#court cards
popculturetarot · 4 months
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  Family, love, compassion, kindness, dedication and loyalty.  These are the qualities of the Queen of Cups. She is often depicted as the nurturing mother figure.  She is also seen as a symbol of success and achievement via the process of imagination and creativity.
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essseateatarot · 4 months
Court Cards in Tarot: How to Read Them
Understanding the Court Cards
In the tarot, the Court Cards often serve as a bridge between the esoteric symbolism of the Major Arcana and the practical scenarios depicted in the Minor Arcana. They are the personified expressions of the energies within the deck, each card holding a distinct personality that can influence the interpretation of a spread.
The Court Cards are divided into four ranks: Pages, Knights, Queens, and Kings, each representing a different aspect of human character and development.
The Page stands for the beginning of a journey, embodying youthfulness, curiosity, and the potential for growth. They are the seekers, the learners, always eager for new experiences and knowledge. In a reading, a Page might suggest a new phase of life, an invitation to explore uncharted territories, or the early stages of a creative endeavor.
Knights, on the other hand, are the embodiment of action and movement. They are the adventurers of the tarot, representing the pursuit of goals and the energy required to achieve them. Knights can indicate change, travel, or the need to take decisive action. They are the momentum pushing us forward, sometimes with such force that it can be a challenge to steer them in the right direction.
Queens are the nurturers, often reflecting the maturity and emotional intelligence that comes with experience. They hold space for growth, offering support and encouragement. In readings, Queens suggest a time to reflect, to understand the emotional landscape, and to nurture the seeds we have planted. They remind us of the strength found in compassion and the power of intuition.
Kings are the epitome of mastery and control. They represent the culmination of the journey through the ranks, embodying leadership, authority, and the establishment of order. When a King appears in a reading, it often points to a period of control and governance, a time to take charge of a situation, or to stand firm in one’s convictions.
Each rank is associated with one of the four suits: Cups, Pentacles, Wands, and Swords, which correspond to the elements of Water, Earth, Fire, and Air, respectively. The suit of Cups deals with emotions, relationships, and connections. The suit of Pentacles focuses on material aspects, such as work, finance, and health. The suit of Wands is linked to creativity, ambition, and personal drive. Finally, the suit of Swords represents thought, communication, and conflict.
The combination of rank and suit in a Court Card can offer a nuanced glimpse into the querent’s life. For instance, the Knight of Cups might represent a romantic pursuit or an invitation to follow one’s heart, while the Queen of Swords could suggest a need for clear communication and intellectual control.
To truly understand the Court Cards, one must be willing to engage with them, to see them as characters with stories that resonate with our own. They are not static symbols but dynamic forces that interact with the energies of the other cards and the circumstances of the querent. By learning to read these interactions and the personalities they represent, we can unlock the full potential of the tarot and provide readings that are both insightful and transformative.
Interpreting the Ranks
The ranks within the Court Cards of the Tarot deck serve as a hierarchy of personal development and perspective. Each rank, from the Page to the King, offers a unique lens through which we can view ourselves and the situations we encounter. To interpret these ranks effectively, we must consider their individual attributes and how they apply to our lives.
Pages: The Youthful Spirits Pages are the children of the Tarot court, brimming with the spirit of discovery and the innocence of youth. They represent the nascent stages of understanding, where everything is fresh and possible. When a Page appears in a reading, it often signals a message or a small beginning, the spark of an idea that has the potential to grow into something significant. They invite us to open our minds and hearts to new learning and to approach life with a sense of wonder and openness.
Knights: The Valiant Questers Knights are the action-oriented figures of the court, representing the pursuit of ideals and the journey towards a goal. They are the champions of a cause, driven by their suit’s elemental energy, whether it be the fiery pursuit of passion with the Knight of Wands or the steady progress towards material success with the Knight of Pentacles. Knights challenge us to consider our actions and the momentum behind them. They ask us to question whether we are charging ahead with purpose or merely tilting at windmills.
