#Anna watching in rapt concentration as Saru shows her a new trick
ridiasfangirlings · 8 years
So because there wasn't much hype about Anna's birthday the other day, could you maybe please scenario Fushimi teaching Anna something? Like maybe this can be post-ROK (or maybe even pre-series), and Fushimi's teaching Anna how to play piano or chess?
Aw, that would be so cute, I love Fushimi and Anna interaction XDMaybe he tries to teach her some magic tricks pre-series when he’s inHomra, like say one day he’s bored and one of Kusanagi’s previouscustomers left a pack of cards on the bar. Fushimi starts playingwith the cards and Yata comes over wanting to know what Fushimi’sdoing, Fushimi just kinda absently asks Yata to pick a card. Fushimiguesses the correct card and then maybe does a bit more slight ofhand to make it look like the card magically appeared in his hand andthen turned into a different card and Yata is just mesmerized by howcool Saruhiko is. Fushimi’s also suddenly surrounded by intriguedmembers of Homra who all got caught up watching him because thetricks were really kinda fascinating. Fushimi’s not thrilled aboutall this attention, like he’s fine with Yata watching him buteveryone else makes him uncomfortable and he just mutters somethingrude under his breath and tries to make his escape from the bar.That’s when Totsuka stops him because as it happens Totsuka has alsobeen thinking of getting into magic lately. Fushimi categoricallyrefuses to help him out even before Totsuka’s gotten all the wordsout and he’s ready to just make a run for the door when Anna tugs onhis shirt, looking very serious as she asks Saruhiko to teach hermagic. Totsuka’s so pleased to hear Anna ask because wouldn’t that bea cute bonding experience (and a lovely opportunity for adorablephotos). Fushimi’s about to refuse her straight out but Anna keepsstaring at him with this straightforward gaze and finally he sighsand says fine, he can show her a few things.
So the next day Yata comes into the bar and there’s Fushimi in thecorner on the couch with Anna sitting across from him, listeningattentively as he tries to teach her the trick. Anna’s super absorbedin it too, she keeps staring at Fushimi with this unblinking gazethat actually makes him a little uncomfortable. Fushimi acts liketeaching her is such a total bother but he’s also being reallypatient (for Fushimi, anyway) and he splits the deck and makes verycertain to give her all the red cards. Anna initially tries to useher abilities to work the trick, like Fushimi picks a card and shejust puts a marble up to her eye and tells him what it is, Fushimisighs but there’s something fond beneath the annoyance as he explainsthat it’s not magic if she uses her powers. Anna takes that veryseriously and nods as she puts her marble away and says she won’t useher powers then. Fushimi starts explaining the trick and then hecatches Yata watching and glares at him a bit until he leaves, Yatajust laughs a little and is like ‘right, don’t wanna give away yourtrick, right, Saruhiko?’ Fushimi rolls his eyes and clicks histongue, saying he just can’t concentrate with Yata there, but reallyhe doesn’t want Yata to find out the trick because then Yata won’tthink it’s cool anymore and the magic tricks are one of the raretimes now when Yata’s eyes sparkle while calling him cool.
Anna probably picks up on a lot of the trick pretty quickly and eventhough Fushimi acts like it’s not big deal he’s actually kinda proudof her. The first time Anna guesses Fushimi’s card correctly she’s soproud that she runs to Mikoto and holds out her cards to him, askinghim to pick one. Anna gets it right and Mikoto smiles and puts a handon her head before walking over to Fushimi, who’s all tense due tohis presence. Mikoto looks at the cards and books Fushimi has laidout and is like ’…magic, huh?’ before putting a hand on Fushimi’shead too and then walking off to go to bed. Totsuka meanwhile isfilming the whole thing and it is like the crown jewel of hiscollection, all the pictures of Anna and Fushimi pouring over a stackof cards while lost in heavy concentration and just being adorabletogether (and then post-ROK Fushimi’s recovering the hospital andAnna brings him a deck of cards to use to keep himself occupied. Thefirst thing she does is hold the cards out and tell him to pick one.It’s the Queen of Hearts and he guesses it right, Anna smiles softlyat him and thanks him while Fushimi tries to act like he wasn’ttotally touched by the whole thing).
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