#Another Desoxyn Prescription
mythserene · 9 months
I'm late, but I'm here, and this is something I've thought about since I read Tune In the first time.
First of all, Lewisohn's definition and description of what Preludin was is wildly underplayed and misleading, so I have to just get out a few quick Preludin facts. They're helpful.
Preludin was an appetite suppressant, an anorectic drug introduced into West German society in 1954, when commercial pressures were making women become more image-conscious. Users maintained an appetite but quickly felt full when eating, and the reduced intake brought about weight loss. Preludin’s primary ingredient, phenmetrazine, was not an amphetamine but an upper, giving the user a euphoric buzz. It was soon sold internationally and used recreationally, and though available in Germany only with a doctor’s prescription...
- “Tune In” - Chapter 19; Piedels on Prellies
(Oh, those women and their obsession with weight.)
I know Lewisohn's not a chemist and I don't expect him to have done extensive study before writing “not an amphetamine but an upper”—which, first of all is just a weird, grade school sounding statement about any stimulant in general that no scientist would ever say or write—but also he makes it sound like it's a fizzy little pill that gives you the sillies.
But definitely not an amphetamine or anything bad like that.
Look, even Wikipedia says right at the top, “[i]ts structure incorporates the backbone of amphetamine,” and although I didn't spend more than a few seconds there, I saw it because it came up first in the search like Wikipedia always does. Just saying it's basically impossible to miss.
And whether he was trying to hide the ball or not, since he wrote so much about them I am going to quickly set the "not amphetamine" record straight before I go on.
“Methamphetamine hydrochloride (Desoxyn) and phenmetrazine hydrochloride (Preludin) are two variants of the amphetamine structure.”
- “Amphetamine Abuse”, Sidney Cohen, MD, JAMA
“The experience in Sweden seems to indicate that phenmetrazine (e.g. Preludin) has the highest potency, and the greatest risk of psycho-toxic, acute and chronic effects (Rylander 1966). Amphetamines and methylphenidate seem to show less dependence-producing and psycho-toxic effects than phenmetrazine.”
- (United Nations Bulletin; Vol XX, No. 2)
Basically, Preludin was synthesized by taking an amphetamine skeleton and boosting tf out of it by adding a very common sort of chemical scaffolding to it called a morpholine ring, allowing them to tweak it by sticking on a nitrogen group. But morpholine rings by themselves also increase potency and usually bioavailability.
So in the narrowest technical sense, Phenmetrazine (Preludin) is classified as a morpholine instead of an amphetamine, but in every way it is an amphetamine on speed. (And every description of it anywhere says so right up front.) It was Amphetamine Plus. The little added synthetic kicker the pharmaceutical company figured out how to attach to the amphetamine made it stronger—gave it the Preludin "kick"—made the high feel better in general (according to all this crap I spent way too much time reading) and also made it way more addictive. It increased dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake, and the compound itself displayed “some entactogen properties more similar to MDMA." It made Preludin far more psychoactive than straight amphetamines. Made smells stronger, sensations more intense, and made you horny and "increased performance." It was taken off the market in 1980 because it was so hyper-addictive and the “psycho-toxicity” was so extreme. People reported doing things they barely remembered, including to a kind of freakish degree, like a lot of users committing crimes for the very first time in their lives. And so the company tried to replace it with a similar drug called Prelu-2, which is apparently still available but also almost never prescribed because even that was excessively addictive compared to non-boosted amphetamines.
And also, it made you feel body odors?
"...perfumes and flowers get a stronger smell, and body odours are felt more strongly than under normal conditions."
- (United Nations Bulletin; Vol XX, No. 2)
What are normal conditions? Maybe my normal conditions are different from everyone else's because I don't normally feel body odors?? But tbh I would literally try this drug just to see if I could.
So... John was feeling some serious body odors because my man took a lot of them. Usually with lots of booze.
And apparently they made him more awesome.
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George spoke graphically of how they would be “frothing at the mouth … we used to be up there foaming, stomping away.” John, as always, dived straight in, wholeheartedly grabbing another new experience with an open mouth and no thought of tomorrow. The Beatles called them “pep pills”—the commonly used British term of the period—and also “Prellies.”
...Two pills a night were more than enough for most but John frequently took four or five, and in conjunction with hour after hour of booze he became wired, a high-speed gabbling blur of talent, torment and hilarity.
- “Tune In” - Chapter 19; Piedels on Prellies
Yeah, he sounds like a blast. Good thing you got a quote there, my guy. I'm sure the first description that would’ve come to his roommates’ minds would be “hilarity.” Or second, after “hero.” (Sorry, I don't want to be hard on John. I have a lot of bandwidth and patience for drug indulgences, especially in a situation like this, but Lewisohn is unbelievable.)
Ruth Lallemannd, a St. Pauli barmaid who knew the Beatles from 1960, recalls an occasion when “They crushed ten Prellies to powder, put them in a bottle of Cola and shared it between them. They were always wound up.”
Drugs cost money
Amazingly enough though, these prescription-only pills didn't just magically get from people with nice doctors to John’s hands. Someone sold them to someone else and they ended up with “the toilet lady,” Tante Rosa, who sold them.
They looked like little white sweets … but these were no mint drops.
- Chapter 19
So cute!
Preludin small-print advised against its being taken less than six hours before bedtime, in case of sleep disorders.
- Chapter 19
So if Lewisohn is reading the small print of a drug that was discontinued 44 years ago he did not miss the Wikipedia page and must know that “not an amphetamine but an upper” is wildly misleading. Technically true in the chemical classification sense, but not in the medical or pharmacological sense. And true in the same way that “fentanyl isn't morphine” is true.
But that's not my point.
My point is that these “little white sweets” were strong, had wild “psycho-toxic” effects, John took a lot of them, and they weren't free.
Because drugs cost money.
Paul slept fine on just the one pill, John and George didn’t. George would recall “lying in bed, sweating from Preludin, thinking, ‘Why aren’t I sleeping?’ ” John simply took more: “You could work almost endlessly until the pill wore off, then you’d have to have another … You’d have two hours’ sleep and wake up to take a pill and get on stage, and it would go on and on and on. When you didn’t even get a day off you’d begin to go out of your mind with tiredness.”
Or, put another way, John was “a high-speed gabbling blur of talent, torment and hilarity.” And Paul did uncool stuff like sleeping.
Also, what in the...
Tony, George, Paul, John and Pete, along with Rosi and perhaps some stray females, would stagger wearily and noisily up three long flights of wooden stairs...
“Stray females”??? Is he talking about cats? Don't call human beings “strays,” you self-important oddity.
John was never much into paying for stuff. Like rent, for instance. But that's what friends are for.
John was blessed with a particular talent for frittering away his funds (the council grant designed to provide his working materials) and was rarely in a position to pay [rent]. As Rod remembers, “During the week I’d go and have a pint with him and he’d always have money for a beer, but when it came to the day to pay the rent he was always hard up. ‘Could I owe it to you?’ ‘Would you like this jacket?’ One time he paid me with a Mounties-type Canadian jacket he’d probably nicked from someone else.”
- “Tune In” - Chapter 13; “Hi-Yo, Hi-Yo, Silver–Away!”
He paid rent with a jacket? Landlords take those?
I'm not gonna lie, the only real issue I've ever had with Paul—the things I have the most confusion and hesitancy about—are when he seems inexplicably cheap. Like paying the Wings band so little for so long. There's only a few cases that come to mind, but they're my weak point with him.
Still, having done my share of experimenting—as well as dating a guy who became a high-functioning addict before becoming a non-functioning addict before becoming an ex who died of an overdose—I know very well how it feels to see money flow through your hands like water and into someone else's bloodstream. And what happens then is you either both starve or you are the only one eating. In the end, someone has to have money to live, and the more drugs my ex took the more I was forced into being a walking, talking, pissed off safety net.
Stu supposedly got in a fight with Paul because Stu owed Paul money. (Although that doesn't explain attacking Paul out of nowhere on stage half as well as a three-days-awake-Prellie-binge psycho-toxicity does.)
It does, however, mean that at least one guy in the band who was taking Preludin was running out of money between paychecks.
And there's no way that if Stu was running out of funds that John wasn't too. And faster. And according to Lewisohn, George was eating a lot of Preludin, too. Because he was also cool.
That leaves Paul.
John was notoriously bad with money even when he had a lot, and when everyone is living and working together it's almost impossible to be the only guy eating or the only guy smoking. But at the same time if you know you can't do anything to stop your friends from going hard and never thinking at all, it tends to make you more careful. Because you're all you've got and all they've got. You didn't ask for the job, but you drew the short straw. So you hide some cigarettes and share too many, and get increasingly sick of it and resentful, but there's no good answer.