Queens: The Sovereign Protectors Queens are the embodiment of maturity and command over the emotional and practical realms. They are the nurturers, the protectors, and the ones who govern with a blend of strength and grace. A Queen in a reading suggests a time for empathy and understanding, for taking care of oneself and others. In the presence of a Queen, consider the structures you are building in your life—be they relationships, projects, or personal goals. She challenges you to lead not from a throne of isolation but from the fertile ground of connection and care, ensuring that every decision is rooted in the collective good as well as your own well-being.
Kings: The Seasoned Rulers Kings are the epitome of authority and mastery within the Tarot. They represent control, leadership, and the overarching power of their suit. These venerable figures beckon you to the helm, urging you to steer with a steady hand and a clear vision. They are the embodiment of strategic prowess, the architects of destiny who craft their legacies with deliberate strokes. They encourage you to wield your power with a balance of might and wisdom, to be the beacon others look to in times of uncertainty. In their presence, you are reminded that every kingdom is built on the foundation of past trials, and every ruler’s strength is tempered by the fires of experience.
Combining Ranks and Suits in a Tarot Reading
Court Cards weave together the stages of personal development and the elemental energies of life—emotions (Cups), intellect (Swords), creativity (Wands), and materiality (Pentacles). They offer a narrative that’s rich with human experience and provide guidance for our journey.
The Elemental Interaction of Suits The suits of the Tarot deck embody distinct aspects of our lives, and their elemental interaction with the ranks brings to life a character with unique motivations, strengths, and weaknesses.
Cups: The suit of Cups is the wellspring of emotions, relationships, and connections. When Court Cards of this suit appear, they often speak to the emotional context of a situation, the undercurrents of feeling that influence our actions and reactions.
Swords: Representing the realm of thought, communication, and conflict, the Swords bring clarity and challenge. Court Cards from this suit can indicate a need for clear thinking or can signal that a situation is fraught with intellectual tension or moral dilemmas.
Wands: The Wands are the spark of inspiration, the drive to create and to act. Their Court Cards encourage us to follow our passions and to channel our energy into pursuits that light us up and move us forward.
Pentacles: Grounded in the material world, the Pentacles focus on issues of finance, career, and physical health. Their Court Cards suggest a time to be practical, to plan, and to consider the tangible outcomes of our actions.
Intersecting Ranks with Elemental Energies
When we begin to combine the ranks with these elemental suits, we delve deeper into the psyche of the reading and the querent. Understanding the combination of ranks and suits requires not only a knowledge of their meanings but also an intuition for their interplay.
A Knight of Pentacles, for instance, may suggest a methodical approach to achieving one’s goals, but if it appears in a reading dominated by Cups, it might also imply a need to balance practicality with emotional awareness.
Similarly, a Queen of Swords can represent a sharp-witted and perceptive individual, but when surrounded by Wands, it could indicate that her insights are needed to fuel a creative project or to cut through the fog of uncertainty that hampers progress.
Expanding on this, the interplay of the Page of Wands with the elemental suits further deepens the reading’s narrative. The Page of Wands typically represents enthusiasm and the pursuit of new ideas. However, when this card is found amidst numerous Pentacles, it might suggest that the querent’s new ideas need to be grounded in reality and possibly linked to material or financial concerns. The youthful energy of the Page needs to be channeled into practical endeavors.
In contrast, the King of Cups embodies emotional stability and maturity. When this card is juxtaposed with Swords, it can signal a situation where emotional intelligence and empathy are crucial in navigating conflicts or making decisions that require clear, rational thinking. The King’s usually calm demeanor may be tested by the mental challenges or communication issues represented by Swords.
Additional Examples of Court Card and Suit Interactions Here’s more examples that illustrate how Court Cards interact with the elemental suits, offering a deeper and more complex understanding of their meanings in a tarot reading. This nuanced approach emphasizes the multifaceted nature of human experiences and the diverse aspects of personality and circumstance that come into play.
When the Knight of Swords appears in a spread, it often represents quick thinking and decisive action. However, if this card is surrounded by Cups, the interpretation might shift towards using one’s intellect and clarity of thought to navigate emotional situations. The swift energy of the Knight of Swords is thus tempered by the need to be sensitive to the feelings of others.
