maymeowmoo · 10 months
Oh my GOD SMG4 REMASTERED!?!?!? AAAAAAAA I just need to write some random nonsense rn. This is actually so epic.
It had the PERFECT amount of new and old. Lots of SM64 to compliment the way they animate in Gmod currently! ٩(◕u◕。)۶ [Tho I have a huge weakness for the SM64 parts so I would be even happier with more but that'd be a bit overboard ngl and I'm already happy with what we got] If I was a bit better at editing [& had the time], I'd probably mix the new and old vids so it has the golden ratio of both for me~
So happy they stayed so close to the OG as well. It kept the charm while adding a new coat of paint. It did make me realize tho, that I watched some questionable stuff as a kid and didn't even understand it half of the time XD
Also FM appeared so that's already good, tho that was to be expected knowin what this is based on!
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Now don't get me wrong I like the new episodes and all but this? This is exactly all I could ever want. I will say I prefer the new style of jokes nowadays tho. I love these funny nonsensical ones alot [Nostalgia go brrrrr] but their new jokes are more appropriate for my current age and interests atm [Maybe issa cause of the way the internet works these days? idk] even if not all of them hit for me.
Oh one thing I never understood abt this episode is how the energy levels were 'infinite' yet Freddy lost all of that battery life? I had this thought since a kid and I still have it now lol
P.S. That snowtrapped episode is coming I feel it in my bones.
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maymeowmoo · 10 months
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New episode of Smg4?!?!?!? Well I'm inna writing mood soooooo.... Imma review/analysis and share my thoughts on the new episode >:) ["SMG4:SMG3's BOMB CAFE"] If you're bored feel free to read this overly detailed analysis of a 12:01 minute video! (Actually ~10:30ish)
Analyzing time! ^w^/
Smg3 being so happy abt his lil cafe is very cute. I did not expect Smg4 to be so goddam sassy in this episode but I like that they didn't get rid of their rivalry completely since u know, after so many years it would be odd for it to just disappear even if they have recently been bonding so much u<u
Still I couldn't help but feel a bit odd? Like idk if Four just desperately wanted Three to ask him for help w the coffee or what but DANG was he super into making Smg3's life harder. At 4:49 Smg4 basically goes screw it lets make Three more miserable and invites everyone. Like let bro learn overtime we don't need a Kirby Lunch Rush but with Smg3! Also Four's expressions? Dude is being SILLY on purpose u_u He continues his nuisance charade with 6:22 ("How can you not even have the unicorn frappucino?"). Like dang bro how abt u calm ur sass down and stop provoking Three even more? He does get a clear indication of Smg3's annoyance (8:51-8:52 Smg3 says "Shut up." to Four also stopping him from making another sassy remark) yet still continues. At 9:14 (Smg4:"So you admit you can't run a shop yet?") Four gives his snarky comment and all I can think of is how he intentionally made it harder for Three to run the dang shop. [Note: Tbh even someone who owned a shop would have a hard time with Smg4's Crew lets be fr.] Just like I said at the beginning of this paragraph I am starting to really believe Four wanted to be involved with Three somehow and the only way he knew how is by forcing conflict.
Characterization wise what surprised me is how even after two instances of Three yelling for the others to stop fighting they still continue on. Idk I just feel like they would've listened tbh. They were very... hyperactive I guess? The characters do act kinda like they should but it still felt odd to me for some reason. Eggdog as always has the best characterization tho, man do I like that silly egg thing. Anywho this wasn't the only thing that felt odd continuity wise. I would've thought Smg3 learnt to make proper coffee before he started up a cafe? Especially since he literally lived in a STARBUCKS??? Like I just think he would've idk tried making coffee before opening a cafe even if he didn't make any during his time in the Internet Graveyard. I did make up two explanations for this tho! One is that the dead memes (Specifically the funny lil knuckles) made the coffee during his time in the Internet Graveyard and the other is that he was just too anxiety/adrenaline ridden to make proper coffee. At the end of the day these things aren't huge issues for me but as I said before it did make me feel odd.