John heaped a ton of spice into the mix by suddenly moving back into Mendips. He’s unlikely to have told Mimi of the Gambier Terrace eviction, but Rod Murray knew little of this hasty departure: John left most of his possessions in the flat and several weeks’ rent unpaid—to the tune of about £15. He just scarpered.
- “Tune In” - Chapter 15; Drive and Bash
“Spice.” Dude really said “spice.” That John, so spicy. And fwiw, that's £300 today.
Maybe John had another jacket to pitch in.
Paul says he's more cautious by nature and I'm sure that's true, but also you know they all relied on him because they knew he wouldn't be as stupid as they were. Who knows what he would've done—whether he would have lived a more libertine life in Hamburg—if he'd felt like that was an option and he didn't have to be the grownup. Who knows what he would have done if anyone else gave a shit whether they ate or smoked.
I'll end by repeating the freakishly weird way Lewisohn told a John psycho-toxicity story that the AKOM ladies pointed out in Ep 8: No Greater Buddy, since it's almost impossible not to talk about John and Prellies without it.
George was second only to John in the swallowing of Prellies and knew better than most the sum effect of taking too many for too long, how the combination of pills plus booze plus several sleepless days caused hallucinations and extreme conduct. He’d describe one occasion when he, Paul and Pete were lying in their bunk beds, trying to sleep, only for John to barge into the room in a wild state. “One night John came in and some chick was in bed with Paul and he cut all her clothes up with a pair of scissors, and was stabbing the wardrobe. Everybody was lying in bed thinking, ‘Oh fuck, I hope he doesn’t kill me.’ [He was] a frothing mad person—he knew how to have ‘fun.’ ”
Handling John was something his friends were well used to doing. If he didn’t murder them in their beds there was no greater buddy. They might fear for their lives but they loved him still. No way would they walk out and join another group. John was just John, and Paul and George’s hero-worship stayed fully intact.
- “Tune in” - Chapter 28; You Better Move On
Mark Lewisohn knows nothing about drugs or drug culture. Which is fine. Good. Great, even. But the thing is, it doesn't stop him from knowing everything about it. He has confidently and emphatically stated that John and Yoko weren't doing heroin in the daytime during the Get Back sessions. He even claims that they weren't on heroin during the Two Junkies interview. Even repeating this paraphrase makes me feel ridiculous, but he says that was a hangover from the night before, and that they were too lucid to be high. Which, first of all, is not how heroin fucking works. They were blasted. The aftereffects would be them being antsy and jumpy, not going in extra-slow motion and puking. Blows my mind, the hubris this guy has. To confidently state something he unquestionably pulled out of his ass without even a moment's hesitation. Not only is that not how heroin works, but it is the drug that people wake up to do. Not wake up and do. Wake up to do.
And you can tell from the way he talks about John on Prellies—“a high-speed gabbling blur of talent, torment and hilarity”—that he has never experienced anyone who's been up a few days. And I still have a more daring nature than most of my friends, and am in no way shocked by the drug use. Me and my friends in Houston used to take Fastin and go midnight bowling every Saturday. The memories are good and I regret nothing. But the naive way Lewisohn romanticizes John and low key mocks Paul—as if Lewisohn was the ultimate drug buddy and Paul a total prude—is so weird. It's freakishly, embarrassingly, weird. Like he wants to be the cool guy. Like he thinks he can be the cool guy, and is being the cool guy, but to me it's painfully embarrassing and nothing else makes him look more desperate and delusional.
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bllsbailey · 19 days
'Meth-Prescribed' Long Island Mother Who Killed Child In Wrong-Way Crash Has License Suspended For 57th Time, Denied Bail
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During her arraignment on Wednesday afternoon, prosecutors revealed that a mother from Long Island who is accused of killing her young son in a wrong-way crash while “high on methamphetamines” has now had her license revoked for the 57th time.
Following Kerri Bedrick’s arraignment, in which she entered a not guilty plea to murder charges, Suffolk County Judge Richard I. Horowitz ruled that the 32-year-old’s driver’s license would be suspended until the case was resolved and detained her without bond privilege.
When Bedrick drove the wrong way on the Southern State Parkway at 2:15 a.m. on August 22nd, causing a four-car collision that killed her 9-year-old son, investigators stated that her license had already been revoked 56 times, making this the 57th.
When a deputy sheriff first saw Bedrick driving the wrong way, he attempted to pull her over, but she accelerated faster and drove around the deputy’s car, according to the prosecutors.
As she hit 100 miles per hour into oncoming traffic in eastbound lanes, the deputy followed her for more than five miles in a westbound lane from a safe distance, according to the prosecution. Eventually, according to the district attorney’s office, Bedrick’s car hit other vehicles so hard that her engine launched into the woods.
Eli D. Henrys, her 9-year-old son, was discovered unconscious in the 2022 Mitsubishi Eclipse’s backseat. He subsequently passed away from his wounds in the hospital.
Prosecutors claim that after the crash, authorities discovered a prescription bottle inside the defendant’s car with the label ripped off, “seemingly proving” she was under the influence when the defendant went on her driving rampage.
Last month, Suffolk Assistant District Attorney, Laura Newcombe, claimed that the driver allegedly told police that the night before the fatal collision, at around 8 p.m., she had taken methamphetamines. However, her lawyer claims that she was prescribed them. It is unclear if he was referring to the drugs Desoxyn, Adderall, or something else. Drugs of that nature typically treat individuals who suffer from Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or narcolepsy.
She is charged with murder as well as manslaughter, aggravated vehicular homicide, and other connected offenses, such as aggravated unlicensed operation of a motor vehicle.
Prior to the collision, Bedrick’s license had already been suspended 56 times on eight separate days. On Wednesday, she received yet another suspension. State law also permits a driver to receive several suspensions in a single day for a variety of reasons.
The several charges, according to Suffolk County District Attorney Raymond Tierney, show “the severe nature” of the crime, which he also described as a “heinous act.”
“The loss of life in this incident, particularly that of a young child, is heartbreaking,” Tierney said in a statement.
Meanwhile, Bedrick’s attorney, Scott Zerner, labeled the incident a “tragic accident.”
“No one on this planet is more upset about it than she is,” he told reporters. “She suffers from ailments and has been prescribed the methamphetamine properly by a doctor, and she was not under [the] influence of any alcohol or any non-prescription drug that she was not prescribed.”
After the crash, while Bedrick’s son was being rushed to the hospital, she and the other two drivers received medical attention for their injuries.
The negligent mother, whose next court appointment is October 22nd, faces a maximum sentence of 25 years to life in prison if proven guilty of the top count. She is being held without bail.
The deceased boy’s grandmother, Diane Bedrick, has set up a GoFundMe to pay for his funeral costs.
“We have asked for help with Eli’s funeral expenses here. But also if you prefer Eli and his Mom loved to foster animals from the shelter. Donations can also be made to your local shelter or wildlife refuge,” the grandmother posted.
Kerri Bedrick pleaded not guilty and faces 25 years to life in prison she is accused of driving in the wrong direction high on drugs on Long Island and killing her nine year old son. The story @1010WINS. pic.twitter.com/kDFdvyyRDT— sophia_b_hall (@sophiabhall1) September 4, 2024
Kerri Bedrick, charged in a wrong way crash that killed her 9-year-old son, is taken by state Police into custody on charges of driving while impaired by drugs pic.twitter.com/uH6RGMySRM— John Asbury (@JohnAsbury) August 22, 2024
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mrjat396 · 4 years
In low, pharmaceutical-grade doses, methamphetamine may actually repair and protect the brain in certain circumstances. But stigma against the drug could be harming patients and holding back research.
D-methamphetamine is what generally appears on the street—although it's often cut with other chemicals—whereas l-meth provides a less addictive, shorter-lived high that is less desirable among drug users.
(Photo: Fiona Goodall/Getty Images)
Ask your doctor about methamphetamine. It's not a phrase you'll ever hear on TV or the radio, but here's a secret: Meth is an incredible medicine. Even the Drug Enforcement Administration admits it, and doctors are known to prescribe it for narcolepsy, obesity, and ADHD. Historically, meth has been used to reverse barbiturate overdoses and even raise blood pressure during surgery. Some preliminary research suggests that meth can be neuroprotective against stroke and traumatic brain injury, even stimulating the growth of brain cells.
Yet we're constantly warned never to try meth—"not even once," goes the refrain—or it will instantly cause addiction and ruin your life. Before fentanyl was the demon drug du jour, meth was seen as the worst, most destructive, most evil chemical you could find on the streets. Even of late, if you ask the New York Times or NBC, you'll learn that meth, "the forgotten killer," is back with a "vengeance." Other outlets, from Rolling Stone to CNN to The Daily Beast, have raised the alarm about meth use in the context of the opioid overdose crisis.
