#Anna Maria d'Onofrioh Tarot
infjtarot · 2 years
Fool ~ Anna Maria d'Onofrioh Tarot
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  The Fool is the harbinger of new beginnings. When this card appears, the forthcoming life path is one of unbound potential and beginnings that come with a deeper spiritual meaning. The white sun represents power and a strong, vibrant aura emanating from the Seeker, but the Seeker’s power has not yet created worldly substances of value. It is about power, but no product. Compare: Key 1, The Magician, a figure who can harness power constructively (or destructively, when in reverse). When The Fool appears in a reading, it is about a point in the Seeker’s life when the next step could either send the Seeker flying into the air over that cliff with impressive accomplishment or falling down hard from naïveté. The temperament of The Fool is one pure in spirit, openhearted, and like a child, innocent and naive. There is a Peter Pan mentality—boastful, careless, a bit arrogant, and possessing a willful refusal to take responsibility or be mature. Yet the Seeker is a beautiful, creative soul—perhaps someone with the foolish belief in the attainment of impossibly beautiful goals. There is a trace of swagger and flamboyance in The Fool. He is a swashbuckler. The fanciful style of the Fool’s clothing suggests one who is attached to superficiality, a Seeker with great pride in his or her attractiveness. The Fool card can also mean that a choice is being offered, one of great significance. The choice before the Seeker may seem minor, but it is a choice that could affect a lifetime, so tread with caution (otherwise the Seeker might fall off the edge of the cliff). Compare: There are cards in the Minor Arcana that also indicate presentations of choice before the Seeker, such as the Seven of Cups or Two of Swords. The Minor Arcana choice cards indicate matters of immediate concern, from day-to-day life. When The Fool is drawn and represents a choice being offered, that choice will have a profound impact on the entirety of Seeker’s life or the progression of his or her spirituality. Compare: Key 6: The Lovers, which can also suggest a choice being offered, though in The Lovers card, the choice often has ethical undertones. With The Fool, the choice is not over ethics or morality; it is a choice between two forks in the path. One fork will lead to attainment (flying, transcending the cliff) and the other will lead to likely demise (falling off the cliff). The Fool or Trickster is a universal archetype found across many cultures, such as Robin Hood, a skilled archer with a heart of gold, but who is vain, naive, and indiscreet; or Puck, the spirited woodland creature of English folklore; Kitsune, the clever fox of Japanese and Chinese myth, a mistress in the art of deception, yet she loves deeply and demonstrates unwavering loyalty; or the Chinese legend of Sun Wukong, the tender-footed Monkey King with supernatural abilities who defies the laws of heaven and hell. When The Fool card appears in a reading, the Seeker is embodying the characteristics of Peter Pan, Robin Hood, Puck, Kitsune, or Sun Wukong. The Seeker displays a naive disregard for rules, but because of his or her extraordinary innate abilities, can get away with such defiance. Traditionally The Fool card is unnumbered. Some systems, such as the Rider-Waite-Smith, assign “0” to it. Other systems assign “22” to the card and place it behind Key 21: The World, or, without numbering it, simply order it at the end of the Major Arcana. The Marseille-based Trumps shown in Appendix I provide an example of an unnumbered Fool placed at the end. The element of Air governs The Fool, so the attributions associated with Air will represent the external forces at play in the Seeker’s situation. In The Fool, yang energy is dominant. The number eight may be relevant. Benebell Wen . Holistic Tarot An Integrative Approach to Using Tarot for Personal Growth.
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infjtarot · 2 years
Devil ~ Anna Maria d'Onofrioh Tarot
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  Le Diable in French may be the Christian Devil which stands for absolute evil. But it can also be a mischievous and unruly, but not totally malevolent, demon or imp. New decks in the English tradition have adopted the first interpretation and show a frightening demon. But in the Tarot de Marseille the figures are smiling, and they look bawdy and shameless rather than evil. The animal-like feet and horns resemble medieval descriptions of the Devil in popular beliefs and witch-hunter’s manuals. But they may also relate to Pan, the Greek god of shepherds who represents the wild forces of natural passion. The image closely resembles an old Babylonian tablet known as the “Burney Relief,” kept in the British Museum and dated around 1800 BCE. Some believe it represents Ereshkigal, queen of the underworld. The Devil mocks conventional logic The Devil (Card 15) is sometimes linked to The Pope (Card 5), with a similar structure of one large and two small figures. But we can also see its upper part as a distorted mirror-image of the Justice card. The Pope and Justice represent the socially established and accepted values, while the Devil represents their opposite. The stuck-out tongue echoes the male sexual organ at the center of the card, expressing mockery and defiance of social conventions and norms. The large figure is also full of contradictions: a human body with animal elements, and a male sex organ with female breasts. The Devil can represent anarchism, subversion, and defiance of conventional norms. It can also stand for inner paradoxes and contradictions, which go beyond the traditional logic and the simple binary classifications of good and bad, male and female, or human and animal. It can express a borderline behavior that strains the limits of respectability and acceptance. For example, it may represent an audacious display of libertine or licentious life-style. It can also indicate a desire to experience forbidden things, or original and deviant thinking which defies conventional norms. The Devil expresses impulse and passion Nudity appears in many major suit cards. But only in The Devil, with the exposed sexual organ right at the center, does it refer explicitly to sexuality. The blatantly lustful nature of the card suggests an unrestrained expression of desires. For example, The two little devils or imps, one male and the other female, may be two partners in a stormy and passionate liaison. Their animal features, and their gazes directed at the tip of the main figure’s penis, express a relationship centered around sex and impulsive desire. At the same time, the ropes tied to their necks symbolize a difficulty in breaking up. More generally, the card can express any non-rational behavior motivated by desires and passions. One can also see the bondage and the object wielded like a whip as an indication of sexual domination or sadomasochistic experiences. It is not even clear that the penis and the breasts are genuine: perhaps they are worn as artificial accessories, indicating that although everything is exposed, nothing can be taken at face value. The card can thus express fantasy, imagination, and inventiveness in sexual matters. Going back to the symbolic link between desire and creativity, we can also see in the card a creative impulse breaking forth and going beyond the conventional limits. The Devil grows from the abyss