#yoav ben dov
sillysybilsden · 8 months
Marseille Tarot: Resources
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Keep in mind that the following resources are for Marseille-style decks specifically (therefore, most of them are not applicable to RWS-style decks).
last updated: 17/01/24
➤ "The Open Reading"/"The Marseille Tarot Revealed"* by Yoav Ben-Dov
*it is the same book, but it is called differently depending on the edition (with the latter being printed on glossy paper and in full-colour and the previous being in greyscale).
➤ "Tarot of Marseille: A Guide to Interpretation" by Anna Maria Morsucci
➤ "Towards the Art of Reading" by Camelia Elias
➤ "Read Like the Devil: Marseille Tarot" by Camelia Elias
➤ "The Castle of Crossed Destinies"** by Italo Calvino
**this isn't a Tarot guidebook and, as such, it won't provide you with card meanings. It is a great example on how the Open Reading method works angloside storytelling, though.
➤ Tom Benjamin (Channel)
➤ Wolf of Coins (Channel)
➤ 78 Puertas (Channel)
➤ Introduction to the Marseille Tarot (Video)
➤ Yoav Ben-Dov's website
➤ Tarot Heritage
➤ Taroflexions (Camelia Elias' website)
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triple-tree-ranch · 11 months
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Aryeh Alexander Sandler, the late 5-year-old
The late Gabriel Issachar Sandler, 3 years old
The late Daniel Aryeh Wiplich, 16 years old
The late Elad Fogel, 4 years old
The late Hadas Vogel is three months old
The late Yoav Fogel, 10 years old
The late Yonatan Palmer, one year old
The late Shlomo Nativ, 13 years old
The late Segev Paniel Avihil, 15 years old
Yonatan Yitzhak Elder, 16 years old
Yondav Chaim Hirshfeld, 18 years old
The late Naria Cohen, 15 years old
The late Yohai Lifshitz, 18 years old
The late Avraham David Mozes, 16 years old
The late Roy Aharon Roth, 18 years old
The late Eliyahu Pinchas Ashari, 18 years old
The late Mazel Zaribi, 15 years old
The late Daniel Waltz, 16 years old
The late Amir Naim, 17 years old
Shaked Lasker, the late 16-year-old
The late Omer Menashe Pisakhov, 8 years old
Ella Aboxis, the late 17-year-old
The late Rachel Hali ben Abu, 16 years old
The late Oz Israel ben Meir, 14 years old
The late Nofer Horvitz, 16 years old
The late Avihai Levi, 16 years old
The late Aviad Yehuda Mansour, 15 years old
The late Yuval Abba, 4 years old
The late Afik Ohion Zahavi, 3 years old
The late Lior Azoulai, 18 years old
The late Aviel Yitzhak Atch, 3 years old
Two-year-old Dorit from the late Binsan movie
The late Roni Sarah Hatuel, 6 years old
The late Merav Rachel Hatuel is two years old
The late Hila Esther Hatuel, 10 years old
The late Hadar Simcha Hatuel, 9 years old
Son Jonathan Zuckerman, 18 years old
The late Lior Liorinka Niv, 3 years old
The late Gilad Giladi Niv, 11 years old
The late Avraham Shaked is one year old
The late Tomer Almog, 9 years old
The late Habib Dadon, 16 years old
The late Benjamin Bergman, 15 years old
The late Avraham Bar-Or, 12 years old
The late Shmuel Zargari, one year old
Noya Zar, the late Aviv, one year old
Liran Zer Aviv, the late 4-year-old
The late Erez Gizro Hershkowitz, 18 years old
The late Tom Hershko, 15 years old
The late Daniel Harosh, 16 years old
The late Shmuel Taubenfeld, one year old
The late Moran Menachem, 17 years old
The late Yuval Mandelwitz, 13 years old
The late Abigail Lytle, 14 years old
The late Noam Leibovitz, 7 years old
The late Tehila Natanzan, 3 years old
The late Elisheva Meshulami, 16 years old
The late Elizabeth Liz Katzman, 19 years old
Asaf Blondi Tzur Zollinger, the late 17-year-old
The late Smeder Firstetter, 16 years old
The late Asaf Steyer, 10 years old
The late Issachar Dov Reinitz, 9 years old
The late Tal Kerman, 17 years old
The late Shani Avitzedek Abutzadeka, 16 years old
The late Asnat Abramov, 16 years old
Matan Ohion, the late 5-year-old
The late Noam Levi Ohion, 4 years old
The late Yael Ohana, 11 years old
The late Orly Ophir, 15 years old
The late Noa Orbach, 18 years old