Stimulant-related deaths are indeed on the rise in North America—in some regions, meth is even more prevalent than heroin. Surveying drug overdoses in America from 1979 through 2016, researchers wrote in Science in September of 2018 that "Methamphetamine deaths have increased most dramatically in the western and southwestern United States."
Meth poisonings accounted for an estimated 14,845 hospitalizations in 2015, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and another 15,808 emergency room visits. In 2016, around 7,500 people died from overdosing on stimulants, including meth. If you ask most people, including policymakers, you'll hear that meth is a scourge that can do no good.
But if you've ever used something like Vicks VapoInhaler, you've experienced the healing benefits of meth firsthand. That's because the over-the-counter nasal decongestant contains levomethamphetamine, the levorotary form—or "mirror image"—of the same stuff from Breaking Bad. Procter & Gamble tries to obscure this fact by spelling the active ingredient "levmetamfetamine." Selegiline, a drug for treating Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, also metabolizes into levomethamphetamine.
There is a significant difference between these two opposing molecules. D-methamphetamine is what generally appears on the street—although it's often cut with other chemicals—whereas l-meth provides a less addictive, shorter-lived high that is less desirable among drug users. But people can and do use it recreationally. Abuse is rare, however, in part because the high is shitty, but also because d-meth is so widely available. It's easier to buy a more powerful form of the drug on the street than it is to try to extract it from over-the-counter medications.
Other Americans are prescribed actual, pure meth by their doctors. It happens less frequently these days, but in ADHD, obesity, or narcolepsy cases where nothing else has worked, a drug called Desoxyn (methamphetamine hydrochloride) can sometimes help. It can even be prescribed to children as young as seven.
It's important to make these distinctions. Meth didn't make a "comeback"; it never left. It can't return with a "vengeance" and it can't be "evil" because we're talking about a chemical compound here. It has no personality, no feelings, no intentions.
Thus it does a disservice to science and to medicine, as well as to the people who use these drugs responsibly, to treat a molecule with dualistic properties purely as a poison. And as recent research has shown, we're still uncovering some of the potential therapeutic benefits of methamphetamine. Confronting the stigma associated with meth and highlighting its benefits can better inform drug policy and addiction treatment.
(Photo: HO/Royal Thai Navy/AFP/Getty Images)
For Jordan*, the meth he's prescribed works better against his ADHD with fewer side effects than the Adderall he'd been on for 20 years. About five years ago, Jordan asked his doctor if he could try methamphetamine. The doc said sure.
"The first time I brought it to the pharmacy, the pharmacist actually said to me, 'Oh, your doctor wrote this prescription wrong, this is the stuff that they make in meth labs,'" Jordan tells me by phone. "I told him to type 'Desoxyn' into the computer, and he did. He kind of backtracked, [but] he obviously had no idea."
Jordan, a middle-aged man from North Carolina who works in clinical research, now switches every three months between Adderall and Desoxyn to prevent building a tolerance to either stimulant.
Methamphetamine and amphetamine (one of the active ingredients in Adderall) are almost identical chemicals. The main difference between the two is the addition of a second methyl group to methamphetamine's chemical structure. This addition makes meth more lipid-soluble, allowing for easier access across the blood-brain barrier. Meth is therefore not only more potent, but also longer-lasting.
"The medications have definitely been important for me, to be productive, to be successful, not just at work but also in my personal life," Jordan says. "I've been on the medications for years, but I can take Adderall or methamphetamine and take a nap afterwards. I don't have any noticeable side effects."
Jordan also doesn't feel "high" from the doses he takes—approximately 10 to 15 milligrams of meth per day. Doses at this level are well tolerated by most people. It's very difficult to estimate the typical dosages of illicit meth taken on the street, but they are generally many times higher and taken every couple of hours. Further, the route of administration—typically, users smoke or inject illicit meth—allows for more of the drug to enter the bloodstream than taking a prescription pill.
At high doses, meth gives a rush of euphoria, boosting attention span, zapping fatigue, and decreasing appetite. Intense sexual arousal, talkativeness, and rapid thought patterns are also common. Body temperature and heart rate shoot up, which can cause irregular heartbeat, increasing the risk of seizures. If taken repeatedly over long periods, street meth can be highly neurotoxic, inducing paranoia and psychosis.
But illicit meth is also often used to self-medicate, according to Mark Willenbring, an addiction psychiatrist from St. Paul, Minnesota, with over 30 years of practice treating substance-use disorders. In Willenbring's experience, most of his patients who use illegal meth are treating undiagnosed ADHD.
"There's a high degree of comorbidity between substance-use disorders and ADD," Willenbring says. "They used meth for years in a controlled way, they never over-used it, they just used enough to get an effect, and then they stopped. One misconception is that it's always very addictive."
With most people who are addicted to meth, Willenbring says, you can't tell it just by looking at them. Carl Hart, a neuroscientist in Columbia University's Department of Psychology, agrees that the image of a snarling meth addict with bad teeth is a false stereotype. The dental damage so prevalent in anti-drug propaganda, he says, is more likely due to poor nutrition and lack of sleep—not to the drug. "There is no empirical evidence to support the claim that methamphetamine causes physical deformities," Hart wrote in a 2014 co-authored report.
"It's just a stimulant, like any other stimulant," Willenbring says. "It's a marketing issue."
Part of the reason Jordan asked to try Desoxyn in the first place was to see if he'd develop any of the "stereotypical meth addict problems," as he puts it. He hasn't.
"Those of us that know the reality have a responsibility to say, 'Hey, not that shooting up meth isn't bad, but the chemical itself isn't bad,'" Jordan says. "It's just misuse of the chemical that's bad."
For Joan*, a 66-year-old grandmother living off the grid in northern Georgia, Desoxyn makes her feel normal. "Not high, not hyped up, just normal," she tells me. She's been taking prescription meth since 2006, but first tried many other ADHD meds, such as Ritalin and Concerta, with poor results. But Desoxyn has not only helped her socialize, manage bills, and finish her master's degree in social work; it's also helped with Joan's depression and self-esteem.
"The only downside is the cost," she says. "It's one of the oldest drugs on the market, but even generic, it is outrageously expensive."
Still, meth isn't for everyone, of course. Kevin*, a 31-year-old artist from the Midwest, was first prescribed Desoxyn at age 15 to treat extreme fatigue and trouble focusing. But misdiagnosed mental-health issues—his doctors thought he had bipolar disorder, when in fact he had post-traumatic stress from childhood abuse—led to worsening symptoms.
"Being able to just take a bunch of pills that made the exhaustion go away for a while felt like a blessing, but it was just a Band-Aid on the problem," Kevin says. "I became completely dependent upon Desoxyn to function, and any lapse in taking my dose would result in a terrible energy crash."
"In retrospect, my neurologist at the time would have done well to consider the effects of intense stimulants on someone already prone to mania, insomnia, and hallucinations," he says. "I think Desoxyn has its merits as part of a treatment plan for attentive disorders, but that's the thing—it needs to be part of a larger understanding of how and why it might have a negative impact upon the patient's overall health, and should remain closely monitored throughout."
"Stigma is the lens [through] which we see all drug issues. It keeps us from making the best decisions. It is fear-based, not rational, not creative. Because of stigma, we have not fully addressed the opioid crisis."
(Photo: Guillermo Arias/AFP/Getty Images)
Street doses of meth can be extremely damaging to your health. The purity of such drugs is often unknown, and repeated, high doses of meth have been proven to be neurotoxic. But in low, pharmaceutical-grade doses, meth may actually repair and protect the brain in certain circumstances.
This was first discovered in 2008, when researchers at Queen's Medical Center Neuroscience Institute in Honolulu, Hawaii, analyzed five years of data on traumatic head injuries. They unexpectedly found that patients who tested positive for methamphetamine were significantly less likely to die from the injuries. The authors suggested that meth could have neuroprotective benefits.
To learn more, in 2011, a different team from the University of Montana applied meth to slices of rat brain that had been damaged to resemble the brains of stroke victims. Then they induced strokes in living rats, using a method called embolic MCAO, and injected them with methamphetamine. At low doses, the meth gave better behavioral outcomes and even reduced brain-cell death. At high doses, the meth made outcomes worse.
Because meth stimulates the flow of important neurotransmitters—dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine—the Montana researchers theorized that methamphetamine may provide neuroprotection through multiple pathways. David Poulsen, one of the researchers involved, says this was a "serendipitous discovery."
"So we decided, well, if it worked in stroke, it's probably going to work really well in traumatic brain injury," says Poulsen, now a neurosurgeon at the University of Buffalo who specializes in treatments for protecting the brain after severe damage.