The black area at the bottom of the card represents the abyss which also appears in other cards. We can interpret it as deep layers of dark feelings, past traumas, fear and pain. The sense of movement in the card is upwards, so that it may represent forces originating in the hidden depths of the soul and coming out into the open. The wild impulsive behavior of The Devil may be an expression of an underlying personality disorder, or a plea for help in a situation of emotional distress. The card can also represent the influence of dark impulses such as anger and aggression, indicating the release of “the devil within you.” The upwards movement also has its enlightened aspect. The two little imps seem to hint at plant growth, their feet resembling tree roots and their horns resembling branches. We can also note their tails which symbolize an animal-like character. Compared to them, the large central figure has more human aspects, and its wings even suggest an angelic potential. We can also relate it to the myth of the Devil as a fallen angel, and interpret the upward movement as a return to its original dignity. In this regard, the card can express a process of personal growth from a state of pain and emotional suffering. The little imps might also represent parents, and the larger figure may bring to mind a smiling and cross-eyed baby’s face. The parents are still bound by their necks to the darkness from which they came. But the next generation already manages to rise from the painful past and express its forces of life and creativity. In this aspect, The Devil card can indicate a process of reparation and healing from a past family trauma. The Devil binds to satisfaction of desires Another paradox in The Devil card concerns the notions of freedom and bondage. On the one hand, its open display of sexuality and desire appears as a free and liberated act of self-expression. On the other, this is the only card with slave-like figures bound by their necks. This is the inherent paradox of desire: acting on it can be perceived as liberation from inhibiting norms, but also as bondage-like addiction to pleasure and satisfaction. The card can represent any kind of compulsive or addictive behavior, for example addiction to sex or drugs, eating disorders, and so on. Often, such dependency is denied by the addicted person, who claims to be in control and acting on his own free choice. The large figure dominating the bound imps can also represent a relationship of abuse and manipulation, exploiting others for egoistic ends, or a negative influence of someone who seeks his own personal satisfaction. The Devil generates his own undoing The upright object in the large figure’s left hand may be a burning torch, and the red color of the wing’s tip might indicate that it is also being set ablaze. The torch may hint at the suit of wands representing passions and burning desire. Unrestrained desire may lead to satisfaction and pleasure, as the tempting smile of the big figure suggests. But it also has its price. The card may describe some self-defeating conduct that will eventually harm the querent, or a bad influence which can lead him to failure. Still, one may think that if the card represents a one-time liberating experience and not a constant way of life, it may be worth the price of a small burn to one’s wing. Yoav Ben Dov
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infjtarot · 2 years
Ace of SwordsAnna Maria d'Onofrioh Tarot
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  This card shows great brain potential and intellectual ability. Somewhat similar to the 10 of Wands – 10 De Baton Tarot: after the end of an instinctive and creative cycle, it is time for wisdom to act. This card can mean victory by cleverness, intelligence, determination, profundity, or the beginning of a potential situation on two sides, like a sword. It may also refer to the ability to take a position or make a decision. It implies the use of great power (or sometimes even too much power) to advance goals, but the way in which these powers will be used and the nature of your goals are still unclear. Many energies are often invested to achieve any ambition and, therefore, there are very few obstacles against Ace’s determination without being crushed. The power of Ace of Swords includes heart, spirit and unbeatable will. However, depending on the wearer to exploit this potential and use it properly for their purpose. Ace of Sword – As D’épée Tarot brings a clear and lucid period. It reveals a moment of grace in which knowledge and reasoning suddenly reach their peak. Achieving your goals suddenly becomes much easier. You will discover an initial perspective on a problem, or, in a broader sense, now you have a new vision of the world. This is the perfect time to eliminate the fog that has stopped you from grasping your inner truth and solving the core problem. This is also a good time to act, and if you decide to achieve your ambition, nothing and nobody will oppose you. Ace of Swords brings a new idea, a new inspiration, an initial thought and a creative vision. It represents a turning point from which you have a completely new way of thinking while having the energy needed for it. Now you are very excited to find new opportunities based on your creative and spiritual abilities. This card also encourages you to seek truth and justice. That is why you can protect a lawsuit, protect your rights or that of others. Therefore, sometimes, it may mean you are ready to fight. You have great insight into the situation and can now protect your case with the ambition of victory. For example, you may have a new idea that you are willing to fight or you may be passionate about something special that makes you feel uneasy, such as human rights, the environment or your personal beliefs. This card calls you to use your spiritual strength and use your critical wisdom and reasoning. If you are encountering a difficult situation, you must be ready to face and find the strength to overcome these challenges. https://tarotx.net/tarot-card-meanings/marseilles/6-depee.html
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infjtarot · 2 years
World ~ Anna Maria D'Onofrio Tarot
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  Medieval depictions of “Christ in majesty” show him surrounded by a pointed oval aureole called a mandorla (“almond” in Italian), which resembles the wreath of leaves in the card. In the four corners around the mandorla appear the four living creatures mentioned in the books of Ezekiel and Revelation: a bull, a lion, a man, and an eagle. In Christian tradition they are called tetramorph and symbolize the four evangelists. The central figure resembles a twelfth-century illustration by the mystic Hildegard von Bingen called “cosmic man,” surrounded by a circular halo and the four wings of the cardinal directions. The card also resembles South Indian depictions of the god Shiva Nataraj (“king of dance”). Shiva, whose dance animates the universe, is shown dancing inside a round wreath with one leg raised in the air. the world unites all the elements The concept of cosmic man refers to a traditional mystical view of the human body and soul (the microcosmos) as a small-scale image of the universe (the macrocosmos). In the microcosmic scale the living creatures can represent the four domains of the minor suits: body, desire, emotion, and intellect. The central figure can symbolize the unifying consciousness represented by the major