The late Dvir Anter, 14 years old
Yaakov Avraham Eliyahu, the late one year old
The late Lidor Ilan, 11 years old
The late Oriya Ilan is one year old
The late Gal Eisenman, 5 years old
Gilila Bugla, 11 years old
The late Hodia Hudish Asraf, 13 years old
The late Noy Enter, 12 years old
The late Shubal Zion Dickstein, 9 years old
The late Elmer Dzbrailov, 16 years old
The late Adi Dahan, 17 years old
Jonathan Gamaliel, 16 years old
The late Hadar Hershkovitz, 14 years old
The late Rachel Gila Teller, 16 years old
The late Gabriel Hoter, 17 years old
The late Shmuel Ephraim Yerushalmi, 17 years old
Atara Livna, 15 years old
The late Racheli Hali Levy, 17 years old
The late Shiraz Nimhad, 6 years old
The late Shaul Nimhad, 15 years old
The late Liran Nimhad is 3 years old
The late Avraham Eliyahu Nicham, 16 years old
Baruch Asher Zvi Markus, 18 years old
Her father, the late Malka, is one year old
The late Nehmi'a Amar, 15 years old
The late Linoi Serousi, 14 years old
Avraham Yosef Haim Seton, the late 17-year-old
The late Gaston Parfi Parfinial, 15 years old
The late Ilan Perlman, 8 years old
Aharon Mordechai Eric Krugliak, 18 years old
The late Sinai Kenan is one year old
The late Tal Tzvi Tlik Kurzweil, 18 years old
The late Ran Koren, 18 years old
The late Gal Koren, 14 years old
Asaf Moshe Tzafira, 18 years old
Avraham Nere' Shebo, deceased, 16 years old
Avishai Yosef Shabo, deceased, 5 years old
The late Keren Shatsky, 14 years old
The late Nathaniel Riahi, 17 years old
The late Erez Shlomo Rond, 18 years old
The late Ofer Ron, 18 years old
The late Yafit Rabivo is 14 years old
The late Daniel Bat-El Shafi, 5 years old
The late Adi Sheeran, 17 years old
Sara Tafarat Shilon, deceased, one year old
The late Gilad Stiglitz, 14 years old
Zvi Yaakov Yisrael Shabu Zal, 12 years old
The late Hadas Turgeman, 14 years old
The late Michael Sherashevsky, 16 years old
The late Assaf Avitan, 15 years old
The late Irina Usadchi, 18 years old
The late Yosef Ish-Ran, 14 years old
The late Yossi Elezra, 18 years old
The late Yuri Goshchin, 18 years old
The late Marina Berkovski, 17 years old
Shoshana Rachel Shushi ben Yishai Zalvat 16
The late Adam Weinstein, 14 years old
Yaakov Israel Danino, deceased, 17 years old
Genia Keren Dorfman, the late 16-year-old
The late Ido Cohen, 18 years old
The late Maria Tagiltsev, 14 years old
The late Tamar Messengisar, 8 years old
The late Jacob Kobi Mendel, 13 years old
The late Aliza Malka, 16 years old
The late Mariana Medvedenko, 16 years old
The late Naftali Ben-Zion Lantzakron, 13 years old
The late Ronen Landau, 17 years old
The late Alexey Lupalo, 17 years old
The late Raya Sahivashordar, 14 years old
Hamda Bracha Sahivashurdar, the late two-year-old
Avraham Yitzchak Sahivashordar, the late 4-year-old
The late Irina Nepomniaschi, 16 years old
The late Yelena Nalimov, 18 years old
The late Yulia Nalimov, 16 years old
The late Avraham Nachman Avrom Nitzani, 18 years old
The late Shalhav Tahiya Pess is one year old
The late Yair Amar, 13 years old
The late Yulia Yael Skalianik, 15 years old
The late Michal Sara Raziel, 16 years old
The late Malka Hana Malki Roth, 15 years old
The late Eliran Rosenberg, 14 years old
The late Simona Rodin, 18 years old
The late Menashe Mani Regev, 14 years old
The late Katrina Arias, 15 years old
Anya Eniota Kazachkov, 16 years old
The late Golan Turgeman, 15 years old
The late Yochaved Shoshan, 10 years old
Yehuda, who is one year old
The late Ofir Rahum, 17 years old
The late Gil-Ad Sha'er, 16 years old
The late Naftali Frankel, 16 years old
The late Adele Beaton, 4 years old
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infjtarot · 11 months
King of Cups. Songs for the Journey Home Tarot