Traumatic brain injury, or TBI, occurs after a violent smash to the skull. Its consequences include concussions on the mild end and coma or death on the severe end. TBI kills around 50,000 Americans annually, according to the CDC, while about 2.8 million of us visit the emergency room for TBI-related injuries every year. There is currently no Food and Drug Administration-approved treatment for TBI.
So, Paulson and his team reasoned, if meth can already be prescribed for children, why not to adults with TBI?
To test the proposition, Poulsen and colleagues gave TBI to rats. Giving an animal brain trauma isn't easy, but for more than two decades, there's been a trick called the rat lateral fluid percussion injury model: Simply cut a hole in the skull of a rat and apply water pressure to the brain.
About half the rodents—19 male Wistar rats—were given this treatment, and eight of these were then given meth. The rats given meth performed better at a task called the Morris water maze, a widely used experiment that involves plopping a rat into a pool of water with a hidden platform. By tracking how long it takes the rodent to find the platform, scientists can measure many different aspects of cognitive function.
"By the third day of training, there were no statistically significant differences between the uninjured control rats and the injured rats that had been treated with methamphetamine," Poulsen and his colleagues wrote.
But the team also found that low doses of meth were protecting immature neurons, while also promoting the birth of new brain cells that are important for learning and memory. The same was also true for rats that were given meth, but not injured.
"We see not just little, but very significant improvements in cognition and behavior," Poulsen says. "Their memories improved, functional behavior is improved.... It's not a trivial difference."
"In light of the fact that low-dose methamphetamine is FDA-approved for use in juveniles and adults, we see no valid reason why it cannot be utilized in human clinical trials for stroke and TBI," Poulsen and colleagues concluded in 2016.
But those clinical trials, considered the gold standard for testing medication, have yet to materialize, even while a 2018 retrospective study found similar results to the Hawaiian neuroscience report: Out of 304 patients with TBI, those who also tested positive for meth had better recovery results than those who did not. "The potential neuroprotective role of meth and other similar substances cannot be ignored," the authors wrote in Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery last July.
There are limited conclusions that we can draw about these rodent and retrospective studies, and it's probably unlikely that nurses will soon start giving meth to people who have cracked their skulls. Still, a wide variety of stimulant therapies for TBI is being explored, with positive results. These include trials with modafinil, a narcolepsy drug; amantadine, a Parkinson's drug; and dextroamphetamine, one of the components of Adderall. But there's still no indication of a single clinical trial for methamphetamine for TBI registered with the National Institutes of Health.
Methylphenidate, also known as Ritalin, seems to be the stimulant most popular in these trials. For example, in 2004, researchers at Drucker Brain Injury Center at MossRehab Hospital in Pennsylvania gave methylphenidate, better known as Ritalin, to 34 patients with moderate to severe TBI. They reported significant improvements in information processing and attention.
Twelve years later, in Gothenburg, Sweden, another 30 patients suffering from prolonged fatigue following TBI were given methylphenidate and observed for six months. They also showed improved cognitive function and reduced fatigue. But a 2016 meta-analysis of 10 controlled trials found the main benefit of giving methylphenidate for TBI was increased attention, "whereas no notable benefit was observed in the facilitation of memory or processing speed," the authors wrote. They encouraged more research into appropriate dosages and length of prescription.
Birgitta Johansson, a neuroscientist at the University of Gothenburg and lead author of the Swedish study, suggests caution whenever treating someone with a brain injury. "With methylphenidate, it is important to be aware about possible side effects, [such] as increased blood pressure and heart rate and also risk of anxiety," she says. "It is always very important to prescribe medication with care and follow the patient carefully."
But the reason meth isn't studied more rigorously—for TBI, for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, for stroke—could also come down to money. Methamphetamine is off-patent, meaning there may be less financial incentive for pharmaceutical companies to explore the drug's potential uses. Consider Vyvanse, a drug first marketed in 2007, with a new formulation introduced in 2017, that racked up $2.1 billion in sales in 2017. Desoxyn, which is sold by three companies, only earned about $9.3 million in 2009.
While Methamphetamine may not be widely recognized as medicine, it clearly has potential to heal as well as harm. Recognizing the duality of meth is arguably all the more essential in the face of a rising stimulant overdose crisis.
"Stigma regarding any substance use or substance use disorder is counterproductive," says Dan Ciccarone, professor of family medicine at the University of California–San Francisco. He says the overdose crisis is shifting from opioids to stimulants and that we are not prepared for the next wave. "Stigma is the lens [through] which we see all drug issues. It keeps us from making the best decisions. It is fear-based, not rational, not creative. Because of stigma, we have not fully addressed the opioid crisis."
That stigma remains a major hurdle, and until doctors and public-health officials counteract this kind of messaging, it seems unlikely that a multinational pharmaceutical company would risk marketing a substance only believed to be toxic and deadly.
"Everything will kill you, if you take enough of it," Poulsen says. "Some things don't require a lot to do that. Meth is one of those things. But just like any drug, the difference between a poison and a cure is the dose."
*These names have been changed.
Troy Farah is an independent journalist and photographer in California. His reporting on science, health, and narcotics has appeared in Wired, Ars Technica, Smithsonian, Discover, Vice, and elsewhere. He co-hosts the drug policy podcast Narcotica. 
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dfhpy · 5 years
Desoxyn Isomer
What You Don't Know About Desoxyn Isomer
Your institution might already be a subscriber. It is very important to remember that lots of nootropic drugs can affect individuals differently, based on an assortment of different physiological things. You will find that the salt form is quite a bit more common. Both of these structures are superimposable on one another, so the item is a meso compound. Alicyclic compounds may also display cistrans isomerism. The bigger The molecule and more branched it is, the greater the quantity of isomers it is possible to produce. MAO-A inhibitors with amphetamine can cause hypertensive crises.
Isomerization of rhodopsin and retinal play an integral part in our capacity to see. These isomers may also be called structural isomers. Chirality is a molecule which has a mirror image, and it's non-superimposable.
Whispered Desoxyn Isomer Secrets
Keep both medications in a safe location in your house. As you said, there's a massive dismal taboo on it due to the street usage. Enantiomers are a sort of stereoisomer where the compounds are a mirror image of one another. Diastereomers are isomers that aren't mirror images of one another and are non-superimposable. NAC could possibly be effective for reducing the cravings and mental dependence too. Hypervigilance is normal in individuals experiencing Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. I've had 2 ekgs in the previous year to attempt to discover the reason for palpitations but they came back normal.
Differences between isomers, generally, arise from the differences in the form of the molecule or the total dipole moment. When comparing Modafinil vs. Adrafinil, the most important distinction is in the dose needed to reach the stimulant effect. The purest BDPC on the market. Please don't block ads on this site.
Since that time, the FDA has approved phentermine along with various drugs. Phentermine may lose its effect once you have been taking it for some time, and when that occurs, you should quit taking it. You are going to need a written prescription from your physician to obtain either drug. Cost Both drugs can be found in generic forms, which are less costly than brand name medications. These drugs might not be appropriate to take if you own a history of substance abuse, and a few prescribers won't write prescriptions for the for men and women who have had a history of addictive disorders. In the existence of seizures, the drug needs to be discontinued. Everybody who takes stimulant drugs ought to be periodically re-evaluated to see whether the drug is still powerful and needed.
Finding the Best Desoxyn Isomer
For every one of the 2 atoms in the double bond, it is crucial to specify the priority of each substituent. There is, in addition, the concern that Ritalin and Adderall may increase the probability of other kinds of substance abuse as it is a sort of amphetamine. The use of the fee is to recover costs connected with the growth of information collections included in such websites. Normally, the recommended uses of Desoxyn are very similar to the other amphetamine-class stimulants (like Adderall, Dexedrine or methylphenidate, for instance). A few examples of cis-trans isomers are provided within this subsection alongside illustrations. This is a superb instance of isomers! It's better for individuals that are also hyperactive along with attention deficit.
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shvda · 5 years
Desoxyn Vs Vyvanse
The Ultimate Desoxyn Vs Vyvanse Trick
Desoxyn is utilised to take care of ADHD. Desoxyn is also used in the treatment of obesity after other diets or medications are tried without successful weight reduction. Desoxyn or Methamphetamine is a member of a category of drugs called stimulants.
Speak to your physician about the ideal approach to feed your baby if you take Vyvanse. It's not known if Vyvanse is secure and successful in children with ADHD under 6 decades old or in patients with BED under 18 decades old. It is a fact that many on-line pharmacies finally have vyvanse for sale.
Serotonin syndrome might occur if Vyvanse is taken with certain medicines and could be life-threatening. Since the signs of Athlete's Foot can differ from 1 person to another, it is better to consult with one of our medical consultants who will have the ability to pinpoint the issue. Call your doctor or go to the emergency room if they occur. In such situations, withdrawal symptoms (for example, seizures) may occur.
