ellen729 · 2 years
So, I was reading something where someone was saying David was SO MEAN to Hook in their earlier episodes even though he had NO REASON (what with not knowing Hook had sadistically murdered his dad).
Uhh. . . .
Some of the little, itty-bitty things David might hold against Hook at this point.
For starters, it seems safe to assume David had heard what Hook had been doing in the Enchanted Forest.
1. After earning their trust and living among them for two months, Hook helped murder a village full of innocent people.
2. One of those people was a friend of David’s, Lancelot.
3. Hook had been Cora’s willing minion for close to 30 years (whether that involved massacres and murders is unclear).
4. When given a chance to stop working with Cora after at least one massacre, Hook quickly signed on again.
5. Hook tore out Aurora’s heart and forced her to betray her friends (there is speculation that he sexually assaulted Aurora after taking her heart as well).
6. Left four women to die of hunger and thirst in a small, dark cave.
7. Made crude statements to David’s daughter.
8. Behaved like a sexist abuser. Hook makes it quite clear that he considered Emma finding a way to leave him behind without having to kill him to protect herself and her family and friends was a personal betrayal. Apparently, he felt she was supposed to have fallen for his charms, making her his, making her leaving him behind an unforgivable dumping by a woman he already treated as his property.
9. Made rape jokes while trying to kill David’s daughter.
Then, we get into things Hook did once he was in Storybrooke:
1. Murdered people.
2. Kidnapped and tortured a friend of David’s.
3. Having kidnapped and imprisoned the giant who spared his life, Hook convinced him David was really his brother James and set things up so a giant was going on a rampage in a small town with many noncombatants, including children.
4. Used crude language to sexually harass women, including David’s wife (which he did in front of David).
5. Shot a woman in the back and erased all her memories after she’d saved his life. Stated that he did this to get back at the man who loved her (because he sees women as things whose value exists only in terms of the men the “belong” to).
6.  Tried to murder Gold.
7. Helped get the failsafe that could kill everyone in Storybrooke and then gave it to people trying to kill everyone in Storybrooke.
8. Helped destroy nearly all the magic beans.
9. Worked with Regina when she was trying to kill everyone.
10. Worked with Greg and Tamara when they were trying to kill everyone.
11. Handed Regina over to Greg and Tamara and stood around watching while Regina was being tortured.
12. Helped Greg and Tamara kidnap Henry.
13. Stole the last magic bean and ran off with it, leaving everyone to die.
14. Apparently sat safely outside the town limits and only came back after the failsafe had been disarmed and everyone wasn’t going to die.
15. Assaulted David, knocking him out when making a jailbreak.
16. Made it clear that, despite David’s daughter showing no interest in him, he intended to get David’s daughter.
17. Considered letting David die as part of his plan to get David’s daughter.
18. Found out Hook had gotten large numbers of the men who worked for him killed in Neverland. It’s unclear if David knew that Hook made some kind of deal with Pan that let him leave and return, during which he apparently hired new crew, many of whom also got killed in Neverland.
19. Learned Hook had killed children in Neverland (given conditions in Neverland, some of that may have been self-defence. Again, it’s unclear if David knew Hook frequently left and returned, implying he didn’t have to keep going back to participate in Pan’s games and kill kids).
20. Trafficked children. It’s known that Hook sold Baelfire to Pan, though it’s unclear if anyone ever learns this. It’s also unclear if Hook, doing whatever he did for Pan, didn’t pick up new children for him as well as crew for himself.
And, yet, David was a bit chilly towards him. How unforgivable.
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stubblesandwich · 11 months
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nothingeverlost · 5 years
Fic: Out of the Ordinary (Penny for your thoughts verse)
I’ve been doing a lot of rereading of fics, and it’s made me want to go back and fill in holes in the timelines.  I thought this was a piece fo the story that I needed to tell.  Timeline wise this is before Belle leaves.
II “Closing time, Gabe.  You’re coming over for dinner tonight and the roast is already in the oven.”  David leaned in the doorway of the office.  
“I don’t remember making dinner plans.”  In fact he’d made the opposite of plans.  Belle was spending the evening with Archie; they’d missed their weekly Doctor Who viewing twice now and planned for a marathon night of pizza and British tv.  There was no reason for him to head home for hours; he could read through his old notes and if he was hungry there was a sandwich in the fridge.
“That’s because Mary Margaret is the one that made the dinner plans.  I’m just the messenger.”  David sat on the corner of the desk, reaching over to close the file folder on top of the pile.  “She says she’s worried we’re working too hard, which is probably true, but really I think it’s the cabin fever talking.  She’s glad to have this time off with Neal but she also misses teaching.”
“Don’t you want to have time just with your wife?  We see each other enough.”  Too much, lately, considering the hours they had been working.