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This image represents mature love. The arms gently encircling the sea to create a tranquil harbour symbolise the ability to lovingly unfold another without grasping or possessiveness. Relationship becomes a beautiful resting place: the coming together is a restoring and revitalising time. LWB. The cup in the king’s hand resembles the closed cup of the queen, but it has a narrow opening, which may symbolize the controlled expression of emotions. The cup appears to be divided into two parts held together by the hand but having a small misalignment. We can see this as an emotional rupture or maybe a broken heart, but the king manages to hold the pieces together and look forward. The raised brim of the hat expresses openness and reception toward new messages. It also opens the king’s field of vision to the right, signaling an optimistic look forward. While the feet point in the direction of the past, the lines of the floor converge toward the future. Interpretation: Emotional maturity and the wisdom of experience. An ability to overcome past sorrows and look forward; for example, getting over a psychological or romantic crisis. A lucid and realistic outlook that can still be positive and optimistic. A restrained and careful way of expressing emotions. Openness toward new experiences and new relationships but with prudence and caution. “Nothing is more whole than a broken heart.” Yoav Ben Dov. Is a visual representation of emotional loyalty, generosity, conunitment, and unconditional love. Mythically, this is the "Knight and the Holy Grail." Of all the Knights in the deck, this is the only one which is not helmeted: a symbol of openness, trust, and the willingness to be seen, the very qualities that are needed in order to be emotionally spontaneous, outreaching, and unguarded. Angeles Arrien
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tarosophical-tarot · 1 year
OK, so when it comes to UFOs or whatever you want to call them, I am the biggest sceptic.
Because I have never seen one or had an ET experience (not counting the fact that I DID once have the classic alien abduction dream!).
Yeah, I believe all that esoteric stuff because it's actually happened to me.
I've seen ghosts/spirits/whatever you want to call it, I've had paranormal experiences with spirits and encountered cryptids via the spirit of a Blemmyes which lived in the garden of my old house.
But I've never seen a UFO or encountered grey men or anything.
I once experienced a faux_UFO sighting, a public park miles away was holding an event with a laser show (this was back in '91 when it wasn't so common), I'd just finished a late shift at the library I worked in - walking home I saw all these flashing lights in the sky, zooming around in patterns.
The local radio stations were jammed with callers as it was also Halloween (no internet to check up with).
I was like, yes - that's it, there here (until the explanation came through).
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And the worlds of paranormal activity rarely cross over into the UFO sphere despite the obvious parallels.
With all the extraterrestrial revelations being in the news recently, I decided to put it to the test...
Do aliens exist, are UFOs a real thing?
I consulted my Spirit Guides and they pulled the following cards...
The Chariot - An exploratory craft: The Chariot is all about going to new places, exploration, the vehicle doesn't (usually) seem to be connected to the animal/being that pulls it - it's literally moving without any form of propulsion and always shown with the figure in the cockpit operating without any reigns (mind control).
6 of Wands (visually referencing) the X-Files: a pop culture reference, the open reading meaning (Yoav Ben-Dov) talks of collaboration. Are the "authorities" in cahoots with the little green men?
7 of Swords (again visually)a flying saucer shape, turn the card on its side you get the lozenge shape UFO with flashing red lights- the seven of Wands (can) mean combating many opponents, a struggle - do they not align with all the governments or is difficult to get to earth? The inner Sword hints at some form of unconventional travel in the way it links between the outer mesh of blades, yet passes through - do alien craft use inter-dimensional travel?