Desoxyn Vs Vyvanse - the Conspiracy
If you're interested in seeking an alternate to Adderall, you should speak to your physician to ascertain a suitable treatment regimen for yourself. Normally, the recommended uses of Desoxyn are very similar to the other amphetamine-class stimulants (like Adderall, Dexedrine or methylphenidate, as an example). Which one you choose to buy will be contingent on your needs and your preferences in a supplement. It could stop you from sleeping. It is an excellent idea to consult with one of our medical consultations when the very first symptoms start to appear. In case you have any questions, ask your health care provider or pharmacist.
Vital Pieces of Desoxyn Vs Vyvanse
To stop withdrawal reactions, your physician may decrease your dose gradually. You should have a new written prescription from your doctor each time you are in need of a refill. During treatment, your physician may occasionally suggest stopping the medication for a short while. Some naturopathic doctors might be more familiarized with the dietary supplement alternatives which are available over the counter and may also assist with ADHD symnptoms. This medicine isn't to be used for obesity or weight reduction.
The Upside to Desoxyn Vs Vyvanse
The way to use Desoxyn 5mg Read the Medication Guide provided by your pharmacist before you get started using methamphetamine and every time you receive a refill. Be that as it can be, if you feel some addictions, you can look for assist. Smoking Cessation Stopping smoking can be challenging, but there are several unique selections available to people who are trying to stop.
In the existence of seizures, the drug needs to be discontinued. It should be stopped gradually. To stop people from abusing Adderall, you need to be provided a prescription as a way to legally purchase it in the USA. This prescription requires you to follow special procedures with your physician and pharmacy. The list below describes a number of the supplements used today by those who do not own a prescription for Adderall or who are searching for natural alternatives. This medication might cause withdrawal reactions, particularly if it has been utilized regularly for a very long time or in high doses. Be aware that adhd medication Vyvanse requires you to take the suitable dosage.
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jetgys · 5 years
Desoxyn Vs Dexedrine
Desoxyn is passed through breastmilk, therefore it is advised that mothers don't nurse whilst taking it. Desoxyn is relatively a costly drug. Desoxyn isn't an over-the-counter meth that has a huge number of side consequences.
The Desoxyn Vs Dexedrine debate
A licensed medical professional ought to be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of all medical problems. Plus, what works for a single person isn't going to work for a different. Although used as prescription drugs in some instances, its recreational use can cause addiction. Modifying the dosage or changing to another medication may alleviate a few of these difficulties. If side effects are bothersome, or don't go away, talk with your physician. It is possible to discontinue them immediately should they have adverse results. This decrease might cause the affected individual to come up with health conditions with symptoms much like those of Parkinson's disease.
The above isn't an entire collection of all potential drug interactions. Therefore, what about the dosages, both of these are extremely similar, but should you desire a more accurate Dexedrine Adderall conversion, there are sites that you may use for that. In case you go for two months simply to discover that the medication isn't appropriate for you, then you ought to take another period of many weeks to lower the dose (because discontinuing these meds needs to be accomplished slowly to lessen the unpleasant side effects of withdrawing) and offer the upcoming med another couple of months to kick in.
Desoxyn Vs Dexedrine
In some instances, cocaine has been put to use for medical purposes, but for the large part it's an illegal substance in the usa. Cost Both drugs can be found in generic forms, which are less costly than brand name medications. These drugs might not be appropriate to take if you own a history of substance abuse, and a few prescribers are not going to write prescriptions for the for folks who have had a history of addictive disorders. The drug ought to be stopped gradually. These drugs are frequently the most productive responses in treating ADHD symptoms like hyperactivity and impulsivity. Everybody who takes stimulant drugs ought to be periodically re-evaluated to see whether the drug is still powerful and needed.
The possible addiction to Desoxyn is associated with the stimulant's influence on the encephalon. Abuse of methamphetamine may lead to a sudden heart attack even in people that have no symptoms of cardiovascular disease. In case you or a loved one is experiencing drug abuse or addiction from both of these drugs, we are here in order to help you to find a way out.
You have to have a new written prescription from your doctor each time you are in need of a refill. My doctor isn't a stimulant guy. For instance, your physician may prescribe a drug holiday for your son or daughter during the summer when school isn't in session. Only your physician and you really can decide on the one which is going to walk out with the title win. You will possibly have an upset stomach and unsteadiness among a number of other secondary consequences. Tell your physician or healthcare professional immediately if you become aware of unexplained wounds on your fingers and toes while taking this medication.
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kbyigu-blog · 5 years
Desoxyn Vs Dexedrine Reddit
The Scoop on Desoxyn Vs Dexedrine Reddit 
You might want to prepare a list of questions for your physician also. Various individuals exhibit dis-similar side consequences. If you take charge of your Dexedrine use for therapeutic purposes, it may be an enabler of terrific performance.
Lies You've Been Told About Desoxyn Vs Dexedrine Reddit
Many people who abuse stimulants have a tendency to refer to any sort of prescription stimulant as speed or uppers. Historically, amphetamines weren't prescribed for stimulant effects, but today they help people who have a variety of health ailments. In any event, dextroamphetamine and Adderall might cause unique reactions. The Ritalin may not be identified from the packaging. Now, the expression ADHD includes ADD.
Desoxyn Vs Dexedrine Reddit and Desoxyn Vs Dexedrine Reddit - The Perfect Combination
Asking different adults about their adult ADHD doctor and the degree of treatment success they've experienced with him or her is another manner of locating an adult ADHD doctor who might be proper for you. Speak to your physician if you or your child has side effects which are bothersome or don't go away. The only high quality sex education for a little child isn't a mention of sex whatsoever. Make certain your doctor has your complete medical history in order that they can make an educated recommendation. Such a period of super increase and learning in a kid's life is a fragile time that will be violently and forever disrupted by the debut of sex in any manner. You might become suicidal, especially at the start of your treatment and any time your dose is increased or decreased. With all these drugs of abuse available these days, it's simple to have them confused.
What Everybody Dislikes About Desoxyn Vs Dexedrine Reddit and Why
There are many strengths and a protracted release form, or so the dose can be individualized. There are plenty of strengths and likewise an elongated release form, which makes it simpler for your doctor to get the proper dose for you. The brand mix of dextroamphetamine and amphetamine, nevertheless, is more inclined to cause diarrhea whilst dextroamphetamine on its own has an inclination to cause either diarrhea or constipation, based on the user. Moreover, it's the blend of two stimulant substances where dextroamphetamine is simply one.
You'll need a written prescription from your physician to obtain either drug. For your child's safety, you might need to choose whether to quit breastfeeding or quit taking your medication. If you're prescribed either medication, ask your physician for more info. If you're taking any medications for ADHD be sure to follow along with the directions on the package or take them as prescribed by your physician.
Cost Both drugs can be found in generic forms, which are less costly than brand name medications. The sum you pay for the drugs will be dependent on your wellbeing insurance policy plan. Don't quit using dextroamphetamine suddenly without speaking to your doctor, particularly if you've overused the drug. Everybody who takes stimulant drugs ought to be periodically re-evaluated to see whether the drug is still powerful and needed.
The Lost Secret of Desoxyn Vs Dexedrine Reddit
You and your physician will decide what sort of treatment is best for you. From time to time, your physician may stop treatment with DEXEDRINE for some time to check ADHD symptoms. For instance, your physician may prescribe a drug holiday for your son or daughter during the summer when school isn't in session. Your physician may adjust your dose to get the dose that's ideal for you. Your health care provider may adjust the dose until it's appropriate for you or your boy or girl. Only your physician and you really can select the one which is going to walk out with the title win. Finding a skilled doctor who knows the way to deal with adult ADHD is vital for the success of any adult ADHD treatment strategy.
The medication can raise your chance of circulation difficulties. To stop withdrawal reactions, your physician may decrease your dose gradually. Some doctors prescribe a mix of cannabis and stimulants. Talking to your principal care physician is the initial step toward finding qualified adult ADHD doctors.
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platinumnib · 8 years
Our highs and lows
This just sort of happened once in Spanish class and I forgot about it. If you take a few minutes to read, please take one more to leave some sort of feedback, I really really need it : b
Summary: Drugs will do awful things to you, therefore, to me.
I walked over to the kitchen, careful not to step on Sharon’s head and dropped the grocery bags on the countertop. Then I came to crouch next to my girlfriend and the small pool of drool she had made on the ground. There was nothing close to dignified about her. Her hair was stuck to her skin with sweat, her clothes didn’t even cover half her body and she absolutely reeked of alcohol.
“You’re high again, Sharon.” It wasn’t a question anymore.
