#Antonio dawson imagine
callsign-dexter · 16 days
Frostbitten Love
Request: Ok ok now you got me jumping on the Antonio train as well 🔥 
Maybe an idea where you're working at Firehouse 51 and you both catch each other's attention when he visits Gabby and immediately somehow bond with each other, but due to bad experiences with guys in the past, you ignore your feelings as best as possible while Antonio always tries to get closer to you. One cold winter might, all the power wents off, leaving the district and 51 in nearly full darkness and coldness. A lot of helpers, including Antonio, come over helping the people out, and after some hours you all get a break and he finds you alone. So he sits with you and immediately cuddles you, keeping you warm, which also makes your heart melt and finally giving into him ? ❤️
Pairings: Antonio Dawson x Firefighter!Paramedic!Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of abuse (verbal, physical, mental)
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You moved from there to Chicago when they needed a temporary replacement and once the one you were temporarily replacing came back none of 51 wanted you to leave so after some begging from Chief Wallace Boden, and input from your team members and begging to Boden, you were a permanent member of 51 as a firefighter/paramedic. While you were in Colorado you were cross-trained to be a firefighter and a paramedic and this was your choice but it was also heavily suggested but your old chief, who you adored very much and he could say the same about you, of course he was sad to see you go but he understood that every firehouse wanted you and knew the day would come at some point. He heavily suggested it because when a paramedic or firefighter was out then someone could fill their spot immediately or if the ambulance couldn't make it to a scene quick enough everyone could do what they needed to do until they got there. So, when you got to Chicago and showed this it became a huge asset to them and that caused them to make you a permanent addition. 
As you grew more accustomed to the city and your new firehouse you were quick to make fast friends with everyone and this extended beyond the firehouse, it extended to Intelligence and Med. You got to know them through being scenes or dropping patients off at Med. There was one person on your team that you made fast friends with and you would consider her as a sister, well you would consider everyone as your brother and sister but that is more in the first responder setting this went beyond that. Her name is Gabriela Dawson, she was the one to instantly connect with and she was dragging you to many events and not once you didn’t complain. You learned a lot about each other like she had a brother in Intelligence and she learned that you didn’t have any siblings and that you had just gotten out of a pretty nasty relationship, well all your relationships there were never great though some were good but most were nasty and left you with some crippling fear and some physical reminders of how bad it was. Along with becoming friends with Gabby you grew to know her brother, Antonio Dawson, and you must admit that he was very good looking, you so wanted to become closer to him and you wanted to even date him but that crippling always came back full force and it caused you to stay away. 
You could clearly remember how you met Antonio; he had come into the firehouse looking for his sister for some police matter and ran into you. When he saw you, he instantly became entranced and wanted to get to know you more. He thought and still does think you are the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes on and nothing you change his mind. You and Gabby had just come back from a call and Gabby had gone to talk with Matthew Casey about something while you took on the job of restocking the ambulance. You had your back turned to him to where the supplies were when you heard his voice and Kelly Severide’s voice. “Hey, Kelly. You know where my sister is?” Antonio’s voice sounded and it was smooth and you instantly fell in love but you weren’t going to show it. 
“I think she’s talking with Casey but I will go and get her.” Kelly said 
“Thank you.” He said 
“No, problem.” Kelly replied and now it was just you and him in the bay. He didn’t speak but you knew he was still there but you weren’t going to make a move. You had gone into your own little space and forgotten about him until his voice was right behind you.
“I’ve never seen you around here before.” Antonio said and you jumped and turned around to him holding your chest where your heart is and breathing slightly heavy.
“You scared the shit out of me.” You said taking your hand away from your chest.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. I’m Antonio Dawson, Gabby’s brother. She has told me a lot about you but didn’t tell me how beautiful you were.” He said, holding out his hand and you took your free hand that wasn’t holding supplies and shook his hand.
“All good things I hope.” You said completely ignoring the beautiful part. “I’m Y/N Y/L/N. I’m the new firefighter/paramedic. Moved here from Colorado. She has told me many things about you too.” You said and smiled and then released his hand.
“Well, it is nice to meet you and I hope it was all good things you’ve heard.” He said and was about to say something else but Gabby came over to the two of you.
“I see you two finally met. Kelly said you wanted me?” She had said pointing the last part towards her brother.
“Oh yes. It was about your last patient.” He said and you looked at her.
“You can tell him. I’m gonna finish restocking.” You said and she nodded and then nodded to the kitchen area.
“I’ll see you around Y/N.” He said and you smiled and nodded and then they went into the kitchen leaving you alone. Once you heard the door shut you turned around and smiled like a fool to yourself. Once the ambulance was restocked you had gone into the firehouse itself and went to the bunk area and laid down. So, you didn’t get to see Antonio leave and you were somewhat grateful for that. As you laid you thought about him. 
The next time you saw him was when everyone had gotten off shift and headed over to Molly’s. Everyone had just finished a 3-day shift and you were very much looking forward to having a drink and then going to bed and sleeping for the next 2 days, not really but it’s going to feel so nice to actually sleep without bells ringing sometimes every second. “So, what is your plan for the rest of your 3 days off?” Gabby asked as you grabbed your bag, she already had hers on her shoulder and she was just beginning to make her way to her car.
“Well, Kelly and Casey asked me to go to Molly’s with the rest of you and I agreed, so that. Then afterwards I’m going to go home and sleep in my own bed for three days and enjoy not having to get up a bell for what seems like every second.” You said and she chuckled.
“I’ll probably be doing the same but I just know that Antonio will be dragging me somewhere.” She said as the both of you reached your cars. Your heart picked up just a beat at her mentioning her brother but once again you didn’t let it show. “You know he has not stopped talking about you.” She said.
“Oh?” You asked and she nodded.
“Every chance he gets he’s asking about you.” She said 
“I’m not that interesting.” You said as you threw your bag into the back end of your car.
“He begs to differ.” She said and you shook your head.
“I’ll see you at Molly’s.” You said and she smiled and nodded.
“I’ll see you there.” She said and then you were getting in and starting your car up and then heading to the bar called Molly’s it's mainly known as a first responder bar but everyone was allowed in, it was owned by Christopher Herrmann, Randall ‘Mouch’ McHolland, who were two of your co-workers, and Trudy Platt, who worked at the precinct and somehow the two of you hit it off, and Stella Kidd, is a worker and manager. It wasn’t a very far drive and you were thankful for that. You pulled into a parking spot close to the bar and under a streetlight. You were quick to get out and rush in like you could outrun the cold that seemed to take over the city quickly. When you were in you were instantly met with the heat and you basked in it until a voice was calling out to you that you recognized as Connor Rhodes, you looked up and smiled at him as he made his way over to you.
“Hey.” He said and hugged you and you hugged you back.
“Fancy seeing you here.” You said as you both released each other.
“Just got off shift.” He said and you were following him to where he was sitting with some of his fellow co-workers, some Intelligence, and some of your coworkers.
“So did we.” You said and the talking, laughing, sharing stories, and cases went on throughout the night. You had volunteered to go and get more drinks and while you were up there ordering Antonio had walked in and when he spotted you, he smiled and walked up to you.
“So, we meet again.” He said and you turned to him and smiled.
“Seems like it.” You said, the bar was busy and considering it is a Friday night you expected it. So, when it was taking longer to get drinks you didn’t mind one bit. The two of you talked and he tried to get closer to you but you weren’t allowing it. When you eventually did get your drinks, you were heading back to the table with him following behind carrying the rest. For the rest of the night everyone laughed and had a great time. Throughout the night Antonio did not take his eyes off of you and when it was time to leave, he was walking you to your car and making sure you got in safely and then watched you drive off.
It was now December and Chicago was experiencing its coldest winter ever. The pipes were freezing and there were icicles hanging from the power lines and bringing them down enough that it was causing them to make power outages happen, some even breaking. No electricity meant no heat in people’s houses causing them to be without heat. When no heat was getting into people’s houses meant that the firehouse became a shelter. The firehouse being so big and an emergency center meant that there were some fairly big generators and several of them and considering you were from Colorado it just made sense. 