Finally, The Emperor - Ming The Merciless. The Emperor lives in a cold, steel-like environment. He lives for battle and conquest, his world is all about the struggle to win. Are the aliens aggressive or is it the humans who are battling them? Either way, he is not to be crossed.
So, that's fairly obvious then - aliens DO exist and are at war with "some" of the governments of the world but collaborating with others.
Until I see one for myself, I'm staying open-minded about it but the tarot oracles are wiser than me...
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endosian · 1 year
On the Tarot de Marseille II
The Fool and his dog
The dog is not pursuing the fool. The dog wants the fool to stay with it.
The fool is leaving home, never to return.
The dog is the known in all of its manifestations: primal nature and instinct, current relationships, comfort.
Whatever the dog is, the fool must walk away from it. That is the sacrifice one must make on the path to enlightenment.
a22 by yoav ben-dov
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juicy-froot · 3 years
Reviewing September 2021
💛 What has been a big lesson this month? THE FOOL This is the village prophet, the outcast. In a situation of uncertainty he adopts the attitude of spontaneity. He realizes he can give up control and refrain from too much planning. we have had the opportunity this past month to adapt to the ever changing circumstances as someone who lives outside the power structures of common sense. 🧡 What…
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marseille55 · 3 years
The Major Arcana Suit - Read This One
The Major Arcana Suit – Read This One
The Major Arcana Suit – Read This One   With personal permission of the late Yoav Ben Dov The Major Arcana Suit – Understanding this Arcana is quite simple if taught correctly.  No matter your path, this article is for you! What I will teach in this article about the Majors applies to all paths and practices. Major Arcana Cards are analogous to a mystery play unfolding on the stage.  The…
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"La "lectura abierta" es mi forma de leer el Tarot. Resumiendo, esta lectura está basada en los siguientes tres puntos: En primer lugar, una carta de Tarot no tiene un significado fijo que puede ser aprendido de antemano. Sino que su sentido emerge de lo que podemos 'ver' en la carta. En segundo lugar, la función que cumple en cada disposición de una lectura tampoco es fija. Sino que depende de la combinación con las demás cartas. Y en tercer lugar, no empezamos a interpretar la lectura leyendo cada carta por separado. Sino que primero tratamos de ver toda la foto". - Yoav Ben-Dov Recomiendo muchísimo la lectura de este libro. Lo podés conseguir en nuestra Tienda junto a la mejor selección de libros esotéricos. #librorecomendado #librodetarot #lecturaseninstagram #lecturadetarot #lecturasdetarot #yoavbendov #cbd (en Villa Devoto, Buenos Aires, Argentina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CP4JwZCA78D/?utm_medium=tumblr
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An Israeli renewable energy startup has developed a “tree” bedecked with solar panels that's designed to blend into parks and other public spaces. Apart from offering shade, Sologic’s eTree has a water fountain, a WiFi hotspot, a docking station to charge devices, and lights up with LEDs at night, according to the company. The metallic tree with its faux foliage was designed by artist Yoav Ben-Dov. “I wanted to integrate the idea of solar energy to the community by creating the eTree,” Sologic chairman Michael Lasry told NBC News. “The tree is made of metal pipes and the leaves are solar panels.” The six-year-old Israeli company got its start providing solar energy systems to homes and businesses. The first eTree is due to be unveiled Thursday at a park near the town of Zichron Ya’akov, in northern Israel, according to Ynetnews.com.
Solar Panels Don't Grow On Trees … Most of the Time
Imagine what we could do if we weren’t busy fucking each other over all the time. This article is from 2014. 
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upyrica · 4 years
If you don't mind me asking -Is there any advice you would give to someone starting their work with tarot? Maybe you have recommandations for books, sources, teachers of the craft or how to recognise which is reliable and which just a load of bs? You certainly are a knowledgeable and experienced one and so it seems to me your advice in this area would be very reliable
Well, the nonsense is easy to recognise: it shall make you fearful of the practice. It can be as mundane as not purchasing your own decks or as positively riveting as the involvement of infernal entities, or, say, dooming yourself to a certain fate.
What you are holding in your hand is a pack of cardboard rectangles with pictures on them. They have only as much power as you allow them.
Now, I myself did not learn much from books, with the exception of Yoav Ben-Dov’s Tarot: the Open Reading, particularly useful for the Marseille system, in  which I am still very much a beginner. Otherwise, the Internet is your friend.