For the last three months, every one of my visits had found her dead drunk at best and chock full of pills at worst. Today, because someone in heaven hated me, it was both.
Sharon answered with a feeble incoherence and an awkward stare, as if she were looking through me.
“You idiot,” I sighed. I felt like I had to remind her.
“I… I tried, Tari, I promise I-”
“No you didn’t,” I cut her short.
Of course she hadn’t, but it came as no surprise; Sharon loved the stuff too much to even think about quitting. Tucking her hair behind her ear, I probed her irises, trying to understand the madness in them.
“How can you say you love me when you do this kind of thing to me?”
Sharon just giggled mindlessly and I realized she probably couldn’t even understand me.
Nonetheless, I decided she wouldn’t spend yet another night gurgling her puke. I pushed some empty bottles aside and lifted her to her feet. My head under her arm, I limped my way to the bathroom and started taking both our clothes off. Sharon let me sit her on a stool - at that point, she couldn’t really do anything about it - and pull her tee-shirt over her head and off. Her lower body wasn’t a problem, she only wore a pair of skimpy panties.
I took longer to remove my own dress trousers and the white blouse befitting of a proper working woman. I felt so out of place, neat and clean in Sharon’s pigpen of a flat, all in all an accurate projection of her life: a sad, chaotic mess full of pills and booze without ever a hint of anything productive. Her fridge waited for me to be replenished, her bills to be paid, her clothes to be washed, her bed to be made and herself to be washed, fed, put to sleep and everything else. It was a wonder how I never got tired of wasting my days with that fruitless routine. It had to be true love or gross stupidity on my part.
Once the dirty clothes were in the laundry basket, I pulled her up again, this time leading her to the bathtub and gently helping her get inside before sitting behind her. It took me a half hour to soap and wash every single spot of skin to get rid of the smell of her binge drinking. I could take care of the house later. For now, I just turned off the water, got Sharon out of the tub, and wrapped her in a towel, dabbing her dry. As little as I wanted to, I couldn’t help but feel how much slimmer she was than just two weeks before. Full breasts and taut stomach and the toned legs that used to get me hot and bothered with the slightest glimpse had suffered as much as her brain from crystal meth.
At first, she had paid for it, then stripped at a club to pay for it (God bless Amsterdam), and then she had become too weak even to hold onto the dance pole. I had thought it a good thing Sharon no longer degraded herself to gather enough money for drugs, until she had turned to alcohol and Desoxyn instead. It’s still meth, more or less, just legal and in pills, and even more expensive, but it wasn’t like she needed to buy it or anything. I use it to keep my depression under control, Sharon stole my prescriptions; what can I say, we are a pair of unfortunate souls with too many issues to be with anyone else. Were; we were.
I had tried a detox for her already; a failed detox. And Sharon had threatened to open her veins if anyone tried to put her back in it, so the best thing to do was just leave her be.
To anyone, it was a lost cause, but I was always a fighter and I loved that junkie too much to give up on her. So I kept taking care of her because she couldn’t take care of herself. If only Sharon could get rid of her nasty habits, I made more than enough money so we could be a happy couple, with a cat and framed pictures on the nightstand and tulips in the living room. Sharon didn’t even need to work. She could take care of the house, kiss me goodbye in the morning, have sex when I came back if we felt like it, just wake me up with a cup of coffee and a smile. Surely, that wasn’t much to ask for?
The thought alone brought tears into my eyes that I fought back. I knew we would never get to be that happy.
“Come on, baby, let me get you to bed.”
I did, as fast as I could stumble with her weight hanging off my shoulders, and once she was in her pyjamas and I had pulled some clothes on, too, we huddled together under the sheets.
“Feeling better?”
Sharon nodded at me with a half-hearted smile.
“Why did you go that way, Sharon? Why didn’t you just ask me for help?”
“You’re the only good thing I ever found in my life, everything else is shit. I shouldn’t make you fix it for me.”
“You have to, that’s what I’m with you for. You remember how we were? I used to make you forget everything bad.”
As I hugged her tightly, no longer suppressing the urge to cry, I dropped a flurry of kisses all over Sharon’s face, trying to show her someone still cared.
“I can do it again,” I whispered, more as a supplication than anything.
“I want to die.”
“You’re an idiot.”
“I fucked up bad. You should die when you fuck up like me.”
“You’re really an idiot.”
“I love you.”
“Not if you want to die. I love you. Even like this.”
I kissed her again as my hand slid up her leg, but she turned away decidedly.
“I’m sorry, I don’t want to.”
There was only so much a woman could take before her body shut down.
It didn’t come as a shock when I came into the bedroom to an eerie silence and with the feeling of something awfully wrong, and so I didn’t cry right away.
Sharon had decided she wouldn’t keep fading away like the last flickering flame of a candle. She had decided to go out like a bonfire in the best meth high of her life. Understandable, but sad and stupid nonetheless. At the moment, I wondered where she had gotten the money for so much drugs, before I found the credit card on the nightstand to my bank account from which (as I learnt the next morning) eleven hundred euros had been withdrawn. Next to it were a few shaky words scribbled onto a piece of paper. I didn’t read them. Nothing she’d written with drugs shooting through her brain could matter to me.
She somehow looked a lot more self-respecting than she had ever done alive. The way her body was laid out askew on the bed, black hair splayed out on the white pillow, you could almost think she was sleeping.
When I went over to sit on the edge of the bed and Sharon’s face came into sight, I saw the small trickle of blood from her nose that hadn’t gone past her upper lip. That was usual when she snorted. Several times, I had wiped that blood with  cotton balls, begging her to stop killing herself, to stop, to just stop doing what she was doing for the good lord’s fucking sake, and the answer was either incomprehensible or there was none because she was out like a light.
Worse than the blood, her eyes were the hardest part to stomach. They were still open, staring into nothing, but I didn’t dare to close them. They gave off a blood-curdling impression that wouldn’t go away; they made Sharon look like she was about to talk to me.
“Sharon, my love?” I whispered, just to make sure.
An irrational need, I know, but nothing had ever been rational between us. I leant down and kissed her temple. 
Then, I cried in silence.
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lindafrancois · 6 years
4 Weight Loss Medicine Drawbacks To Be Aware Of
Weight loss medicines to say the least become a lucrative option, especially when a special event is nearing. It comes across as a medium to lose weight which gives quick results and which does not require any effort at all (you can’t deny this one!).
Even the weight loss medicines leave no chance of advertising their effectiveness and their ability to give you the desired frame in no time. What they do not advertise are their ingredients and the various side effects they tend to pose to the human body when consumed [1].
They also do not tell you that these medicines if not supplemented with a healthy diet and regular exercise, fail to give you the results they claim to produce.
Today, with so many companies manufacturing various weight loss medicines using numerous chemicals, it has become almost impossible to regulate their component and ingredients as a result of which many unsafe ingredients make their way into the weight loss medicines available in the markets today.
Another noteworthy point is that you will gain all the weight you may have lost with the use of weight loss medicines if you do not continue your low-calorie diet and regular exercise.
The weight loss medicines have different working mechanisms. Many weight loss medicines act as appetite suppressants which consist of ingredients like phenylpropanolamine or caffeine.
A few of them work on increasing the metabolism rate of your body along with helping in controlling your appetite.
A few others actually act as fat blockers where they get attached to the food that we intake and disallow the fat constituent to get absorbed into your body. In this process, Others claim to block the body’s ability to absorb fat.
In this process, the nutrients useful for our body also get blocked from getting absorbed into our body. Some weight loss medicines claim to give the same results as a bariatric gastric banding surgery without the operation does.
These weight loss medicines expand in the stomach and keep us feeling full. The rest of the weight loss medicines work on the formula of eliminating fluid and waste from our body.
Weight loss medicines could be addictive in nature and could expose you to various side effects even if consumed according to the doctor’s prescription.
Thus it makes all the more pertinent to consult a doctor before taking any weight loss medicine in case you are suffering from any prior health ailments.
Also, ensure that you research well on the side effects caused by the weight loss medicines and stop their use immediately if you notice any side effects in your own self.
Users should also analyze the common and serious side effects caused by the weight loss medicines before we actually get into using them. So, now let us talk about some side effects posed by the weight loss medicines.
This might just prove to be useful for someone who is planning to use weight loss medicines.
The side effects caused by weight loss medicines and many and varied. Some common side effects are insomnia, restlessness, headaches, diarrhea and dry mouth.
According to Fraud Guides [2], weight loss pills are often unregulated which is because many of them claim to contain ingredients that the FDA doesn’t qualify as drugs.
Also according to Fraud Guides, in the metabolism-boosting or calorie-burning pills that promise to raise your metabolism so that you burn all the extra fat, you will always find a new “herbal” metabolism booster without finding even a sign of the older ingredients in the product.