The big power outage just had to happen when you were on shift. You had just come into work and everyone met in the meeting room. There was chatter when Boden walked in and everyone became silent. “Alright listen up. It’s one of the coldest winters that Chicago has ever experienced. Electricity is going out which means that heat is going out and a lot of calls are going to be coming in so be prepared for that. For people that don’t have electricity or heat know they can come here, shelters and the schools are opening up since generators are set up for here, shelters, and the schools. Blankets will be available and passed out and the bunks and any available space will have cots set up. Food and water will be passed out as well.” He said and everyone either gave a nod or gave their acknowledgement letting him know they heard him. As he dismissed everyone and started to set up cots and get supplies ready. As you were getting blankets out you looked up and saw Antoino and all of Intelligence coming. 
“Hey.” You said, you had gotten to know him over the months but still wouldn’t get close to him but that might change tonight.
“Hey, we decided to come down and help.” Antonio said and you smiled.
“Thank you to all of you. We need some help moving and setting up cots and getting more blankets down.” You said and they nodded and then you were telling them where to go and who to ask about things. As everyone divided and went their separate ways but one stayed and that would be Antiono. As the time turned into hours and a bunch of people flooded in and some other first responders and medical staff had decided to come down and help. All of Intelligence had decided to come down and help, a lot of people were split up to help at the firehouse and others were sent to the shelters to help down there. You were becoming exhausted; you were non-stop going and Antonio saw this but even he didn’t have time to go over and check on you since he was busy. After making sure you were doing ok from afar, he paid a lot of his attention to the people coming in. 
“Hey, Tonio!” Gabby’s voice sounded to his ears and he looked up and smiled and saw his sister. 
“Hey, Gabs.” He said and hugged her.
“The amount of people coming in is slowing down. So, why don’t you go and take a break? It’s bound to pick back up soon and throughout the night.” She said and she nodded as they released each other.
“I think I will.” He said and she smiled and walked away. He looked around for you but couldn’t find you so he started to walk around. When he couldn’t find you inside, he decided to look outside so he grabbed his coat and put it on and headed outside and that is where he found you, sitting on a picnic table looking up at the sky. The moon was full so the moonlight hitting you made you look like an angel, in his eyes. Snow was still following and it was following in your hat and that made him smile. He also noticed that you had your issued Chicago Fire Department winter coat and beanie on and that made him happy that you had grabbed it. He stood there watching you for a second before he decided to make his way over to you but you seemed to notice his presence. 
“Staring is rude.” You said still looking up at the sky and didn’t stop until he was sitting beside you.
“You’re too beautiful not to stare at.” He said looking you in the eyes. “What are you dining out here? It’s freezing.” He said as if he wasn’t used to the harsh weather that Chicago threw at them from time to time.
“I needed a break from inside. Don’t get me wrong I love helping people but sometimes you just need to get away. Plus, the weather and darkness reminded me of Colorado.” You said and he smiled and nodded and you turned to look out over the nearly dark city. It was silent for a minute and then he was talking again.
“Come here.” He said and you turned your head and looked at him and he had opened his arms up. You hesitated a beat having a mental fight with yourself and decided that this man had been so good to you and has tried his best to get close to you that you were going to give him a chance. All the months that he had been getting close to you or at least trying to you were falling in love with him.
“What made you become a firefighter/paramedic?” He asked and you looked back over at him and your cheeks were tinged pink despite you being bundled up and you Chicago Fire Department beanie on and him cuddling you. Maybe you were blushing but you’re going to blame it on the cold. 
“Well, the firefighter part runs in my family and I never wanted to break that tradition. I love helping people in need and I love the adrenaline rush. My old chief pushed all of us to cross-train to be a paramedic just in case the ambulance couldn’t be there in time or more were needed on scene.” You said and he held onto every word and you could tell and you appreciated that, none of your other relationships paid attention to you when you talked about your profession. As you sat and talked and looked out into the city watching the snowfall and covering the roads further the cold was getting hasher and actually getting to you despite the heavy winter coat you had on and you started to shiver slightly and he took notice of this. Antonio never once took his eyes off of you and he was smiling hearing you talk. It was silent again.
“Can I ask why you won’t let me get close to you?” He asked and you sighed and looked at him. You knew this was coming.
“When I lived back in Colorado my relationships weren’t the best. Most of them cheated on me and most were abusive to me, mentally, physically, and verbally. After my last one I vowed not to get in a relationship not wanting it to happen again. But then I met you and everything changed and you made me see that not all men are evil. I didn’t want to get close to you at first because of that fear but after getting to know you all these months and you holding me now is making me change my mind.” You were honest with him and he listened.
“I understand but I will never hurt you and if I did then my sister, all of 51, Med, and Intelligence would let me have it. You’ve made quite a few friends.” He said and you chuckled. “Will you give me the chance and let me take you on a date and let me show you that I will never hurt you?” He asked and you had already made up your mind before he even finished his sentence.
“I would love that.” You said and he smiled.
“Can I kiss you? I know it is fast but I can’t wait a second longer.” He said and you chuckled and nodded.
“Yes.” You said and so he leaned down and kissed you softly and you kissed him back just as soft. Sparks seemed to fly when your lips connected and you knew this relationship would be different. You don’t know why you waited for months. Maybe part of you wanted to protect you from getting hurt again and maybe it was the trauma that kept you from being loved. This kiss undid everything and you found safety within him. You’ve made up your mind and you were going to let him show you how it is to be loved and how a guy could be a great boyfriend to his girlfriend. 
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Antonio Dawson: Miraculously 
“If my brother is being too pushy, I can tell him to back off.” Gabby offered as she watched her brother walk over to the bar to get another round of drinks. You looked over at Antonio. He fulfilled all your bad boy fantasies, tall, tatted olive skin, pierced, with an infinity for dark color and a leather jacket. He held a silent arrogance you had no doubt he could back up. He also had a charming devil-may-care way of talking and a panty-wetting smile. The attention and flirting was flattering. Normally you would jump with little thought but were still feeling the sting of your last bad relationship and had no want to repeat it, let alone with a friend's brother. 
“It’s not that,” You assure as you take another drink, “Antonio is very...” You eye Antonio appreciatively as he leans on the bar talking to a few of the firefighters while waiting for your drinks. You laughed as you returned eye contact to Gabby, and she raised her eyebrow with a mischievous look. 
“If you're interested, then what is the problem?” You sigh leaning back into the booth chair running your fingers through your hair to gather it up into a ponytail before realizing you don’t have a hair tie and dropping it back down. You bring your eyes back up to Gabby's analyzing gaze. 
“I just got out of a relationship a few months back, it was a bad one. Messed with my head more than I would like to admit.” Her brown eyes softened as she nodded for you to continue. You looked back over at Antonio, and she assured you he would still be awhile. He was a gossiper. “Okay, well the cliff notes version is this.” 
When Antonio gets back to the table, you have already headed to the bathroom. He sat down in front of his sister and raised his eyebrows, “So,” When Gabby wasn’t forthcoming with the information he pressed on, “I didn’t stand at the bar listening to Mouch’s conspiracy theories because I wanted to. I did it to give you time to find out if she was interested.” Gabby pressed her lips together in a thin line while looking at her brother, “I can’t get a good read on her and I know you found something out, so spill it.” 
“Antonio,” Her tone said that he wasn’t going to like what she had to say. Antonio curses under his breath but settles back into the booth in reignition. “No, she is interested but...” Gabby’s eyes glanced up to see you heading out of the bathroom and back to the table. “You need to ease up. She had a bad breakup and the guy she was with was a level one asshat that did her dirty.” Antonio let that information settle. He sat up a straighter confidence coming back to his posture. He had a chance and that was all he really needed. The rest was just minor details. Gabby quieted as she saw you heading back to the table.   
You sipped on the drink Antonio brought over and went along with his flirting. When your drink was gone, he offered to buy another round for you and Gabby. You declined saying you had to get home. “I can drive you.” You missed the exasperated look Gabby gave him as you shrugged on your jacket.  
“I don’t want to impose. Isn’t it out of your way?” You fought between wanting to spend more time with Antonio and knowing that it was a mistake to be alone with him. He waved away your concern and you soon find yourself in the passenger seat of his car listening to classic rock at low volume. When he gets to your apartment building, he parks the car and walks you up to your apartment door. It’s late and it would make him feel better to see you get into your apartment safely. You give him a smile as you stop at your door. “This is me,” Your breath catches when you turn to look back at him. He is bracing himself against the door frame angling into your space. The heat of arousal flickers through you as your back hits the door. 