While divination is somewhat reliant on the associations you yourself ascribe, the beauty of it is that its job is to deliver accurate information. That is: any understanding that is untrue shall correct itself once compared to reality. Therefore my advice is to do readings on matters you can at the spot or soon enough verify, such as introspection, the plot of a film you are watching, or events that shall happen shortly and of which you shall be aware.
Learn to see the cards in the world around you. The rest is time and practice.
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fallynleaf · 5 years
The older I get, the more fascinated I am by tarot history. Here’s a (nonexhaustive) list of tarot history things I’ve learned over the past ten years that have completely blown my mind:
Tarot decks actually predate our standard playing card deck, not the other way around. But what’s especially fascinating to me is that the history of the development of tarot actually closely parallels the history of papermaking. Tarot was probably based on playing card decks that were popular in China, which is, of course, where paper was originally invented. These playing cards, like the technology of paper, eventually made their way to Europe by way of the Islamic world. Tarot really took off in Europe around the 15th century. This, not coincidentally, just so happens to be around the time that the Gutenberg press was invented, which not only introduced printing technology into Europe, but also created a much greater demand for paper. Both of those factors almost certainly greatly contributed to tarot becoming more available and accessible to the general public.
Even though tarot was not really used for divination in the first couple hundred years of its history, it wasn’t exactly highly regarded in society, and enjoyed heavy use as a gambling tool. It likely evolved, then, in marginal and half-legitimate popular circles, and not in secret mystical societies. No one really knows exactly where the major arcana originated from, as they don’t really have any equivalent in the Chinese playing cards that inspired tarot, but many of the standard images and characters depicted in the major arcana are surprisingly blasphemous. The female “popess,” for example, and some of the depictions of nudity, and images like the one depicted in the “Wheel of Fortune” which traditionally represents revolutions and the casting down of rulers.
In the early years of tarot’s use as a divination tool, people claimed that it was a practice that dated back to the ancient Egyptians. There is no historical evidence of this, but the myth was so prominent, tarot still remains partially associated with Egypt. My personal theory is that the anime/manga series Yu-Gi-Oh was at least partially inspired by this, whether subconsciously or intentionally, since a central part of the series’ lore revolves around a magical card game that was invented by the ancient Egyptians, but I haven’t seen anything from the creator of Yu-Gi-Oh that confirms or denies this theory (although there are Yu-Gi-Oh cards that are directly based on tarot cards), so this is pure speculation on my part.
Arthur Waite (of Rider-Waite-Smith deck fame) only really cared about the major arcana. He also likely did not pay Pamela Colman Smith much for her work on illustrating the deck. Pamela basically invented the standard illustrated minor arcana, largely basing the symbolism in the images on her own experiences with theater and Shakespeare. The RWS deck is probably the single most popular model of tarot decks today, and the illustrations for the minor arcana in many, many modern decks are directly based on Pamela’s original illustrations. Also, Pamela was very likely not straight. She never married, and she lived very closely with women her entire life.
The Sola Busca deck was a deck that was created in 1491. It was completely different from the standard tarot traditions of its time, and spent most of its life locked away in a private collection, yet it ended up indirectly influencing almost every modern deck. The Sola Busca deck is the earliest complete tarot deck known, and was possibly the first deck to have fully illustrated minor arcana cards. Photographs of the deck just so happened to be exhibited in the British Museum in 1907, which was during the brief period of time that Pamela was working on the RWS deck, and it’s extremely likely that she saw it in the exhibit, and used it as a model for some of her illustrations for the minor arcana.
Tarot Fundamentals published by Lo Scarabeo
Secrets of the Waite-Smith Tarot by Marcus Katz and Tali Goodwin
The Marseille Tarot Revealed by Yoav Ben-Dov
The papermaking connection is my own extrapolation, and is based on knowledge I’ve gained during my book arts studies, but I can easily dig up sources on the paper history side of things if people are interested!
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rhianna · 6 years
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The two parts of the deck probably come from different sources. The minor suits are believed to have originated from playing cards, first used in China. These were later propagated in India, before reaching Italy through the Islamic countries in the late middle ages. Indeed, China and India have old games of cards with suits consisting of aces, numbered cards and court cards. Muslim playing cards from the Mamluk period even show suit symbols which are visually very similar to the four Tarot suit symbols.