“This is about my wife wanting to see other people.  Not like that,” David admonished before Gabe could made a sarcastic comment.  “If you’re really my friend you’ll come and talk about something other than diapers and whether it’s a real smile or gas.”
“I was going to…”
“Obsess over the case some more, like we haven’t been for weeks now?”  They’d been living the case for weeks now.  It was ugly enough to know what was happening without adding on the fact that the man they’d dubbed Hook had already escaped from them once.  It had taken seven years before he’d reamurged, and already another three women were dead.  They couldn’t let him escape again.  They were close enough that they’d saved his last intended target.  They needed to figure out his next move.  The last body they’d found had belonged to a girl that was barely nineteen.  Gabe couldn’t stop remembering the look in Ursula’s father’s eyes when he learned that she had been found, but too late.
“I don’t suppose your wife would believe that I’m coming down with something and don’t dare see the child, would she?”
“Nope.  Besides it’s your job to hold your godkid once in a while.  And change a diaper, if the timing is right.  Come on, Gold.  Don’t make me pull rank on you.”  David stood as if the decision was already made.  Gabe sighed, knowing there wasn’t anything to be gained from arguing.  David wouldn’t let him stay at work; he was devious, and might even resort to calling Belle.
“Any seniority you have is in name only, Nolan.”  He reached for his jacket, though, and settled for taking a handful of files in his briefcase for later.  He should have time after dinner for some studying, before Belle came home.  Or she might decide to stay at her apartment for the night if she was tired, though that didn’t happen often anymore.
He had to admit, an hour later, that leaving work wasn’t the worst idea.  The smell of pot roast greated him when he arrived just a few minutes before David.  Mary Margaret welcomed him with her usual pleasantness and a hint of relief, and was happy to hand over her burbling son.  In the last five months Gabe had held baby Neal more than he’d held any infant in more than a decade combined.  It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling.  In an unusual show of good timing Neal had decided to sleep through dinner, and the three adults had discussed anything they thought of that didn’t involve murder, rape, or kidnappings.  It was a much more pleasant evening than the one he’d originally planned.
Until the phone call.
“It’s Archie,” Gabe said when Mary Margaret looked like she wanted to say something about ignoring it.  Taking some time away from work was an entirely different than from ignoring a team member’s call, especially when said team member was spending time with his girlfriend.  “If you’re calling for a tiebreaker again I don’t know or care which Master is the best one.”
“I was calling to see if Belle was with you.”  At Archie’s response Gabe’s grin faded.
“I haven’t seen Belle since she left work.  She’s supposed to be with you.”  It had been over two hours since she’d poked her head into his office and teasingly invited him to join her marathon.  She’d known he would say no, just like he knew that it was important for her and Archie to have time on their own to relax and bond.  Two hours; even with traffic and stopping for pizza she should have been home almost an hour ago.  “Are you just now getting there?”
“I knocked a little more than twenty minutes ago but she didn’t answer so I waited in my car.  I called but she’s not picking up.  And I think…”
Gabe took a breath before asking, not sure he wanted the answer.  “What do you think?”
“I think I hear her phone ringing from inside when I call her.  She’s not answering, Gold, and there’s no lights on inside.  She had her phone with her at work today.”  He sounded stressed, which wasn’t uncommon but it also wasn’t usually unfounded.
“I need you to lock the doors of your car.  If you’re not in your car you need to get in it and lock the doors.  I’m at David’s; we’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”  Fifteen minutes was too long.  Five minutes was too long, but there was nothing he could do about it except try and make sure Archie was safe.  “I have to go.”
“Archie’s in trouble?”  David was already pushing back from the table, pausing only long enough to kiss his wife’s head as he paused next to her chair.  
“Belle isn’t home and she’s not answering her phone.”  He didn’t even have to look at his phone to hit the speed-dial button that connected him to her.  Four rings and he was listening to her cheerful voice asking him to leave a message.
“Maybe she stopped at a bookstore on her way home.  You know how she gets when she’s in one of those places.”  David didn’t sound confident, but it was a pretty story that he wished he believed.  “We’re taking my car.”
“I drive faster.”  He had more than a few speeding tickets to his name.  The faster they got to Belle’s the sooner they would know something.  There were too many ideas already in his head of what could have happened. Too many images from past cases.
“And I’m more likely to get us there in one piece.  You can call Graham and Emma.”  David wouldn’t accept an argument and after a moment’s hesitation Gold wasn’t about to offer one.
“Call me when you know anything.  I’ll be awake.”  Neal started fussing, and Mary Margaret scooped up her son as they headed for the door.  “Please be careful.  All of you.”
The street was lit up with sirens when they arrived, everything glowing in a familiar but unsettling red and blue.  Two police cars blocked off the road in front of Belle’s apartment. Graham had already arrived, talking to a distraught looking Archie.