suit. In the macroscopic scale, the figures correspond to the five elements of ancient Greece, medieval philosophy, and Hindu tradition. Four of them make up the material world as well as the human body: earth, fire, water, and air. The fifth element, called ether or akasha, represents a more sublime level of existence. Putting it all together, we can say that the World card depicts a complete image of the universe, of the human being, and of the tarot deck that represents them both. The card can symbolize a harmonious integration between different areas of activity. For example, it can be a simultaneous advance in several directions or a good balance between different life domains. In practical matters it symbolizes realization and success. One also can see it as referring to the world in a literal sense, such as a trip abroad, foreign connections, or issues involving other countries. the world presents a perfect vision The image of the World can be connected with the preceding card, Judgment. In the book of Revelation, after the judgment of the dead, Christ appears in majesty as king of the world, surrounded by the four living creatures. This is the moment when the universe reaches its final perfection, and in the card we can see an image of perfection in the symmetrical and balanced illustration of the card, which puts everything in its proper place. In this aspect the World expresses an ideal vision of perfection that can motivate the querent to move forward, evolve, and find better solutions. Alternatively, it can represent a tendency to see the world or oneself in terms of an ideal image far removed from reality. As the last card of the suit, it can also represent perfection in the sense of completion and signify the positive outcome of a project or the closure of some process. the world moves between opposites A recurrent idea throughout history is that everything that happens in the world is driven by the tension between two opposites: light and dark, for example, or hot and cold or high and low pressure. Such ideas appear in the teachings of the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus, in the Chinese concept of yin and yang, and in the modern physical theory of heat and energy (thermodynamics). The dance of the central figure in the card can also be driven by such an opposition, expressed as the polarity between male and female. The hand on the right is holding a masculine wand. The hand on the left is holding a sort of semi-hidden receptacle, a feminine shape that may suggest a womb. The hand on the right is pushing at the wreath as an active gesture, while on the left the figure approaches the wreath at several points without touching it. As in the correspondence table in chapter 7, we can also see two living creatures on the right as representing the hard (male) suits and those on the left as the soft (female) suits. The card may indicate a movement driven by tension and opposition between two poles. For example, in case of a clash between two adversaries, the card can indicate a third party who stays protected in the middle while taking advantage of the situation. In case of a dilemma between two options, it can signify that the best course is not to commit oneself one way or the other, but to draw benefits from both. the world dances inside a frame The four living creatures are believed to be of Babylonian origin, representing the astrological fixed signs. These are like four stable points holding the celestial wheel of the zodiac in place. The fixed signs are Taurus (bull), Leo (lion), Scorpio (which is sometimes represented by an eagle), and Aquarius (a bucket shown in the hands of a man). At the upper edge of the wreath we can see two tiny triangular shapes with a dark right half, perhaps two rays of a hidden star. Noticing the resemblance between the upper part of the dancing figure and the figure in the Star card, we may also think that it is the North Star. In the medieval worldview the zodiac and the North Star belong to the sphere of fixed stars, which provides a stable frame of cosmic laws for the ephemeral life on Earth. In this aspect the card gives an image of movement taking place inside a fixed framework. For example, it can represent a person experiencing a rich and dramatic inner life while externally following an uneventful conventional routine. It can also represent someone carving themselves a private niche for free expression within a heavily regulated environment, such as a workplace or an organization. The dancing figure also resembles a ninth-century Carolingian illumination of David playing the harp. He is depicted as dancing with one leg bent backward and is surrounded by an almond-shaped aureole and four figures of the cardinal virtues. This and the hint to the dancing Hindu god Shiva can link the card to dance, performance, and bodily expression. the world is closed within itself The dancing figure is contained in some sort of an enclosure, which protects but also limits it. The card may thus indicate that the querent is trapped in a situation where everything looks fine from the outside. For example, it can be the golden cage of a well-paid job that doesn’t allow real advancement or personal evolution. The wreath separating inside from outside may also symbolize disconnection and estrangement between the inner feelings of the querent and their external life situation. For example, it can represent a feeling that “I don’t belong here” in marital life or at work. The navel of the dancing figure can bring to mind the ancient Greek concept of an omphalos, the world’s navel. Together with the separating wreath, it can indicate that the querent feels themselves to be at the center of their own private universe. In a positive aspect it can indicate emotional independence and self-sufficiency. In a negative aspect it can mean narcissism, a feeling that the whole world revolves around you, and social isolation. the world prepares something new As the last card of the suit, the World represents a closure. But the illustration also resembles medieval medical depictions of a human embryo, with a folded leg and spread arms inside a round womb. The hand touching the wreath on the right side can also be expressing a desire to come out and be born. In this respect, the card may describe a process of reaching an apparent measure of stability, while inside there are already the seeds of change. It may also indicate pregnancy, whether literally or metaphorically as a project or an idea in preparation. Yoav Ben Dov
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infjtarot · 2 years
Knight of Pentacles ~ Anna Maria d'Onofrioh Tarot