It had been a long time since you had had any kind of sexual contact. Your body says that Antonio Dawson is the prime and only candidate to remedy that. The air sizzled and snapped with raw hot heat. He leaned in closer the smell of leather and musky cologne overwhelming your senses. He leaned in for a kiss, stopping just a few inches from your face. You shared his breath for a long moment fighting the urge to lean up. Warning bells sound loudly in your head, and you pull back. “I should go in.” Antonio for his part was graceful in the ordeal. He takes a step back giving you space. You unlock the door and turn back to give him a halfhearted smile, “Thanks again for the ride, Antonio.” 
“Anytime,” The door had barely closed, and Antonio was pulling out his phone as he was backing up. “Hey Gabby, yeah, I know, I know.”  
“You are coming, Antonio?” Jay asked as he leaned back into the unmarked police car. Antonio was still behind the wheel.  
“No, I have an... unsanctioned stop to make. I have to stop by a house and have a talk with someone.” Jay eyed Antonio perceptively before nodding.  
“This has to do with the chick at the bar?” When Antonio doesn’t respond, Jay continues. “That hot one, that you been flirting with for the last few months? Yeah, she looks like trouble.” Jay climbs back into the passenger seat. “I’m not going to let you get in trouble by yourself.” He leaned back in the seat and gestured for Antonio to drive.  
Antonio slammed on the wooden door with his fist. A loud echoing cop knock. When the door opened to reveal a less-than-outstanding white man in his late twenties Antonio couldn’t understand what you had ever possibly seen in him.  
You opened the door to see Antonio at your door. Your eyebrows furrow at him. He hadn’t given you a heads-up that he was coming. “I have something for you.” 
You followed Antonio out of the building and towards his car. You were trying to guess what he could have possibly got you. Then your heart started pounding as you heard a loud echoing bark. A familiar bark. A bark you hadn’t heard in four months. Tears welled in your eyes as you run the last ten feet to the car. You hear the click of the car lock, and you throw the door open and are engulfed by a mass of fur. You cling to the dog tightly getting licked furiously and drooled on. “When- How-Why?” You were at a loss for words as you looked at the man before you. “Gabby,” you said with a roll of your eyes as you bared half your face into your dog's fur. “But how?” 
“I had a little talk with your ex. He agreed that he reacted childishly in the aftermath of your breakup. He miraculously remembered where your dog had ‘run-off’ too. He also assured me that he is going to pay you back all the back rent he owes you from when he was living with you.”  
“Miraculously huh?” You asked tears still in your eyes, “Was that before or after you showed him your badge?” Antonio didn’t look ashamed in the least as he gave you a wink and slid his hands into his pockets. “Thank you, Antonio. You have no idea how heartbroken I was when I thought he was gone forever.” You hug him tightly. His embrace is strong, warm, and comforting in a way you haven’t had in a long time. When you pulled back you still had happy tears in your eyes. He brushes them off your cheek with a calloused thumb. “I have some cold beer in my fridge that needs drinking. What do you say?”  
My first Chicago PD story and it had to be Antonio. I hope you guys enjoy! <3    
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delespresso · 4 months
DESERVING ━━ Antonio Dawson x fem!reader
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author's note; this one has been in my drafts for a while and honestly i have mixed feelings about it. but oh well, i might as well just put it out lol enjoy <3
summary; antonio had only ever been casual with her, but called it quits a while ago. only to come back after a rough case, finally realising it wasn't so casual after all
━━ ☄. *. ⋆
Molly's wasn't as crowded that night. She sat at the bar, nursing a drink in her hand as she rested her head in her palm with her elbow on the bartop. After a long day of back-to-back surgeries at Med, all she needed was a drink to wind down.
For the past couple of months, that drink was with some company. Tonight, it went back to the usual routine.
She wasn't sure where any of it went wrong. She hardly even realized there was anything wrong, really. Maybe it just wasn't right.
She took a large swig of her drink at the thought. The only thing that kept her mind off him had been her patients. Now that she didn't have that, she zeroed back into him without wanting to.
He'd consumed her entirely in the short months they were together. She should've known better. Getting involved with a man recently divorced – what was she thinking?
It felt so good to just be wrapped up in someone after long, awful shifts. And it was a win-win situation. She wasn't the only one benefiting from it.
Refusing to sit at the bar any longer, she shot her drink down in one go and left some cash on the bar. Usually she'd be chatting with Hermann before she left. Not tonight.
She didn't want to drive after that. Maybe she'd only had about two glasses, but she didn't want to take any chances. So she walked. She'd take her car in the morning.
Her apartment was just down the block anyway. It hardly took her more than five minutes to get back there.
Fiddling through the keys in her hands, she turned down the hallway towards her door. Stopping short when she looked up, very nearly dropping her keys.
Her voice came out uncertain.
He turned instantly. His fist dropped, he was just about to knock on her door.
For a moment the man just stood there and looked at her. He put his hands back into the pockets of his coat, rocking on his heels slightly as he cleared his throat.
“Hey,” he greeted.
Hearing his voice again seemed to sober her up suddenly – if she was even that tipsy in the first place. The last time they'd spoken to each other was three weeks ago. The time he hit the brakes on what they had.
“Hi,” she nodded.
Antonio hesitated. He dropped his gaze for a second, before shrugging lightly.
“Look, I uh–”
He met her gaze. She hadn't moved an inch. They were facing each other in the hallway of the apartment.
“I just wanted to check on you,” he admitted gently. “It's been a… rough day.”
She nodded slowly. It had been a rough day, for sure.
Bomb threats all over important locations in the city. Police stations, schools, hospitals – Chicago Med was the very last. They may have mostly been a hoax, but Intelligence didn't take it lightly.
Antonio's team was all over it. The second one of those bombs was real, dropped off at the park just within half a mile radius from Chicago Med – they went head first to find the perp. He ran with his team to investigate it all, while she was busy rushing the victims through surgery.
“It was,” she agreed. “It was rough.”
The keys tapped along her palm lightly as she looked at him. Neither of them seemed to be able to tear their gazes away.
“And how are you?” she then asked softly.
Antonio only stared at her. He looked tired. Like he always did after long cases like this one. These bomb hoaxes had been going on for weeks. It was only today that something truly happened.
And while they haven't found the perp, he took a small step back and let his team play their part as well.
“I've been better,” he replied.
She let out a slow breath. Holding the key in one hand, she gestured to her door lightly.
“Wanna come in?” she offered.
She wasn't sure why she did that. If it was even a good idea after everything.
After all, it was him who said they should stop. That it wasn't the right time for either of them. That they should probably work out their own careers first.
Antonio took a beat. His lips parted to speak as he looked at her, then he glanced at her door.
“Is that okay?” he asked.
She only stepped past him in response, unlocking her door and stepping in. Holding the door open to the side, she gestured for him to enter.
The place was just like he remembered. Although, he doubted much would change in merely three weeks. They ended up standing on two different sides of her kitchen counter, a bottle of beer in each of their hands.
Antonio glanced around the place, his fingers lightly tapping on his beer bottle.
“You finally got the heater to work,” he commented.
She'd been having an issue with her heater forever, it felt like. But now as he stood there, he realized it was warmer here despite the cold outside.
She hummed, nodding as she took a sip of her beer.
“I got a new one,” she replied. “Nothing lasts forever, right?”
Their eyes met. Something about what she said made them both pause and think. She didn't mean to imply anything, but she noticed what she did a second too late. Her eyes dropped and she took another sip of her beer, no longer knowing what to do with herself.
Antonio was just as bad. But he did know how he felt, at least.
“We were good together,” he spoke softly, breaking the sudden silence.
She paused. His words were like a wound in salt.
He knew he shouldn't. He shouldn't be pushing after he was the one that had broken her. But he couldn't stop himself. Suddenly he was around the counter, beer bottle abandoned as his hand reached up to cup her cheek.
When she looked up at him it was with those same doe eyes he fell for. The ones that made his blood rush and heart pumping. The ones that felt like a breath of fresh air after being cooped up for so long.
