“Simple. Warlock, this is Sir Logan. He has been looking for you. I will exchange you him for the young prince.”
“Let me see about that... no.”
“Virgil, we’ve been over this-“
“Just... give us a minute. Okay? I promise everything is okay.” Roman sighed and it made Virgil just feel... uncomfortable. “I promise, Roman. It’s family business.”
“...okay. But just one minute. I’m timing you.”
And so he left, counting out loud. As Roman always did. And Virgil was left to try and talk to his brother.
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blackkudos · 6 years
Shirley Verrett
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Shirley Verrett (May 31, 1931 – November 5, 2010) was an African-American operatic mezzo-soprano who successfully transitioned into soprano roles, i.e. soprano sfogato. Verrett enjoyed great fame from the late 1960s through the 1990s, particularly well known for singing the works of Verdi and Donizetti.
Early life and education
Born into an African-American family of devout Seventh-day Adventists in New Orleans, Louisiana, Verrett was raised in Los Angeles, California. She sang in church and showed early musical abilities, but initially a singing career was frowned upon by her family. Later Verrett went on to study with Anna Fitziu and with Marion Szekely Freschl at the Juilliard School in New York. In 1961 she won the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions.
International career
In 1957, Verrett made her operatic debut in Britten's The Rape of Lucretia. In 1958, she made her New York City Opera debut as Irina in Kurt Weill's Lost in the Stars. In 1959, she made her European debut in Cologne, Germany in Dmitri Nabokov's Rasputins Tod. In 1962, she received critical acclaim for her Carmen in Spoleto, and repeated the role at the Bolshoi Theatre in 1963, and at the NY City Opera in 1964 (opposite Richard Cassilly and Norman Treigle). Verrett first appeared at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden in 1966 as Ulrica in Un ballo in maschera.
She appeared in the first concert ever televised from Lincoln Center in 1962, and also appeared that year in the first of the Leonard Bernstein Young People's Concerts ever televised from that venue, in what is now Avery Fisher Hall.
She made her debut at the Metropolitan Opera in 1968, with Carmen, and at La Scala in 1969 in Samson and Dalila. Verrett's mezzo roles included Cassandra and Didon (Berlioz's Les Troyens)-including the Met premiere, when she sang both roles in the same performance, Verdi's Ulrica, Amneris, Eboli, Azucena, Saint-Saëns' Dalila, Donizetti's Elisabetta I in Maria Stuarda, Leonora in La favorita, Christoph Willibald Gluck's Orpheus, and Rossini's Neocles (L'assedio di Corinto) and Sinaide in Moïse. Many of these roles were recorded, either professionally or privately.
Beginning in the late 1970s she began to tackle soprano roles, including Selika in L'Africaine, Judith in Bartók's Bluebeard's Castle, Lady Macbeth Macbeth, Madame Lidoine in Poulenc's Dialogues of the Carmelites (Met1977), Tosca, Norma (from Boston 1976 till Messina 1989), Aida (Boston 1980 and 1989), Desdemona (Otello) (1981), Leonore (Fidelio) (Met 1983), Iphigénie (1984–85), Alceste (1985), Médée (Cherubini) (1986).. Her Tosca was televised by PBS on Live from the Met in December 1978, just six days before Christmas. She sang the role opposite the Cavaradossi of Luciano Pavarotti.
In 1990, Verrett sang Dido in Les Troyens at the inauguration of the Opéra Bastille in Paris, and added a new role at her repertoire: Santuzza in Cavalleria rusticana in Sienna. In 1994, she made her Broadway debut in the Tony Award-winning revival of Rodgers and Hammerstein's Carousel at Lincoln Center's Vivian Beaumont Theater, playing Nettie Fowler.
In 1996 Verrett joined the faculty of the University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance as a Professor of Voice and the James Earl Jones University Professor of Music. The preceding year at the National Opera Association Gala Banquet and Concert honoring Mattiwilda Dobbs, Todd Duncan, Camilla Williams and Robert McFerrin, Verrett said: "I'm always so happy when I can speak to young people because I remember those who were kind to me that didn't need to be. The first reason I came tonight was for the honorees because I needed to say this. The second reason I came was for you, the youth. These great people here were the trailblazers for me. I hope in my own way I did something to help your generation, and that you will help the next. This is the way it's supposed to be. You just keep passing that baton on!"
In 2003, Shirley Verrett published a memoir, I Never Walked Alone (ISBN 0-471-20991-0), in which she spoke frankly about the racism she encountered as a black person in the American classical music world. When the conductor Leopold Stokowski invited her to sing with the Houston Symphony in the early 1960s, he had to rescind his invitation when the orchestra board refused to accept a black soloist. Stokowski later made amends by giving her a prestigious date with the much better known Philadelphia Orchestra.
Verrett died in Ann Arbor, Michigan, aged 79, on November 5, 2010 from heart failure following an undisclosed illness.
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