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  With a cane in hand and riding on an obedient blue horse, this Knight was walking through a country led by a pentagram. He represents actions beyond materiality to creativity, a peak that will open new horizons. He is also a man who is rich enough to create something new or a new purpose beyond material problems. In the correct sense, the Knight of Pentacles can represent a journey or action; in this case, it is a task that is connected to the body, creativity, and position of a person in the world. Cavalier De Deniers works methodically and rigorously. Although his visions are not revolutionary, and his methods are probably not very original, he guesses that everything he undertakes will meet with success. He has the patience to accomplish all of his tasks, and he is incredibly reliable due to his sense of responsibility and commitment. As a card of the Court suit, this card can represent a part of yourself, someone in your life or an event. As a part of yourself, this card means that you must be trustworthy, reliable and hardworking. You are able to follow a process to ensure that a task or important job is done from beginning to end, according to expectations. You are productive and committed to finishing the job, even if it takes a lot of work. You are also extremely loyal and ready to do whatever it takes for the result. There is a certain notion of perfectionism associated with this Knight. You are meticulous in your approach and you make sure that everything is planned and executed in every detail to achieve irrefutable success. You will never leave a half-finished task. It is essential for you to fulfill your duty according to the desired level of quality and to keep your promises. If you depend on someone else’s efforts to help you reach a goal in life, that person will be trustworthy and respectful. This person will invest as much as you, and he/she will be very conscientious and proud of his/her work. For example, you may have hired a housekeeper who is always doing a great job or an assistant who is dedicated to helping you with all of the tasks you carry out. This person is someone who wants to do a good job and is not afraid to work hard to meet your expectations. As an event, Cavalier De Deniers often shows a time when you have to take responsibility and take charge of a situation. You may be assigned to a project or task, and you will need to spend some of your times to see this project succeed. With this Knight, you will be asked to accept this responsibility without grumbling. Sometimes, this card emphasizes the most mundane elements of life. It represents routine, daily activities, and hard work that can be painful. It indicates a conformist approach that is risk-averse and safe. This card also asks you to continue doing what you do, to improve and progress gradually. There is no need to change approach, instead, let’s use the recipes that you master. Let’s ride with the wind and over time, you will reach your goals. Likewise, Cavalier De Deniers means that you take a very conservative approach to life right now, and even if you think that change is imminent, you stick to your usual ways of doing things. You will realize that you will need careful planning if you want to achieve your goals. It is not really very interesting or exciting time, but at least you know you are on the right track to achieving your goals. Even if you are more and more tired and you are tempted to drop everything, this card tells you to hold on, hang in there and you will finally see success. Let’s keep your promises and stay true to your commitments. Conversely, if a situation has stagnated for a while, you might see this card means that you are a bit stubborn and that you should negotiate a compromise. Sometimes, Knight can become too narrow when he is obsessed with his own styles. He is obstinate, stubborn and resists change. Tarot De Marseilles. https://tarotx.net/
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infjtarot · 2 years
6 of Swords ~ Anna Maria d'Onofrioh Tarot
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  Adaptation The harmonic and easy-going character of the number 6 accepts the limits imposed by the blocking aspect of the Swords. The branch in the middle of the enclosure formed by six curved swords adapts its form  to  the  available  space,  keeping  a  neat  distance  from  the borders on all sides. Interpretation: accepting the limits of the situation and adapting oneself to them. Giving up personal ambitions in order not to disturb the  present  balance.  Making  the  best  of  the  present  conditions. Inverse: resignation, surrender, despair. Tarot. The Open Reading. Yoav Ben-Dov. The first step into holy joy (card 6) is also an intellectual experience. The pleasure of thought, the beauty of the idea and the joyous sense of humor are all signs of sophistication, openness, and wisdom. We love what we think and say. The mind becomes positive and delicate. You can discover yourself when you are in a quiet state, showing your personality. Poetry finds its source in this card. It also implies an encounter with whom you can have a rich and informative dialogue. From the outside, it will be a mature and unique person. 6 D’épée Tarot means you will go through a reluctant transition phase, presumably because of old decisions. You know that in order to move forward, you have to leave something important behind, and although you do it with regret, you know that in the long run, it will be the best option for you. There are times in life when you are forced to give up something you are attached to and this process is often quite difficult. However, the sadness of this abandonment will soon be replaced by a greater lucidity which itself will lead to a new search for change. Do not be afraid to give up what holds you back in the present or in the past. Instead, you should look at the future and choose the option that bodes for the best long-term potential. You will have to make difficult decisions and compromises but this is ultimately an initiation rite that will take you to a new phase of your life. You must realize that you are now in a much better position. You have endured, or are currently experiencing a difficult transition but from now on, you will be better able to cope with what may happen. Do not go back to the past or to what you gave up. Instead, let’s use this event as an opportunity to improve your self-esteem and take a step towards who you really want to be. Sometimes, the only way to solve the problems is to leave them behind and to start over. The important thing now is to set a new path that will bring more happiness and more joy. 6 D’épée Tarot also shows the need to rely on a state of mental clarity, logic, and objectivity to examine where you are coming from and where you are going. This insight will also facilitate and make everything as peaceful as possible. You can use your intuition to help you to go through situations easily and use your carefree and analytical skills as needed to make more complex decisions. 6 D’épée Tarot can also indicate a state of depression or blue. You try your best to survive rather than really enjoying. You may feel apathetic, lack energy, motivation and a little depressed. It can also indicate a trip on the water (for example, a boat cruise or a plane trip beyond the seas). You may feel sad to get away from a particular person but you know that this trip will get you a good job! In the longer term, a move from one place to another could be scheduled. You will have to leave your friends and family to explore or discover a new place. Then, you will realize that you are having a great experience on your travels and will learn a lot about yourself. https://tarotx.net/
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infjtarot · 2 years
5 of Wands ~ Anna Maria D'Onofrio Tarot
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5 of Wands brings a temptation, a new desire, and energy to transcend what has been known up to this point. This may be the beginning of entering into sexual practice which is unknown so far or in the creative field, developing to unpredictable depth and wider threshold. This is also the power of a teacher or a saint who is not afraid to use the Wand’s energy to heal and bless.
