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gifset request meme: DCEU + 10. favorite familial relationship (request by anon)
Martha & Clark Kent + Antioppe & Diana
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light-miracles · 4 years
I don’t think ppl wasn Artemis to just be a Batman character love interest. It’s just when she was in rhato she was written the best in it compared to other comics with Wonder Woman she wasn’t pushed to the side and forgotten about. She got to shine as a character out of Diana’s shadow and we got to see more of her personality. We got to know more about bana mighdall then in any of the other comics combined(we even got more bana amazons!) Whereas in ww rebirth she became a one dimensional Amazon that just wants to fight and nothing else and wouldn’t listen to reason. Ppl are just afraid that she will go back to that 1D personality permanently now that she’s not a main character in anything. I mean she hasn’t even been announced for anything in infinite frontier. No ww book no team up book nothing. Fuck lobdell but you can’t deny he did write Artemis very well (in the first half)
That grumpy redhead hadn't shined so much since early 2000s and this absolutely is the case of "the artist is a piece of crap, but their work isn't bad" (at least the first half). RHaTO Rebirth treated Bana-Mighdall with the respect and knowledge of the lore it rarely gets. Like, we never see things like Clark Kent being a daxamite or Bruce Wayne living in Florida, but when it's about the Amazons writers are constantly changing things and forgetting characterizations to the point of being... messier than what you'd think it'd be. Bana-Mighdall wasn't erased to make Artie a Themyscirian nor its story changed a lot (I think now Atalanta took the place that originally was Antioppe's but they barely talk about it so... who knows.) It feels like Bana-Mighdall and that's more than what I was expecting. It even added new data instead of changing the one we already had when Bana-Mighdall was created and smartly avoided to mention the details that didn't age well, like the city's past with slavery.
The writing with the whole Atalanta arc was... not bad but it could have been better. Sadly it was the first (second if we count RhATO's flashbacks) time Diana and Artemis met in years (both in comics and within the story) and Artie was once again just Diana's Own Bizarro Who Likes To Fight. That's actually a problem with a lot of characters. Plz don't let me start with Supergirl. But anyway, AT LEAST then we got the recent teaming up in Immortal Wonder Woman, with them against Mogul, with some good Artemis content where she's not a brainless brute but actually just snarky but smart little shit who likes to mess with Diana because no one else can exasperate her 😂.
Infinite Frontier sounds good so far but yeah, no Artemis confirmed yet. Hopefully she doesn't dissappear for other 8 years. And someone please hire good writers that are not sexual predators. I'm sure there are some out there.
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also if the Amazons spinoff isn’t loud and proud queer i will boycott
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