“I messed up. And instead of fixing it, I made it worse,” he told her. “And I'm sorry. I don't say it as often as I should, but I'm telling you and I mean it. I'm sorry.”
The words hung heavy in the air for a moment as she simply stared up at him with her soft, tender eyes. There was a clear hurt still in them and it made his heart clench.
“I don't deserve you. I really don't. But God if you let me, I'm willing to put in the work. To be the man deserving of you. I just… I just need your word. And your time of day.”
When he continued, she didn't even notice the way her eyes watered. This was the most vulnerable this man had ever been with her. Her heart was thundering as she realised she never got over him. And she knows she never will.
She didn't say a word. She didn't give him an answer, not verbally. Instead, her hands reached up for his jacket to tug him down gently so their lips could meet.
And when she kissed him it was with everything she had. It wasn't lustful or hungry. It was pure love and desire. A yearning that never once faded.
When he kissed her back, she knew then. It was undeniable — she was his. And he was undoubtedly hers.
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Dating Antonio
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It's been 8 months since our first date, and since then we have been going on many more. We made thing official between us about 6 months ago. I've met his kids Eva and Diego, I have also met his ex wife Laura. Although I was nice to her I can just tell she doesn't like me, maybe she was hoping that their split would make him quite us job and come back to her. Who knows. But what I do know is she's not my biggest fan, however his kids I like to think that they do like me
"Right are you ready?" Toni shouts upstairs to the kids as I wrap my jacket around me
"Coming" Eva shouts and runs down the stairs with her brother behind her
"Is YN coming?" He asks looking at me putting my shoes on
"Yeah if that's ok?" Toni asks he's son
"Of course" Diego smiles making me smile back
"I'll wait in the car" I kiss Antonio on the cheek and take his car keys from the side. I get in the passenger seat and reply to texts off Kelly and my brothers while I wait for everyone.
Toni drives us to a small little restaurant for dinner that we usually go to, we sit in our normal seats, Antonio sitting next to one another while the kids are sat opposite
"How's school?" I ask them as the waiter places our drinks in front of us
"Ok I guess" Eva shrugs
"You guess?" I raise an eyebrow
"Maths is hard"
"No it's not" Diego says to his sister
"Diego" Toni warns his son
"You want to know a secret?" Eva nods her head at me "I'm terrible at spelling"
"But your a teacher. Aren't you meant to know everything?" Diego frowns
"Not at all. Everyone has something they struggle with. Eva if you'd let me to help you, I'm more than happy to. I might be teaching very young children at the moment, but I still have a degree in maths"
"Really. That goes to you as well Diego"
"Thank you" he gives me a smile
"YN are you staying over again tonight?"
"Yes if that's ok with you guys and your dad"
"Fine by me" Toni smiles earning a nudge off me
"You might as well move it with dad at this point" Diego comment
"Would you guys be ok with that?"
"I guess" Eva shrugs "but would that mean that you would get married?"
"What about children? YN your younger than dad so would you guys have a baby together"
"Woah guys where's all of this coming from?" Toni asks the kids
"Mum said that once YN moves in then you would start a new family and forget all about us" Diego sadly says
"Of course she would say that" Antonio mutters
"I love your dad and I know that you two come with him. Your his priority. I would love to move in with your dad one day and maybe get married and have a baby. If that does happen though I promise that you wouldn't be forgotten about. Your dad loves you both so much. If you ever feel left out, or upset for whatever reason you can talk to one of us and we will figure out how to deal with it together"
"I suppose it would be pretty cool to have a younger brother or sister" Eva says as our food arrives.
We get back to the house. The kids go get ready for movie night while I get the popcorn. I feel arms around my waist
"So when are you going to move in with me?" Toni asks making me chuckle
"When do you want me to?"
"I can't move in tonight" I say turning around
"Why not? Your here pretty much all of the time. We can slowly move your things in while we wait for your house to sell. Or if you want we can sell this house and buy a new one together" I shake my head while smile
"No. I think that would be to much change for Eva and Diego"
"So your moving in here then tonight"
"Not tonight but soon. Promise" I lean in and kiss Antonio  on the lips
"Ew gross" Diego gags entering the kitchen
"You say that now, but wait till you meet the right girl" I say getting the now popped popcorn
"Go stick Netflix on and choose a film"
"Ok dad but I don't want another sibling just yet"
"Oh god" I burry my head in my hands while Toni just laughs and my awkwardness
"If their mother didn't hate me before she will now"
"How anyone can hate you I will never understand"
"Come on guys films starting" I kiss Toni on the cheek and join the kids in the living room with the popcorn.
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you look bad.”
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You tell Antonio as he steps through the door to the apartment. His eyes are red rimmed and bloodshot, his face looks stark and gaunt. You can tell it's been a bad day from the slump of his shoulders.
He pinches the space between his brows and you know there's a migraine coming on from the painted expression on his handsome features.
"Why don't you head to bed?" You suggest softly. "I'll bring your migraine meds in a sec."
The expression on his face is beyond grateful. He presses a kiss to your forehead, it's tender and soft. His thumb chasing over the apple of his cheek as he murmurs.
"I don't know what I would do with out you."
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inagetawaycarxo · 2 years
I’m so excited for this Christmas bingo I’m a tumblr newbie Antonio hasn’t been my babe for that long but I adore him to pieces I love crushing on him lol 🥰. Could I have “Hang Christmas Lights” I’m thinking it’s their first Christmas together she’s nervous about how it will go even though the kids already love her, They decorate the tree together with the kids and when the kids go to bed they have a little snuggle/make out sesh❤️.
XMAS BINGO; Hang Stocking By The Fireplace + Hang Christmas Lights w/ Antonio Dawson
MERGING THIS REQUEST; Anon: Hang stockings by the fireplace Antonio Dawson pretty pls❤️
— ❄PAIRINGS: Antonio Dawson x Reader
— ❄FEATURING: Antonio Dawson, Y/n, Eva, Diego.
— ❄SYNOPSIS: Y/n helps Antonio, Eva and Diego with Christmas decorations.
— ❄WARNINGS: errors I missed, just some wholesome fluff.
— ❄w/c:
— ❄AUTHORS NOTE: please note Xmas request are closed. But you can request non-Xmas things for Chicago p.d.
— ❄DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT give consent/permission for my work to be copied and pasted on other platforms. HOWEVER, I highly encourage feedback, likes, reblogs, and comments.
To say you were nervous about spending Christmas for the first time with Antonio and his children Diego and Eva was an understatement. Though Diego and Eva already adored you.
But you were still nervous. You even planned a month early. Getting Christmas decorations, when they came out on show in the store, taking Eva with you to help you pick out decorations, as well as a fake tree.
It was the first of December which meant it was finally time to put Christmas decorations up as well as the tree.
When Antonio invited you over to his place to put the tree up and decorate it as well as decorating the fireplace and hanging lights with him and his kids….
You took a deep breath before you knocked on the door. You took a deep breath in and then out. Before you could even ball your hand up into a fist, the door opened. Making your eyes go wide with surprise, as you saw Eva on the other side. Beaming with happiness. She grabbed a hold of your hand, pulling you into the house. She closed the door, then wrapped her arms around you.
“I am so glad you came, I am so excited,” She squealed out. You could hear Antonio let out a chuckle.
Eva pulled away before Antonio could hug you. Diego did. Finally, it was Antonio’s turn to greet you. Kissing you softly then hugging you.
Eva and Diego rushed to the living room where all the Christmas decorations were being kept.
“Come on, lovebirds,” Diego and Eva shouted, then giggled. Antonio and you pulled away from each other. Smiling at each other. Antonio unwrapped his arms from you. Taking a hold of your hand and leading you to the living room, where Eva and Diego were.
Diego had Christmas lights. Untangling them. While Eva was opening the Christmas tree box.
Diego looked up when he heard the sound of footsteps approaching.  
“Can we hang the Christmas lights up first?” Diego asked. Making you smile.
“Yeah,” Antonio spoke. Making Diego cheer. While Eva pouted she wanted to do the Christmas tree. You noticed her pout, making you let go of Antonio’s hand to go to her. Sitting beside her.
“We can do the tree next, how about we take it out of the box, and organize the branches,” You spoke. She smiled at you.
“Yeah,” She spoke. Antonio smiled at you.