In the Tarot of Marseille, 5 generally represents the conflicts and changes, and it is the case of 5 De Baton. This card means that you are or will be, in a time of conflict, tension, and opposition and this has an impact on your ability to progress in your goals. Rather than succeed in working with others, you run into them and as a result, you are constantly challenged. The problem is that everyone tries to express their point of view but no one listens, and therefore, nothing advances. There are only conflicts and the discussions that take place have little or no value.
Similarly, this card is representative of a group of people who want to achieve a goal but who can not fully agree on how to achieve it, each with their own idea to carry out this task. Let’s do your best to turn this into a constructive confrontation by allowing each person to openly express their opinions and listen to those of others. Once everyone has been heard and all opinions are taken into account, determine the best way forward.
Sometimes, this type of conflict and discussion can be very positive, as in the case of a speaking group because you need an environment where you can put your ideas to the test and improve by comparing them to those of others. You can benefit from creating a working group, committee or thinking about other people who will bring different views and experiences. You can consider this kind of debate and discussion as positive contributions to improve the relevance of your ideas and actions.
5 De Baton often means that you are confronted with a number of competing people of similar quality or experience to yours. You may not be used to competing with others at the moment because you have built your success on your own, but now, it is the time to discover what competition really means and demands. Exactly like when the best student still has to fight with others who have high achievements to enter the job market. Where there is competition, respect your opponent but defend your point of view. Besides, fight your predisposition to frustration, anger, hatred, and prejudice.
This card also encourages diversity and differences of opinion. You may be in a situation where you are dealing with people from different cultures and backgrounds, and you may have difficulty accepting their way of life. You should know that every person has a stone to add to the building, and you will benefit by learning more about them and what they have to offer. It also encourages an enthusiastic approach to change. Change happens, whether you like it or not, but your challenge will be to make sure everyone is on the same page and is preparing for it constructively and positively. Currently, the energy of your surroundings is dispersed because the enthusiasm is poorly channeled.
Everyone has a lot of ideas but there is nobody to harmonize them in a coherent way. Your role can be a clear strategy and objective that can be implemented by all parties involved. Sometimes, 5 De Baton reveals a personal struggle or a discord, about problems that are internal or external and that cause you a lot of tension and confusion. You hesitate between conflicting opinions about how you should approach your current situation, and you have not really come to understand where this leads. You feel concerned by a number of external and conflicting issues such as abortion, immigration, globalization or the environment, or simply by more personal issues like love or employment.
At the same time, other people around you have strong opinions about what you should think, which creates conflict, tension and unpleasant disagreements. Just when you think to accept a clear point of view, you will be inverted on this point of view or you will discover new information that will make you change your mind. This process is actually very beneficial and will help you to adopt a complete and thoughtful vision. There is no good answer and whatever path you choose, you will always meet someone to contradict you. So, you have to find the most comfortable option.
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infjtarot · 2 years
5 of Pentacles ~ Anna Maria D'Onofrio Tarot
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  In the focus of stability (four pentacles are located at the four corners of the card), a concern is opening up to the spiritual, planetary or cosmic aspects. This may be an industrial capitalist who invests in good “clean” energy for the planet, a big store that launches a new organic product line, or even construction of a temple or spiritual center. On the body, it may be the beginning of exercise that goes beyond simple exercise, diet changes, or alternative healing methods. 5 de Deniers generally announces a period of financial conflicts, poverty, and adversity. It also indicates that you have suffered a significant financial loss or failure. This card shows many faces of physical misery and deprivation, including losing money, poverty, illness, unemployment, and loneliness. If you have suffered a loss, there are still surrounding people who are ready to help you. There is always a solution for any issue, so just close your eyes and let your inner light guide you.
Often, the cause of these financial problems depends on your own emotions: greed leads to loss, anxiety leads to error and possessiveness leads to loneliness. By focusing on the material, you lose sight of your spiritual development. You can be rich for a while, but everything will be lost if you do not learn anything.