Similarly, the Page of Cups usually signifies a gentle, dreamy energy, often a messenger of creativity and emotion. If this card appears in a spread with a majority of Pentacles, it could suggest that the querent needs to ground their emotional insights and creative impulses in practical matters. This combination could point to the need for the querent to apply their intuitive understanding in a real-world context, perhaps in their career or financial decisions.
The Queen of Pentacles, often associated with nurturing and practicality, when found in a reading with several Swords, might indicate the need to balance caring and resourcefulness with clear communication and logical decision-making. This combination suggests that the nurturing aspects of the Queen need to be applied with intellect and objectivity, especially in challenging situations that require problem-solving.
Lastly, the King of Wands, typically a symbol of leadership and charisma, when combined with Cups, can highlight the importance of leading with empathy and emotional intelligence. This combination urges the leader to be mindful of the emotional needs and well-being of others, using their natural charisma to inspire and motivate in a way that is emotionally resonant and compassionate.
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nothanks98765 · 9 months
Hello! Getting back into doing tarot readings after taking the year off. Im offering a free 5 card spread in exchange for comments/feedback! Thank you 🦋💟🌷 Please DM if interested 🫶
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garbagewitchcraft · 2 years
Tarot Correspondences
SWORDS - related to element of air, Sping and male energy. They have active polarity. It is The Mind of the Suits and the quickest of them all.
Keywords:  logic, intellect, ideas, change, communication, teamwork, decisions, thinking, planning, analysis, ego, cruelty, abuse, conflict, arrogance, manipulation.
WANDS - related to element of fire, Summer and male energy. They have active polarity. It is The Heart of the Soul and the second quickest. 
Keywords: energy, creativity, action, willpower, strength, sexuality, intimacy, adventure, ambition, community, fun, celebration, social skills, soul, aggression, self-centered, impulsive, destructive. 
CUPS - related to element of water, Autumn and female energy. They have passive polarity. It is The Heart of The Suits and very slow. 
Keywords: feelings, relationship, love, healing, family, home, comfort, nurturing, dreams, intuition, spirituality, the past, childhood, subconscious, fantasy, illusion, repression, secrets.
PENTACLES - related to element of earth, Winter and female energy. They have passive polarity. It is The Body of The Suits and the slowest of them all. 
Keywords: health, finances, appearance, education, possessions, career, responsibility, routine, manifestation, stability, security, safety, service, the body, materialistic, strict, critical, greedy, detached. 
active (wands, swords) - changes one’s environment, focused energy outward, direct, extroverted, active.
passive (cups, pentacles) - adapts to environment, focused energy inward, indirect, introverted, reactive.
Interaction between Elements:
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Strengthen - increases the intensity of elements, amplifies both positive and negative qualities.
Support - collaboration between elements, build each other up.
Weaken - elements cancel each other out, decrease the effectiveness of each other.
Neutral - elements don’t influence each other.
KINGS - related to air element and mutable zodiac signs (end the season; adaptable, flexible, communicative, rebellious). Kings as Control.
King of Wands - Sagittarius. King of Swords - Gemini. King of Cups - Pisces. King of Pentacles - Virgo.
They lead their people and inspire the masses; they’re in the center of attention. Strategic and analyzing.
QUEENS - related to water element and cardinal zodiac signs (begin the season; assertive, initiators, decisive, aggressive). Queens as Creation.
Queen of Wands - Aries. Queen of Swords - Libra. Queen of Cups - Cancer. Queen of Pentacles - Capricorn.
Feminine energy at its finest; they work behind the curtains, far away from the public but not less effective than Kings. Private and wise. 
KNIGHTS -  related to fire element and fixed zodiac signs (middle of the season; focused, stable, stubborn, reliable). Knights as Movement. 
Knight of Wands - Leo. Knight of Swords - Aquarius. Knight of Cups - Scorpio. Knight of Pentacles - Taurus.
Often impulsive and charming, they are the one to act rather than think. They serve. The quickest of all the court cards. 
PAGES - related to earth element. They are usually the students, the least experienced and willing to learn. Pages as Messengers. 
Ace -  represent the entire element itself, and therefore 3 entire zodiac signs (example: Ace of Pentacles represents Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus).
2, 3, 4 - represents the cardinal zodiac signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn.