“Emma’s inside.”  Graham nodded at the open apartment door.  “No signs of Belle but her phone is here.”
Under other circumstances Gabe might have raised an eyebrow over the fact that both Emma and Graham had arrived when Graham lived over half an hour away.  It didn’t even register that Graham hadn’t been at home when the call had come.  Gabe headed straight for the apartment, where all the lights were blazing now.  He tried not to think that their crime scene was being trampled by the local LEOs.  he tried not to think that it could be a crime scene.  
“Emma, tell us what we know so far.”  The moment they entered the living room David took charge, ignoring the cops for his teammate.
“Her phone was in the kitchen.  Her car is in the underground lot.  She’s been home tonight.  Maybe there’s a chance she went out for a run, or took a Lyft somewhere.”  Emma looked every inch the professional despite the fact that she’d changed into jeans and thrown a blazer over a t-shirt.  It was only when you looked at her eyes that you could see how worried she was.  “We haven’t found her keys yet.”
“She and Archie had plans.  She wouldn’t do that without calling him.”  He hadn’t read many of the books on the bookcases that lined one of the walls of the room, but he’d touched them.  Teased her about finding a few of his own titles there, next to Jane Austen as the organization system made no sense to anyone but Belle.  He’d sat on that couch, napped on it, made love with Belle on it.  The room was intimately familiar and yet it felt alien.  Gabe couldn’t seem to focus on what might be different, what might be a clue.  Without Belle it was all different.
For the first time one of the officers spoke up.  “Is she seeing anyone?  Perhaps she’s with…”
“No.”  The cop was wise enough not to push any further.
“Officer, would you all please canvas the neighbors?  We’ll look inside; Agent French is one of ours.”  David, thankfully, was able to clear the room in just a few minutes.  Gabe walked toward the kitchen.  The phone was still on the counter.  Belle’s phone, standard issue except for the bright blue case that she’d found with a rose on the back.  She’d been home.  There was a u-bake pizza in the fridge; she’d stopped on her way home.  There was no reason for her to leave.  Not unless she wasn’t given a choice.
“Gold?”  Emma was close.  Too close, for him not to notice that she’d approached him.
“All I can see is that she’s not here.”  Not where she belonged.  He gripped the edge of the counter as if it was all that was holding him up.
“No, it’s not.  Look, Gold.  No one but Belle knows this space better than you.   There’s something.  Anything out of the ordinary could help us find her.  And we will find her, I swear we will.”  They both knew it could be a lie.  No one was safe from the monsters, but that was why fairy tales existed.
Gold took a breath and closed his eyes for a moment.  He needed to be better than his best.  He needed to use everything he knew.  He needed to find her.  
“She comes through the back door when she parks in the garage.  Only uses the front when there’s street parking.  The pizza is new, and the wine.  We can use that to work a timeline.”  Everything was so neat, no sign of a struggle.  Of anyone else.  It was just as it should be, except there was no Belle.  “I don’t see her purse, that brown leather one.  You said her keys are missing.”
“I did.  The phone was the only thing that told me she’d been home.  That and the food you said wasn’t here earlier.  There’s not much in the fridge.  No milk or creamer, no leftovers.”  Emma opened the fridge again.  The pizza, wine, and a couple of sodas were the only thing on the top shelf.
“She doesn’t eat here much.”  He’d been working up to asking her to make it permanent.  There was no reason for her to pay rent when all her time not spent on the road was spent at his house.
“Any chance she’s at your place now?  You weren’t there tonight, were you?”  
“Mary Margaret made a roast.  She was about to serve dessert.”  For a moment he let himself believe, but it didn’t make any sense.  “Graham can go check, he knows the security code.”
“David’s sending Archie back to the office.  He can do a check on Belle’s credit cards, trace any calls.  Everyone’s working on this, Gold.  The whole team.”  The touch on his shoulder was light, and rare.  They didn’t touch often, the two of them.  
“Not the whole team.”  Gabe wasn’t even sure that Emma was around to hear him.  It didn’t matter; they were all aware of the void.
“She came through the back door,” he muttered to himself.  He’d come in the front, and hadn’t seen anything.  Reaching into a pocket for one of the gloves he always kept handy he slipped it on and reached for the back door’s handle.  It wasn’t locked.  The porch light, however, was not only off but broken.  Unlike the neighbors and their dim yellow bulbs Belle’s light had been a bright white.  And her lock was difficult for even an expert lockpick.  She was a single woman living alone that was far too aware of what could happen to single women living alone.  She was careful.
The light on his phone wouldn’t be enough to search too far, but it at least lit up her back porch.  There was little to see.  Most of the shattered glass had been kicked aside.  There were no keys, no purse, no Belle.  There was something wet on the middle step.  Not rain, as it was a clear night.  Not from the sprinklers, too far away.  Gabe crouched down and touched the dampness, holding it up to his nose.  The smell of cheap rum was distinct.  His knee gave out and he fell back, his head hitting the wall.  He didn’t notice any pain, and wasn’t granted the temporary reprieve of unconsciousness.