Antonio and Diego hung Christmas lights up, well Antonio hung them up, while Eva and you took the pieces of the tree out of the box. Spreading the branches out.
Every few seconds you could hear Antonio curse at the Christmas lights when they didn’t stay on the hook. Eva and you shared an amused look.
After a minute of cursing at the lights to stay on the hooks, Antonio and Diego finished putting the Christmas lights up. They admired their work, before going over to Eva and you.
“Let’s put this tree up,” Antonio exclaimed out loud.
Antonio put the base of the tree together, putting it to the side of the room, so it wasn’t in anyone’s way.
Antonio, Diego, Eva and you put the branches on the tree. Taking a step back to admire the tree.
“Let’s decorate it,” Eva exclaimed excitedly.
Antonio, Diego, Eva, and you, decorated the tree, putting baubles on the branches, as well as some ornaments. Diego and Eva bickered at each other as they wrapped tinsel around the Christmas tree. Then lights.
Eva put the star on top of the tree. Antonio picked her up.
Once the tree was decorated, Antonio, Diego, Eva and you admired your hard work.
“How about we have a little break, have some snacks and have a drink before we hang the stockings up by the fireplace,” Antonio spoke. Diego, Eva and you nodded in agreement.
Antonio left for the kitchen. Getting drinks and a few snacks, he put them on a tray. While he was doing that Diego decided to put the lights on. Even the ones that were hanging on the hooks in the room.
Diego, Eva and you stared in awe. Antonio came into the living room. Smiling at the lights.
Diego and Eva quickly chugged their drinks down, and had some snacks, before getting up.
“We are ready to hang the stockings by the fireplace,” Diego and Eva exclaimed excitedly at the same time. Antonio and you haven’t eaten yet.
“Y/n and I haven’t finished yet,” Antonio told them. Arching an eyebrow.
“We can hang Y/n’s and yours, please,” They pleaded. Giving Antonio and you puppy dog eyes.
“What do you think?” Antonio asked you. Looking at you with amusement in his eyes. You smiled, before looking at them.
“It’s okay with me,” You spoke. Smiling at them. They beamed at you before turning around and grabbing the Christmas stockings off the coffee table. They rushed over to the fireplace. Eva had two stockings in her hand, while Diego had two as well. They put the stockings up one by one, while Antonio and you sat on the couch, watching them.
Once they were finished Antonio told them to go to bed. Making them frown.
“It’s late, it’s time for bed,” He ordered. They let out a fit of protests.
“It’s only seven,” Eva complained.
“Do your teeth then go to bed,” He spoke again. Making them groan. They went over to their father. Wishing him goodnight, as well as you.
They rushed off, all the while complaining. Antonio let out a huff while looking around the room, then at Antonio. Smiling softly.
“Thank you for letting me help you guys decorate,” You spoke. Feeling tears of happiness prick your eyes.
Antonio turned to look at you. Smiling at you. He put his cup down. Cupping the side of your face. Leaning his forehead against yours.
“You are welcome here anytime, they love you, and I love you,” He spoke. Making your heart swell. You closed the distance between him and you. Eyes fluttering closed as your lips pressed against his. Arms wrapping around his neck. Antonio let out a moan. Deepening the kiss. The kiss turning passionate…..
Likes are great, but comments/feedback are gems! Hope you guys liked it!
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marshmallows2345 · 2 years
Sub Antonio Dawsonnn oh my days-
I need more fics of him as a sub because just aaugh. Just imagine him begging for you in Spanish and he calls you "mami" or "señora".
I would fold faster than a lawn chair istg.
guess who's back y'all lol i came on here and saw this so time to give this a crack again. love me a subby boy, especially antonio.
literally he's gorgeous while he begs, especially while you ride him, hips snapping against his as he obediently keeps his hands to his sides, not moving them until you nod to him that he can touch you. his hands dig into your hips, ten crescent-shaped bruises left when he pulls them away to move up to your breasts.
but you don't let him touch your breasts, no, a pretty boy like him gets something a little more special. he gets to suck on them, softly whimpering out a "mami, please," as he grits his teeth. it's the sweetest, most addicitive torture a man like him can get, the pleasure mixed with his inability to cum without permission all coming together to culminate in a beautiful scene for you.
i love subby antonio and please talk to me more about him yesss
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i-spaced-sorry · 2 years
Coffee Shop AU: Chicago PD Edition
My take on what everyone would be in a coffee shop au, this came to me while I was at work training yesterday and I might write something based off of it...maybe
Al: The cool manager who everyones likes! He is a big mentor to everyone. If you need to request a day off or trade shifts he will always approve it and help you find coverage Voight: The scary manager who only select people like. He rarely approves shift changes and will give you the run around until you stop bugging him. Trudy: The tough love manager, she is super sweet and will help you find coverage if you desperately need to change shifts or call off, but only for good reasons. She says she doesn’t care about anyone in the store, but really does.
Employees: Jay: Been with the store since day 1, has had in house relationships before, claims he is never doing it again, but then when Hailey joins he starts pining for her. His brother is always coming in and trying to get Jay’s employee discount for coffee. Erin: Was in a relationship with Jay, but she became a manager and transferred to another store. Since she became a manager she couldn’t date Jay anymore since that was abuse of power, so she ghosted him til he got the hint they couldn’t see each other anymore. She was well liked by all the managers Antonio: The customers favorite barista. Going through a messy divorce but is always happy when at work! He is the training manager for all new hires. Everyone likes him and likes when his kids stop by after school. When his kids graduate middle school, he decides he need to take a step back from the store and spend more time with his kids before they go off to college. Adam: Was transferred from a different store, thinks he is a little better than everybody because his training was a rushed 4 days rather than the 2 weeks it normally is with new hires. He is a great barista when he applies himself and always is trying to jump in either female customers pants or female employees pants. But he is really avoiding his feelings for his co-worker Kim. Kevin: Got the job so he can help put food on the table for his siblings. Is desperately taking every opportunity to get hours, so everyone knows if you need to trade shifts or give up shifts, ask Kevin! He is working his way up the ranks fast and really wants to become a manager, since they make more than baristas.   Kim: Loves everything that encompasses being a barista. Is friendly to everyone (customer, employees, managers). She really wants to prove herself so she offers to work hours other people don’t want (the 5am shift or even holiday shifts). She won’t admit it because she knows it’s frowned upon to date co-workers, but she really likes Adam and kind of hopes he doesn’t become a manager or anything so they can date. Mouse: Got referred to the store by Jay. Was in rehab and this is part of his outpatient program. Is well liked but is very shy and only really opens up when he is around Jay. Left the store after a year to be able to go back to school and finish his degree he never got to finish because of rehab. Hailey: This is her third transferred from a store but requested to do the whole 2 weeks of training, cause she knows from personal experience what it looks like when you don’t and what people may assume. She is best friends with all of her co-workers, but keeps finding herself scheduled with Jay (which she admits she doesn’t mind)  Dante: New to the store, wants to be well liked, so he is just keeping his head down and doing his job to prove he is a good fit for the store! Is shy but super insightful when you ask him something.
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callsign-dexter · 1 year
Gossip and Glances
Request: Oh wait ! 
How about a little sequel to the previous Antonio imagine where they arrive together in the office and also during the day everyone makes conclusions about the marks on your neck or how Tonio hisses when he leans back on his chair due to the scratches? 🤭🤭 you also don't need to do this, it was just a little funny thinking in my head 😊
Pairings: Antonio Dawson x Reader
Warnings: mentioned smut, fluff
Prolog: From Colleagues to Lovers
Sequel: Gossip and Glances
Third Installment: Flirting with Risk
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The next morning you both woke up together and when you two looked at each other both of you couldn’t help but smile. You both had sweet passionate sex and finally confessed your feelings for one another and you couldn’t be happier. Now that you all had officially confessed and officially became a couple. As you were laying there looking at each other and enjoying the moment the sudden realization of having to go to work you both were like a freight train. You sighed and he looked at you. “Is there something wrong?” He asked as he put a piece of untamed hair behind your ear.
“We have to start getting ready for work.” You said and he nodded but then you remembered that you didn’t have any of your clothing here and that made your face fall, Antonio noticed this.
“What’s up with the frown?” He asked
“I don’t have any of my clothing here or necessities here.” You said and he chuckled.