5, 6, 7 - represents fixed zodiac signs (Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus).
8, 9, 10 - represents mutable zodiac signs (Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces, Virgo).
Astrology Correspondence
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1 (Fire) - beginnings, potential, opportunity, individual, raw energy, birth. Tarot: Aces, Pages, Magician.
2 (Air) - collaboration, teamwork, opposition, decisions, balance, duality, diplomacy, crossroads, partnership, yin-yang. Tarot: 2s, High Priestess, Justice, Judgement.
3 (Fire) - group, growth, action, friendship, creativity, ambition, expansion, fertility. Tarot: 3s, Empress, Hanged Man, World.
4 (Earth) - foundation, stability, security, comfort zone, protection, focus, stagnation, structure. Tarot: 4s, Emperor, Death.
5 (Air) - chaos, conflict, unknown changes, struggles, challenges, damages, loss. Tarot: 5s, Hierophant, Temperance.
6 (Water) - harmony, support, memories, charity, help, fragile, vulnerable. Tarot: 6s, Lovers, Devil, Knights.
7 (Water) - introspection, reflection, past, experience, knowledge, change of course, motives, asses. Tarot: 7s, Chariot, Tower.
8 (Fire) - success, movement, action, achievement, progress, change, evolution, finishing. Tarot: 8s, Strength, Star.
9 (Earth) - near completion, reward, fruition, moving on, final outcome, transition, fate. Tarot: 9s, Hermit, Moon, Queens.
10 (Earth) - ending, cycle, rebirth, death, extremes, path, renewal, karma. Tarot: 10s, Wheel of Fortune, Sun, Kings.
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hermitsmirror · 2 months
Get to Know the 🛁 King of Cups
Leading with the head and the heart
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Read about the key concepts tied to this court card and where those meanings derive from (or diverge from) structured layers of meaning.
What surprises you? How does the King normally show up for you?
Learn more about structures and layers of reading tarot cards (and then full tarot readings) with my courses, like the self-paced Read Tarot like a Nerd or sign up for one of my upcoming seminars.
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tabbstarot · 1 month
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maddiviner · 11 months
"Court cards are weird. There, I said it. They throw everybody off when they’re first learning to read tarot cards. Many older/more traditional tarot guidebooks will tell you that court cards always represent specific people in your world. I’ve found that to be a limiting way of looking at them."
From the beginning of Your Tarot Toolkit, by Ru-Lee Story. It's from a review copy obtained through NetGalley program, am working on a full review.
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infjtarot · 4 months
King of Cups. Golden Art Nouveau Tarot
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In the Waite-Smith depiction, the King of Cups—Air of Water—sits on a throne that floats on the ocean. What does it mean to rule over the waters? Can we find an Emperor-like stability in the middle of uncertainty and unfathomable mystery?
If anyone can do it, it is this King. He takes the responsibility of his rule deeply to heart. He sets his dais on the watery flows and makes his realm the province of the Moon and the High Priestess. This is the world of the unconscious, of the soul, of submerged and abject emotion, past traumas, unknowable shadows. The King of Cups manages to find his balance amid the waves and currents. He knows buoyancy but is a master of the dive as well, able to take on the weight he needs when it’s time to go deep. Few can surf like this King, and even fewer can—like him—withstand the almost unimaginable pressures on the ocean floor. This King also reminds us of the prismatic quality of water. Light can indeed penetrate the shadowy depths, although it will be bent and refracted as it does so. The King of Cups finds his true calling as a bender of light. He translates what cannot be said into clarity and meaning. He is a healer, a counselor, a philosopher, a poet, a saint—or simply a kind neighbor who listens with gentle eyes and firm discipline. Lisa Freinkel Tishman
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knightofchariot · 2 years
How to Interpret the Tarot Court Cards
✨ Time for a Tarot reading? Request one here! ✨
To interpret each tarot court card, you need to understand the card’s rank and suit. Included here is a basic outline of each rank and suit to get you started. Remember that there are no rights or wrongs, this exercise is designed to help you form your own bond with the 16 court cards!
The Ranks
Page The “youngest” of the courts. Has an explorative, playful relationship with the suit’s energies. May still have a lot to learn about the suit, but on the other hand often interacts with the suit in fresh and unbiased ways.