Smg4 getting called out for his sass was necessary for me to like this video so imma glad it happened and he doesn't just get away with his behavior. At 9:23 the realization of his silly shenanigans finally catch up to him and that means..... THE SMG34 PART OF THE EPISODE STARTS YEEHAW! Even though Smg4's and 3's confrontation felt just the tiny bit forced to me (probably Four's fault) it was so nice to see them being softer. I also really like how Three doesn't agree to Four's proposal without making some convoluted reasoning as to why this isn't just two pals helping each other out and is actually TOTALLY just a transactional thing. It feels really in character! Oh yeah since I need to put this somewhere at 9:47 Four is like "I want to help" and like... you made it harder and now you want to help? Better now then never tbh ^w^/
Jokes -> The joke at 2:27-2:34 made me chuckle ._. and that makes me somewhat disappointed in myself (You want it? Issa urs my friend is so real). 3:00 is also a joke I liked, it felt very relatable (I struggle with basic human stuff like buttons on a coffee machine also u_u aww man). 3:28-3:32 Decent joke! 4:12 having a Gmod Three bang the coffee machine was good but the sudden Pomni/Smg4 reaction wasn't for me :v (It is good for Au art tho, I've seen the Smg4 as Pomni art hehe ;P ). 5:55-6:05 Nice joke ^v^/ (Smg3 writing '1 jar of poison for Mario' was the cherry on top tbh). 6:29-6:35 just like the joke at three minutes the whole 'operating a coffee machine being like dark magic' is still funny to me. 7:35-7:38 7:45-7:46 the music that plays when the rainbow (acid) coffee is shown is cool. 8:34-8:49 The whole Tari going coo coo joke is honestly pretty unfunny ._. I did not like it :v. 10:44-10:45 'Cleaned up everything!' is such a funny pop up to put here. Joke APPROVED!
Joke wise I think this episode is actually quite solid. The one joke I really didn't like kinda puts it down but ignoring that issa cool ig :D (6,8/10)
Closing statement -> Dude Four on roller skates working at a cafe for Three? THIS IS JUST A FANFIC AT THIS POINT... and I am all for it ;D
[Note: I have no idea why I wrote this but I felt like it sooooo... YEAH! >:3 If you have any thoughts abt this ep I'd love to hear em ;o]
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maymeowmoo · 9 months
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Once again I have been engulfed in the need to write something regarding the new episode “SMG4: The Inspection”. I kinda wrote this like a live commentary sooooo watching the vid and reading these silly notes might make this better but meh whatevs! I am writing this for fun anyways =w=
First impression from the thumbnail? Smg3 is front and center = This is gonna be neat~
0:36-0:44 Pigstep with Swag was something I didn’t know I needed until now.
0:55-1:04 The plushie bit worked dammit. My humor is broken.
1:08 something interesting to note -> Smg3 said “You can help hide this body”. He is actually just requesting help for once with no convoluted way of making it some ‘deal’ or smtg. Maybe the stress over an inspection made him say this or he is developing idk but I found it worthy to point out!
2:38 AAAH idk why but Smg3 still calling Four “his assistant” makes me happy :)
3:21-3:34 Not me thinking this was gonna be a “Emesis Blue” reference. AHHH this episode is so fluffy with Four helping Three and nobody can tell me otherwise.
4:29-4:39 Man poor Mario :/
4:40 This? This is when I realized. THIS IS A STAR TRIO EPISODE YAY!
5:55-6:14 Okay this? This is good. I like this joke ALOT.
6:45-7:17 OH the DRAMA! The TWIST! What a wonderful episode.
8:10-8:18 AaAAAAa! Meggy as scout <3 This is so cool. Wonder if issa reference to Mimi the sentry tho >.>
8:52-8:57 I’ll be honest… I know a tiny bit abt TF2 and I think “[…] a fighting spirit!” won’t help you win against a soldier player, just saying =_=‘
9:06-9:15 Awh :)
10:16-10:21 Silly ending but also so fitting.
Jokes: [Wanted to give it a 10 outta smtg rating similarly to my other post. However I realized I need to first define what would be a 10 and what would be a 0 to do that… OOF] I really liked the jokes in this one! The ‘atmosphere’ of this episode overall was also nice. Lighthearted fun and silliness is my typa thing :3 Deffo would have a high rating!
Closing statement -> I was surprised that this episode was so good idk I had lower expectations going in for some reason? I love how it turns out to be a TF2 episode tho~
[Note: Decided to add the tag #Anons_C.A.R since u know, when I write my commentary/analysis/review stuff I wanna have a easy way to search it ig + man I want my laptop back. Writing this without it was hard x_x’]
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