On a psychological level, this card can indicate difficulty in your relationship with money and material things. If money becomes the main driving force of life and the unit of measure by which you judge your value, lack of money can produce anxiety and a feeling of exclusion. For example, if you, unfortunately, encounter financial difficulties such as losing a job or an investment, you risk falling into the trap of losing confidence in your ability to recreate a positive financial situation. Therefore, you should not only consider your actual financial situation but also your attitude towards the money. What are your fears about money and wealth? Are you worried that you never have enough, or do you have faith in your ability to create what you need to live a prosperous and fulfilling life, regardless of circumstances? Frequently, wealth is based as much on your psychological state as on your actual financial condition. In a world that often equates success with financial wealth, the loss announced by 5 de Deniers can be a setback to humility for self-esteem. This loss can occur in many ways, but even though an external event may seem to be causing it, this card often reflects that the loss comes from no one but you. A spiritual loss precedes or often accompanies the loss of material wealth. This card can also indicate a moment when one feels lonely, abandoned, ignored and unwanted. You can be left out of the holidays and bullied by others. Thus, you desperately need support and comfort from those around you. https://tarotx.net/tarot-card-meanings/marseilles/
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infjtarot · 2 years
9 of Wands ~ Anna Maria d'Onofrioh Tarot
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  On this level, the Wand is faced with the choice between life and death. In this card, which has completely been deprived, the foliage is no longer growing, the factor that reaches self-imposed is not controlled. It is the experience of a true or symbolic end of the ego. For the artist, it is the acceptance that someone will use his/her work. For boxers, it is a risk of being killed. In terms of sex, it is an essential reunion. 9 De Baton means that you are about to complete a particular project or task, but at the last minute, you face an inconvenient obstacle or setback. You should know that you have the necessary inner resources to overcome all the difficulties you encounter, even if they seem overwhelming to you. You are so close to finally succeed, do not give up! This card is a sign of hope and encouragement: if you are strong and firm in the face of difficulties, you will reach your goal. These will be the last challenges you face before you see the end of the tunnel. This is like the last test or the last annoyance before the arrival at the top. You feel exhausted but your skill and determination have grown and will help you to win this last challenge. You have the advantages and by appealing to all of your courage and abilities, you will win. You are certain to succeed because the most difficult obstacles are now behind you. This card encourages you to resilience. You will still continue to be challenged by invisible enemies, and your interests will be questioned. Even in the face of such adversity, when you feel criticized and bruised, you will have to remain patient and vigilant. You may also have had setbacks that leave you feeling mistrustful of others or even of yourself. The turning point will come when you are able to leave the past behind and keep your mind open in the future. Although you have had troubles in the past, this does not mean that you will have to deal with new ones. Let’s turn the page and go forward. Sometimes, 9 De Baton encourages you to take no more risk. You must expect the worst and take extra precautions to avoid any negative consequences regarding your projects. You must be on your guard and beware of any hidden obstacles or adversaries that could harm you. Tarot De Marseilles. https://tarotx.net/
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infjtarot · 2 years
4 of Wands ~ Anna Maria d'Onofrioh Tarot
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  In this card, desire comes true. The work of the artist has debuted in the world and achieved success. Sex is guaranteed due to stable partners or effective sexual habits. This card represents a person who is making a living on his creative efforts and who has gained power in his hand. 4 De Baton announces the celebration, the good times, a happy family environment, harmony, and good news. In Tarot numerology, number 4 symbolizes stability and solid foundations. In the case of 4 wands, it means that you now enjoy a period of happiness and stability. This card highlights your sense of harmony and balance as well as your fulfillment. It symbolizes a period of peace and joy in life after intense and difficult efforts. This is one of the most positive cards of the Tarot of Marseille and signifies general good fortune, satisfaction, and achievement. With 4 wands, this is the perfect time to gather with family and friends and to prepare lots of wonderful moments together. Often, this card reflects the holiday period when you get together as a family to celebrate. Alternatively, it can be as easy to invite your closest friends for an intimate dinner and to share a few glasses of good wine. It often refers to a wedding, a commitment, the birth of a child, an anniversary, a graduation or any other type of major celebration. If you have worked on a project, you will reach a milestone, and you will have good reason to celebrate it. Because you have completed an important phase of the project, you can now be proud of what you have accomplished so far. 4 De Baton augurs a moment of joy and memorable enjoyment of a person’s life and represents the personal satisfaction of a well-done job, an achieved goal, and ambition that begins to be realized. Because this card is closely associated with the family environment, you may be working on improving or renovating your home. You may have recently bought a new home or are about to find a new home and prepare to settle in this new environment. It represents peace, harmony, and tranquility. It can be a refuge from all the turbulence of life like a new romantic encountered or a new place to live away from everything. If you have been confronted with disputes with others, the time will come to propose to make peace and to develop harmony in your relationships. This card encourages you when things seem too daunting. It reminds you that most things in life are not easy and when you take a big step, you must be proud of everything you have accomplished. Also, it represents the transition from one stage to another and the transformation of past mistakes and obstacles into messages of peace, tolerance, and happiness. Tarot De Marseilles. https://tarotx.net/
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infjtarot · 2 years
Knight of Wands ~ Anna Maria d'Onofrioh Tarot