Knight The “teenager.” Prone to shift erratically within the suit’s energy – sometimes showcasing that energy in proactive ways, the next moment in unbalanced ways.
Queen The “inwardly mature adult.” The queen embodies the traits of her suit and radiates that energy from the inside out. She leads by example, through her intentions and beliefs.
King The “outwardly mature adult.” Projects the energy of his suit outwards, imposing it upon the world. He leads through action and by setting external guidelines.
The Suits
Swords Associated with the mental realm. Rationality, logic, communication. Useful thoughts as well as anxieties and fears.
Pentacles Associated with the material realm. Physicality, the body, work, environment. Abundance as well as scarcity and greed.
Wands Associated with gusto and life force. Excitement, exploration, creative pursuits. Passion as well as grandiosity and impulsiveness.
Cups Associated with the emotional realm. Connection, love, dreams and wishes. Happiness as well as sorrow and vulnerability.
Interpretation Practice
Page + Swords + Intuition =
Knight + Swords + Intuition =
Queen + Swords + Intuition =
King + Swords + Intuition =
Page + Pentacles + Intuition =
Knight + Pentacles + Intuition =
Queen + Pentacles + Intuition =
King + Pentacles + Intuition =
Page + Wands + Intuition =
Knight + Wands + Intuition =
Queen + Wands + Intuition =
King + Wands + Intuition =
Page + Cups + Intuition =
Knight + Cups + Intuition =
Queen + Cups + Intuition =
King + Cups + Intuition =
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shopwitchvamp · 1 year
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Queen of Wands - Reversed Meanings: jealous, selfish, demanding, vengeful, malicious, spiteful. You know, evil queen vibes 🖤
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isadorastarotcards · 1 year
Reading the Court Cards -Jobs and characteristics of each court card
Court cards can represent people or you in a reading. There are four groups of court cards with four different characters. Depending on how many court cards are in a reading and how they are facing each other can tell you a lot about your answer to your question. They can also represent characteristics in a reading. Many readers use court cards in love readings to figure out the zodiac, physical attributes and other characteristics of a future lover. Now let's go down the list of what each court card represents.
King of wands
Zodiac: All fire signs more commonly for Sagittarius I've noticed, also common to come up for Scorpio placements due to the s*xual nature of the king of wands.
Planet: Mars
Jobs: Father, Teacher, Politician, Marketing, Producer, Businessman, Relator, Agent, Motivational speaker or Manager.
Characteristics: S*xual person, athletic, outgoing, optimistic, innovative, competitive, magnetic, impulsive, protective, magnetic, obsessive, honest, charismatic, domineering
Queen of Wands
Zodiac: Leo in the traditional deck there are lions decorating her throne. Pisces as well.
Planet: Sun
Jobs: Counselors, Exotic dancers, Dancers, Artist, Performer, Art director, Interior design, Aerobics, Business women, Human Resources, restaurant, hotel, Actress, someone who works with animals.
Characteristics; Loud, proud, extroverted, confidently different, exaggerated expression, passionate, ambitious, warm, kind, fun, opinionated, rash, bossy.
Knight of Wands
Zodiac: Sagittarius, occasionally July leos/cancers
Planet: Jupiter
Jobs: Soldier, Construction worker, Marketing, Promoting, Electricians, travel guide, travel influencer, waiters, Day trading, working with cars, horse stables, stage actor, stage man, startup, sports, activism.
Characteristics: Charismatic, Adventurous, Energetic, moves around a lot, Fearless, foolish, happy go lucky, cocky, Superficial, Restless, Confident in his actions, believes more in people's actions than words. S*xual card as well.
Page of Wands
Zodiac: Aries
Planet: Mars
Jobs: Gym coach, trainer, sneaker designer, improv actor, entry level job, band member, stage hand, yoga instructor, taxi/Uber, someone who works with a lot of hot food, dog walker/caretaker, veterinarian assistant.
Characteristics: Outgoing, childish, lively, someone who needs a lot of stimulation, someone who falls in love easily, young soul, immature, optimistic, loves trying new things, takes chances, gambler, rash, easy going, impatient, doesn't keep mouth shut, naive.