Why this happens is that older “herbal” ingredient that has already been tried by the consumers, left them dissatisfied as they did not manage to make them lose weight.
So, to keep the companies dealing in weight loss medicines running and products selling, the manufacturers paste a new label on the old ones and start selling them afresh.
Also according to Fraud Guides, the fat blocking weight loss medicines because of their food blocking properties, can lead to all kinds of health problems like gastrointestinal problems including diarrhea, bloating, and gas along with stomach ache.
The unabsorbed food keeps straying in your body and causes these problems.
Keeping everything we have just told you right now, let us see why we should not use weight loss medicines.
If you are reading this article, it is a sure indicator of your dilemma about using weight loss medicines and at the same time your desire to lose weight.
So, in this article, we aim to give you a reality check of weight loss medicines and reasons why you should not use them.
Common Side-effects of Weight Loss Medicines
1. Serious Side Effects
While most times you will find the side effects of weight loss medicines disappear once you stop taking the medicines, this may not always be the case.
Some serious side effects caused by long term use of weight loss medicines include heart arrhythmias and palpitations, tightness in the chest, dizziness and confusion.
Along with these, there is always a possibility of congestive heart failure, strokes, convulsions and renal failure.
Common Side Effects Associated With Weight Loss Medicines (Source)
Brand Drug NameDrug CategoryCommon Side EffectsAdipex-P (phentermine)Appetite suppressant; sympathomimetic amineIncreased blood pressure and heart rate, insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, dependence, abuse or withdrawal may occur with long-term use. When given as a single agent, phentermine is not implicated in valvular heart disease.Alli (orlistat) – over-the-counter (OTC)Lipase inhibitorOily spotting, gas (flatulence), fecal urgency, soft stools, fecal incontinence; take Alli with a daily multivitamin.Belviq (lorcaserin)Selective serotonin 2C receptor agonist (suppresses appetite)Headache, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, dry mouth, constipation; euphoria/dissociation may occur with higher doses; do not exceed 10 mg two times a day.Bontril PDM, Bontril SR (phendimetrazine)Appetite suppressant; sympathomimetic amineIncreased blood pressure and heart rate, insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, dependence, abuse or withdrawal may occur with long-term use.Contrave (bupropion and naltrexone)Antidepressant (weak inhibitor of norepinephrine and dopamine) and an opioid antagonistNausea, vomiting, headache, fatigue, constipation, dizziness, insomnia, dry mouth, diarrhea, increased blood pressure, anxiety, tremor, hot flush, unusual taste.Desoxyn (methamphetamine)Appetite suppressant; sympathomimetic amineHigh abuse potential; use only if alternative treatments are ineffective; increased blood pressure and heart rate, insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, dependence, abuse or withdrawal may occur with long-term use.Didrex (benzphetamine)Appetite suppressant; sympathomimetic amineIncreased blood pressure and heart rate, insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, dependence, abuse or withdrawal may occur with long-term use.DiethylpropionAppetite suppressant; sympathomimetic amineConstipation, restlessness, dry mouth, Increased blood pressure and heart rate, insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, dependence, abuse or withdrawal may occur with long-term use.Qsymia (phentermine and topiramate extended-release capsules)Combination appetite suppressant-anorectic; exact action of topiramate on weight loss is not knownParesthesias, dizziness, altered taste, insomnia, constipation, dry mouth.Saxenda (liraglutide)Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist; regulates appetite and food intake.Nausea/vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, headache, heartburn, fatigue, dizziness, stomach pain, gas, dry mouth, low blood sugar in type 2 diabetes, increased lipase.Suprenza (phentermine)Appetite suppressant; sympathomimetic amineIncreased blood pressure and heart rate, insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, dependence, abuse or withdrawal may occur with long-term use.Xenical (orlistat)Lipase inhibitorOily spotting, gas (flatulence), fecal urgency, soft stools, fecal incontinence; take Xenical with a daily multivitamin.
2. Weight Loss Medicines Can Get You Addicted
Weight loss medicines often contain amphetamines [3], anti-anxiety drugs, and antidepressants.
This mix is not only dangerous in nature but also highly addictive. Any medication that gets you hooked on it, should be considered multiple times before consumption.
3. Ineffectiveness of Weight Loss Medicines Has Been Proved Multiple Times
Many weight loss medicines offer a combination of caffeine and other diuretics, which cause water loss in the body [4].
In the beginning, it appears as weight loss but in no time, this water weight returns causing the weight scales to return to their original position.
Also, extreme water loss due to these weight loss medicines can cause serious dehydration in the body.
4. Limit Your Motivation To Adopt Healthy Lifestyle
If you wish to gain long term weight loss, you have to take it as a journey and change your eating habits along the way along with making exercise a crucial part of your journey.
Weight loss medicines are quick fix methods, which when adopted, discourage you from understanding food and workout from a holistic perspective thinking that the quick fix will do all the work, while this does not happen in real life.
Your body after a certain point of time, gains immunity to weight loss medicines and stop acting, getting you back to where you started from. So, is it really worth it?
So if you are even thinking of taking weight loss pills, stop! Search about more healthy, effective and long-term methods to lose weight.
Start watching your calories and workout. These will definitely give you better and sustainable results than any quick fix.
For more information on weight loss and nutrition, talk to our Truweight Nutritionist today! The first consultation is on us. Click here to avail it. 
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jetgys · 5 years
Desoxyn Dosage for Weight Loss
The Fundamentals of Desoxyn Dosage for Weight Loss Revealed
On occasion the doses of different medicines will want to get adjusted while taking DESOXYN. If your dose differs, do not change it unless your physician tells you to achieve that. If you forget a dose of this medicine, take it whenever possible. The dose of this medication will differ for different patients.
Prescriptions cannot be refilled. It should not depend solely on the presence of one or more of the behavioral characteristics. A new prescription must be gotten from your doctor whenever you or your child wants this medication. This kind of medication can impact the development of children, so your physician will watch your child carefully while he or she's taking this drug. The drug needs to be stopped gradually. In the presence of seizures, it should be discontinued.
Type of Desoxyn Dosage for Weight Loss
Desoxyn is passed through breastmilk, therefore it is suggested that mothers don't nurse whilst taking it. Desoxyn makes its way to breast milk. Desoxyn is utilized to take care of ADHD and Exogenous Obesity. Desoxyn ought to be employed with caution when you have mild high blood pressure. DESOXYN should function as part of an overall treatment program for ADHD that may consist of counseling or other therapies. You ought not take Desoxyn in case you have glaucoma, advanced hardening of the arteries, cardiovascular disease, moderate to severe high blood pressure, thyroid issues, or sensitivity to this kind of drug. DESOXYN and some medicines might interact with one another and cause serious side effects.
Speak to your or your kid's doctor if you or your child has side effects which are bothersome or don't go away. Most hyperactive children require medication for many years, although once symptoms are controlled, it might be possible to decrease dosage or to interrupt drug therapy during the summertime and at other times once the kid is under less stress. Children younger than 12 decades of ageUse is not wise.
The Essentials of Desoxyn Dosage for Weight Loss You Can Benefit From Beginning Today
Because it can lead to another severe effect. Before taken Desoxyn medicine, you should go over the side effects with your physician. Side effects can't be anticipated. If they are bothersome, or do not go away, talk to your doctor. The long-term effects of this sort of medication in children have never been established.
A Secret Weapon for Desoxyn Dosage for Weight Loss
Do not take methamphetamine without first speaking to your physician if you're pregnant. Your physician may adjust your dose if necessary. Only your physician can ascertain if it's safe to carry on taking Desoxyn. Your physician may increase your dose if necessary. Because only your physician can determine if it's safe for you to keep on taking Desoxyn. The physician will take into consideration the duration and seriousness of the symptoms along with your youngster's age.
In case you have any questions, ask your physician or pharmacist. Consult your physician if you have any questions. In case you have questions, ask your health care provider or pharmacist before you start taking the medication. If you have any questions about the medicines you're taking or would like more info, check with your physician, pharmacist, or nurse.
But What About Desoxyn Dosage for Weight Loss?
If you want more info, talk to your or your kid's doctor. The least amount feasible ought to be prescribed or dispensed at one time in order to decrease the chance of overdosage. If it is nearly time for the next dose, skip the one which you missed and return to your normal schedule.