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infjtarot · 1 year
4 of Swords. Songs for the Journey Home Tarot.
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The Fourth Wind Song signifies the longing which suddenly arises to get away from it all. Listen to inspiring music, read books which fuel your imagination, gaze into the enormity of the night sky and surrender yourself would believe your potential, beyond the limitations of fear and self-criticism. LWB. Restriction The static number four brings out the blocking and limiting aspect of the swords. Two pairs of curved swords create a solid border around the center. In the middle a branch in side view completely fills the enclosure. It looks constrained, with a narrow top flower and the tip of the right-hand leaf touching the swords. Emerging on the left of the branch is what seems like a tiny white berry on a stalk. interpretation: A stable but limited situation. Pushing against boundaries. Working under pressure and constraints. A potential for future growth that cannot fully express itself in the present conditions. Yoav Ben Dov. The Four of Swords is the negotiating mind, the conflict/resolution mind, or the mediating mind. In order for any kind of negotiation to be successful, one must be open and flexible like the sign Jupiter at the top of this card, and committed to staying in balance and non-positional which is represented by the sign of Libra at the bottom of this card Angeles Arrien
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tarosophical-tarot · 3 years
"Though he knows himself to be above nature, he understands that his operations succeed to the degree that his thought, world and action transmit faithfully the powers of the plane above him. The greatest Magicians know themselves to be no more than channels for the Life-power, clear window panes through which the light of wisdom within the house of personality streams forth into the objective world." (Paul Foster Case)
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Here we see (albeit in a different order numerically), a beginning, a middle and an end.
The blue sphinx on top of the Wheel resembles the Magician who in turn is the dancing figure of the World, the Air (spoken communication, unspoken thoughts) of the sword turning into a Fiery wand (the application of Will and intention).
The sphinx has risen above the mundane rotation of the Wheel, having distanced itself, the Magician has all the tools he needs now that his spirit is free - and he is shown as the dancing figure of The World, free to be him/herself.
The sphinx's crown has five points on it, symbolic of the quintessence of the essential being, the consciousness that unites all the aspects of our humanity. Once united, the sphinx is the Magician, able to move between the unconscious and the super-conscious, this extra unseen dimension "shown" as the unseen fourth leg of his trestle table - it is located (out of the frame) in the higher reality of the World. The Magician has united the objects on his table in The World as angel/Cups (to know), eagle/Swords (to dare), lion/Wands (to will) and ox/Disks (to be silent).
In the yellow bands of the mandorla, we can just about see a hidden Star (above) and an incubating egg (below) of The Empress.
The Magician has a tiny mandorla between his feet - he is glancing backwards about to discover it, even though it was there (within him) all along.
He looks to the Wheel, the handle points towards him, is he now contemplating on turning the wheel, taking control of his own destiny?
The "hidden" Star tells us that the Magician achieves his goal through meditation, the "unbroken flow of knowledge in a particular object", fishing for truths in the depths of the subconscious (his inner "World") - think also of the large celestial star of the Star card as The Wheel being manifested by the woman engrossed in her task of nourishing her universal consciousness (the pool of water) whilst undistracted by any Worldly concerns (the sphinx), she is in turn the dancing figure of the World - the blue wreath being the water flowing from her pitchers as one (having united their respective dualities).
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fleurdefoudre · 7 years
Studying again
If you’ve noticed that this blog’s gone a little quiet, it’s mostly because I’ve been doing a bit of study and reading.  First and foremost with the Kipper cards, as there’s a lot of things I really like about the method, but also with the Sibila and to a lesser degree with the Lenormand.  Then I saw this post about Tina Gong working on a Marseille deck.  More specifically, I read a little about her thoughts on the Marseille and it kind of ignited an interest, so I started looking into THAT and the difference was kind of startling. 
I’ve been reading Yoav Ben-Dov’s The Open Reading and it’s been really super interesting.  I definitely want to read more books on this method because you can never get a complete idea from one source, but there are already things that are in this book that I’d like to incorporate into my reading in general, even though it feels a little like a complete opposite of RWS style.  
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sampleimages · 7 years
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