King of Swords
Zodiac: Capricorn/Aquarius
Planet: Saturn
Jobs: lawyer, judge, mediator, CEO, tech industry, crypto, banker, telecommunications, accountant, insurance, brain surgeon, newspaper writer, tax office, news reporter, high government job, politician, math professor.
Characteristics: Cool tempered, business oriented, analytical, conservative, ambitious, authoritative, ruthless, dishonest but also blunt, high standards, disciplined, cruel, direct, introverted, mature, intellectual, integrity.
Queen of Swords
Zodiac: Libra can sometimes represent a 1st Deacon Virgo.
Planet: Uranus/Venus
Jobs: Lecturer, executive, working in prisons, editors, journalists, coding, business women, quantum physics, statistics, lawyer, politics, publishing, medicine field, chemist, mediator, divorce lawyer.
Characteristics: Crone, critical of herself and others, analytical, direct, intelligently charming, truthful, just, constructive, single women, witty, pessimistic, realist, sharp, independent, sophisticated, can get a read on people very easily, women whose into psychological tricks.
Knight of Swords
Zodiac: Gemini/libra
Planet: Mercury
Jobs: Radio station, media, stand up comedy, attorney, Translator, military, detective, game developer, para-educator, teacher, EMTs, administrator, analyst, people who work with weather. Jobs with a lot of communication or speed.
Characteristics: assertive, communicator, dashing, brave, speedy, talkative, opinionated, intelligent, determined, ambitious, sarcastic, comedic, impulsive, arrogant, self confident, dashing, over estimating themselves, goes into situations very quickly.
Page of Swords
Zodiac sign: All air signs
Planet: Mercury
Jobs: Entry level communication jobs, Customer service, apprenticeship, maybe tattoo apprenticeship cause swords could be needles, technician, spy, blogger, flight attendant, leasing agent, student, IT person.
Characteristics: Curious, childish, thinking outside of the box, puzzle solver, quick thinker, complains a lot, nit picks, good writer, frank, alert of their surroundings, quick learner, agile, innovative, abrasive, observer and takes mental notes on people and their environment, lively, scholarly.
King of Cups
Zodiac sign: Pisces/Aquarius
Planet: Neptune
Jobs: High level entertainment or art industry, Doctor, photographer, stay at home dad, therapist, psychiatrist, marine biologist, veterinarian, working around water or boats, fisherman, teacher, CEO, owner of a club or bar or restaurant.
Characteristics: Kind, fatherly, stays in control of their emotions, family person, passionate, romantic, delusional, liar, exaggerates, creative, intuitive, opportunist, may like alcohol or drugs, passive aggressive, caring, charming, empathetic, flexible.
Queen of Cups
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Planet: Moon
Jobs: Stay at home mother, nurse, nursing home worker, zoologist, creative therapist (music, art), nutritionist, cosmetics industry, detective, party planner, actor, LPN, herbalist, case worker, massage therapist, physical therapist, seamstress, someone who cares for others and is creative.
Characteristics: Warm, maternal, heart of gold, loyal friend, imaginative, not punctual, intuitive, empathetic, can notice "vibes" very easily, nurturing, creative, sensitive, psychic, emotion over logic, peace keeper, bystander unless it's their children or family, illusions, dreamy, soft.
Knight of Cups
Zodiac sign: Scorpio/1st decon pisces
Planet: Pluto
Jobs: Diplomat, babysitter, health care, musician, writer, stylist, fashion designer, hairdresser, may have a job in spirituality, politician, graphic designer, zoologist, doggy daycare, daycare worker, groomer(pets), costal guard, pharmacist, graduate.
Characteristics: mediator, emotional, charismatic, idealizes everything around them, good at taking care of themselves, loyal, supportive, creative, jealous, possessive, moody, affectionate, love language might be gift giving, dreamer, polite, good with animals.
Page of Cups
Zodiac sign: All water signs
Element: Moon
Jobs: student, life guard, entry level jobs, counseling, art therapy, mental health worker, fisherman, model, artist for commissions, seamstress, content creator, retail worker.