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jetgys · 5 years
Desoxyn Compared to Adderall
Finding Desoxyn Compared to Adderall on the Web
You'll need a written prescription from your physician to obtain either drug. The drug needs to be stopped gradually. Everybody who takes stimulant drugs ought to be periodically re-evaluated to see whether the drug is still powerful and needed. Cost Both drugs can be found in generic forms, which are less costly than brand name medications. In the existence of seizures, the drug ought to be discontinued. If other drugs don't get the job done, Desoxyn may be an alternative, but physicians continue to be wary of prescribing it, and it is rather costly. Many common drugs offered in the usa can also be bought in Mexico, often at a considerable decrease in cost.
Abusing Desoxyn is believed to be even more addictive than Adderall a well-recognized stimulant that is well known for its abuse potential in addition to its capacity to treat ADHD. Likewise, people with ADHD may be more inclined to have another disorder present. Now, the expression ADHD includes ADD.
Ritalin may be used to take care of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and treatment-resistant instances of lethargy. Ritalin may also be utilized to help individuals that are dependent on methamphetamine. Adderall isn't meant for weight reduction. Adderall can be prescribed to deal with sleep cycle disorders. Adderall may lead to a temporary drop in growth rate but doesn't affect eventual adult height.
DESOXYN tablets shouldn't be used during pregnancy unless the possible benefit justifies the possible risk to the fetus. The tablets are usually supposed to be taken 2-3 times every single day at 4-6 hour intervals. Methamphetamine tablets shouldn't be crushed or chewed.
Sublingual ketamine looks a lot more potent than oral ketamine. Although ostensibly unavailable to boost productivity or wakefulness, amphetamine is normally utilized that manner. Due to its strong potency, methamphetamine is usually utilized as a drug of abuse. Contrary to a frequent misperception, methamphetamine isn't instantly addictive for the majority of people using it.
The Key to Successful Desoxyn Compared to Adderall
FOUR The effects will be quite subtle but you may feel a little mellow or sleepy feeling in about 5-15 minutes. It is subtle at first, so much so that you might think it's not working. In addition, in case you have side effects or a terrible reaction to any drugs purchased in Mexico, you may have no legal recourse. The anxiogenic and focusing effects of stimulants are additionally not good in conjunction with psychedelics as they can result in unpleasant thought loops.
Finding the Best Desoxyn Compared to Adderall
Patients should be provided the opportunity to go over the contents of the Medication Guide and to get answers to any questions they might have. The patient needs to be informed that methamphetamine may impair the capability to engage in potentially hazardous activities, for example, operating machinery or driving an automobile. Your health care provider may adjust your dose if necessary. For instance, your physician may prescribe a drug holiday for your son or daughter during the summer when school isn't in session. If you think that the medicine isn't working properly after taking it for several weeks, check with your health care provider initially and don't increase the dose.
TWO Make sure you've got the suitable dose measured and ready. Tell your doctor which you want progressively lower doses. As a way to step down properly you should keep your everyday doses consistent at each level, and you can't do that in case you're staying late and binging two nights per week. Adult doses vary from 5 mg to 60 mg every day. When you locate a dose that appears to work, see how many days you'll be able to wait between doses. Exceeding the dose of the drug past the safe limits can set you in a life threatening trouble also.
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jetgys · 5 years
Desoxyn in Spain
Desoxyn in Spain Explained
DESOXYN might not be proper for you or your kid. DESOXYN should function as part of a complete treatment program for ADHD that may consist of counseling or other therapies. DESOXYN and some medicines might interact with one another and cause serious side effects.
The drug is long-acting, so you merely will need to take it once daily. In fact, lots of drugs are readily available to treat ADHD. This drug might aid with memory and behavioral difficulties. Prescription drugs could be used just in the fashion, combination, and quantity prescribed.
In the existence of seizures, the drug needs to be discontinued. These drugs arrive in a number of classes. If other drugs don't get the job done, Desoxyn may be an alternative, but physicians continue to be wary of prescribing it, and it's quite costly. The most frequent drugs prescribed for ADHD include amphetamines like Adderall and Vyvanse and methylphenidates like Ritalin.
How to get Desoxyn in Spain fast
Opportunely, awareness has greatly advanced over the previous ten decades. Another advantage of methadone is it can actually stop some opioids from having an impact on the body should an addict relapse. Subsequently, the person is ready to focus better on tasks at hand.
Now it's recognized as one disorder with unique subtypes. `It is traumatic if treatment you've used for a lengthy time is suddenly removed, especially if we don't understand why. This medication is available only with your physician's prescription. You have to join and speak with their physician. To stop withdrawal reactions, your physician may lower your dose gradually. Psychiatrists who treat adults are largely more concerned about major disorders so they don't have an opportunity to dedicate to ADHD. Yes, there are lots of researchers dedicated to ADHD.
The Ultimate Desoxyn in Spain Trick
Consult your healthcare provider for advice if you're unsure about the internet purchase of any medication. The product wasn't ever recalled. Our organization is in constant improvement. Employees and applicants will be requested to acknowledge, by way of signing a statement, that they've read and understand the Company's Policy and they agree to get tested if requested to do so by the Company. The employee is going to be given a chance to explain the results to the MRO. Mexican pharmacy employees might not have any medical training. The applicant or employee is going to be requested to supply a specimen.
The following is an easy map of many languages spoken in Spain. This list of drugs for ADHD can help you speak to your doctor for what option may be proper for you. You could set your personal and financial information in danger.
The Basics of Desoxyn in Spain
If you want more info, talk to your or your kid's doctor. Nevertheless, there's still a ways to go. It's really hard to say. On the reverse side, if you're told that someone has denounced you, it might be that they're only trying to cause problems for you, but the police do not take it seriously and you've got nothing to be worried about. You are not going to have difficulties with the purchase of Mad Honey. If you have any questions about the drugs you're taking, get in touch with a physician. If you have questions regarding current laws regarding importation of medications, contact U.S. Customs.
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jetgys · 5 years
Desoxyn Cost
The untold Desoxyn Cost Strategies Exploited
DESOXYN tablets shouldn't be used during pregnancy unless the possible benefit justifies the possible risk to the fetus. To purchase Desoxyn online is proportionately uncomplicated and a great solution because it scans the brand name for methamphetamine that's one of those drugs whose prescriptions aren't easily available but still it's largely utilized by men and women from all around the world. The entire price of the medication might not be completely covered.
People with limited support locally or difficulties at home may be encouraged to seek out inpatient therapy, as it gives a more positive atmosphere that's conducive to recovery. You should look for professional assistance if you need to guarantee a prosperous detox. During detoxification, we often feel the need to sleep for extended periods. As use or abuse of the drug carries on, the man is in danger of creating a dependency to the drug, together with increased tolerance. When it regards the use of prescription medications, it can occasionally be challenging to observe whether use has become abuse. Desoxyn use and addiction can result in physical dependence which, when significant enough, will bring about troublesome withdrawal symptoms that may take some time to resolve. Plus, what works for a single person isn't going to work for a different.
Read the Medication Guide provided by your pharmacist before you get started using methamphetamine and whenever you receive a refill. The way to use Desoxyn 5mg Read the Medication Guide provided by your pharmacist before you get started using methamphetamine and every time you receive a refill. Methamphetamine (Desoxyn) is a costly drug used as a treatment for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.
In the existence of seizures, the drug needs to be discontinued. Brand-name drugs are costly. If other drugs don't do the job, Desoxyn may be an alternative, but physicians continue to be wary of prescribing it, and it is fairly costly.
Normally, the medication is offered at quite a low dose and safely adjusted for the person. This medication can cause withdrawal reactions, particularly if it has been utilized regularly for a very long time or in high doses. It may help lessen the severity of withdrawal symptoms. Medications are not accustomed to care for the true addiction to stimulants, but they're utilised to take care of symptoms and underlying ailments. Individuals who consistently utilize stimulant medications may grow related to them.
What You Can Do About Desoxyn Cost Beginning in the Next 9 Minutes
As tolerance starts to build, Desoxyn no longer has the power to create the results it once did. Some people are worried about the efficacy of generic medications versus the brand-name choices. It is believed that the specific effects occur via a gain in the quantity of norepinephrine and dopamine being sent between neurons. By working together, you can locate a treatment which will help. Following detox and the first phases of treatment, people frequently start to feel a lot healthier. To stop withdrawal reactions, your physician may decrease your dose gradually. The physician can provide you options and alternatives that may diminish the price of ADHD medications.
Methedrine withdrawal is the initial step to recovering with an addiction to methamphetamines. Withdrawal from methamphetamine-based drugs like Desoxyn can produce symptoms that might be a severe challenge for somebody to deal with alone. Lots of the signs may disappear within fourteen days, and treatment can alleviate the detox approach. Now it's recognized as one disorder with unique subtypes. Likewise, people with ADHD may be more inclined to have another disorder present. Abusing Desoxyn is believed to be even more addictive than Adderall a well-recognized stimulant that is famous for its abuse potential together with its capacity to treat ADHD.
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