“I’m sure we can make something work. I also have an extra toothbrush.” He said and then as much as you didn’t want to you both rolled out of bed. It was a good thing you didn’t wear any makeup. As Antonio stood up you looked at his back and giggled and that made him turn around with a raised eyebrow. “What’s so funny?” He asked you.
“I really did a number on your back.” You said and he went into the bathroom and you followed him. He looked into the mirror and shook his head.
“These just show that I made you feel good and I will wear them proudly.” He said turning around and kissing you and then you got your reflection in the mirror and saw the deep bruising on your neck and gasped, you pulled away from him.
“How am I supposed to cover these up?” You asked him and he shook his head and came up behind you wrapping his arms around you.
“Don’t. It shows that you’re mine and only mine.” He said and you shook your head.
“Antonio.” You said in a warning tone and he looked at you.
“One of the girls might have something to cover them up so you don’t get in trouble.” He said and you nodded. You both got ready for work and this included a shower which you could hear him hiss as the water touched the marks going down his back and that just made you smirk. When it came down to clothing you grabbed one of his shirts and made it work and then threw on your jeans and tucked the shirt into it creating a cute and decent outfit if you must say.
You both ate a little bit of something and then you both were on your way to work. You had also opted for one of his hoodies that was just big enough that it was comfortable. The drive to work was a comfortable silence and he held your hand over the center console. When you arrived at the precinct, he parked right next to your car that was still sitting there. Having to grab something from it you both were heading inside afterwards. As you both walked hand in hand into the building, Trudy looked at you with a raised eyebrow. Antonio just smirked and you hang your head smiling and a blush creeping up on you. She didn’t say a word but you could tell she was thinking by the smirk on her face.
 You thought you were in the clear when you didn’t see anyone in the bullpen but you luck had run out when everyone started to filter in from different places one by one. Everyone greeted each other and when Adam went to pat Antonio on the back he hissed and tensed up. Adam, thinking something he did wrong, pulled back and raised his hands “You ok man? It wasn’t that hard of a pat.” He said and Antonio shook his head.
“No, it wasn’t your pat.” He said not wanting to out your relationship quite yet. He said and your face heated up and you wouldn’t look anyone in the eye. “Let’s get to work. Yeah?” He asked as you both scurried away to your desks, thankfully his sweatshirt was covering up your hickeys and they hadn't noticed you wearing his clothing.
It wasn’t a very busy day, just a lot of paperwork that had to be filled out and occasionally everyone would hear Atonio hiss out or grunt in pain and it was concerning a lot of your coworkers. Each time your face would become beat red and you would bury your head into you work. It was starting to get a little warm so you took his hoodie off without thinking and then you heard a gasp and you looked up at Kevin. “Did you get in a fight with an octopus?” He asked and that had everyone coming over to look at you, especially the girls.
“No, Kevin. I just had a very fun eventful night.” You said and then Erin spoke up.
“I bet you did with your neck looking like that. Is that Antonio’s shirt?” She asked and you looked down.
“Is it?” You asked and then Jay was coming over to inspect it.
“That is totally his shirt.” Jay said and you were quiet and so was Antonio. He sat back into his chair and let out a painful hiss and everyone looked at him and they were slowly putting the dots together.
“Wait….” Kim said and everyone looked up at her “Did you two finally confess and sleep together?” She asked and you both kept quiet. You looked at him and they caught that.
“OMG! You did!” Erin said loud enough for everyone in the building to hear.
“Shhhhhhh.” You and Antonio said at the same time. “Keep your voice down.” You both said at the same time again.
“Oh, you’re going to tell us more while Erin and I help you cover this up before Hank sees.” Kim said and grabbed your hand and you 3 girls headed into the locker room. You and Antonio looked at each other and it was a silent cry for help but you both knew you both weren’t going to get out of this so you both let it happen. The boys circled Antonio and the telling began just as the girls sat you down on the bench in the locker room and began the operation of covering up the hickeys.
“How was it?” Erin asked and you smirked and blushed.
“It was great and perfect. He was gentle and the sex was great. I really love him.” You said and they squealed. You told them more but all you could think about was about how Antonio was getting grilled and questioned.
“How was she?” Kevin asked and was met with a hit to the chest and an ‘oof’ was heard from him.
“She was great. I really love her. Those nails of hers can do some damage but it felt great.” He said with a smile thinking of how your night went.
“Man, if she’s leaving scratches down your back that is making you hiss then you’re doing something right.” Adam said and Jay nodded in agreement.
This went on for about 20 minutes until you were walking about out a shade of red and he got up and met you before walking into the bullpen and he grabbed your face and kissed you and you returned it. Oh, yea you love this man with all your heart and he felt the same way. You were both glad you went from colleagues to lovers. In your mind and his you both were the best thing to happen to each other.
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Antonio Dawson (ft Kim Burgess): Bruise 
This came from brain rot and the wish of being on Antonio’s lap. Another one that I wrote for myself and was completely indulgent.  
The first time you saw it you hadn’t thought much of it. It was completely normal for you to have random bruises. You were clumsy and you never really felt them until after you saw them fully formed. But you swore this one on your inner thigh never seemed to completely go away. Just when you think it was fully healed it would bloom a new blue to black shade. It was starting to worry you a little, but all your other bruises and injuries were healing up fine. So you didn’t think it was medically related. 
It was driving you crazy not knowing. 
You’re in Molly’s bathroom with your shorts pushed slightly up to glare at the bruise. Kim Burgess comes out of one of the stalls and looks down at your thigh for a moment. You roll your shorts back down. “That's a pretty big bruise.” 
“Yeah, and I have no idea where it came from.” You could hear the irritation in your own voice. Kim smiles to herself as she washes her hands.  
“No?” Her tone is playful and teasing. You turn to look at her furrowing your eyebrows. “You really have no clue how you could have got it?” You pause to think about it but come up empty and shake your head. Kim presses her lips together into a line as she tilts her head encouraging you to continue thinking. You pause again before shaking your head again. Kim laughs and grabs a handful of paper towels to dry her hands.  
“Kim!” You weren’t super close to the female cop. You had only met her a few times. You knew she worked off and on with the Intelligence Unit and had Antonio’s respect. That was honestly enough for you. You found that your boyfriend was a good judge of character, and you didn’t often disagree with his judgment calls. The two of you had been keeping your relationship quiet.  
She stopped at the door throwing the towel in the trash. She turned and gave you a smile. “You know I used to get a bruise in a similar spot, upper left thigh when I was with Adam- from his gun. Just saying.” She winked knowingly and left you with your racing thoughts. 
Over the next few weeks, you became hyper-aware of it. Antonio’s gun was like an extension of his body. He was always carrying. You were pretty sure he didn’t even notice it anymore. Your left thigh, on the other hand, was well acquitted with it. 
You and Antonio are kissing your way through the living room. His hands slide down your thighs and he hoists you up securing your legs around his waist. He sits on the couch with you on his lap never breaking your kiss. You can’t help but smile against his lips as you feel the holster of his gun press more firmly against your inner thigh.
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delespresso · 4 months
DOWN BAD ━━ Antonio Dawson x fem!reader
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author's note; just a short lil thing because idk i just felt like it heheh prompt; “cause fuck it i was in love, so fuck you if i can't have us” summary; antonio is in a dark place but she'll never leave his side
━━ ☄. *. ⋆
Being in the Intelligence unit under Hank Voight would be taxing on anyone. The cases were grueling, and despite the support system within the unit and precinct — it was still a challenge.
Antonio had been her partner since she first got picked up by Voight from patrol and into the unit. She used to be an officer then. She's a detective now.
Antonio knew there was something about her from the start. He'd been married then, but it was already shaky. Though, even after the divorce he never made his move. It's been six years.
Eva's kidnapping was a month ago. His drug problem was around the same time. And god knows he's messed up from all of it. He was still going to therapy for it.
He pushed everyone away because that's what he did best. But not her. Never her. Try as he might, she would never leave.
“I'm your partner. For better or worse,” she'd said when he'd practically cursed her out to leave him alone.
“You can't get rid of me, Toni. I'm here for you.”
He'd stared at her like she'd grown two heads. And maybe she knew she was crazy. But god, she was crazy about him.