Characteristics: Sensitive, fashionable, vain, nice, sweet, easily gets in relationships, obsessive, dreamer, gentle, loves love, positive, childish, cries easily, imaginative, good with animals, may have lots of pets, intuitive, intuitive dreams, optimistic
King of Pentacles
Zodiac sign: Taurus, Capricorn and Aries
Planet: Saturn
Jobs: Finance, Big CEO, banker, accountant, Stockbroker, financial advisor, something to do with the earth (landscape, plants, building, oil...), Lawyer, carpenter, landscaper, bodybuilder, executive, consultant, real estate, investor, flipping houses.
Characteristics: Strong willed, steady, responsible, calm headed, stubborn, authoritative, hard worker, if he has money he will make sure his family are taken care of, presents well, persistent, professional, solid, successful, dependable, reliable, provider, protective, determined, loyal, work ethic, good taste in food, good with money.
Queen of Pentacles
Zodiac sign: Taurus, Capricorn
Planet: Earth
Jobs: interior decorator, real estate agent, finical manager, business manager, business women, CEO, investor, angel investor, jeweler, personal shopper, someone who works with nature and animals, mother, private cook, business in the home, designer, psychologist.
Characteristics: Down to earth, calm, stable, knows herself and her surroundings, organized, materialistic, micromanager, green thumb, nurturing, silent, luxurious, compassionate, devoted, doesn't do flimsy relationships (friends and romance), knows what she wants and how to get it, dresses to impress, business minded.
Knight of Pentacles
Zodiac sign: Virgo, Scorpio, gemini
Planet: Mercury
Jobs: Retail manager, quality control, explorer, herbalist, zoologist, biologist, blue collar worker, carpentry, potter, wood carver, soldier, landscape, works with horses, veterinarian, mechanic, security guard, works with safes and safe keeping stuff, works with metal and land, waiter.
Characteristics: Hard worker, grounded, efficient, diligent, ambitious, considerate, influential, has your best interest at heart, quiet, not a complainer, ambitious, good taste in food or cooking, patient, forgiving but if you cross this person most likely to play the long game, methodical, young person but old soul.
Page of Pentacles
Zodiac sign: all earth signs
Planet: Earth
Jobs: Cashier, entry level, beginning level business or accountant job, someone who makes a lot of money off small gigs, entrepreneurship, generally a good sign for careers as it means the person has a lot of potential and is going on the right path career wise.
Characteristics: Studious, focused on their goal, loyal, might be overworking themselves with too many goals and not enough balance, practical, methodical, rational, can indicate a person who is a little lazy but has potential, young at heart.
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popculturetarot · 30 days
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The Queen of Swords is the embodiment of the phrase “only through suffering do we learn,” and make no mistake she has learned a lot. Because of this she can be hard and cold but everything she does she does for a greater purpose and you should listen to her.
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rhianna · 2 months
Knight of Clubs, Wands, Batons
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Taylor, E. Samuel., Hotten, J. Camden. (1865). The history of playing cards: with anecdotes of their use in conjuring, fortune-telling, and card-sharping.London: Hotten.
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how to read many court cards together
(via Describing Court Cards, Part 3 / Cartomancy with Playing Cards)
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inlakinslabyrinth · 8 months
The Difference Between the Major and Minor Arcana in Tarot
The Arcanas In the traditional Tarot Deck, there are 78 cards in total. Within those 78 cards, there are different aspects of the deck that may be divided into two parts. Having this knowledge is often a great approach to learning tarot because it can minimize the feeling of being overwhelmed by the amount of cards. Of course, it is exciting to learn that there are 78 cards, which can be doubled…
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hermitsmirror · 27 days
Get to Know the 🔥 Knight of Wands
He's a hot one.
Need I really say more? He's the Fire of Fire, a hunk-a-hunk-a burning love. And if he doesn't fuel his needs, he'll burn out. And if you don't burn bright on his adventures and disappear. That's the danger of a one-note pony like him.
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If you're ready to find the richness of the court cards or learn to bring them to life in your readings and in your everyday life, order my book ✨ Awaken the Court Cards 👑 through HermitsMirror (PDF) or Amazon (printed workbook).
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