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  The wand in the picture retains the natural branch shape, but it looks more refined than the unwieldy object in the page card. The knight’s gaze seems completely absorbed in his wand, which might indicate that he is preoccupied with his own desires and impulses. The bodies of the knight and the horse are turned to the left side of the card, but their faces and their eyes are directed to the right. Maybe the knight is changing direction and turning to face the future, or perhaps he is just stopping to examine what he really desires. The heavily covered horse, which does not look very athletic and agile, may symbolize lack of self-awareness or the hiding of one’s real motivations. The floral device on the man’s knee may be a fancy decoration, suggesting a taste for luxury or vanity. It might also indicate an aesthetic sensibility that strengthens the suit’s link to creativity and self-expression. Overall, the image suggests a feeling of vigor and energy but may be lacking guidance and direction. Interpretation: Suitable resources and an impulse to advance, but the direction is unclear. A momentary pause in order to reexamine what the querent really wants. An excessive preoccupation with one’s own sexuality, selfish desires, or creative urges. Following the instinctual drives may indicate the right direction, but more confidence and commitment are needed for a real advance. Disregard of others’ needs or lack of self-awareness may hinder the querent’s progress for the moment. Still, they have enough resources and energy to correct the situation and advance later on. Yoav Ben Dov. Riding on a white horse, symbolizing the desires of being controlled, the Knight of Wands has tamed his horse and could force it to turn. His scepter has returned to its nature: creative energy and sex are felt as simple as themselves. The scepter in his hand as if to show that there is no duality existed between him and his energy source but complete trust. This card represents the oriented instinct, the maturest creation, the supreme courage to life and death, peace, healing ability, or even a sage who is willing to give up the pleasures of humanity to enter the kingdom of thought. Cavalier De Baton reveals the implementation of a new idea. Many actions are taken by this rider who invests all of his energy without hesitation to ensure that his ideas will be applied. His courage is incredibly tenacious, and he is afraid of nothing. He is willing to exploit his intentions and visions to make things happen. Thus, this card means that your confidence level will increase quickly, and you will feel ready to face the world. Let’s take up all of the challenges that stand in your way and always be ready to support those who lack determination and vigor. This Knight represents the sort of fellow who acts right away without thinking. He is impatient and impulsive with unshakable faith. The disadvantage of this card is that when he overflows with energy and enthusiasm, he tends to rush without much concern for the consequences of his actions. He embarks on a headlong journey and often crashes for lack of a clear plan of attack, which can have a negative impact on his chances of long-term success. He is so driven by the desire to be the best for glory and notoriety that he almost forgets to prepare in advance and keep an eye on reality. Cavalier De Baton can also be considered aggressive and overly ambitious. He insists a lot, even if others obstruct, criticize or challenge him. When you get this card in a spread, it is important to start your creative projects with a lot of enthusiasm and energy, but also to temper yourself with a realistic vision and a carefully considered strategy taking into account the future consequences of your actions. There is nothing wrong with being ambitious as long as it is channeled properly. Let’s be a pioneer but take only calculated risks. This card can also indicate an event that happens in your life quickly and unexpectedly. An important problem is likely to occur in your life and to demand your attention until its resolution. Rather than resist him, take the time to give him all of your vigilance. Often, this Knight card may indicate a hasty change in residence, work or any other lifestyle. You must be ready to react quickly and follow the current flow because any resistance will be useless. Tarot De Marseilles. https://tarotx.net/
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infjtarot · 2 years
4 of Cups ~ Anna Maria d'Onofrioh Tarot
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  In this card, love is solidified and clear. The foundation of a family can be built on the Four of Cups. It evokes faith in oneself and believes in others, in which love is the trump card of reality. But it can also turn into a journey to find a person who can provide safety for yourself, “a father for my children”, “a good mother”, “a rich person” which can lead to a kind of constraint between a dominated person and a submissive person. It is risky to put the hope of realizing the dream of the family into others. 4 De Coupe Tarot often appears when you are bored or you are no longer satisfied with the status quo. You may feel unaffected, apathetic and unmotivated. Life becomes bleak and there is very little excitement. To overcome this, this card warns that you will need to re-evaluate your situation and look deeply into your mind to understand what you really want. You can consider meditation to accept your reality. This card also calls you to against frustration. You may be tired of struggling as you did so far. As a result, you have begun to take a step back and look at yourself to have peace and quiet. If you become especially uncomfortable with your situation, then this card is a call to action: it is time to wake up, be alert and open to new experiences that promise a more positive outcome. 4 De Coupe Tarot can sometimes indicate defense. Let’s think about the opportunities you ignore or decline and ask yourself if this is because you really believe that they are not for you, or that you fear what might happen. Also, be alert to any aggressiveness in your responses and reactions. In the most extreme cases, this card characterizes someone stubborn, ungrateful and self-absorbing. If you are in your own little world, depressed, selfish, afraid to reach out or hurt by a toxic relationship, stay isolated for a moment. You are only concerned with your own problems and you are neglecting the needs of others. You should be aware that your detachment will become a problem in the long run. Remember that you will always have the opportunity to reconnect with the surrounding world at any time.  Often, this card indicates that an opportunity has been offered but you will not make any decision about it until you have had more time. Not accepting it at the moment does not mean that you will reject this offer. It will continue to be there, and your decision can be made at any time. Besides, it is the moment of contemplation, research, and meditation. When all the answers are there, and you feel good emotionally, you can act, but in the short term, you will not need to make an immediate choice. 4 De Coupe Tarot reminds you not to take life for granted. Digitally, it means that you have created a solid foundation and a strong sense of stability and security. So, when this card appears, it must be considered to be a warning. It carries the message that there is a lot of love in your life, but it can and will disappear if you do not continue to promote and show your appreciation for everything you have gained up to present. Most of the time, people do not realize how much they live each day. They are too concerned about what they want and do not have the time to look at their lives and see what they already have. Much of the disappointment in life comes from people who want more but already have everything they need. The key to overcoming this disappointment is simply to see all the good that already exists in your life and to be grateful for it every day. https://tarotx.net/
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infjtarot · 2 years
Emperor ~ Anna Maria d'Onofrioh Tarot
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  The Emperor represents authority and government. The Seeker possesses an iron will. Key 4 symbolizes the theological quaternary, the number of force and sovereignty.26 All is in order, under control. The landscape behind the Emperor indicates a stern, severe nature. Traditionally, if the card appears in a man’s reading, it indicates self-mastery and virile power, and in a woman’s, a father figure. The modern, more gender-neutral approach is to interpret it as dominance and superiority in the work, career, and business realms. When the Emperor card appears, themes of order, authority, and jurisdiction will be at play. If the Seeker is engaged in a present situation of conflict, then the Emperor card is a positive omen of jus ad bellum—the Seeker is justified in his or her fight. Authority is on the side of Seeker, his or her cause is just, and the card portends to a high likelihood of success for the Seeker. Although there is authority, just cause, and glory in war and battle, as indicated by the armor underneath the emperor’s red robes, what is the Seeker’s dominion? What has the Seeker conquered? The kingdom is parched. The dryness of the imagery indicates thirst, a thirst for a