“I love you. And I don't care if you keep pushing me away — I will push right back because that's what you do when you love someone. You stick with them through everything.”
liked this tale? be a member and buy me some coffee!
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themultifandomgal · 1 year
Antonio- Wedding
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My worries about something going wrong came true. Laura didn't drop off Eva and Diego at Gabby's place
"YN you need to calm down"
"What if she's ran off with the kids again because she doesn't like me?"
"If she's done that then Antonio, Jay and everyone else at intelligence will find them, right Kim?"
"Does Antonio know?"
"Yes. He's trying to get ahold of Laura now" Gabby responds guiding me to the chair in the dressing room
"I knew something was going to go wrong" I sigh
"Everything's going to be ok" Gabby rubs my arms
"Maybe they're just running late" Sylvie shrugs while bouncing Lucas in her arms
"An hour late?" I raise my eyebrows "Mags hand me my phone"
"And what do you plan on doing?" She asks handing it over
"I'm checking to see if there's been any accidents on the roads" going on to google I find that no accidents have been reported "if there was something wrong why hasn't Laura rang us? Or why hasn't Eva or Diego rang?" There's a knock on the door
"You decent?" I hear Will
"Yeah come on in" Gabby calls. In walks Will and Jay
"Have you heard anything?"
"No. I'm going to go round to Laura's, see if they're home"
"Is that a good idea Jay? I'll go, I'm their aunt"
"Ok" Jay gives in knowing Gabby going is a better idea
"Ring me if they turn up. I'll phone you if they're not...."
"We're here we're here" Eva comes barrelling into the room
"Eva!" I stand up and run over to her "where on earth were you? Will go let Antoni know they're here" Will nods his head and both Jay and Will leave the room. In walks a sheepish Laura
"I'm so sorry YN, we were on our way and the car broke down. I rang for someone to come and help, but my phone died so I couldn't phone you guys, I stupidly told Diego and Eva to leave their phones at home because I didn't think you'd want them to ring during the wedding"
"Ok now YN will you stop stressing out" Kim asks
"Yes, well not not until we've both said I do. I could still be left at the alter" I say freaking out
"Hey" Laura shouts "Antonio loves you and you love him. There's no way he's leaving you at the alter. Now do as you've been told and stop stressing" I give Laura a little smile
"Right I'm off"
"Wait. Stay. I mean that's if you want"
"Thanks, but seeing my ex husband remarry isn't something I would like to see"
"Then at least come to the after party. Get as drunk as you like"
"I'll think about it" Laura smiles then leaves.
Thankfully the wedding goes without a hitch. Will walked me down the aisle while Jay had Lucas.  Antonio and I have our first dance, then he dances with Eva while I dance with Diego. Then what would have been the father daughter dance, I take turns dancing with Jay and Will
"Mrs Dawson, now that's going to take some getting use to" Betty one of my coworkers says walking up to me with a drink in hand
"I think it's going to be weirder for me" I chuckle
"Congratulations YN"
"Thank you Betty" I notice Laura walking over to the bar looking a little lost "excuse me" I say leaving Betty's side "Laura, you came"
"Yeah, I thought I'd at least show my face"
"Well thank you for coming. Look I know we've not really got on in the past, but I'd like to try and get on, for the kids sake"
"I'm just worried"
"I understand. Your their mom" I give a little shrug and smile "you want to make sure that I'm not just going to abandon them, or ignore them or I guess be the 'evil stepmom' but like I've said from day one, Im here for the long hall and I'm not here to replace you"
"I know. I guess some of it was a little bit of jealousy. Antonio's moved on and I haven't"
"Well... if you want Antonio and I could take the kids and you could take your pick of the single guys around here" Laura chuckles
"Thanks but no thanks, I can't let you take Diego and Eva for the night, not your wedding night"
"We already have Lucas what's two more"
"Are you sure?" Nathan another one of my coworkers makes his way over to us
"Congratulations YN"
"Thank you Nathan. Laura, I'm positive, I'll let Antonio know" I then lean into her and whisper "by the way Nathan's single" I nudge her a little and leave her to find my now husband. Husband... a word I didn't think would ever have to say or think about.
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Antonio Dawson Masterlist
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Antonio Dawson x Reader:
Ghosts - Antonio struggles when you make a decision you feel is best for the both of you.
Crossing The Line - Companion piece to  Ghosts - You and Antonio cross the line.
Make Me Forget - Antonio is devastated when he catches up with you after the op.
- Too Tempting To Resist (NSFW) - After a UC operation Antonio can’t resist you any longer.
- Proposal (NSFW) - Antonio proposes to you in bed.
- Us - After Antonio’s cover is blown he turns up at your place injured.
- We’ve Got Tonight - You & Antonio discuss what happened last time you were in Chicago.
- Save Your Lies For Something That Matters - Antonio gives you some advice about going undercover.
- Nightmares - Antonio comforts you after a nightmare.
- Opportunity - You and Antonio discuss the pitfalls of going UC.
-  Waking Up With Antonio Dawson - What it’s like to wake up with Antonio.
- The Great Outdoors - On a break from the city Antonio asks you to move in with him.
- When It All Falls Down - Antonio’s life is finally on track. That’s until he comes home one night and discovers everything isn’t as it seems.  
- Antonio With An Inexperianced Lover - How Antonio would treat you if you weren’t as experianced as him.
- You Don’t Belong Here - Antonio informs you, you’ve been compromised.
- This Is Going To Hurt - Antonio hates hurting you.
- Bruises (NSFW) -  Antonio knows exactly how you got those bruises.
- Friends With Benefits - It started as enemies and became something much more.
- Leave Me Alone - You decide it’s time to walk away from Antonio.
- Think I Wanna Marry You - Antonio tells you his feelings.
- Miss Me? - You contemplate your relationship with Antonio.
- Edging (NSFW) - Antonio has always been such a tease.
- Messed Up - Antonio tries to show you how messed up he is.
- ‘Are You Here To Break Me Out?’ - Even injured you only want the best for Antonio.
- Mine - (NSFW) - Antonio reminds you who you belong to. 
- Good People - Antonio questions if he’s a good person.
5 Sentences:
“Don’t you walk away from me,” Antonio growled. - Antonio makes a decision that effects both of you.
Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll be good enough to beat me one day. - You and Antonio in the shooting range.
Say My Name - NSFW - Antonio needs to hear you say his name.
"I... thought I lost you..." -  Antonio confronts the possibility of losing you.
Good girl - NSFW - Antonio loves telling you you’re a good girl.
“Are you talking back to me? Do I need to remind you which one of us is in charge?” - Antonio reminds you who is in charge.
“I’ve never wanted to fuck you more than I do now” (NSFW) - Antonio gets a little possessive.
"Don't, your voice is very soothing" - Antonio loves the sound of your voice.
"I... thought I lost you..." - Toni is forced to face the prospect of losing you.
“I woke up, the room was cold” - Toni wakes up with no memory of how he got there.
“You say that you love me, You won’t remember in the morning” - Toni wants to make sure you know he means it.
“Well sorry that I’m not full of sunshine and rainbows” - Antonio is grumpy in the morning.
"It's not gonna be the same... Our friendship is done." - Antonio asks you to do something you are uncomfortable with.
“each of my thoughts about you are improper” - Antonio likes it when you wear that dress.
"i need a distraction." - Antonio needs a distraction.
Don't let me go down this road again, We both know where this ends?
Antonio didn’t realise you could move like that
"One person pinning the other down and grinding against their ass"
“Just seeing your face gives me so much dopamine.”
“you’re taking this so well baby “ NSFW
I remember it now, it takes me back to when it all first started
I need her so bad... - NSFW
Ignoring the problems will not make them go away."
"55. You marry me, your father will disown you"
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you look bad.”
Part One: Exs and Ohs - Antonio is arrested keeping your secret.
Part Two: Evidence - You show Voight some embarrassing evidence.
Made Up Fic Titles:
You Were Beautiful 
Million Reasons - Antonio Dawson x OC -  Life had given Antonio Dawson a million reasons to walk away from love but she gave him a really good one to stay.