“No.”  Please no, it couldn’t be true.
“Gabe?”  David stood on the porch, the lights from inside the kitchen illuminating half his face.  
“He has her.  Killian Jones has Belle.”  He knew without question that Graham would find his house dark.  That Belle was somewhere darker, colder, farther away.  That she was at the mercy of a man that already had seven dead women to his name.  Archie wouldn’t find anything on her credit cards.  They had stopped Jones from taking a victim, so he had taken one of theirs.
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suckithaters · 6 years
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alien-bar-amnesty · 7 years
friendly reminder to those who ship Emma with Graham’s rapist.
Your ship is dead. Emma is happy with her husband and baby. And her bitch rapist step grandmother is cursed in some miserable life. She’s the queen of nothing. And Emma has the family and happy life she always deserved before Regina took it all away from her. Karma is a bitch.
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katsukis-bakugo · 3 years
I've been rewatching once upon a time for the first time in a good while and I'm finding I still feel strongly about certain things
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henryhas2moms · 3 years
does anyone have that post that’s like “hook sees redemption as a noun regina sees redemption as a verb” ? bc i can’t find it for the life of me and i can NOT stop thinking about it
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Question: Will we get to see Once Upon a Time‘s original Hook again before the end of the series (with or without Emma)? –Katie
Ausiello: As you may have surmised since emailing this in — given this slew of confirmed returns — Colin O’Donoghue will be playing two roles as the series winds down, the actor shared during our visit to the set. In fact, O’Donoghue said that the before our arrival marked “my last day dressed as a pirate,” for a scene with returning leading lady Jennifer Morrison. “It’s a lovely little moment,” he smiled.
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“Anyone who’s a fan of Hook and Emma being together will get a kick out of it.”
Suck it haters! :p
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scentedflowersong · 5 years
Me: *explicitly filtres out any version of C$ and H00k tag so I don't have to as much as catch a glimpse of either*
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pissedoffatouat · 6 years
Rumple/Rumbelle seems to have become the dumping ground for plotlines & when they want to make others look good. Remember when it was Snowing always being separated & fighting to find each other? Regina & Hook were the outsiders. You look back at all the bad stuff others have done (spell to make someone love you (Regina), change their child's being (Snowing) etc) & they have Rumple do it so they can say "they've changed, he hasn't" or become the Dark One so we can forget who tried to kill them.
lol it’s unbelievable what these assholes at ABC did to the beautiful OUAT that was from season 1 to 3x11
and the fandom keeps saying Gold “changed” or needs to “change” when all the other character did far worse things while not even being cursed with darkOne! 
He has been a good pure human being with a heart full of love even though he wasn’t loved as a child which - it’s unique how sincerely he was able to love others.
anyway, CS ruined OUAT and once apon a hook was so boring that the ratings went down because audience died of boredom
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ouat may be dead but the fandom drama still lives
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nothingeverlost · 5 years
Emma: Why do you care how I look at you? 
Graham: Because. 
Emma: What? 
{Graham kisses Emma. As soon as he does, he has a flashback to his life in Fairy Tale World. He sees a wolf with two differently coloured eyes.}
 Emma: What the hell was that? 
Graham: Did you see that? 
Emma: How much have you been drinking? That was way over the line. Graham: I’m sorry, I just- 
Emma: What? You what? 
Graham: I need to feel something. 
Emma: Listen to me, Graham. You are drunk and full of regret. I get it. But whatever it is you are looking to feel, I can tell you one thing – you’re not getting it with me. 
This is what I miss.  This Emma who set boundaries and made it clear when things weren’t acceptable.  This Emma would have never shrugged when Belle pointed out that Hook tried to kill her twice and that she wasn’t comfortable alone with him.  This Emma wouldn’t have been with Hook.  
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suckithaters · 7 years
Captain Swan haters can suck it!
They’re endgame. And your ship isn’t. :P
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alien-bar-amnesty · 6 years
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justanoutlawfic · 7 years
I want to point out that in Emma’s wish reality of growing up, she chose to wish that Neal was still her lover, but didn’t wish at all for H00k. Seems they didn’t even meet until she was on the run with Regina to find a way home.
Food for thought....
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Just a friendly reminder to the anti CS/Hook crowd. Whatever you think you may know about the rest of the season, there are spoilers from filming that confirm that Captain Swan will be back together by episode 18.
And not only are they back together, but Emma is also wearing the ring again. Just in time for the wedding in episode 20.  
I'm only saying this because I care, guys. Don't get your hopes up. You'll only be disappointed. :)
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