different kind of sovereignty than the one the Seeker has attained. The golden orb that the emperor holds calls to mind the story of King Midas of Greek mythology, who could turn all that he touched to gold. However, ironically, Midas died of hunger, because all that he touched turned to gold and gold cannot nourish. More tragic yet, the king turned his beloved daughter to gold. The Midas theme resonates with the parched kingdom behind the emperor. The Midas allegory will resonate in particular with a Seeker if a tarot spread is dominated by the suit of Pentacles. If a tarot spread is dominated by the suit of Wands and The Emperor appears, then the Seeker’s approach to the matter at hand is too belligerent. There is also a sense of scorching the earth in a desperate effort to wield control. The card represents active yang force. The Emperor is the domination of the mind over the heart. Structure and regulation are pertinent themes. The element of Fire governs this card; attributions associated with Fire will represent the external forces at play in the Seeker’s situation. Key 4: The Emperor could also relate to the sign Aries and, timing-wise, denote the period March 21–April 19.ur branches on the Emperor’s chest. With it, the laws of the universe are set up completely and completely. Benebel Wen. HolisticTarot
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infjtarot · 2 years
Page of Pentacles ~ Anna Maria d'Onofrioh Tarot
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  With his two coins, one being raised to the sky and one buried underground, he was wondering where his position in this world, his body, his financial problems. The buried coin is an obstacle that prevents him from developing; the coin being raised is his wish. His left hand is holding a yellow round object, which can be a piece of gold like the Magician – Le Bateleur Tarot. Should he start a business, and if so, what kind of profession? How to enter an active life? Is this investment worthy of possible problems? Will he regain his health? There are dozens of questions that Knave of Pentacles ask when considering whether to take physical risks or financial risks. If this card describes problems, it can talk about not knowing where a person’s position is, where to stay, staying passive, or, on the contrary, playing dangerously with one’s safety or life. Valet De Deniers is the card of dreams and desires to manifest them in the material world. You can be in the middle of a new project like a hobby, business creation or the start of new training. In any case, this card is a sign of enthusiasm and desire, centered on a goal or a dream. It does not indicate the fulfillment of dreams but rather the initial motivation and the needed energy to begin the process of materializing these dreams into reality. As a result, this card encourages you to start putting in place clear strategies and actions that will ultimately lead you to realize your dreams and goals. This is a time when you must be able to follow careful planning to achieve your ambition. You must stay focused on the practical and tangible elements, keep your feet firmly anchored on Earth without getting carried away by other ideas and concepts and also be focused on what is realistic and achievable. That is when your common sense and pragmatic approach will lead you to success and a solution that really works. It is the time to put into practice all these great ideas and concepts that have stimulated your imagination. Valet De Deniers also asks you to flourish and progress along a trajectory that will generate prosperity and wealth in the future. You are just at the beginning of a new project or business which will require staying focused on tangible results and benefits. Besides that, you should be clear about the skills and resources needed to attract you to wealth and abundance. This Knave is thirsty for knowledge. It is dedicated to knowledge, the acquisition of wisdom and new skills. He is passionate about all of his commitments and has a great capacity for involvement in his interests and activities. Thus, the appearance of this card means that success will come to you after mastering new skills, and you have decided to achieve specific and tangible goals. You may need to consider continuing your education, expanding your skills at work or learning new ways of doing things. Do not be afraid to be an apprentice again, even if you already master another area to perfection. Think of those 70-year-olds who suddenly engage with enthusiasm in obtaining a university degree! The more strings you add to your bow, the more goals and dreams you will achieve. Sometimes, Valet De Deniers can represent a young entrepreneur. This person may aspire to fortune by pursuing a new business idea through learning new skills or adapting to a new situation. He/she may be young, but there is also a lot of enthusiasm, commitment, dedication and a keen sense of responsibility to carry out his/her project. https://tarotx.net/
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infjtarot · 7 years
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Page of Coins
The page is looking at the coin in his hand. He may be unaware of the other coin near his foot. This indicates that he realizes only part of his potential, while the rest may still be hidden in the ground. The focused gaze at the upper coin may indicate that the querent is concerned with what he already has. The feet pointing in opposite directions express indecision. Perhaps the page had an initial success and now, examining it, he hesitates between exploiting the current situation (the second coin) and taking a new direction (the higher foot on the right). A unique feature of this card is that the title is written down the side and not in the strip at the bottom. This gives the card a solid basis, as the page’s feet are planted on the ground at a level lower (or deeper) than any other figure.
Interpretation: a practical attitude, feet on the ground, but a vision which is limited to existing structures and what has already proven its worth. Even in the present situation, many advantages and possibilities may be missed because of insufficient attention. It is worth looking for these untapped potentials and benefits before embarking on an altogether new way. Hesitation, restlessness of spirit and an unclear feeling that something is missing. Goals that we seek might be closer than we imagine, and all we have to do is to look in the right
Ben-Dov, Yoav. Tarot - The Open Reading. Tarot of Marseilles
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infjtarot · 7 years
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King of Coins
The King of Coins differs from the other kings in that he doesn’t have a visible crown. He also sits in an open natural landscape, while the others are shown in artificial environments. This may indicate a simple and practical, down-to-earth attitude of one who avoids excessive luxury or pompousness. He also differs from the other figures in the suit who are looking intensely on their coins. Instead, he holds his coin in his lap treating it as something secure that doesn’t need special attention, while his gaze is directed to the future. His line of vision is open, but well defined by the limiting lines of the hat and the shoulder. His body leans slightly back – a posture expressing reticence, caution and critical examination of new things rather than rushing forward towards them. The crossed legs and the hand on the belt resemble the major suit Emperor card, and indicate discipline and self-control.
Interpretation: a solid and reliable attitude towards practical affairs. Keeping things simple and useful without excessive sophistication. A cautious and balanced approach towards suggested projects or tempting offers, not rushing forward with uncritical enthusiasm, but also not altogether blocking the possibility of development in new directions. Self-control, maturity and responsibility, especially in business and practical matters. Modest and unpretentious behaviour based on confidence in oneself and in one’s achievements.
Ben-Dov, Yoav. Tarot - The Open Reading . Tarot of Marseilles.
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