NSFW Alphabet:
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drreidssahotch · 9 days
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- Spencer Reid
- Aaron Hotchner
- Derek Morgan
- Luke Alvez
- Emily Prentiss
- Jennifer Jareau
- Jay Halstead
- Antonio Dawson
- Adam Ruzek
- Hank Voight
- Erin Lindsay
- Matt Casey
- Kelly Severide
- Gabriela Dawson
- Sylvie Brett
- Connor Rhodes
9-1-1 & 9-1-1: LONE STAR
- Eddie Diaz
- Evan Buckley
- Maddie Buckley
- T.K. Strand
- Carlos Reyes
- Mark Sloan
- Alex Karev
- Jackson Avery
- Derek Shepherd
- Andrew DeLuca
- Atticus Lincoln
- Nathan Riggs
- Jo Wilson
- Lexie Grey
- Addison Montgomery
- Amelia Shepherd
- Meredith Grey
- Tim Bradford
- Tony DiNozzo
- Nick Torres
- Colter Shaw
- Russell Shaw
- Seeley Booth
- Lance Sweets
- Steve McGarrett
• note: more will be added!!
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samantha-chicago · 2 years
Chicago PD Masterlist
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Reaction (Will Halstead, Adam Ruzek x Everleigh Lindsay)
Photographs (Antonio Dawson, Intelligence x Reader) 
Baby (Adam Ruzek x Reader)
Panic (Adam Ruzek x Reader)
Shooting (Adam Ruzek x Manning!Reader)
Saving Him ( Reader x Adam Ruzek, Alvin Olinsky, Intelligence, Med)
Back Home (Jay Halstead x Halstead!Reader (Wife), Adam Ruzek, Kevin Atwater)
Back In Town (Reader x Adam Ruzek, Kelly Severide, Greg 'Mouse' Gerwitz, Jay Halstead, Will Halstead, Intelligence + More) Part I Part 1 *NSFW*  Part 2
Blood (Kevin Atwater x Reader)  
No Air (Adam Ruzek x reader, Kelly Severide x sister!reader)
That's Alvin Olinksy (Leslie Shay x Halstead!Reader)
Meet The Boyfriend (Dante Torres x reader)
Protective *NSFW* (Dante Torres x Atwater!reader)
253 notes · View notes
crimsonizedangel · 2 months
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A Drunken Night
Pairing: Antonio Dawson x Jay Halstead x OC (threesome)
Rating: nsfw again threesome
It had been a late day and I was still working on paperwork for the case we had just finished. I was a detective with the intelligence unit.
"Hey Aspen we're going to head out and go to Molly's if you want to join." Jay said with Antonio by his side. We were the only ones still working as everyone else left a few hours ago.
"I'm almost done if you guys to wait." I replied.
"Are you really being that thorough Hanson?" Antonio asked as he came around and looked over my shoulder at my work.
"Yes because I don't want to miss anything. I don't want them to send it back to me because I missed what color his shoes were." I replied.
"Hanson they aren't going to be that nitpicky about the paperwork. They don't care if you write down what his shoes were or if is right or left handed. They only care that they get the documents and have details like did he have a weapon on him or does he have blue or brown eyes." Jay said as he read over my work.
"Can I have it back I just have one more sentence I want to add." I pleaded trying to grab my documents back.
"No you're done and you're coming with us." Jay said setting the papers down and signing me off the computer.
"But." I started.
"Hanson you can't possibly add anything else to this. You're done." Antonio interrupted me. They practically carried me away from my desk with Antonio holding onto me and Jay grabbing my bag with my phone and keys.
"Fine but would it be possible for me to drop my car off at my place and ride with one of you to Molly's?" I asked them. They both knew how much I refused to drive even if I only had one drink.
"Would it make you feel better if we just drank at your place?" Antonio asked.
I shrugged "that's up to the two of you. You might have to pick up something you like to drink cause I only have trulys and some vodka and rum."
Jay smiled at me and nodded "we can do that."
It only took about twenty minutes for all of us to meet back at my place and the boys had a case of beer with them.
"Come on in." I said opening the door for them. " you can put the beer in the fridge if you want so it stays cold."
"Thank you." Antonio told me as they took their shoes off at the door and both of them grabbed a bottle out before putting the rest of the case in the fridge.
We all went to sit in my living room them with their beers in hand and a seltzer in my own. We started off just unwinding after the long day by talking and drinking, which quickly turned into playing drinking games with a deck of cards and Jay grabbing the bottle of Bacardi I had in the fridge. We were all intoxicated and no one said anything when a game of strip poker was suggested.
With us now playing strip poker while still drinking it didn't take long for us to start losing our clothes as none of us were any good nor thinking that hard about the hands we had.
I'm not sure if it was the game we were playing, the level of intoxication, or what happened but before I even realized what I was doing or even thinking about what I was doing I had moved over to where Jay was sitting and started kissing him. I could feel how turned on both of us were as we each only had one article of clothing left our underwear. Eventually I broke the kiss and moved over to where Antonio was sitting and straddled his lap and started kissing him as well. This might not have been the best idea to start making out with two of my coworkers but again we were all at levels of intoxication that we no longer cared.
I felt Jay come over to us and start kissing my neck and reach around me to play with my nipple. This sudden sensation made me moan and grind down a bit against Antonio who groaned in my ear before moving his head down and taking my other nipple in his mouth. This is a position I never thought I would be in. Having two handsome men basically worshipping my body.
Jay was the one to move me to help me take my panties off which gave Antonio time to take his own boxers off and for me to realize that Jay already had his off. I ended up pushing Jay down to sit on the couch and knelt in front of him. I gave his cock a few pumps with my hand before wrapping my lips around it and taking him in my mouth. I heard him let out a moan as I started moving my mouth up and down his dick and started using my tongue as well.
It only took a few minutes before I felt Antonio behind me running a finger up and down my slit and circling my clit a few times before he plunged two fingers into me making me moan around Jays cock.
"Oh my god Aspen you are so wet for us." I heard Antonio moan a little before I felt his tongue on my clit as he continued to finger me.
"Antonio I need you to stop playing and just fuck me already. If you need condoms there's a box in the top drawer of my nightstand otherwise if you don't just put it in me." I half demanded half begged which made both men moan at how I sounded.
Antonio ended up leaving and coming back with the box and rolled one over his erection before lining it up and bottoming out in me. I let out a loud moan around Jay who moaned from the sensation and Antonio just kept telling me how tight I was.
"Aspen I'm going to come if you don't stop." Jay told me.
I looked up at him as I pulled off his cock and asked him "do you want to come in my mouth or fuck me after Tonio?"
That made both men moan and Antonio picked up his pace making me moan and fall into Jay. I felt the coil building in my abdomen and moaned out "Toni I'm going to come." He picked up his pace and reached around me to play with my clit which sent me over and come on his cock with a scream. The feeling of me tightening around him must have sent him over the edge as well cause his movements started to stutter before he stopped and I felt him coming in the condom in me. He pulled out and gave me a kiss before disposing of the used condom.
Jay looked down at me when he asked "are you sure you can take more?" I just nodded and grabbed a condom and rolled it onto him and he helped me up and lower myself down with a look full of lust. I knew from the blowjob I had given him that he wasn't too far away from coming and from the overstimulation I was now feeling I had to stay still for a moment as I adjusted to him. I kissed his neck as I caught my breath before I started moving on him. His hands went to my ass to help me with riding him and I knew from how he was grabbing my flesh I was going to have some bruises. I started quickening my movements and felt myself start to tighten again as I was close to another orgasm and heard Jay moaning under me. I was right it didn't take long before I was coming again and because of how close he was before he was coming as well.
I collapsed into Jay unable to feel my legs from how shaky they were and just needing to catch my breath.
"How were you so tight after Antonio had just fucked you?" Jay finally asked.
"I don't know but both of you felt amazing." I confessed to both of them. I saw Antonio had slipped his boxers back on and came over to help me off Jay and carried me to my bedroom. He had put me under the blankets and was about to walk away when I grabbed his hand.
"Stay. You and Jay can both stay the night we can all share the bed if you want or you can sleep in the living room but neither of you are driving anywhere."
Antonio smiled at me and I saw Jay in the doorway with his underwear on as well and they both climbed into bed with me one on each side.
"Goodnight Aspen." Jay said.
"Goodnight to both of you." I smiled to myself as I fell asleep with my head on Jays chest.
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